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2020 年高考英语模拟试题及答案(五) 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Get involved! Make a donation! So what is rewilding? Imagine our natural habitats growing instead of shrinking. Imagine species thriving, instead of declining. That's rewilding. Rewilding is ecological restoration and a little bit more. Rewilding offers hope for wildlife, humans and the planet. Why is rewilding essential for Britain? ●Our ecosystems are broken. The places where you would expect wildlife to thrive have been reduced to wet deserts. The seabed has been damaged and stripped of its living creatures. ● Our wildlife is disappearing. Many wonderful British species have declined catastrophically over the past century. We've lost more of our large mammals than any European country except Ireland. ●We need keystone species. These vital species, including top predator(食肉动 物 ) ,drive ecological processes. Their loss in Britain and around the world has worsened our living systems. ●Nature looks after us. Good ecosystems can provide us with clean air and water, prevent flooding, store carbon, and attract visitors. Rewilding can leave the world in a better state than it is today. What are challenges? Our "rewilding britain" is a long-term project. Of course it has its challenges. Many of us feel indifferent, because we have got used to the lack of native forests. Many farmers oppose the idea. They thought it a crazy idea to bring back predators to the country because they would start killing farm animals. It takes time to educate them. Above all, we need money! So we need your help! Make a donation Help us bring back Jiving systems and restore wild nature in Britain! With your help we can... ●Open up new opportunities for rewilding and push for change. ●Develop tools to educate,influence and spread the word. Thanks for your support. 1. What can we know from the result of rewilding? A. A lot of species decline. B. Species become various. C. Ecosystems are greatly destroyed. D. The seabed has been damaged. 2. What's the greatest challenge at present? A. People's indifference B. Farmers' opposition C. Shortage of time D. A lack of fund 3. What is the purpose of the passage? A. To persuade people to change their mind. B. To call on people to make a donation. C. To convince people to care for predators. D. To warn people of the bad ecosystem. 【语篇解读】本文主要向我们介绍了"rewilding britain"这一项目是什么,它为什么对英国 乃至全世界都很重要,以及这一项目所面临的挑战,最后号召大家为这一项目募捐。 1.B 【解析】【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段“Rewilding offers hope for wildlife,humans and the planet. Rewilding 为野生动物,人类和这个星球带来了希望。”可知,rewilding 给我们带来的是积极的结果,故选 B. 2.D 【解析】【解析】细节理解题。根据 What are challenges?这一栏下的“Above all, we need money!最重要的是,我们需要钱!”所以他们面临的最大挑战是资金的缺乏,故 选 D. 3.B 【解析】推理判断题,根据文中首句小标题“Get involved!Make a donation!”,再结 合全篇文章,可推测本文的最终目的是号召大家捐款,故选 B. B When emergency workers arrive at an old firehouse in New York City, the way they greet each other is not what you might expect. These first responders say," Ni Hao! " "Ni Hao" means "hello" in Mandarin Chinese. First responders are the first emergency workers to arrive at a fire, traffic accident or other emergency. Some first responders are fire fighters, while others can be Emergency Medical Technicians. In Brooklyn, New York, over 20 first responders are studying Mandarin Chinese for about two hours a week. The class is the