人教版PEP小学四年级下册英语教学课件-Unit 4 A Lets talk

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人教版PEP小学四年级下册英语教学课件-Unit 4 A Lets talk

Look at the pictures and name what they are. Tomato, tomato, I like tomatoes; Potato, potato, you like potatoes. Carrots, carrots, do you like carrots? Cucumber, cucumber, they are cucumbers. What are these? What are those? They are green beans. They are big. What are these? What are those? They are red apples. They are nice. Who? What? Where? What are they talking about? tomatoestomatoes A:What are these? B:Are they …? C: No. B: Are they…? C:Yes! 1. 当你想知道近处的一些物品是什么时, 你可以这样问:_____ A. What are these? B. What are those? 2. 当你不确定远处的东西是不是苹果时, 你这样问: _____ A.Are these tomatoes? B.Are those apples? 3. 肯定回答是: _____ A. Yes, they are. B. No, they aren’t. Group work: 自主选择场景图,根据刚刚 所学的语言进行问答练习。 看谁的语言准确、生动、丰 富。 Play a guessing game B:What are these? A:Are they pencils? B:Yes, they are. ( No, they aren’t .They are pens.) (1)翻译下列句子 ① What are those?____________ ② Are they apples ?___________ ③ Try some! They are nice._____ (2) 搭配 ① What are these? A. They are sheep. ② Are these carrots? B. It’s a carrot. ③ What’s this ? C. No,they aren’t. Homework: (1)Listen and repeat “Let’s talk”. (2)Make a new dialogue and act it out.

