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新版新目标七年级上册 重点短语和句子复习 Starter unit 1 1. 早上好 ! 2. 下午好 ! 3. 晚上好! 4. 你好吗? 5. 我很好,谢谢! 6. 我还行 . 7. 你好? Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! How are you? I am fine, thanks. I’m ok. How do you do? starter unit 2 1. 用英语 2. 一幅地图 3. 一个橙子 4. 一床被子 5. 拼写它 in English a map an orange a quilt spell it 1. 这个用英语怎么说? 2. 它是一把尺子 . 3. 请拼写出来 . 4. 拼写 what is this in English? It’s a ruler. Spell it , please. Ruler. r-u-l-e-r. Starter unit 3 1. 什么颜色 2. 黑白相间 3. 一件绿色得夹克衫 4. 一块橡皮 what color black and white a green jacket an eraser 1. 它是什么颜色的? 2. 它是红色的。 3. 它是一支蓝色的钢笔。 4. 它是黑白相间的。 5. 这支钢笔是黑色的。 6. 这是一块白色的橡皮。 7. 这是什么? What color is it? It is red. It’s a blue pen. It’s black and white. The pen is black. This is a white eraser. What is this? Unit 1 My name’s Gina. 1. 你的名字 2. 她的名 3. 他的姓 4. 电话号码 5. 车牌号 6. 一张身份证 7. 回答这个问题 your name her first/given name his last / family name telephone number car number an ID card answer this question 1. 我叫吉娜 . 2. 我是吉姆 . 3. 你叫什么名字? 4. 看到你很高兴 . 5. 看到你也很高兴 . 6. 她的名是什么? My name is gina. I am jim. what’s your name? Nice to meet  you. Nice to meet you, too. what’s her first name? 7. 他姓什么? 8. 她姓 smith.  9. 李新,你的电话号码是多少? 10. 她的电话号码是多少? 11. 他的身份证是多少? What’s his last name? Her last name is smith. What’s your telephone number,li xin? what’s her telephone number? what’s his ID Card number? Unit 2 This is my sister. 1. 为 …….. 而感谢  2. 因为某人做了某事而表示感谢 3. … 的图画   4. … 的照片   5. 一张我的全家福照片 6. 一张我的全家福照片 7. 我的朋友  thanks for thank sb for doing sth  a picture of … a photo of … a photo of my family my family photo my friend 8. 一个猫的名字  9. 家谱  10. 看 …  11. 全家福照片 12. 我的一个朋友   13. dave 和 lucy 的哥哥 14. 玛丽家人在北京的照片 15. dave 和 lucy 的书包 the name of a cat family tree look at … family photo a friend of mine dave and lucy’s brother mary’s family photo of beijing dave’s and lucy’s bags 1. 这些是你的书吗? 2. 是的,它们是。 3. 不,它们不是。 4. 这是你的哥哥吗? 5. 这是你的姐妹吗? Are these your books? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. Is this your brother? Is this your sister? 6. 这是我的狗 . 7. 这是艾玛的家庭 . 8. 这是我的哥哥 tony. 9. 看,这是艾玛的家庭照。 10. 那是我的表妹 . This is my dog. This is Emma’s family. This is my brother, tony. Look, this is Emma’s family photo. That’s my cousin. 11. 这是我的父亲 . 12. 这些是我的祖父母 . 13. 这些是我的朋友,汤姆和莉莉 . 14. 她是你的妹妹吗 ? 15. 是的,她是。 This is my father. These are my grandparents. These are my friends,tom and lily. Is she your sister? Yes, she is. 16. 阅读短信 . 17. 画出艾玛的一家人 . 18. 画出你的朋友 . 19. 谈谈这幅画 . 20. 那是她的两个儿子 . Read this letter. Draw a picture of emma’s family. Draw a picture of your friend. Talk about this picture. Those are her two sons. Unit 3 Is this your pencil? 1. 你的双肩背包 2. 她的字典 3. 他的卷笔刀 4. 电脑游戏 5. 失物招领  your backpack her dictionary his pencil sharpener  computer game lost and found 6. 在失物招领处 7. 校牌   8. 二中   9. 给 mary 打电话   10. 一串钥匙   11. 请打 315   in the lost and found case school Id card No.2 middle school call mary a set of keys please call 315 1. 这是你的铅笔吗? 2. 是的,它是。 3. 不,它不是。 4. 那是 Tim 的书吗? 5. 你怎样拼写它 ?  6. 谢谢你 . Is this your pencil? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. Is that Tim’s book? How do you spell it? Thank you. 7. 不用谢 . 8. 我 10 岁 .  9. 你是 tony?  10. 是的,我是。 11. 不,我不是。 That’s all right./ that’s ok./ you’re welcome . I am ten. Are you tony? Yes. I am. No, I’m not. Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag? 在双肩背包里  在他的抽屉里  在地板上   在海伦的椅子上  在桌子下面  在她的沙发下面  在书柜后面   in the backpack in his drawer on the floor on helen’s chair under the table under her sofa behind the bookcase 在你的书桌后面  数学书  语文书  英语书  电子游戏  闹钟  录像带  吉姆的帽子 这些东西  behind your desk math book Chinese book English book computer game alarm colck video tape Jim’s hat those things 一些东西 把这本书带给你的朋友 把你的笔记带到学校来 写留言条 一幅中国地图  在辽宁 在学校 在床和沙发之间 紧挨着窗户  some things take this book to your friend bring your notebook to school write a note a map of china in liaoning at school between the bed and the sofa next to the window 1. 棒球在哪儿 ?  2. 它在抽屉里 . 3. 她的钥匙在哪儿 ? 4. 他们在椅子下面 . 5. 你的橡皮在梳妆台上吗 ? where is the baseball? It’s in the drawer. where are her keys? They are under the chair. Is your eraser on the dersser? 6. 不 , 它不在 . 7. 我不知道 . 8. 数学书在书柜上 . 9. 请把这些东西带给你的妹妹 . 10. 他的笔记本在床上 . No, it isn’t. I don’t know. The math book is on the bookcase. Please take these things to your sister. His notebook is on the bed. 11. 林涛的的钥匙在抽屉里 . 12. 你能把一些东西带到学校来吗 ? 13. 我需要我的帽子 . 14. 你会踢足球吗 ? 15. 是的 , 我会 . Lin tao’s keys are in the drawer. Can you bring some things to school? I need my hat. Can you play soccer? Yes, I can. 16. 不 , 我不能 . 17. 这是我的房间 . 18. 我的棒球在床下面的地板上 . 19. 那些是我的唱片 . 20. 这是我的房间 . No, I can’t. This is my room. My baseball is on the floor,under the bed. Those are my CDs. Here is my room. Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? 1. 网球拍 2. 踢足球 3. 打排球  4. 打电脑游戏 5. 戴帽子的男孩 6. 穿红衣服的女孩 7. 有许多俱乐部 8. 在早晨 9. 在下午 tennis racket play soccer play volleyball play computer games the boy in hat the girl in red have many clubs in the morning in the afternoon 10. 