牛津上海版中考英语专题复习18 首字母填空副词

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牛津上海版中考英语专题复习18 首字母填空副词

学员编号: 年 级: 课 时 数:3‎ 学员姓名: 辅导科目:英语 学科教师: ‎ ‎ 授课类型:首字母填空- 副词 ‎ 授课时间:‎ ‎ 学习目标:‎ 教学内容 ‎ 中考词汇200句精选(十八)‎ ‎171 They still remembered that after dinner, they ever used to play Chinese chess under the street lamp while eating the pears.‎ 他们仍记得以前常常在晚饭过后,坐在路灯下边下象棋边吃梨的情景。 ‎ ‎172 Although I had read the book several times, I still failed to understand its title.‎ 虽然我已经把这篇文章读了几遍,但我仍无法理解他的标题。 ‎ ‎173 The weather throughout the world becomes more changeable so the scientist decided to adopt new ways to forecast it.‎ 全世界的天气都变化多端,所以科学家决定采取新的方法来预报。 ‎ ‎174 The river is not only wide but also about eight kilometers in length so you can always see a lot of boats on it.‎ 这条河不仅宽而且有 8000米长,所以你总能看见许多小船在河上。‎ ‎175 You will certainly go mad if you continue to work in such a noisy place.‎ 如果你继续在如此喧嚣的环境中工作,你一定会疯掉的。 ‎ ‎176 The net was broken so the wild animal must have escaped from the hole on the net.‎ 由于网破了,野生动物肯定从这张网的洞里逃走了。 ‎ ‎177 As the saying goes, “Strike the iron while it is hot.” Since you have left the last step of the task, why not finish it tonight?‎ 既然你还剩下任务的最后一步,为什么不在今晚完成他呢。‎ ‎178 It is generous of you to share the delicious seafood with us and in return we will send you some foreign sweets.‎ 你能和我们分享这些可口的海鲜,真是太慷慨了。作为回报,我们送你一些海外的糖果。 ‎ ‎179 Before she threw these useless files into the litter bin, the secretary took the pins away for the future use.‎ 在把无用的文件扔进废纸箱以前,这位秘书拿走了上面的别针以便以后使用。‎ ‎180 It is a pity that all the tickets for the airline from Beijing to Shanghai have been sold out.‎ 很遗憾所有从北京到上海的机票都卖完了。 ‎ 一专题知识梳理 ‎2019-2019学年度初三二模 首字母填空分析 ‎ 【奉贤】‎ Last spring I was walking in a park. A short distance ahead of me was a mum and her three-year-old daughter. The little girl was holding a string that was attached to a helium balloon(氢气球).‎ All of a sudden, a strong w 81 took the balloon from the little girl. I thought she would scream and c 82 .‎ But, no! As the little girl turned to watch her balloon rise into the sky, she h 83 shouted: “Wow!”‎ I didn’t realize it at that moment, but that little girl had taught me something.‎ Later that day, I r 84 a phone call from a person with news of an unexpected problem. I felt like saying: “Oh, no, what should we do?” But thinking of that little girl, I found myself saying: “Wow, that’s interesting! How can I help you?” One thing is for sure---life is always going to put us off balance with things we don’t expect. However, how we respond(反应)to them is our c 85 . We can choose to be frustrated(沮丧的) or fascinated.‎ No matter what the situation, a fascinated “Wow!” will always b 86 a frustrated “Oh, no!” So the next time you experience one of life’s unexpected guests, think of that little girl and make it a “Wow!” i 87 of an “Oh, no!”. The “Wow!” response always works.‎ 分析:本题取材于2009年武汉市中考英语阅读理解填词题,不过对其中的单词做了变化。文章讲了一个故事,讲的是一个小女孩的气球意外被风吹走后表现出的良好心态给人的启迪。考查词汇全部为实词:动词3个、名词2个、副词2个。此篇首字母填空整体难度中等,除了第86个有些难度外,其他词汇均是常见词汇。‎ ‎81. wind 【解析】本句确定填名词,根据常识能推断是一阵大风把气球吹走了,故填wind;‎ ‎82. cry 【解析】本句承接上句,我以为孩子会尖叫和什么,确定是动词和尖叫类似,故填cry;‎ ‎83. happily 【解析】该空确定是填一个副词来修饰谓语动词,根据上下文知道不是尖叫和哭泣,而是高兴地喊,所以填happily;‎ ‎84. received 【解析】本句确定填谓语动词,根据后面的名词搭配,很容易知道是接电话,但是要注意时态,故应填received;‎ ‎85. choice 【解析】该空先确定要填名词,再根据后面的句子We can choose to be,来倒推出前面讲的是我们的选择,故填choice;‎ ‎86. beat 【解析】本题有难度,可以这样分析,从句子结构看,确定词性为动词,句中主语和宾语分别是“Wow!”和“Oh,no.”,分别代表的是两种人生态度—‎ 乐观和悲观,前者显然比后者好。可以很容易想到“战胜”,故填 beat;‎ ‎87. instead 【解析】本句和上句有异曲同工之处,不过词性变化了,根据后面的of,很容易想到代替这个词组,故答案填instead。‎ 一、副词解密 让我们来回顾一下副词的概念。‎ 副词(adverb,简写为adv)是一种用来修饰动词、形容词、全句的词,说明时间、地点、程度、方式等概念的词。副词是一种半虚半实的词。副词可分为:地点副词、方式副词、程度副词、疑问副词和连接副词。副词在句中可作状语,表语,补语,定语。‎ 示例:He works hard. (作状语)    他工作努力。 ‎ You speak English very well. (作状语)    你英语讲的相当好。 ‎ ‎ Is she in ? (作表语)   她在家吗? ‎ Food here is hardly to get. (here作定语,hardly作状语)  这儿很难弄到食物。 ‎ 我们再按照中考常考副词的性质做个分类 ‎1、时间和频率副词: ‎ now, then, often, always, usually, early, today, late, next, last day, already(已经, generally(一般的, frequently(频繁), seldom(很少的),‎ ‎ ever, never, yet, soon, too, immediately(立即), finally, shortly(很快), ‎ ‎ before, ago, sometimes, yesterday, once,twice ‎2、地点副词:‎ here, there, everywhere, anywhere, somewhere, in, out, inside, ‎ outside, above, below, down, back, forward(向前的), home, ‎ upstairs(楼上的、, downstairs, across, along, round , around, near, ‎ off, past, up, away, on. ‎ ‎3、方式副词:‎ carefully, properly(适当的、, anxiously(焦虑的、, suddenly,‎ ‎ normally(正常的、, fast, well, calmly(冷静的、, politely(有礼貌的、, ‎ proudly(自豪的、, softly, warmly ,slowly ‎4、程度副词:‎ much,little, very,rather(相当、,so,too,still, quite, perfectly(完美的、,‎ ‎ enough, extremely(非常、, entirely(整个、,almost, slightly(细小的、, hardly.‎ ‎5、疑问副词:how, when, where, why.‎ ‎6、关系副词:when, where, why. how等。‎ ‎7、连接副词:‎ therefore(因此、,moreover(此外、,however, otherwise(另外的、,then, when ,where, how, why等。‎ ‎ 如何判断空格里的单词是副词呢?‎ ‎1) 空格在be动词、情态动词之后;实义动词之前后时,如:‎ We can go to this school freely.‎ I also want to play that games.‎ ‎2) 空格在形容词,副词时的前面时,如:‎ It's rather difficult to tell who is right. ‎ He did it quite well.‎ ‎3) 空格在句子或从句的前面时,往往是疑问副词,连接副词,关系副词以及修饰整个句子的副词。