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广州市2006年初中毕业生学业考试 英语 第一部分(共100分)‎ 一、听力(共20题,30分)‎ 听取信息(共5小题,5分,每题1分)‎ ‎1.听下面一段对话,请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入答题卡号为A~E的空格中,听对话前,你有10秒钟的时间阅读题目:对话读两遍。‎ Name of Trip Afternoon Adventure Night Lights Price ‎ ________yuan ‎80 yuan Leaving Time ‎2.30 pm ‎________pm Trip Length ‎3 hours ‎2 and a half hours What to see – the countryside of ‎Guangzhou – many rice ______and animals – beautiful city ________‎ – Guangdong music ______‎ ‎ 2.对话理解(共10小题,15分,每小题1.5分)‎ ‎ 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个或几个小题,请根据所听到的内容从题中所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项,并涂在答题卡的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各小题,每小题3秒钟:每段对话读两遍。‎ ‎ 听第一段对话,回答第1题。‎ ‎1. Who lives in London?‎ ‎ A. Dr Johnson. B. Dr King. C. Peter.‎ ‎ 听第二段对话,回答第2、3题。‎ ‎2. What is Tina going to do?‎ ‎ A. Play in the park. B. Have a birthday party. C. Work in the bookshop.‎ ‎3. Which of the following is Tina’s family tree?‎ ‎ 听第三段对话,回答第4、5题。‎ ‎4. When will Angelo have an important meeting?‎ ‎ A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday.‎ ‎5. What does Ann believe the tea bag is good for?‎ ‎ A. Making people get up and dance. B. Keeping people awake at night.‎ ‎ C. Making people with colds feel better.‎ ‎ 听第四段对话,回答第6、7题。‎ ‎6. Where are the two speakers most possibly talking?‎ ‎ A. In a restaurant. B. In a market. C. In a fruit shop.‎ ‎7. What fruit does the man finally ask for?‎ ‎ A. A pair of bananas. B. Two pears and a banana. C. A pear and two bananas.‎ ‎ 听第五段对话,回答第8至10题。‎ ‎8. Where is the doctor’s office?‎ ‎ A. No. 45 Smith Street. B. No. 51 West Street. C. No. 51 Smith Street.‎ ‎9. When will John go to see the doctor?‎ ‎ A. Today. B. Tomorrow. C. Friday.‎ ‎10. How will John go to the doctor’s office?‎ ‎ A. By bus. B. By taxi. C. On foot.‎ ‎ 3、讲话理解(共5小题,10分,每小题2分)‎ ‎ 听下面一段讲话。讲话后有5个小题,请根据所听到的内容从题中所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项,并涂在答题卡的相应位置。听讲话前,你将有时间阅读各小题,每小题5秒钟:‎ 讲话读两遍。‎ ‎11. What is the talk about?‎ ‎ A. The history of the Sydney‎ ‎Bridge. B. When to climb the Sydney‎ ‎Bridge.‎ ‎ C. Preparing to climb the Sydney‎ ‎Bridge.‎ ‎12. Why must the climbers wear special black jackets?‎ ‎ A. To show they’re in the same climbing group.‎ ‎ B. To keep warm at the top of the bridge.‎ ‎ C. To hold their phones and keys.‎ ‎13. What is the special radio used for?‎ ‎ A. Talking to the people 134 metres below. B. Listening to the introduction of the bridge. ‎ ‎ C. Talking to the guide on the bridge.‎ ‎14. How long will the group spend on the bridge?‎ ‎ A. Half an hour. B. One and a half hours. C. Two hours.‎ ‎15. What can we learn from the talk?‎ ‎ A. The weather doesn’t change at the top of the bridge.‎ ‎ B. The bridge has a long and interesting history.‎ ‎ C. Safety is very important when climbing the bridge.‎ 二、语言知识与运用 (共20小题,20分,每题1分)‎ 在下列各题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。‎ ‎16. ---Hello. May I speak to Mrs White?‎ ‎ ---Sorry. She is out right now. Can I ______ a message?‎ ‎ A. carry B. take C. leave D. give ‎17. If you don’t _______me by two o’clock today, it means I won’t be coming.‎ ‎ A. hear B. hear of C. hear from D. hear about ‎18. ---How much did this CD _______ you, Sally?‎ ‎ ---I got it for 5 dollars. ‎ ‎ A. use B. spend C. take D. cost ‎ ‎19. Sue got up very late this morning and that was ______she was late for school.‎ ‎ A. why B. what C. where D. whether ‎20. ---Would you mind _______me a sweater? I feel a little cold.‎ ‎ ---Of course not. I’ll go and get it right now.‎ ‎ A. to get B. get C. getting D. will get ‎21. I’ve had ______bad headache all day, so I think I’ll go to _______bed early.‎ ‎ A. a; 不填 B. 不填; the C. 不填 ; 不填 D. a; the ‎22. ---Could you lend me your dictionary? I left _______ at home.‎ ‎ ---Certainly.‎ ‎ A. it B. yours C. one D. mine ‎23. My aunt will arrive in Guangzhou _______the morning of July 15. ‎ ‎ A. at B. on C. in D. till ‎24. As usual, Meihua _______at 6:30 this morning by her mother to get ready for school.‎ ‎ A. has woken up B. woke up C. wakes up D. was woken up ‎25. The bus _______ suddenly when a group of students ran onto the road.