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1. nightlife n. 夜生活 2. musical n. 音乐剧;音乐电影 3. in the open air 在露天 ( 或户外 ) 4. Japanese adj. 日本的 , 日语的 n. 日语 ; 日本人 basketball, jazz, movies … Look at the photo and say what type of entertainment or sport you can see. Think of other words which you can use to talk about the photo. basketball: match, stadium Jazz: concert, band Movies: … New York It’s a wonderful town! Madison Square Garden( 麦迪逊广场 ) Madison Square Garden( 麦迪逊广场 ) 世界上最著名的体育场馆,位于纽约的中心地带 , 是 NBA 纽约尼克斯队和 NHL( 全美冰球联盟 ) 纽约游骑兵队的主场。举办过数百场音乐会和各类大型活动,每年所举办的各类活动达 300 余场。 Here shows classic, foreign and independent first-run films. Woody Allen Martin Scorsese Film Forum Greenwich Village 红色的砖墙 , 铁质的墙梯 , 这是曼哈顿 20 世纪中期最有代表性的房子。在格林威治村,无数来自于世界各地的艺术家们蛰居于此,寻找着他们的生活与理想世界。 作为纽约艺术家的聚集地 , 它在纽约人心目中有着特殊地位,纽约人一般不称它的全称 Greenwich Village ,而只是说: the Village. 格林威治村最有标志性的地方是 1831 年建立的华盛顿广场,不大,但设计很舒适,街边都是长长的坐椅,从早到晚有各路艺术家在随性表演。有时站在旁边听上一阵,演奏结束一定要给点掌声。 The Metropolitan Opera 美国大都会歌剧院是歌剧界中举足轻重的超一流艺术殿堂,有“歌剧之王”之称的普拉西多、多明戈以及帕瓦罗蒂、卡雷拉斯等歌唱演员都曾在大都会歌剧院登台献艺 , 是纽约林肯表演艺术中心的核心部分。 Carnegie Hall( 卡内基音乐厅 ) Carnegie Hall( 卡内基音乐厅 ) 世界著名的艺术圣殿 , 其现场的音效被专业级音响人士视为“原音重现”标准。音乐厅建成后的首演式上,由柴可夫斯基担任客座指挥,吸引了全纽约的名门雅士前去观看,据说当年参加首场演出的观众足足等了一个多小时才得以步下马车进入大厅。能够在这里演出或登台亦成为跃登古典与流行音乐乐坛成功的标志。 百老汇是纽约曼哈顿区一条大街的名称,其中段一直是美国商业性戏剧娱乐中心,而今是美国现代歌舞艺术、美国娱乐业的代名词。 Central Park 纽约中央公园南起 59 街,北抵 110 街 , 东西两侧被著名的第五大道和中央公园西大道所围合 , 中央公园名副其实地坐落在纽约曼哈顿岛的中央。 340 公顷的宏大面积使她与自由女神、帝国大厦等同为纽约乃至美国的象征。 the Museum of Modern Art ( 现代艺术博物馆 , 简称 MOMA) Guggenheim Museum ( 古根汉姆美术馆 ) the Oyster Bar Grand Central Station ( 中央车站 ) Read the passage and find out which paragraph describes the picture. In the second paragraph. Madison Square Garden is the place to watch the New York Knicks Basketball Team… Entertainment In New York In your town Sport Movies Complete the column In New York with notes. Film Forum (foreign and American movies) Madison Square Garden (basketball; boxing); Yankee Stadium / Shea Stadium (baseball) Jazz Opera Metropolitan Opera House Greenwich Village (jazz clubs); Blue Note Theatre Museums Restaurants Night life Broadway; Central Park (open-air Shakespeare) Museum of Modern Art; Guggenheim Museum Food from all over the world Discos (Limelight) and night clubs The Bronx is a district in the north of Manhattan and the Battery is a park at the south. 1. What do you think are the Bronx and the Battery? Where are they? 2. Why does the writer say New York is probably the entertainment capital of the world? Because it has so many different forms of entertainment. They make New York the subject of the movie. 3. What do movies do with New York? Because you can see famous actors from Broadway and Hollywood. 4. Why does the writer suggest spending a day in Central Park watching a play by Shakespeare in the open air? Because there is something to do all day and all night. 5. Why does the writer say New York is “the city that never sleeps”? Look at the sentence. The underlined words suggest an opinion, and the rest are fact. Try the Oyster Bar in Grand Central Station for the best seafood in Manhattan. Opinion: what a person thinks about something, based on personal judgment rather than actual facts. Fact: something that has actually happened or is happening; something known to be or accepted as being true. Actually fact is what the thing is , while opinion is how you think about something . Look at these sentences and underline any words which suggest opinions. 1. …fans can listen to the stars of today and tomorrow at the world-famous Blue Note. 2. One of the most important things to see at Christmas is the Nutcracker . 3. Broadway is not just a street but an area of New York. There you can see some of the biggest and the best plays and musicals… 1.The Bronx is up and the Battery’s down . The Bronx is in the north and the Battery is in the south. 2. New York is probably the entertainment capital of the world, and a great place to see the big names and top stars in films, television, theatre and music. to see the big names “see some famous persons”. 3. To watch baseball , go to the Yankee Stadium, home of the New York Yankees or Shea Stadium for the Mets. to watch baseball 在这里作目的状语。 4. But New York itself is the subject of many movies ... 但纽约本身就是许多电影的主题 …… itself 在句中用作主语 New York 的同位语。反身代词常用作主语或宾语的同位语 , 起强调作用 , 表示“自己 ; 亲自”。用作主语同位语时 , 反身代词可以放在主语之后 , 也可以放在句子的末尾;用作宾语同位语时 , 反身代词只能放在宾语之后。 e.g.: He himself doesn’t know the answer. 他自己都不知道答案。 You should clean the window yourself . 你应该自己擦窗户。 You’d better ask Cindy herself . 你最好问问辛迪她自己。 5. One of the most important things to see at Christmas is the Nutcracter by the New York City Ballet at Lincoln Centre. to see at … 在这里做定语修饰 one of the most important things. 6. Broadway is not just a street but an area of New York. not just … but … 表示 “不仅仅是 …… 而且是 ……” 。 7. In fact, it’s easy to see why they call it “the city that never sleeps”. 事实上,明白他们为什么叫它“不夜城”是很容易的。 在 it’s easy to say... 中 , it 作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式 to see why... 。 e.g.: It’s important for us to learn English well. 学好英语对我们来说是重要的。 8. Carnegie Hall is well-known for its concerts of all types of music, classical and modern. be known for 意思是“因 …… 而闻名” , 如 : Hawaii is also known for its beauty of its countryside. 类似的短语还有 : be known as…, 意思是“以 ……. 知名;被认为是 ……”; be known to…, 意思是“为 …… 所熟知” , 如: It has long been known as the best car in the world. The use of gunpowder was known to the Chinese before the Europeans. Homework 1. Go on finishing the writing. 2. Remember the target language in this Unit. 3. Preview Unit 3.

