外研版九年级英语上册期末复习课件Unit 12

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外研版九年级英语上册期末复习课件Unit 12

Module 12   Save our world Unit 1 If everyone starts to do something, the world will be saved. 外研版九年级上 根据短文内容和所给提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式(每空限填一词)。 The pollution is becoming more and more s 1( 严重的 ) and it is our great e 2 ( 敌人 ). What can we do to help save the world? erious nemy I think the first thing is to deal with the w 3 ( 废弃物 ). Much of it comes from f 4( 工厂 ) and it spreads over cities and villages. Second, we must reduce, reuse and r 5( 回收利用 ). I think the world won’t be h 6( 无望的 ) if we care more about it. aste actories ecycle opeless 一、 听 activity 2 对话,完成表格。 What’s in it? More information Picture 1 A 1.__________ It is causing 2.___________ and there should be some 3._________ to stop it. Picture 2 A recycling centre In order to save 4.________, waste products such as 5._________ and paper can be recycled. factory pollution rules energy glass 二、听 activity 3 对话,选择正确答案。 1 . What kind of pollution is not mentioned in the conversation? _________ A. Air pollution. B. Water pollution. C. Noise pollution. C 2. If the rivers are polluted, ________. A. farmers can’t use the water to water the crops B. farmers will get more crops C. farmers will be happy A 3. A student from a green school can do the following things EXCEPT. __________ A. collecting waste or rubbish B. learning ways to save energy C. planting more trees in his school C 一、单词拼写 。 1. ( 原创题 ) People were all sad because the monster k ( 杀死 ) the poor old man. 2. As we all know, the Middle East is rich in o ( 石油 ). illed il 3. The water in the river is p ( 污染 ). People and animals can’t drink it. 4. Most students have l ( 较少的 ) sleep before their exams. 5. Rice is the chief c ( 庄稼 ) in most southern provinces. olluted ess rop 二、单项选择 。 6 . ( 原创题 ) Because of the air and the noise ________, some people want a day without cars. A. question B . waste C. enemy D . pollution D 7 . Our school team won in the English competition. The good news spread ________ the school. A. about B . with C. over D . against C 8 . ( 原创题 ) All the students like Mr. Brown, because his class always makes them __________. A. worried B . frightened C. angry D . excited D 9. [ 中考 · 南通改编 ] —Why not hold a Chinese Poetry Competition to welcome our motherland’s 72th birthday? —_________ Let’s make a plan together in our group. 【 核心素养:培养国家意识,树立文化自信 】 A. That’s all right . B. Yes, please. C. Good idea. D . Never mind. C 10. Animals __________ rabbits and deer continue to be active all winter, looking for food wherever they can . A. for example B . such as C. as example D . like as B 三、根据汉语意思完成句子 。 11. 我不得不到银行去取点钱。 I _________ _________ go to the bank to get some money. have to 12. 我认识他们当中的许多人 , 比如约翰,彼得和汤姆。 I know many of them, _________ _________ John , Peter and Tom. such as 13. 听着,我的朋友。活在过去是没有用的。 Listen, my friend. It’s __________ _________ __________ in the past . no use living 14. 这张相片使我想起了我的启蒙老师。 The photo makes me _________ _________ my first teacher. think of 15. 看 ! 地上有如此多的蚂蚁。 Look! There are __________ __________ ants on the ground . so many 四、补全对话 ( 有两项多余 ) 。 A: Hello, Frank. B: Hello, Bob. You don’t look well. ________16 A: I’ve got a terrible cough, and I cough day and night. A. Yes, it’s very far. B. What else can we do? C. What’s the matter? D. That’s right. E. You’re welcome. F. It’s about 10 kilometers away. G. How long have you been like this? C B: I’m sorry to hear that. _________17 A: About 2 weeks. The doctor said the cough was caused mainly by air pollution. I think we should do something to protect the environment. A. Yes, it’s very far. B. What else can we do? C. What’s the matter? D. That’s right. E. You’re welcome. F. It’s about 10 kilometers away. G. How long have you been like this? G B: _________18 What should we do? A: First, we’d better drive cars