first of its kind. It is offered by the New York City Fire Department Foundation. The U. S. Census Bureau recently reported that some New York neighborhoods are made up mostly of immigrants. Some people have predicted that the Chinese community is likely to become New York's largest immigrant group. They think the city will have the largest Chinese community outside of Asia. The Census Bureau also found that almost 200 languages are spoken in the city. So, knowing different languages is important, especially if you are a first responder. Lieutenant( 中 尉 , 少 尉 ) Steve Lee is president of the Fire Department's Phoenix Society. He says that first responders must be able to communicate quickly and effectively when an emergency happens. He explains that first responders enter neighborhoods and communities to assist regardless of where they are from. Many times first responders do not speak the same language as the people they are called to help. He adds that it is vital, or very important, that first responders are able to communicate with the people calling for help. Without help from homeowners and others, Lee adds, discovering exactly where a fire is burning can be a real problem. First responders need to ask questions such as "What building? What address? What apartment?" And the most important question," Is there anybody left in the building and where?" 4. Who are first responders according to Paragraph 2? A. People first learning the disaster. B. Persons leading the emergency rescue. C. Rescuers first reaching the disasterD. People first find the disaster. 5. Why are the first responders in New York studying the Chinese language? A. To show respect to the Chinese immigrants. B. To learn about Chinese cultures much better. C. To meet the rapid growth of Chinese population. D. To find a better job in Chinese community. 6. What do first responders concern most? A. The place where the fire occurs. B. The people trapped in the fire. C. The language to communicate. D. The distance covered to the fire. 7. What can be a suitable title for the text? A. Mandarin Being a Must for Emergency Workers B. New York's Emergency Crews Learning Mandarin C. Language Problem Disturbing First Responders' Work D. Importance of Languages Used in Emergency Rescue 【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,本文通过一个特别的视角来说明纽约的中国移民越来越 多,导致救援人员都要开始学习中文,以便于在紧急情况下可以和中国移民顺利交流了解相关 情况。 4.C 【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段第一句 First responders are the first emergency workers to arrive at a fire, traffic accident or other emergency.可知到达现场的第 一个救援人员是应答者。故 C 项正确。 5.C【解析】推理判断题。根据第四段后两句 Some people have predicted that the Chinese community is likely to become New York's largest immigrant group. They think the city will have' the largest Chinese community outside of Asia.可知纽约最大的 移民团体是中国人,所以紧急情况之下第一个应答者要会讲中文,这是为了满足迅速增 加的这一移民团体的需要。故 C 项正确。 6.B 【解析】细节理解题。根据文章最后一句 And the most important question," Is there anybody left in the building and where?"可知救援人员最关注的是是否有人被困在 危险境地。故 B 项正确。 7.B 【解析】主旨大意题。本文通过一个特别的视角来说明纽约的中国移民越来越多,导致救 援人员都要开始学习中文,以便于在紧急情况下可以和中国移民顺利交流了解相关情况。 所以 B 项与文章主旨一致。 