如:The students were reading when the teacher came into the classroom.‎ 二、解题技巧 首字母阅读高频词汇梳理—副词 A: along around always almost also according actually again anywhere B: back C: completely carefully/closely ‎ D: down ‎ E: exactly especially easily even ever ‎ F: finally further ‎ G: hardly how hard I: inside instead ‎ L: luckily late N: not never O: only off outside P: probably Perhaps properly Q: quietly / quickly R: really rather ‎ S: still Slowly seriously sometimes( soon seldom safely simply Softly T: terribly through then together U: usually W: when well with Y: yet 历年上海中考及二模英语首字母填空副词出现情况 ‎ 2019年上海中考 Everyone we surveyed said they spoke to friends every day. Most said they spoke about twenty minutes a day. Surprisingly, teenagers s 87 went dancing, especially girls. Only one out of ten said they went to the dance regularly.‎ ‎【思路解析】通过句子成分分析,此处填入应该是副词,根据后面一句Only one out of ten…十个青少年当中只有一个经常去跳舞得知前面应该填入的是否定词“很少”的意思,从而填入答案seldom。‎ ‎ 2019年上海中考 Being roommates with a friend can be hard. Friends may be different when you stay with them all the time from when you don't see them very o__89__. So, before you plan to share a room with a friend, discuss the situation carefully.‎ ‎【思路解析】从句意上理解朋友当你和他一直呆在一起的时候和当你和他不经常见面的时候是不一样的 ‎ 2019年浦东二模 Your Health ‎ The Mayo Clinic is a famous medical organization in the United States. It studies many things, including positive thinking. Their research prove that positive think has many advantage. First, positive think suggests good health. Positive people don’t worry about the bad events in life, so they stay healthy. Positive people ate a 83 likely to exercise and eat healthy foods. Because of this ,they don’t usually get sick and don’t have many health problems. ‎ ‎【思路解析】本题考查副词的用法。由句子成分分析可知此句不缺主干成分,空格应填副词。此空的上一句说到Positive people don’t worry about the bad events in life,而空格所在的句子说到“积极的人倾向于锻炼和吃健康的食物”。对比前后两句不难分析出前一句是说积极的人的心态问题,后一句是说锻炼和饮食的问题,二者之间是并列关系,表示积极的人会……也会……。这样此题的答案就很显然了。‎ ‎ 2019年虹口二模 In the indoor area of the exhibition, which is small and can e___82____become crowded, you can see the wolves through one-way glass and also enjoy a few different activities.‎ ‎【思路解析】考察副词easily。根据语境,室内区域面积较小,所以在展出时很容易变得拥挤。‎ ‎2019年上海中考 New technology has really opened up the world of film making for film fans. Now a camera does not cost m 93 and most young people are certainly able to pay for it. 副词much B 96 , you need to make up a story. Can you write your own one? 副词besides ‎2019年上海中考 A survey has been published which shows that British people don't like their neighbors very much. 80% of the people who took part in the survey feel that their neighbors h 92 pay attention to others" feelings. ‎ 副词 hardly Another survey shows that 90% of the neighbors never share a meal, 80% have never had a drink t 97 ,and 20% have never even spoken. 副词together ‎2009年上海中考 Week 2 We started recycling this week. We tried to write on both sides of our paper, not just on one side. We also divided our rubbish into d 93 bags (or bottles, cans, paper and food. Mum kept the plastic shopping bags from the supermarket to use them a 94 as rubbish bags. These are great ways to help our environment. 副词again Week 3, We stopped taking long baths and had short showers i 95 . 副词instead ‎08年上海中考 Do you have bright ideas? Ideas for inventions that change the world or, at least, make life easier for somebody? P 97 we all do sometimes, but we don’t often make the idea a real thing. 副词 probably Most sunshine recorders o 102 record direct (直接的) sunshine. 副词only ‎2019年上海中考 Have a warm bath — it’s a great way to relax. But n 99 stay in there too long. More than twenty minutes and you will lose all your energy. And the bathroom isn’t the best place to fall asleep! 副词never ‎ ‎ ‎2019年上海中考 ‎ Next, you can read a book a__94: in a car, in a waiting-room, on a plane, in bed — even in the bath. All you need is a book! Reading is a convenient hobby as it is easy to stop and then start again. ‎ ‎ 副词Anywhere ‎ Some people say that reading is out of date. This is not true. You have to be able to read to use a computer and, the better you read, the better your computer skills will be. Reading is h__98__ out of date! 副词Hardly ‎2019年上海中考 He asked Christopher to lend him $ 1, 000 for the wedding party, and promised to pay him back a month later when he started his new job. Christopher knew that Jeff was not very good with money, but he s 90 agreed. As they were old friends, they didn't put anything in writing. 副词Still A month later, Christopher hadn't heard from Jeff or received any money, s 91 he phoned him. So 副词 ‎2019年上海中考 She has also found somewhere e_(2)_____ to live – a small flat about five miles away, so now there’s only John and me left at home. else 副词 Joe’s fine, but he hasn’t been able to do m___(6)____ in the garden because of the weather, which has been terrible. 