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‎2020年湖南省怀化市中考英语试卷 Ⅱ、知识运用(两个部分,共10小题,满分10分)第一节 单项填空 从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的答案填空.(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎1. I like playing ______ chess but my brother likes playing ______ piano.( )‎ A.the; the B.the; / C./; the ‎2. ﹣﹣﹣ ______ do you usually exercise?‎ ‎﹣﹣﹣I usually exercise every morning.( )‎ A.How far B.How long C.How often ‎3. Spending too much ______ playing computer games is bad for your ______.( )‎ A.time; eye B.time; eyes C.times; eyes ‎4. ﹣﹣﹣Where's Jane?‎ ‎﹣﹣﹣I'm not sure. She ______ in the library.( )‎ A.might be B.must be C.can't be ‎5. Journey to the West is interesting. Both my father and my sister ______ the book very much.( )‎ A.likes B.like C.dislike ‎6. With the help of Chinese government, the people in poor areas have a ______ life than before.( )‎ A.good B.better C.best ‎7. In 2022,China ______ the 24th Winter Olympics (冬奥会) in Beijing.( )‎ A.held B.hold C.will hold ‎8. ﹣﹣﹣A lot of old people are lonely. What can we do to help them?‎ ‎﹣﹣﹣I want ______ the old people's home to talk to them.( )‎ A.visit B.to visit C.visiting ‎9. ﹣﹣﹣Do you like the song Shao Nian?‎ ‎﹣﹣﹣Yes. I like the songs ______ I can sing along with.( )‎ A.that B.who C.what ‎10. ﹣﹣﹣______ Mom, could I go out with my friends?‎ ‎﹣﹣﹣﹣______,but you have to come back before 10:00.( )‎ A.Sorry, you can't B.Yes, you can C.No way 第二节 完形填空 通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案.(共1小题,每小题10分,满分10分)‎ ‎11.     Mary's birthday is coming.Her uncle told her that he would send some(1)_______to her as a present.Mary likes chickens very much, (2)_______she was very happy."I'll keep the chickens for eggs, " she thought.‎ ‎    Then the chickens arrived on(3)_______birthday. They were put in a(4)_______.Mary carried the box to the garden,  but it was so(5)_______. She dropped the box onto the ground and it was broken. All the chickens went out and(6)_______here and there. Mary spent hours trying to(7)_______them that morning.‎ ‎    A few days later,  her(8)_______came. He asked Mary,  "Where are the chickens?  Do you like them?‎ ‎    "Of course,  though I dropped them and had some(9)_______finding them. Anyway,  I caught ten of them, " Mary said.‎ ‎    "That's very(10)_______. But I only sent you six, " Her uncle said with a laugh.‎ ‎(1)‎ ‎ 8 / 8‎ A.toys B.eggs C.chickens ‎(2)‎ A.so B.although C.because ‎(3)‎ A.her B.his C.its ‎(4)‎ A.bag B.box C.case ‎(5)‎ A.thin B.heavy C.light ‎(6)‎ A.ran B.swam C.climbed ‎(7)‎ A.feed B.kill C.find ‎(8)‎ A.father B.uncle C.mother ‎(9)‎ A.matter B.trouble C.questions ‎(10)‎ A.boring B.difficult C.interesting Ⅲ.阅读技能(两个部分,共4小题,满分30分)第一节 阅读选择 阅读短文或图表,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳答案回答问题或完成句子.(共4小题,每小题6分,满分30分)‎ ‎12.     There are some funny activities this week! Everyone who is interested in them looks at the notice!‎ ‎    ‎ Monday ‎    Meeting Room ‎    18: 00﹣20: 00‎ ‎    Mr. Green's report:‎ ‎    High﹣speed Trains ‎    Come and learn about the high﹣speed trains!‎ Tuesday ‎    Meeting Room ‎    18: 30﹣21: 00‎ ‎    Mr. Smith's lesson:‎ ‎    Mobile Payment ‎    Mr. Smith is from Beijing University.‎ ‎    Learn more about mobile payment Wednesday ‎    Library ‎    1930﹣21: 00‎ ‎    Mr. Brown's report:‎ ‎    Online Shopping ‎    Would you like to learn online shopping?  Please come and listen!‎ ‎(1)If you are free on Monday, you can learn about________.‎ A. High﹣speed Trains B. Mobile Payment C. Online Shopping.‎ ‎(2)Who can give a report about online shopping?________‎ A. Mr. Green. B. Mr. Smith.‎ C. Mr. Brown..‎ ‎(3)How long does Mr. Smith's lesson take?________‎ A. 2 hours. B. 2 and a half hours.‎ C. 1 and a half hours.‎ ‎13.     As the saying goes,  "________."