C I stood outside my front door catching my breath. After a lazy Christmas holiday, I had to recover from climbing stairs with carry-on bags and a suitcase. I looked up and blinked. Red tape crossed the door. I didn ’ t understand Hungarian, but the one English word said enough: “POLICE”. Google Translate told me I would be arrested if I entered, so I didn’t. Finally, I called my rental agent. He went to the police station for more details. My agent returned with authorization to enter. Not only were my files undisturbed, but so were the TV and printer. The burglars had taken a few items from the top drawer as well as a small amount of foreign currency in the bottom drawer. Somehow they hadn’t found the jewelry box in the third drawer. I was in shock. My agent’s words were fuzzy, something about fixing the locks tomorrow and making a list for the police. Then one day, I remembered that I’d left another jewelry box in the flat. My heart sank as I thought of another locket that had been in that box, a gold engraved one with a picture of my late honey Grandma inside. When I realized the box was missing, the whole experience seemed to crash down on me. I cried. At the end of January, I received a registered letter from the police. The burglar hadn’t been found, and the case was closed. I slept with my purse by my bed. I hid my laptop when I showered. And then another challenge rose. I was unexpectedly laid off. Then one July night, I reached into my third drawer, pulled out my jean shorts, and heard a small thud. I looked down and blinked: It was the tiny jewelry box I thought had been stolen six months earlier. Inside was the locket with honey Grandma smiling at me, being there for me, telling me not to give up. I started to cry. 8. What did the red tape across the writer’s door mean? A. There was a burglary here. B. The house couldn’t be entered freely. C. The rent had to be paid quickly. D. The rental agent advertised for the house. 9. What did the agent promise to do? A. To fix the locks the next day. B. To report the burglary to the police. C. To have an iron security gate fixed. D. To pay for missing things for the writer. 10. Which can best show the change of the author’s feeling after she learned of the burglary? A. puzzled→ anxious→ relaxed. B. shocked→ sorrowful→ nervous. C. shocked→ desperate→ hopeful. D. puzzled→ relieved→ confident. 11. What is the best title for the passage? A. Red Tape B. A Jewelry Box C. “Lost” SmileD. Grandma’s Advice 【语篇解读】本文是记叙文,讲述了作者在一次失窃中,原以为自己的珍贵物品——奶 奶的照片被偷了而心情沮丧,后来又偶然找到了。看到奶奶在对自己微笑,作者无比高兴。文 章表达了对奶奶照片的珍惜之情。 8.B 【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段 Red tape crossed the door. I didn’t understand Hungarian, but the one English word said enough: “POLICE” (红色胶带贴在 门上,虽然作者不懂西班牙语,但是根据上面的英语单词“POLICE”)可知,作者知道 这是警局;又根据第二段 Google Translate told me I would be arrested if I entered, so I didn’t 看出,作者觉得如果进去了会被抓,所以没有随便进去。故选 B 项。 9.A 【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段 My agent’s words were fuzzy,something about fixing the locks tomorrow and making a list for the police 可知经纪人跟作者说的 话含含糊糊,说什么明天会修好锁,会列出失窃物品的清单给警察。故选 A 项 10.C 【解析】推理判断题。第四段:I was in shock 和第五段:My heart sank 和 the whole experience seemed to crash down on me. I cried 以及最后一段:Inside was the locket with honey Grandma smiling at me, being there for me, telling me not to give up . I started to cry。这些语句描述了作者遭失窃后的情绪变化:一开始吃惊, 后来以为放奶奶照片的盒子也被偷了,就情绪低落;过了 6 个月后,偶然地发现奶奶的 照片还在抽屉的礼品盒里,在对着作者微笑,好像在告诉作者不要放弃,作者又转悲为 喜。故选 C 项。 11.C 【解析】主旨大意题。故事围绕奶奶的照片是否被盗与作者的心情变化展开,先是以为 奶奶的照片被偷了,永远失去了;六个月后又找到了,可以看出作者对奶奶的照片的珍 惜之情。故选 C 项。 