2015年中考真题精品解析 英语(盐城卷)(解析版)

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2015年中考真题精品解析 英语(盐城卷)(解析版)

江苏省盐城市2015年中考 英语试题 注意事项:‎ ‎1. 本试卷包含第Ⅰ卷选择题(第1-45题) 、第Ⅱ卷非选择题(第46-80题及书面表达题) 两部分。本次考试时间为100分钟,卷面总分为120分,考试形式为闭卷。‎ ‎2. 本试卷共8页,在检查是否有漏印、重印或错印后再开始答题。‎ ‎3. 所有试题必须作答在答题卡上规定的区域内,注意题号必须对应,否则不给分。‎ ‎4. 答题前,务必将姓名,准考证号用0.5毫米黑色签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡上。‎ 第Ⅰ卷 (选择题,共60分) ‎ 一、单项选择 (共15小题,每小题1分,计15分) ‎ 从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案。‎ ‎1. TFBOYS' songs ____ sweet and many of us like listening to them.‎ A. sound B. feel C. taste D. look [来源:]‎ ‎【答案】A ‎【考点定位】:考查系动词。‎ ‎2. --Do you have any plans for this summer vacation? ‎ ‎--I'm not sure. I ___ take a trip to Taiwan. ‎ A. must B. need C. may D. should ‎ ‎【答案】C ‎【考点定位】:考查情态动词。‎ ‎3. Daniel, ___ play with the mobile phone while you're walking in the street. ‎ A. don't B. doesn't C. won't D. can't ‎ ‎【答案】A ‎【考点定位】:考查祈使句。‎ ‎4. This photo reminded the old man ___ the days when he was young. ‎ A. with B. for C. by D. of ‎ ‎【答案】D ‎【考点定位】:考查介词。‎ ‎5. ___ great fun we had in Yandu Park last Sunday! [来源:学|科|网Z|X|X|K]‎ A. How B. What C. What a D. How a ‎ ‎【答案】B ‎【考点定位】:考查感叹句。‎ ‎6. The librarian told me that I could ___ these magazines for three days. [来源:.Com]‎ A. borrow B. buy C. keep D. return [来源:学|科|网Z|X|X|K]‎ ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】 ‎ 试题分析:句意:图书管理员告诉我这本杂志我可以保存三天。borrow 借;buy买;keep保存;return回来,归还。句中for three days三天,是一段时间,选项中borrow, buy 和return都是瞬间性动词,不能和一段时间状语连用,故应选C。‎ ‎【考点定位】:考查动词。‎ ‎7. Don't go out ___ the rain stops. Otherwise, you'll get wet! ‎ A. after B. since C. when D. until ‎ ‎【答案】D ‎【考点定位】:考查连词。‎ ‎8. --Wow, so many new buildings! But it used to be a poor village. ‎ ‎--Yes, ___ has changed in our hometown. ‎ A. Nothing B. Nobody C. Everything D. Everybody ‎ ‎【答案】C ‎【考点定位】:考查不定代词。‎ ‎9. Audrey Hepburn, one of the greatest actresses, was ___ to take on challenges in her life. ‎ A. enough brave B. brave enough C. stupid enough D. enough stupid ‎ ‎【答案】B ‎【考点定位】:考查副词。‎ ‎10. With the development of modern industry, there will be ___ living space for wild animals. ‎ A. fewer and fewer B. less and less C. more and more D. bigger and bigger ‎【答案】B ‎【考点定位】:考查形容词比较级。‎ ‎11. Helen encouraged me to speak English as much as possible because practice ___ perfect. ‎ A. becomes B. became C. will make D. makes ‎ ‎【答案】D ‎【考点定位】:考查动词。‎ ‎12. Sherlock Holmes asked the suspect what he ___ when the murder took place. ‎ A. was doing B. has done C. is doing D. would do ‎ ‎【答案】A ‎【考点定位】:考查动词时态。‎ ‎13. --Can Mr. King spare some time for the charity show? ‎ ‎--If he ___, he will try his best to make it. [来源:]‎ A. will be invited B. is invited C. invites D. invited ‎ ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】 ‎ 试题分析:句意:-King先生能不能抽点时间去参加慈善表演?-如果他被邀请,他回尽力去的。will be invited 一般将来时的被动语态;is invited一般现在时的被动语态;invites第三人称单数形式;invited 过去式。这句话中if引导的是条件状语从句,应该用一般现在时态,而且从句中的主语he和invite构成被动关系,故应选B。‎ ‎【考点定位】:考查动词的时态和语态。‎ ‎14. In the UK, a lady usually doesn't like to be asked ___. ‎ A. whether has she got married B. how old is she ‎ C. where she comes from D. how much she weighs ‎ ‎【答案】D ‎【考点定位】:考查宾语从句。‎ ‎15. --Jane, your new dress looks very nice you! ‎ ‎--___. I like it very much. ‎ A. You are welcome B. I don't think so ‎ C. Thanks a lot D. Don't say that ‎【答案】C ‎【考点定位】:考查交际用语。‎ 二、完形填空 (共15小题,每小题1分,计15分) ‎ 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。