吃早饭 11. 看电视 12. 做运动 13. 体育俱乐部 14. 英语俱乐部 15. 一个大型的体育用品收集 16. 九个棒球 17. 欢迎来到某地 have breakfast watch TV play sports / do sports sports club English club a great sports collection nine baseballs welcome to + 地点 1. 窗户在墙上 . 2. 墙上有一幅我们教室的地图 . 3. 北京在中国 . 4. 穿白衣服的女孩是我妹妹 . 5. 树上有只鸟 . There’s a window in the wall. There is a map of our classroom on the wall. Beijing is in china. The girl in white is my sister. There’s a bird in the tree. 6. 树上有许多苹果 . 7. 我有一台电视 . 8. 你有一台电脑 . 9. 我们有一位英语教师 . 10. 你们有一些好朋友 . There are many apples on the tree. I have a TV. You have a computer. We have an english teacher. You have some good friends. 11. 他们有许多体育用品收集 . 12. 你有网球拍吗? 13. 你们有足球吗? 14. 他们有乒乓球拍吗? 15. 我们有篮球吗? They have many sports collection. Do you have a tennis racket ? Do you have a soccer ball ? Do they have a ping-pong bat ? Do we have a basketball ? 16. 是的,我们有。 17. 不,我们没有。 18. 我没有许多排球 . 19. 你没有姐妹 . 20. 你们没有数学书 . Yes, we do. No, we don’t. I don’t have many volleyballs. You don’t have a sister. You don’t have a math book. 21. 我们下午没有语文课 . 22. 他们没有祖父母 . 23. 她有一个弟弟 . 24. 林涛有 5 只铅笔 . 25. 它有一个名字 . we don’t have chinese lessons in the afternoon. They don’t have grandparents. She has a brother. Lin Tao has five pencils. It has a name. 26. 他有一个黄色的帽子吗? 27. 吉娜有一幅全家福照片吗? 28. 是的,她有。 29. 不,她没有。 30. 我的妹妹没有铅笔盒 . Does he have a yellow hat? Does gina have a family photo? Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t. My sister doesn’t have a pencilcase. 31. 我叔叔没有书柜 . 32. 让我们一起打篮球吧 . 33. 让我们一起看电视吧 . 34. 听起来不错 . 35. 听起来很无聊 . My uncle doesn’t have a bookcase. Let’s play basketball. Let’s watch   TV. That sounds good. That sounds boring. 36. 它看起来很有趣 . 37. 我们有许多体育俱乐部 . 38. 我有更多的手表 . 39. 艾德华 . 史密斯有一个大型的体育用品收集 .   40. 但是,他不做运动。 It looks very interesting. We have many sports clubs. I have more watches. Ed smith has a great sports collection. But, he doesn’t play sports. 41. 他只是通过电视观看他们 . 42. 他每天做运动 . 43. 我每天打排球 . He only watches them on TV. She plays sports every day. I play volleyball every day. Unit 6 Do you like bananas? 1. 一些鸡肉  2. 五个西红柿 3. 一些薯条  4. 许多汉堡 5. 八个草莓 6. 一些冰激凌 7. 四块手表 8 二串钥匙 some chicken five tomato es some french fr ies many / lots of hamburger s eight strawberr ies some ice cream four watch es two sets of key s 9. 六个男孩 10. 吃早餐 11. 吃午餐 12. 吃晚餐 13. 就早餐而言 14. 就午餐而言 15. 就晚餐而言 16. 就甜食而言 17. 运动明星 six boys have breakfast have lunch have dinner for breakfast for lunch for dinner for dessert running star 18. 歌星 19. 健康食品 20. 保持健康 21. 一本有趣的书 22. 怎样 / 如何 23. 食品清单 24. 不健康的食品 25. 运动明星 singing star healthy food keep healthy an interesting book how about /what about a list of food unhealthy food sports star 1. 我喜欢沙拉 .   2. 你喜欢香蕉吗? 3. 他们不喜欢西红柿 . 4. 我喜欢健康食品 . 5. 我妹妹喜欢草莓 . 6. 他弟弟不喜欢冰淇凌 . I like salad. Do you like bananas? They don’t like tomatoes. I like healthy food. My sister likes strawberries. His brother doesn’t like ice cream. 7. 她爸爸喜欢蔬菜吗? 8. 让我们吃些鸡肉吧 . 9. 它喜欢胡萝卜吗? 10. 让我们吃些水果吧 . 11. 这是花椰菜冰淇凌 . 12. 他的妹妹吃许多甜食 . Does her father like vegetables? Let’s have some chicken. Does it like carrots? Let’s have some fruit. This is broccoli ice cream. His sister eats / has lots of dessert. 13. 他们喜欢吃汉堡作为早餐 . 14. 我不喜欢沙拉和冰淇凌 . 15. 他不喜欢蔬菜,但他喜欢水果 . 16. 我喜欢每晚看电视 . 17. 她喜欢打排球 . 18. 她吃汉堡,鸡蛋和梨作为晚餐 . They like having hamburgers for breakfast. I don’t like salad or ice cream. He doesn’t like vegetables,but he likes fruit. I like  watching tv every evening. She doesn’t like playing volleyball. she has hamburgers,eggs and pears for dinner. 19. 赛跑者吃得好 . 20. 桌子上有一些鸡肉 . 21. 你爸爸喜欢什么食物? 22. 你爸爸午餐吃什么? 23. 你的朋友是一个男孩还是女孩 ? Runner eats well. Some chicken is on the table. What food does your father like? What does your father have for lunch? Is your friend a boy or a girl? 24. 打棒球真难 . 25. 这有 5 个中国人 . 26. 你喜欢吃什么 ? 27. 你爸爸是做什么的 ? It is difficult to play baseball. Playing basketball is difficult. There are five chinese. What do you like to eat? What does your father do? Unit 7 How much are these socks? 多少钱 七美元 五元钱 她的鞋 杰姆的白色袜子 我妹妹的短裤 两条裤子 how much seven dollars five yuan her shoes Jim’s white socks my sister’s shorts two pairs of pants 一件长的红色的毛衣 两条黄绿相间的裙子 一顶大的蓝色帽子 一件短的黑色的体恤衫 两个小包 什么颜色 给你 1.a long red sweater 2.two yellow and green skirts 3.a big blue hat 4.a short black t-shirt 5.two small bags 6.what color 7.here you are. 不用客气 华兴服装店 华兴衣服大减价 以很便宜的价钱 以很高的价格 以很低的价格 运动包 1.you’re welcome. 2.huaxing clothes store 3.at huaxing’s great sale 4.at a very good price 5.at a very high price 6.at a very low price 7.bags for sports/sports bag 穿红裙子 亲自 运动鞋 … 的价格  把某物卖给某人 从某处买某物 看一看 出售 in red skirt for yourself sports shoes the price of sell sth to sb buy sth from sb have a look (at) on sale 1. 红体恤多少钱? 2. 它是 28 美元 . 3. 这些黑裤子多少钱? 4. 它们 10 元 . 5. 那顶小的红色的帽子多少钱? How much is the red T-shirt? What’s the price of the T-shirt? It’s 28 dollars. How much are these black pants? They are 10 yuan. How much is that small red hat? / What is the price of that small red hat? 6. 