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定语从句是中学英语重要语法项目之一,也是高考测试的一个重点和热点问题。‎ 高考对定语从句的考查体现在关系词的选择上。因为关系词是用来在定语从句中代替先行词的,所以选择关系词的关键是看先行词在定语从句中作何成分。作主语、宾语、表语时,用关系代词,指人用who (宾格用whom)或that,指物用which或that;作定语时,则不管修饰人还是修饰物,都可用whose引导;如果先行词在定语从句中作状语,则选用关系副词,分别用when,where,why表示时间、地点、原因状语。‎ 一、关系代词引导的定语从句 关系代词所代替的先行词是表人或物的名词或代词,并在句中充当主语、宾语、定语等成分。关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,从句谓语动词的人称和数要和先行词保持一致。例如:‎ Is he the man who / that wants to see you? 他就是想见你的人吗?(who / that在从句中作主语)‎ I know a friend whose brother is a pop singer. 我认识一个朋友,他哥哥是一名流行歌手。(whose修饰人,在从句中作定语)‎ Please pass me the book whose (of which the) cover is green.请递给我那本绿皮的书。(whose 在从句中修饰物,它还可以同of which the互换)‎ A prosperity which / that had never been seen before appears in the countryside. 农村出现了前所未有的繁荣。(which / that在句中作主语)‎ The package (which / that) you are carrying is about to come unwrapped. 你拿的包快散了。(which / that在句中作宾语)‎ ‎【考例】 The books on the desk, ____ covers are shiny, are prizes for us.(2016四川卷)‎ A. which B. what C. whose D. that ‎【答案】 C ‎【解析】 句意为:桌上的书是给我们的奖励,它们的封面亮丽。先行词为the books,和covers之间存在所有关系,在定语从句中作定语,故选择C项,意为“书的(封面)”。‎ ‎【考例】 Please send us all the information ____ you have about the candidate for the position.(2016陕西卷)‎ A. that B. which C. as D. what ‎【答案】 A ‎【解析】 从句位于名词information后,可以判定是定语从句,排除D。先行词是information,指物,且由不定代词all修饰,排除B、C项。关系词在从句中作及物动词have的宾语,只能用that,故选A项。‎ 二、关系副词引导的定语从句 关系副词可代替的先行词是时间、地点或理由的名词,在从句中作状语,分别用when, where, why表示时间、地点、原因状语。关系副词when, where, why的含义相当于“介词+ which”结构,因此常常和“介词+ which”结构交替使用。例如:‎ There are occasions when (on which) one must yield. 任何人都有不得不屈服的时候。‎ Beijing is the place where (in which) I was born. 北京是我的出生地。‎ Is this the reason why (for which) he refused our offer? 这就是他拒绝我们帮助他的理由吗?‎ ‎【考例】 The boss of the company is trying to create an easy atmosphere ____ his employees enjoy their work.(2016天津卷)‎ A. where B. which C. when D. who ‎【答案】 A ‎【解析】 句意为:公司老板正努力营造一种轻松的氛围,在这种氛围中,员工喜欢他们的工作。分析题干可知,名词atmosphere后是一个定语从句,该从句的引导词在从句中作地点状语,即in which = in the atmosphere =‎ ‎ where,故选关系副词where。在定语从句中,当position, point, case, stage, situation, atmosphere等表示抽象地点的名词充当先行词时,若定语从句缺少状语,则用where引导定语从句。‎ ‎【考例】 I am looking forward to the day ____ my daughter can read this book and know my feelings for her.(2016湖南卷)‎ A. as B. why C. when D. where ‎【答案】 C ‎【解析】 从句位于名词day后,可以判定是定语从句。先行词是day,关系词在从句中作时间状语,应用关系副词when,故选C项。‎ 三、限制性和非限制性定语从句 定语从句有限制性和非限制性两种。限制性定语从句对先行词来说是不可缺少的部分,去掉它主句意思往往不明确;非限制性定语从句是先行词的附加说明,去掉了也不会影响主句的意思,它与主句之间通常用逗号分开。例如:‎ This is the house which we bought last month. 这是我们上个月买的那幢房子。(限制性)‎ The house, which we bought last month, is very nice. 这幢房子很漂亮,是我们上个月买的。(非限制性)‎ 当先行词是专有名词或被物主代词和指示代词修饰时,其后的定语从句通常是非限制性的。例如:‎ Charles Smith, who was my former teacher, retired last year. 查理·史密斯去年退休了,他曾经是我的老师。‎ This novel, which I have read three times, is very touching. 这本小说很感人,我已经读了三遍。‎ 注意:关系代词that和关系副词why不能引导非限制性定语从句。‎ ‎【考例】 Opposite is St. Paul's Church, ____ you can hear some lovely music.(2016北京卷)‎ A. which B. that C. when D. where ‎【答案】 D ‎【解析】 句意为:对面是圣保罗教堂,在那里你能听到一些优美的音乐。这是一个含有非限制性定语从句的复合句。先行词是St. Paul's Church,后面的从句中主干齐全,不缺主语和宾语,因此先行词在定语从句中充当的是地点状语,故选where。‎ 四、“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句 当先行词在定语从句中作介词的宾语时,往往可以把介词放在关系代词之前,构成“介词+关系代词(whom / which)”结构。但一些短语动词如look after等中的介词不能与动词分开,故不能放在关系代词之前。确定介词时,一是依据定语从句中动词所需要的某种习惯搭配,二是依据先行词的某种习惯搭配,三是根据所要表达的意思来确定。例如:‎ This is the house in which I lived two years ago. 这就是我两年前住过的房子。‎ Do you still remember the day on which you joined our club? 你还记得加入我们俱乐部的那一天吗?‎ ‎【考例】 Creating an atmosphere ____ employees feel part of a team is a big challenge.