‎ An old carpenter(木匠) was ready to retire. His boss was 16 to see the good worker go. He asked the carpenter 17 he could build just one more house. The carpenter said yes, 18 his mind was not on his work any more. ‎ He used poor materials and worked on the house 19 . When the carpenter finished his work, the boss 20 ‎ ‎ the front-door key to him, "This is your house," he said, "A 21 for you." ‎ What a surprise! What a 22 ! If he had known he was building his 23 house, he would have done it differently. Now he had to live in the house he had poorly built. ‎ ‎24 it is with us. Sometimes we build our 25 carelessly. At important points we do not try our best. Then with a shame we look at the situation we have 26 . We find that we are now living in the house we have poorly built. But we don't have a 27 to make it all over again. ‎ Think of 28 as the carpenter. Think about your life. Build it 29 . It is the only life you will ever build because life is a do-it-yourself project.‎ Your life today is the 30 of your attitudes and choices you made in the past. Your life tomorrow will be that of your attitudes and choices you make today.‎ ‎16. A. glad B. nervous C. ready D. sorry ‎ ‎17. A. if B. when C. how D. why ‎ ‎18. A. and B. but C. or D. so ‎ ‎19. A. carefully B. completely C. carelessly D. successfully ‎ ‎20. A. handed B. left C. sold D. threw ‎ ‎21. A. gift B. promise C. choice D. question ‎ ‎22. A. task B. wisdom C. shame D. stress ‎ ‎23. A. real B. expensive C. old D. own 24. A. Neither B. So C. Nor D. As ‎ ‎25. A. studies B. lives C. jobs D. feelings ‎ ‎26. A. created B. changed C. discussed D. affected ‎ ‎27. A. plan B. chance C. method D. pleasure ‎ ‎28. A. himself B. herself C. myself D. yourself 29. A. wisely B. peacefully C. rapidly D. widely ‎ ‎30. A. talent B. wealth C. result D. difference ‎【答案】‎ ‎16.D ‎17.A ‎18.B ‎19.C ‎20.A ‎21.A ‎22.C ‎23.D ‎24.B ‎25.B ‎26.A ‎27.B ‎28.D ‎29.A ‎30.C ‎18.B考查连词及语境的理解。句意:老木匠答应了,但是他的心思已经不在他的工作上了。and 和,而且;but 但是;or 或者,否则;so因此。根据文意可知,虽然老木匠答应了老板的要求,但是他的心思却没有在工作上,这里是转折的关系,故选B。‎ ‎19.C考查副词词义辨析及语境的理解。句意:他使用很劣质的材料,非常粗心地建造着房子。carefully细心地; completely 完全地;carelessly 粗心地;successfully成功地。根据上文his mind was not on his work any more 以及这一段中he used poor materials可知,这个老木匠干活非常的粗心,故应选C。‎ ‎20.A 考查动词词义辨析及语境的理解。句意:当这个木匠完工的时候,老板把前门的钥匙递给了他:这是给你的房子。handed 传递;left 离开,剩下;sold 卖;threw扔。根据文意可知,这个房子是老板送给老木匠的,因此老板把钥匙交给木匠。故选A。‎ ‎26.A考查动词及语境的理解。句意:在一些关键的时刻,我们并没有尽我们的最大努力。然后惭愧地看着我们为自己创造的情形。created 创造;changed 改变;discussed 讨论;affected影响。根据文意可知,因为我们没有尽自己的最大努力,所以我们生活中的情形是我们自己导致的,故应选A。‎ ‎27.B考查名词词义辨析及语境的理解。句意:但是我们没有机会重新来做。plan 计划;chance 机会;method 方法;pleasure愉快。根据文意可知,当我们陷入困境的时候,我们没有机会重来一次。故应选B。‎ ‎28.D考查反身代词及语境的理解。句意:假如你就是那个老木匠,想想你的生活。himself 他自己;herself 她自己;myself 我自己;yourself你自己。根据句意可知,这里作者让我们想像自己就是那个老木匠,考虑一下自己的生活,故应选D。‎ ‎29.A考查副词词义辨析及语境的理解。句意:明智地建造你的生活,它是你唯一一个可以创造的生活因为生活不是可以重新修建的项目。wisely 明智地;peacefully 和平地;rapidly 快地;widely广泛地。根据文意可知,作者建议我们不要粗心地对待我们的生活,因为生活只有一次,我们要明智地去建造它。故应选A。‎ ‎30.C考查名词词义辨析及语境的理解。句意:你今天的生活是过去你对生活采取的态度和选择的结果。talent ‎ 才能,天才;wealth 财富;result 结果;difference不同,区别。根据文意可知,你今天会过什么样的生活,取决于你对待生活的态度和选择,是它们产生的结果。故应选C。‎ ‎【考点定位】:人生哲理类短文。‎ 三、阅读理解 A. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。(共15小题,每小题2分,计30分) ‎ A A plant is a living thing. It uses its many parts to grow from a small seed to a large plant. Each part helps the plant stay healthy. Plants also need sunlight to grow. They get light from the sun and minerals from the soil. These things help the plant stay alive and grow. ‎ Fruit Some plants have fruit. The fruit grows around the seeds and keeps them safe.