D It's natural for parents to praise their children, but offering this praise could actually backfire, according to new science. In the study, researchers at Michigan State University looked at 123 children who were about 7. The team assessed the children to determine whether they had a “growth mindset" (believing that you can work harder to get smarter), or a “fixed mindset" (believing that your intelligence is unable to change). They then asked the children to complete a fast-paced computer accuracy task while their brain activity was recorded. Based on the data they collected, the researchers concluded that children with a growth mindset were much more likely to have a larger brain response after making a mistake, and in turn were more likely to improve their performance by paying closer attention to the task after making an error. While previous research has shown that people with a fixed mindset didn't want to admit they had made a mistake, this study found that children with a fixed mindset were able to — “bounce back” after making an error, but only if they gave their full attention to the mistakes. “The main implication here is that we should pay close attention to our mistakes and use them as opportunities to learn study author Hans Schroder told Science Daily. For parents, the lessons are clear — if a child hands you an A+ test, don't say “You're so smart! ” Instead, say “Wow, that studying really paid off!" or “You clearly mastered this material — way to go!" Note the effort, not the intelligence. Second, focus on using errors to work together and learn. Many teachers and parents avoid addressing children's mistakes, telling them “It's OK. You'll get it next time. . . ” Without giving them the opportunity to figure out what went wrong. Dr. Schroder says, "Instead, it's better to reassure children that mistakes happen, and to pay attention and work to figure out where and how they made the mistakes. ” 12. The underlined word “backfire" in Paragraph 1 probably means “ ” . A. make a loud noise B. leave a good impression C. have an opposite result D. produce an explosion 13. According to the text, which one belongs to the group who has a “ growth mindset" ? A. Tom manages to correct every mistake by heart. B. Mary believes her mistakes are made by chance. C. John keeps an idea that he has a good gift for studying. D. Lily thinks she can get A+ without any effort. 14. If your child gets the best mark in the test, you should . A. praise him with some delicious food and money B. comment him to be cleverer than other students C. confirm his effort that he has made for the test D. believe that he is an honest and smart child 15. What should parents do with the child's mistakes from Dr. Schroder? A. Parents should avoid talking with child about his mistakes. B. Parents should compare his mistakes with others' and criticize him. C. Parents should ignore the mistakes and believe he will do better. D. Parents should analyse the mistakes with their child patiently. 【语篇解读】这是一篇说明文。研究发现表扬孩子可能造成不好的结果。对于孩子的优秀 表现,家长应该肯定他的努力付出得到了回报,而非夸赞他的聪明;对于孩子的错误,要让他 明白究竟是什么错了,怎么错的。 12.C 【解析】词意猜测题。根据划线词所在的句子 It's natural for parents to praise their children, but offering this praise could actually backfire,可知,对于父母来说表扬 孩子是很自然的事,但是这种表扬事实上会……,由 but 可知前后句是转折意义,故推 测划线词的意思是“造成不好的结果”。C. have an opposite result(有相反的结果) 与推测意义最接近,故选 C 项。 13.A 【解析】推理判断题。根据文章第三段的 children with a growth mindset were much more likely to have a larger brain response after making a mistake, and in turn were more likely to improve their performance by paying closer attention to the task after making an error.