‎ ‎ A. stops B. stopped C. has stopped D. is stopping ‎26. My uncle used _______ a very good football player, but this was a long time ago.‎ ‎ A. to being B. being C. be D. to be ‎27. ---My car has broken down. Could you please give me a ride tomorrow?‎ ‎ ---I’m sorry I ________. I’m leaving for London tonight.‎ ‎ A. can’t B. mustn’t C. couldn’t D. shouldn’t ‎28. ---Is _______true that Americans eat hamburgers and hot dogs every day?‎ ‎ ---No, that’s not true, but they are both very popular foods in America. ‎ ‎ A. this B. anything C. it D. something ‎29. ---I _______to get to the South Mall. Could you tell me which bus I should take?‎ ‎ ---Just catch the No. 10 bus from here. It’s the 4th stop.‎ ‎ A. am trying B. would try C. tried D. have tried ‎30. ---How well did you do in the maths exam?‎ ‎ ---Better than before. I think it was _______ difficult than the last one.‎ ‎ A. more B. less C. much D. very ‎31. ______Mrs Wilson came into the classroom, all the children welcomed her.‎ ‎ A. Whether B. As well as C. If D. As soon as ‎32. Liz is kind to others and she has always found it easy to _______ at school. ‎ ‎ A. make friend B. make friend with C. make friends D. make friends with ‎33. _______weather we had on our holiday!‎ ‎ A. What a good B. How a good C. What good D. How good ‎34. We didn’t have enough chairs, _______some of the students had to sit on the floor.‎ ‎ A. but B. so C. or D. and ‎ ‎35. There was a fire in the street last night, but the firemen _______within twenty minutes.‎ ‎ A. took it out B. brought it out C. worked it out D. put it out 三、完形填空(共10小题,10分,每小题1分)‎ 先通读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题的四个选项中选择可以相应空白处的最佳答案。‎ ‎ I have always been interested in clowns (小丑). The earliest thing I can remember, as a child of three, is seeing a pair of clowns ---one very fat, and the other very 36_. A traveling circus (马戏团) came to our town and my parents took me to see it. When we arrived at the circus, everyone was laughing at the clowns. I didn’t understand why they were laughing, _37 I laughed too.‎ While I was 38_, the fat clown came and sat down next to me. “Shall we dance?” he asked, then _39 me up and began dancing. I felt frightened and began to cry. _40 then I have been interested in clowns. They make me laugh a lot, although they still make me a bit 41 too.‎ In life, we sometimes laugh at things that 42 us. We often laugh most at people who make us nervous. When we laugh, we relax and 43 ourselves. People who never laugh can become worried and ill. Laughter is like medicine and a clown is like a 44_.‎ There have always been, and there will always be clowns, because people need to laugh. Laughter is the best kind of ‎45 in life.‎ ‎36. ‎ A. happy B. thin C. kind D. lucky ‎37.‎ A. and B. so C. or D. but ‎38.‎ A. dancing B. eating C. laughing D. crying ‎39.‎ A. picked B. threw C. hung D. pushed ‎40.‎ A. Before B. Since C. By D. From ‎41.‎ A. tired B. silly C. afraid D. sick ‎42.‎ A. trouble B. surprise C. interest D. frighten ‎43.‎ A. play B. love C. enjoy D. understand ‎44.‎ A. doctor B. nurse C. friend D. teacher ‎45.‎ A. dream B. medicine C. care D. color 四、阅读理解(共20小题,40分,每小题2分)‎ 阅读下面5篇短文,然后根据短文内容选择最佳答案。‎ A It was a great day for a picnic and a picnic was a great day to start the summer holiday. Fred brought his classmates John and Betty to a wonderful picnic place.‎ After lunch, John said they should play football. When the ball came to Fred, he locked it into some long grass. “I’ll get it.” he said and hurried off to find the ball. Moments later there was a shout and out came Fred holding his leg, “I’ve bitten by a snake!”‎ As the others rushed over to help. Fred began laughing. “Ha! I’m not really hurt.” But Betty didn’t laugh, “I can’t believe you did that, Fred. I was really frightened for you.”