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‎2019届二轮复习语法专题冠词 一、概述 冠词是置于名词之前,说明名词所指的人或事物的一种虚词,冠词不能离开名词而单独存在。冠词分为三种:定冠词、不定冠词和零冠词。‎ 本章先介绍冠词的概念,从最基本的概念入手,将冠词分为三类,并概述每种冠词的含义及指代关系,进而介绍三种冠词的使用场合,既包含普通性,同时又蕴含着特殊性,在普通性的指导下去研究特殊性,用特殊性去验证普通性,进而将普通性与特殊性有机结合,全方位把握三种冠词用法,最后提炼精华,触摸冠词的实质,从高度理性层次彻底掌握冠词。‎ 冠词在英语中虽然只是一个小小的虚词,但其在英语中的作用是举足轻重不容忽视的,它可润色语言,让语言生动活泼,同时要彻底把握冠词也不是一件容易的事情,也许冠词有点抽象,包含的范围很广,以致于可能对冠词模糊。相信,通过对各种冠词用法的归纳总结,详细剖析以及精华的提炼及本质的概括后,定会柳暗花明又一村!‎ 二、分类及定义 冠词是置于名词之前,说明名词所指的人活物的一种虚词。冠词也可说是名词的一种标志,不能离开名词而单独存在。‎ 英语中冠词有三个:定冠词、不定冠词和零冠词。‎ 定冠词the来自古老的相当于that的代词,它的基本概念是特指,即用以指同类中的某一个人或物或专指某一类人或物(从定义可知,定冠词the的基本指代状况是“特指”)。‎ 不定冠词来源于数词one,不定冠词的基本概念是“非特指”,即用以指某类人或物种的任何一个或某一个(从定义可知不定冠词a/an的基本指代状况是“泛指”)。‎ 核心:要牢记冠词的定义及分类,看似简单的定义却是把握冠词的关键。要从冠词的基本概念出发,在特定环境下要能准确把握“特指”或“泛指”以进一步确定冠词,以收到事半功倍的效果。‎ 三、冠词的运用场合 ‎1、使用定冠词与不定冠词的场合 ‎1)使用定冠词的场合 ‎(1)用以表示世上独一无二的或被认为是世上唯一的东西时。如:‎ The world is full of happiness and sadness.‎ The moon looks brighter against the sky.‎ We should protect our earth from being polluted.‎ 但是应注意,当此类名词被形容词修饰时,亦可用不定冠词。如:a blue sky、a cloudy sky、a new/bright ‎ moon、a half/full moon、a red sun等。‎ ‎(2)用以特指某人或某物时,即定冠词的基本用法。如:‎ The snows of this year are bigger in the south than those of the north.‎ He is studying while the other students are playing outside.‎ She is the very lady that helps me out when I am in trouble.‎ 注意:特指经常暗含在上文中或名词有前置或后置定语时以区别其他,表特指。‎ ‎(3)当人或物被第二次提到时(此点可以从(2)去理解,即定冠词的基本概念“特指”。当一个名词被第二次提到时,在第一次的基础上大家已熟知或心照不宣,所以是特指上文中的那个名词,即“泛指”基础上的“特指”)。如:‎ A man dying for the rescue was just about thirty years. All the people hearing of the bad news admired the man very much.‎ ‎(4)用在形容词、副词最高级或序数词前;only、main、sole、same修饰名词时(此点可结合(1)从独一无二角度加以分析,既然是“最…怎么样”,肯定是世上唯一的,不是独一无二的就无所谓“最…怎么样”,“第一、第二、第三…唯一”等肯定也应是独一无二的,只会是“一”概念,而不会是“两个”)。如:‎ That’s the main idea.‎ He is the sole student that hasn’t passed the exam.‎ I am the first one to arrive.‎ 但在下列习语中序数词前不用冠词:‎ We are first brothers. 我们是亲兄弟。‎ He is second to none in English. 他的英语比谁都好,首屈一指。‎ He went to see her first thing in the morning. 他早上首先去看她。‎ 其他,如:at first sight、on second thoughts、first prize、first secretary等。‎ ‎(对于冠词,不仅要把握其普遍性更要抓其特殊性,只有两者有机结合,才能滴水不漏地全方面掌握冠词的用法,特殊用法及固定搭配中的冠词的使用是冠词的一个难点,为了有效解决此类问题,应多积累,反复记忆)‎ ‎(5)用在单数名词前表属类(英语中表属类的方式很多,如:复数名词,a/an +单数名词,the +单数名词等)。如:‎ The tiger has died out in this area because of hunting.‎ The kilometer is the international standard.‎ ‎(6)用在复数名词前,表示某类人的总称或集体中的任何一个或多于一个。如:‎ They went to the shops to buy some flowers.‎ The government employees are angry at the decision.‎ 也泛指时日,如:‎ The times are very different from the ancient times.‎ The years went by.