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Unit 1 My name’s Gina. 如何自我介绍 How to introduce yourself My name ’ s Gina! Hello! What ’ s your name? I’m Jenny! Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you, too! 自我介绍 基本句型 1 、 What ’ s your name ? My name’s Gina. / … I ’ m Gina. / … Gina . /… His name is Yao Ming. / He is Yao Ming. What’s his name? And what ’ s her name? Her name’s Yang Mi. 介绍他人基本句型 2. What ’ s his name ? His name ’ s … He is … Alan. 3. What ’ s her name ? Her name ’ s … She is … Gina. Good afternoon! My name’s Linda. Are you Helen? Yes, I am. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too . What’s her name? She’s Jane. Is he Jack? No, he isn’t. His name’s Mike. ( 1 )写出缩写形式   1. what is _____ 2. she is _____  3. I am _____ 4. my name is _____ 5. it is _____ Exercise what’s she’s I’m my name’s it’s 选择最佳答案。 ( ) 1. — What _________ your name? — I _________ Gina. A. is; is B. am; is C. is; am ( ) 2. — What’s _________ name? — His name is Tom. A. your B. my C. his ( ) 3. _________ is Jack. _________ jacket is red. A. She; Her B. He; His C. I; My C C B 用括号内恰当的代词填空。 1. Is this _________ (he, his) ruler? 2. Is _________ (she, her) Miss Zhang? 3. This is _________ (I, my) book. 4. _________ (She, Her) name is Lucy. his she my Her 用所给代词的适当形式填空。( 5 分) 6. _________ (he) pen is black. 7. _________ (you) ruler is yellow. 8. _________ (she) name is Susan. 9. This is _________ (I) key. 10. Nice to meet _________ (your). His Your Her my you 根据句子意思,每空填一个英语单词。 (10 分 ) 1. What’s your n______? My  name is Mary. 2. I’m Gina. Nice t______ meet you. 3. His name i_____ Tony. 5. Hello, I a_______ Jenny. 6. Is his n______ Dave? ame o s m ame Tony: Hello. What ’ s ______ name? Jenny: My _________ Jenny. Tony: _____ Tony. Jenny: Nice to meet you, Tony. Complete the conversations with the words in the box .( 用下面的词填空 ) I ’ m, is, name, name ’ s, his, your your name’s I’m Exercise 17 Bill: What ’ s ______name? Mary: His ______ is Tony. Bill: And what ’ s her _____? Mary: Her name ______Jenny. his name name is I’m, is, name, name’s, his, your Exercise Number 0~9 Key point 3 0 zero 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine Listen and repeat . 听一听,读一读 It ’ s 281-9176. What ’ s your telephone number? First name: ____________ Last name: ____________ Telephone number: __________________ Angie Yang 894-6573 My name is Angie Yang . My first name is Angie . My last name is Yang . My telephone number is 894-6573. ID card 看图完成句子 , 每空一词。 1. My friend is _______ _________. 2. Her _______ ________ is Jenny. 3. _____ last name is _____. 4. Her _____ _____ is 535-2385. Jenny Brown phone number Her Brown first name FIRST NAME: ____________ LAST NAME: ____________ TELEPHONE NUMBER: __________________ Her name is LiuYifei. Her first name is Yifei. Her last name is Liu. Her telephone number is 518-685789. Yifei Liu 518-685789 Fill in the ID card according to the statement. His name is Liu Xiang. His first name is Xiang. His last name is Liu. His telephone number is 548-6967341. FIRST NAME: ____________ LAST NAME: _____________ TELEPHONE NUMBER: ____________________ Xiang Liu 548-6967341 Fill in the ID card according to the statement. Jenny Green 281-9176 Gina Smith 232-4672 2b 阅读信息并与图片配对,在 名字 上画圈,在 姓氏 下划线。 Dale Miller 358-6344 Eric Brown 357-5689 Mary Brown 257-8900 Zhang Mingming 929-3155 in China PEP Middle School FIRST NAME: ___________ LAST NAME: ___________ TELEPHONE NUMBER: __________________ ID card Alice Green 951-3397 用系动词 be(am, is, are) 的适当形式填空。 1. I _________ a Chinese girl. 2. His name _________ Liu Xiang. 3. Jenny and Gina _________ good friends. 4. Mary and I _________ nine. 5. Her QQ number _________ 282836138. am is are are is 6.You ____ a doctor. 7.____she from Jinan? 8._____ you American? 9.It_____ a car. 10.They ____ cars 11.___ your mother in China? 12.What ____her name? are Is Are is are Is is 口诀 : I 后 am , you 后 are , is 跟 着他,她,它; 单数 后面 用 is , 复数 后面 全用 are 。 FIRST NAME: Mary LAST NAME: Green TELEPHONE NUMBER: 86301274 What’s her first name? What’s her last name? What’s her telephone number? Her first name is Mary. Her last name is Green. Her telephone number is 86301274. Answer the questions according to the ID cards. FIRST NAME: Tom LAST NAME: Smith TELEPHONE NUMBER: 97468213 What’s his first name? What’s his last name? What’s his telephone number? His first name is Tom. His last name is Smith. His telephone number is 97468213. Answer the questions according to the ID cards. 