less and walk to work more often. B: All right! But my home is far from my workplace. A. Yes, it’s very far. B. What else can we do? C. What’s the matter? D. That’s right. E. You’re welcome. F. It’s about 10 kilometers away. G. How long have you been like this? D A: How far is it? B: _________19 A: Why don’t you take a subway to work? B: You’re right! From now on, I’ll do as you said. A. Yes, it’s very far. B. What else can we do? C. What’s the matter? D. That’s right. E. You’re welcome. F. It’s about 10 kilometers away. G. How long have you been like this? F A: ________20 B: We can plant more trees. A: OK! Let’s do it! A. Yes, it’s very far. B. What else can we do? C. What’s the matter? D. That’s right. E. You’re welcome. F. It’s about 10 kilometers away. G. How long have you been like this? B Unit 2   Repeat these three words daily: reduce, reuse and recycle. 外研版九年级上 Module 12   Save our world 根据 短文内容和所给提示,在空白处写出单词 的正确 形式(每空限填一词) 。 To be greener, we should remember three words: reduce , reuse and recycle. _________1 ( 重复 ) them every day. Walk or ride to school and _________2 off ( 关闭 ) lights when leaving the room. Repeat turn Don’t _________3( 点菜 ) more food than you can finish. Take your own __________4( 布 ) bags but not _________5 ( 塑料的 ) ones when shopping. __________6 ( 分开 ) waste into things to recycle and things to _________7( 扔 ) away. Develop a recycling __________8( 政策 ) and don’t hope for _________9( 迅速的 ) change. order cloth plastic Divide throw policy rapid 一、 速读 activity 3 课文,选择正确答案 。 1. How many parts can the text be divided into ? _______ A. Three. B . Two. C . Four. D . Five. A 二、 请认真阅读 activity 3 课文,判断正 (T) 误 (F) 。 ( ) 1. It’s good to order food that you can finish. ( ) 2. We’d better learn ways to recycle rubbish instead of throwing it away . T T ( ) 3. Use paper cups and paper bags as much as possible . ( ) 4. Divide rubbish into different groups. ( ) 5. Burn things to save energy. F T F 一、 单词拼写 。 1. Why don’t we open a b ( 瓶 ) of wine to celebrate ? 2. If you can’t afford it, we will r ( 减低 ) the price from $150 to $100 . ottle educe 3. After washing your face, you can r ( 重新使用 ) the water to water plants. 4. As we all know, r ( 橡胶 ) can be used in many ways. 5. His g ( 孙子 ) is so lovely that we all like him. euse ubber randson 二、单项选择 。 6 . ( 易 错 题 ) We should sort ( 分类 ) the litter before we ________. 【 核心素养 :培养学生生态 意识 ,具有可持续发展理念和行动 】 A. throw it away B . throw them away C. throwing them away D . throwing it away A 7. I stepped aside( 在旁边 ) _________ she might come in . A. as if B . so that C. in order to D . even though B 8. ( 原创题 ) When _________ across the road, you should be more careful next time. 【 核心素养 :珍爱 生命 ,形成安全意识与自我保护能力 】 A. waiting B . looking C. jumping D . walking D 9. Before travelling to France, you’d better change your dollars _________ francs?( 法郎 ). A. in B. into C . for D . to B 10. We should take some _________ to protect the world from being polluted. A. works B . tools C . things D . steps D 三、按要求完成句子 。 11. I’m going to climb the mountains with my family if it is possible . ( 改为 同义 句 ) _________ __________, I’m going to climb the mountains with my family. If possible 12. I don’t know how to deal with the problem. ( 改为同义句 ) I don’t know what to __________ __________ the problem. do with 13. ( 易混题 ) Drinking too much is harmful to your health. ( 改为同义句 ) Drinking too much _________ _________ ___________ your health. is bad for 14. You’d better clean up the river as soon as you can. ( 改为同义句 ) You’d better clean up the river __________ __________ __________ __________. as soon as possible 15. To protect the earth is so important for every one of us . ( 改为 同义 句 ) __________ __________ so important for every one of us to protect the earth. It is 四、完形填空。 [ 中考 · 天水 ] March 22 is World Water Day. It started in 1993. It not only makes us think about the importance of water, but also calls on( 号召 ) us to _______16 and protect water . 