‎ They use sunlight, water and air to make a plant's food.‎ Seeds Seeds can grow into new plants.‎ Flowers Flowers make seeds that can grow into new plants.‎ Roots A plant grows roots under the ground. The roots hold the plant in place.‎ Stem The stem helps hold the plant up. It moves the food and water from the roots to the other parts of the plant.‎ ‎31. Which word can be filled in the empty box? ‎ A. Leaves. B. Sticks. C. Bushes D. Grasses ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎32. Which part might grow around the seeds? ‎ A. The stem. B. The flower. C. The root. D. The fruit. ‎ ‎33. Which sentence is TRUE according to the passage? ‎ A. A plant grows flowers under the ground. B. Flowers can grow into new plants. ‎ C. Not all plants have fruit. D. The stem helps hold the roots up. ‎ ‎34. What's the passage mainly about? ‎ A. Plant parts. B. Plant seeds. C. Plant leaves. D. Plant roots. ‎ ‎35. In what subject might you learn this passage? ‎ A. Geography. B. Biology. C. Physics. D. Chemistry. ‎ ‎【答案】‎ ‎31.A ‎32.D ‎33.C ‎34.A ‎35.B ‎【考点定位】:科普类短文阅读。 ‎ B It was another day to jump rope in gym class. Lynn and Mike turned the long rope in big, slow circles. The whole class hurried to get in line to wait for their turn to jump. Millie stood at the back of the line and frowned. ‎ Nick went first. He watched the rope and ran in at just the right time. Everyone counted. He made it all the way to 30 jumps. One after another, the kids watched the rope, ran in, and jumped. Then it was Millie’s turn. She watched the rope go around and around, but she didn’t move. She felt like everyone was looking at her.‎ Millie’s friends cheered. “Go, Millie, go!” ‎ Millie’s face turned red. At last, she gave it a try, but she failed.‎ The truth was that Millie had been jumping rope at home every day. With a short rope, she could jump 100 times without missing. She just didn’t know how to run in and start jumping with a long rope. Since she was the only kid on her street, there was no one to help turn the long rope.‎ Just then, Ms Miles, the gym teacher, brought out a bunch of short jump ropes.‎ ‎"Let's see how long each one of you can jump without missing," she said as she gave each student a short rope, "Ready, set. Go!" ‎ Millie smiled for the first time ever in gym class. As she jumped, she sang rhymes quietly to herself.‎ After a while, Millie realized that everyone was cheering, "Go, Millie, go!" ‎ She was the only one still jumping rope! The surprise almost made her miss a step, but she kept going. When at last she was too tired to go on, she stopped. The whole class cheered. Everyone was looking at her and smiling. Millie smiled back!‎ ‎36. Which word is the opposite of the underlined word frowned?‎ A. Sat. B. Hid. C. Smiled D. Cried ‎37. What problem did Millie have at the beginning of the story?‎ A. She didn't have any friends in her class. ‎ B. She felt sad because Nick made fun of her. ‎ C. She didn't know the cheers that the other kids knew. ‎ D. She didn't know how to start jumping with a long rope. ‎ ‎38. Why did Millie smile for the first time in gym class? ‎ A. She did something well at last. ‎ B. She knew the class would cheer for her. ‎ C. She thought that she was going to make a friend. ‎ D. She believed that she would be the winner of the contest. ‎ ‎39. Which sentence can be put in the empty? ‎ A. The class decided to play baseball. ‎ B. Millie was the last one still jumping rope. ‎ C. Nick won the rope-jumping contest. ‎ D. Millie tried to hide in the back of the line. ‎ ‎40. How might Millie feel when she stopped jumping at last? ‎ A. Proud. B. Bored. C. Mad. D. Silly. ‎ ‎【答案】‎ ‎36.C ‎37.D ‎38.A ‎39.B ‎40.A ‎40.A推理判断题。