‎ ‎(7)用在形容词、动名词、过去分词前表示同一类人或物或某种抽象概念(可这样理解,形容词后省略了名词中心词,如:the rich(people),因为是“富人”而不是“穷人”或其他类人,表特指,所以和the连用,还应注意,此类词作主语时,谓语一般用复数,但表示某一个或某种抽象概念时,谓语用单数),如:‎ the rich、the old、the blind、the sick、the aged、the dead The young like skating.‎ The wicked always come to bad ends.‎ The beautiful is not always the good.‎ 这类形容词有时可用副词、介词短语、定语从句或另一形容词修饰。如:‎ The seriously wounded were sent to hospital.‎ The completely blind may be much clever.‎ The young in spirit enjoy life.‎ The old who live away from their children can also take good care of themselves.‎ 这类形容词有时可用比较级或最高级:‎ I think even the humblest should have a voice in the world.‎ The greatest are not always the noblest.‎ 有时可用形容词性物主代词代替这类形容词前的冠词:‎ Our poor should have equal rights like the rich.‎ ‎(8)用在表示海洋、湖泊、河流、山脉、群岛或某些组织、机构、报刊、杂志等。如:‎ the Pacific、the Thames、the Yangtze River、the Nansha Isles、the Yellow Sea、the United States、the Book of Poetry、the three Goeges 对于此点应注意以下几点:‎ ‎①下列这类名词前不用冠词:‎ Life《生活》周刊 Dunch《笨拙》周刊 congress国会 Time《时代》周刊 ‎ Parliament议会 ‎②含有mount、lake、cape等表示孤岛、独山、湖泊的名词前一般不加定冠词,但中国湖泊名词前常加定冠词。如:‎ Lake Baikal、Hainan Island、Mt Fuji、the Dongting Lake、the Taihu Lake(也可以说Lake Dongting、Lake Taihu)‎ ‎③都市名称前一般不加冠词,除the Hague(海牙)、the Ginza(银座)外。‎ ‎④Bay(海湾)在专有名词后不加定冠词。如:Manila Bay、Jiaozhou Bay ‎(9)用在姓氏的复数形式前表示“一家人”。如:‎ The Johns go for a hiking every summer holidays.‎ 成语keep up with the Johns中的Johns泛指“人们”,表示“跟上时代,不落伍”。‎ ‎(10)用在表示民族、阶级、阶层的名词前。如:‎ the Chinese、the bourgeoisie、the intellectuals、the upper class ‎(11)用在有后置定语修饰的专有名词前。如:‎ The Shakespeare of the age is still very popular until now.‎ The China of the 21th century changed a lot.‎ 在这里补充说明一点关于同位语前冠词的用法:表示身份、职业等的名词作同位语时,如果用定冠词修饰表示该人或物为人们所熟悉;如果用不定冠词表示不太为人们熟悉。‎ ‎(12)用在表示方向、方位的名词前。‎ a、在介词短语中,方向、方位名词前要用定冠词。如:‎ There is a library in the south.‎ We can’t change the past.‎ 但在某些方位词+介词结构中,方位词前不用冠词。如:‎ north by east北偏东、from east to west从东到西 b、方位名词大写指某个国家或世界的某一部分时,前面要用定冠词。如:‎ The North is colder than the South.‎ The South Pole is covered with ice.‎ ‎(13)冠词与大学名称的连用。‎ 比较:the university of Beijing(正)‎ ‎ Beijing university(正)‎ ‎ the Beijing university(误)‎ 以人名或地名命名的大学,人名、地名要前置,不加the。如:‎ Harvard university、Yale university、Qinghua university ‎(14)用在乐器名称前。如:‎ I like playing the violin as a boy.‎ She plays the piano very well.‎ ‎(15)用在表示单位的名词前表示“按…计算”,如:‎ They are paid by the month.‎ He counted his money by the hundred.‎ 但若此类名词是抽象名词时,不可和the连用。如:‎ Meat is sold by weight.‎ ‎(16)用在表示对人体部位的特指,结构为:verb + sb/sth + on/in/by + the + n(表身体部位)。如:‎ He hit her in the face.‎ The policeman caught the thief by the arm.