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高二下期第三次月考英语试题 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)‎ 第一节 (共5 小题;每小题 1.5分,满分7.5 分)‎ 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ ‎1.How did the man go to Beijing?‎ A.By train. B.By plane. C.By bus.‎ ‎2.When does the football match begin on TV?‎ A.At 20:25. B.At 21:30. C.At 19:00.‎ ‎3.Why didn’t Mary accept the invitation?‎ A.She was moving to a new apartment.‎ B.She has to do some baking.‎ C.She wanted to get ready for her trip.‎ ‎4.What does the man mean?‎ A.He has attended the lecture.‎ B.He is near-sighted.‎ C.He wants to attend the lecture.‎ ‎5.Why can’t the woman give a reply then?‎ A.Because she is busy.‎ B.Because she is not sure whether she will be free on Sunday.‎ C.Because she doesn’t like football matches.‎ 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) ‎ 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 ‎ ‎6.What time is it when this talk happens?‎ A.At 9:00 am. B.At 9:20 am. C.At 8:40 am.‎ ‎7.What can we learn from the conversation?‎ A.The man will drive the woman to the park.‎ B.The man will drop the woman at an underground station.‎ C.The woman will not meet her friend on time.‎ 听第7段材料,回答第8~10小题。‎ ‎8.Why doesn’t the man want to drink any tea or coffee?‎ A.Because he won’t sleep well if he drinks it.‎ B.Because he doesn’t like them at all.‎ C.Because it is too hot.‎ ‎9.What is the man doing?‎ A.Watching TV. B.Working at some reports C.Listening to the radio.‎ ‎10.What does the man want the woman to do?‎ A.Help him do something on the reports.‎ B.Make some coffee for him.‎ C.Turn down the TV set a little.‎ 听第8段材料,回答第11~13小题。‎ ‎11.Where does this conversation most likely take place?‎ A.At home. B.At school. C.In the mountains.‎ ‎12.Which of the following will happen soon?‎ A.The children will soon come back.‎ B.It’s going to rain soon.‎ C.The two speakers will come back soon.‎ ‎13.What’s the woman worried about?‎ A.That her children will be caught in the heavy rain.‎ B.That her children will not pass the exams.‎ C.That her husband will catch a cold.‎ 听第9段材料,回答第14~16小题。‎ ‎14.What are the speakers doing?‎ A.Reading a newspaper. B.Preparing for a picnic. C.Unloading the car.‎ ‎15.What does the man have in the car?‎ A.Some food. B.Some raincoats. C.Some folding chairs.‎ ‎16.What will the speakers most probably do next?‎ A.Go to a restaurant. B.Drive back home. C.Listen to the weather forecast.‎ 听第10段材料,回答第17~20小题。‎ ‎17.Where did the fire probably start?‎ A.On the first floor. B.On the second floor. C.On the third floor.‎ ‎18.When was the building built?‎ A.In 1718. B.In 1782. C.In 1780. ‎ ‎19.What was the building used as at the time of the fire?‎ A.A hotel. B.An old people’s home. C.A history museum.‎ ‎20.Who is Andrew Bond?‎ A.A newspaper reporter. ‎ B.The owner of the building. ‎ C.The head of the fire department.‎ 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节(共15小题; 每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ A ‎ People are always looking for lost cities and occasionally one is found: Borobudur in Indonesia, for example. But perhaps some of the places people look for never existed—or did they? Here are just a few famous mythical(传说中的) cities.‎ El Dorado ‎ El Dorado is a story that began in 1537 when Spanish explorers found the Muisca people in the mountains of what is now Colombia. They heard the story of a man who covered himself with gold and dived into a lake. Then people began to talk of El Dorado—"the golden man". Soon people started to think of El Dorado as a place, too— a city of gold and amazing riches. Nowadays, the name "El Dorado" is still used to mean "a place where you can get rich quickly".‎ Atlantis ‎ There was once an island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. It was the mythical island of Atlantis. The people of the island were very rich, thanks to the natural resources on their island. For hundreds of years, they lived simple lives. But slowly they began to change. They started to want power. So the gods decided to destroy Atlantis. Suddenly, the island and its people were swallowed(淹没) by the sea and were never seen, again.