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英语试卷 注意事项:‎ ‎ 1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名和考试号写在答题卡相应的位置。‎ ‎ 2. 全部答案在答题卡上完成,用2B铅笔涂满涂黑,答在试卷上无效。‎ ‎ 3. 考试结束后,将答题卡上交。‎ 第一部分:听力 (共两节,满分30分)‎ 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。‎ 第一节 ‎(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ 例:How much is the shirt?‎ ‎ A. £ 19.15. ‎ B. £ 9.18. ‎ C. £ 9.15.‎ ‎ 答案是C。‎ 1. When will the man meet Dr. Jones?‎ A. At 3:30 p.m. ‎ B. At 3:00 p.m. ‎ C. At 11:00 a.m.‎ 2. Whose name is Betsy?‎ A. Carla’s pet. ‎ B. Carla’s car. ‎ C. Carla’s grandma.‎ 3. What are the speakers doing?‎ A. Painting a house. ‎ B. Cleaning walls. ‎ C. Drawing a picture.‎ 4. Where does the conversation most probably take place?‎ A. In a shop. ‎ B. In a library. ‎ C. On a bus.‎ 5. What does the man mean?‎ A. The Larsens were not in. ‎ B. The Larsens didn’t hear the door. ‎ C. The Larsens don’t like the woman.‎ 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。‎ 6. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?‎ A. Strangers B. Classmates. C. Colleagues.‎ 7. What are the speakers mainly discussing?‎ A. What to say to Karen Jenkins. ‎ B. Whether to hire an employee. ‎ C. How to advertise a product.‎ 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。‎ 1. What did the woman use to be like? ‎ A. Sporty B. Artistic. C. Sociable.‎ 2. What has the woman taken up recently? ‎ A. Basketball. B. Yoga. C. Painting.‎ 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。‎ 3. Why did the man go downtown yesterday?‎ A. To send a package. B. To buy clothes. C. To visit a friend.‎ 4. What is the woman’s attitude toward Martin’s closing?‎ A. Supportive. B. Surprised. C. Sorry.‎ 5. What did the woman like about Martin’s?‎ A. Huge selection. B. Good service. C. Low prices.‎ 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。‎ 6. How often will the man be available to work?‎ A. No more than two evenings a week.‎ B. At least three evenings a week.‎ C. Up to three evenings a week.‎ 7. Why does the man apply for a part-time job?‎ A. To earn money. ‎ B. To gain work experience. ‎ C. To improve his social skills.‎ 8. What is the man good at?‎ A. Solving problems. ‎ B. Working in a group. ‎ C. Communicating with people.‎ 9. What will the man do on September 10th?‎ A. Have a lesson. ‎ B. Meet the woman. ‎ C. Work for the community.‎ 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。‎ 10. What does the speaker probably do?‎ A. He’s a chairman. ‎ B. He’s a teacher. ‎ C. He’s a host.‎ 11. Why is the meeting held?‎ A. To elect a new chairman for students. ‎ B. To discuss the plans after graduation. ‎ C. To prepare for the graduation ceremony.‎ 12. What do the students present at the meeting have in common? ‎ A. They are hard-working in study. ‎ B. They are well-received in school.‎ C. They are experienced in work. ‎ 1. What should these students do before the next meeting?‎ A. Get some good ideas. ‎ B. Break up into groups. ‎ C. Start to work on everything.‎ 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ ‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ A What’s better than a video game that your kids can play over and over again? A membership to one of the many exciting places in Seattle that your kids visit over and over again (for a year at least). Click to join us and read on for our top picks.‎ Woodland‎ ‎Park‎ Zoo The Park Zoo was the most highly sought after membership by families in the Seattle area, and for good reason: there’s something for everyone! In addition to the hundreds of animals found throughout the 92 acres, there are plenty of outdoor spaces to run around (including playgrounds).