16. A. drink B . save C . carry D . watch B Today, we’re facing terrible water problems. Among them, the wastewater problem is rather _________17 , and the subject of World Water Day in 2017 is “wastewater”. 17. A. easy B. popular C. small D. serious D What is wastewater? It is used water. Usually, wastewater comes from homes, _________18 , hospitals and so on. It is produced by different kinds of activities, including washing machines, taking showers and using kitchens. 18. A. factories B. lakes C. rivers D. seas A The rain also ________19 wastewater when it is running down the street during a storm. 19. A. gets back B. hands in C. changes into D. picks up C No matter where it comes from, this kind of water is sure to have _________20 harmful in it. 20. A. nothing B. something C. nobody D. somebody B _______21 must we treat( 处理 ) wastewater? Wastewater has a big influence on our lives. It causes both illness for us and pollution for the environment. We must care for our environment and our own ________22 . 21. A. What B. Who C. Why D. How 22. A. work B. interest C. health D. business C C How can we treat wastewater? Different kinds of wastewater need different ways of treatment. Wastewater ________23 homes can be reused. 23. A. on B. for C. with D. from D Then there will be ________24 . wastewater. Also, factory wastewater has to be cleaned _________25 it goes back to nature. 24. A. less B. more C. better D. worse 25. A. and B. whether C. after D. before A D Unit 3   Language in use 外研版九年级上 Module 12 Save our world 一、用所给单词的适当形式填空 。 1. A ___________ ( science) teaching method is very ______________ ( importance) to us. 2. The ___________ ( visit) are all ___________ ( surprise) at the development of Hefei in recent years . scientific visitors surprised important 3. Some people think the computer is the most important ___________ (invent). 4. In many countries, it is __________ (polite) to point at others with your finger. 5. ( 易错题 ) We should act together to do some useful things like collecting ___________ (recycle) waste. invention impolite recyclable 二、 用下列单词合成新的单词并用其适当形式完成 句子。 6. I wrote my best wishes on a ___________ and sent it to my mum . web, post, class, black, up, board, card, stairs, site, mate postcard 7. This page includes lots of links( 链接 ) to other __________ you may find interesting. web, post, class, black, up, board, card, stairs, site, mate websites 8. —What’s he doing? —He is waiting in the __________ hall. web, post, class, black, up, board, card, stairs, site, mate upstairs 9. The homework is on the ____________. Can you see it clearly? web, post, class, black, up, board, card, stairs, site, mate blackboard 10. Lucy is my ___________. We are in the same class. web, post, class, black, up, board, card, stairs, site, mate classmate 三、 请在括号内写出新单词并注明其汉语意思。 11. dis+agree ( ) __________________ 12. un+ necessary ( ) __________ 13. re+tell ( ) _____________________ 14. happy+ness ( ) ______________ 15. use+less ( ) ___________________ disagree 不同意 unnecessary 不必要的 retell 复述 happiness 幸福 , 快乐 useless 无用的 一、单项选择 。 1. What are you going to _________ the money you have got ? A. do with B . spend on C. deal with D . match with A 2 . You can _________ the cake __________ pieces . A. divide; from B . divide; into C. separate; from D . separate; into B 3. Cans and glass bottles can be taken to _________ and ________. A. recycled centres; reuse B. recycled centres; reusing C. recycling centres; reused D. recycling centres; reuse C 4. Every year driving after drinking wine _________ a lot of traffic accidents. A. happens B. provides C. causes D. affords C 二、根据汉语意思完成句子。 5. 如果河流被污染了,农民就不能用河水来灌溉农作物。 __________ the rivers _________ _________, farmers can’t __________ __________ ___________ _________ their ___________. If are polluted use river water for crops 6 . 我们必须考虑我们能做的事情。 