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学科教师辅导教案 学员编号: 年 级: 课 时 数:‎ 学员姓名: 辅导科目:英语 学科教师: ‎ 授课类型 T ‎ C ‎ T句子结构转换训练能力 教学目标 通过本节获得句子转换的一些技巧 星级 ‎★★‎ 授课日期及时段 教学内容 能力T-句子改写转换 ‎(建议2 分钟)‎ ‎  《如梦令》‎ ‎         一日黄昏漫步、见一男生装酷,‎ ‎         呕吐、呕吐,低头只想撞树。 ‎ ‎《如梦令》 ‎ ‎          一日自习深处、见一恐龙撞树,‎ ‎         恐怖、恐怖,可怜那棵小树。‎ 偶然于网上看到如此改写,特拿来与君共享,只是为了警告,句子改写不是把意思改了!我们要改的是句式句型单词!不是意思!‎ ‎ (建议22 分钟) ‎ 句子改写转换训练 一、句子改写转换技巧训练 不论是在口语还是写作中,当我们表达思想感情时,多样的句型和结构能让整篇文章变得更加生动。而如果一篇文章仅仅用单一句式组成(如仅仅有简单句、或并列句、又或者只有陈述句,而缺少倒装、强调等等句式的变化),那么该篇文章将给人呆板、枯燥的感觉。所以无论是口语还是写作,一定要多积累各类句型和表达,学会利用多变句型将文章变得丰富活跃起来。下面我们来一起总结下变换句子的一些技巧,并加以训练。‎ ‎1、合并句子 我们写简单句很容易,但是却会给人造成信息重复,而且非常枯燥 ,没有变化,为了让句子更为简洁,我们发明了并列句和复合句,并列句的明显特征是连接词,复合句的明显特征是引导词。我们要仔细回忆一下学过的连词和引导词。‎ 典型例题 ‎ Mr. Smith is my teacher. He is also my good friend.‎ ‎【讲解】这个句子是不是有点啰嗦了,完全没必要分成两句话来表达,因为我们有学过这样的句型可以专 ‎ 门对付这样的句子。这个句子是一个并列结构。想到了吗? 对,就是 not only…but also…句型 所以此句改为:Mr. Smith is not only my teacher but also my good friend.‎ 经过这样的改写和变化,句子变得更加简练了。‎ 我们再看一例。‎ I saw Peter. He was playing basketball on the playground.‎ ‎【讲解】其实这句话意思就是我看到peter在操场踢足球嘛。我们可以用主谓宾补这个简单句结构就可以搞定此句。‎ 即: I saw Peter playing basketball on the playground.‎ 看完这两句,我们来做下面练习:‎ ‎1、He is very young. He can’t carry the box.‎ 请改写成一句话:‎ He is so young that he can’t carry the box.‎ He is too young to carry the box.‎ ‎2. You can do this before class, and you can also do it after class.‎ 请改写成一句话:‎ You can do this either before class or after class.‎ ‎2、变简单句为复合句 ‎ ‎ 简单句太简单,所以会稍显枯燥,所以有必要写一些复合句,让结构和句子变得更丰富一下。‎ 典型例题 ‎. I don’t know where to buy the camera.‎ ‎[讲解]此句是一个主谓宾结构的简单句,不定式作为宾语的补足语。既然我们想要把它变成复合句,就要看 ‎ 看这句适合变成那个复合句,主句已定,是I don’t know,那么就在从句上下文章,把where to buy the ‎ camera变成一个有完整主谓语的句子,那就加上主谓 I can。所以此句变为:‎ I don’t know where I can buy the camera 看完例句,我们来做下面练习 ‎1、I hope to visit London this summer. 请改写为复合句:‎ I hope I can visit London this summer.‎ ‎2、Do you know how to get the kite down from the tree? 请改写为复合句 Do you know how you can get the kite down from the tree?‎ ‎3、He ran away to avoid punishment. He ran away so that he would be punished.‎ ‎4、 He has to work hard to maintain his big family. He has to work hard so that he can maintain his big family.‎ ‎5、 The boy is rewarded for his bravery. The boy is brave,so he is rewarded.‎ ‎3、并列句与复合句互换 典型例题 ‎ ‎ Don't play basketball here, or you may break the windows. ‎ If you play basketball here,you may break the windows.‎ ‎【讲解】并列句的标志词是连接词,例句的标志词是or,复合句的标志词是引导词。此句要先分析并列句 ‎ 是什么前后句是什么关系,很明显,don’t是祈使语气,or又表示假设的情况。所以可以变成条件 ‎ 状语从句。同样,可以引导学生思考如何把符合句变成并列句,用同样的思路分析即可。‎ 我们来做一下练习:‎ 1、 If we go on planting trees,the hill will turn green in two year’s time ‎. Go on planting trees for two more years and the hill will be covered with green trees. ‎ ‎2、  If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, they’ll go to the park.      Unless it rains tomorrow, they’ll go to the park.‎ ‎ 3、 Hurry up, or you’ll be late. If you don’t hurry, you’ll be late.‎ ‎4、 Fish can’t live if there is no water.      Fish can’t live without water.‎ 简析:含有祈使句的并列句,可转换为含if条件句的复合句。‎ ‎4、用同义句型改写。