‎ Shambhala ‎ In Tibetan Buddhist tradition, Shambhala is a mystical country that is hidden somewhere behind the Himalayas. Shambhala is a word from an old language that means "place of peace" or "place of happiness". It is said that there is no war in Shambhala, and in the future, when the world is full of war, a huge army will come out of Shambhala, destroy the world's bad rulers, and start a new Golden Age. Some people say this will happen in 2424.‎ ‎21.What does "El Dorado" mean nowadays?‎ A. Colombia.‎ B. A golden man.‎ C. A place of great wealth.‎ D. A city with mountains.‎ ‎22.According to legends, Atlantis was destroyed by _______.‎ A. the gods B. its people C. its powerful enemies D. its neighbouring country ‎23.What will probably happen in 2424 according to the last paragraph?‎ A. The Himalayas will disappear.‎ B. The world will be full of peace.‎ C. An army from Shambhala will save the world.‎ D. There will be a war in Shambhala.‎ B The other day I heard a few local musicians talking:‎ ‎    “I hate all the terrible pianos in this town. I hate that rubbish they play on the radio. They ‎ can’t even understand a bit of music.”‎ ‎    “ I’m never playing in that club again. Too many drunks and nobody listens to us.”‎ ‎    But one younger musician said, “There are a few clubs that book my band a few nights a month, and I’m trying to find other places to play. I’m also looking to book a few summer festivals this year.”‎ ‎    I’ve heard that you are the average of the five people whom you spend the most time with, or to put it another way, you are who your friends are.‎ ‎    Attitudes are important. Whether they’re positive or negative, they’re rubbing off on you. If you’re around people who complain about lack of work and about other musicians, or blame others, and you play the role of victim, chances are you’ll start to as well. So it’s time to take a look at the people you call “friends”.‎ ‎    This is an easy exercise: Make a list of the people who you hang out with, and simply stop spending time with the negative people on your list. Set a new standard for yourself and don’t become friends with people who fall below that standard.‎ ‎    Keep successful people around you and your own chances for success will be much better. Ask them how they do it. Ask if they will help you get the work you’re looking for, or maybe give you some advice to help you on your career path.‎ ‎24.The musicians’ words at the beginning are written mainly to show ______. A.the musicians have a bad life B.people have poor taste in music C.people have different attitudes towards the same thing D.young people have greater chances of succeeding 25.The underlined sentence “they’re rubbing off on you” in Paragraph 6 means ______. A.they’ll push you ahead B.they’ll influence you C.they’ll discover your shortcomings D.they’ll help you achieve your goal 26.From Paragraph 7, we can ______. A.make more friends B.know the right way of making ‎ friends C.develop a better relationship with our friends D.arrange the time with our friends properly 27.Which of the following would be the best title for this passage? A.You are who your friends are B.True friends have hearts that beat as one C.A friend in need is a friend indeed D.Friends are thieves of time C While famous foreign architects are invited to lead the designs of landmark buildings in China such as the new CCTV tower and the National Center for the Performing Arts,many excellent Chinese architects are making great efforts to take the center stage.‎ Their efforts have been proven fruitful. Wang Shu,a 49-year-old Chinese architect,won the 2012 Pritzker Architecture Prize—which is often referred to as the Nobel Prize in architecture—on February 28.He is the first Chinese citizen to win this award.‎ Wang serves as head of the Architecture Department at the China Academy of Art (CAA). His office is located at the Xiangshan campus(校园) of the university in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province.Many buildings on the campus are his original creations.‎ The style of the campus is quite different from that of most Chinese universities.Many visitors were amazed by the complex architectural space and abundant building types.The curves(曲线) of the buildings perfectly match the rise and fall of hills, forming a unique view.