三年级英语上册课件-Module5 Unit1 How many 外研版 (共27张PPT)

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三年级英语上册课件-Module5 Unit1 How many 外研版 (共27张PPT)

Review: It’s a …… Now, it's a yellow rabbit(兔子). 1 Listen, point and say 2 Listen, point and find “one” to “eight” Mind your pronunciation and intonation.(注意你的语音语调) Think: How to ask the amount of things? -How many ? -数字 How many?Practise: How many? How many? How many? six ? How many? seven ? How many? five How many? ? How many ? eight How many? How many? One. One. One. How many? How many? Two. Two. Two. How many? How many? Three. Three. Three. How many? How many? Four. Four. Four. How many? How many? Five. Five. Five. How many? How many? Seven. Seven. Seven. How many? How many? Eight. Eight. Eight. How many? How many? Six. Six. Six. Let’s play a game! Work in pairs (两人一组活动) How many? (多少?) Three (3) 3. I point you say 4. Practise 1. New words:how many, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. 2. —How many? —数字 一、数一数,并圈出相应的数词。 (1) six  two (2) four five (3) three seven 二、根据图片选择合适的选项。 (1) —How many fingers(手指)? —__________ A. Four. B. Five. C. Three. B (2) —How old are you, Cat? —__________ A. Six. B. six. C. I’m seven. A 1+2=? 2+4=? 3+2=? 2+5=? 1+1=? 3+4=? 6+2=? 这些你会读吗? 326 421 518 647 735 228 Count the number from one to eight. (从一数到八) Tell your parents some telephone numbers. (用英文告诉家长自己家和朋友家的电话号码 )