副词Much ‎2019年上海中考 While her brother Frank ate chocolate, she had to eat an apple. Alana was on the diet for two months. Her doctor was pleased with her. "You have been very good, "he said. "You can eat some of the foods you like best But only a little. Don't eat too many sweets. Don't eat too much ice cream. If you do, you will get a lot of weight a 3 . " 副词again ‎"But I really like chicken, " said Frank. "You said it is one of the best meats to eat "‎ ‎"It is a very good food for most people, " said the doctor. "But when you eat it, it makes you sick. It is not a good food for you. "‎ ‎"You're right, " said Frank "Well, I'll eat more cake i 6 . " 副词instead 基础练习 ‎1. —One more satellite was sent up into space in China in May. — Right. The government spoke h____ of that. ‎ ‎2. It is e_______ to work out this problem. You needn’t go to the teacher. ‎ ‎3.—How far is the factory from here? —It’s about 4 kilometers a_______. ‎ ‎4. French is not used so w______   as English.  ‎ ‎5. I_____ of answering, she just smiled. ‎ ‎6. We are too tired to go a_____   farther.‎ ‎7. He spoke too q ____ for us to follow.‎ ‎8. He isn’t strong enough to hold s______ a heavy box.‎ ‎9. He knew o_______ a little about the history, but I knew even less ‎ ‎10. The rock is n_____ two hundred kilograms, and almost no one can move it. ‎ ‎11. It is said that some teachers will go to Japan. They are p___ going to work as exchange teachers of Chinese.‎ ‎12. Why did you ask him for help instead of Jim? He is n_______ more helpful than Jim. ‎ ‎13. After having failed many times, the young man refused to try it o_______ more. ‎ ‎14.This gentleman is very interested in singing. He often goes to the Karaoke hall with his friends and sometimes comes home very late, or r_____, very early in the morning. ‎ ‎15. The Summer Palace is one of the m___ beautiful parks in Beijing. I suggest you going there to have a visit. ‎ ‎16. Yesterday my friend and I went to the supermarket nearby. We found that there were a_______ nothing worth buying.‎ ‎17. Such a small man can't p_____ reach the balloon one meter higher than he. ‎ ‎18. What she said is p________ true. That is to say, not all she said is true.‎ ‎19. This novel is f______ a good book, but there are many that are better. ‎ ‎20. Our cousin who is attending college in New York phones us every Sunday at six, r_________ as clockwork. ‎ ‎21. The task is hard, h____, the workers managed to finish it in time. ‎ ‎22. The international police has come into existence and they were t____ the key to global security. ‎ ‎23.They planned to go to Beijing for sightseeing, but because of their daughter's unexpected illness they had to stay at home i_____. ‎ ‎24. At the beginning, I had some difficulty with my English, and my teacher pulled me t______. ‎ ‎25. The general asked his men to push o_____ so they might overtake the retreating (败退的) enemy troop. ‎ ‎26. She likes to keep things rather than throw them a____. ‎ ‎27. I never expected you to turn u____ at the meeting. I thought you were abroad. ‎ ‎[Keys] 1~5 highly, easy, away, wide, instead 6~10 any, quick, such, only, nearly ‎ 11~15 probably, not, once, rather, most 16~20 almost, possibly, partly, fairly, regularly ‎ 21~25 however, thus, instead, through, on 26~27 away, up Winter is dangerous because it's difficult to know what is going to happen and accidents take p 86 easily. Fog can be waiting to meet you over the top of the hill. Ice might be hiding under the melting snow, waiting ahead to send you off the road. The car coming to you may s 87slip (滑动) across the road.‎ Rule Number One for driving on icy roads is to drive smoothly. Sudden movements can make a car very difficult to control. So every time you either s 88 or stop your car, reduce your speed, you must be as gentle and slow as p 89 . Imagine you are driving with a full cup of coffee on the seat next to you. Drive carefully so that you wouldn't spill (打断) it.‎ Rule Number Two is to pay attention to what might happen. The more ice there is, the further down the road you have to look. Test how long it t 90 to gently stop your car. Remember that you may be driving more q 91 than you think. Generally, allow twice of your usual stopping distance when the road is wet, t 92 times this distance on snow, and even more on ice. Try to stay in control of your car at all times and you will not get into trouble.‎ ‎86. p 87. s 88. s 89. p 90. t_ ‎ ‎91. g 92. t ‎ Every school day, we use schoolbags to carry textbooks, papers, notebooks and all of our school things to school. Schoolbags are so common in our life that we take them for granted. Have you ever thought about the h 86 of the schoolbag?‎ In the Han Dynasty when the old-style private schools s 87 , students began to use a box made of bamboo to carry books to school. That is considered the earliest schoolbag. The box was u 88 divided into two or three layers (层). In different layers kids put different things, like books, brushes, ink stones and papers. You can see this type of bamboo box in many TV series.‎ Hundreds of years later, a new kind of schoolbag called budai, or "hit-pocket", was developed. It was made of cloth and thread, which was 1 89 than the bamboo box. In 1950s, a green single shoulder bag became popular. Ask your grandparents or parents. M 90 they can tell you of their experiences carrying that bag when they were in school.