‎ ‎    Zhong Nanshan is a hero like this. He is a doctor in Guangdong. He saved many people's lives in 2003. In 2003,  SARS (非典) broke out (爆发) in Guangdong. Hundreds of patients even died from the disease. But Zhong was brave enough to fight the disease. Many patients got better. In early 2020,  a disease called COVID﹣19 (XXGG) hit Wuhan. It spread quickly. Thousands of Chinese people were infected (感染).Zhong led his team to Wuhan to fight the illness.Zhong advised ‎ ‎ 8 / 8‎ people to wear masks,  wash hands frequently (频繁地), stay at home and not to go to crowded places.‎ ‎    Zhong likes sports very much. Although he was 84,  he could still play basketball. Zhang still treats patients in the hospital and teaches young doctors. He always says "I am just a doctor." But we think he is a hero and a fighter.‎ ‎(1)What does Zhong Nanshan do?________‎ A. A doctor. B. A nurse. C. A patient..‎ ‎(2)From the passage, we know Zhong Nanshan is a________ man.‎ A. unhealthy B. brave C. shy.‎ ‎(3)Zhong Nanshan gave the following advice EXCEPT (除了)________.‎ A. wear masks B. wash hands frequently C. go to croweded places.‎ ‎(4)The underlined sentence "________" probably means________ according to the passage.‎ A.英雄所见略同 B.英雄不问出处 C.时势造英雄.‎ ‎14.     Yue opera (越剧) is also called Shaoxing opera. It is one of the five operas in China. It has been listed into the first national nonmaterial cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产) since 2006. Yue opera appeared in Sheng County,  Zhejiang Province in the Qing dynasty,  and then it became famous in Shanghai in the 1920s.‎ ‎    Yue opera is famous for singing,  touching music and lively performances. The main subjects of Yue opera are stories about wits and beauties (才子佳人). Main instruments are the erhu and some other traditional Chinese instruments.‎ ‎    First performed by male farmer artists in the countryside,  Yue opera was later developed into a popular performance in cities. The first female troupe (剧团) of Yue opera was created in 1923,  and then female performers gradually took the place of the males. Nowadays,  almost all performers are females. The most famous master of Yue opera is Yuan Xuefen. The classics of the opera are Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai,  Romance of the West Chamber,  Madame White Snake.‎ ‎(1)What is Yue opera also called?________‎ A. Beijing opera. B. Shaoxing opera.‎ C. Yu opera..‎ ‎(2)The main subjects of Yue opera are stories about________.‎ A. farmers and performers B. males and females C. wits and beauties.‎ ‎(3)Who is the most famous master of Yue opera?________‎ A. Yuan Xuefen. B. Chang Xiangyu.‎ C. Mei Lanfang..‎ ‎(4)Which of the following is NOT mentioned (提及) in the passage?________‎ A. Yue opera became famous in Shanghai in the 1920s.‎ B. Main instruments are the erhu and some other traditional Chinese ‎ 8 / 8‎ ‎ instruments.‎ C. One of the classics of the opera is Qin Xianglian..‎ ‎15.     Tom is a 14﹣year﹣old boy. He really likes sports. He says sports make him healthy and relaxed. But his best friend is quiet. Sometimes his friend likes sharing his favorite books with Tom. But Tom doesn't like them. He thinks they are boring.‎ ‎    "In fact,  I want to tell him I have different hobbies." Tom said. "But I don't want to hurt his feelings and harm our friendship. What can I do? "‎ ‎    Friends can be different. This is very common. It is important to talk with your friends. But you should be careful about how to talk with them. Here are some tips for you.‎ ‎    First,  listen carefully to your friends. Although you may want to explain yourself,  listening to your friends first may keep you calm. You will also better understand your friends.‎ ‎    Next,  express yourself politely. Remember,  you are not trying to argue. Winning or losing is not important. Don't try to make your friends think like you.‎ ‎    Lastly and most importantly,  show your friends that you value your friendship even if you disagree about something.‎ ‎    Real friends respect each other.‎ ‎(1)From the passage we know that Tom doesn't want to________.