‎ Tel: 206-5428-2500‎ Online: zoo.org Annual Membership: $69/Flexible Guest Adult; $49/Named Adult; $19/Child; Under 2 Free Point Defiance Zoo Point Defiance Zoo is the only combined zoo and aquarium in the Pacific Northwest spread out over 29 acres. Your kids will enjoy getting up close and personal to the live sharks, riding a camel and exploring the interactive Kids’ Zone. ‎ Tel: 253-591-5337‎ Online: pdza.org Annual Membership: $124/Household; $105/Two adults; $24/Child Seattle‎ Aquarium The Aquarium is particularly great for any budding environmentalists in your family who want to learn more about conservation efforts that affect the waters in the Pacific Northwest. ‎ Tel: 206-386-4300‎ Online: seattleaquarium.org Annual Membership: $189/Family Plus (2 adults, 5 children, 1 guest); $149/Family (2 adults, 5 children)‎ Museum‎ of ‎Flight The Museum is the perfect indoor place to free your kids to dream big about the wide world. With all sorts of planes that you can see, touch and climb inside, this museum fulfills your flight dream. ‎ Tel: 206-764-5700‎ Online: museumofflight.org Annual Membership: $100/Family; $75/Two Adults ‎21. What do these places have in common?‎ ‎ A. They are all in Seattle. ‎ B. Kids can see animals there.‎ ‎ C. They all have outdoor activities. ‎ D. Members can get free admission. ‎ ‎22. Which place is favored by aircraft lovers?‎ A. Woodland‎ ‎Park Zoo. ‎ B. Point Defiance Zoo.‎ C. Seattle Aquarium. ‎ D. Museum‎ of ‎Flight.‎ ‎23. How much does it cost for a family to visit Point Defiance Zoo?‎ A. $117. ‎ B. $124. ‎ C. $129. ‎ D. $148. ‎ B The year just keeps getting better for new, young author Sierra Blair – her latest book appearing in the iconic Atlantis resort and now high praise from high-ranking education officials. ‎ ‎“I hope that through her writing we would be able to motivate the young people in our school systems. One of our challenges is the capability within literacy(读写能力) and it is clear that the gift is there, it’s only a matter of exploring it so I’m very impressed and also grateful to her parents for encouraging her to take this very important step of publishing,” said Jeffrey Lloyd, Minister of Education during a one-on-one sit down and conversation. The young author caught media attention last year after publishing her first book on Amazon. The newest and independently published children’s book “Roman and the Pink Flamingos” is inspired by Sierra’s three-year-old brother, Roman.‎ ‎“It’s frightening to bring something to the public that you’ve put a lot of work into and someone could very easily tear it apart or tease me, ‘It’s not good enough.’ Although I have my family and others in my corner, to meet persons in power and get a positive feedback from them makes me feel like I’m on the right path,” said Sierra.‎ During the conversation, the governor general Dame Pindling asked about the book and creative process involved(涉及) in bringing the series to life. She urged Sierra to not only write children’s fiction but to one day work deeper into the fabric (结构) of the nation, documenting what she observed. “She encouraged me in my creative pursuits and praised me for being independent in my professional development. I deeply enjoyed our conversation,” said Sierra. ‎ Sierra wasn’t the only one to be moved by the visit. ‎ ‎24. What drove Sierra to write her latest book?‎ A. Her gift for literacy. ‎ B. Attention from the media.‎ C. Her little brother Roman. ‎ D. Her parents’ encouragement.‎ ‎25. Why did Sierra feel afraid to bring something to the public?‎ A. Because others might laugh at her.‎ B. Because she felt on the wrong way.‎ C. Because her family did not support her.‎ D. Because her book was not good enough.‎ ‎26. Which of the following can best describe Sierra?‎ A. Creative and inspiring. ‎ B. Independent and polite. ‎ C. Determined and practical. ‎ D. Ambitious and sensitive.‎ ‎27. What would the author probably write in the paragraph that follows?‎ A. Visit from another journalist. ‎ B. Stories behind Sierra’s books.‎ C. Sierra’s another popular book. ‎ D. Comments from another person.‎ C The majority of people on this planet live through ego(自我意识). They feel that they are themselves special, apart from the crowd in some way. Also, they aren't willing to acknowledge other people's special-ness, and feel that they are threatened by the people who are different from them. ‎ Besides, there are many different 'exclusive clubs' which people join under certain conditions, like Colour of skin clubs, Sports clubs, and so on. What many people fail to acknowledge, however, is that there is in fact only one club The Human Being club.