‎ The friends then decided to go for a swim. John and Betty jumped into the water. Fred was standing on a long rock by the riverbank and said, “Watch me jump.” They shouted excitedly as he went under the water, but as the seconds passed he didn’t come back to the top. The friends became worried. Suddenly they heard Fred’s laugh, “Won’t you ever learn? I swam behind this tree when I jumped.” ‎ ‎“Very funny, Fred?” said John angrily. “Anyway, I’m feeling tired and I’m going for a sleep.” Betty joined him. ‎ Fred, however, moved to a narrow part of the river and jumped in. Although he was a good swimmer, the water there was moving much faster and Fred found himself dragged away. He managed to catch hold of a tree, but he was very tired now and with the water still moving very fast, couldn’t pull himself out.‎ Back at the picnic place, as Betty and John were preparing to sleep, they heard Fred’s cries for help, John looked at Betty and said, “Does he really think we’re so foolish? Wake me up in an hour. It’ll be time to go back home then.” ‎ ‎46. What happened when Fred went to get the football?‎ ‎ A. He was bitten by a snake. B. He fell and cut himself.‎ ‎ C. He called for the others to help him. D. He let out a frightening shout.‎ ‎47. At the end of the story, why didn’t John and Betty go to help Fred?‎ ‎ A. They didn’t believe that Fred was really in trouble.‎ ‎ B. They thought Fred was a good swimmer.‎ ‎ C. They couldn’t hear his cries for help.‎ ‎ D. They were too tired and needed to rest. ‎ ‎48. The underlined word “dragged” means “_______”.‎ ‎ A. pulled B. held C. guided D. gave ‎49. What can you learn from this story?‎ ‎ A. It is important for a person to tell the truth.‎ ‎ B. You should know how to swim if toy want to play in the river.‎ ‎ C. You must watch out for snakes in the countryside.‎ ‎ D. Picnics can often be dangerous for children. ‎ B ‎50. If you want to buy breakfast on your way to school in the morning, where should you go?‎ ‎ A. Italian Pizza Restaurant. B. Sichuan Restaurant and Italian Pizza Restaurant.‎ ‎ C. Harry’s Hamburger House. D. Sichuan Restaurant and Harry’s Hamburger House.‎ ‎51. You and your friend want to go out to a restaurant for dinner. It is Monday evening and you have a total of $50 to spend. Where will you go?‎ ‎ A. Sichuan Restaurant or Harry’s Hamburger House.‎ ‎ B. Sichuan Restaurant or Italian Pizza Restaurant.‎ ‎ C. Italian Pizza Restaurant.‎ ‎ D. Harry’s Hamburger House.‎ ‎52. Which restaurants are open seven days a week?‎ ‎ A. Sichuan Restaurant and Italian Pizza Restaurant.‎ ‎ B. Italian Pizza Restaurant and Harry’s Hamburger House.‎ ‎ C. Sichuan Restaurant and Harry’s Hamburger House.‎ ‎ D. Sichuan Restaurant, Harry’s Hamburger House and Italian Pizza Restaurant.‎ ‎53. Which of the following is true about Italian Pizza Restaurant?‎ ‎ A. It has cheaper food than the other restaurants.‎ ‎ B. It is open earlier than the other restaurants.‎ ‎ C. It is the only restaurant that allows take-away.‎ ‎ D. It is a great place for children to get together. ‎ C During his life Dr James Naismith worked as a doctor, taught P.E and wrote several books. While he never thought it very important, Dr Naismith is today best known for one thing. He was the inventor of basketball.‎ Dr James Naismith was born in Canada in 1861 and his first job was at a special sports school in the USA. One day the school principal told James he was having a problem with the students. Because of heavy snow, the students could not go outside. He told James that they needed a sport the boys could play indoors and gave the teacher two weeks to think of something. ‎ It was on the very last day that James came up with his idea. The “birth of basketball” is said to be on December 21, 1891, when two teams from the school played the first game. It was quite different from the basketball games of today. It had 9 players on each team and footballs were used instead of basketballs. Soon after, the game changed to 5 players on each side, using ‎ special “basketballs” through nets.‎ Although Dr Naismith did not live to see basketball become the worldwide game it is today, in 1936, just three years before his death, basketball became an Olympic sport at the games in Berlin. ‎ ‎54. Which of the following things did Dr James Naismith NOT do?‎ ‎ A. Teach P.E in school. B. Write some books.‎ ‎ C. Work at hospital. D. Take part in the Olympic Games. ‎ ‎55. In which season did Dr Naismith invent basketball?