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概要写作一 ‎1、阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。‎ ‎    We all have daily problems with technology, but how many of us can fix them? Mya Le Thai, a scientist from the University of California, Irvine recently discovered a process that might result in batteries that could last forever.‎ ‎    Thai said she was frustrated that the batteries for her wireless devices degraded. Over time, they failed to charge fully. Thai did not like to keep her wireless laptop connected to an electrical outlet. She decided to do something about that problem. At first, she and her team at UC Irvine thought about inventing a new battery. But as they experimented, Thai discovered something that might permit lithium-ion (锂离子)batteries to last forever. Lithium-ion batteries power most wireless devices. Over time, the batteries lose the ability to hold a charge. One of the reasons why lithium-ion batteries degrade is their use of nanowires (纳米线) to carry electricity. Nanowires are extremely thin. They are extremely efficient carriers of electricity, which makes them useful in batteries. But their thinness also makes them weak. ‘‘Nanowires break over time," she said. “That’s why they lose capacity.’’‎ ‎    But, Thai had a theory: The nanowires might last longer if covered with a gel. She and the team tested her theory. “ It was a long process and a lot of work," Thai said. The team tried many coverings for the wires. The nanowires were coated with a gel, PMMA, and cycled through charging 200,000 times. The gel showed no evidence of damage. The results suggested that batteries could last forever without losing charging ability.‎ ‎    Thai said 200,000 cycles amount to about three months on just one device. Thai hopes to continue her research to see if any other gel could work better.‎ ‎    Thai tells VOA she is enjoying the publicity about her discovery. She said she never expected her research to getmedia coverage. “It’s kind of cool,” she said. “I’m really glad people are showing interest in my work—not just in thework itself, but also in technology and energy.”‎ ‎2、阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。‎ ‎    You might think that whether you choose a blue shirt or a yellow one to wear to work or college makes no difference to your day and those around you. However, an increasing number of experts argue that the colors we choose affect our mood, our career prospects and even our health.‎ ‎    The power of color has been used for centuries and we should be making the most of it in our lives. Color affects us to a greater degree than most of us realize. It is used increasingly by psychologists and therapists for influencing mood and state of mind, and for various types of treatments when we are ill. Some people even believe that the blind can benefit from the “vibrations(震动)” that color gives off.‎ ‎    Companies use color to great effect to encourage us to buy their products. For example, purple is seen as creative and mixes well with red, to show that a company has ideas and the power to make them happen. Orange and blue are also recommended colors for companies to use, because orange is the color of communication and blue suggests safety and security. So this could be a particularly good combination. Companies have found certain colors “speak” to specific age groups. They often use red to attract younger people to their products, for example, as it is vibrant and more youthful than colors like gold and navy, which older customers seem to prefer.‎ ‎    Wearing different colors can affect how you feel and how others react to you, so it is important to consider this when deciding what to wear in the morning. If you want people to take you seriously, then wearing navy blue or black is good. Blue would also be helpful for an interview or oral examination because it relaxes you and makes you feel calm. Red gets you noticed by everyone and makes you, the wearer, feel energetic, but be careful, as it can raise your pulse rate and not everyone wants this effect.‎ ‎    So think carefully before you leave the house. The colors you choose are a wonderful tool. Are you making the right impression—on yourself and on others?