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考点二 代词和介词 限时25分钟 一、单句语法填空 ‎1.“Made in China ‎2025”‎ aims to transform China from a productmaking factory into a productmaking power, ________ driven by innovation and emphasizing quality over quantity.‎ 答案:one 句意:“2025中国制造”的目标是把中国从一个产品制造工厂变成一个产品制造大国,一个以创新为导向、强调质量而不是数量的大国。one表示泛指,相当于“a(n)+名词”,指代的是同类事物中的“一个”。‎ ‎2.To his delight, Tom quickly earned the trust of his boss and then ________ of his colleagues.‎ 答案:that 句意:让他高兴的是,汤姆很快就获得了他老板的信任,然后是他同事们的信任。根据句意可知此处指代同类异物的不可数名词trust,用that。‎ ‎3.I know you want to borrow money, but I don't have ________ at hand myself.‎ 答案:any any此处为代词,意为“一点,一些”,用于否定句中。‎ ‎4.________ who are able to work through the struggle are the ones who are going to be successful.‎ 答案:Those 句意:那些拼搏工作的人,就是将会成功的人。句中缺少定语从句的先行词,根据句中主句和从句动词are可知先行词用复数,指代那些人。‎ ‎5.Due to ________ humor and irony (反语), Xiangsheng has spread far and wide. ‎ 答案:its 句意:由于具有幽默与讽刺的效果,相声广为流传。根据空后的“humor and irony (反语)”可知,空处应用形容词性物主代词,指代“它(相声)的”。‎ ‎6.All in all, every student should behave ________ and keep away from violence. ‎ 答案:himself 此处behave oneself为固定搭配,意为“举止得当”,此处需要用反身代词himself。‎ ‎7.The company and the effect ________ brought about did a great deal of good to our business in the market.‎ 答案:it 句意:这家公司及其所带来的影响对我们的业务有很大的好处。句中的it代指the company, it brought about为定语从句,修饰先行词the effect。关系词作brought about的宾语,此处省略了关系词which或that。‎ ‎8.The problem should be handled very carefully to balance the needs of people with ________ of nature.‎ 答案:those 句意:这个问题应该谨慎处理,以便平衡人和自然的需要。此处与前面的the needs呼应,指自然界的需求,所以用those来指代。‎ ‎9.Tom was at the end of the team, for his luggage is heavier than ________ of his friends.‎ 答案:that 句意:汤姆落在队伍的最后,因为他的行李比队友的(行李)重。此处应用that代指前面同类异物的不可数名词luggage。‎ ‎10.—Have you figured out how much the trip will cost?‎ ‎—$4,000, or ________ like that.‎ 答案:something 句意:——你算出这次旅游将会花多少钱了吗?——差不多4,000美元。something like “大约”,为固定结构。‎ ‎11.He is recognized as the leading character in the field of physics and so far remains second to ________.‎ 答案:none 句意:他被公认为物理学的领军人物,至今仍然首屈一指。be/remain second to none “首屈一指”,是固定短语。‎ ‎12.________ of your parents has to come to sign the papers because your signature doesn't count.‎ 答案:Either 句意:你的父母要有一方来在试卷上签字,因为你的签名不算数。根据谓语动词has to可知主语为单数,故用either,意为“(两者中的)任一个”。‎ ‎13.It was hard for him to learn English in a family, in which ________ of the parents spoke the language.‎ 答案:neither 由于hard表示“困难的”,暗指父母都不会说这种语言,故空格处用neither “两者都不”,表示否定含义。‎ ‎14.A woman on the bus shouted, “Oh dear! It's ______ (I).” She pushed her way to the driver and took the suitcase thankfully.‎ 答案:me/mine 此空需填表语。由下文可知,此处表示一名女士惊呼,“是我丢东西了/那是我的箱子”,故填me/mine。‎ ‎15.What seems to be a good thing to one person may be a bad thing to ________.‎ 答案:another 句意:同样一件事对于一个人来说似乎是好事,而对于另外一个人来说可能就是坏事。another指三个或三个以上中的另外一个。‎ ‎16.September 30 is the day ________ which you must pay your bill.‎ 答案:by 句意:‎‎9月30日 是你必须付账单的最后期限。此处by意为“不迟于,在……之前”。‎ ‎17.The little red house looks so beautiful ________ the green woods.‎ 答案:against 句意:这座红色的小屋在翠绿的树林的衬托下显得如此美丽。against “在……衬托下,以……为背景”。