We’ve __________ __________ __________ __________ things we can do . got to think of 7. 虽然现在污染严重,但我认为这不是没希望的。 __________ pollution is heavy now, I don’t think it’s hopeless. Though 8. 离开房间时,你关灯吗? __________ you _________ _________ the lights __________ you leave the room ? Do turn off when 9. 不要扔掉它们而买新的。 __________ __________ __________ __________ and buy new ones. Don't throw them away 三、根据所给英文首字母写出所缺单词。 Today many trees in forests are cut down. A lot of land has become desert( 沙漠 ). If you read n 10, you’ll learn that the forests on the earth are getting smaller all the time. Some scientists s 11 that there will not be any great forests in 20 or 30 years. ewspapers ay What will h 12 if all forests disappear? A lot of plants will die and animals will l 13 their home. Farmland will soon c 14 into desert. There won’t be enough rain and the weather will be h 15 and dry. The life will be h 16 for everyone. appen ose hange ot ard Our living e 17 will become worse and worse. It is our duty to p 18 the forests. We should try o 19 best to take care of forests. Stop cutting down trees and make the world greener! nvironment rotect ur 外研版九年级上 写作素养提升练 Module 12   Save our world 本模块以“绿色环保”为话题,以节约能源、保护环境为主线,让学生树立环保意识,并就目前的社会污染问题提出了解决措施。有关节约能源、保护环境的写作命题在近几年的中考中经常出现,所以通过本模块的学习,学生应掌握关于谈论环境和提出建议的句型。 外研版九年级上 pollute, rubbish, environment, noise, fewer, less, reduce, reuse, recycle, factory, kill, crop, plastic, cloth 单 词: be harmful to, throw away, cause pollution, stop...from..., divide...into..., tons of, take some steps, turn off, instead of, be worried about, a danger to..., save energy, change...into..., walk or ride a bike to school 短 语: 1. The air is becoming worse and worse. 2. There will be more endangered animals. 3. Everyone should think about pollution and recycling. 4. Throwing things away is wasteful. 5. We should stop the factories from polluting the river. 句 型: 6. We’d better save much water, paper and electricity. 7. It’s important to turn off lights when we leave a room. 8. We should take our own bags when shopping instead of using plastic bags from the supermarket. 句 型: [ 中考 · 安顺改编 ] 每年流入大海的微塑料达 1300 万吨,导致大量鱼类死亡。科学家预测,如果不限塑, 2050 年海洋里的塑料重量会比鱼类还重。作为中学生的你应该怎么做呢?请以 “Saying No to Plastics” 为题,写一篇 100 词左右的英语短文。文中不得出现真实校名和人名。 Saying No to Plastics ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. 体裁: 议论文 2. 人称: 第一人称 3. 时态: 一般现在时 【 审题指导 】 【 思路构建 】 Saying No to Plastics As we know, plastics, which have seriously polluted our world, can be seen everywhere . Actually, I use plastics too much in my daily life. Now I have come to realize that it’s a terribly bad habit . I’m supposed to reduce the use of plastics and everyone can do this. 【 范文赏析 】 For example, we should use a cloth bag or a basket while shopping. More importantly, even if we need to use plastic bags, we should recycle and make full use of them. All in all, we should reduce the use of plastics so that we can hopefully protect the earth and make it greener. Do you think I am right? 点评: 1. As we know, 摆出众所周知的塑料污染的既定事实, which 定语从句的使用道出危害,开门见山引出话题。 2. 句式结构完整,运用得恰到好处。 3. 巧妙运用 actually, more importantly, all in all, 起到串联递进的作用。 作为一名中学生,在日常生活中应该怎样做才能保护我们的环境呢?请根据下面的提示以 “How to protectour environment” 为题 , 写一篇不少于 70 词的短文。 1. 禁止乱扔垃圾。 2. 尽量以步代车或骑自行车。 3. 节约用水、电,杜绝浪费。 4. …… _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ How to protect our environment As students, what can we do to protect our environment? Well, we can't throw away rubbish here and there. If possible, we should walk or ride a bike instead of taking a taxi or driving a car, because cars and taxis make a lot of pollution. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Don't waste water or electricity. Always use reusable cups and lunch boxes so that we can reduce waste. Also, we should care for flowers and trees and take an active part in planting trees. I believe that if everyone protects our environment, it will become better.