我能帮忙吗?  7. 我想买一件毛衣 . 8. 你想要什么颜色的? 9. 给你 . 10. 我就买下它 . Can I help you?/ What can I do for you? Is there anything I can do for you? I want to buy a sweater./ I want a sweater. What color do you want? Here you are. I’ll take it. 11. 我就买下它们 . 12. 不用客气 . 13. 华兴服装大减价 . 14. 快来买衣服吧! 15. 快来买衣服吧!华兴衣服大减价了 . I’ll take them. You’re welcome. Huaxing clothes store sale. Come and buy your clothes! Come and buy your clothes at Huaxing’s great sale. 16. 我们有上好的毛衣,只卖 15 元 . 17. 你需要运动包吗? 18. 我们有女士体恤衫红色,绿色和白色的,只卖 18 元 . 19. 任何人都能接受我们的价格 . 20. 快亲自来华兴服装店来看看吧! We have sweaters at a very good price  - only 15 dollars. Do you need bags for sports? For girls, we have T-shirts in red, green and white for only 18 yuan. Anybody can afford our prices. Come and see for yourself at huaxing clothes store! 21. 看一看 zig zag 的服装店吧 . 22. 绿色短裤只卖 20 美元 . 23 你班有多少人 ? 24. 你想要多少花椰菜? Have a look at zig zag’s clothes store. The green shorts are on sale for only 20 dollars. How many students are there in your class? How much broccoli do you want? 25. 他也是一名学生。 26. 全部就这些了吗? 27. 不止这些 .  28. 我们有各种颜色的毛衣每件仅售 15 元。 He is also a student. Is that all? That’s not all. We have sweaters in all colors for 15 yuan each. Unit 8 When is your birthday? 1. 第五课 2. 第九课 3. 第 12 个月 4. 第 20 天 5. 第 48 个男孩 6. 在一月 28 日 7. 在九月 2 日  8. 在 1996 年十二月 25 日   lesson five /the fi fth lesson the nin th lesson / lesson nine the twelfth month the twent ieth day the for ty -eighth boy on January 28 th on September 2 nd on December 25 th ,1996 9. 在十月份  10. 在 2008 年 8 月  11. 在三月十一日上午 12. 每年 13. 出生日期 14. 举行英语演讲比赛 15. 举行学校郊游 16. 举办生日晚会  in October in August,2008 on the morning of March 11th on March 11th morning every year date of birth have an English speech contest have a school trip have a birthday party 17. 举行篮球赛 18. 李平的生日 19. 举办艺术节 20. 在你们学校 21. 听音乐 22.… 岁  23. 中文比赛 24. 校庆日 have a basketball game li ping’s birthday have an art festival at your school listen to music year old Chinese contest school day 1.15 加 28 等于 43. 2. 你的生日是什么时候?一月十五日。 3. 你妈妈的生日是什么时候? 4. 她多大了 ? 5. 你多大了 ? 我十五岁。 Fifteen and twenty-eight is forty-three. When is your birthday?  It’s January 15th. When is your mother’s birthday ? How old is she? How old are you ? I’m fifteen./ I’m fifteen years old. 6. 祝你生日快乐! 7. 二月是一年中的第二个月份。 8. 每年的最后一个月份是 12 月。 9. 六月 20 日我们有一场英语演讲比赛。 10. 你们学校有校庆日吗? February is the second month of a year. The last month of a year is December. We have an English speech contest on June 20th. Do you have a school day at your school? Happy birthday to you! 11. 他的生日是八月 14 日。 12. 我们在十一月 22 日进行郊游。 13. 你的年龄是多大 ? 14. 你们学校有艺术节吗? 15. 今天是多少号?  16. 今天是十一月 23 号。  His birthday is August 14th. We have a school trip on November 22nd. What’s your age ?/ How old are you?/ What’s the age of you? Do you have an art festival at your school? What’s the date today? It is November 23rd. Unit 9 My favorite subject science. 最喜欢的科目  最喜欢的运动  最喜欢的城市  数学老师  忙碌  疲劳  favorite subject favorite sport favorite city math teacher be busy be tired 对某人严格 下课后 中国历史俱乐部  和 … 一起玩  到处跑  忙于某事 be strict with sb after class Chinese history club play with run around be busy doing sth /  be busy with sth 1. 你最喜欢的科目是什么? 2. 我最喜欢的科目是科学。 3. 你为什么喜欢历史? 4. 因为它有趣。 5. 他为什么喜欢艺术? What’s your favorite subject?/What subject do you like best? My favorite subject is science./ I like science best. Why do you like history? Because it’s interesting. Why does he like art? 6. 她为什么喜欢体育? 7. 你最喜欢哪个城市?上海。 8. 你最喜欢什么食物?汉堡包。 9. 他最喜欢的颜色是什么?黄色。 10. 我最喜欢的电视节目是记录片。 Why does she like P.E? What is your favorite city? Shanghai. What is your favorite food? Hamburgers. What is his favorite color? Yellow. My favorite TV show is documentaries. 11. 你最喜欢的蔬菜是什么?花椰菜。 12. 我们最喜欢的运动是跑步。 13. 我只喜欢音乐。 14. 谁是你的数学老师? 15. 我确实很忙。 What is your favorite vegetable? Broccoli. Our favorite sport is running. I only like music. Who is your math teacher? I’m really busy. 16. 午饭后,我上语文课。 17. 下课后我玩两个小时的排球。 18. 我们的老师很严格并且下课后我通常很累。 19. 然后,我去中国历史俱乐部。 20. 我不喜欢任何的科目。 After lunch, I have Chinese. After class i have volleyball for two hours. Our teacher is very strict and I’m usually very tired after class. Then I have Chinese history club. I don’t like any subject. 21. 我喜欢和我的狗一起玩。 22. 它唯一的科目是围着我跑。 23. 请写信告诉我你在中国的生活。 24. 拥有一个中国朋友是让人兴奋的。 I like to play with my dog. His subject is only running around with me. Please write and tell me about your life in china. It’s exciting to have a chinese friend. 新七年级英语 ( 上册 ) 语法复习 一代词 人 称 代 词 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 单数 复数 单数 复数 单数 复数 主格 I we you you she he it they 宾格 me us you you her him it them 物 主 代 词 形物代 my our your your her his its their 名物代 1 、人称代词和物主代词 mine ours yours yours hers his its theirs 人称代词和物主代词练习: (一)用代词的适当形式填空。 1 . There is a letter for________ (her 、 hers) mother. 2 . That is _____(she ) coat. The coat is red.  ___(it)is a new one. 3 . Whose pens are these? _______(their) are ______ (we). 4 . Give _______(he) a toy, please. 