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Unit one How can I get there? Read and write 教学内容与分析 1.教学内容:B( Read and write Tips for pronunciation) 2.教学目标 (1)能够在图片的帮助下读懂文本内容,如“GPS,compass,stars,in front of the cinema,behind the hospital,restaurant”。 (2)能够在语境中理解生词意义,如“ feature,works”,训练学生根据上下文猜测新 词的能力。 (3)能够按照正确的语音、语调和语气朗读文本。如,一般疑问句用升调,特殊疑问句用 降调,找到目的地后用兴奋的语气等。 (4)能够完成读后用第三人称的方式来复述短文的读写任务。 3.教学重点、难点分析: 重点: (1)能够读懂并理解全文,完成阅读理解。 (2)能根据阅读获得的信息写出文章梗概。 (3)能在教师的帮助下了解句子升降调,并正确的朗读。 难点 能够在图片与关键词组的帮助下,熟练地复述文本主要内容。 post officehospitalcinemabookstorescience museumturn leftTurn right. go straight school library zoo KFCpark cinema I want to go to the ______.Where is the ______ ? It’s next to / near the ________. How can I get there? Turn ____ at ____. …… It’s on the ____. post office near go straight hospital cinema turn left next behind library in front of bookstore turn right park on at museum restaurant beside walk Read and classify the words(读一读,给下列单词分分类吧) Tips: 1.Read by yourself.(自己读一读上面的单词) 2.Group work, check the answers.(自己完成后, 在4人小组内校对。) 3.Some signs, such as☆△○may be helpful. 一些标记可帮助你做题哦! park near go straight ☆ △ ☆ △ post office hospital cinema library bookstore museum restaurant next behind in front of on at beside turn left turn right walk They can help you find the way. Who are they? stars map compass 指南针GPS 全球卫星定位系统 find the place If you are lost迷路 in the forest, which of these can help you find the way? ( ) If you are lost迷路 in the city, which of these can help you find the way? ( ) If you are in a car, which of these can help you find the way? ( ) A : stars B: map C : compass D: GPS A C ABCD B D Robin’s feature 特点 Hi,I’m Robin. I’m a robot. I have many features. ( )I can talk. ( ) I can walk and run. ( ) I can sing a song. ( ) I can cook the meals . ( ) I can play the computer. ( ) I have GPS.I can find the way.. √ √ √ √ √ √ Robin has GPS a new feature ? Q1: What is Robin’s new feature? He can find food. He can find the way.√ Read and tick. Who gave robin a new feature? A : Mike’s Grandma B: Wu Yifan’s Grandma C: Wu Yifan’s Grandpa√ Read and underline. How can they get to the Intalian Restaurant? Underline in the text.在文章中把它画出来。 cinema Bookstore in front of the cinema go straight turn left behind the hospital turn rightturn right Q2: How many places did they pass by? pass by经过 place地方 Read, circle and answer. Can Robin help the boys find the way? Yes,he can. No,he can’t. Which word under the fourth picture means? 奏效,起作用 ________. Listen and repeat. Fill in the blanks. Then retell the story. Wu Yifan and his friend want to eat some pizza in an Italian restaurant. They ______________ and ___________________. They ___________ and then turn right again. go str aig ht turn left at the bookstore tur n rig ht Tom is in front of the . He wants to go to the . First, he turns at the first crossing. Then he goes . When he sees the traffic lights, he turns . He sees the cinema the . hos pi ta l ci nem a r i g h t st ra ig ht l e f t r i g h t o n Is there a cinema near the school? Turn left here? What an interesting film! How can I get to the bookstore? 你能标出升降调吗? Homework: Step1. 听读P8并模仿课文语调,声音,熟读课文。 Step2. 完成P10 Let's wrap it up。 Step3. 听写四会单词,句子。下节课老师听写考核。 Step4. 根据今天所教,用升降掉符号标注P8对话。 Step5. 预习P10,故事时间。 Features: GPS find the way Where: restaurant Places: cinema bookstore hospital restaurant How: in front of first go straight turn left turn right turn right