‎ A. hurt his friend's feelings B. talk to his best friend C. make friends with others.‎ ‎(2)How many tips are given in the passage?________‎ A. 3. B. 4. C. 5..‎ ‎(3)In which column (栏目) of a magazine can we read the passage?________‎ A. Music. B. Nature. C. Friends..‎ ‎(4)What will Tom do next according to the passage?________‎ A. He will argue with his friend.‎ B. He will force (迫使) his friend to like sports.‎ C. He will talk to his friend politely.‎ 第二节 阅读表达 阅读下面的材料,然后根据材料内容回答所提的问题.(共1小题,每小题10分,满分10分)‎ ‎16. Once upon a time, there was a rich man. He loved his son very much. Because he wanted to make his son have a happy life, he decided to send him to see a smart old man for advice on happiness. When the old man knew about this, he gave the boy an empty bowl and asked him to go to the river and fill the bowl with water. "If no water is spilt (洒) when you come back, I will tell you about it."‎ The boy walked to the river and came back with a bowl of water. The old man asked him, "Did you notice the beautiful flowers along the road and the birds singing in the trees?" The boy could say nothing about them because he pay much attention to the bowl in his hands.‎ The old man smiled and said, "Bring me another bowl of water and enjoy the flowers and the singing of birds."‎ ‎ 8 / 8‎ When he came back, the boy could describe everything he had seen to the old man. But when he looked at his bowl, he found most water was gone. He forgot all about his bowl when he enjoyed the beautiful things along the road.‎ ‎"Well, young man," the old man said. "Enjoy the beauty of the world, but never forget your dream in your heart. This is the secret of happiness."‎ ‎(1)Why did the rich man decide to send his son to see a smart old man for advice?________‎ ‎(2)What did the old man ask the boy to do?________‎ ‎(3)How did the boy go to the river?________‎ ‎(4)Could the boy describe the beautiful flowers and the singing birds at last?________‎ ‎(5)What can you learn from the passage?________‎ Ⅳ.写作技能(四个部分,满分10分)第一节 综合填空 阅读下列材料,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式.(每空限填一词)(共1小题,每小题10分,满分10分)‎ ‎17. Today there are already robots working in factories. Some can(1)________(help) to build cars, and they do simple jobs over and over again. Fewer people will do such jobs in the future(2)________they are boring, but robots will never get bored.‎ Scientists are now(3)________(try) to make robots look like humans and do(4)________same things as we do. Some robots in Japan can walk and dance. They are fun to watch. However, some scientists believe it will be(5)________(difficulty) to make them really think like a human.‎ Scientists also believe that there will be(6)________(many) robots in the future. These new robots will have many different(7)________(shape). Some will look like humans, and others might look like animals.(8)________India, scientists make robots that look like snakes. If buildings fall down with people inside,(9)________(this) snake robots can help look for people under the buildings. This was not possible 20 years ago, but computers and rockets also seemed(10)________(possible) 100 years ago. We never know what will happen in the future.‎ 第二节 补全对话 根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项为多余选项.(共1小题,每小题5分,满分5分)‎ ‎18. Alice: Hello,this is Sunshine Flower Shop!(1)_______.‎ Li Xi: Yes, please. My mother's birthday is coming and I want to buy her some flowers.‎ Alice: We have many kinds of flowers.(2)_______.‎ Li Xi: I'm not sure. Can you give me some advice?‎ Alice: Certainly.(3)_______.They have a meaning of love.‎ Li Xi: Sounds good.(4)_______.‎ Alice: No problem. Anything else I can do for you?‎ Li Xi: Yes.(5)_______.‎ Alice: Of course. I'll call you as soon as I get there.‎ Li Xi: Thank you! Bye.‎ A. Can I help you?‎ B. What kind would you like?‎ C. Would you mind paying online?‎ D. I love my mother very much.‎ ‎ 8 / 8‎ E. Maybe you can buy some clothes for them.