‎ ‎18.Sorry, madam. You'd better come tomorrow because it's ________ the visiting hours now.‎ 答案:beyond 句意:对不起,夫人。你最好明天来,因为现在已经超过探视时间了。beyond意为“在……较远的一边,超出”,符合句意。‎ ‎19.Our school has developed various beneficial sports activities ________ classes to refresh students.‎ 答案:between 句意:在课间休息时,我们学校开发了各种各样的有益的体育活动来让学生放松。between用于两者之间,也可指多个事物中的两者之间;among用于三者或三者以上。课间是指两节课之间,因此应用between。‎ ‎20.________ all the animals I've ever had, these two dogs are the most sensitive to the spoken word.‎ 答案:Of 句意:在所有我养过的动物中,这两只狗对口头语言最敏感。此处of用来表示范围,意为“在……之中”。‎ ‎21.The Scottish girl ________ blue eyes won first prize in the Fifth Chinese Speech Contest.‎ 答案:with 句意:在第五届汉语演讲比赛中,那位有着一双蓝色眼睛的苏格兰姑娘获得了一等奖。with “有,具有”。‎ ‎22.The driver managed to escape ________ the vehicle and gave a warning—please bypass the accident car.‎ 答案:from 句意:那名司机设法从车里逃了出来并发出警告——事故车辆,请绕行。escape from “从……逃出”。‎ ‎23.This view is common ________ all sections of the community.‎ 答案:across 句意:这个观点在社会的各个阶层都非常普遍。across “遍及,在……各处”。across all sections of the community意为“遍及各个阶层”。‎ ‎24.What is your main reason for choosing one restaurant ________ another?‎ 答案:over 句意:你选择饭店的主要原因是什么?over强调比较的概念,表“胜过”。‎ ‎25.Some people use handwritten letters in preference ________ typing because they're more personal and represent your sincerity.‎ 答案:to 句意:一些人使用手写的书信,而不是打印信件,因为手写信件更私人化,也代表你的真诚。in preference to意为“而不是;优先于”。‎ ‎26.Parents need to encourage kids to develop their potential ________ putting too much pressure on them.‎ 答案:without 句意:父母需要在不给孩子们施加太多压力的情况下鼓励他们发展自己的潜能。without “没有”。without doing sth. “没有做某事”。‎ ‎27.Star skater Wu Dajing won China's first gold medal at the 2019 PyeongChang Olympic Winter Games ________ breaking world record in short track men's ‎500m.‎ 答案:by 句意:明星速滑运动员武大靖在2019平昌冬季奥运会赢得中国第一枚金牌,打破了男子‎500米短道速滑的世界纪录。by doing sth.为固定搭配,意为“凭借/通过做某事”,根据句意可知填by。‎ ‎28.Just hang the towel ________ the back of the chair so that it will dry soon.‎ 答案:over 句意:把毛巾挂在椅背上,这样它很快就会晾干。over “在上面”。表示椅背上面,故填over。‎ ‎29.Although the price has gone up by 5%, it's still ________ the limit set by the government.‎ 答案:within 句意:虽然价格已经上涨了5%,但是仍然在政府设定的限度之内。within “在……之内”,符合句意。‎ ‎30.In the deaf culture of North America, many listeners show applause not by clapping their hands but by waving them ________ the air.‎ 答案:in 句意:在北美聋人文化中,许多听众不是通过拍手而是通过在高空中挥动双手以表示鼓掌。in the air “在空中”。‎ 二、单句改错 ‎1.We asked both John and Mary about this problem, but none could offer a satisfactory suggestion.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:none→neither none指“三者或三者以上都不”,根据句意,此处是指“两者都不”,故应用neither。‎ ‎2.Professional skills are tools like a knife or a hammer. You need it to complete the things you want to do.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:it→them 前面提到tools like a knife or a hammer, them代替前面的tools,因此将it改为them。‎ ‎3.There are shops on all sides of the street.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:all→both all表示“(三者或三者以上)都”,both表示“(两者)都”。在道路两侧应用both。‎ ‎4.I would appreciate you if you could come to my grandma's birthday party and say “Hello” to her.