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Let’s write 4 . 小结 2 .解题分析 3 .模拟题练习 1 . 好作文标准 覆盖所有要点,完成预期表达。 较多语法结构和词汇,几乎没有错误。 运用连接成分,文章紧凑一体。 卷面干净整洁,内容层次清楚。 What is an impressive composition ? 1. 审题:审内容、要点、时态和分段(三段) 2. 激活:激活词汇、短语和句型 3. 写稿:写单词、短语和句子 4. 订正:订正句子、润色结构、检查拼写、时态和字数 5. 撰抄:答题处布好局、三段内容,检查一句抄写一句 。 What are the steps to fulfil it? Let’s practice 写作 (25’) 假定你是学生会主席李华,因新冠状病毒肺炎疫情,请你写一封英文信给你校的美国交换生 Jack ,内容包括: 1. 暂缓开学和原因 2. 提供远程教育学习 3. 建议卫生和预防 注意: 1. 词数 100 左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 3. 词汇:新冠状病毒: Covid-2019 ,疫情: epidemic Dear Jack, How is everything going with you ? I am Li Hua, chairman of the school. __________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Cordially yours Li Hua 1. 审题:审内容、要点、时态和分段(三段) 三个任务,每个任务各为一段: What to write down ? 第一段:暂缓开学和原因 一定要发出正式通知,并解释原因; 原因可多展开一句,说明现阶段形势, 或者加上一句,开学日期将视情况而定并第一时间通知对方 (通知一般现在时,现阶段形势现在完成时或者一般现在时) 1. 审题:审内容、要点、时态和分段(三段) 三个任务,每个任务各为一段: What to write down ? 第二段:提供远程教学 ----- 如何展开? 引入:虽然在家仍然不能懈怠学习; 学校整合教学资源发动老师开设了网络课堂; 网络平台上有什么内容可以选择; 如何接入,如何使用, 学校远程教学有什么特色,什么要求; 预期对方有何种收获等等。 (时态:完成时 , 将来时 , 课程内容性质用一般现在时) 1. 审题:审内容、要点、时态和分段(三段) 三个任务,每个任务各为一段: What to write down ? 第三段:建议卫生和预防 引入:鉴于此病毒的威力,预防是第一要务; 勤洗手,正确洗手 不去人多的地方,不聚集 注意消毒和居家通风 锻炼增加免疫力等 (运用表示建议的句型,时态一般现在时) Activating your mind inform/notify sb that… inform/notify sb of sth new spring semester originally scheduled for March 1 st on account of/due to/ as a result of… account for… the outbreak of covid-19 as soon as we can postpone/put off/delay/suspend Postponement/delay/suspension on behalf of represent I am writing to inform… In this letter, I am awfully sorry to inform… In view of the threatening of…, we have no alternative but to… The outbreak of the epidemic can account for… I apologize for the delay of… We have to issue a notice to postpone … before it gets on../to ensure the safety of… Activating your mind online teaching and learning coordinate and Integrate teaching resources launch platform be connected to be expected/supposed to… reap no little benefit mobilize people/resources for education feature via online platforms give full play to… There is a wide variety of… Online education resources not only include…, but also… Some teachers are … while others are using …in advance Activating your mind disinfect/sterilize populated places gather around build up immunity (against)… keep airflow indoors work out/ train regularly/ take exercise top/first priority You are supposed/required/expected to do… 2) Considering your situation, I strongly recommend that you should ... 3) Only in this way, can you ... 4)in view of…, it is sensible/wise of you to do... 6) You may as well do… 7) Never should we forget the importance of ... The first paragraph: 通知并说明原因 On behalf of the school, I am writing to inform you that the new term, originally scheduled for March 1 st , has to be suspended. Due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 in China, a deadly infectious disease, our school is obligated to adopt a precautious and precise approach for the sake of the students’ safety. And we will keep you informed based on local health risks. The second paragraph: 提供远程教学 Though confined at home, students are expected to resume their learning. In view of the situation, our school has launched an online learning platform featuring 4 sections, namely, epidemic prevention education, moral education, livestreaming courses and digital teaching materials, from which you can voluntarily choose to learn. I bet you will be curious to follow your teachers in the cyber space. The third paragraph: 建议预防措施 Besides, your safety is also our great concern though miles apart. First of all, Mindfulness is vital. It’s advisable to keep yourself away from populated places. To keep yourself free from the virus, you may as well wash your hands constantly and thoroughly. Lastly, avoiding touching your eyes, nose and mouth with dirty hands can lower the chances of being infected. We wish you a healthy body and happy life in the new semester. Dear Jack, How is everything going with you? I am Li Hua, chairman of the school . On behalf of the school, I am writing to inform you that the new term, originally scheduled for March 1st, has to be suspended in an attempt to stop the epidemic. Due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 in China, a fatal infectious disease, our school is obligated to adopt a precautious and precise approach for the sake of the students’ safety. And we will keep you informed based on local health risks. Though confined at home, students are expected to resume their learning. In view of the situation, our school has launched an online learning platform featuring 4 sections, namely, epidemic prevention education, moral education, livestreaming courses and digital teaching materials, from which you can voluntarily choose