‎ ‎3、阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。‎ ‎    A new, first-of-its-kind study examines the connection between teacher burnout and students’ stress levels. Researchers from the University of British Columbia collected saliva(唾液) samples from over 400 elementary school children,grades four to seven,at 17 public schools. Cortisol(皮质醇) levels were then assessed from the samples as the hormone is commonly used as a biological indicator of stress. Correspondingly, teacher burnout was determined through survey results.‎ ‎    Investigators found that in classrooms where teachers experienced more burnout, or feelings of emotional exhaustion, students’ cortisol levels were elevated (提升). Higher cortisol levels in elementary school children have been linked to learning difficulties as well as mental health ‎ problems. The study appears in the journal Social Science & Medicine. "This suggests that stress contagion might be taking place in the classroom among students and their teachers," said Eva Oberle, PhD, the study’s lead author.‎ ‎    Indeed, the relationship between student stress and teacher burnout is a chicken and egg question. "It is unknown what came first, elevated cortisol or teacher burnout. We consider the connection between student and teacher stress a cyclical problem in the classroom. ” Oberle said a stressful classroom climate could be a result of inadequate support for teachers,which may impact teachers’ ability to effectively manage their students. A poorly managed classroom can contribute to students' needs not being met and increasing stress. This could be reflected in elevated cortisol levels in students.‎ ‎    Alternatively, stress could originate from students, who may be more challenging to teach because of increases in anxiety,behavioral problems,or special needs. In this case,teachers could feel overwhelmed and report higher levels of burnout.‎ ‎    "Our study is a reminder of the systemic issues facing teachers and educators as classroom sizes increase and supports for teachers are cut,’’ said Oberle. “ It is clear from a number of recent research studies that teaching is one of the most stressful professions, and that teachers need adequate resources and support in their jobs in order to battle burnout and relieve stress in the classroom,” said the University of British Columbia education professor Kimberly Schonert Reichl, PhD, the study’s co-author. “If we do not support teachers, we risk the damage of students.”‎ ‎4、阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。‎ ‎    While contact between adolescents (between the ages of fifteen and nineteen) and their peers(同龄人) is a universal characteristic of all cultures, the nature and the degree of such contact vary a great deal. In American contemporary society, adolescents spend much more time with their peers than with younger children or adults.‎ ‎    This pattern of age segregation(隔离) in American society did not become usual until the beginning of the industrialized society. Changes in the workplace separated children from adults, with adults working and children attending school. The dramatic increase of mothers in the ‎ workplace has further contributed to the reduction in the amount of time adolescents spend with adults.‎ ‎    School reform efforts during the nineteenth century, which resulted in age-segregated schools and grades, have reduced the amount of time adolescents spend with younger children.‎ ‎    Finally, the changes in population are considered a factor that may have contributed to the emergence of adolescent peer culture. From 1955 to 1975, the adolescent population increased dramatically, from 11 percent to 20.9 percent. This increase in the number of adolescents might be a contributing factor to the increase in adolescent peer culture in terms of growth in size as well as in terms of its impact on society's other cultures ( adults, younger children).