根据短文的最后可知,She was the only one still jumping rope…The whole class cheered,Millie和其他同学比赛跳短绳,她跳得很好,坚持到了最后。她是跳得最好的一个,全班同学都为她欢呼,因此她应该感到非常自豪,故选A。‎ ‎【考点定位】:日常生活类短文阅读。 ‎ C ‎"Listen carefully to what I say," the time traveler said, "I shall tell you something that you will not agree." ‎ ‎"Why will we not agree?" I asked.‎ ‎"Because the science and mathematics you know are not correct," he said. "You believe there are only three dimensions(三维空间)-length, breadth(宽) and thickness." ‎ ‎"There is nothing to argue with that, " the youngest member of our little group said.‎ ‎"Exactly!" the time traveler answered, "But there is also a fourth dimension - time." ‎ ‎"We all know about time, " another member of the group said. "Time passed." ‎ ‎"I do not agree," the time traveler said, "Length, breadth and thickness do not pass. They stay in the same place in space. We move about them. I can prove that time is the same. It does not pass. We move in time the same way that we move in breadth, length and thickness." ‎ None of us believed the time traveler, and we argued with him for many hours.‎ ‎"If we could travel back in time," the scientist said, "We could do things to change the future." ‎ ‎"If we could travel forward in time," the doctor(博士) said, "we could do things that change our present." ‎ The time traveler smiled, "It is clear," he said, "that there is only one way I can show you that I am right. We must do an experiment. Please wait here." ‎ He left the room and soon returned, carrying what looked like a clock.‎ ‎"This is a model of a time machine. It took me two years to make it," the time traveler said. "I want all of you to understand that when I start the machine, it will immediately travel in time and disappear from the present." ‎ He turned to the youngest of all. "Give me your hand," he said.‎ The young man put out his hand. The time traveler took it and placed it on the machine. Immediately, there was a sudden wind, and the little machine disappeared.‎ I was certain this was not a trick, but the doctor was not so sure.‎ ‎"Are you asking us to believe," he said, "that the machine is now in a different time?" ‎ ‎"Certainly! In my laboratory, a full-size machine is almost complete. As soon as it is complete, I shall send myself on a journey through time. Would you like to see my machine?" ‎ ‎"Are you serious about this?" the doctor asked.‎ ‎"I have never been more serious about anything," the time traveler said, "Come." ‎ We followed him to his laboratory. There, we saw the actual machine, not quite complete, but large enough for a man to sit in.‎ ‎41. How many dimensions did the time traveler say there are?‎ A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five. ‎ ‎42. How long did it take the time traveler to make his model time machine? ‎ A. Two years. B. Two months. C. Twenty years. D. All his life. ‎ ‎43. Which is the right order of what happened in the story? ‎ a. The model time machine disappeared with a wind. ‎ b. The time traveler came back to the room with a model time machine.