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:第一个you→it 动词appreciate后不能直接接从句,需要借助于代词it作形式宾语,然后再接从句。‎ ‎5.Farmer though he is, he has become a huge success as a singer, whose story is really that of great inspiration.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:that→one 句意:尽管出身农民,他已经成了一位非常成功的歌手,他的故事真的非常鼓舞人心。这里应该用one,指代前面的story,表泛指,指代词类事物中的一个。后跟介词短语作定语,相当于a story of great inspiration。‎ ‎6.We must find ways to protect your environment.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:your→our/the 句意:我们必须要找到保护环境的方法。根据句子结构及语意可知,这里指“保护我们的环境”,与we相对应,故应用our。也可填定冠词the,特指“我们生活的环境”。‎ ‎7.I wanted to give you some bread, but nothing was left.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:nothing→none 句意:我想给你一些面包,但是没有剩下。none可以指没有一个(事物),也可指没有一个人。nothing指什么也没有,不但没有面包,其他的食物也没有。‎ ‎8.Jennifer believes she will move out on her own when she is financially able to support her.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:第二个her→herself 句意:詹妮弗相信,当她在经济上自己有能力养活自己时就会搬出去单住。这里强调的是主语本身,作宾语,故用反身代词herself。‎ ‎9.She moved back home to care about her elderly parents.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:about→for 句意:她搬回家住,好照料年迈的双亲。care for “照料”,care about “在乎”。‎ ‎10.Once it's down by black and white, you can't forget it. ‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:by→in 句意:一旦白纸黑字写下来,你就不会忘记了。in black and white ‎ “白纸黑字”。‎ ‎11.Please help with me and give me some advice.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:去掉with 句意:请帮帮我,给我一些建议。help为及物动词,故去掉with。‎ ‎12.I wanted to do anything special for him at his retirement party.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:anything→something 句意:我想在他退休聚会上为他做些特别的事情。肯定句中用something。‎ ‎13.We went to swim in the river in a very hot day.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:第二个in→on 表示在具体的某一天用介词on。‎ ‎14.More and more highrise buildings have been built in big cities in lack of space.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:第二个in→for 句意:因为缺乏空间,大城市里建起了越来越多的高层建筑。for lack of固定短语,意为“因为缺乏”。‎ ‎15.Under your help, I finished my job on time.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:Under→With 句意:在你的帮助下,我按时完成了我的工作。with one's help相当于with the help of sb. 是固定搭配,意为“在某人的帮助下”。‎ 代词 一、代词的分类 用来代替名词或起名词作用的词叫作代词。英语中的代词可分为九类。‎ 分类 代词 人称代词 主格:I, you, he, she, it, we, they 宾格:me, you, him, her, it, us, them 物主代词 形容词性:my, your, his, her, its, our, their 名词性:mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs 反身代词 myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, yourselves, themselves, ourselves 指示代词 this, that, these, those 不定代词 one, some, any, each, none, all, both, neither, either, other, another, no one/nobody, many, much, (a)few, (a)little, something, anything, nothing, everything 相互代词 each other, one another 疑问代词 who, whom, whose, which, what, whoever, whatever 连接代词 who, whom, whose, which, what, whoever, whichever, whatever 关系代词 that, which, who, whom, whose, as 二、常考代词的用法 ‎1.it, that, those, one 代词 用法 it 指代上文提到的同一事物 that 特指同类异物的可数名词单数或不可数名词,只指物,通常有范围限定 those those相当于the ones,只指代可数名词复数,可指人,也可指物 one 泛指同类异物的可数名词,单数用one,复数用ones I cannot find my watch. I must have lost it.