‎ 以上结构中的the不可换为形容词性物主代词,若用可如下表达。‎ He hit her face.‎ The policeman caught the thief’s arm.‎ ‎(17)用在某些与动词同形的名词前。如:‎ He was on the go all day long.‎ The number is always on the increase.‎ ‎(18)用在逢“十”的复数名词前,指世纪中的几十年代或人的大约岁数,以及世纪之前。如:‎ He was in/about the forties.‎ She was in America in the seventies.‎ In the 21th century, English is becoming more and more important.‎ ‎(19)用于单数可数名词前,表该名词属性、功能、或抽象概念。如:‎ The song is pleasant to the ear.‎ The flower is beautiful to the eye.‎ She went on the stage at ten.‎ He was brought up on the bottle.‎ ‎(20)如果两个名词指两个人或物,通常每个名词前都要加冠词;如果两个名词指同一个人或物,只用一个冠词(要注意谓语动词的单复数问题:两个冠词使用复数,一个冠词用单数)。如:‎ The wise and beautiful lady is our teacher.‎ The writer and the poet are very famous for literature.‎ The renowned composer and musician was known as the father of the blues.‎ ‎(21)在by +交通工具名词词组中,交通工具名词前不加the,但有客观时刻表修饰时需用the。如:‎ I went to school by bus.‎ The professor will leave by the 7:00 plane.‎ ‎(22)定冠词表示与人体密切相关的事物(此点可结合(16)记忆)。如:‎ Playing basketball is good for the health.‎ The spirit is willing, but the fresh is weak.‎ Poetry can stimulate the mind.‎ ‎(23)人名前若有形容词修饰表示人的特征、性质或某种感情时用定冠词(可结合(11)记忆)或有后置定语。‎ The life of noble Lincoln has inspired many people.‎ The honorable George Washington made a great speech.‎ ‎(24)某些代表社会团体的词,表示概括意义。如:‎ the community、the public、the crowd、the staf等。‎ ‎(25)在“数词+ of +宾语”结构中,若该宾语为名词,该名词前必须有定冠词the或其他限定词。如:‎ Some of the books are about our major.‎ None of the students can work it out.‎ ‎(26)the +形容词,可表示“部分”概念。如:‎ the yellow of an egg、the middle of the hall、the thick of the forest ‎(27)用在表示自然界的名词前。如:mountain、rain、sunshine、wind、snow、sea、seaside等,即使泛指也要用the。‎ ‎2)不使用定冠词的场合 ‎(1)当名词前有其他限定词,如:物主代词、疑问代词、不定代词和数词修饰时,不用定冠词。如:my pen、our book、one student。‎ ‎(2)在表示人名、地名的专有名词前,一般不用定冠词,除非有后置定语特指(可参加使用冠词情况(11)加以深化记忆)。如:John Brown、Beijing ‎(3)一日三餐名词前一般不用定冠词。如:‎ Lunch has been eaten up.‎ 但若要却指即特指某一次早、中、晚餐,则用定冠词,表示“一种”时,还可用不定冠词。如:‎ The breakfast was very delicious cooked by my mother this morning.‎ Today I had a full breakfast.‎ ‎(4)日期、月份、季节、日夜、早、晚、周年等名词前一般不用定冠词。如:‎ Usually school just begins in September.‎ Day has broken.‎ With winter going, spring just follows.‎ 但若特指具体的某个时间概念,季节名词前要用定冠词。如:‎ How do you plan to spend the summer this year?‎ It snowed very heavily in the winter of 2008.‎ 注意在以下三种习惯用语中the的用法:‎ ‎1、all day、all night、all winter、all year中不用定冠词。‎ ‎2、in spring和in the spring、in summer和in the summer可互换,两种表达均可。‎ ‎3、during the summer、during the winter等习惯说法中要用定冠词。‎ ‎(5)球类及游戏类名词前一般不用定冠词。如:‎ He likes playing football.‎ After classes, we often play chess together.‎ ‎(6)表示颜色的名词前一般不用定冠词。