‎ ‎    Research supports the view that adolescents spend a great deal of time with their peers. Reed Larson and his colleagues examined adolescents’ daily activities and found that they spend more time talking to their friends than engaging in any other activity. In a typical week, high school students will spend twice as much time with their peers as with adults. This gradual withdrawal from adults begins in early adolescence. In sixth grade, adults ( excluding parents) account for only 25 percent of adolescent social networks. Another important characteristic of adolescent peer culture is its increasingly autonomous(自治的) function. While childhood peer groups are conducted under the close supervision of parents,adolescent peer groups typically make an effort to escape adult supervision and usually succeed in doing so.‎ ‎5、阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。‎ ‎    There is some unwelcome news for students preparing for exams and officers putting in long hours—you don’t need the break as much as you may think that makes you feel less tired.‎ ‎    Scientists have long assumed that willpower is a limited resource, which is why you feel the need to have a rest, have a snack and come back to a task when you’re feeling better. They argued that the only way to restore willpower is by rest, food or entertainment.‎ ‎    But psychologists have challenged this theory, saying weak willpower is all in your head. They found that people’s beliefs in willpower determine how long and how well they’ll be able to work on a tough mental exercise. “ If you think of willpower as something that's limited, you're more likely to be tired when you perform a difficult task," said Prof. Veronika Job. “But if you think of willpower as something that is not easily used up, you can go on and on.”‎ ‎    The researchers designed four experiments to test students' beliefs in willpower. After a tiring task, those, who believed or were led to believe that willpower is a limited resource, performed worse on standard concentration tests than those who thought of willpower as something they had more control over. They also found that leading up to final exam week, students who believed the limited resource theory ate junk food 24 percent more often than those who believed they had more control in resisting temptation (诱惑).‎ ‎    According to Mr. Job, the theory that willpower is a limited resource is interesting, but it has had unintended consequences. Students who may already have trouble studying are being told that their power of concentration is limited, and they need to take frequent breaks. But a belief in willpower as a non-limited resource makes people stronger in their ability to work through challenges.‎ ‎    The findings could help people who are battling temptation. Willpower isn't driven by a biologically based process as much as we used to think. The belief in it is what influences your behavior.‎ ‎6、阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。‎ ‎    Uploading countless selfies(自拍照), writing personal status updates,and checking your messages every other minute seem like just a part of modem daily life, right? These are the markers of the relationship we all have with social media now, which started out just as a way to communicate with one another.‎ ‎    According to a recent study by experts at the University of Georgia, there may be more to it than that. The findings suggested some unmistakable correlations between social media use and what’s known as “grandiose narcissism (浮夸的自恋)”.‎ ‎    So, when does social media use become a problem? The University of Georgia carried out the research according to the following questions : How long do people spend on social media? How often do they tweet or update status? How many friends or followers do they have? How many selfies do they tend to post? If you do all the above things, it likely sends signals about your personality.‎ ‎    All of these online actions have one thing in common : They are all ways in which we try to promote ourselves online. Therefore, it9s how you use the platform that counts.‎ ‎    Then, exactly how much time spent online is too much? The researchers didn't measure. However, another study from Baylor University listed SALIENCE (social platforms becoming necessary in your daily life) and EUPHORIA (the feeling of excitement when you use them) among other things as signs of addiction. That is to say, if you are constantly engaged with social media on a daily basis, it could be a sign that you have a negative relationship with it.