‎ Wang collected more than 7 million abandoned bricks of different ages. He asked the workers to use traditional techniques to make the bricks into walls, roofs and corridors. This creation attracted a lot of attention thanks to its mixture of modern and traditional Chinese elements(元素).‎ Wang’s works show a deep understanding of modern architecture and a good knowledge of traditions. Through such a balance, he had created a new type of Chinese architecture, said Tadao Ando, the winner of the1995 Pritzker Prize.‎ Wang believes traditions should not be sealed in glass boxes at museums."That is only evidence that traditions once existed," he said.‎ ‎"Many Chinese people have a misunderstanding of traditions. They think tradition means ‎ old things from the past. In fact, tradition also refers to the things that have been developing and that are still being created, " he said.‎ ‎"Today, many Chinese people are learning Western styles and theories rather than focusing on Chinese traditions. Many people tend to talk about traditions without knowing what they really are," said Wang.‎ The study of traditions should be combined with practice. Otherwise, the recreation of traditions would be artificial and empty, he said.‎ ‎28.Wang’s winning of the prize means that Chinese architects are ___________.‎ A.following the latest world trend B.getting international recognition C.working harder than ever before D.relying on foreign architects ‎29.What impressed visitors to the CAA Xiangshan campus most?‎ A.Its hilly environment. B.Its large size. C.Its unique style. D.Its diverse functions.‎ ‎30.What made Wang’s architectural design a success?‎ A.The mixture of different shapes. B.The balance of East and West. C.The use of popular techniques. D.The harmony(和谐)of old and new.‎ ‎31.What should we do about Chinese traditions according to Wang?‎ A.Spread them to the world. B.Preserve them at museums. C.Teach them in universities. D.Recreate them in practice.‎ D Tencent announced yesterday that it will limit the daily time for youngsters to play its ‎ popular King of Glory game after parents and schools in Shanghai and other areas complained their children had become addicted to playing it.‎ From tomorrow, children younger than 12 will only be allowed to play the game for a maximum(最大值) of one hour a day, and after 9 pm, they will be banned from logging into it, said Tencent. Those older than 12 will be able to play a maximum two hours a day.‎ The game system will remind players the time they have been playing and young players will be forced to log out when the time is up.‎ Tencent claimed these were the strictest measures in China’s game industry to prevent addiction and the company expected they would ease parents’ anxiety.‎ The company also said it had updated its system for parents to keep tabs on their children using its games.‎ Since February, parents can receive messages when children log in and spend money on the game after they connect children’s game accounts with their mobile phone numbers.‎ Now, parents can connect phones, tablets(平板电脑)or computers that their children use to play games, so that they can keep an eye on the children even if they have several game accounts, Tencent said.‎ Song Zhe, a father of a Shanghai high school student, welcomed the measures but was not sure if they would be sufficiently effective. “I like the system that could lock up the devices as children can register many accounts,” he said, “but children are so clever that they can always think out counter measures.”‎ ‎32.What can we infer from Paragraph 2?‎ A.Kids under 12 could play the game for at most 7 hours in a week.‎ B.Girls under 8 are able to log in the game at 10 pm.‎ C.Those older than 16 are able to play the game all the time.‎ D.Children over 13 can log in the game after playing 3 hours in a day.‎ ‎33.The underlined phrase “keep tabs on” is closest in meaning to “_________”.‎ A.be careful with B.be in control of C.have an eye on D.keep contact with ‎34.What can we learn about the game system according to the passage?