‎ Many modern schoolbags have appeared in recent years. And schoolbags have become colorful with fashionable designs on them, such as p 91 of cartoons or pop stars. And they are more comfortable to use, Some students p 92 wheeled bags that help them carry heavy textbooks and some students carry backpacks,‎ Schoolbags are still changing. Can you imagine what the future schoolbag will be like?‎ ‎86. h 87. s 88. u 89. l 90. M ‎ ‎91. p__ 92. p ‎ When talking about the UK the first things that come to most people’s minds are Big Ben,the British Museum or Buckingham Palace.However, after my first visit to UK during the summer vacation,I think one thing should be added to the l 86 street artists.‎ In York(约克郡),a city in the northeast of England,I met a“purple man”。He was in the middle of the street and was pretending to ride a bike.The man was painted purple all over his body.He held a lovely little dog in his arms.‎ ‎ Most of the time,the“purple man”stood there w 87 making a move except to wave to passers-by now and then。When people went close to him,he would make fun of them by putting paint in their hair.Some ran away to avoid(避免)being painted while some accepted it with a smile.From the collection pot beside his foot,I could see that this was h 88 he made a living—by taking photos with tourists.‎ ‎ Another performer who impressed me was a man I met in Edinburgh(爱丁堡).He stood quite still(一动不动)and was simply looking at the ground with several flyers(传单)in his hand.when a passer-by took a flyer, he would dance for a while and then stand still again.‎ ‎ Not all street artists are performing for m 89 。I saw another man just lying on the street; facing the ground as if listening to the earth.I guessed he was listening to the heartbeat of nature.In my opinion,these performers just wanted to e 90 themselves in their own ways.Before I went to Britain,I had heard that the people there were quite serious and somewhat dull,always wearing dark suits.But what I saw on the streets changed my idea about them c 91 .These people are interesting and full of unexpectedly good ideas.They do what they want and don’t care about other people’s doubts or criticisms。‎ ‎ Seeing is believing---that’s another thing I learned from my trip,and from the a 92 street artists.‎ ‎ 86.l 87.w 88.h 89.m . 90。e ‎ ‎ 91.c 92 a ‎ You live in a house made of chocolate; you are walking in the cloud; you don't have to go to school any more. How could all of these i 86 things happen? In your dreams.‎ A dream is quite a lot of pictures, ideas and feelings playing in the mind during sleep. Humans spend one third of life sleeping and six years dreaming. A person usually has three to five dreams a night, a 87 one may not remember his or her dreams.‎ Many dreams, at least the ones we remember, are strange and interesting. That's why most people believe that dreams must have some deep meaning or important message. But people in different cultures have different understandings of the s 88 dream. For example, when dreaming of fire, Chinese people think of money. The Japanese is likely to say it's "trouble". For people in the West, a dream of fire m 89 something new is coming.‎ Scientists have very different opinions about the deep meaning of dreams. Some believe that a dream is only an ordinary g 90 of sleep and doesn't tell us anything. Other scientists think that a dream is a direct (直接的) message from one's mind. Dreams are like a window into one's desires and fears. For example, if you're very nervous about an exam, you may have nightmares (噩梦) of someone strange running after you.‎ Technology also helps us to know more about dreams. In the film Inception ( 盗梦空间 ), people can e 91 other's minds while they are dreaming. Well, now, out of the dreams, we can r 92 do it, too. Scientists can now read people's dream by scanning (扫描) their brain activity during sleep. Would you let scientists look into your dreams?‎ ‎86. i 87. a 88. s 89. m 90. p ‎ ‎91. e 92. r ‎ Saving the environment is actually quite simple, when you come to think about it. It does not have to be a complex (复杂的) process. If you and everyone f 86 these tips, you are helping save the environment.‎ ‎> Switch off the lights when you leave the room. By now you have probably wasted thousands of watts (瓦特) lightening your room w 87 you weren't there. If you work on a Home office, this habit is not only bad for the environment, but also for your pocket.‎ ‎> Turn off the computer when possible . If you know that you will be a 88 for four hours or more, however, turning it off could mean large savings.‎ ‎> Print only when necessary .Sure, reading on paper might be more c 89 , but you should try not to print those two-line emails every time. Read it on the screen and print only necessary files. Remember also to use b 90 sides of the paper.‎ ‎> Use fluorescent lamps (荧光灯) The fluorescent lamps may c 91 more in the stores, but within the time you use one, you should have already got back your money. A normal incandescent light bulb (白炽灯泡) lasts 750 hours but a fluorescent bulb will give off the same amount of light yet last for 7,500 to 10,000 hours.