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2019 届二轮复习书面表达专题如何润色写作的语法和词汇 1 2 3 4 书信写作增分点 2 3 4 5 外在美 : 第一印象很重要! 结构美 : 有合理的段落层次, 要点分明 句式美 : 运用得当的高级句式结构可以给文章增色不少 词汇美 : 词汇反映你知识贮存量的多少,也是衡量英语水平的一个重要标志。 衔接美 : 使用恰当的连接词 使文章上下衔接自然、条理清晰。 广一模作文内容回顾 假定你是李华。你是学生会主席。你校将于 5 月 25—30 日在广州沙面举行龙舟赛 (Dragon Boat Race) 。请根据以下内容给姐妹学校剑桥中学( Cambridge High School) 写一封邀请信。 (1) 写信目的 (2) 活动时间、地点和意义 (3) 回复时间: 2017 年 4 月 15 日前 注意: 1. 词数 100 左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节 , 以使行文连贯; 广一模邀请信 邀请信 开头:自我介绍,开门见山,说明目的。 正文:邀请内容(活动性质,地点,时间,日期),有关要求与希望。 结尾:重申对方参加的重要性,希望尽快回复。 Para1 : 自我介绍(已经给出) + 写作背景 + 写作目的 Para2 : 要点 time / place/ significance Para3 : 信件交际功能结尾 deadline for reply/ look forward/ gratitudes 相应的解题步骤 + 高分策略 1. 审题:确定体裁、时态、人称。 2. 列要点:漏掉内容要点要降低得分档次! 3. 列句子 :必要时适当增加细节。 4. 连句成文:使用适当的连接词,使行文连贯 5. 润色 : 尽力使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇; 适当使用语句间的连接成分。 6. 检查:避免低级错误。 7. 誊写:书写规范,卷面整洁。 Two simple sentences : 1. He didn’t pass the exam. 2. His family were disappointed. The first response is to use the conjunctions, such as: How to combine these two sentences? He didn’t pass the exam, so his family were disappointed. He didn’t pass the exam, and it made his family disappointed. Given several seconds, some adverbial clauses of cause may appear: His family were disappointed because he hadn’t passed the exam. As /Because he hadn’t passed the exam , his family were disappointed. His family were disappointed that he hadn’t passed the exam. How about giving more seconds? 1. He didn’t pass the exam. 2. His family were disappointed. Brain storm How to combine conjunctions adverbial clauses attributive clauses noun clauses 1.He didn’t pass the exam, which made his family disappointed. 2.The reason why his family were disappointed was that he hadn’t passed the exam. 1.That he hadn’t passed the exam made his family disappointed. 2.It made his family disappointed that he hadn’t passed the exam. 3.It was that he hadn’t passed the exam that made his family disappointed. Any more? Subject clauses More noun clauses! His family were disappointed at the news that he hadn’t passed the exam. After his family learned that he hadn’t passed the exam, they were disappointed After his family were told that he hadn’t passed the exam, they were disappointed. Object clauses Appositive clause Sometimes, clauses are tedious, so, why not refine them? Not having passed the exam, he made his family disappointed. With him not passing the exam , his family were disappointed 1.As /Because he hadn’t passed the exam , his family were disappointed. Because of his not passing the exam, his family were disappointed. Using the phrases! Having been told that he hadn’t passed the exam , his family were disappointed. After being told that he hadn’t passed the exam , his family were disappointed. His family were disappointed to be told that he hadn’t passed the exam. 2. After his family were told that he hadn’t passed the exam, they were disappointed. The reason for his family’s being disappointed was his not passing the exam. 3.The reason why his family were disappointed was that he hadn’t passed the exam. 4.That he hadn’t passed the exam made his family disappointed. His not having passed the exam made his family disappointed. He didn’t pass the exam, making his family disappointed. 5.He didn’t pass the exam, which made his family disappointed. Some students disagreed on it, who thought if they stick to exercise, they didn’t need to take tonic. And parents used tonic to pay attention to their children’s health, which will make the students under the pressure. what’s more, the price of the tonic is very high. Some students agreed on it, because they thought that the senior 3 students worked hard, and they easily felt tired, but the tonic could help them overcome. Besides, they often have no time to do exercise. Have a try! Some students disagreed on it, who thought if they stick to exercise, they didn’t need to take tonic. And parents used tonic to pay attention to their children’s health, which will make the students under the pressure. what’s more, the price of the tonic is very high. Some students gave their disapproval , thinking that it’s unnecessary for students to take tonic as long as they work out on a regular basis. In their eyes , parents’ caring with tonic brought them more pressure than health. Moreover , not every family can afford it. Some students agreed on it, because they thought that the senior 3 students worked hard, and they easily felt tired, but the tonic could help them overcome. Besides, they often have no time to do exercise. Other students, however , were in favor of it , saying that nothing is more important than study, and that doing exercise was a waste of time, so they worked full days without any rest , thus making them easily felt tired. As a result , they rely on taking tonic to recover themselves. 相应的解题步骤 + 高分策略 1. 审题:确定体裁、时态、人称。 2. 列要点:漏掉内容要点要降低得分档次! 3. 列句子 :必要时适当增加细节。 4. 连句成文:使用适当的连接词,使行文连贯 5. 润色 : 尽力使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇; 适当使用语句间的连接成分。 