‎ The weather here is much better than that in Beijing.‎ My pen is broken. I must buy one.‎ ‎2.both, either, neither, all, any, some, none, no one 指代范围 代词 用法 两者 both 意为“两者都”,是对两者的肯定 either 意为“(两者中)任一个”,表示二选一 neither 意为两者“都不”,是对两者的全部否定 三者或三 者以上 all 意为“全部”,指代或修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词 any 意为“任何一个”,指代或修饰可数名词单数;意为“一些”,后面接复数名词或不可数名词,一般用于否定或疑问句中 some 意为“一些”,后接复数名词或不可数名词,一般用于肯定句中 none 意为“全无,没有一点”,指代可数名词复数或不可数名词 指物或人,其后可接表示范围的of ... ‎ 回答how many/how much的提问 no one 意为“没有人”,只指人 其后不接表示范围的of ... ‎ 回答who的提问 Both of his parents are teachers.‎ You can take either of the pictures, whichever you like.‎ Neither of us could understand German.‎ All are happy to know the news.‎ We had three cats once but none (of them) is alive now.‎ ‎3.another, other, the other, the others, others 代词 用法 another 三者或三者以上中的另一个 other ‎“其他的”,只作定语,常与复数名词连用。other students “其他的学生”‎ the other 两者中的另一个。常与one连用,构成:one ... the other ... “一个……,另一个……”‎ the others 为the other的复数形式,特指其余的人或物 others 泛指别的人或物 Will you show me another? I don't like its color.‎ She has two sisters. One is a lawyer and the_other is a manager.‎ Why are only three of you here? Where are the_others?‎ Don't cut in when others speak.‎ 限时25分钟 一、单句语法填空 ‎1.(2020·浙江高考)The answer ________ this question is not clear.‎ 答案:to the answer to ... “……的答案”。‎ ‎2.(2020·天津高考)A study shows the students who are engaged in afterschool activities are happier than ________ who are not.‎ 答案:those 本空指代前面的复数名词the students,同时为后面who引导的定语从句的先行词,此时应该用表示特指的指示代词those。‎ ‎3.(2020·北京高考)Nervously facing challenges, I know I will whisper to ________ (I) the two simple words “Be yourself”.‎ 答案:myself whisper to ‎ sb.“低声对某人说”,此处指代主语I,故用反身代词myself。‎ ‎4.(2020·全国卷Ⅲ)In their cages the monkeys were provided ________ touch screens.‎ 答案:with provide sb. with sth. “供应某人某物”,故填with。‎ ‎5.(2020·湖北省黄冈市高三质量检测)An ongoing challenge ________ farmers is finding ways to keep other insects away.‎ 答案:for 句意:农民面临的一个持续的挑战是找到方法来驱赶其他昆虫。for“对……来说”。‎ ‎6.(2020·南昌市重点中学高三年级段考)And improved body condition makes ________ easy for you to carry out daily tasks.‎ 答案:it 分析句子结构可知,空处应用it作形式宾语,句中形容词作宾语补足语,后面的不定式是真正的宾语。‎ ‎7.(2020·石家庄市重点高中高三毕业班摸底考试)Tangseng and his three companions went through adventurous experiences to get the scriptures (经文), which could be beneficial ________ the people.‎ 答案:to be beneficial to sb./sth. “对某事/某人是有利的”为固定搭配。‎ ‎8.(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)When the gorillas and I frightened each other, I was just glad to find ________ (they) alive.‎ 答案:them 人称代词作宾语时,要用其宾格。them在此作find的宾语。‎ ‎9.(2019·浙江高考)Many westerners who come to China cook much less than in their own countries once they realize how cheap ________ can be to eat out.‎ 答案:it 此处it作形式主语,指代后面真正的主语,即不定式to eat out。‎ ‎10.(2019·浙江高考)If you are not going to suffer this problem, then I suggest that the next time you go to your mum's home ________ dinner, get a few cooking tips from her.