‎ ‎> Use low flush (冲洗) toilets. In your household, 40% of the clean water is flushed down the toilet. You can try this simple way at home: use small plastic b 92 , filled with water or stones to displace (置换) the amount of water in toilets. This will make it a "low-flush toilet," and can help to save much water.‎ ‎86. f________ 87. w_________88. a________ 89. c_________ 90. b_________‎ ‎91. c_______ 92. b__________‎ How to locate a book in a library A library is a big place, filled with thousands or even hundreds of thousands of books. How do you find just the books you need? A librarian is always there to h 86 you, but you might want to find a book on your own. Some libraries are equipped with computerized catalogs (电子目录), some might still have old card catalogs. Either way, there are some ‎ Standard ways to search for a book. ‎ Title search If you know the book's title, you can search for it. In a p 87 card catalog, you will search alphabetically. Generally, ignore (忽略) "a" or "the" if it is the f 88 word. In computerized catalogs, you usually n 89 to type in at least the first few words of the title. ‎ Author search If you know the author of the book, or if you are interested in other words by a favorite author, you can search for that. Authors are listed by their last n 90 . ‎ Subject search If you know what you want to read about, but you don't know the t 91 of a specific book, try a subject search. A subject that is too broad may turn up too many results; a subject that is too narrow may not be listed. If you can't find what you want the first time, try searching on different words. ‎ Keyword search Most computerized catalogs will let you search on a keyword or keywords. For example, searching on the keyword "French" would find any book with that w 92 in the title.‎ ‎86. h 87. p 88. f 89. n 90. n ‎ ‎91. t 92. w ‎ Talk to someone if you are having problems with schoolwork. Speak up as soon as you can, so you can get help right away before you fall behind.‎ Your p 86 are often a great place to start if you need help. Talk about your problem with them. They might be able to show you how to do a difficult math problem or help you think of a topic to write about for English class. They also can be helpful by finding a b 87 place in the house for you to do your homework and keeping supplies like pencils. They also can cut down on distractions (分心的事) like n 88 younger brothers and sisters!‎ Teachers are also important to you because they can give you advice about the homework you are having ‎ t 89 with. They also can help you set up a good system for writing down your homework and remembering to put all necessary books and papers in your backpack. Teachers can. give you study tips and offer ideas about how to deal with homework. Helping kids learn is their job, s 90 be sure to ask for advice.‎ Many schools, towns and cities offer after-school care to kids. They often help kids with their homework and organize kids to join in different kinds of activities. There, you will not only be able to get some help from adults, but also from other kids.‎ You can also use the Internet to visit online homework help sites. These sites can 1 91 you to good resources for research and offer tips and guidance about many subjects. But do not just c__92 the information from an Internet website. Talk with your teacher about how to use the resources properly.‎ ‎86. p_________ 87. b_________ 88. n_________ 89. t________ 90. s_________‎ ‎91.1_________ 92. c_________‎ II. Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案。) (共20分) ‎ ‎ ( )26. Jenny studies English hard and she can usually get good marks. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence?‎ A /3:/ B/a:/ C) /ei/ D) /ai/‎ ‎( )27.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?‎ A) We are trying to build a base on the moon. B) What do you think of the case?‎ C) These old people often dance in the square. D) Shall we have a race now?‎ ‎( )28. A comic strip is usually about _____ interesting story with an unforgettable end.‎ A) / B) an C) the D) a ‎( )29. _____May 19, 2019, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang visited India, which was his first official visit since he took office.‎ A) Since B) At C) On D) In ‎( )30.The most important thing for a good detective to do is ______the innocent.‎ A) to protect B) protects C) protected D) protect ‎( ) 31.The air in the room is not fresh enough. Please keep the window_____ .‎ A) open B) opening C) to open D) opens ‎ ‎( )32.0ur class teacher is hurrying to our classroom. She has ____ to tell us.‎ A) anything important B) nothing important C) important thing D) something important ‎( )33. _____ it is midnight, Wendy is still working on her study.‎ A) Since B)Although C) Unless D) Until ‎( )34. To save time is as___________as to save life.