5 . ________(we) eyes are black. 6 . Tim and Bill are twins. _________(them) parents are teachers. 7 . Give the book to __________(I ). 8 . These books are __________(we). 9 . That is not _________ kite. That kite is very small, but _________ is very big.( I ) 10 . The dress is _________. Give it to _________. ( she ) 11 . Is this _________ watch? (you) No, it’s not _________ . ( I ) 12 . ______ is my brother. _____ name is Jack. Look! Those stamps are _____. ( he ) her her It They ours him Our Their me ours my mine hers her your mine He His his 2 、指示代词 ( 1 )、 this“ 这” , 其复数形式 these “ 这些” , 指代近处的人或物体 ; ( 2 )、 that“ 那” , 其复数形式 those“ 那些” , 指代远处的人或物。 3 、指示代词 this that these those 作主语 , 一般疑问句的简略回答 ( 1 )、 Is this / that your aunt ? Yes , it is . No , it isn’t . ↘ 简略回答时 , 用主格代词 it 代替 ( 2 )、 Are these / those your uncles ? Yes , they are . No , they aren’t . ↘ 简略回答时 , 用主格代词 they 代替 、单句变复句 , 把句子中单数词变成复数词。 1 、 This is my friend . ___ ___ _____ _my ______ 2 、 That is his parent . ____ __ ____ __his ______ 3 、 She is her cousin . ___ ___ ____ __her ______ These are friends Those are parents They are cousins . 用所给的词选择填空 1 、 These are pens and ____ are pencils. (that, this, those) 2 、 Tom was sick yesterday. ___ is why he missed school. ( That, Those, These) 3 、 Which of _____ shirts are Tom's ( These, this, that) 4 、 This desk is mine, ___ is hers. ( those, this, that) 5 、 The map of Beijing is better than _____ of Tianjing . (this, that, these). those That these that that 二、名词 名词 : 名词分为可数名词和不可数名词。 1 、不可数名词 : 表示的事物 , 其数量不可以数清或者难以数清。例如 : water “ 水” , “ 水”的数量不可以数清 ; rice “ 大米 , 谷粒” , 其 数量难以数清。不可数名词用法上有两大特点 : (1) 、没有复数形式 ; (2) 、不能用不定冠词 a / an 、基数词、 many 修饰。 2 、可数名词 : 表示的事物 , 其数量可以数清 。可数名词用法上的特点 : (1) 、有单数、复数两种形式 ; (2) 、能用不定冠词 a / an 、基数词、 many 修饰。 3 、单数名词后加 s 或 es 变成复数名词。单数名词后加 s 或 es 的方法如下 : (1) 、 一般情况 , 名词后直接加 s ( 清辅音后读 / s /, 浊辅音后读 / z / ) 例如 : parents“ 双亲” ;aunts“ 阿姨” ;friends“ 朋友” (2) 、以字母 e 结尾的名词 , 直接加 s ( 读 / z / ) 例如 : uncles“ 叔叔” ;pictures“ 图画” (3) 、以字母 O 结尾的名词 , 有的加 s , 有的加 es ( 读 / z / ) 例如 : photos“ 照片” ;tomatoes“ 西红柿” ; (4) 、以“辅音字母 + y” 结尾的名词 , 变 y 为 i, 加 es ( 读 / z / ) 例如 :family → families; party → parties (5) 、以 s x ch sh 结尾名词 , 直接加 es ( 读 / Iz /) 例如 : buses“ 公共汽车” boxes“ 盒子” wishes“ 希望” watches“ 手表” (6) 、少数名词的复数形式是不规则的 , 有特殊形式。 man → men woman → women people → people child — children (7)knife 的复数形式是 knives 4 、名词所有格 : 表示“某人的” , 名词 + ’ 或 ’ s 构成 。其规则如下 : (1) 、一般情况下 , 名词后直接加 ’ s: Jim’s ( 吉姆的 ); my mother’s( 我的母亲的 ) 2 、以 s 结尾的复数名词 , 直接加 ’ : my friends’ ( 我的朋友的 );his students’ 3 、一个 人或物 属各自所有的或者几个人共有 , 变成所有格。 Jim’s and Kate’ s aunts 吉姆的阿姨和凯特的阿姨 Jim and Kate’ s birthday 吉姆和凯特 ( 共有 ) 的生日 一、写出下列词的复数形式 am_________ is_________ he _________ she _______ it ________ that_________ this_________ you_________ pen_________ desk_________ key_________ orange_______ boy_________ friend_________ parent_________ class _________ child______ shelf _________ bed _________ radio_______ photo_______ tomato_______ woman _________ man _________ strawberry _________ dictionary _________ box watch are are they they those these you pens desks keys oranges boys friends parents they boxes classes children shelves beds radios photos tomatoes women men strawberries dictionaries watches 二、选择填空 ( )1 、 There ____ on the wall .They are very beautiful. A. are photoes B. are photos C. is a photo D. is photos ( )2. The old man wants_________ . A. six boxes of apples B. six boxes of apple C. six box of apples D. six boxs of apples ( )3. There two in the box. A. is ,watch B. are ,watches C. are , watch D. is , watches ( )4. The ____ meeting room is near the reading room. A. teacher B. teacher’s C. teachers’ D. teachers ( )5.___ shirt is white. A. My brother B. My brothers C. My brother’s D. My brothers’ √ √ √ √ √ ( )6. Today is September 10th. It is ____ Day. A. Teachers B. Teachers’ C. the Teachers’ D. Teacher’s ( )7. It's June 1st, it's _______ Day. A. Childrens B. Children‘s   C. Childrens' D. Childrens's ( )8. This year, _______ is on May 9th. A. my mother's birthday B. my mothers' brithday   C. my mothers birthday D. my mothers's birthday ( )9. This is ___ . A. Mike and Jim's bike   B. Mike's and Jim bike C. Mike's and Jim's bike D.Mike and Jim bike √ √ √ √ 三、变换句型(把下列句子变为复数句)。 This is my friend. 2. This is a table. 3.That is her brother. 4.This is a book. 5.That is an eraser. 6.It is a red orange. 7.He is a teacher. 8. What’s this?         These are my friends. These are tables. Those are her brothers. These are books. Those are erasers. They are red oranges. They are teachers. What are these? 四、按中文意思填空 1. ____________________( 李明的 )parents work in a big hospital. 2. This is ________ ( 我妹妹的 ) Chinese book. 3. __________________ ( 我的姐姐和弟弟的 )rooms are very nice. 4. _____________________ ( 王平和王明的 ) father is a hotel manager. 5. Is this _________________( 你的好朋友的 )pen ? 