‎ 答案:for 句意:如果你不打算遭遇这种问题,那么我建议下一次你去你母亲家吃饭的时候,从她那里获取几个烹饪的秘诀。去妈妈家吃饭,表示目的,故填for。‎ ‎11.(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)Wang Shu, a 49yearold Chinese architect, won the 2012 Pritzker Architecture Prize—which is often referred ________ as the Nobel Prize in architecture—on February 28. ‎ 答案:to 句意:在‎2月28日,49岁的中国建筑师王澍获得了2012年普利兹克建筑奖,该奖项被誉为“建筑界的诺贝尔奖”。refer to ... (as ... ) “提到;谈及;说起”。‎ ‎12.(2019·北京高考)—Good morning, Mr Lee's office. ‎ ‎—Good morning. I'd like to make an appointment ________ next Wednesday ‎ afternoon.‎ 答案:for 此处表示“我”想预约星期三下午(的时间)。make an appointment for后接时间,意为“约定于……”。故此处用介词for。‎ ‎13.(2019·天津高考)The people in the hall seemed very nosy (爱窥探的), keeping their eyes on me ________ curiosity.‎ 答案:with 句意:客厅的人们很爱窥探似的,好奇地一直盯着我。with curiosity “好奇地;带着好奇心”。‎ ‎14.(2019·江苏高考)Developing the Yangtze River Economic Belt is a systematic project which calls ________ a clear road map and timetable.‎ 答案:for 句意:发展长江经济带是一项需要清晰的路线图和时间表的系统工程。call for “需要”。‎ ‎15.(2017·江苏高考)Determining where we are in relation ________ our surroundings remains an essential skill for our survival.‎ 答案:to 句意:根据我们周围的环境来确定自己身在何处,这是我们生存的一项必不可少的技能。in relation to “关于,涉及”,符合语境,故此处填to。‎ ‎16.(2017·天津高考)When you drive through the Redwood Forests in California, you will be ________ trees that are over 1,000 years old.‎ 答案:among 句意:当你开车穿越加利福尼亚州的红杉林时,你会置身于寿命超过一千年的树木之中。among “在……当中,为……所围绕”,符合语境。故填among。‎ ‎17.(2017·天津高考)We offer an excellent education to our students. ________ return, we expect students to work hard.‎ 答案:In 句意:我们向我们的学生提供优质的教育,作为回报,我们希望学生能够努力学习。in return “作为回报,作为报答”。‎ ‎18.(2017·天津高考)Donations began flooding in ________ hundreds of people.‎ 答案:from 句意:成百上千人的捐赠像潮水般涌来。from“自,从”。‎ ‎19.(2020·全国卷Ⅰ)It takes a lot for ________ student.‎ 答案:any 句意:对任何一个学生来说,这都需要付出很多。这里any 指任何一个。‎ ‎20.(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)Many Chinese people are learning Western styles and theories rather than focusing ________ Chinese traditions.‎ 答案:on focus on固定短语,意为“聚焦于……,集中精力于……”。‎ ‎21.(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)As we accumulated more devices, however, we didn't throw out our old ________.‎ 答案:ones 句意:虽然我们积累了更多的设备,然而,我们并没有扔掉旧设备。devices是一个可数名词,ones替代表泛指的复数名词,故填ones。‎ ‎22.(2019·全国卷Ⅱ)When it comes ________ technology and reading, the report does little to counsel (建议) parents looking for data about the effect of ereaders and tablets on reading.‎ 答案:to 此处when it comes to表示“提及,谈到”,是固定词组,其中to是介词。‎ ‎23.(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)The style of the campus is quite different from ________ of most Chinese universities.‎ 答案:that 句意:这个校园的风格与大多数中国大学的风格截然不同。前面style是单数名词,根据后面的定语“of most Chinese universities”可知,that替代前面的style。‎ ‎24.(2019·天津高考)There's a new frontier in 3D printing that's beginning to come ________ focus: food.‎ 答案:into 句意:3D打印技术开始关注一个新的领域:食物。come into focus “开始关注”。‎ ‎25.(2019·浙江高考)As the 200th anniversary of Dickens' birth approaches, it is possible—and important for our own culture—to understand how he made ________ a lasting one. ‎ 答案:himself 句意:随着狄更斯诞辰200周年纪念日的临近,让我们一起去了解他是怎么使得自己成为一个永恒的人物的吧,这对我们的文化来说是可能的也是必要的。