‎ A) more important B) most important C) very important D) important |‎ ‎( )35.Some people think keeping pets is good, but _____ don’t.‎ A) another B) other C) the other D) others ‎( )36.Don,t be angry_____ her. She did try, but failed.‎ A)from B) to C) with D) at ‎( )37.You’d better_____ the homework today, as tomorrow we will not have time.‎ A) finishing B) finishes C) to finish D) finish ‎( )38.Gary Locke_____ the U.S. ambassador(大使)to China for years.‎ A) was B) has been C) will be D) had been ‎( )39. Alice Munro______the Nobel Prize in literature two months ago.‎ A) gets B) has got C) will get D) got ‎( )40,The 22nd Winter Olympics will______in Sochi early this year.‎ A) be held B) held C)hold D) being held ‎( )41,______knowledge can be found in an encyclopedia.‎ A)Many B) A number of C)Quite many D) Huge amounts of ‎( )42.The river is very deep. We_____very careful when crossing it.‎ A) must be B) can be C) may be D) need be ‎( )43.______of the twins is interested in that Japanese company.‎ A) Both B) Neither C)A11 D) Some ‎( )44.-Preparing for a test is hard work, isn’t it?‎ ‎ -- _____.‎ A) Yes, I agree. B) I am sorry.‎ C) Let’s go to ask the teacher. D) You don’t know. ‎ ‎( )45. - We are going to have a picnic in the winter holidays. Would you like to join us?‎ ‎ -- _____‎ A) I know. B) I am going to have a picnic, too.‎ C) Oh, please don’t do it. D) Sure,what’s the time?‎ II. Complete the following passages with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once (将下列单词或词组填入空格每空格限填一词,每词或词组只能填一次):(共8分) ‎ A.amazing B.raise money C.boring D.pilot E.become Flying into the sky at speeds of up to 100 miles per hour, a pair of nine-year-old British girls broke a record to 46 the world’s youngest wing walkers (机翼行走者)'!‎ The two girls, Rose and Flame, are cousins. They took to the sky on two bipZanes(双翼飞 机),and the 47 of one of the ‎ planes was their grandfather. They completed a wing walk as the two planes flew just meters apart.‎ After getting down from the planes,they said, “That was 48 ! It was so cool looking down and seeing all the small houses! ”‎ Not every nine-year-old girl can take on an adventure like this. Rose and Flame are braver than other girls of their age. Besides,they come from a family of wing walkers. They are deeply affected by what they see and hear.‎ This time, the two brave girls took on the adventure, not just to break the record but also to for 49 the poor. They try to do something for the society.‎ ‎46._________ 47.____________ 48.____________49.___________ ‎ F. expensive G. comfortable H. depends I. owns J. by himself When most teenagers are learning how to work out maths problems, Kelvin Doe is teaching himself to make batteries and generators (发电机)for his neighborhood in Africa.‎ Kelvin is only 15 years old, but he has already created batteries and generators 50 He used the things he picked up around the house or from litter bins to create them.‎ ‎“In my hometown, we don’ t have much electricity and batteries are 51 ,”Kelvin said. So he decided to make batteries to light up people’s homes.‎ Kelvin also 52 a radio station. He broadcasts news and plays music for the local people. The station gets its electricity from a generator also made by him.‎ His next project will be a windmill (风车)for electricity supply. He wants to help more families in his hometown live a happy and 53 life.‎ ‎50._________ 51._________ 52.___________ 53. __________‎ III. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)(共8分)‎ ‎54.________like having sports in their spare time. (boy)‎ ‎55. City Beach is a beautiful place, but I have only been there__________. (one)‎ ‎56. Young parents seldom say no to their children________ because they love them too much. (main)‎ ‎57. The teacher at the comer teaches_____English. (we)‎ ‎58. The________of that cross-sea bridge is about 6.28 miles. (long) ‎ ‎59. When having a chance to go outing, children usually feel_______ (excitement)‎ ‎60. People have found_______that the world’s most popular number is 7. (recent)‎ ‎61. Guide dogs are quite_________and helpful to the blind. (friend)‎ IV. Rewrite the following sentences as required (根据所给要求,改写下列句子。62-67 题,每空格限填一词。68题注意句首大写)(共14分)‎ ‎62. Sam worked in the university for fifteen years when he was young.(改为一般疑问句)‎ ‎__________Sam _______in the university for fifteen years when he was young?‎ ‎63. There is little milk in the bottle in the fridge.(改为反意疑问句)‎ There is little milk in the bottle in the fridge, __________ __________ ?‎ ‎64. The football game between Hengda and AHL will be over in three minutes.(对划线部分提 问)‎ ‎__________ _________ will the football game between Hengda and AHL be over?‎ ‎64. We still know little about what we can do to protect ourselves from cancer.(改为简单句)‎ ‎65. We still know little about what ________ __________ to protect ourselves from cancer.‎ ‎66. Shanghai Basketball Team plays well enough to attract more and more people to watch basketball games.(保持句意基本不变)‎ Shanghai Basketball Team plays_______well_________more and more people are attracted to watch basketball games.‎ ‎67. The Bund in Shanghai looks extremely beautiful with the flowers around.