(2016浙江卷)‎ A. as B. whose C. in which D. at which ‎【答案】 C ‎【解析】 句意为:创造一种让雇员感觉是团队中的一员的氛围是很大的挑战。名词atmosphere后是定语从句,从句中主干齐全,不缺主语和宾语,因此空白处在定语从句中充当的是状语,可排除A、B项。“在……氛围中”应用in an/the atmosphere表达,故选in which,相当于where。‎ ‎【考例】 English is a language shared by several diverse cultures, ____ uses it differently.(2016天津卷)‎ A. all of which B. each of which C. all of them D. each of them ‎【答案】 B ‎【解析】 本题含有一个非限制性定语从句,先行词是several diverse cultures,排除C、D项,这两项并不能引导定语从句。A项在定语从句中作主语的时候,谓语动词要使用复数形式,本题定语从句中的uses说明A项是错误的。B项中的each作主语时,谓语动词使用单数形式。句意为:英语是一个被多种不同的文化共同使用的语言,每一种文化使用英语的方法都是不一样的。故B项正确。‎ 五、as, which 引导的非限定性定语从句 as, which 引导非限定性定语从句时,可指代整个主句,相当于and this或and that。‎ ‎1. as引导的从句可放在主句之前、之后或中间,而which引导的从句则不能放在主句之前。‎ ‎2. 当从句谓语动词是be announced / expected / known / reported / said / imagined / shown等被动形式或usually happen, be often the case等表示主句的习惯性或司空见惯之意时,常用as。‎ ‎3. 当从句的谓语动词是否定形式或谓语带的是一个复合宾语结构时,一般用which而不用as。 例如:‎ As we all know, smoking is harmful to one's health. 我们都知道,吸烟有害健康。‎ The sun heats the earth, which is very important to us. 太阳为地球提供热量,这对于我们非常重要。‎ ‎【考例】 The number of smokers, ____ is reported, has dropped by 17 percent in just one year. (2016江苏卷)‎ A. it B. which C. what D. as ‎【答案】 D ‎【解析】 句意为:据报道,吸烟者的人数仅在一年内就下降了17%。分析句子结构可知,这是一个含有非限制性定语从句的复合句,从句用关系代词引导。as和which都可以引导非限制性定语从句,但是as is reported是固定用法,意思是“正如报道的那样”或“据报道”。‎ ‎【考例】 Until now, we have raised 50,000 pounds for the poor children, ____is quite unexpected.(2016四川卷)‎ A. that B. which C. who D. it ‎【答案】 B ‎【解析】 本题考查which引导非限制性定语从句,指代整个主句内容。which在定语从句中作主语,其他选项均无此用法。句意为:到现在为止,我们已经为那些贫穷的孩子募捐到了5万英镑,这是完全没有预料到的。‎ 六、考查定语从句中的主谓一致 关系代词作从句主语时,从句中谓语动词的人称和数应与先行词保持一致,先行词是整个句子时,从句的谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。在“one of +复数名词+定语从句”中,定语从句的先行词是复数名词,这时定语从句中的谓语动词的数一般与复数名词一致,用复数形式,但在“the only / very one of +复数名词+定语从句”中,定语从句的先行词是the only / very one,定语从句中的谓语动词通常用单数形式。例如:‎ Anyone who has questions to ask, please come to my office this afternoon.有问题要问的人,今天下午到我办公室来。‎ That is one of the most valuable dictionaries that have appeared in recent years.那本词典是近几年来所见到的最有价值的词典之一。‎ He is the only one of the students who has been a winner of scholarship for three years.他是唯一连续三年获得奖学金的学生。‎ ‎【考例】 He is the only one of the students who ____ a winner of scholarship for three years. (2002上海春季卷)‎ A. is B. are C. have been D. has been ‎【答案】 D ‎【解析】 “the only one of +复数名词+定语从句”中的先行词是the only one,定语从句中谓语动词用单数形式,又结合时间状语for three years可知应使用现在完成时。‎ ‎【考例】 She is one of the few girls who ____ in the kindergarten.(1994上海卷)‎ A. is well paid B. are well paid C. is paying well D. are paying well ‎【答案】 B ‎【解析】 在“one of +复数名词+定语从句”中,定语从句的先行词是复数名词,这时定语从句中的谓语动词的数应与复数名词一致,用复数形式。根据句意,应使用被动语态。‎ 巩固练习 ‎1.School safety has set off alarm bells in China with frequent reports of serious ‎ accidents ____ students got hurt or killed.‎ A. in which B. by which C. for which D. that ‎2. She may have missed the train, ____ case she won't arrive on time.‎ A. in that B. in which C. whose D. as ‎3. It was in the stone house ____ was built as a school by local villagers ____ the boy ‎ finished his primary school.‎ A. which; that B. that; where C. which; which D. that; which ‎4. When you come to China you can't help noticing a “can-do” attitude and a general ‎ sense that this is a society ____ is looking ahead.‎ A. where B. what C. that D. who ‎5. The good situation came at last ____ we had been expecting in the past two years.‎ A. where B. that C. when D. in which ‎6. Last year the Greens moved to Australia, ____ they thought it would be warmer.‎ A. what B. where C. which D. that ‎7. At present, many graduates from some famous universities end up with a job ____ they ‎ are not suited.