make himself “使得自己成为……”。‎ ‎26.(2019·江苏高考)There are solutions that could light a path ________ a more sustainable and fair farm economy, but farmers can't clumsily put them together before us.‎ 答案:towards 句意:虽然有指引通向可持续的、公平的农业经济的解决方案,但是农民们不能把这些方案展现在我们面前。towards “通向……”,强调方向性。‎ ‎27.(2020·全国卷Ⅱ)The coach is able to focus on the kids while the other parents are relieved to be off the hook for ________ season.‎ 答案:another 句意:教练能够把注意力集中在孩子们身上,而其他父母则因为下个赛季不用再操心而松了口气。another用在“三者或三者以上中的另一个”。‎ ‎28.(2020·江苏高考)There's a new indoor play centre, plus the special events and workshops, and ________ during school holidays periods.‎ 答案:others 句意:这里有一个新的室内游戏中心,还有一些特殊的活动和工作坊,以及学校假期期间的其他活动。others泛指别的人或物。‎ ‎29.(2020·安徽省黄山市屯溪第一中学高三月考)For meat lovers, a new study has found a link ________ how much meat a person eats and an increased risk of premature ‎ death.‎ 答案:between 根据后面的and可知,空格处应填between。‎ ‎30.(2020·六安市毛坦厂中学高三第一次英语周考)When she died, the mayor of New York said the city would not be what it is today ________ her support.‎ 答案:without 句意:当去世的时候,纽约市长说没有她的支持这个城市不会是现在的样子。根据句意应用介词without。‎ 二、单句改错 ‎1.(2020·全国卷Ⅲ)The small town of Rjukan in Norway is situated in several mountains.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:in→between between一般表示在两个人或事物之间,between用来指在三者或三者以上的人或事物之间时,往往强调一方与其他诸方各自之间的关系。本句中即表示小镇尤坎位于众山之间。故将in改为between。‎ ‎2.(2020·江苏高考)Buxton is justifiably proud of its cultural life and you'll find many to suit all tastes with art, music, opera and the performing arts at the Buxton Opera House & Pavilion Arts Centre and Green Man Gallery.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:many→much 句意:巴克斯顿有理由为自己的文化生活感到自豪,在巴克斯顿歌剧院和展览馆艺术中心和格林曼画廊,你会发现许多适合各种品味的艺术、音乐、歌剧和表演艺术。此处应用much指代前面的不可数名词“its cultural life”。‎ ‎3.(2020·贵阳市普通高中高三年级摸底考试)We have a grand library on a collection of 200,000 books and 5 large reading rooms.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:on→with/of 此处是介词短语作定语修饰library,表示该图书馆具备什么样的特征,或以什么样的形态存在,故此处应用with或of。‎ ‎4.(2020·合肥市高三调研性检测)In the afternoon we helped some children do their work, for their parents were too busy to take care of themselves.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案: themselves→them 根据句意可知,该处指代前面的“some children”,作动词短语take care of的宾语,应用宾格them。‎ ‎5.(2020·河南省焦作市新高三上学期定位考试)Teaching children in English is fine if that is what they speak at home and their parents are fluent about it.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:about→in be fluent in ‎ “在……方面流利”为固定短语。故将about改为in。‎ ‎6.(2020·江苏高考)Bob Christiansen became puzzled about something that, oddly, had not troubled someone before.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:someone→anyone that从句为否定句,所以要用anyone,表示“任何人”。‎ ‎7.(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)They arrive at the class at low spirits and they leave with a smile.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:第二个at→in in low spirits “情绪低落”。‎ ‎8.(2020·吉林普通中学一调)Liverpool is also wellknown on its football and other sports events.