可知具有成长心态的孩子更有可能在犯错后,并且更有可 能通过更加关注他们的错误来改善自己的表现。A. Tom manages to correct every mistake by heart.(汤姆用心纠正自己的错误)符合具有成长心态孩子的特点,故选 A 项。 14.C 【解析】细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段的 Instead, say “Wow, that studying really paid off!" or “You clearly mastered this material — way to go!"可知当孩子考试 成绩优异时,家长应该说“你的付出得到了回报”或者“你清楚的掌握了这些知识,继 续努力”。C. confirm his effort that he has made for the test(肯定他为考试做出 的努力)符合以上说法,故选 C 项。 15.D【解析】细节理解题。根据文章最后一段的 Instead, it's better to reassure children that mistakes happen, and to pay attention and work to figure out where and how they made the mistakes. 可知当孩子犯错时,家长最好告诉孩子错误已经发生了,并 且和孩子一起弄清楚什么地方错了,如何错的。D. Parents should analyse the mistakes with their child patiently.(父母应该和孩子一起耐心地分析错误)符合以 上说法,故选 D 项。 第二节 (共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。 Travelling is a very enjoyable experience as it provides an opportunity to see new things. 16. The following article discusses the advantages of traveling. Traveling gives you the opportunity to disconnect from your regular life. People all have crazy schedules, work and a family to take care of, and traveling alone or with some friends can give you distance and perhaps even make you realize how important these people are to you. 17. Another great benefit is the relaxation you get. 18. When you come back you feel energetic and you are happy to be back to your daily routine. 19. They will create a bond that nothing can erase no matter what happens to the friendship/relationship. You can create photo albums and when you feel nostalgic (对往事怀恋的) you can experience the trips again by looking at your pictures. It’s never been this cheap to travel. With increasing oil prices the cheap travel era might be coming to an end. 20. With the Internet and all the new technology, you can plan your trip exactly the way you want it. You can choose your budget, the duration of the trip and what you want to do. A. It’s nice to enjoy a stress-free time. B. As the saying goes, you never know what you have until you lose it. C. When traveling with friends or family it creates memories of a lifetime. D. Discovering different values and ways to get by in life is really interesting. E. Going on a trip means that you are most likely going to spend time outside. F. However, there are still many budget airlines fighting for your dollar right now. G. There are many benefits other than enjoying yourself that can be realized when you travel. 【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了旅行对人们的好处。 16.G 根据后文“The following article discusses the advantages of traveling”可知,旅 行有很多好处,故 G 项(除了玩得开心,旅行还有其他的好处)符合语境。 17.B 根据前文“People all have crazy schedules,work and a family to take care of, and traveling alone or with some friends can give you distance and perhaps even make you realize how important these people are to you”可知,人们平时 忙于工作和家庭,和朋友出去旅行会让你意识到他们对你有多重要,故 B 项(俗话说, 直到失去时才懂得拥有)符合语境。 18.A 根据后文“When you come back you feel energetic and you are happy to be back to your daily routine”可知,旅行回来你会感到有活力,会更好地投入到日常生活中, 故 A 项(享受没有压力的时光是很好的)符合语境。 19.C 根 据 后 文 “ They will create a bond that nothing can erase no matter what happens to the friendship”可知,它们会建立一种纽带,无论友谊如何都无法抹去, 故 C 项(与朋友或家人旅行是你一辈子的回忆)符合语境。 20.F 根据上文“With increasing oil prices the cheap travel era might be coming to an end.”可知,随着油价上涨,廉价旅行时代可能结束,此处讲的还是廉价旅行的话题, 与前面形成转折关系,故 F 项(但是,现在仍有许多廉价航空公司在努力争取你)符合 语境。 