‎ Our diversity is what makes life interesting. I love watching people who dance or create music beautifully, draw out emotions through their acting skills, or are accomplished athletes. I also understand myself well enough to know that I don't have enough passion for any of these things to make the sacrifices necessary to come close to their level of excellence.‎ I believe that it is human nature to communicate and cooperate with people who are like us, but what a lot of people see as 'like us' is narrowed down to very superficial(表面) characteristics. I remember my Jamaican friend's sister being most put out. She had been the only black woman in her company and then another black woman was employed. They were automatically put to work together because they were both black and obviously had a lot in common - so thought the employer! The truth was that they had nothing in common, didn't come from the same country and actively disliked each other. It's always a mistake to assume anything on a purely superficial basis.‎ I have many friends who are members of a variety of the above mentioned clubs and each one of them has taught me so much about different cultures and life styles, and has enriched my life in the process. I encourage anyone to strike up a conversation with someone who doesn't look like them - you might be surprised at exactly how much you have in common.‎ ‎28. According to the first two paragraphs people tend to _________.‎ A. feel they are special ‎ B. feel they are lack of ego C. admit others are special ‎ D. admit only one club exist ‎ ‎29. How is the Paragraph 3 mainly developed?‎ A. By analyzing causes. ‎ B. By setting an example. ‎ C. By giving a description. ‎ D. By making comparisons.‎ ‎30. The author mentioned his Jamaican friend’s sister to show ___________.‎ A. black women have a lot in common indeed B. it is human nature to cooperate with people C. people understand “like us” in a narrow way D. people often make mistakes in judging others ‎31. What does the author advise people to do in the last paragraph?‎ A. To enrich their own life. ‎ B. To join an exclusive club.‎ C. To talk to different people. ‎ D. To experience different life.‎ D We know that our smartphones are expertly-designed distraction devices that weaken our efforts to resist. But, we also know that resistance is important if we’re ever going to find a workable middle ground with our phones – and a recent study has served up another reason to strengthen our resolve.‎ Here it is: when you pick up your phone while doing anything mentally challenging, you're handicapping your brain’s ability to recharge and performance predictably decreases.‎ That’s the conclusion of a study that put roughly 400 college students to task solving challenging word puzzles. When they were about halfway through, the researchers allowed most of the students to take a break either using their phones, using a computer or reading a print circular. Other students were told to just keep on working without any sort of break. ‎ The results showed that the students who took a break with their phones were the worst performers of all the groups. They took 19% longer to finish the tasks and they solved 22% fewer word-problems than all the other groups combined. In fact, the cell-phone group’s efficiency and processing speed was about the same as the group that took no break.       ‎ The reason offered by the researchers isn’t merely because digital devices are inherently engaging(迷人的), but because our smartphones are attention gates into so many other attention-catching areas, each pulling our mental energy in different directions.  ‎ This research stresses that we ignored the energy reduction from using our smartphones, and that we were over-confident about what our brains can handle. We also overlooked the emotional connection we'd developed with our phones. It's no longer just a device. It's a companion. ‎ ‎“It is important to know the costs associated with reaching for this device during every spare minute,” Kurtzberg added. “We assume it’s no different from any other break – but the phone may carry increasing levels of distraction that make it difficult to return focused attention to work tasks.”