如:‎ Red stands for happiness in a particular situation.‎ ‎(7)表示语言的名词前一般不用定冠词。如:‎ English is becoming an important language in the world.‎ 但当语言类名词后面跟有language时要和定冠词连用。如:‎ the Chinese / English language ‎(8)学科名词前一般不用定冠词。如:‎ He likes physics (history / art / Chinese) best of all the subjects.‎ ‎(9)用作同位语或主语补足语即表语以说明身份、职位、头衔或表示某种抽象概念的名词前一般不用定冠词。如:‎ He president presided in the meeting.‎ He was author of many novels.‎ The young lady was secretary of the company.‎ He was once taken prisoner.‎ 对于此点应注意以下几种特殊情况:‎ ‎1、职位或头衔名词作表语时不用冠词表示某单位内“独一无二”的职务或正职,若用不定冠词有“其中之一”的含义,试比较:‎ Mr Wang is dean of the college.‎ Mr wang is a dean of the college.‎ She is woman scientist in the art field.‎ She is a woman scientist in the art field.‎ ‎2、如果表语名词前面或后面有fully、enough、less…than、more…than、thoroughly等词或短语,说明某种程度使名词抽象化,具有形容词性质时,其前不用冠词。如:‎ He is man enough to have the courage to do it.‎ He is more father than husband.‎ She is scholar enough to solve the problem.‎ ‎3、把表语名词提前表示强调时,该名词前不用冠词。如:‎ He shared weal and woe with the soldiers, great general he was.‎ ‎4、某些让步状语从句中主要由as、though引导运用倒装,表语名词前不用冠词。如:‎ Child as he was, he knew a lot and even more than adults.‎ Old man as he was, he wanted to live all by himself.‎ ‎5、society作“社会”解时,如果泛指一般的社会前不用定冠词,如果表示特定的某个社会要用定冠词。如:‎ Air is a big threat to society.‎ The society of the USA was based on independence.‎ ‎(10)表示家人的名词前可以不用定冠词,但该名词的首字母应大写。如:‎ Where is Father?‎ I will go shopping together with Uncle this afternoon.‎ ‎(11)成对使用的名词或形容词等固定搭配一般不用定冠词,这类用法的词、词义有些很接近,有些指同一个事物或含有对比、对照含义。如:pencil and notebook、track and field、right and wrong、side by side、father and son、arm in arm等。‎ ‎(12)由具体名词转化为抽象名词时,不用定冠词,这时名词所表示的不是具体的建筑物或事物,而是该事物的功能及用途。比较:‎ at table在用餐 at the table在桌旁 in hospital住院 in the hospital在医院 with child怀孕 with a / the child 带着孩子 go to sea当海员 go to the sea到海边 类似事物例子还有很多,在此不在一一列举,仅以以上几例说明问题,重要的是理解上述说法。‎ ‎(13)方位名词作状语时,前不用定冠词(也可如此理解方位词既可充当名词亦可充当副词作状语即是副词,副词是不和冠词连用的)。如:‎ The house faces south.‎ The ship sailed west.‎ ‎(14)定冠词的使用有时会影响数的概念,一般说来用the表示范围内的全体,不用the则仅表示某个范围内的一部分。如:‎ Four of us will go hiking.(我们一共不只4人)‎ The four of us will go hiking.(我们一共只有4人)‎ ‎(15)形容词最高级前不加定冠词的五种特殊情况:‎ ‎1、某一比较范围,只是用来加强语气表示“非常、极其”的意思,前面一般不用定冠词,但可用不定冠词。如:‎ She was best.‎ He was a cleverest boy.‎ ‎2、作表语的形容词最高级只用来同本身相比较且没有比较范围时不用定冠词。如:‎ The lake is deepest at this point.‎ It is best to tell him the truth.‎ The teacher is most free on Sunday.‎ ‎3、如果形容词最高级用来修饰同源宾语,前面不用定冠词,只用物主代词。如:‎ I dreamt my worst dream last night.‎ She smiled her sweetest smile.‎ 且这种结构中同源宾语中的中心名词常可省略。如:‎ She sang her sweetest (song).‎ I live my poorest (living).