2021届高三英语外研版一轮总复习教师用书:选修8 Module 4 Which English

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2021届高三英语外研版一轮总复习教师用书:选修8 Module 4 Which English

www.ks5u.com Module 4 Which English?‎ ‎(主题语境——人与自我之生活与学习:语言学习)‎ ‎1.alphabet n. 字母;字母表  2.vocabulary n. 词汇 ‎3.input v. 输入 4.expression n. 词语,措辞 ‎5.idiom n. 成语,习语 6.passage n. (一)段(文章) ‎ ‎7.accent n. 口音,腔调 8.pronunciation n. 发音 ‎9.stress n. 重音 10.proverb n. 格言,谚语 ‎11.grammar n. 语法 12.term n. 术语;条目 ‎13.spelling n. 拼写;拼法 14.loanword n. 外来词 ‎ ‎15.usage n. 使用,用法 16.dictation n. 听写 ‎17.input v. 输入 18.output v. 输出 ‎19.recite v. 背诵 20.retell v. 复述 ‎21.preview v. 预习 22.review v. 复习 ‎23.memorize v. 记忆 24.command n.& v. 掌握 ‎25.fluent adj. 流利地 ‎1.keep in mind 记住 ‎2.insist on 坚持 ‎3.make great progress 取得很大进步 ‎4.come across 碰到 ‎5.meet with 遇到 ‎6.refer to/consult a dictionary 查字典 ‎7.learn...by heart 把……记下/背下 ‎8.set/take/write/note down 写下,记下 ‎9.pick up (不经意)学会 ‎10.acquire skills/knowledge 获得技能/知识 ‎11.have a grasp of=have a command of 掌握 ‎12.follow (take) one's advice 听从……劝告 ‎13.communicate with 与……交流 ‎14.ask for help 求助 ‎15.focus one's attention on=concentrate on 集中(注意力、精力)于 ‎16.form the habit of 养成……习惯 ‎17.make full use of 充分利用 ‎18.enlarge/expand one's vocabulary 扩大词汇量 ‎1.Learning any language takes a lot of effort. But don't give up.‎ 学习任何语言都需要花费很多努力,不要放弃。‎ ‎2.In the competition for a wellpaid job, the one who can speak fluent English has an advantage over those who cannot.‎ 在竞争找工作的时候,会说流利英语的人就会比不会说英语的人有优势。‎ ‎3.Some think in today's world we need to make frequent contacts with different people in different parts of the world, so it is absolutely necessary to learn English.‎ 一些人认为,在今天的社会里,我们常常需要跟全世界不同地方的人接触, 所以学英语是很有必要的。‎ ‎4.Rome wasn't built in a day. Work harder and practice more. Your hard work will be rewarded one day.‎ 罗马不是一日建成的。更加努力地学习,更加勤奋地操练,你所付出的一切将会得到回报。‎ ‎5.I know a little French but I know nothing about German.‎ 我懂一点法语,但是不懂德语。‎ ‎            ‎ ‎ 单词巧练 写准并记牢 高考与教材 Ⅰ.识记单词 ‎(一)会其形 ‎1.matter v. 重要,要紧;有关系   2.count v. 很重要;很有价值 ‎3.relevant adj. 有关的;切题的 4.conflict n. 抵触;冲突 ‎5.select v. 挑选,选择 ‎6.dilemma n. 进退两难的境地;困难的抉择 ‎7.superior adj. 更好的;更强的 8.debate n. 讨论;辩论 ‎9.acquire v. 得到,获得 10.furthermore adv. 此外,而且 ‎11.convey v. 传达,传递 ‎12.withdraw v. 收回;撤销(说过的话)‎ ‎13.reject v. 拒绝接受 14.overcome v. 征服;战胜 ‎15.splendid adj. 极好的,优秀的 16.candidate n. 投考者,应考人 ‎(二)知其意 ‎1.ancestor n. 祖先,前辈 ‎2.bilingual adj. ‎ ‎1.(2019·江苏卷)The recent changes in the technologies of communications and transportation are so revolutionary (revolution) that now we live in a “borderless world”.‎ ‎2.(2019·北京卷)Whatever colour changes the ocean experiences in the coming decades will probably be too gradual and unnoticeable, but they could mean significant (significance) changes.‎ ‎3.(2019·北京卷)At this year's I/O Conference, a company showed a new voice technology able to produce such a convincing (convince) humansounding voice that it was able to speak to a receptionist and book a reservation without detection.‎ ‎4.(2014·江苏卷)People are social creatures by nature, and so it is hardly surprising that part of their selfrespect comes from the approval (approve) of others.‎ ‎5.(2018·江苏卷)However, those in ‎ 双语的;会讲两种语言的 ‎3.ambiguous adj. 歧义的;含糊的 4.telegraph n. 电报 ‎5.betray v. 对……不忠 6.prejudice n. 偏见;歧视 ‎7.rhythm n. 节奏;韵律 ‎8.straightforward adj. 简单的,易懂的 ‎9.unique adj. 独一无二的;独特的 10.concept n. 