‎ A.Parents can monitor their children even if they try to register different game accounts.‎ B.Parents need to connect their tablets or computers to the game accounts of their children.‎ C.Parents can be reminded of the time their children have been playing the games.‎ D.Parents should pay attention to their phones all the time in case they miss any message.‎ ‎35.What did Song Zhe’s father think of the game system?‎ A.The game system was absolutely welcomed by him.‎ B.Children were too dull to break out of the system.‎ C.He was uncertain about the effectiveness of the system.‎ D.Children could register lots of accounts to unlock the devices.‎ 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两项为多余选项。‎ Four Ways to Beat Summer Weight Gain When we think of the summer holiday, most of us think of outdoor fun. So it seems like we should naturally lose weight over the summer holiday. In reality, the summer holiday isn’t all beach volleyball and water sports. Therefore, we can gain weight easily in the summer holiday. 36 Here are four ways to beat summer weight gain.‎ ‎37 When we don’t have a plan, it’s easy to spend the summer holiday moving from the couch to the computer, with regular stops at the fridge. Avoid this by aiming for a specific goal, like volunteering, mastering a new skill, or working at a job. Just be sure to plan for some downtime so you can relax a little!‎ ‎ Stay busy. When we’re bored, it’s easy to fall into a trap of doing nothing and then feeling low on energy. In addition to helping you avoid the cookie jar, filling your days with stuff to do can give you a sense of accomplishment (成就). 38 .‎ ‎ Beat the heat. Don’t let summer heat put your exercise plans on hold. 39‎ ‎ If a gym isn’t your scene, try bowling or an indoor climbing wall. If you love being outdoors, move a regular run or soccer game to early morning or evening.‎ ‎40 With school out, we lose our daily routines (日常事务). If you don’t have a specific job or an activity to get up for, it’s easy to sleep late, watch too much TV, and snack more than usual. Make sure your summer days have some structure — like getting up at the same time each day. Plan activities for specific times, like exercising before breakfast.‎ A. Stick to a plan.‎ B. Get going with goals.‎ C. Relax by walking outside.‎ D. Move your workout(锻炼) indoors.‎ E. We usually stay at home in the summer holiday.‎ F. That's especially true if a dream summer job falls through.‎ G. However, it's easy to avoid this problem if we know what to look out for.‎ 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A,B,C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ At six feet, seven inches tall and weighing 253 pounds, Father was a quiet giant(巨人) who only roared when he was angry. He would work long days, often     41     when I was already in bed. My two younger sisters and I both loved and feared him. Hearing the words, “Just wait until your father comes home,” would guarantee the three of us would start     42     immediately. I was seven years old the night the “giant” became a person, and my     43     . All it took was the     44     of a tiny, dirty kitten(小猫).‎ I     45     to the sounds of my father coming home from work. I slipped out of bed and moved quietly towards the living room in hopes of spending a few precious minutes     46     with my parents without my annoying sisters around.‎ I heard mum say, “We cannot     47     it.” What was the “it”? The giant saw me and     48     I should sit down near him. I was at a loss, although      49     might be a better word, for I had never seen or heard of a giant crying before. Unshed(满眶) tears    50     up in his eyes. His cheeks were    51     from the ones he had cried earlier. ‎ The giant reached into a cardboard box and brought out a dirty young cat and      52     it on my lap. I was soon      53     , as the giant shared a story with mum. As he spoke, with shaking shoulders caused by    54     and at times sorrow, he transformed from a giant to a man who became my hero.‎ He     55     that he was on his way home when he heard two men laughing and talking.