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‎2019届二轮复习语法专题非谓语动词(三)过去分词教案 ‎( 三)过去分词: ‎ ‎1、过去分词的基本用法:过去分词只有一种形式,也没有主动语态,它所表示的动作是一个被动的或是已完成的动作。过去分词在句中也可用作定语、表语、宾语或状语等成分。过去分词在句中作某种成分时,其逻辑主语一般为该分词所表示的动作的承受者,如: ‎ ‎(1)作定语:过去分词作定语时,如果这个分词是一个单词,就位于其修饰的名词之前,如果是分词短语,就位于其修饰的名词之后。被过去分词所修饰的名词,就是该分词的逻辑主语,如:The stolen car was found by the police last week. ‎ ‎(2)作表语:过去分词作表语时,表示其逻辑主语所处的状态,其逻辑主语就是句中的主语,如:The glass is broken.这个玻璃杯是破的。 注:过去分词作表语时,和动词的被动语态结构相似,但两者表达的意义不同,如:The glass was broken by my little brother.这个玻璃杯是被我小弟弟打破的。作表语用的过去分词在许多词典中已列为形容词,如:crowded, devoted, discouraged, done, dressed, drunk, experienced, frightened, gone, hurt, interested, killed, known, learned, lost, pleased, satisfied, shut, surprised, tired, undressed, worried, astonished, broken, completed, covered等。 ‎ ‎(3)作宾语补足语:过去分词作宾语补足语时,句中的宾语就是其逻辑主语,如:When I opened the door, I found the ground covered by fallen leaves. 注:动词have后的复合宾语中,宾语补足语如为过去分词,常表示该分词所表示的动作是由别人来执行的而不是句中主语自己来执行的,如:I had my bike repaired yesterday. 昨天我(找别人)把我的自行车给修了。 ‎ ‎ (4)作状语:过去分词作状语时,相当于一个状语从句,该结构的逻辑主语一般都是主句的主语,是过去分词所表示意义的逻辑宾语。为了使作状语的过去分词意义更加明确,常在分词前加when, if, while, though, as等连词,如:Seen from the hill/ When seen from the hill, our town looks beautiful.; Given more time/ If given more time, we could have done it better.(we是该 结构的逻辑主语,是give的逻辑宾语。) ‎ 独立主格:上述-ing和过去分词的用法中,-ing和过去分词在句中均有逻辑主语,但有时它们也能有 自己的独立的主语,这种独立的主语,一般为名词或代词,位于其前之前,和-ing或过去分词构成独立主格。独立主格在句中一般只作状语用,而-ing和过去分词作用的形式,则要根据它们所表示的动作和句中谓语动词所表示的时间关系而定。至于独立主格中是使用-ing或是过去分词,则要根据它们的主语和其所表示的动作的主动被动关系而定,如:The bell ringing, we all stopped talking. 注:The work having been finished, she sat down to have a rest. ①独立结构中的being或having been常可省去,如:The meeting (being) over, all left the room. ②作伴随状语的独立结构常可用with短语来代替,如:She read the letter, tears rolling down her cheeks./ She read the letter with tears rolling down her cheeks. ‎ ‎2、-ing形式与过去分词的区别: ‎ ‎(1)语态不同:-ing形式表示主动概念,及物动词的过去分词表示被动概念。an inspiring speech鼓舞人心的演说;the inspired audience受鼓舞的听众。 (2)时间关系不同:现在分词所表示的动作一般是正在进行中的动作,而过去分词所表示的动作,往往是已经完成的动作,如:The changing world正在发生的世界;the changed world已经起了变化的世界。‎ 易错易混点 ‎ ‎1.疑问词 + 动词不定式:疑问代词和疑问副词后可加动词不定式构成不定式短语,在句中可作主语、表语或宾语,如:How to prevent them from swimming in this river is a problem. ‎ ‎2.动词不定式的否定式:由not + 动词不定式构成.‎ ‎ 3.v.-ing形式与动词不定式在句中作主语、表语、宾语时的区别。 ‎ v.-ing形式:表示抽象或泛指的动作。 ‎ 不定式:表示具体某一次的动作。 ‎ She likes playing the piano, but she doesn't want to play it today. ‎ ‎ 4.v.-ing形式与动词不定式在句中作定语的区别。 ‎ v.-ing形式:动作与谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生。 ‎ 不定式:动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之后。 ‎ eg. The girl writing a letter there can speak English very well. ‎ I have three letters to write. ‎ ‎5.v.-ing形式与动词不定式在作宾语补足语时的区别。 ‎ ‎(1)不定式作宾补时,其动作一般发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之后, ‎ 如:I have told them to come again tomorrow. ‎ ‎(2)在see, watch, hear, feel等之后,如果用v.-ing形式作宾补,表示其动作正在进行中,而 用不带to的不定式作宾补时,不定式所表示的动作是一个动作的过程, ‎ 如:I hear her singing in the room. 我听见她正在屋里唱歌。 ‎ I hear her sing in the room. 我听见她在屋里唱过歌。‎ ‎6.v.-ing形式与动词不定式在句中作状语的区别。 ‎ v.-ing形式:表示时间、原因、方式或伴随情况。 ‎ 不定式:作目的或结果状语。 ‎ ‎7.v.-ing形式与过去分词的区别: ‎ ‎(1)语态不同:v.-ing形式表示主动概念,及物动词的过去分词表示被动概念。 ‎ an inspiring speech鼓舞人心的演说 the inspired audience受鼓舞的听众 ‎ ‎(2)时间关系不同:现在分词所表示的动作一般是正在进行中的动作,而过去分词所表示 的动作,往往是已经完成的动作,如: ‎ the changing world正在变化的世界 the changed world已经变化了的世界 ‎ ‎8.独立主格结构:有时v.-ing和过去分词在句中也有自己的独立的主语,这种独立的主语 一般为名词或代词,和v.-ing还有过去分词构成独立主格结构。该结构在句中一般只作状语。 独立主格中是使用v.-ing还是过去分词,则要根据它们的主语和其所表示的动作的主动或被 动关系来定,如:The bell ringing, we all stopped talking. ‎ 注意:①独立结构中的being或having been常可省去,如: ‎ The meeting_(being)_over, all left the room. ‎ ‎②作伴随状语的独立结构常可用with短语来代替, 如: ‎ She read the letter, tears rolling down her cheeks. ‎ ‎= She read the letter with tears rolling down her cheeks.‎ 非谓语的解题步骤或思路 (1) 先判断空格部分所需的是主句,从句还是非谓语动词。 ‎ 独立的句子, 从句或非谓语 ‎ 独立的句子 加句号,分号或破折号的话,后再加一个独立的句子。 ‎ 独立的句子,(逗号) 有and, but, so 等词 加独立的句子。 ‎ ‎(2)再根据主句的主语,来判断主动或被动; ‎ ‎(3)接下来再判断时态, ‎ ‎(4)如果是否定的话,not一定要放在非谓语的前面 ‎ ‎(5)一定不要忘记主语一致的原则,如果不一致的话,要把非谓语的独立主语加上。‎ 非谓语常见的位置,或在句子中所担当的成分 ‎ (1) 非谓语动词短语, + 主句 或者是 主句, 非谓语动词短语 ‎ 这时的非谓语动词短语起到状语的作用 ‎ 例如: influenced by the growing interest in nature, more people enjoy outdoor activities. ‎ 在这种情况下,首先,找出主句的主语,然后以主句的主语为出发点,来判断非谓 语动词是主动还是被动,如果已有的非谓语动词的主语和主句主语不一致,还要 考虑独立主格结构,也就是把非谓语动词的自己的主语加上去: ‎ 例如: All flights having been cancelled , they decided to take the train. 其次,把非谓语动词和主句的动词比较,看是否同时发生还是有明显的先后。 ‎ (1) 跟在介词,动词或某些形容词的后面固定搭配 ‎ 只接动词-ing形式而不接不定式作宾语的动词有: admit 承认 appreci ate 感激 avoid 避免 put off 推迟 keep 保持 consider 考虑 delay/ postpone 耽搁 dislike 嫌恶 resist 抵制 mention 提及 enjoy 喜欢 escape 避免 excuse 原谅 practice 练习 mind介意 fancy想不到 feel like 意欲 finish 完成 risk 冒险 include 包括 forgive 原谅 give up 放弃 suggest 建议 miss 逃过 imagine 想象 can’t help 情不自禁 involve 需要 can’t stand 无法忍受 understand 理解 ‎ 常见的带介词to的短语: be used to 习惯 be related to 与……有关 get down to 着手做 contribute to 贡献 put one’s mind to 全神贯注于 give rise to 引起 be equal to 胜任 devote oneself to 献身于 lead to 导致 be opposed to 反对 look forward to 盼望 object to 反对stick to 坚持 pay attention to 注意 ‎(3) 介词后一定要加动词的-ing 形式; ‎ ‎(4) 跟在名词后面做定语时, 一般不用having done/ having been done 结构 ‎ ‎(5) 放在句首做主语 , 一般用动词的ing 和to do … ‎ 特殊的非谓语短语 Generally speaking 一般来说 Considering …. 考虑到,鉴于 Time/weather permitting 时间、天气允许的话 Taking …into account 考虑到 Taking …into consideration 考虑到 Provided …假如 Providing…假如 Suppose…假如 Supposing…假如 Judging from/ by…根据…判断 Given sth 假如,如果;鉴于,考虑到 Given that…假如,如果;鉴于,考虑到 including sth (sth included)包括某事 非谓语动词易错题型练习 ‎1 (1)I regret ____ you that your mother is absent in Beijing. ‎ ‎⑵I don’t regret ____ her what I thought even if it might have upset her. A. to tell B. to telling C. having told D. tell ‎ ‎2. ⑴We don’t allow _____ in the reading room. ‎ ‎⑵We don’t allow them _____ in the reading room. A. to smoke B. smoking C. smoke D. smoked 3.