2020-2021七年级英语上册 Unit 2 This is my sister真题训练(pdf版附解析)

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2020-2021七年级英语上册 Unit 2 This is my sister真题训练(pdf版附解析)

2020-2021 学年初一英语上册真题训练 Unit 2 This is my sister 一、选择填空。(共 10 分,每小题 1 分) 1.Is that your mother? What’s ________ name? A.my B.your C.her D.his 答案:C 解析:mother 是女的,名词 name 前用形容词性物主代词,故选 her。 2.—Is he your friend? —Yes, ________. A.it is B.it isn’t C.he is D.he isn’t 答案:C 解析:开头提问的句子是 Is he,回答也应该包含 he, 另外回答是肯定的 Yes, 故选 he is。 3.—Are those your pen friends? — Yes, ________. A.it is B.they are C.it isn’t. D.they aren’t 答案:B 解析:开头提问的句子是 Are those,回答应该是复数形式, 另外回答是肯定的 Yes, 故选 they are。 4.The son of my aunt is my ________ . A.uncle B.brother C.sister D.cousin 答案:D 解析:姨(姑,舅妈)的儿子应该是我的表兄弟。 5.Kate and I ________ good friends. A.be B.is C.am D. are 答案:D 解析:该题考查 be 动词的用法,因为 Kate 和 I 是两个人,为复数,故选 are。 6.—Is this your father? —No, ________. A.it is B.it isn’t C.he is D.he isn’t 答案:B 解析:开头提问的句子是 Is this,回答应该包含 it, 另外回答是否定的 No, 故选 it isn’t。 7.Are ________ Kate’s ________? A.this, book B.that,book C.these,books D.those,book 答案:C 解析:因为句子中的 be 动词为 are, 所以代词和名词都应为复数,故选 these, books。 8. —Who are they? —____________. A. It’s Dave B. That’s a book C. They are Elli D. They are Jim and Tom 答案:D 解析:问句中使用 are they 进行提问,回答也应使用 they are 进行回答,另特殊疑问词为 Who, 所以答语应 为人。故选 They are Jim and Tom。 9. —__________ is the man? —He is Bill’s uncle. A. Who B. What C. How D. Where 答案:A 解析:问句中的 the man 和答句中 Bill’s uncle 都为人,故选 who。 10. This is Kate, ___________ that is Jim. They are my good friends. A. or B. and C. too D. but 答案:B 解析:This is 和 that is 为并列的关系,故选 and。 二、完形填空。(共 12 分,每小题 1 分) A This boy’s name is 11 . He is twelve. This is 12 school. His teacher is Miss Yang. 13 is a good teacher. Jim has a good friend at school. His name is Zhang Lin. They’re 14 Class 2, Grade 7. They 15 the best students in their class. 11. A. Jim Green B. Green Jim C. Jim green D. Green Jim 12. A. he B. him C. his D. he's 13. A. She B. Her C. His D. He 14. A. at B. on C. to D. in 15. A. is B. am C. are D. be 11. A 解析:英文中的名和姓的位置为:名在前,姓在后,另外名和姓都要大写,答案选 A。 12. C 解析:名词 school 前应使用形容词性物主代词 his 进行修饰,答案选 C。 13. A 解析:Miss Yang 是女的,而且句子中是主语的位置,用主格 She, 答案选 A。 14. D 解析:在… 年级和班级,用 in 进行修饰,答案选 D。 15. C 解析:该题考查 be 动词的用法,因为主语为复数 They,与 are 搭配。答案选 C。 B Dear friend, I am an Australian girl. 16 name is Lucy King. I am twelve. I have two brothers. One is Tom, the other is Mike. My brothers and I 17 all at school. We go to school from Monday to Friday. We have no classes 18 Saturday and Sunday. My parents are both teachers. 19 often tell me about your country. They say China is a large and beautiful country. I like drawing and reading. Now I am reading a book about Chinese stories. They are very 20 . My brothers like playing football. We all like watching TV. Do you often 21 TV? Let us 22 friends. Please write soon. Yours, Lucy King 16. A. Me B. My C. Mine D. I 17. A. are B. am C. is D. be 18. A. to B. at C. in D. on 19. A. They B. Them C. Their D. Theirs 20. A. relaxing B. interesting C. boring D. difficult 21. A. watching B. watch C. see D. seeing 22. A. are B. is C. am D. be 16. B 解析:名词 name 前应使用形容词性物主代词 My 进行修饰,答案选 B。 17. A 解析:该题考查 be 动词的用法,因为主语为复数 My brothers and I,与 are 搭配。答案选 A。 18. D 解析:星期的前面用介词 on 进行修饰,答案选 D。 19. A 解析:此选项在句子中是主语的位置,用主格 They, 答案选 A。 20. B 解析:从前句中的 I like reading 及后句中的 a book about Chinese stories 判断,应使用 interesting 进行修饰, 答案选 B。 21. B 解析:看电视 watch TV 是固定搭配,另外由 do you often 判断为一般现在时,用动词原型,答案选 B。 22. D 解析:let sb.do,即 let 后面加动词原型,答案选 D。 三、阅读理解。