‎ ‎ As he rounded the corner, he heard the most terrible scream of pain. He couldn’t    56     what he saw. The men had thrown a kitten into a furnace(火炉). He yelled and ran up to them but it was too     57     . He couldn’t save the kitten. The men had run away and he was about to run after them when he saw another kitten at his feet.‎ ‎“We have to    58     it; we have to keep it!” said the giant.‎ ‎“It needs a   59     ,” said mum.‎ ‎“I can help, Mommy!”‎ Reminded of my presence, mum and my hero sent me off to bed. As I fell asleep, I heard mum running some water.‎ We named the kitten Cinder and it joined our family. I never saw “the giant” again; I only saw my hero and a man whose heart was    60     than he was. ‎ ‎41.A.greeting     B.chatting     C.returning     D.wandering 42.A.waiting     B.escaping     C.preparing     D.behaving 43.A.model     B.hero     C.tutor     D.friend 44.A.visit     B.story     C.arrival     D.life 45.A.awoke     B.got     C.rushed     D.dreamed 46.A.straight     B.alone     C.indoors     D.gradually 47.A.keep     B.leave     C.train     D.clean 48.A.appealed     B.urged     C.indicated     D.proposed 49.A.regretful     B.hopeless     C.unwilling     D.terrified 50.A.built     B.rolled     C.blocked     D.welled 51.A.wet     B.red     C.bright     D.fresh 52.A.spread     B.placed     C.led     D.dropped 53.A.discovered     B.forgotten     C.convinced     D.relieved 54.A.fear     B.surprise     C.anxiety     D.anger 55.A.argued     B.emphasized     C.explained     D.summarized 56.A.believe     B.prove     C.guess     D.judge 57.A.bad     B.late     C.fast     D.far 58.A.help     B.cure     C.sell    D.buy 59.A.meal     B.rest     C.bath     D.lift ‎ ‎60.A.lighter     B.purer     C.warmer     D.larger 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ Beijing opera or Peking opera is a form of Chinese opera 61 (combine) music, vocal performances, dance and so on. It 62 (arise) in the late 18th century and had become 63 (full) developed and recognized by the mid-19th century. The form was extremely popular in 64 Qing dynasty court and has come to be regarded as one of the65 (culture) treasures of China. Major performance troupes (剧团)are based in Beijing and Tianjin in the north and Shanghai in the south. Also 66 (preserve) in other areas, the art form is still of great importance to people there. 67 ( perform) of Peking opera use the skills of speeches,song and dance in movements that are symbolic and suggestive. Above all else, the skill of performers 68 (judge) according to the beauty of their movements. The music of Beijing opera can be divided 69 the Xipi and Erhuang styles. The repertoire of Beijing opera includes over 1, 400 works, 70 characters are based on Chinese history, folklore, and increasingly contemporary life.‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。 每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ ‎  注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎ 2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ I'm glad to hear that you are very interesting in Guoxue. Let me to give you a simple introduction to it. General speaking, Guoxue refers to the excellent traditional Chinese culture, that includes philosophy, literature, history, music, painting and so on. Guoxue has been playing an increasingly important part in China, especially for them students. Not only did it tell us how to study, but it also teaches us how to live. More and more Guoxue courses is ‎ given in schools of different levels all over China.‎ If you want to get better understanding of Guoxue, you are welcome to China to learn it, feel it and enjoy it. I'm sure you'll benefit from living in two different culture. I'm looking forward to see you soon in China.‎ ‎ ‎ 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ 最近有科学家宣布他们已经成功的克隆了第一例人类的胚胎,此举引发了人们的极大争议与广泛关注。你们班级的同学也就此进行了激烈的讨论。请你根据下表所示的信息,将讨论结果以信件形式告之你的朋友,并表达自己的观点。‎ 话题 Human cloning: To be or not to be?‎ 观点及支持率 ‎35%: pro-cloning ‎65%:anti-cloning 理由 ‎1.克隆出来的人可以帮我们分担自己的事务,如做作业等。 2.我们可以利用克隆人的器官来治疗病人。‎ ‎1.克隆人是不道德的,克隆出来的人也是人,很有可能会不受我们控制,因而我们不该自己制造麻烦。 2.克隆人会使得人口数量剧增,造成很多社会问题。‎ 自己观点 ‎1. ……; 2. …….