‎ ‎4、如果形容词最高级用在that、though、as引导的倒装、让步状语从句中,前不用定冠词。如:‎ Youngest as he is, he has already become a famous expert.‎ Richest though the man is, he is empty of happiness.‎ ‎5、在at(the)least、at(the)worst、at(the)best、at (the)latest、at(the)utmost、at(the)farthest等短语中the常可省去。‎ ‎(16)by同post、wire、radio、telegram、telegraph、bus、car、taxi、train、tram、rail、tube、plane、boat、ship、land、air、water等词连用,构成习语,其中的名词并不表示具体的交通工具,而表示“乘车、邮寄、坐飞机”等抽象概念,这种习语中的名词前不可用冠词,但如果by换为其他介词则可和冠词连用。如:on a bike、in a bus、in a cab且必须和冠词连用。如:‎ I told her my arrival by letter.‎ I informed her of the news by telegram.‎ ‎(17)由of、in等引导的用作定语的短语,如果是描述性的,被修饰的名词前不用定冠词,如果是分类性的,被修饰的名词则要用定冠词,描述性不具有针对性,而分类性则有针对性。比较:‎ Admission to any university is according to the examination.(描述性定语)‎ The admission to this university is not easy.(分类性定语)‎ Conditions in a hotel should be favorable.(描述性定语)‎ The condition in this hotel should be favorable.(分类性定语)‎ ‎(18)含有province、country、prefecture等的专有名词前不用定冠词。如:‎ Anhui province、Ken country ‎(19)以人名作为书名、剧名、电影名时不用定冠词。如:‎ I plan to read Einstein.‎ It is known to us that Hamlet is a tragedy.‎ ‎(20)以作者的名字表示作品时,不用定冠词。如:‎ I’m reading Mark Twain.‎ ‎(21)含有station、park等词的专有名词不用定冠词。如:‎ Tianjin station、Bei Hai park ‎(22)在习惯用语中不用定冠词(在此就不再一一列举)‎ ‎2、使用不定冠词与不使用不定冠词的场合 ‎1)使用不定冠词的场合 ‎(1)表示“一”这个数量,相当于one。如:‎ Wait a moment.‎ She’s a student at college.‎ ‎(2)用在可数名词前泛指一类人或物。如:‎ A child shouldn’t be spoiled.‎ A horse is a tool to carry goods in the past.‎ 不定冠词和定冠词皆可表示类属,但不定冠词强调的是个别,而定冠词强调类别,不定冠词相当于every,定冠词相当于all。比较:‎ An air-conditioner is becoming more and more common.(误)‎ The air-conditioner is becoming more and more common.(正)‎ 下面三句都是对的 A pen is a good tool for us to write.‎ The pen is a good tool for us to write.‎ Pens are tools for us to write.‎ ‎(3)用在表示某些数目的表示法中。如:a horse、a score、a couple、twice a week。‎ ‎(4)用在姓名前(表示“一个叫…的人”或“像…的人”)或Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms + 姓氏前,表示“某一个,某位”,有不肯定的意味。如:‎ A Mr Smith is calling you on the telephone.‎ The door-keeper is a Chen.‎ 此外,如果出现复数,姓名也可加s构成相应复数。如:‎ There are two Johns in our class.‎ ‎(5)用在地点、国名专有名词前,表示某时的情况或某种样子。如:‎ We will see a powerful China in the east in the future.‎ He would never think of such a New York.‎ ‎(6)用在某些物质名词前,表示“一阵、一份、一类、一场”类等。如:‎ A heavy rain made me wet.‎ I’d like to have an ice-cream.‎ ‎(7)用在表示情绪的抽象名词前,表示“一种、一类”等,也用在其他抽象名词前,表示“一种、这种、那种”等,还可用在复数抽象名词前,表示单一概念或用在表示时间、款项的复数名词前,表示一个整体单位(整体概念)。如:‎ It’s a shame not to pass the exam.‎ It’s a pleasure for me to help you.‎ The lady is quite a beauty.‎ The room is a bit of a shambles.‎ I had a busy two weeks.‎ I have a good twenty dollars in my pocket.