根据首字母填写单词。 — How are you? — F___, thanks. 2. What’s your f_________ name? 3. My t_________ number is 2165. 4. Good e________! 5. Linda is seven. S___ is a student. ine irst elephone vening he Exercise 按要求完成句子。 My telephone number is 1567481 . ( 对划线部分提问 ) ____________________________? 2. I’m fine . ( 对划线部分提问 ) _____________? What’s your telephone number How are you Exercise Tom’s last name is Green . ( 对划线部分提问 ) _______________________? 4. her, first, is , Gina, name ( 连词成句 ) _____________________. 5. your, what, number, is, telephone ( 连词成句 ) _____________________________? What’s Tom’s last name Her first name is Gina What is your telephone number 补全对话 , 每空一词。( 10 分) A: Hello, _________ (1) her family name? B: Her family name _________ (2) Jones. A: Is her _________ (3) name Lily? B: No, her first name is Lisa. A: Is her _________ (4) _________ (5) 779-3245? B: Sorry, I don’t know. what’s is first phone number ( ) 1. —What ’ s your name? —My name is _________. A. Wufangming B. Wu Fang Ming C. Wu Fangming ( ) 2. Her name is Mary Brown. ____ is her family name. A. Mary B. Brown C. Mary Brown ( ) 3. —_________!I ’ m Kate. —_________, Kate! I ’ m Mary. A. Hello; Hello B. Good; Good C. Good; Hello ( ) 4. —What ’ s his telephone number? —_________. A. She ’ s 510-1325 B. It ’ s 510-1325 C. Her ’ s 510-1325 ( ) 5. This is Ms .White. Do you know ______ telephone number? A. his B. she ’ s C. her 选择填空。 C B A B C ( ) 6. My car number is 53659. It reads (读作) _______. A. five three six five nine B. five four six five eight C. five two seven five ten ( ) 7. — Are you Jim? —Yes, _________. A. I ’ m B. you are C. I am ( ) 8. One and five _________ six. A. is B. are C. am ( ) 9. Her name is Lucy King. Her ______ name is Lucy. A. family B. last C. first ( ) 10. Jim is _________. His family name is Smith. A. boy B. a boy C. a girl A C A C B 根据上下文完成下列对话。 1. A:Hello.I'm Mary. B:___________!I'm Jim. A:_______ to _______ you. 2. A:_________________? B: I ’ m Bob Smith. A:____________________________? B:It's 3344668. Hi, Mary Nice meet What’s your name What’s your telephone number Exercise 3. A:Hello.___________. B:Hi,Bob.______Tom. A:_______________here. B:Nice to meet you,too. 4. A:What's his name? B:___________ Tony. A:And _______________? B:Her name's Gina. I’m Bob I’m Nice to meet you His name is  what’s her name  A: Excuse me._________________,please? B:My name is ___________. And ________________? A: Mary Smith. Nice to meet you. B:_______________, too. A:What's your telephone number? B:_____ 3940588. A:And ___________________ is 5082688. What’s your name  Jack Brown what’s your name Nice to meet you It’s my telephone number 5. Good bye! I 后 am , you 后 are , is 跟 着他,她,它; 单数 后面 用 is , 复数 后面 全用 are 。 变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。 变否定,更容易, be 后 not 莫忘记。 疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑。 1. 人称代词: 在英语中,表示人称代词的有 I (我), you (你), he (他), she (她), it (它), we (我们), you (你们), they (他们 / 她们 / 它们)。 我们已经学到的人称代词有: I , you , he , she , it ; 如: I am Frank. You are Gina. He is Bob. She is Alice. It is a pen. Grammar 2. 物主代词: 在英语中,物主代词分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词,表示形容词性物主代词的有 my (我的), your (你的), his (他的), her (她), its (它) , our (我们的), your (你们的), their (他们 / 她们 / 它们的)。 我们已经学到的物主代词有: my , your , his , her ; 如: My name is Frank. Your name is Gina. His name is Bob . Her name is Helen . Grammar 3. 系动词: 英语中,有一表示 “ 是 ” 的概念的动词 be ,它不表示具体的动作或行为,只是在句中起着联系主语和表语的作用,所以我们叫它 “ 联系动词 ” ,也称 “ 系动词 ” 。 be 在现在时中有三种形式,分别是 am , is , are . be 的形式依主语的不同而发生变化,如表: 如: ① I am a student. 我是一个学生。 ② You are a good boy. 你是一个好男孩。 ③ She is a good girl. 她是一个好女孩。 ④ It is a black pen. 这是一支黑钢笔 ⑤ My name is Jim. 我的名字是吉姆。 ⑥ Where are Eric and Bob ? 埃里克和鲍勃在哪里? ⑦ They are my friends. 他们是我的朋友。 Grammar 主语 系动词 (be) 第一人称单数( I ) am 第二人称单数( you ) are 第三人称单数( he , she , it ) is 复数人称( they ) are A. Fine, thanks. B. Good morning. C. I’m fine. B Exercise A. Thank you. B. Very well. C. Fine, thank you C Exercise A. How are you? B. Nice to meet you. C. I’m fine, too. B Exercise

