四川专用高考英语一轮复习 课时作业三十九 Module 3 Literature 新人教版选修7

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四川专用高考英语一轮复习 课时作业三十九 Module 3 Literature 新人教版选修7

‎ 课时作业(三十九) [选修7 Module 3 Literature]‎ ‎(限时:35分钟)‎ Ⅰ.单项填空 ‎                  ‎ ‎1.Mary had prepared carefully for her Chinese examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first________. ‎ A.intention B.attempt C.purpose D.desire ‎2.The police have offered a large ________ for information leading to the robber's arrest.‎ A.award B.compensation C.prize D.reward ‎3.It is not easy to learn English well, but if you ________, you will succeed in the end.‎ A.hang up B.hang about C.hang on D.hang around ‎4.The programme ________ for children under 7 turned out to be a failure.‎ A.designing B.intended C.worked D.meaning ‎ ‎5.Never in my wildest dreams ________these people are living in such poor conditions.‎ A.I could imagine B.could I imagine C.I couldn't imagine D.couldn't I imagine ‎6.Modern plastics can ________ very high and very low temperatures. ‎ A.stand B.hold C.carry D.support ‎7.—Did he break it ________?‎ ‎—No, on purpose. ‎ A.accidentally B.presently C.occasionally D.intentionally ‎8.Think carefully before you answer his questions.You may be ________ into giving away vital information.‎ A.caught B.captured ‎ C.seized D.trapped ‎9.The beautiful sunset ______ our attention, and we stopped to watch it. ‎ A.caught B.paid C.fixed D.slipped ‎10.If you are feeling so tired, perhaps a little sleep would ________.‎ A.act B.help ‎ C.serve D.last ‎11. Seeing the scene________the hero and the heroine got married at last, I was moved to tears. ‎ A. which B. that ‎ ‎ C. where D. when ‎ ‎12.________got on the train when it began to move. ‎ A.No sooner had I B.I had no sooner C.Hardly had I D.I hardly had ‎13.Seeing the drowning boy,he took off his coat and______himself into the water. ‎ A.jumped B.threw C.pushed  D.struggled ‎14.It was so dark in the cinema that I could hardly______ my friend. ‎ A.turn out B.bring out C.call out D.pick out ‎15.—Sorry,I have to________ now. It's time for class. ‎ ‎—OK,I'll call back later.‎ A.hang up B.break up C.give up D.hold up Ⅱ.完形填空 A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile (敌意的)person lives in a hostile world. Everyone you meet is your mirror. ‎ ‎ Mirrors have a very particular __16__. They reflect the image in front of them. Just as a __17__ mirror works as the vehicle to reflection, __18__ do all of the people in our lives. ‎ When we see something beautiful such as a flower garden, that garden __19__ a reflection. When we love someone, it's a(n)__20__of loving ourselves. We have often heard things like “I love how I am when I'm with that person”. That simply__21__ into “I' m able to love me when I love that other person”. __22__, when we meet someone new, we feel as though we “click”. Sometimes it's as if we've __23__ each other for a long time. That feeling can come from __24__ similarities. ‎ Just as the “mirror” or other people can be a positive reflection, it is more likely that we'll __25__ it when it has a negative connotation (内涵). __26__, it's easy to remember the times when we have met someone we' re not particularly __27__about. We may have some criticism (批评) in our mind about the __28__ . This is especially true when we get to know someone with whom we would rather spend __29__ time. ‎ Often, when we __30__ qualities in other people, ironically (讽刺地), it's usually the mirror that's __31__ to us. ‎ At times we meet someone __32__ and feel distant disconnected, or disgusted. __33__ we don't want to believe it, and it's not easy or __34__ to look further, it can be a great learning lesson to __35__ what part of the person is being reflected in you. It's simply just another way to create more selfawareness. ‎ ‎16.A.target B.style C.function D.color ‎17.A.medical B.physical C.chemical D.mental ‎18.A.so B.then C.nor D.neither ‎19.A.focuses on B.applies to C.works with D.serves as ‎20.A.record B.evaluation C.reflection D.example ‎21.A.grows B.translates C.enters D.falls ‎22.A.Obviously B.Strangely C.Fortunately D.Frequently ‎23.A.known B.supported C.observed D.recognized ‎24.A.creating B.lacking C.sharing D.comparing ‎25.A.ignore B.keep C.take D.notice ‎26.A.In brief B.In addition C.For example D.As usual ‎27.A.crazy B.anxious ‎ C.upset D.concerned ‎28.A.time B.mirror C.garden D.person ‎29.A.less B.amazing C.more D.valuable ‎30.A.appreciate B.dislike C.describe D.discover ‎31.A.shouting B.shining C.speaking D.pointing ‎32.A.new B.nervous C.familiar D.friendly ‎33.A.If B.Although C.Since D.Once ‎34.A.terrible B.noble C.reliable D.desirable ‎35.A.figure out B.take out C.put out D.give out Ⅲ.阅读理解 New study findings suggest that a preference for nighttime over daytime activities may be associated with antisocial behavior in adolescence, even in children as young as eight years old. ‎ Those who prefer later bedtime appear to exhibit more antisocial behavior. ‎ ‎“A preference for evening activities and staying up late is related to behavior problem and is evident even in preteens. Staying up late contributes to lack of sleep and this, in turn, causes problems such as lack of control and attention regulation, which are associated with antisocial behavior, ” said Dr. Elizabeth J. Susman. ‎ Susman and her team did the research in 111 subjects between 8 to 13 years old. ‎ The researchers found a number of factors were related to antisocial behavior in the study group, particularly in the boys. For girls, a preference for evening activities was associated with a higher chance of relational aggression or aggressive behavior towards their peers. ‎ Boys who experienced prolonged high levels of cortisol(皮质醇) tended to have more behavior problems than their peers. The association was not true for girls, however. ‎ Normally, levels of cortisol peak in the morning upon awakening and are stable during the afternoon and evening hours. ‎ Abnormalities in cortisol secretion (分泌) have also been associated with clinical depression and antisocial behavior in earlier studies. ‎ Boys who hit adolescence at earlier ages also tended to engage in more rulebreaking and attention behavior problems than other boys, while girls who were younger at puberty reported more relational aggression compared with their peers. ‎ Overall, caregivers should be watchful to bedtime activities of children and young adolescents. Monitoring these activities is essential for making sure that children and adolescents are going to sleep in time to assure enough sleep for good functioning in school and other things. ‎ ‎36.In the study, the researchers found that ________. ‎ A.the youth mustn't stay up too late at any time B.it was the preference for nighttime activities that caused antisocial behavior C.nighttime activities didn't have effects on girls D.not only the adolescents but also the little children were easily influenced by more evening activities ‎37.We can find the possible results of staying up too late EXCEPT ________. ‎ A.lack of sleep B.difficult to focus one's attention C.easily out of control D.not like daytime activities