‎ ‎32. What does “resolve” in Paragraph 1 refer to?‎ A. Finding a workable phone. ‎ B. Resisting using phones.‎ C. Making full use of phones. ‎ D. Upgrading personal phones.‎ ‎33. The underlined word “handicapping” in Paragraph 2 probably means ___________.‎ A. strengthening ‎ B. performing ‎ C. weakening ‎ D. changing ‎34. What can we learn from the research?‎ A. There are two groups of students in the research.‎ B. All the students can not take a break in the research. ‎ C. The cell-phone group did best in solving the puzzles.‎ D. Students have to complete word puzzles before the break.‎ ‎35. What’s the main idea of the Paragraph 6?‎ A. The phone is no longer favored by people.‎ B. The phone is not as powerful as expected.‎ C. People cannot connect emotionally with phones.‎ D. People didn’t fully understand the effect of phones.‎ 第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ Self-care activities can help you cope with stress and improve overall well-being. 36 . Normally, a good deal of practicing self-care is learning how to understand your own needs emotionally and physically. Now, let’s start from practicing physical Self-Care.‎ Exercise regularly. Moving around does so many great things for you and can be done in the comfort of your own home! Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, even if it's just in 10-minute breaks. It's okay if you can't exercise every single day, just aim for most days of the week. 37 .Try to do a variety of different interesting things.‎ ‎ 38 . This will help keep you energized and your body healthy. When you're busy working or taking care of others, it can be difficult to plan and cook a healthy meal for yourself. Eventually though, the easy foods you tend to take are going to weaken you and leave you feeling unhealthy.‎ Monitor your physical health. When you're sick, take time off work or school. 39 . Make sure you're taking any treatments consistently and accurately. Your body is working to keep you alive, so take care of it well. ‎ Make a vacation. 40 . Vacations don't necessarily have to be yearly trips to the beach, as those can be stressful and expensive. Vacations can be mini-breaks that you take from stress throughout the week or month. For example, you can leave your work just for quiet and relaxation for half an hour every day. Find places inside or outside your home that are comforting to you.‎ A. Eat healthy foods B. Have your meal regularly C. Practicing self-care is especially important D. Schedule time-off from your responsibilities E. Schedule regular appointments with your doctor F. However, people are practicing self-care every day G. Choose activities that are fun and interesting for you 第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ‎ It’s often recommended to befriend the enemy, but high school freshman Xavier Staubs did more than that. He saved his life.‎ At a swim meet, the 15-year-old boy rescued a 41 who was struggling under water. It 42 as a regular home meet. Xavier had just completed his relay. 43 he was resting, he ‎ suddenly 44 a boy in an adjoining lane was 45 . “I heard people screaming, and I see him underneath.” Without 46 , Xavier dived back into the pool and 47 the boy out to safety. 48 , the boy started breathing on his own.‎ His 49 actions got the attention of Representative John Moolenaar, who 50 Xavier with a tribute (赞颂) in the Congressional Record.‎ At lunchtime, Xavier learned the congressman was coming to meet him. Moolenaar wanted to 51 him with a recognition that would be kept in the Library of Congress.‎ ‎“We heard the story about what he had done. The more I learned about it, the more I thought we really wanted to 52 what he did,” the Congressman told CNN.‎ ‎“Usually, you heard bad outcomes and 53 situations,” Moolenaar said. “This was such a powerful 54 of one student helping another 55 the two boys were competitors.”