‎ ‎    Therefore, it’s how you use the platform that matters. Social media itself means no harm. Instead, more benefitscan be got if you use it carefully and wisely.‎ ‎7、阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。‎ ‎    American English began in the 17th century. At the beginning of the 17th century, the English language was brought to North America by colonists from England. They used the language spoken in England, that is, Elizabethan English, the language used by Shakespeare.‎ ‎    In order to exploit new resources in America, British colonists settled down there and from 1607 to 1732 set up thirteen colonies, including Virginia, North Carolina,Georgia, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. In these thirteen areas, English was a common language used by all people. The first colonists established the English form in America.‎ ‎    As time went by, the English language gradually changed on both sides of the Atlantic. Foreigners longing for wealth set foot on the coastal area to trade. Americans adopted many words from foreign languages and invented numerous new words to meet their commercial needs.‎ ‎    Following American Independence, famous people like Thomas Jefferson, the President, began to consider that the country should have a language of its own. Noah Webster compiled (编撰) three elementary books on English. Later, he expressed the idea that as an independent nation, America should have a system of its own in language as well as in government. After the second half of the 19th century, many great writers such as Mark Twain helped the development of American English.‎ ‎    English in America has developed a character of its own, reflecting the life and the physical and social environment of the American people. Since the rise of the United States to a position of world importance, American English has been developing and changing. There is no doubt that American English will enrich the English language greatly. With the rapid development of modem ‎ mass media and the common needs of economic, cultural and politicalexchanges, American English will be more widely used in the world than British English.‎ ‎8、阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。‎ ‎    Life doesn’t always turn out the way we’d like. When situations take an unfriendly turn, we become upset, frustrated, and angry. When others don't agree with us, live their lives the way we think they should not, or act in a manner we find disturbing, anger is a typical reaction. It seems that we feel anger gives us the momentary feeling of power in a situation where we feel we have lost authority. However,in fact,with the exception of a few cases,an angry reaction rarely improves the situation. It only makes the situation worse. Thoughtful consideration of what feelings and replies are most advantageous actually restores real power. So consider the following alternatives to anger.‎ ‎    One is compassion, which consists of both understanding and empathy. If we view an individual whose behavior we find unacceptable, we should think each person has a right to live life according to their beliefs, dreams, needs and so on. Even if someone is acting improperly, you should understand them rather than get bent out of shape. If they are struggling, lost, or in pain, you should choose to feel empathy for their suffering, hoping that they will soon pass through their current challenge to a more joyful place. If you do so, your anger will disappear.‎ ‎    Humor is another powerful tool for stopping anger because it can help you stay calm when things get bad. Sometimes we take life far too seriously. That is bad for us and anger is easy to happen. We need to use humor to turn any serious situation into a light one. Humor acts as a protective barrier to emotional pain.‎ ‎    Therefore, when others behave badly, find it in your heart to forgive them for their unwise behavior rather than complain. When life hands you the exact opposite of what you requested, take no notice of it instead of getting angry. After all, the bad situation is only temporary. So choose these alternative reactions to soften our heart and prevent anger from happening so that we can enjoy our life to the fullest.