‎ ‎(8)表示“每一”,相当于each或per。如:‎ Take this medicine three times a day.‎ The beef costs two dollars a pound.‎ ‎(9)不定冠词可以表示“同一、相同”的意思,这种用法常同介词of连用,不定冠词相当于the same。如:‎ Our shoes are of a size.‎ The old man and the old woman are of an age.‎ ‎(10)a/an +名词+ of + a/an +名词是一种固定结构,前面的名词表示的是后面名词的性质或特征,意为“像…样的”这种结构中的a/an不能换成one,但可有变体。如:‎ a mountain of a wave滔天巨浪 a hell of a life地狱般的生活 an angel of a girl天仙般的少女 a giant of a man巨人 a brute of a man凶残之人 a treasure of a son宝贝儿子 a death of a cold极其寒冷 a jewel of a book非常珍贵的书 对于上述结构常有如下变体:‎ ‎1、这种结构中第一个名词前也可以有形容词、形容词性物主代词、the、this、that、these、those或some,有时第二个名词前可加形容词。如:‎ that pretty butterfly of a girl像一只美丽蝴蝶般的女孩 a little shrimp of a fellow一个小得像虾米似的人 a hell of a long way非常遥远 ‎2、注意下面的变体:a little rat sort of fellow一个像老鼠一样的家伙(of前用了sort,of后的名词前不再用a)‎ ‎3、the +普通名词+ of +抽象名词结构,表示比喻。如:the sun of her beauty她倾国的美貌 ‎(11)当turn或go作“变成”解时,其后的表语名词前不用冠词,但若名词前有形容词修饰时则须用不定冠词。如:‎ The man has turned writer after difficulties.‎ He turned a good fellow.‎ ‎(12)a/an加专有名词可以表示:①与某个专有名词相仿的某人、某事或某地。②某种特定状态下的某人或某物。③某人的一部(副)作品或设计制造发明的机器。④“一个叫…的人”。如:‎ I met a John in the street today.‎ He talks like a Johnson.‎ The boy is now a different Jack from what he was years ago.‎ I bought a Qi Baishi on an exhibition display.‎ He is an Einstein of today.‎ Her son wants to be a Washington in the future.‎ That picture is a West Lake.‎ ‎(13)用在名词化的动名词、形容词过去分词或序数词等前。如:‎ I take a liking to her at an early age as a child.‎ He got a first in the game.‎ This pair is small. Can you change for a bigger?‎ ‎(14)表示“那种”,相当于such,也表示“任何”,相当于any。如:‎ He is not a boy to tell lies. He is honest.‎ A steel worker makes steel.‎ ‎(15)有些名词通常成对出现(被看作一个整体),一般只用一个不定冠词。如:‎ Can you give me a knife and folk?‎ A horse and cart in ancient is an important tool.‎ ‎(16)不定冠词的使用与数的概念有关。如果只用一个不定冠词修饰,则指的是同一个人或物;若有两个不定冠词,则指的是两个人或物。如:‎ I bought a black and white coat.(我买了一件黑白上衣)‎ I bought a black and a white coat.(我买了一件黑上衣和一件白上衣)‎ We visited a writer and poet.(作家兼诗人)‎ We visited a writer and a poet.(一位作家和一位诗人)‎ ‎(17)序数词表示“再一、又一”的意思时用不定冠词。如:‎ Can you give me a second apple?‎ I had called her a third time but she didn’t answer my cell phone?‎ ‎(18)表示“大约”。如:‎ It took me about a three months to find a fit job.‎ ‎(19)用在习惯用语中(不再一一列举)。‎ ‎(20)关于不定冠词同half的搭配问题应注意以下几点:‎ ‎1、冠词置于half和名词之间。如:‎ The little baby drank half a bottle of milk this morning.‎ We spent half the year in college.‎ ‎2、half单独使用作“半”解时,a放在half前。如:‎ We had only one apple and a half.‎ We’ve covered two miles and a half.‎ ‎3、half作形容词用结构为half a(the…)+名词,half作名词用,结构为half of a(the…)+名词。