概念;观念 ‎11.potential adj. 潜在的;可能的 12.classify v. 将……分类 ‎13.status n. 地位 14.flavour n. 特点,特色;情调 Ⅱ.拓展单词 ‎1.instantly adv. 立即,马上→instant adj. 立刻的,马上的 n. 立刻,片刻 ‎2.recognisable adj. 能辨认的,能认出的→recognise v. 认出;承认→recognition n. 认可;辨认 ‎3.revolution n. 革命→revolute v. 参加革命→revolutionary adj. 革命的→revolutionist n. 革命者;革命家 ‎4.investigate v. 调查→investigation n. 调查;研究 ‎5.complain v. 抱怨;不满→complaint n. 抱怨;牢骚;投诉 the 10 to 12 age group were “concerned with how many people like their posts”, suggesting a “need” for social recognition (recognise) that gets stronger the older they become.‎ ‎6.(2017·浙江卷)But when he looked to the side, he saw instantly (instant) that it wasn't a dog at all, but a wolf, quickly catching up with him.‎ ‎7.(2017·北京卷)Machines with specific purposes are associated (associate) with living things partly because they might be able to prevent themselves from being destroyed.‎ ‎8.(2012·北京卷)This phenomenon is likely not surprising to anyone who has tried to resist eating (eat) cookies or smoking a cigarette while under stress—at those moments, only the pleasure associated with such activities comes to mind.‎ ‎9.(2014·浙江卷)They were abroad during the months when we were carrying out the investigation (investigate), or they would have come to our help.‎ ‎10.(2014·江苏卷)A group of scholars signed a letter of complaint ‎6.convinced adj. 确信的,信服的→convincing adj. 有说服力的;令人信服的→convince vt. 使确信,使信服 ‎7.association n. 联系→associate v. 使发生联系→associated adj. 有联系的 ‎8.significance n. 意义;含义;重要性→significant adj. 有意义的;重要的 ‎9.oppose v. 反对→opposition n. 反对→opposite adj. 相反的;对面的 ‎10.resist v. 反抗;抵抗→resistance n. 反抗;抵抗→resistant adj. 抵抗的 ‎11.approval n. 赞许;赞成→approve v. 赞同,赞成;批准,认可 ‎12.curiosity n. 好奇心→curious adj. 好奇的→curiously adv. 好奇地 ‎13.initially adv. 起初→initial adj. 起初的 ‎14.tendency n. 趋向;倾向→tend v. 趋向;易于;照顾 ‎15.fascination n. 着迷,迷恋;吸引力→fascinate v. 使着迷→fascinating adj. 迷人的;吸引 ‎ (complain) over the inclusion of these English words, which, they think, goes against Chinese language policies.‎ 人的 ‎1.“赞成”相关词汇 ‎①approval n. 赞许;赞成 ‎②agree v. 同意,赞成 ‎③approve v. 赞许;赞成 ‎④agreement n. 同意 ‎⑤favour n. & v. 赞同,支持 ‎⑥be for 支持,赞成 ‎2.有几个“反对”?‎ ‎①oppose vt. 反对 ‎②object vi. 反对 ‎③disapprove vt. 反对;不同意 ‎④disagree vi. 不同意 ‎⑤object to 反对 ‎⑥be opposed to 反对 ‎3.“重要”的形容词有很多 ‎①important 重要的 ‎②significant 重要的 ‎③key 关键的 ‎④vital 至关重要的 ‎⑤essential 基本的;必要的 ‎⑥fundamental 必不可少的 ‎ 短语巧练 写准并记牢 高考与教材 ‎1.tell...apart 区分开 ‎1.(2018·全国卷Ⅲ)I decided to play ‎ ‎2.as_long_as 只要 ‎3.lie_in 在于 ‎4.in_conclusion 总之;总而言之 ‎5.a_huge_number_of 大量的(修饰可数名词)‎ ‎6.get_down_to_sth. 开始做某事 ‎7.let_sb._down 使某人失望 ‎8.or_rather 更确切地说,倒不如说 ‎9.complain_about 对……抱怨 ‎10.be_relevant_to 与……有关 with him with only one toy for as_long_as it would keep his interest. ‎ ‎2.(2015·北京卷)One of their neighbors had written to complain_about the sound of the piano. ‎ ‎3.(2015·湖北卷)I don't think what he said is_relevant_to the topic we are discussing. He has missed the point.‎ ‎4.(2014·广东卷)She herself lived a simple or_rather poor life but she was so generous to the people in need of help.‎ ‎1.“总之”说法种种 ‎①in conclusion ‎②(all) in all ‎③in a word ‎④in general ‎2.“开始做某事”短语大团圆 ‎①get down to (doing) sth.‎ ‎②settle down to sth.‎ ‎③set about doing sth.‎ ‎④set out to do sth.‎ ‎3.rather相关短语一览 ‎①or rather 更确切地说 ‎②would rather 宁愿 ‎③rather than 而不是 ‎④other than 除了 ‎ 句式仿写 写准并记牢 高考与教材 ‎1.whether...or... “不论……还是……”‎ In this sense everybody's use of language—whether English, Chinese, or any other—is different.