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:on→for 句意:利物浦还因为它的足球和其他体育赛事而闻名。be wellknown for “因……而著名”。‎ ‎9.(2020·石家庄市重点高中高三毕业班摸底考试)Therefore, the Monkey King as a symbol of being brave and determined is deeply loved by our Chinese.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:our→us 介词后面需跟代词的宾格形式,故将our改为us, us Chinese表示“我们中国人”。‎ ‎10.(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)I pay £5 on a portion (一份), but Matt makes them for 26p a portion, because they are flour, water, sugar and oil.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:on→for pay ... for ... 固定短语。意为“因某物付多少钱”。‎ ‎11.(2020·大同市高三学情调研测试)Known for a national opera, Beijing opera has a long history.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:for→as 固定搭配be known as意为“作为……而出名”,符合语境;而be known for意为“因……闻名”。‎ ‎12.(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)The first time I went there, they were living in a small house with dogs, ducks, and another animals.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:another→other another指“三者或三者以上的另一个”;other意为“其他的”,作定语修饰后面的名词,所以应该将anther改为other。‎ ‎13.(2019·全国卷Ⅱ)Still I was unwilling to play the games for them ‎ sometimes.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:for→with 根据语境,此处表示play sth. with sb. “和某人一起玩……”,故将for改为with。‎ ‎14.(2019·全国卷Ⅱ)They would say to us that playing card games would help my brain.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:us→me 根据后面的“help my brain”可知,玩扑克牌游戏有助于“我”的大脑,因此这里的意思是“告诉我”,故将us改为me。‎ ‎15.(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)I had done myself homework but I was shy.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案:myself→my/the 此处意为“我的作业或这次作业”, homework应用形容词性物主代词my或定冠词the修饰。‎ 介词及代词it的特殊用法 一、介词的用法 ‎1.表示时间:表示某一具体时刻前用at;表示在具体的某一天或具体某一天的上午、下午、晚上用on;表示在某个较长的时间内,世纪、朝代或年月,泛指的上午、下午、晚上用in; after表示“在……之后”;for常与时间段连用,意为“(时间)持续达……”。‎ ‎2.表示地点、方位:at一般指在较小的地方;in一般指在较大的地方,或在某范围之内;on指在物体的表面,或相邻接壤;to表示不接壤;beside/by表示“在……的旁边”;between和among,前者表示“在两者之间”,后者表示“在三者或三者以上之间”。‎ ‎3.其他介词 ‎(1)表示交通方式的by, in, on ‎“by+名词”表示交通方式时,名词前不加冠词;但是in, on后的名词必须有冠词或代词等修饰。‎ ‎ He goes to work by_car every day.‎ ‎ He goes to work in_his_car every day.‎ ‎(2)表示“用……”的by, in, with by侧重方式、方法,多用于表示无形的工具或手段的名词前;in多用于表示语言、材料的名词前;with多用于表示有形的工具、表示身体器官的名词前。‎ He earned his living by selling newspapers.‎ Please write the answer in ink.‎ They are digging with spades.‎ 二、代词it的特殊用法 ‎1.指代时间、距离、天气等 It is just five o'clock now.‎ After September 23, it is getting dark earlier.‎ In mountainous areas, it is usually cooler in summer.‎ ‎2.性别或身份不明或被认为不重要的人或物 ‎—Who is knocking at the door?‎ ‎—It is the milkman.‎ ‎3.作形式主语或形式宾语 It is said that he has gone abroad to continue his study.‎ I find it very useful to remember plenty of English idioms.‎ ‎4.用于强调结构 it没有具体意义,通常用于强调句中的主语、宾语和状语。其基本句型为:It+is/was+被强调部分+that(被强调的部分是人或物)/who(被强调的部分是人)+其他,当被强调部分指人,且为句子宾语时,用whom/that/who强调均可。‎ It_was not until ten o'clock that we got home last night.‎ It_was your father that/who/whom I met in the street yesterday.‎