‎ F. You can choose some carnations (康乃馨).‎ G. Could you please send some to my house tomorrow?‎ 第三节 英汉互译 阅读下面的短文,将画线部分的句子译成汉语或英语.(共1小题,每小题10分,满分10分)‎ ‎19. Are you a student? Do you have many rules at home or school? I am a middle school student.There are a lot of rules for me.‎ In the morning, (1)________I have to clean my room before I go to school. Then I eat a good breakfast and go to school. At school, we have more rules.(2)________ And we have to wear the school uniform at school. We must keep quiet in class. After school, I can play basketball with my friends. (3)________‎ In the evening, I can't relax either. I must do my homework. Before I go to bed, I have to read a book. (4)________ I have to spend time with my parents.‎ Parents and teachers are strict, but I know they make rules to help us. (5)________.Thanks to these rules, I can live a healthy and regular life.‎ 将画线部分的句子译成汉语或英语.‎ ‎(1)________‎ ‎(2)________‎ ‎(3)________‎ ‎(4)________‎ ‎(5)________‎ 第四节 情景作文(满分15分)‎ ‎20. 文明礼貌表现的不仅是个人形象、城市形象、市民素质,也在一定程度上反映了社会的文明程度.为配合我市开展"创建文明城市"(build a civilized city)活动,学校号召学生在校内校外做一个文明的中学生,特举办"How to behave well"为主题的英文征文比赛.请根据以下提示,写一篇短文.‎ ‎1. be on time and honest; be polite and friendly to others; help others ‎2. respect parents and teachers; help parents do housework ‎3. follow the traffic rules; not make noise in public ‎4. protect the environment; take care of flowers and trees; not throw litter everywhere ‎5. ……‎ 注意:1.文中请勿使用真实人名、校名和地名;‎ ‎2.内容应包含表格中的要点并适当发挥;‎ ‎3.词数:80词左右;‎ ‎4.文章的开头已给出,但不计入总词数.‎ How to behave well To be a civilized student is very important for a student. Here is what we should do and shouldn't be allowed to do.______________.‎ ‎ 8 / 8‎ 参考答案与试题解析 ‎2020年湖南省怀化市中考英语试卷 Ⅱ、知识运用(两个部分,共10小题,满分10分)第一节 单项填空 从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的答案填空.(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎1.C ‎2.C ‎3.B ‎4.A ‎5.B ‎6.B ‎7.C ‎8.B ‎9.A ‎10.B 第二节 完形填空 通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案.(共1小题,每小题10分,满分10分)‎ ‎11.C A A B B A C B B C Ⅲ.阅读技能(两个部分,共4小题,满分30分)第一节 阅读选择 阅读短文或图表,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳答案回答问题或完成句子.(共4小题,每小题6分,满分30分)‎ ‎12.A C B ‎13.A B C C ‎14.B C A C ‎15.A A C C 第二节 阅读表达 阅读下面的材料,然后根据材料内容回答所提的问题.(共1小题,每小题10分,满分10分)‎ ‎16.Becausehewantedtomakehissonhaveahappylife,He asked the boy to go to the river and fill the bowl with water.,He walked to the river.,Yes,he could.,The secret of happiness is to enjoy the beauty of the world but not to forget our dream in our heart.‎ ‎ 8 / 8‎ Ⅳ.写作技能(四个部分,满分10分)第一节 综合填空 阅读下列材料,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式.(每空限填一词)(共1小题,每小题10分,满分10分)‎ ‎17.help,because,trying,the,difficult,more,shapes,In,these,impossible 第二节 补全对话 根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项为多余选项.(共1小题,每小题5分,满分5分)‎ ‎18.A,B,F,C,G 第三节 英汉互译 阅读下面的短文,将画线部分的句子译成汉语或英语.(共1小题,每小题10分,满分10分)‎ ‎19.我通常六点半起床.,It is very important for us to be on time.,When I get home, I can't watch TV because I have to practice the piano.,On weekends, I can't go out with my friends.,我们不得不遵守规则,I usually get up at six thirty.,对于我们来说或准时到是很重要的.,当我到家 ,我不能看电视因为我必须练钢琴.,在周末,我不能和我的朋友出去.,We have to follow the rules.‎ 第四节 情景作文(满分15分)‎ ‎20.How to behave well To be a civilized student is very important for a student. Here is what we should do and shouldn't be allowed to do.(点题)‎ First,I think it's very important to do everything on time and keep promises.【高分句型一】We should be on time and honest.We should be polite and friendly to others.We should also help others.Second ,we should respect parents and teachers.We should help people in need.Third, we should protect the environment and take care of flowers and trees. Don't throw litter everywhere.Fourth,we must follow the traffic rules and shouldn't make noise in public.Fifth,learn to work with others.We need good team work in our life.(应该怎么做)‎ If everyone behaves well, our city will be more beautiful and attractive.【高分句型二】(总结全文)‎ ‎ 8 / 8‎