‎ ‎ 56 , Xavier’s mother, Jillian Staubs, said she was not 57 .‎ She arrived at the meet five minutes after the rescue happened. Something in her mind told her that her son was somehow 58 .‎ Staubs said she tries to 59 her children like what her grandmother did. And Xavier performing such a 60 act was something she’s used to hearing about.‎ Xavier is not only a great swimmer but also a dancer, band member and a straight-A student. And now, a hero.‎ 41. A. classmate B. competitor C. volunteer D. stranger 42. A. took off B. put off C. moved off D. started off 43. A. For B. As C. Since D. Because 44. A. stared B. felt C. noticed D. ignored 45. A. performing B. competing C. drowning D. training 46. A. doubt B. admission C. preparation D. hesitation 47. A. pulled B. rolled C. yelled D. pushed 48. A. Unluckily B. Fortunately C. Sadly D. Honestly 49. A. inspiring B. moving C. heroic D. modest 50. A. observed B. respected C. encouraged D. recognized 51. A. present B. react C. deserve D. judge 52. A. support B. congratulate C. employ D. praise ‎ 53. A. amusing B. upset C. pleasant D. surprising ‎ 54. A. example B. incident C. relief D. event 55. A. as for B. as though C. even though D. now that 56. A. Therefore B. Otherwise C. Besides D. However 57. A. pleased B. surprised C. delighted D. puzzled 58. A. involved B. threatened C. influenced D. endangered 59. A. raise B. bring C. care D. impress 60. A. determined B. generous C. selfless D. devoted 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ It is often said that if you are in Beijing, there are 61 (basic) two things that you must do; one is to climb the Great Wall of China, and the other is to eat Peking Duck. Once 62 (limit) to the kitchens of the palace, the legendary Peking Duck now 63 (serve) at thousands of restaurants around Beijing, as well as around the world.‎ The origin of the Peking Duck 64 (date) back to the Ming Dynasty. Cooks from all over China travelled to the capital Beijing 65 (cook) for the Emperor. It was a ‎ prestigious(有声望的) occupation as only the 66 (good) chefs could enter the palace kitchens. A top cook was even able to reach the rank of 67 minister!‎ It was in these kitchens where dishes of exceptional quality such as the Peking Duck were first created by palace chefs. 68 , many of the recipes for such "foods of the Emperor" were later smuggled(走私) out of the kitchen and onto the streets of Beijing. With the eventual fall of the Ching dynasty in 1911, court chefs 69 left the Forbidden City set up restaurants around Beijing and brought Peking Duck and other delicious dishes to the 70 (mass).‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(Λ),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的用斜线()划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ About how to keep healthy, I’d like to offer my advices. As we know, we teenagers are going through a rapid growth which needs to be support by a healthy and balanced diet. Thus, we need a variety of food but cut out the food rich in sugar or fat. However, we should take physical exercise regular. For example, we can play basketball or take walk after school. What’s more, have enough sleep is of great importance. Therefore, you should have at least eight hours of sleep every day and not stayed up too late. Only in this way that can we keep fit. ‎ 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ 假定你是李华,最近负责校报英文版。请你用英文写封邮件给你校的外教Jerry,邀请他加入校报编辑部。内容包括:‎ 1. 邀请缘由;‎ 2. 工作职责;‎ 3. 表达期望。‎ 注意:‎ 1. 词数100左右;‎ 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ 英语听力材料、参考答案及评分标准 第一部分 听力 ‎1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. A ‎11. C 12. B 13. C 14. B 15. C 16. B 17. A 18. C 19. B 20. A ‎ 第二部分 阅读理解 ‎21. A 22. D 23. B 24. C 25. A 26. A 27. D 28. A 29. B 30. C ‎ ‎31. C 32. B 33. C 34. B 35. D 36. C 37. G 38. A 39. E 40. D 第三部分 语言知识运用 ‎41. B 42. D 43. B 44. C 45. C 46. D 47. A 48. B 49. C 50. D ‎ ‎51. A 52. D 53. B 54. A 55. C 56.D 57. B 58. A 59. A 60. C ‎61. basically 62. limited 63. is served 64. dates 65. to cook ‎66. best 67. a 68. However 69. who/that 70. masses 第四部分 写作 第一节 第一句:advices改为advice 第二句:support改为supported 第三句:out改为down 第四句:However改为Besides/Moreover 第四句:regular改为regularly 第五句:take后加a 第六句:have改为having 第七句:you改为we 第七句:stayed改为stay 第八句:删掉that 第二节 ‎ Dear Jerry,‎ My name is Lihua, the English editor of our school newspaper. To be honest, I am writing this letter to invite you to join us.