6. 检查:避免低级错误。 7. 誊写:书写规范,卷面整洁。 已经这样做了,还是得不到第五档高分? What could have gone wrong? 我们可能忽略了什么? 我们的同学可能忽略了什么? 连贯性 coherence 衔接与连贯的异同:都是为了使行文连贯。衔接主要是强调句子外在的结合,而连贯强调内在意义的一致性。 问题之一 : 用错衔接手段 请看学生习作 1 Here I will tell you something about Chinese students' life in winter holiday. We often have a 20-day holiday during winter. Then we will finish our homework first and prepare for the coming Spring Festival. Last, we often make a plan for the next year with our family. For the first week or so, Having celebrated Chinese new year, 问题之一 : 用错衔接手段 阅读学生习作 2, 并试修改 When it comes to the lives of winter holidays, let me tell you something about Chinese students. First, usually we have about 20-day holidays. Second, I think that during this time, we'll have many activities, such as cleaning the house to prepare the New year, making dumplings to celebrate the spring festival and so on. 问题之一 : 用错衔接手段 阅读学生习作 2, 并试修改 When it comes to the lives of winter holidays, let me tell you something about Chinese students. First, usually we have about 20-day holidays. Second, I think that during this time, we'll have many activities, such as cleaning the house to prepare the New year, making dumplings to celebrate the spring festival and so on. Let me tell you something about the winter holiday life of Chinese students. Usually we have a winter break of about 20 days. During these days, we'll ... 问题之二 : 思维跳跃 请看学生习作 3 From my perspective, the life of winter holiday is wonderful. It will last for 20 days or so. During these days, we will try our utmost to relax ourselves. The more we relax, the more energetic we will be. To begin with, we will travel to wherever we are interested. In addition, we can watch movies, do some exercises, hang out with friends and so on. More importantly, on no account can we ignore the value of reading. It can refresh our mind. Here are several options of getting relaxed. 问题之二 : 思维跳跃 阅读学生习作 4, 并试修改 Dear Bill, I am writing to tell you that I have to finish a reserach about the winter life of the Chinese and English students. So I need your help now. Knowing little of how English students spend their winter holiday, I really need your help now. 问题之三 : 过于追求高级表达而有损连贯性 请看学生习作 5 Dear Bill, Since my survey is being done, which is about winter vacation of British and Chinese students, I'm writing to know about the way in which you spend your holiday. I am working on a survey on how Chinese students and English students spend their winter holiday, and I really need your help now. 范例 1 (全文连贯流畅) Dear Bill, How are you doing? I need to accomplish a survey about the winter holiday in Britain and China, so I am writing to exchange some information with you. When it comes to the winter holiday, we Chinese students all feel excited about it, because we can have a long break of about 20 days. During the holiday , many of us will go on a trip, from which we can not only broaden our horizons but have fun. Others will take part in some winter camp to promote themselves so as to handle their study well in the next term. Above are parts of our winter holiday, what about yours in Britain? I am looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua 范例 2 (欠缺连贯) Dear Bill, How is it going? Recently , I am doing a research about winter vacations between English and Chinese students. Now, I'm writing to seek for some informa-tion. According to what I know, the winter vacation in China usually lasts for about twenty days. And in order to keep students studying, there will be some homework the students need to do. However, during the winter vacation, there is the most important festival -- Spring Festival. We will hold many celebra-tions during the festival. People in these days will get together to have a big meal. Besides, to the children's happiness, they will get lucky money from the adults. Last but not least, how do the English students spend their winter holiday? I can't wait to know it! I am looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua 范例 2 (修改建议) Dear Bill, How is it going? Recently , I am doing a research about winter vacations between English and Chinese students. Now, I'm writing to seek for some informa-tion. According to my knowledge , the winter vacation in China usually lasts for about twenty days. Long as it may seem, there are always some homework assigned by school to keep students busy . Chinese students, however, still love winter vacation due to Spring Festival, during which we will hold many celebrations. Famile members will get together to enjoy a big meal; to children's delight , they will get lucky money from the adults. Everyone wears a smile on their face. How do the English students spend their winter holiday? I can't wait to know it! I am looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua 1. 审题:确定体裁、时态、人称。 2. 列要点:漏掉内容要点要降低得分档次! 3. 列句子 :必要时适当增加细节。 4. 连句成文:使用适当的连接词,使行文连贯 5. 润色: 尽力使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇 ; 适当使用语句间的连接成分 。 6. 检查:避免低级错误。 检查全文是否连贯。 7. 誊写:书写规范,卷面整洁。 相应的解题步骤 + 高分策略 祝大家: 更上一层楼!

