牛津上海英语高一第一学期 Unit2reading (共15张PPT)

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牛津上海英语高一第一学期 Unit2reading (共15张PPT)

Being happy with your hair Case Study Find out the causes of problem hair Read the passage and answer the questions 1.Why do people sometimes have trouble with their hair? 2.How can you be certain that your hair will look good? 3.What food can make your hair grow less quickly? 4.Apart from diet, what can also make your hair less attractive? 5.What can hurt your hair after you shampoo it? Find out the main ideas of the paragraphs Para 1 Para 3 Para 4 Para 5 6 Introduction of the topic Diet can affect hair Lifestyle can also affect hair Proper hair care and hair products Three factors that affect the quality of hair diet way of life/lifestyle way of treating hair We should… We should … We should… Check-up 1. milk or things made from milk 2. often 3. to move backwards and forwards 4. to hurt 5. enough 6. to make certain 7. being tense 8. a treatment or cure 9. to take … away from dairy regularly rub damage adequate ensure stress Remedy rob … of … Fill in the blanks with the words given: ensure, adequate, dairy, remedy, stress, robbed, damaged, Recently, American people have been suffering from ______ as many of them have lost their jobs. The low employment rate has ______ the U.S. economy. President Obama decided to find a ______ for it. To ______ the country still has ______ money to keep going, he’s decided to raise tax for the rich people. Though many people have been ______of the chances to get better jobs, they should have enough to eat, at least they will have ______ products on their table every day. stress damaged remedy ensure adequate dairy robbed Usually, freshmen will meet with much stress from the new environment , but it is necessary for them to do something positive to adapt to it. 新生在新环境中有许多压力,需要想办法适应。 Scientists are concentrating on finding a remedy for this disease . 专注于寻找治疗疾病的办法。 Lack of honesty damaged the business of KFC . 肯德基的不诚信给其生意造成了破坏。 Modern technology, such as instant messaging, sometimes will rob our life of its peace . 现代科技,诸如即时通讯,有时剥夺了我们生活原本的平静。 There are adequate resources in Jincai High School to help students’ study. 进才有足够资源帮助学生学习。 We must ensure the quality of dairy products , because they are for babies. 我们必须严把乳制品质量关。 Work in groups Find out whether the group members are happy with their hair. If not, Why? Give suggestions by using the words: ensure, adequate, dairy, remedy, stress, rub, damage, dairy product, regularly … Recommended website: http://www.hairboutique.com http://www.hairproducts.com