‎ 从这种意义上来说,每个人对语言的使用——不管是英语、汉语还是任何其他语言——都是不同的。‎ ‎2.强调句型 Perhaps correctness doesn't matter—as long as speakers can understand each other—it's communication that counts.‎ 也许正确与否不要紧——只要说话的人互相明白就行——重要的是交流本身。‎ ‎3.“主语+be+adj.+to do...”句式 English has a huge number of colourful and splendid expressions which may be difficult to understand.‎ 英语中有大量绚烂而华丽但可能很难懂的表达。‎ ‎1.(2019·浙江卷)不管他的队伍输还是赢,你都应该称赞他的努力。‎ You should praise his effort regardless of whether_his_team_wins_or_loses.‎ ‎2.(2017·天津卷)在我回到公寓时,我第一次遇见了我的新邻居。‎ It_was_when_I_got_back_to_my_apartment_that I first came across my new neighbors.‎ ‎3.(2017·全国卷Ⅰ)首先,我建议你提前学习唐朝的历史,这可能会比较容易理解将要学习的诗歌。‎ Firstly, I advise you to learn the history of the Tang Dynasty in advance, which may be much_easier_to_understand the poems to be learned.‎ ‎            ‎ 高频词汇精讲 ‎1.debate n.& v.讨论;辩论 Today there is a debate in Singapore about which variety of English is the best...‎ 如今在新加坡还有一个关于哪种英语变体最好的争论……‎ ‎(1)be under debate 正在讨论中 hold/have a debate about/over/on 举行一场关于……的辩论 ‎(2)debate on/about/over... 就……进行辩论 debate about sth. with sb. 和某人就某事辩论 ‎(1)单句语法填空 ‎①There is a heated debate about/on/over whether women should spend more time at home.‎ ‎②It has been reported that the country's healthcare reform is still under debate.‎ ‎③They debated with each other about/on/over the environment protection and economic growth.‎ ‎(2)一句多译 对于中学生是否应该带手机去学校我们班展开了激烈的讨论。‎ ‎→Our class debated_heatedly_about/over/on whether middle school students should carry phone to school. (debate v.)‎ ‎→Our class held_a_heated_debate_about/over/on whether middle school students should carry phone to school. (debate n.)‎ ‎2.convinced adj.确信的,信服的 Experts are convinced that this will happen in the future as more and more people learn English and call it their own.‎ 专家们相信,当越来越多的人学英语并称其为自己的语言时,在未来这种情况将会发生。‎ ‎(1)be convinced of/about sth. 坚信;确信……‎ be convinced that... 坚信;确信……‎ ‎(2)convince v. (使)相信;使确信(信服)‎ convince sb. that... 使某人确信……‎ convince sb. of sth. 使某人信服某事 convince sb. to do sth. 说服/劝说某人做某事 ‎(3)convincing adj. 有说服力的,令人信服的 ‎[联想发散] “说服或劝说某人做某事”的表达:persuade sb. to do sth.;persuade sb. into doing sth.;talk sb. into doing sth.。‎ ‎(1)单句语法填空 ‎①Scientists are convinced of the positive effect of laughter on physical and mental health.‎ ‎②Oscar convinced the manager to_look (look) into the record of advance ticket sales.‎ ‎③Up to now nobody has come up with a convincing (convince) explanation of why dinosaurs died out.‎ ‎④It took us several hours to make the old man convinced (convince) of the safety of travelling by air.‎ ‎(2)完成句子 You should be_convinced_of your ability to deal with it. ‎ 你应该相信你有处理这件事的能力。‎ ‎3.oppose vt.反对;对抗,抗争 ‎...and is used almost like a prayer by the Civil Rights movement in the USA, meaning we will oppose prejudice against black people and resist conflict between Americans.‎ ‎……并且被美国民权运动几乎像祈祷文一样广泛使用,它的意思是:我们将反对对黑人的歧视并将阻止美国人民之间的冲突。‎ ‎(1)oppose doing 反对做某事 oppose sb.sth./sb.'s doing sth. 反对某人某事 ‎(2)opposed adj. 反对的,对抗的,敌对的 be opposed to (doing) sth. 反对(干)某事 ‎(3)opposition n. 对抗,反抗 opposite adj. 相反的,对面的 adv. 在对面 prep. 在……对面 n. 对立面,对立的人或物 ‎(1)单句语法填空 ‎①Many residents opposed the government building (build) a chemical factory near the school.