第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的 最佳选项。 The snow was falling and the roads had become dangerous. The schools were dismissed early, but much to my surprise, my 21 wasn’t canceled. So I went, feeling especially heroic. As far as I could see, I was risking my life to keep my 22 . Snow or no snow, I would be on time for my scheduled donation at the local 23 center. When I got there, I discovered I wasn’t 24 . Four more “hero-types” were already lying back in donor chairs with lines 25 to their veins, and machines quietly pumping away to 26 their lifesaving gifts. Seeing my fellow donors honoring their own commitments, I realized why I was there. I lay back in my donor chair, ready to make a difference in the life of someone I would never 27 . To be honest, I’d never really thought about why I donate. I just do it. But a few months ago, during one of my 28 donations I learned that my blood was specifically for a cancer patient and for a newborn baby—both patients needed what I would give in order to live. I’ve viewed my visits to the blood center 29 ever since. My wife Karen is a 30 , too. And more importantly, she has been on the bone marrow (骨髄) list for fifteen years, ever since she signed up to provide bone marrow to a kindergartner with leukemia (白血病). That little girl died before Karen’s bone marrow could help her, 31 Karen was called again recently. Her test results were still on file, and it turned out she was a potential 32 for someone else. The caller asked Karen if she would still be willing to become a bone marrow donor. “Yes,” she said and then immediately began answering questions on the pages of paperwork for further testing. It was a race 33 time. I wish I could say that this 34 was won. It wasn’t. The caller later thanked Karen for her participation and asked a few more questions—including whether or not she’d 35 on the donor list. “Of course,” Karen answered. Last week Karen gave blood and next week I’ll make my usual donation. I’ll 36 an afternoon from my schedule and make an appointment. I don’t know whose life my donation may 37 . Most likely it will be a 38 , but on any day the person needing a blood product could be you or me or maybe a loved one. It is worthwhile to 39 our time to donate. I really do feel 40 every time I donate. And I like the feeling. 21. A. appointment B. class C. meeting D. flight 22. A. secret B. balance C. shape D. word 23. A. service B. shopping C. blood D. care 24. A. alone B. welcome C. late D. lucky 25. A. exposed B. attached C. applied D. added 26. A. examine B. produce C. collect D. clean 27. A. meet B. forget C. miss D. recognize 28. A. regular B. unexpected C. special D. pleasant 29. A. wisely B. differently C. hesitantly D. carefully 30. A. receiver B. doctor C. patient D. donor 31. A. or B. but C. and D. for 32. A. risk B. customer C. match D. partner 33. A. beyond B. with C. against D. of 34. A. honor B. test C. prize D. race 35. A. rank B. sign C. appear D. remain 36. A. clear B. separate C. lose D. remove 37. A. touch B. affect C. create D. enrich 38. A. child B. stranger C. hero D. friend 39. A. spend B. save C. kill D. take 40. A. empty B. grateful C. proud D. nervous 【语篇解读】本文通过作者志愿参加献血的活动告诉我们:你献出的每一份小小爱心,都 可能有大影响。 21. A 考查名词。根据下文可知我要去参加献血活动。所以可知句意:下大雪了,但我的约会 没取消。A.约会;B.班级;C.会议;D.飞行。故选 A. 22. D 考查名词。因为下着大雪我还是去了,所以说我是冒着生命遵守诺言。