to learn. I bet you will be curious to follow your teachers in the cyber space with your computer or cellphone connected to the Internet. Besides, your safety is also our great concern though miles apart. Mindfulness is vital. First of all, It’s advisable to keep yourself away from populated places for fear of the virus. To keep yourself free from the epidemic, you may as well wash your hands constantly and thoroughly. Lastly, avoiding touching your eyes, nose and mouth with dirty hands can lower the chances of being infected. We wish you a healthy body and happy life in the new semester. Cordially yours Li Hua Dear Jack, How is everything going with you? I am Li Hua, chairman of the school. In this letter, I am awfully sorry to notify you that we have to postpone the new semester under the enormous pressure of novel coronavirus epidemic, a fatal infectious disease, which is still threatening our existence. As a result, our school has to announce the suspension from school to ensure the students’ safety. With visible progress achieved, I will keep you informed of the latest news of schooling. Fortunately, there is still an alternative solution to our teaching and learning. Thanks to the arduous efforts , the online course platform of our school has opened varieties of free courses, covering 9 subjects and physical education, with digital teaching material provided. Amid the suspending period, just following the teachers’ livestreaming courses, you can continue your learning with your computer and cell phone. To avoid being infected with the virus, we have to warn ourselves to stay away from the crowds, where the chances of being infected may multiply. More importantly, some routine preventative measures should be taken such as wearing masks and washing hands frequently, which we can’t afford to neglect. Plus, it is of sensible to keep airflow indoors in places where we live and work. Just bear in mind that good watch prevents misfortune. Cordially yours Li Hua Thank you Writing   假定你是李华,你所在的学校英语报征稿一封英文感谢信,以致意奋战在抗击新型冠状病毒肺炎第一线的医护人员,请你根据下列要点写一封信用于投稿。 内容包括: 1. 表达敬意; 2. 你如何抗疫; 3. 发出学习倡议。 Dear medical workers, I’m Lihua, a student in a senior high school. I would like to express my sincere gratitude and admiration to you all for your selfless dedication and sacrifice in the battle against the novel coronavirus on behalf of my school. In this epidemic, you risk your lives to desperately rescue those infected but struggling for life, regardless of the shortage of equipment and the potential of infection. I cannot show more awe and respect for you all from the bottom of my heart. Following your tips, I have been sparing no efforts to fight against the virus by staying indoors and paying due attention to personal hygiene in support of your hard work. Meanwhile, since this cronovirus is extremely contagious, we students have to take courses online. Undoubtedly, self-discipline and capacity of proper time management are highly required. It is crucial that we keep up our school work and not be left behind. As a student, though unable to involve myself in a war against the epidemic, I pledge that I will work hard for social goods and people’s welfare just as you are doing now. And what I can do now is concentrating my mind on study, hoping that one day I can be powerful enough to fulfill my commitment. You, along with thousands of ordinary people, rise to the occasion and making contributions. which deserve our admiration. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 写作 (25’) 假定你是李华,冠状病毒爆发,你的美国朋友 Amy 写信询问你的近况,并给你寄了口罩,请你给 Amy 回信,内容包括: 1. 表示感谢; 2. 应对措施; 3. 感动和信心 注意:词数 100 左右;可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Amy, How is everything going with you? What a great surprise when I received your letter and masks. I deeply appreciate your act of consideration at such a critical moment. It’s so kind of you to offer me timely help thousands miles away. Words fail me to show how grateful I am now but your kindness will be engraved in my heart. Since the outbreak of covid-19, a string of unprecedented prevention and control measures has been adopted without any delay, delivering substantial results. As for me, I choose to stay indoors as an effective way of protection, which reduces the chance to get infected accidentally. In addition, opening windows regularly and frequent hand-washing are what I often do at home so as to avoid virus and keep healthy. Thank you again for your concern. Seeing medical staff’s commitment, and many folks’ contribution in their own way, I have every reason to believe the triumph is drawing near. And I am fully convinced that we will win the battle against the epidemic with our concerted efforts, solidarity and science-based approach. Winter will eventually pass, and spring is sure to come. Yours sincerely, Li Hua

