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Free talk Free talk milk juice tea coffee C oke ice cream bread hot dog s French fries sandwich es hamburger s What ' s your favourite food? salad My favourite food is ice cream . Ice cream is my favourite food. A: What's your fav our ite food/drink? B: I love … It’s/ They’re … (味道) fresh delicious hot healthy sweet milk C oke juice What’s your favourite drink? tea coffee My favourite drink is is my favourite drink. milk apples bananas fruit 水果 oranges I like fruit but not bananas. vegetable s 蔬菜 I like vegetable s but not green bean s . Robin is a robot. It’s a helpful robot.It can do many things.It can cook.Today Robin will cook.Wu Yifan and his grandpa each write a letter about what they want to eat.Let’s read the two letters and see. letter  ['letə] 书信 , 信件 each  [iːtʃ] 每个;各自 letter 1.The letter is from _________ to _________ . 2.Yifan's favourite food is _________ . 3.Yifan’s favourite vegetable is _________ . Wu Yifan Robin ice cream onion 正文 结束语 署名 称呼 2.__________________ 3. ________ __________ 信 Grandpa’s favourite food is _________. chicken ___________________________ What’s grandpa’s favourite food? √ ___ 两个的;两者的 What can Robin cook? How do they feel? They are surprised ! It’s unexpected !( 出乎意料的 ) Dear Robin, My favourite food is ice cream. It is sweet. Idon’t like beef but chicken is OK. Onions are my favourite vegetable. I like salad very much. Thank you! Yifan Dear Robin, My favourite food is chicken.It is delicious. I like vegetables but Not carrots. Thanks. Grandpa Here you are. Oh, no! What do you think of Robin? He can cook. He is helpful. He can ' t use his head .( 不会动脑筋 ) He is just a robot. He’s not a nice cook. fish hot chicken beef Miss Luo Dear____ My favourite food is____. It is _______ I don’t like ___but I like ___. _____________________. Thank you! _______ pork chicken duck beef pepper tomatoes cabbages carrots celery onions potatoes mutton We must know: Balanced nutrition is good for health, especially for us. Because we are growing .Just for this, we should have a reasonable dining table. (人的身体需要各种营养,特别是同学们正处在成长的阶段,更需要有合理的饮食习惯。) Read and write 小 结 重点句型: My favourite food is/are+ 食物名称 . I like_______. I don’t like_________. Let's wrap it up 观察书本第30页配图,并自己尝试读出下列短语。 小组讨论归纳名词的复数形式的变化规律,并完成书本表格练习。 名词复数形式的变化规律: _______________________________________ 1.一般情况下,名词复数形式是在名词后面直接加 s ; 2.以 s, x,ch,sh 结尾的单词,其复数形式加 es ; 3.部分以 辅音字母+o 结尾的单词,其复数形式加 es 。 pear s carrot s noodle s hamburger s onion s potato es tomato es dress es box es class es 说说你喜欢的水果食物都有哪些,它们的味道如何。 I like __________. It's _________. I like _________. It's ___________. I like _________. They're __________________. beef delicious fish healthy apples sweet Homework 1.听光碟跟读 P29 三遍; 2. 完成 unit 3 范文 3 遍; 3. 练习本抄写 P25 和 P28 单词两行并背。

