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2018 届 二轮复习 —— 定语从句(一) 修饰名词和代词的成分 Key words: 定语 : a beautiful flower a tall boy beautiful tall 定语从句: 修饰名词和代词的从句 This is the best film that I have seen. 定语从句 the best film 先行词 that 关系词 This is the best film that I have seen. 关系词 引导定语从句 代替先行词 在从句中担当一个成分 关系词的作用 1 ) 2 ) 3 ) London is the city that / which has host ed the 2012 Olympic Games. London the city host the 2012 Olympic Games. Revision1 the usage of the relative pronoun 关系代词 指代 在 定语从句中所充当的 成 分 人 物 句子 主语 宾语 定语 who whom which that whose the usage of the relative adverb 关系副词 指代 所充当的句子成分 when where why time place reason adverbial adverbial adverbial 类别 意义 功能 形式 关系代词 限定性定语从句 非限定性定语从句 起限定作用。若省略,原句意义不完整。 起补充说明作用。若省略,原句意义不受影响。 修饰先行词 修饰先行词 / 整个句子 无逗号隔开 有逗号与主句隔开 有 that 无 that Revision 2 限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句的区别 作 宾语 时可以省略 不可以省略 Her brother who is now a soldier always encourages her to go to college. Her brother, who is now a soldier , always encourages her to go to college. 她 那当兵的哥哥 总是鼓励她上大学。( 隐含意思:或许不止一个哥哥) 她哥哥是当兵的,他总是鼓励她上大学。 The book (that /which) I bought yesterday is Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix. The book , which I bought yesterday, is Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix . 有 that ,作 宾语 时可以省略 不用 that , 作宾语时不可以省略 , 我昨天买的 那本书是 《 哈利 · 波特与凤凰令 》 1. 指物时只用 that 或 which 的情况 2. 介词 + 关系代词 3.Whose 用法及转换形式 4.as 与 which 的区别 5. 指人时 that 与 who 的区别 6. 如何判断用关系副词还是关系代词 7. 定语从句中的主谓一致问题 常见考点 1. This is all ____ I know about the matter. A. that B. what C. who D. whether 2. Is there anything else _____ you require? A. which B. that C. who D. what 3. The last place _____ we visited was the Great Wall. A. which B. that C. where D. it 考点一 : that 与 which 的区别 先行词为 all, little, much, everything, nothing, something, anything 等不定代词时,关系代词用 that 4. He talked happily about the men and books _____ interested him greatly in the school. A. which B. that C. it D. whom 5. There is no dictionary _____ you can find everything. A. that B. which C. where D. in that 6. Is oxygen the only gas _____ helps fire burn? A. that B. / C. which D. it 7. Which was the hotel _____ was recommended to you? A. that B. which C. where D. it 先行词为人和物的组合 先行词被 all, little, much, every, no, 等修饰时 先行词被 序数词 或 最高级 修饰;先行词前有序数词 (the first), 形容词最高级 (the best), the last, the very, the only 等时。 若主句中有疑问代词 who 或者 which ,为了避免重复 , 关系代词不要再用 who, which ,而用 that 。 1. 先行词为 all, little, much, everything, nothing, something, anything 等不定代词 2. 先行词被 all, little, much, every, no, 等修饰时。 3. 先行词被序数词或最高级修饰先行词前有序数词 (the first), 形容词最高级 (the best), the last, the very, the only 等时。 4. 先行词为人和物的组合 5. 若主句中有疑问代词 who 或者 which ,为了避免重复 , 关系代词不要再用 who, which ,而用 that 。 只用 that 的情况 : 1. Jim passed the driving test, ______ surprised everybody in the office. A.which B that C this D.it 只用 which 的情况 :1, 逗号后面 2, 介词后面 2. The day ______ he was born was Jan .20 , 2 013 . A.on which B.that C.which D.this 考点二 : 介词 + 关系代词 提醒 : 介词﹢关系代词引导的定语从句 , 关键 是判断介词的选择 . 方法一 : 根据从句中 动词或形容词 与 先行词 习惯搭配 方法二 : 根据从句中动词与先行词的 逻辑关系 注意: 关系代词在定语从句中作介词宾语时,从句常常由“介词 + 关系代词”引出。此时关系代词只能用 which 或 whom ; 不可用 that 或 who 代替 The man is from Beijing University . I talked about him at the meeting . The man (who/whom/that) I talked about at the meeting is from Beijing University. Join them into one sentence. =The man about I talked at the meeting is from Beijing University. 关系代词紧跟在介词后面时,不能用 that ,也不能省略,常用 which 或 whom 。该介词通常可以放在关系代词之前,也可放在从句之尾。 whom 但遇到固定词组时,介词一般紧跟词组主体,不作前置 。 Is this the book (which/that) you are looking for ? Filling blanks: 1.The man __________ you shook hands just now is our headmaster. 2.The room __________ my family live used to be a garage. with whom in which 考点三: Whose 用法及转换形式 1. whose 引导定语从句,其后应紧跟名词, 构成名词短语。 That’s the child whose father is a teacher. Do you know the woman whose husband is a doctor? This is a book whose cover is green. 2. whose 引导定语从句,其先行词不仅可 以指人,还可以指物。 3. whose 的先行词指物时 , 可用 of which 代替 , 但词序不同, 即 whose+ 名词 = the +n + of which = of which + the + n . He lives in the room whose window faces south. = He lives in the room, faces south. = He lives in the room, faces south. the window of which of which the window 考点四: as 与 which 引导的定语从句 两者均可引导非限制性定语从句,有时可以互换,但下列情况多用 as 。 1. 当与 such 或 the same 连用时,一般用 as 。 e.g. Such books as you tell me are interesting. I have the same plan as you. 2. as 引导的从句可以放在句首 , as 本身有“正如 … .. 正象 … ” 之意,与之连用的词有 know , see, expect, announce, point out 等。 e.g. As we all know, the earth is round. 