‎ Believe it or not, our newspaper, especially the English edition, is quite popular with students. Not only does it open a window for students to know about the outside world, but also it is a good source for learning English. Thus, we want to find an expert like you to ensure the quality. Your duty is to check the accuracy of the language. I hold the firm belief that we can get improved with your participation.‎ Again, we will be honored if you can make it. Looking forward to your early reply.‎ ‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua ‎ 英 语 (一) 答 案 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)‎ 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)‎ ‎【答案】1-5 ABACB 6-10 CBACA 11-15 CBCBC 16-20 BACBA ‎【听力原文】‎ 第一部分 听力 Text1 ‎ M: Will Dr. Jones be able to see me at 11:00, please?‎ W: Sorry, but she’s fully booked till 3:00 p.m. How about 3:30 p.m.?‎ M: It’s OK for me.‎ Text2‎ M: Hey Carla. What’s new? ‎ W: Well, I got a new car.‎ M: Really? What happened to old Betsy?‎ W: After 150,000 miles, she finally died.‎ Text3‎ W: Thank you for helping me with this job.‎ M: No problem at all. I actually enjoy doing this. Could you pass me the paint? I think we can start painting the second time now.‎ W: Wow, this house sure looks different with light blue walls.‎ Text 4 ‎ M: Isn’t this your usual stop?‎ W: Yes, but today I’m going to the library.‎ M: Oh, then you should get off at the next stop and walk to Clifton Street.‎ Text5‎ W: Can you believe it? I went to see the Larsens today, but they didn’t answer the door.‎ M: I saw their car there. So they must be staying in the backyard. ‎ 第一节到此结束。‎ 第二节 听第6段材料,回答第6至第7两个小题。现在,你有10秒钟时间阅读这两个小题。‎ Text6‎ W: Before we call in the next applicant, I just wanted to say that the previous woman, Karen Jenkins, was quite impressive. She seemed to fit our needs perfectly.‎ M: But she doesn’t have any educational background in advertising.‎ W: I didn’t notice that, but now that you mention it, that may be a problem. I guess you’re right.‎ M: Well, let’s finish talking to the rest of the candidates before making a decision. ‎ 听第7段材料,回答第8至第9两个小题。现在,你有10秒钟时间阅读这两个小题。‎ Text 7‎ M: Kim, when did you start doing this?‎ W: Oh, a few months ago. I’d never picked up a brush before.‎ M: What made you start? ‎ W: I’m not sure. My brother was the artistic one and I didn’t think I was the same type. You know, I was on the basketball team and did quite well. But I’ve always wanted to paint or draw. Last month, I decided I wanted to take a class at the community center. It was this or yoga. I decided on this. I feel like I’ve learned how to relax by painting.‎ M: You’re not bad, you know.‎ W: Thanks. ‎ 听第8段材料,回答第10至第12三个小题。现在,你有15秒钟时间阅读这三个小题。‎ Text 8‎ M: I had to go down town yesterday because I needed to mail a package at the post office. Since I was only a few blocks from Main Street, I went over to Martin’s. Did you know that Martin’s has gone out of business? I’m not happy about that.‎ W: That’s too bad, but I’m not surprised. A lot of family-owned shops are closing because of the construction of shopping centers.‎ M: Yeah, and don’t forget about all the big stores that are being built too. The reason why people prefer to shop there is to save money. Everyone loves shopping centers and big stores due to the low prices and the huge selection.‎ W: Not me! I loved Martin’s for their beautiful clothes and friendly salespeople. When you were there, you almost felt like family. You’ll never get that at a shopping center or a big store. ‎ 听第9段材料,回答第13至第16四个小题。现在,你有20秒钟时间阅读这四个小题。‎ Text 9‎ W: Hello. Care for the Community. How can I help you?‎ M: Oh, good morning. I’m interested in doing some part-time work for your organization. My name is Philippa Tailor. I’m a student at Brookfields University.