‎ ‎②Lily's mother remained strongly opposed (oppose) to the idea of Lily's going abroad for further study.‎ ‎③Opposite (oppose) to the lecture hall is the art center, where there are many Chinese and foreign famous paintings.‎ ‎(2)一句多译 我们反对任何破坏环境的行为。‎ ‎→We oppose_any_action that does great harm to the environment. (oppose v.)‎ ‎→We are_opposed_to_any_action that does great harm to the environment. (opposed adj.)‎ ‎4.tell...apart 区分开,识别,辨别 It is also quite easy to tell British and American English apart.‎ 把英式英语和美式英语区分开也很容易。‎ ‎(1)tell...from... 把……与……区别开 tell by 通过……辨认 tell the difference 说出区别 ‎(1)单句语法填空 ‎①I can tell an Italian from a Frenchman. ‎ ‎②Can you tell the difference between Beijing Opera and Henan Opera?‎ ‎③I can tell by his accent that he is from the south. ‎ ‎(2)完成句子 The two sisters look so much alike that it is difficult ‎ to_tell_them_apart.‎ 两姐妹长得太像了,很难把她们区分开来。‎ ‎5.let sb. down 使某人失望 With friends like these, who needs enemies? means a friend has betrayed your trust or let you down. ‎ ‎“和这些朋友在一起,谁还需要敌人”意思是“朋友辜负了你的信任或者让你失望”。‎ let alone 更不用说;更谈不上 let off 让……下车;宽恕;使爆炸 let out 使出去;放出;泄露;发出(声音)‎ let go (of) 放手,松手,放开;释放 let in 放进,让……进来;容许;许可 ‎(1)用适当的介、副词填空 ‎①When someone has deeply hurt you, it can be extremely difficult to let go of your hate.‎ ‎②I can tell you the truth, but you must promise not to let out the secret.‎ ‎③The glass doors have taken the place of the wooden ones at the entrance, letting in the natural light during the day.‎ ‎(2)完成句子 ‎①He could barely keep body and soul together, let_alone_support_his_family.‎ 他连自己的生活都难以维持,更不用说养家了。‎ ‎②Although the pressure increased day by day, students devoted themselves to their study not to let_their_parents_down.‎ 尽管学生的压力一天天增加,但他们还是努力学习不让他们的父母失望。‎ ‎6.get down to (doing) sth. 开始(做)某事 Thus, to talk turkey means to get down to business.‎ 因此,“to talk turkey”的意思是开始做正事。‎ get across (to) 被传达;使人理解 get away 逃跑,跑掉;离开 get in 收获,收割;到达 get rid of 摆脱,扔掉 get through 完成;通过;接通电话 get over 克服 ‎[联想发散] 短语get down to中to为介词,其后跟名词、代词、动名词作宾语。类似的短语还有:be/get used to 习惯于;‎ stick to坚持;lead to导致;object to反对;contribute to促成,是……的成因之一;pay attention to注意。‎ 用适当的介、副词填空 ‎①His ideas failed to get across to the audience.‎ ‎②It's time we should get down to doing some serious work.‎ ‎③We can surely get over all difficulties that may come up.‎ ‎④To get rid of such a bad habit, we should first get to know how terrible it really is.‎ ‎⑤This morning I tried to telephone you but I couldn't get through.‎ 重点词汇点拨 ‎1.matter n.问题;事情;当前的状况;(询问某人的情况)怎么了 v.要紧 写出下列句中matter的含义 ‎①It is a matter of personal preference, actually.事情 ‎②You look sad. What's the matter with you?怎么了 ‎③Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do to improve matters.当前的状况 ‎④It doesn't matter that you lost—at least you put up a good show.要紧 ‎2.count v.很重要;很有价值;把……算入;数数 单句语法填空 ‎①It is not how much you read but what you read that counts (count).‎ ‎②We can always count on him for help in any emergency.‎ ‎③If you are going to a movie, count me in.‎ ‎④Two children under the age of ten count as one person.‎ ‎3.resist v.反抗;抵抗 单句语法填空 ‎①Generally those who exercise regularly have high resistance (resist) to diseases. ‎ ‎②While shopping, can you resist being_persuaded (persuade) to buy anything that you don't really need?‎ ‎③I prefer the plants that are resistant (resist) to bad climate.‎ 典型句式精析 主语+be+adj.