1. ______ was natural, he married Jenny. A. Which B. That C. This D. As 2. Such signs _____ we use in the experiment ______ Greek letters. A. as, are B. as, is C. that, are D. that, is 3. She is very good at dance, ____ everybody knows. A. that B. which C. who D. as 4. ______ has been said above, grammar is a set of dead rules. A. Which B. What C. That D. As 5. We do the same work _____ they do. A. which B. as C. than D. like Anyone _____ breaks the law is punished. Those _____ break the law are punished. He _____ breaks the law is punished. 在 anyone, those, he/she/I / they 作先行词时 , 用” who” 代替 “ that”. 考点五 : that 与 who 的区别 who who who 考点六 : 如何判断用 关系副词 还是 关系代词 ? 选用定语从句的关系词时,需注意两点: 1. 先行词 2. 关系词在从句中充当的成分 。 做主语,宾语,定语用 做状语用 关系代词 关系副词 I will never forget the day _____ I first went to school. I will never forget the day __________ we spent in Beijing. The house __________ we visited is being repaired now. The house ______ Luxun once lived is being repaired now. when (which/that) (which/that) where 考点七 : 定语从句中主谓一致问题 定语从句中的动词在人称和数方面应该与它的 先行词 保持一致。 1.I am not one who ______afraid of difficulty . 2.Don ’t choose me, who _______not fit for this job . is am 3. This is one of the best books _______. A. that have ever been written B. that has ever been written C. that has written D. that have written 4. She is not the only one of the girls ___ well in class. A. which sings B. who sing C. who sings D. who to sing 1. Is this factory ____ we visited last week? D Is this the factory ____ we visited last Week? A 、 where B 、 that C 、 to which D 、 the one B 解题关键:如果是疑问句式,将其转化为陈述句式。 Exercises 2. Let me think of a proper situation _______ this sentence can be used. A 、 where B 、 that C 、 of whom D 、 which A 先行词是 situation, case, scene… 时,一般用 where, 也可用 in which 3. She will never forget the day_____ she spent in Beijing. A 、 when B 、 what C 、 which D 、 why C She will never forget the day_____ she stayed with him in Beijing. A 5. The college won’t take anyone _____ eyesight is weak. A 、 who B 、 whose C 、 of whom D 、 which B 6.Those _____ to take part in the game write down your names. A 、 who B 、 who want C 、 who wants D 、 what B 7. I don't like English, _____ grammar I am not interested. I don't like English, ____ grammar is difficult to learn. I like this house , _____ doorway is just enough to get . I like this h ouse , _____ doorway is small. A. in which B. which C. through whose D. whose A D C D 8. I , ______ your good friend, will try my best to help you out. A 、 who is B 、 what is C 、 what am D 、 who am D 9. Which of the two cows ______ you keep produces more milk? A 、 which B 、 that C 、 what D 、 as B 10. His walking stick, ____ he can’t walk, was lost yesterday. A 、 that B 、 with which C 、 which D 、 without which D 1 1 . Which of the two cows ______ you keep produces more milk? A 、 which B 、 that C 、 what D 、 as B 1 2 . As many members _____ were present agreed to the plan. A. who   B. that    C. which    D. as D 1 3 . He must be from Africa, _____ can be seen from his skin. A. that    B. as    C. who    D. what B 1 4 . This is the same pen ______I lost yesterday. A. as B. that C.the one D. A&B D 比较: . ..the same pen as I lost. ... the same pen that I lost. 表示这支笔与我不见的那支很像,不一定就是 则表示这支笔就是我不见的那支 . 1 5 . The teacher gave us so difficult a problem ___ we couldn't solve. The teacher gave us so difficult a problem ___ we couldn't solve it. A. as B. that C. which D. the ones A B so ...that 后面跟的是一个结果状语从句 1 6 . ______is mentioned above, the number of the students in senior high school is increasing. A. Which B. As C. What D. That B 1 7 . I’ll tell you _____ he told me last night. A. all which  B. all what   C. that all D. all D 18 . How do you like the book? It’s quite different from _____ I read last month. A. that B. which   C. the one D. the one what C 19 . There are three libraries in our school, _______ were built five years ago. A 、 all of them B 、 either of them C 、 all of which D 、 both of that C 2 0 .I bought some books from the bookstore, five ______were English novels. A. of which B. which C. that D. in which A 名词 / 代词 / 数词 +of+ which /whom 引导非限定性定语从句 21.Here are players from Japan, some of _________ are our old friends. Here are some players from Japan and some of ________ are our old friends. A. which B. that C. whom D. them 非限制性定语从句 并列句 C D 解题思路 : 1. 通读全句。首先判断是什么句型。 2. 题干句如果是疑问句式,将其转化为陈述句式。 3. 分析从句的句子结构,在定语从句中,缺什么,就补什么:缺主语或宾语,用关系代词;缺状语,用关系副词 4. 注意标点符号和题干中是否存在并列连词 and, but 等。 Translation 1. 这就是那位帮助我的人。 2. 你昨天见到的史密斯夫人是我的一个朋友。 3. 你认识一个叫王雨的人吗? This is the man who helped me. Mrs. Smith whom you met yesterday is a friend of mine. Do you know the man whose name is Wang Yu? 4. 我收到的那份礼物是我哥送的。 5. 他在我出去的那个星期来我家了。 6. 请给我解释一下你不辞而别的理由好吗? The present that / which I received was from my brother. He came to my home during the week when I was out. Could you please give me a reason why you left without a word?

