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‎ 戴氏教育中高考名校冲刺教育中心 学员姓名 ‎ ‎ 辅导科目 英语 就读年级 九年级 辅导教师 张老师 课 题 ‎ Unit7.Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes 教 学 目 标 本单元重点词汇及短语的掌握 重点 难点 教学过程 语录天下: ‎ ‎ Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. "What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?" "I gave it to a poor old woman," he answered. "You’re a good boy," said the mother proudly. "Here are two cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman?" "She is the one who sells the candy."‎ ‎ 单词检查 ‎ 1. 安全 ___________ 1..license________________‎ ‎2.冒烟 ___________ 2. Community____________‎ ‎3.哭 ___________ 3. Educate_______________‎ ‎4.拥抱 ___________ 4.support ______________‎ 5. 举起;抬高 _______ 5.choice ______________‎ 6. 很坏的;讨厌的_________ 6. Flash _____________‎ 7. 感到遗憾;懊悔_________ 7.enter _____________‎ 11‎ 5. 完成(困难的事)_________ 8.part-time _____________‎ ‎9.社会 _________ 9.pierce ______________‎ ‎10.机会;可能性________ 10.poem ______________‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 短语检查 ‎ ‎1.对...感到兴奋_______________ 2.确保;确信_______________‎ ‎3.迟到_______________ 4.同意..._______________‎ ‎5.对某人要求严格_______________ 6.妨碍_______________‎ ‎7.长大_______________ 8.拍照;照相_______________‎ ‎9.举起_______________ 10.回嘴;顶嘴_______________‎ ‎11.远离_______________ 12.做决定_______________‎ ‎13.钦佩;仰慕_______________ 14.进入大学_______________‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 知识网络 11‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 考点一: allow doing sth ‎ allow sb to do sth ‎ be allowed to do sth 1. Look at the sign.Smoking _________.‎ A. isn’t allowed here ‎ B.doesn’t allowed here C.aren’t allowed here ‎ 2. Students don’t allow _______anywhere.‎ A. smoke B.to smoke C.smoking 3. That young man had made so much noise that he _______attend the concert.‎ A. couldn’t have allowed B. Should not have allowed C. Should not have been allowed Keys:ACC ‎ 考点二: I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive.‎ 1. I don’t suppose anyone will volunteer,________?‎ A. do I B.won’t I C.will I 2. Mrs Black doesn’t believe her son is able to design a digital camera,_______?‎ 11‎ A. is he B.isn’t he C.does he 3. The ______action film has attracted millions of young people to the cinema.‎ A.130-minute B.130-minutes C.130 minute 考点三:I regret talking back,not listening to Mom.‎ 1. I have to walk home now. I regret______Tom my bike yesterday.‎ A. lend B.to lend C.lending 2. Where is my key? I remember________it on the table.‎ A. put B.putting C.to put 3. I regret ______you the news.It really hurt you.‎ A. tell B.told C,doing Keys:CCA CBC ‎ ‎ 考点四:The young should then look after their parents as they get older.‎ 1. I had just stepped out of the bathroom and was busily drying myself with a towel ______I heard the steps.‎ A. while B.when C.since 2. We were swimming in the lake when suddenly the storm started.‎ A. when B.while C.before 3. ‎_______the days went on, the weather got worse.‎ A. with B.while C.as 11‎ Keys:BBC 考点五:They should be allowed to practice their bobbies as much as possible.‎ 1. During my stay in Beijing,she did ________to help me.‎ A. as much as possible ‎ B. So much as she could C. As much as could 2. Some doctors are paid almost twice _____the nurses.‎ A. as much as B.as many as C.as little as 3. We walked as many as 50 miles that day.‎ A. as much as B.as many as C.as few as Key:AAB ‎ ‎ ‎ 考点六:Only then will I have a dance to achieve my dream.‎ 1. Only in this way________to make improvement in the operating system.‎ A. you can hope B.you did hope C.can you hope 2. Only then _______that I was wrong.‎ A. I realized B.do I realize C.did I realize Key:CC 考点七:情态动词的被动语态 1. The room must _____before the class begins.‎ A. clean B.be cleaning C.be cleaned 11‎ 2. Now let’s have a rest.The work can ____tomorrow.‎ A.do B.done C.be done ‎ 重点句型翻译:‎ 1. 青少年应该被允许选择他们自己的衣服。________________________________________________________‎ 2. 十六岁的人应该被允许穿耳洞。________________________________________________________________‎ 3. 他需要和朋友一起度过时光。_______________________________________________________________‎ 4. 我怎的对看到毕加索的著名画感到兴奋。________________________________________________________‎ 5. 青少年不应该被允许有兼职。_________________________________________________________________‎ 6. 我的父母经常教育我在学校好好学习然后进入大学是多么重要。_________________________________‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 能力提升 ‎(   ) 1.—Jim enjoys listening to pop music.  ______________.