‎ ‎ A. Summer. B. Winter. C. Spring. D. Autumn.‎ ‎56. Why is December 21 thought to be the birthday of basketball?‎ ‎ A. It was on this day that Dr Naismith came up with his idea for basketball.‎ ‎ B. It was the day on which Dr Naismith was born.‎ C. It was the day on which Dr Naismith was asked by his boss to invent a new game.‎ D. It was on this day that the first game of basketball was played. ‎ ‎57. At the time of Dr Naismith’s death, which of the following was true?‎ ‎ A. Basketball was already a worldwide game.‎ ‎ B. Basketball was played with 9 players on each side.‎ ‎ C. Basketball was an Olympic sport.‎ ‎ D. Basketball was still played using footballs. ‎ ‎58. What would be the best title for this story?‎ ‎ A. History of Basketball B. How Basketball Has Changed ‎ C. Father of Basketball D. Happy Birthday, Basketball D We have always been interested in the moon. 2000 years ago people already knew it moved around the earth and where it would be in the sky at different times of the year. At that time, everything about the moon was learned by watching it carefully in the sky.‎ When scientists could use telescopes to study the moon more closely, their ideas began to change. They could see the moon was made of rocks. Most scientists thought moon rocks would be different from those on Earth. This was because they believed the moon had once ‎ been a planet that had been caught in the earth’s gravity (引力) millions of years earlier. ‎ In 1969 moon rocks were finally brought to the earth and studied. Much to their surprise, scientists found that, except for water, the moon and the earth were made of the same things. Once again new ideas were needed for this new information.‎ After years of study, most scientists now think that the moon was once part of Earth. They believe very early in its history, maybe 4 million years ago, something about the size of Mars hit Earth. This sent billions of rocks into space around our planet. These rocks slowly joined together and after many years became the moon.‎ In the future, even though our ideas about the moon may change again, we will still be interested in it. ‎ ‎59. What does the writer want to tell us in the passage?‎ ‎ A. Why people are interested in the moon. ‎ ‎ B. How ideas about the moon have changed over time.‎ ‎ C. Where the moon came from in the past.‎ ‎ D. That people have finally learned the truth about the moon.‎ ‎60. Before 1969 most scientists thought the moon was ________.‎ ‎ A. part of the earth billions of years earlier B. older than the earth ‎ C. a planet caught by the earth’s gravity D. made of the same things as the earth ‎61. From this passage we can learn that ________.‎ ‎ A. scientists in the past were not clever B. the earth was once part of the moon ‎ C. new information brings new ideas D. we now know everything about the moon E It is said that as the population of a city grows, so do its problems. Pollution, too many cars, and crowded streets are just a few of these difficulties. One way to help with these problems is city trains. Trains traveling to different parts of a city mean fewer cars and buses on our roads, cleaner air, and more open streets. In recent years, cities such as Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Shanghai have all built city train lines. ‎ The first city train line in China was built in Beijing. The oldest part of the train line, from Beijing Zhan to Ping Guo Yuan was opened in 1969. Its length was 23.6 kilometres. As the city grew after 1980, so did the need for more trains. A newer train line was built to help move people around the city centre. The 16-kilometre-long “circle (环形) line” was finished in 1987. Since that time even more train stations have been built and today the train lines in the city are over 50 kilometres long.‎ For the 2008 Olympic Games, the trains of Beijing will be very important. It is thought that most of the people who go to watch the different sports during the Games will travel using trains.‎ ‎62. The passage tells us about ________.‎ ‎ A. the problems in big cities B. city trains ‎ C. the history of Beijing D. 2008 Olympic Games ‎63. How long was the first train line in Beijing?