‎ W: Good morning, Philippa. When would you be available to work? Days? Evenings?‎ M: Well, days would be difficult, as I have classes then. I was thinking maybe a couple of evenings a week, or maybe three. But no more than that. ‎ W: OK. Philippa, why are you interested in working for us?‎ M: Well, I major in Social Care Studies. I’m hoping to apply for a job in social care when I graduate, and this would give me some work experience in this field. ‎ W: Great. And what makes you suitable for this kind of work, do you think?‎ M: Well, I have very good communication skills. That’s my strong point, I think. And I’m a good listener. Sometimes you can help by just listening, you know.‎ W: I agree. Hmm, right. What I’d like to do, if it’s OK with you, is fix an appointment so we can meet and talk about this some more. It wouldn’t be anything formal, not an interview or anything like that. Er, how are you fixed for Tuesday 9th September at 4:30?‎ M: Ah, I’m sorry. I have a lesson then. Would Wednesday be possible?‎ W: The 10th? Yes, that would be fine. ‎ 听第10段材料,回答第17至第20四个小题。现在,你有20秒钟时间阅读这四个小题。‎ Quiet, please. May I have all your attention? We need to get this meeting started because we have a lot to do before graduation. Thank you all for electing me as your chairman and I will do my best to make sure we have a great graduation ceremony. I just need your help to get everything running smoothly.‎ You all have been selected by your departments to plan the graduation. You should all feel honored that your classmates thought so highly of you. Right now a sheet of paper is going ‎ around that I need you all to fill out. Please write down your name, telephone number, and what part of the graduation you would like to help organize. Please keep in mind that all parts of the graduation require a great deal of time and devotion. So please only sign up for a part that you have time for. When you have signed the paper with your name, telephone number and part, please place the paper on my desk. At our next meeting on Friday, we will break up into groups and get to work on everything. Start thinking about how you want to organize your small groups before then. OK. That’s all from me. See you on Friday.‎ 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ A ‎【答案】 21-23 ADB ‎【解析】 这是一篇广告文,文章主要提供了一些适合西雅图地区家庭出行游玩场所。‎ ‎21.A。推理判断题。根据第一部分“A membership to one of the many exciting places in Seattle that your kids visit over and over again (for a year at least).”可推断这些地方都来自Seattle,因此答案是A。‎ ‎22.D。细节理解题。根据第五部分“With all sorts of planes that you can see, touch and climb inside, this museum fulfills your flight dream.”可知答案为D。‎ ‎23.B。细节理解题。根据第三部分“$124/Household”可知一家人的费用就是124美元。‎ B ‎【答案】24-27 CAAD ‎【解析】本文是对小作家Sierra Blair的访谈,访谈中提到了不同读者、主持人对Sierra Blair的评价,以及Sierra Blair自己的感悟。‎ ‎24. 细节理解题。根据第二段中“…is inspired by Sierra’s three-year-old brother, Roman.”可知C答案正确。‎ ‎25. 细节理解题。根据第三段“It’s frightening to bring something to the public that you’ve put a lot of work into and someone could very easily tear it apart or tease me, ‘It’s not good enough.’”可知A选项正确。‎ ‎26. 推理判断题。根据第二段中写到Sierra的事迹和著作可以激励更多的年轻人,以及最后一段中提到采访Sierra的创作过程,可以知道A选项正确。‎ ‎27. 推理判断题。根据文本最后一句“Sierra wasn’t the only one to be moved by the visit. ”推测后文可能写另一个人的评价。‎ C ‎【答案】 28-31 ABCC ‎【解析】 本文是一篇议论文,作者阐述了人不可以过于自我,要承认人的差异性,并认为人的差异使得这个社会有趣。‎ ‎28. A。细节理解题。根据第一段中“They feel that they are themselves special, apart from the crowd in some way.”可知人们倾向于认为自己很特别。‎ ‎29. B。篇章结构题。根据文章写作手法,作者举了自己的例子证明差异和多样性使得生活有趣。‎ ‎30. C。推理判断题。根据第四段,作者举例为了论证观点“what a lot of people see as 'like us' is narrowed down to very superficial characteristics.”可知答案C正确。‎ ‎31. C。推理判断题。根据最后一段“I encourage anyone to strike up a conversation with someone who doesn't look like them”可知作者鼓励人们去与他人交流,因此答案C正确。‎ D ‎【答案】 32-35 BCBD ‎【解析】 这是一篇科普说明文,介绍了一个研究结果,使用手机会减弱我们的注意力。‎ ‎32. B。细节理解题。由全文可知在工作中使用手机会不自觉的分散我们的注意力,降低工作效率,因此我们应该下定决心抵制在工作中使用手机。‎ ‎33. C。词义推理题。分析句子成分可知and前后为并列句,decreases和handicapping并列,decreases减少,故选C。‎ ‎34. B。细节理解题。由题干提示定位到第三段。第二句大多数学生中途被允许休息,故D错误;学生被分为休息可使用手机,可使用电脑,可阅读打印通知以及不休息多组,故A错误;第四段使用手机组在数独游戏中表现最差,故C错误;第三段最后一句“Other students were told to just keep on working without any sort of break”表明并不是所有学生在研究中都能休息,故B正确。