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 答案以及解析 ‎1答案及解析:‎ 答案:    Do you look forward to one day when batteries are durable? Mya Le Thai and her team have realized our dream and would like to share their invention with the public.(要点 1) Watching carefully, they discovered what might fail batteries and advanced the relative energy-saving technology.(要点 2) Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.(要点 3)Naturally, it took them a long time to make the invention over and over again.(要点 4) (71 words)‎ 解析:‎ 审题分析 审题:‎ ‎①审要求:从命题形式看,本题属于概要写作,文章体裁属于应用文;‎ ‎②审人称、审时态:以第三人称和过去时态为主;‎ ‎③审要点:阅读文章,获取材料信息,整合同类有关研究实验的大量信息,划分层意,总结要点。‎ 精彩点评 ‎1.概要以设问句开头点题,对全文进行总结,巧妙地把文章信息点整合在一起。‎ ‎2. 概要有效使用了过渡词语、串句成段。‎ ‎3. 概要重视高级句式的运用。如what引导名词性从句,it作形式主语等。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎2答案及解析:‎ 答案:‎ ‎    Colors, whose power can be greater than expected, are believed to affect our mood, career and health.(要点 1) They’re increasingly used to influence our state of mind and treat illness.(要点 2) So companies employ colors to promote sales, considering the image they convey and age groups they attract.(要点 3) As colors of clothes can affect people's feelings, deciding what to wear matters in making the right impression.(要点 4) (64 words)‎ 解析:‎ 审题分析 这篇说明文首先讲述的是颜色在我们日常生活和工作中有重要的影响一一影响自己和他人的情绪,且其程度超越了我们的预料;接着具体介绍了各种颜色的象征意义,这部分可以略写;最后作者提出了建议——这是本文写作的目的;故习作者要准确把握原文要点,取舍原文信息,考究词句,注意做到言简意赅,行文流畅,表达自如。‎ 精彩点评 习作者对原文内容做了适当的取舍,详略得当,概述了原文要点;所遣之词含义丰富;高级句型使用得十分传神,表达有力;句间过渡自然,语言流畅,是篇难得的范文。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎3答案及解析:‎ 答案:    A new research shows that student strain often coexists with teacher exhaustion.(要点 1) Students,who find their requirements unsatisfied as a result of teachers9 low-level management over class, may feel overwhelmingly stressed.(要点 2) Conversely, teachers, who encounter great teaching challenge from students, tend to be burned out.(要点 3 ) Therefore, more sufficient resources and support for teachers should be guaranteed, or students are likely to be ruined.(要点 4) (63 words )‎ 解析:‎ 审题分析 这是篇难度很大的应用文,讲述的是英国科研人员通过对学生唾液取样化验分析发现,课堂上教师感到疲惫会加深学生的紧张感;而学生的紧张又会使教师感到更加疲劳;究其原因乃是师资不足,教师压力大,社会支持力度不够;故改变当下的教育现状势在必行;原文难度虽然很大,但习作者如果能选取主要信息,把握原文的要点,理清写作思路,考虑使用概述性强的词句,还是能写出言简意赅、行文流畅且过渡自然的佳作来的 精彩点评 这篇习作精确地概述了原文的要点;逻辑严谨,行文流畅,过渡自然;本文最大的亮点是使用的词汇和高级句型——使用的词汇信息量大,使用的句型概述性强,真正达到了惜墨如金而言简意赅的程度;总之,这是篇佳作。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎4答案及解析:‎ 答案:    There are some causes of the birth of adolescent peer culture, where adolescents spend more time with their peers.(要点 1 ) Firstly, changes in the workplace reduce the amount of time adolescents spend with their parents.(要点 2) And school reforms result in their less lime spent with younger children.(要点 3) Additionally, the increase in adolescent population is another ‎ contributing factor.(要点 4) Autonomy is another characteristic of adolescent peer culture, which means they usually manage to escape adult supervision.(要点 5) (67 words)‎ 解析:‎ 审题分析 这是篇说明文,以美国社会为例具体讲述了青少年同辈文化概念,它是怎样形成的以及促进其发展的因素;习作者在准确把握上述要点的基础上,对原文的信息进行取舍,精选词句,串句成段, 力求详略得当;同时要注意使用好适当的连词,使行文连贯,过渡自然。‎ 精彩点评 习作者准确地把握了原文的要点,写出了层次清楚、详略得当、逻辑严谨、过渡自然且行文连贯的概要;此外,高级词汇和高级句型使用得当,使习作增分生色,成为佳作。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎5答案及解析:‎ 答案:    Based on a recent report, having a rest to refresh yourself is not so essential as expected.(要点 1) Willpower, assumed limited by some scientists, is to be regained only by rest, food, as well as entertainment.(要点 2) However, this theory has been challenged. (要点 3) Researchers conducted experiments, discovering that if you believe that willpower is limitless, you will be more powerful, which will help to resist temptation.(要点 4) (63 words)‎ 解析:‎ 审题分析 这是篇说明文,主要讲述的是人们以为意志力是有限的,因此在累了的时候就得休息、吃点小吃并等到感觉好点的时候再回去工作;然而,研究表明上述的假想是错误的一人的意志力是无限的,如果认识到这一点,你就会更强,更能抵制诱惑;反之,就会于学习、工作乃至人的行为有害;习作者把握上述要点,理清写作思路,认真精选词句即可成文。‎ 精彩点评 这篇习作全面而精练地概述了原文的要点;层次清楚,语句通顺,行文连贯;概括性很强,达到了精练概述的效果;高级句型的使用更是“锦上添花"。总之,本文是篇佳作。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎6答案及解析:‎ 答案:‎ 高分范文 ‎    The passage is mainlv about social media, which can be a useful tool in our daily life.(要点1)But originally, the purpose of social media is to exchange information.