‎ 常见的同义句型有 1) It seems that 从句→Somebody seems(to be)+adj/n   ‎ 2) It’s kind of sb. to do…→Somebody is kind to do… ‎ 3) What does…mean?→What do you mean by…? 或What’s the meaning of…?‎ 4) There is something wrong with…→Something is wrong with…‎ 5) not…until…与when/after/before引导的时间状语从句的转换 ‎ 6) What’s wrong with…?→What’s the matter with…?   ‎ 7) How is…?→What’s…like…?‎ 8) How do you like…?→What do you think of?‎ 9) It’s time that…→It’s time for sb. to do…‎ ‎10) It’s said that…→People say that…‎ ‎11) Can I help you? →What can I do for you?‎ 常见的同义词组 ‎1.)help sb →give sb a hand/ do sb a favour ‎2.)Both…and →Not only…but also/ As well as ‎3.) keep healthy → keep fit ‎4.)decide to do → make up one’s mind to do/ be determined to do ‎5.) fail to do sth → Not manage to do sth. , not be able to do sth.‎ 常见的同义词 1.) good → wonderful, fantastic, excellent, perfect…‎ 2.) some → a couple of, a great number of/ a large amount of…‎ 3.) sometimes →from time to time/ now and again/now and then ‎…‎ 典型例题 ‎     I went to bed after I finished my homework.‎ ‎     I didn’t go to bed until I finished my homework. 【讲解】看到after,其实可以马上想到before,一个是后,一个是前。此句用before,变成了Before I went ‎ to bed, I finished my homework。强调了finished my homework。若用didn’t结构,则只能选择until。‎ ‎ 如例句所示,都强调了完成作业。‎ 练习:‎ ‎1、Let’s go out for a walk. ‎ What / How about going out for a walk?‎ Why not/ don’t you go out for a walk?‎ Shall we go out for a walk?‎ ‎2、That watch doesn’t work There is something wrong with the watch.‎ Something is wrong with the watch.‎ That watch is out of order.‎ ‎3、It took David half an hour to do his homework last night.‎ David spent half an hour on his homework last night.‎ David spent half an hour (in) doing his homework last night.‎ ‎(建议 10 分钟)‎ 改写句子 变为简单句 ‎1、I hope that I can see you soon. ‎ I hope to see you soon. ‎ ‎2、He showed me how he used the computer He showed me how to use the compute ‎3、I don’t know what he said. ‎ I don’t know his words.‎ ‎4、Could you tell me how I can get to the park?‎ Could you tell me the way to the park?‎ ‎5、I found that it was easy to finish the work.‎ I found it easy to finish the work.‎ ‎6、It seemed that they won the match.‎ They seemed to win the match.‎ 同义句型改写 ‎1、Can you help me?‎ Can you give me a hand? ‎ ‎ Can you do me a favor? ‎ ‎2、The food is very delicious.‎ How delicious the food is!‎ What delicious food it is!‎ ‎3、It’s time for school.‎ It’s time to go to school.‎ ‎4、How do you like Shenzhen?‎ What do you think of Shenzhen?‎ ‎5、Bob began to go to school when he was six.‎ Bob began to go to school at the age of six.‎ 变并列句为复合句 Hurry up, or you will miss the early bus. ‎ If you don't hurry up ,you'll miss the early bus. ‎ ‎ score:____________ ‎ ‎(建议 5 分钟)‎ 放电影回顾式学习法 批注:第一步采用放电影学习法,让学生自己回忆在本模块学到了哪些知识点;如果学生回答的都是一些凌乱且琐碎的知识点,这个时候老师可以让学生翻看前面的知识点总结。第二步是错题再次回顾总结,在“斩妖除魔”环节,学生做了几道题目,需要再次让学生总结出现错误的原因及下次如何避免。‎ 句子的改写有什么技巧?你还记得吗?回顾一下刚才我们学过的,还有什么疑问吗?‎ ‎_______________________________‎ ‎_______________________________‎ ‎_______________________________‎ ‎_______________________________‎