‎ ‎  注意:字数120左右(开头和结尾已给出,不记入总字数) Dear Tom, A recent announcement by scientists that they have successfully cloned the first human embryo has caused much debate and has shocked many people around the world. Our class __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________‎ Yours Jack 高二下英语第三次月考 一听力答案1~5ABCCB6~10CAABC11~15ABABC16~20ACABC 二 阅读答案21-23 CAC 24-27 CBBA 28-31BCDD 32-35ACAC 三.七选五 36-40GBFDA 四 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分)‎ ‎41-45CDBCA46-50BACDD50-55ABBDC56-60ABACD 五.语法填空(共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ ‎61. combining 62.arose 63.fully 64.the 65.cultural ‎66. preserved 67.Performers 68.is judged 69.into 70.whose/where 六.改错 ‎71. interesting→interested 72.73.general→generally74.that→which 75.them→us 76.did→does 77.is → are78 get better79 culture→cultures 80. see→seeing Dear Tom, A recent announcement by scientists that they have successfully cloned the first human embryo has caused much debate and has shocked many people around the world. Our class have discussed about the topic "Human cloning: To be or not to be".     35% of the students are pro-cloning, since the cloned humans can share our duties and burdens, for example, replacing us to complete the homework. And we can make use of the organs of the cloned humans to help some patients.     While the others argue that human cloning is immoral. Cloning can even increase the population, therefore it will cause many social problems. The cloned humans are also humans and we are likely to lose control of them. So why should we get ourselves in trouble?     As far as I'm concerned, I’m in complete agreement with human cloning. After all, scientists have been challenging questions of morality for centuries. Why should we stop them now? But we have to make sure that we're cloning humans with the intention of benefiting humans.     What's your opinion? Write to tell me soon.‎ Yours Jack 听力原文:‎ Text 1‎ W:How was your trip to Beijing?‎ M:Tiring.There were too many people there.I could hardly find any room to move my arms on the train. Anyhow, I find Beijing a beautiful city.‎ Text 2‎ M:Do you know the programs for tonight?‎ W:Yes, TV programs for tonight:19:00 English Learning for Children.20:25 Science and Health.21:30 Star Sports:Women’s Football Match.‎ Text 3‎ M:How about going to dinner and a movie with me tonight, Mary?‎ W:I’d love to,but I haven’t packed yet and my flight leaves at five tomorrow morning.‎ Text 4‎ W:There will be a lecture about how to protect one’s eyes in the science hall tonight. Would you like to go with me?‎ M:Sure. That’s just what I need.‎ Text 5‎ M:Will you come with me to the football match on Sunday? It’ll be fun.‎ W:That sounds great,and actually,my husband likes to watch football matches,too. I’ll have to check my diary. Could I get back to you tonight?‎ Text 6‎ W:There’s only 20 minutes left. I’ve got an appointment. I’m meeting a friend in the City of Westminster at 9 a.m. I hope not to miss it.‎ M:Well, I’m going there too. I can give you a lift if you like.‎ W:Could you really? That would be kind.‎ M:Where are you meeting your friend?‎ W:Near the park, but if you can drop me at an underground station, that will be fine.‎ M:The park’s not far out of my way. I’ll take you there.‎ W:That’s very kind of you.‎ Text 7‎ W:Would you like some tea or coffee?‎ M:No,thank you.It’s very late now.I won’t be able to sleep well if I drink some tea or coffee.‎ W:Then,what about some water?‎ M:Yes,please.‎ W:Don’t work too late since you are not in good health.You should be careful with your health.‎ M:I know,but I have to finish these reports tonight. Our manager will use them at the meeting tomorrow morning.‎ W:Can I help you with something?‎ M:No,I’m afraid you can’t.Just turn down the TV set a little so that it won’t be so noisy.‎ W:I will.I do hope that you will finish the reports soon and get some sleep.‎ M:Don’t worry. It won’t take me too long.‎ Text 8‎ W:The children have been playing in the mountains for a long time.Why haven’t they come back?I am really worried about them.‎ M:Look at the sky.Black clouds are gathering and strong winds are blowing.It seems a heavy rain will fall soon.‎ W:They haven’t brought anything to protect themselves.They will be caught in the rain,I think.