(要点  2) Since then, social media has been widely used in all aspects.(要点 3) According lo a recent study of the University of Georgia, social media has already become a platform at present, and practically there are no limits to self-expression by social media. (要点 4) However,whether a person has social media addiction is quite measurable. (要点5)‎ ‎(82 words)‎ 标准范文 ‎    From the passage, we can know that the author thinks that social media can be a useful tool in our life.(要点 1) As we also know, the original purpose of social media is to exchange information.(要点 2) At present, we make full use of it.(要点 3) According to the research of the University of Georgia, social media has become a stage to show oneself.(要点 4) However,from the last but one paragraph, we know whether one has social media addiction can be measured.(要点 5) (77 words)‎ 解析:思路点拨 ‎1. 严禁抄袭文章原句;‎ ‎2. 总结全文所介绍的核心话题 social media can be a useful tool in our daily life;‎ ‎3. 根据不同段落划分不同意群层次,如先介绍social media在我们日常生活中的作用,即a useful tool in our life,再叙述人们如何运用 social media等;‎ ‎4. 具体信息概括化,整合多重同类信息;‎ ‎5. 运用恰当的关联词、过渡词,如适时使用as we all know,at present,however等,并串联成句,串句成段;‎ ‎6. 注意控制词数在60左右。‎ 高分范文揭秘 ‎1. 习作者具备良好的概要写作的能力,没有漫无边际地重复某一个要点,而是让每一个要点都掷地有声,使文章脉络跃然纸上。‎ ‎2. 用词精确谨慎,所选句式难易交错,固定句式及地道的短语赋予了文章别样的风采,承接词及相关的连词的表达也非常到位, 如 but originally,since then,and practically, however 等。‎ ‎3. 适当使用语法结构和高级句式,如:which引导的定语从句, there be结构,whether引导的主语从句等;‎ ‎4. 本题满分25分,本文得24分。‎ 标准范文精彩点评 ‎1. 本篇概要写作逻辑性强,自然流畅,结构清晰,层次分明。‎ ‎2. 大胆地使用了一些高级词汇,如:social media,a useful tool in one's life, the original purpose, at present, make full use of, become a stage to show oneself 等。‎ ‎3. 承接词语的使用也极具色彩,如however,at present等。‎ ‎4. 运用了一些让人耳目一新的高级句式,使整篇文章的风采生辉增艳。如:that引导的宾语从句、as引导的非限制性定语从句等。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎7答案及解析:‎ 答案:    The passage is mainly about the development of American English which was bom in the 17th century.(要点 1) In particular, about American English, we know its development has a close relationship with American people’s life.(要点 2) What’s more, international business and trade contribute to the development of American English.(要点 3 ) Last but not least,with the development of society and economy, American English is more widely used than British English.(要点 4) (77 words)‎ 解析:‎ 审题分析 ‎1. 文章体裁属于说明文;‎ ‎2. 用第三人称进行论述,使文章逻辑性更强、更准确;‎ ‎3. 论述普遍存在的话题.故以一般现在时为主,辅之以一般过去时;‎ ‎4. 注意适当使用精彩的过渡词,使文章自然流畅、层次分明;‎ ‎5. 适当使用并挖掘精彩句式,以达到画龙点睛的效果。‎ 思路点拨 ‎1. 严禁抄袭文章原句;‎ ‎2. 总结全文所介绍的核心话题 the development of American English ;‎ ‎3. 根据不同段落划分不同意群层次,如先介绍American English was bom in the 17th century,再叙述 the development of American English 等;‎ ‎4. 具体信息概括化,整合多重同类信息;‎ ‎5. 运用恰当的关联词、过渡词,并串联成句,串句成段;‎ ‎6. 注意控制词数在60词左右。‎ 精彩点评 ‎1. 本篇概要写作逻辑性强,自然流畅,结构清晰,层次分明。‎ ‎2. 大胆地使用了一些高级词汇。如:the development of American English, in particular, have a close relationship with, contribute to,with the development of society and economy 等。‎ ‎3. 承接词语的使用也极具色彩,如in particular, what’s more, lasl but not least 等;‎ ‎4. 运用了一些让人耳目一新的高级句式,使整篇文章的风采生辉增艳。如which引导的限制性定语从句等。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎8答案及解析:‎ 答案:    The passage tells us that anger doesn't solve any problems in our daily life although it can do some good sometimes in a few cases. (要点 1) On the contrary, it only makes things worse.(要点 2) Therefore, we should ignore it. For example, compassion and humor are good ways.(要点 3) In a word, it is of great importance for us all to know how to get rid of anger.(要点 4) (65 words)‎ 解析:‎ 审题分析 ‎1. 文章体裁属于说明文;‎ ‎2. 以第三人称为主进行叙述,使文章逻辑性更强、更准确;‎ ‎3. 论述普遍存在的话题,故以一般现在时为主;‎ ‎4. 注意适当使用精彩的过渡词,如:on the contrary, therefore,in a word,for example等使文章自然流畅、层次分明;‎ ‎5. 适当使用并挖掘精彩句式,以达到画龙点睛的效果。‎ 思路点拨 ‎1. 严禁抄袭文章原句;‎ ‎2. 总结全文所介绍的核心话题 anger doesn’t solve any problems in our daily life although it can do some good sometimes in a few cases;‎ ‎3. 根据不同段落划分不同意群层次;‎ ‎4. 具体信息概括化,整合多重同类信息;‎ ‎5. 运用恰当的关联词、过渡词;‎ ‎6. 注意控制词数在60词左右。‎ 精彩点评 ‎1. 本篇概要写作逻辑性强,自然流畅,结构清晰,层次分明。‎ ‎2. 大胆地使用了一些高级词汇。如:solve anv problems, in one’s daily life, do some good, in a few cases, on the contrary,make things worse,of great importance,get rid of anger 等。‎ ‎3. 承接词语的使用也极具色彩,如on the contrary,therefore,in a word, for example 等。‎ ‎4. 运用了一些让人耳目一新的高级句式与结构,使整篇文章的风采生辉增艳。如that引导的宾语从句、although引导的让步状语从句、“how+不定式”作宾语等。‎ ‎ ‎