固定短语 keep one’ s word(遵守诺言)。A.秘密;B.平衡;C.形状;D.话。故选 D. 23. C 考查名词。因为要献血,所以到达的是血液中心。A.服务;B.购物;C.血液;D.关心。 故选 C. 24. A 考查形容词。句意:当我到达那里时,我发现我不是一个人,还有几个人也来献血了。 A.独自;B.欢迎的;C.迟的;D.幸运的。故选 A. 25. B 考查动词。句意:另外四个英雄已经躺在捐赠者的椅子上,他们的血管上系着线。A.揭 露;B.附上;C.应用;D.加。故选 B. 26. C 考查动词。句意:机器静静地抽走并且收集着他们的救命礼物——血液。A.检查;B.生 产;C.收集;D.清理。故选 C. 27. A 考查动词。我献血也许会帮助某个我以前从未谋面的人。A.遇见;B.忘记;C.错过;D. 认出。故选 A. 28. B 考查形容词。句意:几年前,在一次意外的献血中,我了解到我的血液是专门给那些癌 症患者和新生儿的使用的。A.常规的;B.意外的;C.特殊的;D.高兴的。故选 B. 29.B 考查副词。句意:自从那时起,我就用不同的方式看待血液中心。A.明智地;B.不同地; C.犹豫地;D.小心地。故选 B. 30. D 考查名词。根据下文说她是在捐赠骨髓的名单上,可知句意:我的妻子一直都是一个捐 赠者。A.接受者;B.医生;C.病人;D. 捐赠者。故选 D. 31. B 考查连词。句意:那个小女孩在凯伦的骨髓可以帮助她之前就死了,但凯伦最近又被叫 到了。因为她的骨髓还能帮到其他人。A.或者;B.但是;C.和;D.因为。故选 B. 32. C 考查名词。句意:她的测试结果还在档案里,并且结果证明她仍然是一个潜在的匹配者。 A.风险;B.顾客;C.匹配者,比赛;D.搭档。故选 C. 33. C 考查介词。句意:这就是与时间赛跑。固定短语:a race against time(与时间赛跑), 故选 C. 34. D 考查名词。句意:我希望我可以说我们赢得了这场比赛。A.尊敬;B.测试;C.奖赏;D. 比赛。故选 D. 35.D 考查动词。打电话的人问凯伦是否她还在那个捐赠者的名单上。也就是是否她还愿意捐 赠。A.排名;B.签名;C.出现;D.仍然是。故选 D. 36. A 考查动词。此处是指我要在百忙之中找出一个下午去做这件事。A.清理,找出;B.分开; C.失去;D.移除。故选 A. 37.B 考查动词。句意:我并不知道我的捐赠可能会影响谁的生活。A.触摸;B.影响;C.创造; D.丰富。故选 B. 38. B 考查名词。句意:很可能那是陌生人,但有一天,需要血液制品的人可能就是你,或者 我,或者可能就是你所爱的人。A.孩子;B.陌生人;C.英雄;D.朋友。故选 B. 39. D 考查动词。句意:花费我们的时间在捐赠上还是很值得。A.花费;B.拯救;C.杀死;D. 花费。故选 D. 40. C 考查形容词。句意:每次捐赠时,我真的感觉很骄傲。我喜欢这种感觉。A.空的;B.感 激的;C.骄傲的;D.紧张的。故选 C. 第二节 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 The Great Wall of China is one of the greatest 41. (sight) in the world — the longest wall in the world. 42. (it) winding path and steep mountains take in some great scenery. The “Long Wall” has a long history—more than 2,600 years. It 43. (build) in different areas by different dynasties. In the Qin dynasty, the First Emperor of Qin linked the northern walls 44. (prevent) aggression from northern nations. In the Han dynasty, the emperors 45. wanted to protect trade on the Silk Road extended the Great Wall into today ’ s western China. The Great Wall is a building project with the longest duration and at 46. cost of lives, blood, sweat and tears. It 47. (deserve) its place among the “New 7 Wonders of the World” and the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. During the construction of the Great Wall, there were many 48. (extreme) interesting stories, such as Lady Meng Jiang weeping over her husband’s death at the Great Wall, a sad but romantic love story set in the Qin dynasty. The Great Wall of China is the must-see attraction in China. Perhaps the most 49. (power) advertising words in history come from the poetic pen of Chairman Mao, “Until you reach the Great history Wall, you’re no hero.” It means getting 50. difficulties before reaching a goal. 【答案】 41. sights 42. Its 43. was built 44. to prevent 45. who/that 46. the 47. deserves 48. extremely 49. powerful 50. over 【语篇解读】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了世界上最伟大的景观之一——中国长城。 41. 考查名词。句意:中国的长城是世界上最伟大的景观之一——世界上最长的城墙。one of + 可数名词复数,表示“……中之一”,所以填 sights。 42. 考查代词。句意:它的蜿蜒的小路和陡峭的山峦构成了美丽的风景。文中表示“它的”, 句子第一个单词的首字母大写,所以填 Its。 43. 考查时态和语态。句意:它是由不同的朝代在不同的地区建造的。描述发生在过去的事情, 用一般过去时。“它”和“建造”之间是被动关系,用被动语态,所以填 was built。 44. 考查不定式。句意:在秦朝,秦始皇把北方的城墙连接起来,以防止北方民族的侵略。作 目的状语,用不定式,所以填 to prevent。 45. 考查定语从句。句意:在汉代,皇帝想要保护丝绸之路的贸易,将长城延伸到今天的中国 西部。____5____ wanted to protect trade on the Silk Road 是一个定语从句,修饰先行词 the emperors,关系词在从句中作主语,指人,所以填 who/that。 46. 考查冠词。句意:长城是一项持续时间最长、以生命、鲜血、汗水和眼泪为代价的建筑工 程。at the cost of 以…为代价,该短语是固定短语,所以填 the。 47. 考查时态。句意:它应该被列入“世界新七大奇迹”和联合国教科文组织世界遗产。