(改为感叹句)‎ ‎_______ ________ Bund in Shanghai looks with the flowers around!‎ ‎68. him, his father, the day before yesterday, anew bike, bought (连词成句)‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________.‎ Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分读写)‎ V. Reading comprehension (阅读理解)(共 50 分)‎ A. Choose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)(12分)‎ As more Americans try to have healthy lifestyles and protect the environment, the idea of growing their own food has become popular among city people. Not long ago,a city gardening meeting, Rooting DC, took place in Washington, D.C. Many organizations and people got together to support the food movement.‎ Katie, one of the main organizers of Rooting DC, says people can get free seeds(种子)if they take part in the one-day gardening meeting. According to Katie, the aim of Rooting D.C. is to teach people gardening and develop more gardens all across the city,‎ Katie says,“People realize that gardening is a way to bring healthy foods into their lives. They become interested in gardening because of that. Growing worry about the environment has also worked. We not only grow food, but protect the environment through gardening.”‎ Several organizations that encourage school children to grow fruits and vegetables in healthy ways also ran classes at Rooting DC. Scott, a college student, who came with his friends, says, “I am really interested in gardening. Certainly I know how to find local food, but I want to grow the food on my own and encourage others to do so.”‎ Ann came to get information for her daughter. “We started a garden together at her school. I need to find out more resources to support school gardens.”‎ Brian, a computer teacher, says gardening is a hobby that he can enjoy with his friends. “I am looking forward to getting some seeds since I need new seeds to exchange with my friends. We’d like to see different plants grow in our gardens.”‎ The organizers hope that city gardening can become more and more popular not only in their area but also around the country and even across the world.‎ ‎69. Not long ago, a city gardening meeting took place in________‎ A) America B) the garden C) Rooting DC D)Washington,D.C.‎ ‎70. _______is one of the main organizers of Rooting DC.‎ A) Katie B) Ann C) Brian D) Scott ‎71. Katie says the aim of Rooting D.C. is to teach people_____ all across the city.‎ A) meeting B) to get free seeds C) gardening D) to eat food ‎ ‎72. People become interested in gardening because they can get____ into their lives A) free seeds B) healthy foods C) fruits D) vegetables ‎ ‎73.Several organizations encourage school children . ‎ A) to grow their own food B)to run classes C)to organize meetings D)to encourage others to sell these seeds ‎74. Brian is looking forward to getting some seeds because he wants_____.‎ A) to plant these seeds in his garden B) to get new. fruits and vegetables C) to exchange them with his friends D) to encourage others to sell these seeds B Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)(12分)‎ Imagine the situation. You are driving along a desert or on a mountain. You 75 where you are. You passed the last house two hours ago. Then your car breaks down. It is night and it is cold. You have no mobile phone. What do you do? Well, next time take a GPS with you.‎ This invention may be able to help you. It is a device(设备)which uses satellites to find the user’s position(^L置).It can find your position to within 20 metres. A GPS cannot start your car, but 76 you will know where you are.‎ GPS, which means Global Positioning System, is a small radio receiver. It 77 a mobile phone. You can hold it in your hand, or put in your pocket. It is sometimes put into a watch or a telephone.‎ We 78 find GPS devices in cars,planes, or boats. Some of these devices have electronic maps, so you know where you are. For example, in a city they can tell you the name of the street.‎ There are 79 parts to the Global Positioning System. The first part is the receiver. You can hold it in your hand, or have it fixed into your car, plane, etc. The second part is a group of satellites turning around the Earth. The receiver contacts more than four of the satellites and calculates its position. The third part of the system is a network of ground stations. They are all over the world. They control the satellites and make sure they are working well.‎ Some people think that in the future the GPS will be as common as the mobile, They are becoming cheaper and more and more accurate. There are also new uses for the GPS. _80 they will become like watches. Everyone will have one and you will never be lost again. ‎ ‎( )75.A) are sure B) can tell C) don’t know D) want to know ‎( )76.A) at least B) at first C) at most D) at last ‎( )77.A) works as B) depends on C) consists of D) looks like ‎( )78.A) never B) also C)again D) still ‎( )79.A) three B) four C) many D) two ‎( )80.A) But B)However C) Perhaps D)Instead C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给。) (14分)‎ Butterfly fairly There was once a little girl. She had no family, and no one loved her. One day, when she was walking through a field, she noticed a small butterfly c_____ in a thorn bush(荆棘丛). The more the butterfly tried to free to free itself, the deeper the thorns cut into its body. The little girl c____let go the butterfly. Instead of going away, the butterfly changed into a ‎ beautiful fairy.