‎ A. So does Helen.              B. Also is Helen C. Helen likes also             D. So Helen does ‎(   ) 2. Our English teacher is very strict _______ us and he is strict _________his teaching.‎ A. with, at           B. with, with         C. at, at       D. with, in ‎(   ) 3. —What’s the matter?‎ ‎ —They said I should not be allowed    here. They don’t allow __in the waiting room.‎ A. smoking, to smoke           B. to smoke, smoke C. to smoke, smoking           D. smoking, smoking ‎(   ) 4. He doesn’t do his homework ______________, though he has ______________.‎ 11‎ A. carefully enough, enough time            B. enough carelessly, time enough C. carelessly enough, enough time            D. enough carefully,enough time ‎(   ) 5. The little child was too _____________ to hear the end of the long speech.‎ A. sleepy            B. asleep            C. sleep             D. sleeping ‎(   ) 6. Everyone ____________to have at least eight__________sleep at night.‎ A. needs, hour’s     B. need, hours’     C. needed, hour’s    D. needs, hours’‎ ‎(   ) 7. We should go to school at 8:00 ______________ school mornings.‎ A. at               B. in                 C. on              D. of ‎(   ) 8. Something is wrong with my PDA.I will get it ___________ .‎ A. repair            B. repairing           C. to repair          D. repaired ‎(   ) 9. ——Excuse me, you are _________ of my passing through.‎ ‎ ——I’m sorry, here you go.‎ A. on the way                B. in the way C. out the way           D. off the way ‎(   ) 10. Jill didn’t finish the homework,_________.‎ A. either                       B. too             C. also                       D. neither ‎(   ) 11. You must concentrate more _________ your English.‎ A. to                     B. in                       C. on                        D. at ‎(   ) 12. That is a good way to keep _________ teachers and students happy.‎ A. either                   B. none                     C. all                           D. both ‎(   ) 13. Don’t get_________ when you study in groups.‎ A. noise                  B. noises                   C. noisy                     D. noising ‎(   ) 14. We should learn _________ each other.‎ A. to                        B. from                       C. for                          D. of ‎(   ) 15. The children often take time to do things like_________.‎ A. volunteer            B. to volunteer           C. volunteers           D. volunteering 11‎ ‎ 自主天地 Small cars may take the place of(代替)big cars in the future(将来). There is __1__ for only two people in such a car. If everyone __2__ such a car , there will be less pollution  3 (污染)the air. There will also be more space for 4 cars in cities, and the streets will be less crowded. The little cars will cost 5 less. Driving will be 6_  ,too, as these little cars can go only 65 kilometers per hour. If big cars are still used along with the small 7, two sets of road will be8 in the future. Some roads will be used 9 the big, fast cars, and 10 roads will be needed for the slower small ones.‎ ‎(   ) 1. A. place                B. space               C. a room            D. seat ‎(   ) 2. A. rides                 B. drives              C. pushes             D. pulls ‎(   ) 3. A. for                    B. on                   C. in                    D. at ‎(   ) 4. A. stopping           B. stop                 C. parking           D. park ‎(   ) 5. A. lots of               B. many               C. much               D. more ‎(   ) 6. A. danger              B. dangerous       C. safe                 D. safer ‎(   ) 7. A. one                   B. ones                C. seat                 D. seats ‎(   ) 8. A. need                 B. needing           C. needs            D. needed ‎(   ) 9. A. as                      B. by                   C. for                   D. in ‎(   ) 10. A. the other        B. the another     C. another           D. Other ‎ (A)‎ Hundreds of years ago there lived a king in a small country. He liked swimming. When summer came, he always went to another palace by a forest with his guards and returned to the capital in autumn.‎ One afternoon the king went swimming in a river in the forest but he didn’t tell others about it. He was very happy when he swam in the water. After that he heard a great noise and saw a big bear coming at him. He tried his best to run away. He ran and ran and at last he lost his way. He was hungry and tired when he found an old house. There was an old farmer in it. “It’s your king,” he said to the old man.” I’m hungry now. Bring me something to eat quickly!”