比较:‎ half the sum = half of the sum half my money = half of my money ‎4、half作名词用时,可以有其复数。如:‎ He cut the apple into two halves.‎ I know French by halves.‎ ‎5、a half brother和a half moon为固定表达法,不可说half a brother、half a moon。‎ ‎2)不使用/省略不定冠词的场合 ‎(1)不可数名词前不可使用不定冠词。如:some furniture、a little water。‎ ‎(2)物质名词前一般不用不定冠词,但若要指具体的东西时,可用不定冠词。如:‎ Please write your name on paper.‎ Did you finish the paper in the exams?‎ ‎(3)抽象名词如beauty、death、living等前一般不用不定冠词,但表示具体含义时可用不定冠词。‎ Beauty exists here and there。‎ She is really a beauty。‎ ‎(4)三餐名词前不用不定冠词,但有形容词修饰时除外。如:‎ We are having lunch when telephone rings.‎ It is really a rich and delicious dinner.‎ ‎(5)在并列使用或配对使用的单数名词前不定冠词可省略。如:‎ He is teacher, writer and poet.‎ All the old lady needs is needle and thread.‎ ‎(6)以as、though引导的让步状语从句中,放在句首的名词不用不定冠词。如:‎ Child as he is, he could speak English correctly and clearly.‎ ‎(7)在独立主格结构中,名词前不加任何冠词,若转化为with复合结构时,冠词不可少。如:‎ Our English teacher came in, book in hand (=with a book in hand)‎ He fell down from the bike, head first down the stairs.‎ ‎(8)人名同位语中a/an常可省略。如:‎ Mrs. Sylvia Lvilkins, (an) avid amateur astronomer from New York.‎ reports a sighting of an unidentified comet.‎ 以上是使用或不使用不定冠词的场合,现再对不定冠词补充说明两点:‎ ‎1、关于用a还是an的问题,看似简单的问题却容易忽视。‎ 用a还是an不是看其后的首字母是元音字母还是辅音字母,而是看首字母发元音还是辅音的问题。‎ ‎①h在hour、honor、heir等词中不发音,故用an。如:‎ I spent an hour mending my broken bike.‎ It’s a honor to win the first prize in the game.‎ He should be an heir according to the law.‎ ‎②u发[ju:]时用a,发[? ]或其他元音时用an。如:‎ He is a university student.‎ It’s a useless book.‎ She is an ugly girl.‎ ‎③eu和ew在词首时发音为[ju:],故用a。如:‎ He’s a man coming from a European country.‎ A ewe is under the tree.‎ ‎④英语中的26个字母常用于缩略语中在A、E、F、H、I、L、M、N、O、R、S、X前用an,其余用a。‎ ‎2、关于a/an与one的用法异同。‎ ‎①不是数目“一”时,二者可换用。如:‎ A/one third of the pupils had arrived.‎ ‎②指“有一个(人)”或“某一(人)”时,可以换用,但要注意用a时,必须带称号、称呼或尊称等用one可不带。如:‎ A/one Mr. Smith is waiting you at the door.‎ ‎③表示“一致、同一”时,可换用。如:‎ We are of a/an mind.‎ He and I are of an/one age.‎ ‎④“not one+名词”与“not a+名词”同义,有时可换用。如:‎ Not a/one student can solve the problem.‎ Not a/one penny is wasted.‎ 但是后若接of表范围时,只能用not one不能用not a。如:‎ Not one of them offers to save the drowning girl.‎ 另外not one可单独使用,而not a则不能。如:‎ Not even a window was painted.‎ ‎⑤在运算等习惯用法上只能用one。如:‎ Two plus one is three.‎ Ten to one he can’t succeed.‎ ‎⑥表示“其中之一”时,只能用one。如:‎ One of the best ways to solve the problem is to discuss it together.‎ ‎⑦表示“以一概全”时,只能用a不用one。如:‎ A rolling stone can gather no moth.‎ A rolling eye, a rolling heart.‎ ‎⑧在某些习惯说法中要用one。如:as one man、with one voice、one last time。‎ ‎3、使用零冠词的场合 ‎(1)在介词后表示抽象概念的名词前。