外研版八年级下册英语同步教学课件-Moudle 7 Summer in Los Angeles Unit 3 Language in use

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外研版八年级下册英语同步教学课件-Moudle 7 Summer in Los Angeles Unit 3 Language in use

Summer in Los Angeles Unit 3 Language in use 课内探究: 一、 根据句意及所给汉语提示完成单词. 1. That company _______(提供) us with 3, 000 dollars in 2012. 2. A bite of China is a program on CCTV introducing food ____________ (文化)of China. 3. If you want to another country, you need a ______ (护照). 4. Last night there were many __________(客人) at the party. 5. She ____________(更喜欢) reading a book to watching TV. 6. You’d better not wear ___________ (太阳镜) in the room. 7. –Is the teacher pleased with your chemistry study? --Yes. He encourages me to make greater _____________(进 步) in it next term. 8. Can you tell me the _____________(重量) of the elephant? provided culture passport guests prefers sunglasses progress weight 二.补全句子。 1.我们靠报纸得到每天的消息。 We _________ ________ the newspaper for daily news. 2. 在这条路的尽头你可以看到医院。 ______ _____ ________ _______the road you can see the hospital. 3. 昨天他们在公园里玩得很开心。 They _______ _________ in the park yesterday. 4. 你经常参加户外活动吗? Do you often _________ ________ ________ the outdoor activities? 5. 我的旅行将持续三个星期。 My trip _______ _________ _______ three weeks. depend on At the end of enjoyed themselves take part in will last for 三.合作探究. Fill in the blanks with and but and or. 1.His name is Peter_____ he is from England. 2. Please be quick,____ you will miss the train. 3. The old man wants to buy this watch, _____ he doesn't have enough money. 4. I like swimming. ______ I go swimming every Sunday. 5. You should study hard.____ you cannot pass the exam. and or but So Or 1. 概念 并列复合句句是指由并列连词and,but,or等把两个以上的简单 句连在一起而构成的句子。 2. 并列复合句的构成 基本结构:简单句 + 并列连词 + 简单句。例如: I help him and he helps me. 我帮助他,他帮助我。 3. 并列连词前后两简单句之间的关系 (1)并列关系。例如: They are watching TV and the others are listening to the radio. 他们在看电视,其他人在听广播。 (2)选择关系。例如: The children can go with us, or they can stay at home. 孩子们可以跟我们走,也可以待在家里。 (3)转折关系。例如: He was tired, but he didn't stop working. 他感到疲惫,但是没有停止工作。 1 Join the two parts of the sentences with and, but or or. 1. I would like to go to England ... 2. You should wear a raincoat ... 3. You can go by plane ... 4. I did not bring my sunglasses ... 5. I have bought my ticket ... 6. You can take two bags ... a) ... I have got my passport. b) ... practise my English. c) ... I can buy a new pair. d) ... they must not weigh too much. e) ... you can carry an umbrella. f) ... you can take the train. Work in pairs and say the sentences. 1. I would like to go to England and practise my English. 2. You should wear a raincoat or you can carry an umbrella. 3. You can go by plane or you can take the train. 4. I did not bring my sunglasses but I can buy a new pair. 5. I have bought my ticket and I have got my passport. 6. You can take two bags but they must not weigh too much. 2. Complete the passage with and, but and or. There are many English language courses all over the world. You can go to the UK (1)_______ take lessons at a language school. There are usually classes inthe morning, (2)_______ in the afternoon you can go sightseeing. You can stay in a cheap hotel, (3) _____ you can stay with a family. With a family, you get a lot more speaking and listening practice. (4)______ you may not be so close to the school or the city centre. and and or but 四.Listen and choose the best answer: 1. Where is Wang Feng now? A. In Beijing. B. In Australia. C. At home with his American family 2. What is his American family going to watch on the beach this afternoon? A. A football match. B. A beach volleyball match. C. A basketball match. •Let a British family teach you all about the culture in the UK. •Students study together in groups. •After-school activities for students. •For students from all over the world. •Cost: £800 for a four-week course. 4. Read the advertisement. Now complete the sentences. come cost culture progress studies take part in 1.The ______ of the course is £800. 2.It is a great way to learn about British ________. 3.Students _______ from all over the world. 4.In the course, each group ________ together. cost culture come studies 5. All students will be able to ____________different activities. 6. During the course, students will make lots of new friends— and good __________ in English! take part in progress Now complete the sentences. come cost culture progress studies take part in 6 Complete the conversation with the words and expressions in the box. beginning chance experience grow up information last provide take part in Mrs Smith: Excuse me. David: Yes, how can I help you? Mrs Smith: I’d like to get some (1)____________ about your summer camp. David: Yes, of course. Our summer camp is a great (2)____________ for children. They learn about themselves, live close to nature and make new friends. Mrs Smith: It sounds wonderful. And how long does it (3)________? David: Three weeks, starting from the (4)_________ of July. Mrs Smith: How many students are there in each group? information experience last beginning David: Eight. By the small group size, we (5)___________ students with a new experience of friendship. Mrs Smith: That’s great. And do you plan different activities? David: Yes, of course. Students can (6) ______________ different activities to get close to nature and try out new ideas. Mrs Smith: Sounds good. David: Yes, and it gives your child the (7)__________ to live away from home. Mrs Smith: That’s true. Summer camping is always good to help children (8)___________. provide take part in chance (to) grow up Summer camps for children are very popular in many countries. In Canada and the US, some of the summer camps are in the countryside or on lakes. Children stay there for one to four weeks and sleep in cabins. They do arts and crafts, and play sports or music. Sometimes they go for long walks in forests or trips on rivers or lakes. They learn many useful outdoor skills. Summer Camps Read and answer: 1. How long do the children stay at the summer camps ? 2. What do they do there? For one to four weeks They do arts and crafts, and play sports and music, sometimes they go for long walks in forests or trips on rivers or lakes. A little boy was very afraid of the barking dog. “It’s all right,” said the dog’s owner, “Don’t you know the proverb: Barking dogs don’t bite?” “I know the proverb, but does the dog know it, too?”answered the boy. Proverb:谚语 Barking dogs don’t bite. 吠狗不咬人 假设你是李明,昨天收到美国笔友的,他说他对中国文 化感兴趣,想知道如何学好中文,请你给他回复一封, 介绍一些学习中文的方法,并提出你 的建议,以及你帮助 他学好中文的愿望。 要点:1加入中文学习班,并与同学练习汉语。 2.读一些中文的书,听中文广播,学习汉语歌曲 等来练习汉语。 3.多交一些中国朋友并与他们练习汉语。 4.可以适当拓展。 决 不 放 弃 ! 勇 往 直 前