‎ c. The members of the group argued with the time traveler for many hours. ‎ d. The time traveler showed them a full-size time machine which was not quite complete. ‎ e. The youngest man's hand was placed on the model time machine. ‎ A. e c a d b B. b c e a d C. c e b a d D. c b e a d ‎ ‎44. What can we infer(判断) from the passage about the time traveler? ‎ A. He believed that they could move in time. ‎ B. He was playing a trick on a group of people. ‎ C. He sent the young man to the future in the model time machine. ‎ D. He would possibly send himself on a journey through time. ‎ ‎45. What kind of story do you think the passage is? ‎ A. A detective story. B. A science fiction. ‎ C. A romantic fiction. D. A horror story.‎ ‎【答案】‎ ‎41.C ‎42.A ‎43.D ‎44.D ‎45.B ‎【解析】‎ 试题分析:这篇短文是一个科幻小说的节选,给我们介绍了一个时间旅行者和一群人在争论,人们都认为我们的世界是三维空间,即长、宽、高,但是时间旅行者认为应该是思维空间,还有一个是时间。他还用他制作的时间机器做实验来证明。‎ ‎44.D推理判断题。根据短文中I can prove that time is the same. It does not pass. We move in time the same way that we move in breadth, length and thickness."可知,时间旅行者认为时间就像其他的三维空间一样是可以移动的,他还用时间机器做了一个实验,让人们相信他的看法。由此我们可以推断,时间旅行者就是通过时间来旅行的。故应选D。‎ ‎45.B主旨大意题。这篇短文给我们介绍了一个时间旅行者和一群人在争论,人们都认为我们的世界是三维空间,即长、宽、高,但是时间旅行者认为应该是思维空间,还有一个是时间。他还用他制作的时间机器做实验来证明。从大意来看,这篇短文是一个不真实的科幻小说,故应选B。‎ ‎【考点定位】:故事类短文阅读。 ‎ 第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题,共60分)‎ B. 任务型阅读。(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分) ‎ 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,没空一词。‎ You will read about how you are a citizen in your school, community and nation. A citizen is a person who belongs to a place. You are a citizen of the community where you live and the nation where you were born.‎ Citizens Have Rights As a citizen, you have rights that the government protects. A right is something you may do. As a citizen, you have a right to speak freely and to practise your religion. You also have the right to privacy. That means you may ‎ decide what to show or tell someone and what not to tell.‎ Citizens Have Responsibilities Along with rights, citizens have responsibilities. A responsibility is something that you should do. For example, you should follow the laws. A law is a rule that everyone in a community, state or country must follow. Laws keep people safe and help them get along well with one another. When people follow the traffic laws, they help keep others safe. When you follow laws in a park, you help others enjoy the park.‎ Being a Good Citizen Good citizens care about people's rights. They try to make things fair and safe for everyone. Good citizens work together to solve problems. Children can be good citizens by solving problems together in their school or community. They may follow proper steps to deal with problems. First, name the problem. Then, list ways to solve it. Next, choose the best way. And finally, find out if it solves the problems.‎ Citizens' 46 and Responsibilities Passage outline Supporting details Main idea Learn about 47 to be a good citizen. ‎ ‎☆ Speak 48 . [来源:]‎ Rights ☆Practise your religion.‎ ‎ ☆Make a 49 on what to show or tell someone and what not to.‎ Responsibilities ‎☆Follow the laws, which are 50 that everyone should follow. ‎ ‎◇Obey a traffic law to keep 51 people safe. [来源:.Com]‎ ‎◇Follow laws in a park to help others 52 the park.‎ ‎☆Care about people's rights.‎ ‎☆Try to do things in a 53 and safe way. ‎ Ways to be good citizens ☆Work 54 with others. ‎ ‎☆Learn to solve problems 55 in four steps.‎ ‎【答案】‎ ‎46.right ‎ ‎47.how ‎ ‎48.freely ‎49.decision ‎50.rule ‎51.other ‎52.enjoy ‎53.fair ‎54.together ‎55.properly ‎48.