6. They are______________________ (Peter 和 Sam 的 ) teachers. Li Ming’s My sister’s and my brother’s my sister’s Wang Ping and Wang Ming’s your good friend’s Peter and Sam’s 7. _____________( 教师节 ) is on September 10 th . . 8. _____________( 学生们的 ) desks and chairs are very new. 9. _____________( 赵敏的 ) shoes are white. 10. _________________(John 和 Sally 的 )mothers are American. 11. ________________(Tony 哥哥的 )computer is broken. 12 、 It’s _______________( 妇女节 ) on March 8th. Teachers’ Day The students’ Zhao Min’s John’s and Sally’s Tony’s brother’s Women’s Day 三、冠词 只有不定冠词 a (an) 和定冠词 the 两个,不用冠词叫零冠词。 1 、不定冠词 a 和 an : a 用在辅音前,如 a pen a chair an 用在元音前。 an old teacher an English book 注意辅音字母第一个音是元音的情况: F H L M N S X 这七个字母的第一个音是元音在说一个以上字母时要用 an , 如 an“F ” ( 一个 F) 同时注意字母 U, 它是元音字母,但它的第一个音是辅音,因此说一个 U ,应为 a “U” 2 、定冠词 the : 当一个名词第二次出现时前面用 the 。 注意在三餐饭( breakfast 、 lunch 、 dinner )前不用 the , 月份和星期前都不用 the , 体育活动的球类运动前面不用 the 。 如 :have dinner in January December Sunday play basketball play tennis (volleyball soccer Ping Pong chess baseball) 3 、如单数可数名词前有 this 、 that 、 my 等代词修饰时,则不再使用 a 或 an 。 冠词练习 ( )1. There is _______ art room in the building. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )2. ----What color is _____ orange? --- It’s ____ orange. A. an, the B. /, an C. an, / D. /, the ( )3. There is___ “u” and ___ “s” in the word “rulers”. A. a, a B. an, a C. a, an D. an, an ( )4. It’s not ____English book. A. a B. an C. the D. / √ √ √ √ ( )5. I have ___ very interesting book. It is about___ exciting game. A. an, the B. the, a C. a, an D. a, a ( )6 . Is that your ______ ?   A . a picture B . picture C . pictures D . nice pictures ( )7 . Are ___ Kate’s ___? A . this, book B . that , book C . these , books D . those , book ( ) 8.That’s _________ art book. A. an B. a C. the D are √ √ √ √ 四、数量词 1 、基数词 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen 2 、序数词 first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth 口诀: 1 、 first, second, third 特殊记; 4 到 19 加 th , 注意 fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth 2 、整数则是去 y 变 ie , 加 th , 如: twentieth ; 3 、表示“几十几”,整数为基数词,个数为序数词 如: thirty-third fifty-fifth 数词练习 1 、 Mr Green has ______ ( two ) daughters . 2 、 Kate is Mr Green’s _____ ( one ) daughter. 3 、 There are ______ ( twelve ) months in a year. 4 、 March is the _______ ( three ) month of a year . 5 、 They have _____ ( twenty ) computers. 6 、 I can afford _______ ( eight ) sweaters . 7 、 Mr Green’s ______ ( nine) store is very big . two first twelve third twenty eight ninth 8 、 ----How old is your friend ? ----She is ( 12)years old . . 9 、 ----How old is her father? ---- He is (30) years old . 10. January the month of a year. 11 、 February the month of a year. 12 、 April the month of a year. 13 、 May the month of a year . 14 、 August the month of a year. 15 、 December the month of a year. twelve thirty first second fourth fifth eighth twelfth 五、介词 介词:本册的介词较少,主要用在介词短语里面,如 on : on sale ( 销售 ) on April 8th, ( 在四月八日 ) on the desk ( 在桌子上 ) on TV ( 在电视上 ) in : in English ( 用英语 ) in the afternoon ( 在下午 ) in the case ( 在盒子里 ) T-shirt in red ( 红色 T 恤 ) be in the movie (出演这部电影) in September ( 在九月 ) be in our school music festival (参加我们学校的音乐节) at : call sb.at 3356 ( 拨打 3356 找某人 ) at your school ( 在你们学校里 ) at Huaxing Clothes Store (在华兴服装店) at a very good price ( 以非常优惠的价格 ) at six ( 六点钟 ) have a look at ( 看一看 ) of : a set of ( 一串 … ) the photo of your family ( 你的全家照 ) lots of =a lot of ( 许多 ) date of birth ( birthday ) ( 生日 ) with : with sb. ( 同某人一起 ) be good with ( 和 … 相处得好 ) help sb. with sth . ( 帮助某人做某事 ) for : thanks for =thank you for ( 谢谢某人的 … .) bag for sports ( 运动包 ) pants for $30 ( 卖 30 元的裤子 ) see for yourself ( 亲自看看 ) for girls ( 对女孩子来说 ) like sth . for lunch ( 喜欢吃 …… 当作午餐 ) about : about Chinese history ( 有关中国历史 ) under : under the desk ( 在桌子下面 ) 六、形容词 本册所学的形容词不多,注意拼法和反义词 big (small) long (short) sad (happy) boring (interestingfunny ) exciting difficult relaxing great healthy old (new) white (black) 七副词 ● 副词:除疑问副词外,本册的副词有 only too very well often also really 副词 only often also really 等在句中的位置都是在行为动词前面或是系动词的后面。 注意几组词的区别: 1 、 too 和 also : too 一般放在句子的末尾, also 在行为动词前面或是系动词的后面。 2 、 well 和 good :两个词都有“好”的意思,但 well 是副词,而 good 是形容词, well 修饰动词,放在动词的后面, good 修饰名词,放在名词的前面。如 play basketball well speak English well a good student Good morning 八、连词 连词: 本册所学连词有 and but or then ● and 连接两个词或两个句子,表示前后的句子意思顺接。 如: I like thrillers and I like action movies ● but 连接两个句子,表示后面意思转折。 如: He likes tomatoes but she doesn’t like broccolis ● or 表示选择关系。 如: Can you play the piano or the violin? ● then 表示动作的先后顺序。 ★ 本册所学的祈使句类型有 Spell it, please. Please take these things to your sister. Let’s play ping-pong. (tennisbasketballvolleyball) Come and buy your clothes. Have a look at Huaxing Clothes Store. 