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人教版八年级英语(下册)‎ 期末复习专项测试卷二【笔试卷】‎ 三十二、用所给动词的适当形式填空。‎ ‎1. He     (listen)to music now.‎ ‎2. — Where     (be)you yesterday morning? ‎ ‎— I     (be)at home.‎ ‎3. — What     he usually     (do)on Sundays? ‎ ‎— He usually     (do)his homework.‎ ‎4. — What did you do last weekend?‎ ‎— I     (visit)a farm.‎ ‎5. —     your brother go shopping last night?‎ ‎— No, he     his homework at home. (do)‎ ‎6. Listen!Nancy     (sing)over there.‎ ‎7. Last Sunday Susan     (have)to stay at home, because her mother     (be)ill.‎ ‎8. We     (see)some sharks on our last school trip.‎ ‎9. After lunch they     (go)to a gift shop and bought lots of gifts.‎ ‎10. I     (do)my homework when Jeff came last night.‎ ‎11. My brother     (be)to New York twice.‎ ‎12. My little sister     (be)born in Hebei Province.‎ ‎13. He won’t get up until the alarm clock     (go)off.‎ ‎14. Linda     (go)to the space museum after school yesterday.‎ ‎15. She     her room every day, and she     her room now. (clean)‎ ‎16. Last Sunday Maria and Jane     (fly)kites in the park.‎ ‎17. We     (not hear)from our English teacher since he moved to Beijing.‎ ‎18. The old man     (live)in the village since he     (be) a little boy. He is 75 years old this year.‎ 一、( )What    the matter with your little dog yesterday evening? ‎ A. is B. are C. was D. were 二、( )If it    tomorrow, I’ll stay at home.‎ A. rain B. rains C. is raining D. rained 三、( )—Where is Lin Tao? ‎ ‎—He    to the teachers’ office. He will be back soon.‎ A. go B. went C. has been D. has gone 四、( )There    a football match next week. Shall we go and watch it?‎ A. will be B. will have C. has D. have 五、( )Look, Tony    an apple over there.‎ A. eat ‎ B. eats C. is eating D. eating 六、( )—What did the teacher say just now?‎ ‎—Sorry. I didn’t catch it. I    about something else.‎ A. think B. was thinking C. will think D. thinks 七、( )—Did you read a book called Jane Eyre?‎ ‎—Who    it? ‎ A. write B. writes C. is writing D. wrote 八、( )I    my cousins yesterday and we had fun together.‎ A. visit B. visited C. will visit D. has visited 九、( )I    English since I was five years old.‎ A. learn B. learned ‎ C. will learn ‎ D. have learned 十、( )—Is your sister    TV?‎ ‎—No, she’s    clothes.‎ A. watches ; washes B. seeing ; washing C. watching ; washing ‎ D. watch ; wash 十一、( )Mike    some books into the schoolbag now.‎ A. put ‎ B. is putting C. putting D. puts ‎ 十二、( )—Have you ever been to Shanghai?‎ ‎—Yes. I    there with my father last year.‎ A. went B. have been C. have gone D. has been 十三、( )My mother    the dishes in the kitchen when I came back home.‎ A. does B. did C. is doing D. was doing 十四、( )I will send you an e-mail as soon as I    in Canada.‎ A. arrive ‎ B. arrived C. am arriving ‎ D. will arrive 十五、( )Tony    a letter to his teacher last night.‎ A. write ‎ B. writes ‎ C. will write ‎ D. wrote ‎ 十六、( )Tom was cleaning the room while Jack    TV.