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Aims (学习目标) 自我评价 know another sound of letter Aa (我能总结归纳字母Aa的另一种发音) act out the cartoon vividly (我能生动有感情的表演卡通动画。) Sing and adapt the song Days of the week (我能演唱并创编歌曲。) I can 英 语 (四年级下册) Unit2 After school Sound time & Song time & Checkout time What makes a week ? 一周有哪几个星期呢? Thursday Monday Saturday Wednesday Sunday Tuesday Friday week Let’s talk Let’s sing What is my favorite day? 我最喜欢哪一天? Monday see you again I love___, because I can___. What is your favorite day? 你最喜欢哪一天? Step 1:Adapt the song according to yourself and sing it . Step 2: Tell us the reason with the following sentence: I love _______, because I can______. When do you get up on Saturday and Sunday? 周六、周日你什么时候起床? Let’s review Let’s review Let’s review Let’s review Let’s review Let’s review Let’s review Let’s act 两人小组试着分角色表演,语音语调正确,语气生动,表演形象。表现棒的小组将成为此次的明星小组,可以获得表扬信哦! What will Bobby do? Bobby 在周六将会做什么呢? Work comes first! All right! I will do my English homework(家庭作业). Let’s do Part 1: Listen and complete Part 2: Look and say Part 3: Listen and tick. Let’s do Part 1: Listen and complete b _ g c __ p h_mburger s_ndwich sn_ ck a a a a a a / æ / a / æ / 你能说出更多含有 字母 a 并发 /æ/ 的单词吗? Let’s do Part 2: Look and say How does the boy ask? 男孩儿是怎么询问爸爸的? Let’s do Part 3: Listen and tick. Let’s do Part 1: Listen and complete Part 2: Look and say Part 3: Listen and tick. Aims (学习目标) 自我评价 know another sound of letter Aa (我能总结归纳字母Aa的另一种发音) act out the cartoon vividly (我能生动有感情的表演卡通动画。) Sing and adapt the song Days of the week (我能演唱并创编歌曲。) I can Ticking time Homework 1.听录音,熟读今天所学内容(Sound time& Song time) 2.做调查:问一问你的朋友和家人最喜欢一个星期中的哪一天以及原因。