九、动词及句型转换 1 、 动词的种类 ( 四类 ) ( 1 )系动词:如 be 动词 (is am are) ; become , sound 等 ( 2 )情态动词如 can 、 may 、 need ; ( 3 )助动词( do does ); ( 4 )行为动词如 take 、 bring 、 eat 、 have(has ) 、 like 、 sell 、 buy 、 play 、 see 、 go 、 watch 等 2 、 动词的第三人称单数(与名词的复数一样 ) 如 eat(eats) take (takes) buy (buys) play (plays) have(has ) are (is) 3 、 动词的时态(一般现在时 ) ( 1 )含有 be 动词的 有 be 动词的句子在变一般疑问句时,将 be 动词放到句首, (注意第一人称变为第二人称 Are you a Chinese boy ? Is she twelve ? Is he Tim’s brother ? 含有 be 动词的句子在变否定句时只须在“ be 动词后 +not” , 注意: some→any and→or I’m not a Chinese boy. She isn’t twelve . He is not Tim’s btother . Her mother isn’t an English teacher . (2) 含有情态动词的句子 ( can 等,以 can 为例 ) , She can play basketball. His mother’s cousin can sing many English songs. 含有情态动词的句子在变一般疑问句时只须将“情态动词放到句首”, Can she play basketball ? Can his mother’s cousin sing many English songs ? 含有情态动词的句子在变否定句时直接在情态动词的后边加上 not 。 注意: some→any and→or 例: She can not play basketball . His mother’s cousin can not sing many English songs . (3) 含有行为动词的句子 We have many friends. They watch TV at 7 in the evening . The students take their books to school . I have lunch at school . You have a sister . ① 含有行为动词的句子在变一般疑问句时要在原句子的前面加 do. Do you have many friends ? Do they watch TV at 7 in the evening ? Do the students take their books to school ? Do you have lunch at school ? Do you have a sister ? ② 含有行为动词的句子在变否定句时只须在行为动词前加 don’t . 注意: some→any and→or We don’t have many friends. They don’t watch TV at 7 in the evening . The students don’t take their books to school . I don’t have lunch at school . You don’t have a sister . ③ 含有行为动词的句子,当主语是第三人称单数时,行为动词要加 s ( 或 es ) 如: She has a red pen . He has eggs for breakfast . Her mother buys a skirt for her . She likes thrillers . My brother watches TV every evening . He wants to go to a movie . 含有行为动词的句子,当主语是第三人称单数时,变一般疑问句要“加 does , 行为动词要还原” 。 注意: some→any Does she have a red pen ? Does he have eggs for breakfast ? Does her mother buy a skirt for her ? Does she like soccer ? Does your brother watch TV every evening ? Does he want to go to a movie ? 含行为动词的句子,当主语是第三人称单数时,变否定句时“在行为动词前面加 doesn’t , 同时原行为动词要还原”。 注意: some→any and→or She doesn’t have a red pen . He doesn’t have eggs for breakfast . Her mother doesn’t buy a skirt for her . She doesn’t like thrillers . My brother doesn’t watch TV every evening . He doesn’t want to go to a movie . 练习 ◆ 、 be 动词: be 动词有三兄弟: is , am, are 。 I( 我 ) 用 am, you( 你 ) 用 are, is 跟着 he( 他 ) she( 她 ) it( 它 ) , we( 我们 ) you( 你们 ) 和 they( 他们 ) ,复数(两人以上)永远连着 are. 解析 : I am; You are; He is; She is; It is; We are; You are; They are. (1) 、在下面的题目中填上恰当的 Be 动词。 1. I ________ Kitty. 2. She _______ a student. 3. Jane and Tom _________my friends. 4. My sisters _______ tall. 5. I _______ at school now. 6. We ________ students. 7. They ________ in the zoo. 8. Yang Ling ________ ten years old. 9. Where ________ your friends? 10. How old __________ you? 11. I  _____    a student. am is are are am are are is are are am 12. You ____ a doctor. 13.____she Kitty? 14. _____ you Chinese? 15. He _____ in Shanghai. 16. It_____ a car. 17. They ____ cars 18. ____ your mother in the room? 19. _____your friends in the room? 20. What ____ your name? 21. These _____ buses. 22. Those _____oranges. are Is Are is is are Is Are is are are (2) 、在下面的短文中填上恰当 be 动词。 I ______ a girl. My name _______ Mary. I ______ 12 years old. Here ______ my family photo. Look! These ______ my parents and those _______ my grandparents. This boy ______ my brother. He ________ 15 years old now. That ______ my cat, Mimi. It ______ very lovely. am is am is are are is is is is 3 )、在横线上填写 be 动词的正确形式,然后变成一般疑问句并做肯定与否定回答 eg . : 1. I  _am a boy.    _ Are you  a boy?  Yes, I am/ No, I am not .    2. The girl______ his sister.  3. Miss Zhang _______ a teacher.   4. This______ my dress.   5. That ______ my red skirt.  is Is the girl his sister? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. Is Miss Zhang a teacher? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. Is this your dress? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. Is that your red skirt? Yes, it is. is is is No, it isn’t. 2 、主语(非第三人称单数) + 行为动词原形 + 其他 (用助动词 do 帮助构成否定句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问) 3. 主语(第三人称单数) + 行为动词的第三人称单数 + 其他(用助动词 does 帮助构成否定句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问句) 行为动词第三人称单数加 -s 的形式 1.- s 2. 辅音 +y: study-studies 3. 以 s,x,ch,sh 结尾 watch-watches teach-teaches4 特殊 have-has do-does go-goes ●do 类动词(行为动词)用原型或第三人称单数形式。 “ 原形动词 + s / es ” 构成“第三人称单数形式” , 与单数名词变复数名词方法一样。 (1) 、一般情况 , 动词后直接加 s ( 清辅音后读 / s /, 浊辅音后读 / z / ) 例如 :brings 带来 calls 打电话 meets 遇见 needs 需要 (2) 、以字母 e 结尾的动词 , 直接加 s ( 读 / z / ) 例如 :likes 喜欢 takes 带走 (3) 、以字母 s x ch sh o 结尾的动词 , 加 es ( 读 / z / 或 / Iz / ) 例如 : does 做 goes 走 , 去 watches 观看 (4) 、以“辅音字母 + y” 结尾的名词 , 变 y 为 i, 加 es ( 读 / z / ) 例如 : study → studies 学习 ( 思考 :enjoy play have 的第三人称单数形式是 ) 练习: .1)His parents _______ (watch) TV every night. 1) My brother _________(do) homework every day. 2)His parents _________ (not watch) every night. 