‎ A. watches ‎ B. is watching C. was watching D. watched 十七、( )Look at the clouds. It    rain.‎ A. is B. is going to ‎ C. must ‎ D. going to ‎ 十八、( )I’m sure you    drive a car next month.‎ A. could B. are able to C. will be able to D. were able to ‎ 十九、( )Mary    her homework, but Mike did.‎ A. didn’t do ‎ B. doesn’t do C. will do D. is doing 二十、( )Please be quiet. My father    .‎ A. sleep ‎ B. sleeps ‎ C. sleeping D. is sleeping ‎ 二十一、( )When he    , I’ll call you.‎ A. come B. comes C. is coming ‎ D. came 二十二、( ) —    you ever    to the Great Wall?‎ ‎—Yes, twice.‎ A. Has ; been ‎ B. Has ;gone ‎ C. Have ; been D. Have ;gone 二十三、( )Sam will go swimming with his brother if it    tomorrow.‎ A. didn’t rain ‎ B. doesn’t rain C. won’t rain D. don’t rain 二十四、( )—What is your brother doing in his room now?‎ ‎—He    his homework.‎ A. does B. did ‎ C. is doing D. will do 二十五、( )The teacher said that light    much faster than sound.‎ A. travels ‎ B. travelled C. has travelled D. went ‎ 二十六、( )Look! Some boys    soccer there.‎ A. playing B. are playing ‎ C. to play D. play 二十七、( )—What’s your plan for this weekend?‎ ‎—We    to raise money for the homeless people.‎ A. help B. helped C. will help ‎ D. were helping 二十八、( )We will be late for the meeting if we    .‎ A. not hurry B. don’t hurry ‎ C. didn’t hurry D. won’t hurry 二十九、( )My mother usually    home at seven in the morning.‎ A. leave ‎ B. leaves C. has left ‎ D. is leaving ‎ 三十、( )I    an interesting book at 9:00 yesterday evening.‎ A. read ‎ B. am reading C. was reading D. were reading 三十一、根据汉语提示完成句子。‎ ‎49. 他爸爸每天开车上班。 ‎ His father             by car every day.‎ ‎50. 看,那个小男孩正在游泳池游泳。 ‎ Look! The little boy         in the swimming pool.‎ ‎51. 昨天我到家的时候我妈妈正在做饭。‎ My mother         when I     home yesterday.‎ ‎52. 他将在两天后回来。 ‎ He             in two days.‎ ‎53. 昨晚我没有看那场电影,因为我已经看过了。‎ Last night I         that film, because I     already     it.‎ ‎54. 如果明天不下雨,我将和朋友们一起去野餐。 ‎ If it         tomorrow, I         for a picnic with my friends.‎ ‎55. 他每天都打篮球。看,他正在和朋友们打篮球。 ‎ He         every day. Look! He         basketball with his friends.‎ ‎56. 他年轻的时候就搬到了这座城市。他在这座城市已经生活30年了。‎ He     to this city when he was young. He         in this city for 30 years. ‎ ‎57. 昨天下午当我爸爸在看书时,我在给我妹妹做玩具。‎ While my father         a book yesterday afternoon, I         a toy for my sister.‎ 参考答案 ‎1.is listening ‎ ‎2.were was ‎ ‎3.does do does ‎ ‎4.visited ‎ ‎5.Did did ‎ ‎6.is singing ‎ ‎7.had was ‎8.saw ‎ ‎9.went ‎ ‎10.was doing ‎ ‎11.has been ‎ ‎12.was ‎ ‎13.goes ‎ ‎14.went ‎ ‎15.cleans is cleaning ‎16.flew ‎ ‎17. haven’t heard ‎ ‎18.has lived was 一、C 二、B 三、D 四、A 五、C 六、B 七、D 八、B 九、D 十、C 十一、B 十二、A 十三、D 十四、A 十五、D 十六、C 十七、B 十八、C 十九、A 二十、D 二十一、B 二十二、C 二十三、B 二十四、C 二十五、A 二十六、B 二十七、C 二十八、B 二十九、B 三十、C 三十一、49.goes to work ‎ ‎50.is swimming ‎ ‎51.was cooking got ‎ ‎52.will come back ‎ ‎53.didn’t see have seen ‎ ‎54.doesn’t rain will go ‎ ‎55.plays basketball is playing ‎ ‎56.moved has lived ‎ ‎57.was reading was making