‎ For your kindness, the butterfly fairy said to the little girl, “ I will give you any w____ you would like to have.”‎ The little girl thought for a moment and then replied,”I want to be h____.”‎ The fairy said,” very good.” Then she got close to the girl’s ear and said something to her in a low voice.‎ As the little girl grew up,there was no one in the village s_____happy as she.  There was no one in the village s______ happy as she was.Everyone asked her the secret of the happiness.She would smile and only answer “The secret of my happiness is that I listened to a kind fairly when I was a little girl.”‎ When she was very old, the neighbors all came to visit her.They were a_____ that her secret of happiness would die with her.“Tell us,please,”they begged,“tell us what the fairy said.”‎ ‎  The old woman smiled and said, “She told me that everyone, no matter how old or young, no matter how rich or poor, n_____ me.” she said that always helping others would make my dream come true.”‎ D. Answer the following questions.(根据短文内容回答下列问题。) ( 12分)‎ For this little boy, it was the coldest winter, in that winter, his father had an accident and lost a leg, the family no longer had money to live on, From then on, his father became another person. When the boy didn’t listen to him, he would be very angry.‎ One night, the boy walked lonely on the street. He passed a lovely small shop, which was so nice that he couldn’t turn his eyes away from it. He stared at some beautiful boxes of coffee quietly. An idea came into his mind. He knew his father loved coffee and he knew stealing was no good. But all he could think of was his father’s smile. He soon put a box of coffee into his jacket and ran back home.‎ He gave the coffee to his father, who gave a smile that the boy had missed for so long. But, unfortunately, before his father could taste the coffee, the shopkeeper broke in and caught the boy. He was beaten by his father again.‎ Years later,the boy became a successful businessman. One day, his mother called and said his father wanted to see him. Busy working, he refused. Weeks later, he heard the sad news that his father had passed away. When he went through the relics(遗物),he found a box. Inside it was the coffee that he had stolen from the shop. On the cover was his father’s handwriting: “The gift from my son,”‎ There was also a letter: “Dear son. I’m a failure as a father. But I also have a dream-to own a coffee shop, where I can make cups of coffee for you. I’m sorry I didn’t make it”‎ Sadness suddenly came in his mind. He felt so sorry not meeting his father for the last time, and decided to complete his father’s dream. He stopped his own job at once and started a coffee business.‎ The coffee business is now a big success. And the little boy is Howard Schultz-the owner of Starbucks.‎ ‎88. It was the coldest winter for this little boy only because of the weather, wasn’t it?‎ ‎ ___________, _________________________________________________________.‎ ‎89. Where did he walk lonely one night?‎ On ___________________________________________________________________.‎ ‎90. How did his father feel when he gave the coffee to him?‎ He ___________________________________________________________________.‎ ‎91. Why didn’t he want to see his father when his mother called him? ‎ ‎ _____________________________________________________________________.‎ ‎92. What was inside the box?‎ ‎______________________________________________________________________.‎ 93. What do you think makes the coffee business a big success?‎ ‎ ____________________________________________________________________.‎ VII. Writing (作文): (共20分) ‎ ‎94. Complete the poster of at least 60 words on the topic “A little more fresh air, please”.‎ ‎(以“多一点新鲜空气”为题完成一篇不少于60个词的海报,标点符号不占格。) (注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。) Expressions for reference (以下短语仅供参考)‎ plant trees, drive cars, walk more, pollute, haze (霾)‎ 参考答案:金山二模 ‎1-6 HFCBDE 7-14 ADBBADCC 15-20 TFTTFT ‎21 in air 22 15 countries 23. get ready 24. enjoy life 25. is flying ‎26-30 BCBCA 31-35 ADBDD 36-40 CDBDA 41-45 DABAD ‎46-49 EDAB 50-53 JFIG ‎54.Boys 55.once 56.mainly 57.us 58.length 59.excited 60.recently 61.friendly ‎62.Did work 63.is there 64.How soon 65.to do 66.so that 67.How beautiful ‎ ‎68.His father bought him a new bike the day before yesterday.‎ ‎69-74 DACBAC ‎75-80 CADBAC ‎81. caught 82.carefully 83.wish 84.happy 85.so 86.afraid 87.needs ‎88.No,it wasn’t..‎ ‎89.On the street.‎ ‎90.He felt happy.‎ ‎91.Because he as busy with working.‎ ‎92. It was the coffee that he had stolen from the shop ‎93. His father’s dream/His love for his father