‎ The old man had nothing dear. He only had four eggs. The king ate them and felt better.” How much must I pay you for that?”‎ ‎“Eighteen pounds.”‎ ‎“How dear they are! Are eggs rare(稀有的)here?”‎ ‎“No,” answered the old farmer. “We have only one king in our country!”‎ ‎(  ) 1. _________, he was happy.‎ 11‎ A. The river was beautiful                 B. He was swimming in the water C. The water was warm                   D. The king could swim for a long time ‎(  ) 2. When the king saw the bear, he _________.‎ A. asked the old farmer to help him             B. cried for help C. ran away quickly                         D. ran outside the forest ‎(  ) 3. At last the king found _________.‎ A. an old house         B. his guards        C. his capital          D. the bear ‎(  ) 4. The king felt better because _________.‎ A. he could sleep in the farmer’s house         B. the bear couldn’t find him C. he ate four eggs                         D. the farmer knew he was a king ‎(  ) 5. Which is the best title of the story?‎ A. The King and the Old Farmer            B. The King in the Forest C. The King and the Bear                      D. The Kind hearted King ‎( B )‎ An old scientist recently made several tests with different animals to find out which was cleverer than other animals.‎ In one test the old scientist put a monkey in a room where there were several boxes. Some boxes were inside other boxes. One small box had some food in it. The scientist wanted to watch the monkey and to find out how long it would take the monkey to find the food. The scientist left the room. He waited a few minutes outside the door. Then he got down on his knees (膝盖) and put his eyes to the keyhole. What did he see? To his surprise, he found himself looking into the eye of the monkey. The monkey was on the other side of the door and looked at the scientist through the keyhole.‎ ‎(  ) 6. The scientist did the test to see ____________.‎ A. if the monkey would steal (偷) the food   B. if the monkey would look for the food C. if the monkey was cleverer than other animals D. if some boxes were inside other boxes ‎(  ) 7. In one test the scientist put a monkey __________.‎ A. into a small box                      B. into several small boxes C. into a box where there was some food     D. in a room ‎(  ) 8. After the scientist left the room, the monkey_________.‎ A. began to eat food                          B. began to look for food C. looked at the scientist through the keyhole      D. came into the boxes one after another 11‎ ‎(  ) 9. The scientist_______________.‎ A. got down on his knees and waited outside the door B. got down on his knees and heard with his ears C. left the room for a long time D. looked at the monkey through the keyhole with his eyes ‎(  ) 10. To the scientist’s surprise ______________.‎ A. the monkey got down on its knees      B. the monkey came out of the room C. the monkey looked at the scientist through the window D. the monkey put its eye to the keyhole go, with, difference, anymore, wonder, be, do, family, interest, friend, daughter,in Most parents shout at their children when their son or   1   fails to do his/her homework. But my parents are   2. They often say, “Play more, read more, and watch more.” Sometimes when I am doing my homework at night, my dad will say to me, “Do not do it   3. Go to play!” Sometimes I am puzzled and   4  about the reason. Then they will answer, “You are a big girl now. You can do what you’re   5   in. We think you have the right.” I thank my parents for   6   so thoughtful.‎ In many   7  , parents and children can’t communicate well. Parents usually make their children   8   what they don’t want to do. Things are different   9   me. I have open-minded and humorous parents. My family also has a   10   warm atmosphere(气氛). I like my parents very much, and I think they are very cool.‎ ‎1.________   2.________   3.________   4.________   5.________‎ ‎6.________   7.________   8.________   9.________   10.________‎ ‎ 答案一、 选择题: 1—5. ADCAA   6—10. DCDBA   11—15. CDCBD 二、完形填空、1-5 BBCCC 6-10 DBDCA 三、阅读( A ) 1—5. BCACA   ( B )  6—10. CDCDD ‎1. daughter     2. different     3. anymore    4. wonder      5. interested ‎ 6. being        7. families      8. do         9. with        10. friendly 11‎ ‎ ‎课后反馈 11‎