描述 主语现在的状态,用一般现在时。主语 it 是第三人称单数,谓语动词用单数,所以填 deserves。 48. 考查副词。句意:在修筑长城的过程中,有许多非常有趣的故事。该空修饰形容词 interesting,用副词,所以填 extremely。 49. 考查形容词。句意:也许历史上最有力的广告词来自毛主席的诗句:“不到长城非好汉。” 该空修饰名词 advertising words,用形容词,所以填 powerful。 50. 考查固定短语。句意:它意味着在达到目标之前克服困难。get over 克服,该短语是固 定短语,所以填 over。 第三部分 写作(共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节 短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 l 分,满分 10 分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。 Yesterday my Chinese teacher asked me recite a poem today in class. I became very anxiously at once because I had never try a poem. Then I realise that if I practised hard, I could succeed. Therefore, I decided to do his best. After I got home, I stayed in my room, spend all my time reading the poem aloud. This morning when the Chinese teachers came in, my heart raced wildly but my face went red. Though I was quite afraid to stand before my classmates, I finally remembered that what to recite. Lucky, I made no mistake at all. 【答案】 1.在 recite 之前加 to 2.anxiously→anxious 3.try→tried 4. realise→realised 5. his→my 6. spend→spending 7. teachers→teacher 8. but→and 9. 去掉 that 10. Lucky→Luckily 【语篇解读】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者接受了语文老师安排的任务—在同学面前 朗诵诗歌。作者由最初的担心害怕,经过练习和克服恐惧最终无误的完成朗诵。 1.考查非谓语动词和固定结构。句意:昨天我的语文老师让我今天在课堂上背诵一首诗。分析 句子可知 ask sb. to do sth, 意为“要求某人做某事”,故在 recite 之前添加 to。 2.考查形容词。句意:我立刻变得非常焦虑,因为我从来没有尝试过一首诗。分析句子结构可 知,become 为连系动词,之后应接形容词作表语。故将 anxiously 改为 anxious。 3.考查时态。句意:我立刻变得非常焦虑,因为我从来没有尝试过一首诗。分析句子可知为过 去完成时结构,即谓语为“had done”结构,故将 try 改为 tried。 4.考查时态。句意:然后我意识到,如果我努力练习,我可以成功。分析文章可知讲述的为过 去发生的事情,句子应用一般过去时。故将 realise 改为 realised。 5.考查人称代词。句意:因此,我决定尽自己最大的努力。分析句子可知短语结构 try one’s best,意为“尽某人最大的努力”,其中 one’s 指代主语本人“I”,应用第一人称。故将 his 改 为 my。 6.考查非谓语动词。句意:回家后,我呆在房间里,把所有的时间都花在朗读这首诗上。分析 句子可知,短语结构“spend all my time reading the poem aloud”作伴随状语,与主语 之间为主动关系,应用现在分词形式。故将 spend 改为 spending。 7.考查名词。句意:今天早上,当语文老师进来的时候,我的心狂跳起来,脸都红了。分析句 子可知 Chinese teacher 为作者的语文老师,应用单数形式。故将 teachers 改为 teacher。 8.考查连词。句意:今天早上,当语文老师进来的时候,我的心狂跳起来,脸都红了。分析句 子可知前后为并列顺承关系,应用并列连词 and。故将 but 改为 and。 9.考查句子结构。句意:虽然我很害怕站在我的同学面前,我终于记住了要背诵什么。分析可 知,remember 之后为疑问词+to do 不定式作宾语,无需引导词 that。故将 that 删掉。 10.考查副词。句意:幸运的是,我没有犯任何错误。副词位于句首作状语。故将 Lucky 改为 Luckily。 第二节 书面表达(满分 25 分) 假定你是李华,China Daily 最近拟刊登介绍中国传统文化的文章,请用英语给编辑写封 信,谈 谈自己的想法,要点如下: 1. 在你看来,最具中国特色的传统文化的是什么?(剪纸、京剧、功夫、孔子文化……) 2. 此传统文化对于中国的意义; 3. 我们应该如何更好地保护此传统文化?(不少于两点) 注意:1.词数 100 左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear editor, __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Yours, Li Hua 【范文】 Dear editor, Learning that your newspaper will carry articles about Chinese traditional culture, I’m pleased to share my ideas. From my perspective, there is no doubt that Chinese traditional culture is the carrier of Chinese history and the precious gift from the past. As for the most representative symbol, I strongly support Confucius. As a philosopher, Confucius has been influencing Chinese people since ancient times. Nowadays we can find lots of Confucius institutes around the world, which provide platforms for the foreigners to learn about Chinese culture. To preserve Chinese traditional culture, the government should strengthen regulation to protect it, and it is our responsibility to be a good steward. What ’ s more, providing various cultural exchange activities will have a far-reaching impact. Feel free to ask me if you have any other questions. Yours, Li Hua