否定句 2)My brother________ (not do) homework every day. 3)__ ___his parents____ _(watch) TV every night? Yes, they _____. No, they _______. 一般疑问句 3)______ your brother ____ _ ( do ) homework every day? Yes, he______. No, he _________. 4)When_ __ his parents ____ _(watch) TV? They watch TV every night. 特疑问句 4)When _____ your brother ____(do) homework? He does homework every day. watches does don’t watch doesn’t do Do watch do don’t Does do does doesn’t do watch does do 本块习题 : 用所给词的正确形式填空 1 、 I _______ ( have ) a soccer ball . 2 、 She ______ ( have ) two ping-pong balls . 3 、 He ______ ( play ) sports every day . 4 、 We ______ ( speak ) English . 5 、 Tom ______ ( call ) Jim every day . 6 、 My daughter ______ ( like ) apples . 7 、 His friend______ ( know ) English . 8 、 The girl ______ ( study ) English sometimes . 9 、 The boy often ______ ( watch ) TV . 10 、 Her uncle ______ ( go ) home on foot plays has have speak calls likes knows studies watches goes 本块练习题 把下列肯定句变成否定句、一般疑问句 , 并作简略回答。 1 、 They like computers . 否 :They ______ ______ computers . 疑 :____they____ computers ? ___________ 2 、 He has a sports club . 否 : He ______ ______ a sports club . 疑 :______he_____ a sports club ? ____________ 3 、 We watch TV sometimes . 否 :We ______ ______ TV sometimes . 疑 :_____ _____ _____ TV sometimes ? ____________ 4 、 Tom often plays computers . 否 :Tom ______ often ____ computer games . 疑 :_____ Tom often _____ computer games ? ____________ don’t like Do like Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t. doesn’t have Does have Yes, they do. No, they don’t. don’t watch Do you watch Yes ,we do. No, we don’t. doesn’t play Does play Yes ,he does. No, he doesn’t. 5 、 She has some basketballs . 否 :She _____ ______ _____ basketballs . 疑 :_____ she _____ _____ basketballs ? ____________ 6 、 I enjoy playing sports every day . 否 :I ______ ______ playing sports every day . 疑 :______ ______ ______ playing sports every day ? ____________ 7 、 . My daughter calls me sometimes . 否 :My daughter ______ ______ me sometimes . 疑 :_____ _____ daughter _____ me sometimes ? ____________ 8 、 The girl speaks English and Chinese . 否 :The girl ______ ______ English_____ Chinese . 疑 :_____ the girl _____ English _____ Chinese ? ____________ don’t have any Does have any Yes ,she does. No, she doesn’t. doesn’t enjoy Do you enjoy Yes ,I do. No, I don’t. doesn’t call Does your call Yes ,she does. No, she doesn’t. doesn’t speak or Does speak or Yes ,she does. No, she doesn’t. 练习: 1 、 Tom likes some fruits for lunch( 一般疑问句 ) . ______ Tom ______ ______ fruits for lunch ? 2 、 I like vegetables for dinner( 同上 ) . ______ ______ like vegetables for dinner? 3 、 The running star has lots of healthy food( 否定句 ) . The running star______ ______ lots of healthy food 4 、 They have a lot of chicken . ( 同上 ) They ______ ______ a lot of chicken. 5 、 Do you run in the morning every day ? ( 假设是 , 回答 ) ________ 6 、 Does your friend enjoy fruits for lunch ? ( 假设不是 , 回答 )______ 7 、 A lot of people like eating healthy food .( 同义句 ) ______ people like ______ healthy food. Does like any Do you doesn’t have don’t have Yes, I do. No, heshe doesn’t. Many having 练习题 ( 一 ) 、 1 、肯定句 This is my pencil . ( 这是我的铅笔 ) 否定句 This ______my pencil . ( 这不是我的铅笔 ) 一般疑问句 ______ this______ pencil ? ( 这是你的铅笔吗 ) 肯定回答 ____________. 否定回答 . _____________ 2 、肯定句 That is my eraser .( 那是我的橡皮擦 ) 否定句 That ______eraser . ( 那不是我的橡皮擦 ) 一般疑问句 _____that ______eraser ? ( 那是你的橡皮擦 ) 肯定回答 ____________ 否定回答 ______________ 3 、肯定句 These are my pens . ( 这些是我的钢笔 ) 否定句 These______ my pens . ( 这些不是我的钢笔 ) 一般疑问句 ______ these ______pens ? ( 这些是你的钢笔吗 ) 肯定回答 ____________. 否定回答 ____________ . isn’t Is your Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. isn’t Is your Yes, they are. No, it isn’t. aren’t Are your Yes, it is. No, they aren’t. 4 、肯定句 Those are his baseballs . ( 那些是他的棒球 ) 否定句 Those ______ his baseballs . ( 那些不是他的棒球 ) 一般疑问句 ______those ______ pens ? ( 那些是他的棒球吗 ) 肯定回答 ____________ 否定回答 ____________ 5 、肯定句 I am Helen ( 我是海伦 ) 否定句 ______ ______Helen . ( 我不是海伦 ) 一般疑问句 ______ ______Helen . ( 你是海伦吗 ) 肯定回答 ____________. 否定回答 ____________ . 6 、肯定句 It is her notebook . ( 它是她的笔记本 ) 否定句 It ______her notebook . ( 它不是她的笔记本 ) 一般疑问句 ______ ______ her notebook ? ( 它是她的笔记本吗 ) 肯定回答 ____________. 否定回答 ____________ . 7 、肯定句 A lot of keys are in the pencil — case . ( 否定句 A lot of keys ______ in the pencil — case . 一般疑问句 ______a lot of keys in the pencil — case ? 肯定回答 ____________. 否定回答 ____________ . aren’t Are his Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. I’m not Are you Yes, I am. No, I’m not. isn’t Is it Yes, it is. aren’t. No, it isn’t. Are Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. ★ 就划线部分提问是 特殊疑问句 (是特殊疑问词部分 + 一般疑问句) 这学期学的一些特殊疑问句: 1 、 What+ 一般疑问句:例: What is your name? What color+ 一般疑问 : 例 What color is your bag? 2 、 Who + 一般疑问句 : 例 Who are they? 3 、 Why + 一般疑问句 : 例 Why do you like music? 