(共 18 分,每小题 2 分) A Red Star Foreign Language School Harry Green English Teacher Add: 38 Chaoyang Street Beijing 100029 E-mail: chinlj@sohu.com Tel: 010-6579-4231 Beijing Children Hospital Zhang Jing Doctor Add: 56 Nanlishi Road Beijing 100045 E-mail: zhangjing@sina.com Tel: 010-6802-8401 23. Harry is a _________, and Zhang Jing is a __________. A. teacher; teacher B. doctor; doctor C. teacher; doctor 答案:C。 解析:根据两个卡片中的第三行可判断两个人的职业,故 C 为正确答案。 24. If a child is ill, you may call Zhang Jing at __________. A. 010-6579-4231 B. 010-6802-8401 C. 100-029 答案:B。 解析:根据第二个卡片中 Zhang Jing, doctor 及最后一行的 Tel: 010-6802-8401 可知 B 为正确答案。 25. A card mainly tells us a person’s __________. A. name and work B. address C. both A and B 答案:C。 解析:由两张卡片的内容可以知 name, work 和 address 都包含其中,故 C 为正确答案。 26. Harry Green’s e-mail is __________. A. chinlj@sohu.com B. Chaoyang@sohu.com C. zhangjing@sina.com 答案:A。 解析:根据第一张卡片的倒数第二行,可知 A 为正确答案。 27. Where is Red Star Foreign Language School? A. 28 Chaoyang Street Beijing 100029 B. 56 Nanlishi Road Beijing 100045 C. 38 Chaoyang Street Beijing 100029 答案:C。 解析:根据第一张卡片的第一行和第四行内容,可知 C 为正确答案。 B The Read family comes to a new big city, but Mrs. Read’s son, Bob, is not happy. He doesn’t have anyone to play with. “Don’t worry!” says his mother. “You will soon make friends here.” One morning, there is a knock at the door. Bob’s mother, Mrs Read, opens it. There stands a woman with brown hair. It is Mrs Miller. She comes to borrow two eggs. She wants to make cakes. Mrs Read gives her two. In the afternoon there is another knock at the door. Mrs Read opens it and she sees a boy standing there. “My name is Jack Miller,” he says. “My mother sends you this cake and two eggs.” “Well, thank you, Jack,” says Mrs Read. “Come in and meet my son Bob.” Look! Bob and Jack are having cake and milk. They are playing football. Now they are friends! Jack says, “I’m glad you live next door.” Bob says, “I must thank your mother for coming to borrow eggs.” Jack laughs and tells Bob, “My mother doesn’t want the two eggs, but she wants to make friends with your mother!” Bob says, “That’s a funny way to make friends. It’s an easy way. It can work!” 28. Bob is not happy when he is in the new city because _______. A. his mother isn’t in the city B. he has no new friends C. he can’t work D. Jack doesn’t like him 答案:B。 解析:根据第一段中的“He doesn’t have anyone to play with.”可知 B 为正确答案。 29. One morning, Mrs. Miller _______ A. gives Mrs. Read a piece of cake B. asks Bob to play with her son C. borrows eggs from Mrs. Read D. makes cakes with Mrs. Read. 答案:C。 解析:根据第二段中的“It is Mrs Miller. She comes to borrow two eggs.”可知 C 为正确答案。 30. _______ have cake and milk together in the afternoon, A. Bob and Jack B. Jack and his mother C. Bob and his mother D. Mrs. Read and Mrs. Miller 答案:A。 解析:根据第三段中的“Look! Bob and Jack are having cake and milk.”可知 A 为正确答案。 31. What does Mrs. Miller really want to do by borrowing eggs? A. To see if her friend is in. B. To make cakes with eggs. C. To find out what Mrs. Read does. D. To make friends with the Reads. 答案:D。 解析:根据第三段中的“Jack laughs and tells Bob, “My mother doesn’t want the two eggs, but she wants to make friends with your mother!”可知 D 为正确答案。 四、词汇。(共 15 分,每小题 1 分) A. 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。 32. Here are two ______ (picture). 33. Is _____ (these) your eraser? 34. _______ (that) are my brothers. 35. ______ (Her) isn’t Susan. Her name is Mary. 36. Lin Hai and Guo Peng are my ______ (friend). 答案: 32. pictures 解析:two 为复数,因此填 pictures。 33. this 解析:is 为单数,these 的单数形式为 this。 34. Those 解析:are 为复数,that 的复数形式为 those。 35. She 解析:此空为主语位置,应使用主格,her 的主格为 She。 36. friends 解析:Lin Hai and Guo Peng 为两个人,应使用复数名词 friends。 B. 根据句意填写单词,完成句子。 37. The boy isn’t David. _______ is Jim. 38. My father’s sister is my ______. 39. ______ me, is Jim your brother? 40. Linda is my ______ and I’m her mother. 