‎ ‎35. D。主旨大意题。第六段中根据研究强调的内容可知,人们没有充分的了解手机的影响。故选择D。‎ 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ ‎【答案】36. C 37. G 38. A 39. E 40. D ‎【解析】本文为说明文,介绍了从身体角度的自我照顾和保养。‎ ‎36. 考查过渡句。根据前后句,从self-care activities到practicing self-care,因此此句强调进行self-care是非常重要的,因此选择答案C。F选项的however不正确,此句并不与前句形成转折关系。‎ ‎37. 考查拓展句。本段的中心是经常锻炼,而且此空前句说如果你没有办法每天都运动,那么每周运动几天,就找自己喜欢和感兴趣的活动。这句话刚好和后一句话相铺垫,后句说可以做不同类型有趣的事。‎ ‎38. 考查主题句。后文叙述的内容,尤其是最后一句话“the easy foods you tend to take are going to weaken you”,表明是要吃健康的食品,而并非号召大家饮食有规律。‎ ‎39. 考查拓展句。根据后文提到的“taking any treatments”表明语境与医生有关,因此选择E。‎ ‎40. 考查拓展句。本段的中心是假日,因此选择了D,找个时间远离你的职责,这就与放假有关。‎ 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ ‎【答案】41-45 BDBCC 46-50 DABCD 51-55 ADBAC 56-60 DBAAC ‎【解析】本文为记叙文,讲述了一位高中生挽救了一名同时参加游泳比赛而溺水的对手的故事。‎ 41. B. 考查名词和上下文语境。根据第一段讲到befriend an enemy, 与敌人交朋友,所以应该是挽救了对手的生命。‎ 42. D. 考查动词短语和上下文语境。根据后文他完成比赛,可知比赛如常开始。‎ 43. B. 考查连词和上下文语境。根据前文他已经完成接力,“当”他在休息的时候。‎ 44. C. 考查动词和上下文语境。根据后文可知,他忽然“发现,注意到”旁边泳道的男孩正溺水了。‎ 41. C. 考查动词和上下文语境。根据后文Xavier Staubs跳进水里救他,可知这个男孩“溺水”了。‎ 42. D. 考查名词和上下文语境。根据后文Xavier dived back into the pool,可知他“毫不犹豫”地去救人了。‎ 43. A. 考查动词和上下文语境。根据语境可知,他把溺水的男孩拖到了安全的地方。‎ 44. B. 考查副词和上下文语境。考查根据后文可知,他能自己呼吸了,可知是“幸运地”。‎ 45. C. 考查形容词和上下文语境。根据后文可知,国会议员特地来表扬他,可知他救人的行为是“英勇的”。‎ 46. D. 考查动词和上下文语境。根据后文议员将他把他的事迹载入国会议事录中,可知议员对他的行为非常“赞赏,认可”。‎ 47. A. 考查动词和上下文语境。根据前文可知,议员来到Xavier Staubs的学校,“授予,颁发”奖励给他。‎ 48. D. 考查动词和上下文语境。根据前文议员给予的赞扬,Xavier Staubs的行为是收到“表扬”的。‎ 49. B. 考查形容词和上下文语境。根据前文提到的“bad outcomes”可知,我们通常听说的都是不好的结局,“令人悲伤的”事情。‎ 50. A. 考查名词和上下文语境。根据前文Xavier Staubs救人的故事可知,他树立了一个良好的“榜样”。‎ 51. C. 考查连词短语和上下文语境。根据前文可知,Xavier Staubs和被救的男孩是对手关系,但“尽管”是对手,他们依然帮助对方。‎ 52. D. 考查副词和上下文语境。根据后文可知,“但是”Xavier Staubs的母亲对他的行为已经习以为常。‎ 53. B. 考查形容词和上下文语境。根据后文可知,因为对他的行为已经习惯,因此一点也不“惊讶”。‎ 54. A. 考查动词与上下文语境。根据前文可知,他母亲的直觉告诉她Xavier Staubs与发生的事情“有关”。‎ 55. A. 考查动词与上下文语境。根据后文可知,他母亲用她祖母养育孩子的方式“养育”她儿子。‎ 56. C. 考查形容词和上下文语境。根据前文可知,Xavier Staubs挽救对手的行为是“无私的”。‎ 第II卷 第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ ‎【答案】‎ ‎61. basically 62. limited 63. is served 64. dates 65. to cook ‎66. best 67. a 68. However 69. who/that 70. masses ‎【解析】本文是一篇说明文。介绍了北京烤鸭。‎ ‎61.考查词类转换。这里要用basic的副词形式basically,表示基本上。‎ ‎62.考查非谓语动词。Limit的逻辑主语是the legendary Peking Duck,两者形成被动关系,因此用done的形式,填limited. ‎ ‎63.考查被动语态。因serve与前面的duck形成被动关系,因此填写is served。‎ ‎64.考查动词的时态语态。短语date back to与主语构成主动关系,客观描述,时态为一般现在时。‎ ‎65.考查非谓语动词。厨师来到北京为皇帝烹饪,表目的,因此用to cook。‎ ‎66.考查形容词最高级。最好的厨师,因此用good的最高级best。‎ ‎67.考查冠词,这里的部长为泛指,因此填写a。‎ ‎68.考查表逻辑关系的副词。前后句形成转折关系,因此用However.‎ ‎69.考查定语从句。这里是定语从句,后面从句结构缺少主语,先行词是court chefs,因此填写that或者who。‎ ‎70.考查名词单复数。这里指的是北京烤鸭令到更多人得以品尝,masses表示大众。‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 短文改错(共10小题:每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎【答案】‎ 第四部分 写作 第一节 第一句:advices改为advice 第二句:support改为supported 第三句:out改为down 第四句:However改为Besides/Moreover 第四句:regular改为regularly 第五句:take后加a 第六句:have改为having 第七句:you改为we 第七句:stayed改为stay 第八句:删掉that ‎【解析】‎ 第一处:考查名词。advice是不可数名词。‎ 第二处:考查动词的语态。完整的被动语态,由be和过去分词构成,此处需使用被动语态,因此填入supported。‎ 第三处:考查介词。减少用cut down,而cut out表示切断、中止,不符合文意。‎ 第四处:考查逻辑意义的副词。此处后文因和前文形成并列关系,因此用Besides,或者是Moreover。‎ 第五处:考查形容词到副词的转换。经常做练习,需用副词修饰动词take,故用regularly。‎ 第六处:考查固定短语。take a walk表示散步。‎ 第七处:考查非谓语动词。非谓语动词做主语,因此将have改成having。‎ 第八处:考查代词。本篇的主人翁都是第一人称,因此将you改成we。‎ 第九处:考查动词时态。stay一词所在的信息句因与and前面部分并列,统一接在should之后,因此是用动词原形。‎ 第十处:考查句式结构。Only引导的倒装不需要用关联词that,因此删去that。‎ 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ ‎【范文】‎ Dear Jerry,‎ My name is Lihua, the English editor of our school newspaper. To be honest, I am writing this letter to invite you to join us.‎ Believe it or not, our newspaper, especially the English edition, is quite popular with students. Not only does it open a window for students to know about the outside world, but also it is a good source for learning English. Thus, we want to find an expert like you to ensure the quality. Your duty is to check the accuracy of the language. I hold the firm belief that we can get improved with your participation.‎ Again, we will be honored if you can make it. Looking forward to your early reply.‎ ‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua ‎