短文第二段给我们介绍的是公民的权利,根据这一段中As a citizen, you have a right to speak freely and to practise your religion.可知,作为一个公民,我们有言论自由和宗教信仰自由的权利。freely是一个副词,自由地,在这里修饰前面的动词speak。‎ ‎49.根据短文第二段公民的权利中You also have the right to privacy. That means you may decide what to show or tell someone and what not to tell.可知,作为一个公民,我们有隐私权,意思是就是我们可以自己决定要展示什么或是告诉别人什么或不告诉别人什么。decision名词,决定,跟原句中的decide意思一致。‎ ‎50.短文第三段中给我们讲述了公民的义务,根据这一段中you should follow the laws. A law is a rule that everyone in a community, state or country must follow.可知,作为一名公民,我们应该遵守法律,法律是社区、州或国家的每个人都应该遵守的东西。故这里应填rule, 规则。‎ ‎51.根据短文第三段中公民的义务中When people follow the traffic laws, they help keep others safe.‎ 可知,作为公民,我们应遵守交通规则,这样可以帮助保证其他人的安全。这里的others就相当于other people,other 是形容词,修饰后面的名词people。‎ ‎【考点定位】:任务型阅读。‎ C. 阅读与回答问题。(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分) ‎ Read a Timeline Every family has a history. A timeline can show events in a family's history. A timeline is an ordered group of words and dates that shows when events happened. ‎ Learn the skill ‎ Step1 The title tells what the timeline is about. The timeline has a line divided in equal parts. Each park stands for 10 years. ‎ Step2 Look at the first and last numbers on the timeline. The numbers are years. The events on the timeline happened between these years.‎ Step3 The numbers with the events on the timeline tell the year in which each event happened.‎ ‎ Practice the skill Title _______________________‎ ‎1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000‎ ‎1946‎ Lily’s grandfather is born ‎1970‎ Lily’s father is born ‎ ‎ ‎1935‎ Lily’s great grandmother comes to the USA from China.‎ ‎1999‎ Lily is born.‎ ‎1965‎ Lily’s grandparents marry.‎ ‎1935‎ Lily’s grandmother comes to the USA from China.‎ ‎1994‎ Lily’s parents marry.‎ ‎56. How long does each part in the timeline stand for? ‎ ‎ _____________________________________________________________________‎ ‎57. Where did Lily's great-grandmother come from? (in no more than 4 words) ‎ ‎ ____________________________________________________________________‎ ‎58. Who was born in 1970? ‎ ‎ ____________________________________________________________________‎ ‎59. What happened in 1994? ‎ ‎ ____________________________________________________________________‎ ‎60. What's the best title of the timeline? ‎ ‎ ____________________________________________________________________‎ ‎【答案】‎ ‎56.Ten years.‎ ‎57.China.‎ ‎58.Lily’s father.‎ ‎59.Lily’s parents married.‎ ‎60.events in Lily’s family history.‎ ‎60.这篇短文中利用时间表的图示,给我们展示了从1930年到2000年Lily家的历史,从Lily的曾祖母从中国来到美国,一直到1999年Lily出生。因此这篇短文的题目应该是Events in Lily’s family history。‎ ‎【考点定位】:任务型阅读。 ‎ 四、词汇(共20小题,每小题1分,计20分) ‎ A. 根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,完成句子。‎ ‎61. The players in the Chinese men's soccer team are paying more attention to their ___ training. (日常的)[来源 ‎62. These new types of energy cost very little and ___ little pollution. (产生) ‎ ‎63. Volunteers from different ___ feel like part of one big family. (背景) ‎ ‎64. Internet users now use the character "duang" to ___ any kind of special effect. (描述)‎ ‎65. As we reached the top of the mountain, we felt a sense of ___. (成就) ‎ ‎【答案】‎ ‎61.daily ‎62.produce ‎63.backgrounds ‎64.describe ‎65.achievement ‎【考点定位】:单词拼写。 ‎ B. 根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空。