41. Tommy’s father and mother are his ______. 答案: 37. He 解析:The boy 为男孩,且此空为主语位置,应使用主格,因此填 He。 38. aunt 解析:我爸爸的姐(妹)为姑姑,即 aunt。 39. Excuse 解析:固定搭配 Excuse me。 40. daughter 解析:因为 I’m her mother, 所以她是我的女儿。 41. parents 解析:father and mother 即为 parents。 C. 用 am, is, are 填空。 42. Excuse me! ________ this your eraser? 43. What ________ those? 44. I ________ in Class Three. 45. ________ they birds? 46. My brother ________ a teacher. 答案:42. Is 43. are 44. am 45. Are 46. is 解析:此题考查 be 动词的用法,I am, you are, 单数 is, 复数 are。 五、根据汉语完成句子。(共 10 分,每小题 2 分) 47. 爸爸,这是我的同班同学。 Dad, __________________ my classmate。 答案:This is 解析:介绍人物时,“这是”用“This is”表示。 48. —这是他的父母吗? —是的。 —Are these his parents? —Yes, __________________. 答案:they are 49. 那些女孩是谁? __________________ those girls? 答案:Who are 解析:“谁”用“Who”表示,those girls 为复数,用 are。 50. 这是我的全家福照片。 This is __________________. 答案:my family photo/a photo of my family 解析:“全家福照片”用“my family photo/a photo of my family”表示。 51. 这两个女孩是你的姐妹吗? __________________ your sisters? 答案:Are the two girls 解析:“这两个女孩”用“the two girls”表示,一般疑问句,be 动词 are 提前。 六、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共 10 分,每小题 2 分) A boy named Sue The American singer Johnny Cash had a famous song called “A Boy Named Sue”. The song tells the story of a young boy with the name “Sue”. Sue’s father gives him the name, but he leaves the family when Sue is young. Sue has a very hard time as a child. His classmates and friends always make jokes about his name. He hates his name. He wants to find his father one day to ask him why he has this name. One day Sue finally meets his father. Sue feels very angry at first, but in the end his father tells him why he called him “Sue”. He says that he knew he wouldn’t be able to look after his son. He gave him a girl’s name so that he would grow up to be strong. Sue finally respects his father. At the end of the song, Sue says, “If I ever have a son, I think I’m going to name him … Bill or George! Anything but Sue! I still hate that name. 52. What’s the boy’s name? _______________________________________________________ 答案:Sue. 解析:根据“The song tells the story of a young boy with the name “Sue”可得知回答。 53. What does the boy want to ask his father? _______________________________________________________ 答案:To ask his father why he has this name. 解析:根据“He wants to find his father one day to ask him why he has this name.”可得知答案。 54. How does Sue feel when he meets his father at first? _______________________________________________________ 答案:He feels very angry at first. 解析:根据“Sue feels very angry at first,”可得知答案。 55. Why does his father give him this name? _______________________________________________________ 答案:Because his father wants him to grow up to be strong. 解析:根据“He says that he knew he wouldn’t be able to look after his son. He gave him a girl’s name so that he would grow up to be strong.” 可得知答案。 56. Does the boy like this name in the end? ________________________________________________________ 答案:No, he doesn’t. 解析:根据“I still hate that name.” 可得知答案。 七、书面表达。(共 10 分) 假设你是 Li Ming, 你给你的笔友 Tom 寄去了一张你的全家福,然后在信中向他介绍你的全家。信的开 头和结尾已给出,字数在 50 词左右。 Dear Tom, ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Your friend, Li Ming One Version: Dear Tom, This is a photo of my family. There are four people in my family. The tall man is my father. He's a doctor. The woman with glasses is my mother. She's a Chinese teacher in a school. The little girl is my sister. Her name is Li Yan. She's ten years old. She is in Grade Two. My family is a happy one and I love it very much. Hope to hear from you soon. Your friend, Li Ming 解析:注意表达思想清楚,词汇适当丰富;句型要有所变化,语言通顺,语意连贯,具有逻辑性, 但避免使 用自己拿不准的短语或生僻用法;字数要够。