+to do English has a huge number of colourful and splendid expressions which may be difficult to understand.‎ 英语中有大量绚烂华丽但可能很难懂的表达。‎ 本句中定语从句which may be difficult to understand为“主语+be+adj.+to do”句式 ‎(1)在“主语+be+adj.+to do”句式中,不定式在形容词后作状语,说明主语在哪些方面存在形容词所具备的特点,不定式的逻辑宾语就是句子的主语,此时,不定式通常以主动形式表被动意义。常用于此种结构的一些形容词有:easy,hard,difficult,comfortable,fit,clean,dangerous,interesting,heavy,pleasant,safe,impossible等;‎ ‎(2)当该结构中的动词不定式中的动词(短语)为不及物动词时,需要根据语境添上适当的介词,使句子主语与这个动词短语构成动宾关系。‎ ‎(1)单句语法填空 ‎①Today's homework was easy to_do (do), so Mike finished it quickly and went out to play.‎ ‎②The story is very interesting for the students to read.‎ ‎③The little boy is very outgoing so he is easy to get along with.‎ ‎(2)完成句子 ‎①The question is difficult_for_me_to_answer.‎ 这个问题对我来说很难回答。‎ ‎②The armchair looks rather hard, but in fact it is very_comfortable_to_sit_in.‎ 这扶手椅看上去很硬,但实际上坐上去很舒服。‎ ‎            ‎ Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎1.I'm in a dilemma (进退两难的境地) about this job offer.‎ ‎2.Furthermore (此外), the school should make a rule to guide the students to use electronic devices in a proper way.‎ ‎3.I came from the north and can't understand the southern dialect (方言).‎ ‎4.Westerners use the whole face to convey (传递) emotion while easterners use the eyes more.‎ ‎5.The leader promised to support the plan; you can't withdraw (收回) now.‎ ‎6.But being rejected (拒绝接受) doesn't mean someone isn't liked or valued.‎ ‎7.My ancestors (祖先) settled in this place about 200 years ago.‎ ‎8.Can you give me some advice on how to overcome (战胜) the fear?‎ ‎9.I want to make it clear that I have no prejudice (偏见) against you.‎ ‎10.Conflicts (冲突) with others are common in everyday life.‎ Ⅱ.单句语法填空 ‎1.It is estimated that China will be the largest car consuming market in the world.‎ ‎2.I didn't want to drive all the way to New York by myself, so I convinced Anna, my best friend of ten years, to_ride (ride) with me.‎ ‎3.We've just moved into a bigger house and there's a lot to do. Let's get down to it.‎ ‎4.The local people opposed building (build) the new hotel because of the great cost.‎ ‎5.She complained to me of the company's coldness to her.‎ ‎6.He was_rejected (reject) by the army because he was under age.‎ ‎7.We had thought that we could rely on them, but they let us down.‎ ‎8.It's required that all the students be (be) on time tomorrow.‎ ‎9.The books in the library are_classified (classify) according to subject.‎ ‎10.As a consequence of the side effect of the drug, he has become a deaf.‎ Ⅲ.单句改错 ‎1.In England, it's easy to tell a person's class from his speech.from→by ‎2.As matter of fact, he isn't really satisfied with the hotel service.As后加a ‎3.He shook me by the hand and we opened a conversation instant.instant→instantly ‎4.Lie in on the couch there. Let me examine your belly.in→down ‎5.Once you want to do something, you must get down to do it well.第二个do→doing ‎6.I'm too exhausted to walk any more, and let alone run.去掉and ‎7.Our football team is firmly convinced its victory over the visiting team.convinced后加of ‎8.At first he was opposed against our suggestion, but we managed to ‎ bring him round.against→to Ⅳ.