(1)___hard and you’ll make rapid progress in your English learning. ‎ ‎⑵___hard, you’ll make rapid progress in your English learning. A. Working B. To work C. Work D. Worked 4. ⑴_____ , we went for a swim in the river. ‎ ‎⑵_____, so we went for a swim in the river. A. Being hot B. It being hot C. As it hot D. It was hot 5.⑴I can’t help ____ when I hear that terrible noise. ‎ A. laughing B. laughed C. laugh D. being laughed (2)I can’t help ____ the room, for I am very busy now. ‎ A. clean B. cleaning C. have clean D. cleaned 6.⑴_____from the tower, Dalian looks more beautiful. ‎ ‎⑵_____ from the tower, we can see our beautiful city . A. Seeing B. Seen C. To see D. Having seen 7. ⑴The sport meet ______ next week is of great importance. ‎ ‎⑵The sports meet ______ now is very important ⑶The sports meet ____ last week is of great importance. A. holding B. being held C. to be held D. held 8.⑴He raised his voice in order to make us ___ him. ‎ ‎⑵He raised his voice in order to make himself _____. A. heard B. hearing C. hear D. to be heard 9.(1)He stood there with his eyes _________ his mother. ‎ ‎(2)He stood there, _______his mother. A. staring at B. stared on C. fixing upon D. fixed upon 10.⑴Most of us went to see her, ____ some girls. ‎ ‎⑵Most of us went to see her, some girls ____. A. include B. including C. included D. to include 11.⑴He was surprised to see some villagers ____ there. ‎ ‎⑵To his surprise, he saw some villagers _____ themselves. ‎ A. seat B. seated C. seating D. to seat 12.⑴The man _____ Zhaosan used to live here. ‎ ‎⑵The man ____ himself Zhaosan used to lived here. A. called B. calling C. to call D. call 13.⑴He had no choice but ________ at the bus-stop in the rain. ‎ ‎⑵He had nothing to do but ________ at the bus-stop in the rain. A. to wait B. waiting C. wait D. should wait. 14.(1) I’m not free this evening because I have a lot of things ______. ‎ ‎(2) He was so lazy that he had all of his washing ______. A. to do B. to be done C. doing D. done 15.(1)He often see them _______ football on the playground. ‎ ‎⑵The missing boys were last seen _____ near the river. A. playing B. played C. play D. to play 16.(1) We are considering ___up a new factory here in this town. ‎ ‎(2) We are considering how__ up a new factory here in this town. (3) The boy is considered ____a good example to his classmates. A. setting B. to set C. to have set D. having set 17.