‎ M:Don’t be worried too much about them. Anyhow,they are old enough now.They ought to be able to take care of themselves.‎ W:I’m afraid they will catch a cold if they are caught in the rain.You see,it’s a little cold now.‎ M:Shall we bring some umbrellas or raincoats for them?‎ W:How can you find them since we don’t know where they are?‎ M:Well,we can only stay home and wait for them.‎ Text 9‎ W:Did you know it was going to rain today?‎ M:Absolutely not.This comes as a total shock to me especially since the paper said mostly ‎ sunny.‎ W:Well,I guess the paper must have meant mostly sunny somewhere else.But since we’ve come all this way,why don’t we just move the blanket under that tree?‎ M:That’s a good idea.It looks like it’s still dry there as long as it doesn’t start to come down any harder.‎ W:You didn’t happen to bring a spare blanket, did you? This one is all wet now.‎ M:No.But I have got some folding chairs in the car.Will they do?‎ W:They’ll be just fine.I’m really hungry, so while you are there,how about bringing me the food?‎ M:I thought you were bringing the food.‎ W:This is unbelievable.So what now?‎ M:What is the name of that restaurant you like so much?‎ Text 10‎ Now about the news.An early morning fire damaged the historic Geller House today.It destroyed the third floor of the building but firefighters saved the first and the second floors.There were only a few elderly people living in the building at that time and they were carried out to safety.The Geller House was built in 1718 and was used as a hotel for over 150 years.George Washington stayed here in 1782.The Geller family owned the building for the elderly.Several fire departments were called to the scene.When we asked Fire Chief Andrew Bond how the fire started,he answered that it was most likely a burning cigarette caused it.Chief Bond promised to further examine the cause.‎ 解析:21.细节理解题。由 El Dorado 部分的 Nowadays, the name "El Dorado" is still used to mean "a place where you can get rich quickly".可知,这个名字意味着财富之地,故选C项。‎ ‎22.细节理解题。根据 Atlantis 部分的 So the gods decided to destroy Atlantis.可知,传说阿特兰蒂斯是被神毁灭的,故选A项。‎ ‎23.推理判断题。根据Shambhala部分的…and in the future, when the world is full of war, a huge army will come out of Shambhala, destroy the world's bad rulers, and start a new Golden Age. Some people say this will happen in ‎ 2424.可知,在2424年,香巴拉的军队会拯救世界,故选C项。‎ ‎24.推理判断題。从音乐家们的对话内容可知,对待同样的事不同的人有不同的态度。故选C项。‎ ‎25.词义猜测题。从画线部分后面的句子If you're around people who complain about... chances are that you'll start to as well.可知,画线部分的意思是他们在影响你。故选B项。‎ ‎26.细节理解题。从本段中的 Make a list of, stop spending time, Set a new standard, don't become friends可知,本段讲的是如何交朋友,通过本段我们可以知道交朋友的正确方式。故选B项。‎ ‎27.主旨大意题。从前五段提到的音乐家们的对话,到第六段所讲的朋友积极或消极的态度对自己影响很大,再到第七、八段所讲的如何交朋友,可知本文强调的是朋友对自己有很大的影响,朋友是什么样子,自己就是什么样子,故选A项。‎ 这是一篇新闻报道。文章主要报道了中国建筑设计师王澍在其作品中融合中国传统建筑文化,获得了建筑界的诺贝尔奖——普利策奖,这让中国建筑现在得到了国际认可。‎ ‎1.推理判断题。根据文章第二段的内容可知,王澍获得2012年普利策奖,而普利策奖相当于建筑界的诺贝尔奖,他是第一个获此奖的中国人,故推知中国建筑现在得到了国际认可。故B项正确。‎ ‎2.细节理解题。根据文章第四段对CAA校园的描述可知,它的设计风格独特,与大多数中国大学的校园很不同,许多游客感对复杂的建筑空间和丰富的建筑类型感到吃惊,故C正确。‎ ‎3.细节理解题。根据文章第六段1995年普利策奖的获得者Tadao Ando的评语可知,王澍设计的成功之处是把中国传统元素融入现代设计,并保持两者的和谐,故D正确。‎ ‎4.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段和倒数第三段中In fact, tradition also refers to the things that have been developing and that are still being created可知,传统的研究要与实践相结合,在实践中进行再创造,否则就会是人工的和空的,故D正确。‎ ‎32.细节理解题。根据文章第二段From tomorrow, children younger than 12 will only be allowed to play the game for a maximum(最大值) of one hour a day, and after 9 pm, they will be banned from logging into it, said Tencent.可以推断出不到12岁的小孩,一天最多可以玩这款游戏一个小时,所以一星期最多可以玩七个小时,选A。 33.词义猜测题。The company also said it had updated its system for parents to keep tabs on their children using its games.这句话的意思是这家公司说为了家长们可以监视他们的孩子玩游戏,他们已经为家长们更新了它的系统。 “keep tabs ‎ on”的意思是监视、密切关注。因此选C选项。 34.细节理解题。由Now, parents can connect phones, tablets or computers that their children use to play games, so that they can keep an eye on the children even if they have several game accounts, Tencent said.可知即使孩子们注册不同的游戏账号,家长们也可以监控他们的孩子,选A。 35.细节理解题。由Song Zhe, a father of a Shanghai high school student, welcomed the measures but was not sure if they would be sufficiently effective.可知宋哲的父亲不确定这个系统是否有效,选C。‎