4 、 Where+ 一般疑问句 : 例: Where is my bag? 5 、 How+ 一般疑问句 : 例: How are you? ● 就划线部分提问练习 1 、 My name is Gina. name? 2 、 I’m fine. you? 3. It’s an orange. in English? 4. My bag is red. is your bag? 5. This is “V”. in English? What’s your How are What’s it What color What’s this 6. O-R-A-N-G -E,orange. you “orange”? 7. My telephone number is 6690678. telephone number? 8. Her name is Linda . name? 9. My first name is Jack. first name? 10. She is my sister. she? How do spell What’s your What’s her What your is Who is 11. They’re on the floor. they? 12. The baseball is on the sofa . the baseball? 13. The keys are in the drawer. the keys? 14. I want a sweater . you ? 15. These socks are two dollars . these socks? Where are Where is Where are What do want How much are 16. ---- Blue . do you want? 17. The T-shirt is seven dollars the T-shirt? 18. My birthday is October tenth. birthday? 19. Her birthday is June 8th . birthday? 20. I’m thirteen. you? What color How much is When’s your your When’s How are old 21. It‘s Monday today . is today? 22. My school day is on October 18th . school day? 23. It’s August 8th. the date? 24. My favorite subject is Chinese . favorite subject? 25. Her favorite subject is English . favorite subject? What day it When’s your What is What’s your What’s your 26. I like P.E. because it’s fun. you like P.E? 27. My music teacher is Miss Xie . music teacher? 28. His favorite sport is basketball . favorite sport? 29. I have rice and chicken . you for lunch? 30. He likes P.E . best. he best? Why do Who’s your What’s his What do have What subject like ★ 情景会话:本册出现的主要会话片段 1--Good morning! (afternoon evening )! --Good morning! (afternoon evening )! 2 、 ----- Nice to meet you! ----- Nice to meet you! 3 、 -----Good-bye! -----Good-bye! (Bye-bye ) 4 、 ------Hello, Frank! ------Hello, Eric! 5 、 --------How are you? --------Fine, thanks. How are you? ------- I’m fine, too. (I’m OK.) 6 、 -----What’s your name? ------My name is Jim. 7 、 ---- What’s her first name? -------It’s John. 8 、 ------What’s this in English? -------It’s a map. --Spell it, please. (How do you spell it?) ----M-A-P 9 、 ------What’s this in English? ------It’s an orange. ------What color is it? ------It’s red. 10 、 -------Is this (that) your pencil? ------ Yes, it is. It’s my pencil. -----(No, it isn’t. it’s her pencil.) 11 、 -----Where is my computer game? -----It’s under the bed. 12 、 --------Do you have a TV? --------Yes, I do. (No, I don’t.) -------Does he have a tennis racket ? --------Yes, he does. ( No, he doesn’t. ) 13 、 ------Let’s play ping-pong. -----No, I don’t have a ping-pong ball. ----Well, let play volleyball. ----That sounds good. 14 、 ------Do you like salad? ------Yes, I do. (No, I don’t.) 15----How much is this T-shirt? -----It’s seven dollars. -----How much are these shorts? -----They are three dollars. ------ 16.---When is your birthday? --- My birthday is (on) November 12th ---When is Liu Ping’s birthday? ------It’s ( on ) October 15th . ---How old is he? ---He’s thirteen 17 、 -----Can I help you? ---Yes, I want (to buy) a sweater.. ---What color do you want? ---Yellow. -----Here you are. --How much is it?. ----Eleven dollars. -----I’ll take it. Thank you. (Thanks.) -----You are welcome. 18 、 - - What’s your favorite subject ? - My favorite subject is Chinese . 19 、- What’s her favorite subject ? - Her favorite subject is English 20 、- Why do you like English ? ---Because it’s interesting and useful . 21 、- Why does he like P.E. ? - Because it’s fun. 22 - Who is your math teacher ? - Mrs. Chen. ★ 、本册出现的短语 first name 名字 last name/ family name 姓氏 phone number 电话号码 an ID card 一张身份证 pencil box 铅笔盒 computer game 电脑游戏 play computer games 玩电脑游戏 lost and found 失物招领 call sb . at 347-2365 给某人打 347-2365 in the desk 在桌子里 under the chair 在椅子下 on the floor 在地板 math book 数学书 a set of keys 一串钥匙 in English 用英语 an eraser 一块铅笔擦 pen friend 笔友 a photo of your family 你家人的照片 thanks for 为 … 感谢 on the sofa 在沙发上 bring sth . to sb. 把 … 带 ( 来 ) 给某人 take sth to sb. 把 … 拿 ( 去 ) 给某人 play basketball 打篮球 play ping-pong /table tennis 打乒乓球 play volleyball 打排球 play soccer/football 踢足球 play baseball 打棒球 play tennis 打网球 tennis racket 网球拍 every day 每天 play / do sports 做运动 watch TV 看电视 watch sth . on TV 在电视上观看 … some tomatoes 几个西红柿 ice cream 冰淇淋 lots of = a lot of 许多 , 大量 some photos 一些/几张相片 have/eat chicken 吃鸡肉 healthy food 健康食品。 have/eat lunch 吃午饭 have/eat breakfast 吃早饭 have/eat dinner(supper ) 吃晚饭 how much 多少钱 here you are 给你 you‘re welcome 不客气 have a look at 看一看 … bag for sports 运动包 two dollars 两美元 seven yuan 七元 ( 人民币 ) what color 什么颜色 a good price 价格合适 come and see for yourself 亲自来看看 be on sale 大廉销 , 大减价 birthday party 生日聚会 date of birth (=birthday ) 生日 speech contest 演讲比赛 school trip 郊游 , 校游 school day 作息日,校日 basketball game 篮球赛 art Festival 艺术节 how old 几岁 fifteen years old 15 岁 have math 上数学课 Chinese teacher 语文老师 on Monday 在周一 on May 2nd 在五月二日 on Sunday morning 在星期天上午 at home 在家 what color 什么颜色