语段填词 ‎1.In western countries, the number “thirteen” is usually associated with bad luck, but actually there isn't any association between them. (associate)‎ ‎2.Thanks to your approval,_if you didn't approve of my plan, I would be fired by the employer. (approve)‎ ‎3.To get more evidence, the lawyer investigated many witnesses. After investigation,_he got some useful proof. (investigate)‎ ‎4.Most students think it significant to join the English corner, though a few haven't realized the significance of it. (significance)‎ ‎5.It's a convincing speech and I'm convinced that many people will benefit from it. (convince)‎ ‎6.The boy is curiously watching what the old man is doing in the garden. He is always curious about the world outside and shows great curiosity about what is going on in nature. (curious)‎ Ⅴ.完成句子 ‎1.不管谁指出我们的缺点,我们都改正。(“no matter+疑问词”引导让步状语从句)‎ No_matter_who_points_out_our_shortcomings,_we will correct them.‎ ‎2.只要你尽最大努力了,赢不赢没有关系。(whether...or...)‎ So long as you try your best, it doesn't matter whether_you_win_or_not.‎ ‎3.这家工厂在2018年生产了两倍于去年的机器。(as...as...)‎ In 2018, the factory produced twice_as_many_machines_as the year before.‎ ‎4.据估计他已经知道事情的真相了。(It+be+过去分词+that从句)‎ It_is_estimated_that he has known the truth of the matter.‎ ‎5.我很喜欢这个与我一直在一起工作的伙伴;他很容易相处。(be+adj.+to do)‎ I am fond of the partner I have been working with; he is easy_to_get_along_with.‎ Ⅵ.微写作 假设你是James,你的中国朋友李华对学习英语不太感兴趣,没有学习积极性。请你根据下面的提示给他写一封信介绍英语的重要性。‎ ‎1.随着国际贸易的发展,英语的应用越来越广泛;‎ ‎2.从这种意义上来说,我们很有必要掌握英语;‎ ‎3.更确切地说,如果我们不能与外国人自由交流,我们可能会失去很多机会;‎ ‎4.事实上我们都认为学习一门外语并不容易,因为无论英语、德语还是其他任何语言,要掌握需要很多扎实的工作;‎ ‎5.努力会使人成功而失败经常是由懒惰造成的;‎ ‎6.只要我们用心去学,没有太难的事情。相信你自己,你是可以把英语学好的!‎ 注意:1.请根据以上要点写一篇100词左右的短文;‎ ‎2.尽量使用本模块的知识点;‎ ‎3.可适当增加细节。‎ Dear Li Hua,‎ With the development of international trade, English is used more and more widely. In this sense, it is necessary for us to master English. Or rather, if we can't communicate with foreigners freely, we may lose a huge number of opportunities.‎ But in fact, we all agree on it that learning a foreign language is not easy, because whether English, German or any other language, to master it calls for a lot of solid work. But hard work leads to success while failure often lies in laziness. As long as we put our hearts into it, nothing is too difficult.‎ Believe in yourself, and you can learn English well!‎ Yours,‎ James Ⅶ.课文语法填空 English is spoken as an official language in more than 60 __1__ (country) and it can sound very different from place to place. Pronunciation, as well as grammar and vocabulary, can change very quickly from one area to another. In fact, there is not really a standard form __2__ everyone can agree on.‎ Perhaps correctness doesn't matter—as long as speakers can understand each other—it's communication __3__ counts. Australia is one of the __4__ (young) nations in the world. The first English speakers __5__ (arrive) there little more than 200 years ago. They found a people who had been living in Australia for more than 50,000 years—the Aborigines.‎ Many of the Aboriginal words soon passed into the language. The main __6__ (different) between Australian English and other varieties of English lie __7__ the individual sounds and intonation patterns. But in Singapore, English is a second language __8__ (speak) by about half the population. The most common variety of English, which has been influenced __9__ (particular) by Malay and the Chinese dialect Hokkien, __10__ (know) as Singlish.‎ ‎1.countries 2.that/which 3.that 4.youngest 5.arrived ‎6.differences 7.in 8.spoken 9.particularly 10.is_known 学习至此,请完成课时作业46‎