‎ A. which B. in which C. at which D. to which ‎8. There is somebody waiting for you ____ I think might be one of your classmates.‎ A. who B. whom C. whoever D. which ‎9. The Oscar is one of the film prizes ____ offered to any Chinese actor or actress so far.‎ A. which is not B. that have not been C. that has not D. that has not been ‎10. She tried every way ____ she could find to solve the problem.‎ A. how B. in which C. that D. which ‎11. He made another wonderful discovery, ____ of great importance to science.‎ A. which I think is B. which I think it is C. which I think it D. I think is ‎12. Tony will never forget these days ____ she lived in China with her mother, ____ has a ‎ great effect on her life.‎ A. that; which B. when; which C. which; that D. when; that ‎13. The science of medicine, ____ progress has been very rapid lately, is perhaps the ‎ most important of all the sciences.‎ A. to which B. in which C. which D. with which ‎14. ____ is known to everyone, the moon travels round the earth once every month.‎ A. It B. As C. That D. What ‎15. Stress is everywhere and we are faced with it every day. In fact, stress isn't such a ‎ bad thing ____ is often supposed to be.‎ A. which B. that C. what D. as ‎16. The train ____ they were travelling was late.‎ A. in which B. by which C. at which D. to which ‎17. The hours ____ the children spend in their one-way relationship with television ‎ people undoubtedly affected their relationships with real-life people.‎ A. when B. that C. in which D. on which ‎18. This summer, part of Southeast China was struck by floods, from ____ effect the ‎ people are still suffering.‎ A. which B. whose C. its D. that ‎19. Nowadays teenagers like to go to fast food restaurants, ____ as the name suggests, ‎ eating doesn't take much time.‎ A. who B. where C. which D. what ‎20. Miss Green took up the story at the point ____ the thief had just made off with the ‎ jewels.‎ A. where B. which C. as D. when ‎21. She said that the building would be finished by October, ____ I doubted very much.‎ A. that B. which C. when D. this ‎22. There are two rooms on the first floor, ____ is used as a guest room.‎ A. a smaller of which B. a smaller of them C. the smaller of which D. the smaller of them ‎23. This is Mr. White, ____ I think has something interesting to tell you.‎ A. which B. whom C. that D. who ‎24. Barbara went to the States a couple of years ago, by ____ time she had learned to ‎ dance and act in comedies.‎ A. which B. that C. what D. whose ‎25. ____ is often the case with children, Amy was completely better by the time the ‎ doctor arrived.‎ A. Which B. That C. As D. It ‎26. She'll never forget her stay there ____ she found her son who had gone missing two ‎ years before.(2017四川卷)‎ A. that B. which C. where D. when ‎27. Life is like a long race ____ we compete with others to go beyond ourselves.(2017重 庆卷)‎ A. why B. what C. that D. where ‎28. They've won their last three matches, ____ I find a bit surprising actually.(2017辽宁 卷)‎ A. that B. when C. what D. which ‎29. I was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, a city ____ name will create a picture of ‎ beautiful trees and green grass in our mind.(2017湖南卷)‎ A. which B. of which C. that D. whose ‎30. — What do you think of teaching, Bob?‎ ‎— I find it fun and challenging. It is a job ____ you are doing something serious but ‎ interesting.(2017北京卷)‎ A. where B. which C. when D. that 定语从句考点:‎ ‎1-5 ABACB  6-10 BDABC  11-15 ABBBD ‎ ‎16-20 ABBBA  21-25 BCDAC  26-30 DDDDA