‎ ‎66. Everyone should behave ___ in public. (polite) ‎ ‎67. --Who's that boy standing over there? --Sam, a foreign friend of ___. (I) ‎ ‎68. After working all night, Kate couldn't stay ___ the next morning. (wake) ‎ ‎69. The UK is an old ___ country, where there are many palaces and castles. (Europe)‎ ‎70. Nothing would prevent UNICEF, an international charity, ___ the living standards of the children in poor areas. (raise)‎ ‎【答案】‎ ‎66.politely ‎67.mine ‎68.awake ‎69.European ‎70.raising ‎【考点定位】:单词填空。 ‎ C. 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。 ‎ English people like DIY. A lot of people always spend their holiday making their homes more b 71 . If there is anything that needs repairing or decorating around their homes, such as p 72 the walls or putting in a new shower, they will do the jobs themselves. They s 73 DIY experience with their friends. More and more people show an i 74 in DIY. Sometimes people also DIY in order to s 75 money. They are trying to find ways to make their house better when they can't a 76 the cost. So, it is not surprising that DIY is very popular. ‎ DIY can be difficult. People often find it not e 77 to build a piece of furniture because they can't understand the instructions well. Sometimes the instructions are simple and clear, but the furniture i 78 is difficult to build. DIY can also be d 79 . People should learn much about DIY work before doing it. Unluckily, many people don't care about that. So they may be in danger. It is r 80 that in just one year thousands of people were hurt while doing DIY in the UK, including those who fell off ladders.‎ ‎【答案】‎ ‎71.beautiful ‎72.painting ‎73.share ‎74.interest ‎75.save[来源:]‎ ‎76.afford ‎77.easy ‎78.itself ‎79.dangerous ‎80.reported ‎74.句意:越来越多的人对手工制作表现出兴趣。interest 兴趣,在这里是一个名词,用于固定短语show an interest in,对…感兴趣。短语中show是动词,因此这里我们应该用名词形式,故填interest。‎ ‎75.句意:有时候人们自己手工制作是为了省钱。根据下文They are trying to…when they can’t afford the cost可知,英国人喜欢自己手工制作,其中的一个原因是为了省钱。save 节省,积攒。save money省钱。句中in order to 的意思是为了,后跟动词原形。‎ ‎76.句意:当他们支付不起费用的时候,他们就会尽量的自己手工制作。afford 付得起,买得起,是一个动词。根据文意可知,如果英国人支付不起费用的时候,他们就会自己手工制作一些东西,这样可以省钱。空前的can’t是情态动词,因此这里填原形afford。‎ ‎【考点定位】:阅读填空。‎ 五、书面表达 (共1题,计20分)‎ 学校将举办英语演讲比赛,请你用英语写一篇短文,与同学们分享你对健康生活方式的认识。‎ Living a healthy life ‎…‎ Reading Exercising Eating a good way to relax ‎ something new to learn …‎ play different sports …‎ from good eating habits ‎[来源:Z。xx。k.Com]‎ 注意事项:‎ ‎1. 词数: 100词左右(文章开头已给出,不计入总词数);‎ ‎2. 文中不能出现真实姓名、校名等信息;‎ ‎3. 文章必须包含所提供的主要信息,并作适当发挥。‎ Living a healthy life ‎ It’s important for us _______________________________________________________‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎【答案】‎ Living a healthy life ‎ It’s important for us to live a healthy life. But not all people know how to live a healthy life. Let me tell you.‎ ‎ First, eating. Eating plays an important role in our daily life, so you should have good eating habits. For example, you can eat more vegetables instead of meat. Second, exercising. Playing exercise often can make you healthier. But please pay attention to playing different sports. You can play basketball, play soccer, swim and so on. Third, reading. Reading is a good way to relax. You have something new to learn, and it can also relax yourselves. Helpful books can give you a great help. Finally, good spirits. When you feel bad, you can listen to soft music to make you peaceful. Good spirits are good for you.‎ ‎ If you follow my advice, you will be healthier than you now. Let’s be in a healthy life together!‎ ‎【考点定位】:话题作文。‎