如:‎ He is at university.他正读大学。‎ The murder is still in jail.(坐牢)‎ He put the baby to bed.(睡觉)‎ ‎(2)在“形容词+of+表示身体部位的单数名词”结构中。如:‎ He came in, red of face.‎ She is a kind lady, pure of heart.‎ ‎(3)表示纯概念、无所指、无单复数概念。如:‎ Space shuttle航天飞机(图画说明)‎ Map pinpoints scenic sites in Nanjing.(地图说明)‎ ‎(4)在呼语、感叹语中。如:‎ Dear, mother.‎ Sit down, boys.‎ ‎(5)表为人所熟悉的事物。如:‎ There’s no place better than home when you’re away from your home.‎ ‎(6)泛指人类或男女。如:‎ Man will die.‎ To ensure woman’s cpmplete emancipation and make her the equal of man, it is necessary for woman to participate in common production labor.‎ ‎(7)表具体的典型部分。如:‎ The man was bald head and pale face.‎ The dog escaped with tail between its legs.‎ ‎(8)被认为是不可数的或复数形式的疾病名词前不用冠词。如:‎ He’d been with flu for a long time.‎ I had toothache all night.‎ ‎(9)of前后的两个名词是表示同位关系时,后一名词前通常不用冠词。如:‎ She played the role of happy hostess.‎ He applied for the position of manager.‎ ‎(10)earth作“地球”时,通常要加定冠词,但在下面几种情况下earth前不加定冠词或可加可不加:‎ ‎1、on earth表示“究竟、到底”,位于what、who、how、why、where之后加强语气。‎ ‎2、on earth表示“人世间”,位于否定意义的词后或形容词最高级后加强语气。‎ ‎3、on(the)earth表示“在世界上,在地球上”,为习惯用语the可用亦可不用。‎ ‎(11)序数词前不用冠词的四种情况 ‎1、序数词作副词用时,不用冠词。如:‎ He ran first in the trace.‎ First go to see a doctor and second have a good rest.‎ ‎2、序数词作名词用,表“名次”等时,不用冠词。如:‎ All the new products are firsts.‎ The population of the city is second in the province.‎ ‎3、序数词和名词构成复合形容词前不用冠词。如:‎ Can you give me first-hand information?‎ Don’t buy second-hand car.‎ ‎4、序数词表示的街道名词前不用冠词。如:‎ Thirty-fifth street、sixth avenue ‎(12)用于“kind、sort等+ of”之后。如:‎ What kind of milk do you like best?‎ I like this sort of novel.‎ ‎(13)表抽象品质或职务。如:‎ He was son of a tailor.‎ He became king.‎ He was taken prison.‎ ‎(14)用于独立主格中。如:‎ She sat at the table collar off head down and pen in hand.‎ ‎(15)单形名词变为物质名词时,如:‎ How do you like rabbit(兔肉)?‎ Beijing is famous for its roast duck(烤鸭).‎ ‎(16)单形类名词变为抽象名词时,亦可用零冠词。如:‎ She cared a lot about face.‎ School is over at twelve.‎ ‎(17)零冠词用于习惯用语中。如:lost heart、set sail、take root等。‎ 说明:有些零冠词的用法已经暗含在定冠词与不定冠词使用与否的场合,在此不再重复列举,可参考前一部分对零冠词的用法加以完善。‎ 至此我们已将冠词用法与零冠词用法介绍完毕,下面我们将通过比较一些固定的词组去感受一下冠词的作用到底有多大,有没有冠词的差距在哪里。‎ go to church去坐礼拜 in red穿红色衣服 go to the church上那个教堂去了 in the red亏损、执政 go to sea当水手 by day白天 go to the sea到海边去 by the day按天计算 in office在办公、执政 at school上学 in the office在办公室里 at the school在学校里 of an age同龄 with child怀孕 of age成年 with a child带着孩子 go to court起诉 in a fashion勉强 go to the court去法院 in fashion时髦 out of question毫无疑问 have a word with与…说话 out of the question不可能 have words with吵架 例子还有很多,在此就不再一一列举,关键要体会冠词顶峰作用和冠词是怎样影响整个意思的。‎