(1) Mr Li is said ______ abroad? but I don’t know which country he studied in. (2) Mr Li is said ______ abroad? but I don’t know which country he is studying in. (3) Mr Li is said ______ abroad? but I don’t know which country he will study in. A. to study B. to have studied C. to be studying D. having studied 18. (1)I insist that you ______ me my money back. (2)I insisted on your _____me my money back. A. give B. to give C. giving D. would give ‎ ‎(3)The old man insisted that I ______ his wallet. ‎ A. has taken B. took C. should take D. had taken 19. (1)I don't enjoy _____ fun of others.‎ ‎ (2)I don't enjoy _____ fun of by others. A. to make B. to be made C. making D. being made 20.(1)If time _____, I'll go to see my friends tomorrow.‎ ‎ (2)Time _____, I'll go to see my friends tomorrow. A. permitted B. permits C. permitting D. permit 21.(1)He had no choice but ____ aloud the text in the classroom.. ‎ ‎(2)He did nothing but _____ aloud the text in the classroom.. A. reading B. to read C. read D. to be reading 22. (1)_____ a good writer, he has a lot of things to learn. ‎ ‎(2) ______ a good writer, he wrote a number of articles. A. To be B. Being C. Having D. Done 23. (1) _____ his wallet ,he became very worried. ‎ ‎(2)______in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him. A. to lose B. losing C. lost D. having been lost 24.(1) Having finished homework,______. ‎ ‎(2) Having been finished, _______. A. the homework was handed in B. the teacher praised him C. he went home with his classmates D. and he went home quickly 25. Finding her car stolen, ____. A. a policeman was asked to help B. the area was searched thoroughly C. it was looked for everyone D. She hurried to a policeman for help 26. (1) The teacher came in,____ the Ss. ‎ ‎(2) The teacher came in,____ by the Ss. A. following B. followed C. having followed D. being followed 27.(1)_____ more attention, the tree could have grown better. ‎ ‎(2) _____ a hand to the poor, he felt very happy. A. give B. given C. to give D. giving 28.(1) Look around when ____ the street. ‎ ‎(2) Look around before you ____ the street A. cross B. crossing C. be crossing D. to be crossing 29. (1)I would like to _____ the holiday with you, so I am sure I will come. (2)I would like to ____ the holiday with you, but I was really busy last week. A. spend B. spending C. have spent D. having spent 30. (1) The girl ____ in a colorful skirt looks beautiful. ‎ ‎(2) The mother ___ her son must be late for the work. A. dressed B. dressing C. dressed D. dress 易错题型1 A C 2 B A 3 C A 4 BD 5 B A 6 B A 7 C B D 8 C A 9 D A 10 B C 11 B C 12 AB 13 A C 14A D 15 C A 16 A B C 17 B C A 18 A CB 19 C D 20 B C 21 B C 22 AB 23 B C 24 CA 25D 26 A B 27 B D 28 B A 29 A C 30 A B