any more ‎38.Comparing boys and girls, the researchers suggest that ________. ‎ A.if they experience prolonged high levels of cortisol, they both will have more behavior problems than their peers B.if boys hit puberty at earlier ages, they tend to have behavior problems C.abnormalities in cortisol secretion aren't associated with aggressive behavior D.cortisol secretion is more important for girls ‎39.From the last paragraph we can infer that ________. ‎ A.parents should be watchful to bedtime activities of their children B. we must make sure that children don't do wrong things C.good sleep is important for children's good performance at school D.bedtime activities are important ‎40.What's the best title for the passage?‎ A.Sleep patterns are linked to teen behavior B.Staying up late is a bad habit C.The youth like to sleep late D.Antisocial behavior is due to overtime night activities 课时作业(三十九)‎ Ⅰ.1.B 考查名词辨析。attempt尝试,企图;intention意图;purpose目的;desire渴望。‎ ‎2.D 考查名词辨析。句意:为了得到任何有助于逮捕抢劫者的信息, 警方开出了一大笔酬金。 award奖品, 奖金; compensation补偿金; prize奖品, 奖赏; reward报酬, 赏金。根据句意, 选项D为正确答案。‎ ‎3.C 考查动词短语辨析。hang on坚持;hang up挂断电话;hang around/about闲逛。 ‎ ‎4.B 考查动词辨析及非谓语动词。be intended for专为……而设计;专供……使用。在此处用过去分词形式作后置定语修饰programme,也可以用designed 或meant。‎ ‎5.B 考查倒装句。never否定副词置于句首时需要部分倒装,因此选B。‎ ‎6.A 考查动词辨析。stand“经受,承受,经得起”,符合句意。‎ ‎7.A 考查副词辨析。accidentally偶然地;意外地。句意:“他不小心打碎的吗?”“不,是故意的。”‎ ‎8.D 句意:回答他的问题前要三思,你也许会上当从而泄露重要信息。trap sb into doing sth意为“使某人陷入圈套;使陷于困境”。catch意为“捉住,捕获,逮住”;capture意为“俘虏;捕获”;seize意为“抓住”。catch和capture辨析:catch指需要积极追寻,或采取一定的方法来抓住。capture指需要采取一定的计谋、技巧甚至武力,克服抵抗才能抓或夺到。‎ ‎9.A 考查动词辨析。catch抓住;pay支付;fix固定,安装,修理;slip滑落,溜走。题干所填词与空后的one's attention构成搭配,意思是“引起注意”,选A。‎ ‎10.B 考查动词辨析。句意:如果你感觉很累,也许小睡一会儿会好一些。help“帮助,促进”,符合题意。‎ ‎11.C scene此处意为“场景,情景”,后面跟的是定语从句,当scene在从句中作状语成分时,引导词要用where。‎ ‎12.C  考查倒装句型。注意句型“hardly…when…”和“no sooner…than…(一……就……)”的用法。‎ ‎13.B throw意为“使身体或身体的某一部位突然做出某一动作”,在此句中表示“迅速跳入水中”。jump是不及物动词,后面不能跟宾语。‎ ‎14. D 考查动词短语辨析。pick out辨认出;turn out结果是; bring out出版,推出,使显出;call out出动,召集,大声叫喊。‎ ‎15.A 考查动词短语辨析。由答语的“call back later”可以看出: 创设的语境是打电话。所以只有hang up“挂断(电话)”符合语境。‎ Ⅱ.充满爱意的人生活在充满爱意的世界里,充满敌意的人则生活在充满敌意的世界里。你所遇到的每一个人都是你的镜子。‎ ‎16.C 根据下一句可知,本句是说镜子具有独特的功能或作用,因此选择function(功能)。‎ ‎17.B 就像人们可以从有形的镜子中看到自己,生活中的所有人也同样可以反映自己。physical有形的。‎ ‎18.A 本句是把我们生活中的人比作镜子,因为前面的句子是肯定形式,因此选择so,表示“某人或某物也……”。‎ ‎19.D 我们所看到的漂亮的花园也是一面镜子。serve as“充当”,符合题意。‎ ‎20.C 我们爱别人就是爱我们自己的“反映”。‎ ‎21.B 从句意可知,本句是对前面句子的解释,因此用translate。‎ ‎22.D 经常地,我们遇见一个陌生人,感觉仿佛是一见如故。选择frequently与下一句中的sometimes相呼应。‎ ‎23.A 有时感觉好像我们已经“相识”甚久。‎ ‎24.C 这种熟悉感可能来自彼此身上的共同点。share表示“有同样的感情(或想法,经历等)”。‎ ‎25.D 就像“镜子”或他人能映射出我们积极的一面一样,我们更有可能注意到映射出自己消极方面的“镜子”。notice“注意到”符合语意。‎ ‎26.C 作者用具体的事例来说明本段的中心,因此选择C。‎ ‎27.A 我们很容易就能记住我们碰到的自己不太喜欢的人的时刻。be not crazy about…不喜欢……‎ ‎28.D 我们可能在心里对那个人有些反感。the person指上文提到的那个我们不喜欢的人。‎ ‎29.A 当我们认识自己不喜欢并希望与之相处更少时间的人时,这种情况就更为明显。想与他们相处更短的时间,即不喜欢与他们相处,因此less符合题意。‎ ‎30.B 本文从两个方面阐述镜子的作用,第三段是积极的反映,第四、五段是消极的反映,因此选择dislike。‎ ‎31.C 我们不喜欢别人身上的品性,这也是“镜子”的作用。speak to sb对某人诉说,符合语意。‎ ‎32.A 根据下文的feel distant disconnected, or…可知这里是指我们遇到的陌生人,因此选择new。遇到友好的人不会有距离感,因此D项不符合语意。‎ ‎33.B 尽管我们不想去相信,不容易也不想去深究,但是弄清楚这个人的哪些特质在自己身上有所体现是非常重要的一课。因此选择although,引导让步状语从句。‎ ‎34.D 根据前面的not easy可知深究这个问题是不容易的或者有时也不愿去深究,因此选择desirable更为贴切。‎ ‎35.A 弄清楚这个人的哪些特质在自己身上有所体现是非常重要的一课,因此选择figure out,表示“弄清”。‎ Ⅲ. 本文提出了一项新的研究发现,即夜晚活动的时间过长会对青少年的身心发展造成不良的影响。‎ ‎36. D 细节理解题。由文章第一段中提到的“夜间活动超过白天活动的数量可能与青少年甚至仅8岁大的孩子的不爱社交的行为有联系”,可以知道D项符合题意。‎ ‎37. D 细节理解题。D选项无法从文章中找到相应的推测理由,表达得过于绝对。‎ ‎38. B 推理判断题。由倒数第二段可以得出B项为正确答案。‎ ‎39. C 推理判断题。文中提到确保儿童和青少年按时睡觉和睡眠充足对他们在学校良好的表现来说是必要的,故C项正确。‎ ‎40. A 主旨大意题。全文通篇都在介绍一项新的研究成果,论述青少年的不良行为与睡眠的关系,A项较好地概括了主题,简明扼要。‎

