五年级英语下册课件-Unit 1 My day PartA 人教PEP版

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五年级英语下册课件-Unit 1 My day PartA 人教PEP版

A Let's learn What time is it? It’s 8 o’clock. It’s time for/to … It’s time for/to … What time is it? It’s four o five. What time is it? It’s five thirty. It’s time for/to … It’s time for breakfast! Let’s _____________.eat breakfast It’s time for lunch! Let’s .eat lunch It’s time for dinner! Let’s .eat dinner eat 吃早餐 吃中餐 吃晚餐 breakfast lunch dinner have breakfast/ lunch/ dinner When do you ?go to school I go to school . 简单回答: . at 7:20 At 7:20 do morning exercises 早锻炼,做早操 When do you _________________?do morning exercises I do morning exercises ____ __ . 简单的回答: . at 8:00 o’clock At 8:00 o’clock When do you _______________?have an English class I have an English class _ _______. 简单的回答: . at 10:40 At 10:40 When do you ____________?have a PE class I have a PE class ________. 简单的回答: . at 3:00 At 3:00 play sports 参加体育运动 When do you _________?play sports I play sports . 简单的回答: . at 4:50 At 4:50 It's _____ o'clock. It's time to _______.go home 5 do morning exercises eat breakfast have … class play sports eat dinner If you are John, Talk aout your day. Hello,I’m John.I ______at____.I …This is my day. 搭档,伙伴 Homework (⑴)Write words on your paper.(3英1汉) (2)Make a short dialoge use: A:When do you …? B:At …