‎ ‎ A. About 16 kms. B. About 23 kms. C. About 33 kms. D. About 50 kms.‎ ‎64. In 1977, which of the following places in Beijing could you go to by train?‎ ‎ A. Chao Yang Men. B. An Ding Men. C. Che Gong Zhuang. D. He Ping Men. ‎ ‎65. Which of the following is true?‎ ‎ A. In 2008, the Beijing train line will be nearly 40 years old.‎ ‎ B. The larger population a city has, the fewer problems it faces.‎ ‎ C. More and more cities are building undergrounds for the 2008 Olympic Games.‎ ‎ D. There are 20 stations on the “circle line” in Beijing.‎ 第二部分(共35分)‎ 五、句型变换(共5小题,10分,每小题2分)‎ 根据各个句子的要求变换句型,在填写答题卡时,只要求写出空格部分的内容。‎ ‎1. She said to me, “Don’t write the letter with a pencil.” (改为间接引语)‎ ‎ She told me __________with a pencil. ‎ ‎2. We should water the young trees every two days. (改为被动语态)‎ ‎ The young trees _____________ every two days.‎ ‎3. They haven’t decided where to build the new hospital. (改为同一意思的复合句)‎ ‎ They haven’t decided _________________________the new hospital. ‎ ‎4. Tom is very pleased with the painting. Kate is very pleased with the painting, too. (合并为同一意思的简单句)‎ ‎ ______Tom _______ Kate are very pleased with the painting.‎ ‎5. The boy in white is Sue’s child. (就划线部分提问)‎ ‎ ____________________in white?‎ 六、综合填空(共10格,10分,每格1分)‎ 根据短文内容填入适当的单词,使短文的意思完整,每格限写一个单词,要求首字母与所给的字母相同,在填写答卷时,要求写出完整的单词。‎ David goes to school in New Zealand. When he was at primary school, he didn’t have any 6 h to do. He only had to read for 15 minutes very evening: that’s all! His school had a huge sports field that was 7 b enough for four football fields. He loved to run around with his ‎8 f . His teacher was nice, too. Sometimes she would say, “9 S your maths work please, children. It’s a beautiful day outside. Let’s go out and play a ‎10 g !” ‎ Things have changed since David started high school. He still 11 p a lot of sports, but the work is a bit harder. He has to do some homework, but not too much, only one hour each night. ‎ But the 12 b thing David loves about his high school is all the sports he can play. The sports ground has a running track, a 13 s pool and four football fields. David plays sports every day after school. ‎ David is looking forward to ‎14 g to university. After he has finished his studies, he wants to 15 t around the world. He dreams and hopes that day he can.‎ 七、书面表达(15分)‎ 你叫林海(英文名叫Joe),上面是你的朋友John发给你的电子邮件,他在邮件中提到了关于学校准备开办英语学习班的消息,你对此事很感兴趣,请给John回一封邮件,询问有关英语学习班的详情。‎ 邮件的要点如下:‎ ‎1.对英语学习班很感兴趣。‎ ‎2.希望可以练习英语,结识朋友。‎ ‎3.问英语学习班的上课时间、地点、内容以及费用。‎ 注意:‎ ‎1.邮件要通顺、连贯。‎ ‎2.词数80左右,邮件的开头和结尾已为你写好,但不计人总词数。‎ ‎3.不能在答卷上透露个人的任何信息(例如具体的学校和姓名等),否则答案作废。‎ 参考答案 一、听力(共30分)‎ ‎1.听取信息(共5分,每小题1分)‎ ‎ (A) 45 (B) farms (C) 8:30 (D) lights (E) show ‎2.对话理解(共15分,每小题1.5分)‎ ‎ 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. C ‎ 9. A 10. B ‎3.讲话理解(共10分,每小题2分)‎ ‎ 11. C 12. A 13. B 14. C 15. C 二、语言知识与运用(共20分,每小题1分)‎ ‎16---20. BCDAC 21---25. ADBDB 26---30. DACAB 31---35. DCCBD 三、完形填空(共10分,每小题1分)‎ ‎36---40. BDCAB 41---45. CDCAB 四、阅读理解(共40分,每小题2分)‎ ‎(A)46---49. DAAA (B)50---53. CDCA (C)54---58. DBDCC ‎(D)59---61. BCC (E)62---65. BBDA 第二部分 五、句型变换(共10分,每小题2分)‎ ‎1. not to write the letter ‎2. should be watered by us ‎3. where they will/should build ‎4. Both, and ‎5. Whose child is the boy 六、综合填空(共10分,每格1分)‎ ‎6. homework 7. big 8. friend(s) 9. Stop 10. game 11. plays 12. best ‎13. swimming 14. going 15. travel 七、书面表达(15分)‎ One of the possible versions:‎ Dear John,‎ Thanks very much for the information about the English evening class. It sounds very interesting to me. You know I want to practise my English and make some new friends. I think ‎ this English evening class will be helpful to me. Could you please tell me a little more about the class? When does it begin and hoe much does it cost? Where will the class be held? Also, do you have any more information about what we will do in class?‎ I’m looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.‎ Yours Joe ‎2007年广州初中毕业生学业考试 ‎2007年广州中考试题听力部分 一、听句子:‎ 根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题,并将最佳选项的字母编号填写在题前括号内。每小题听一遍。‎ 1、 What is the boy doing ?‎ 2、 How did the boy′s mother go to Beijing ?‎ 3、 Which ball game does Mike like best ?‎ 4、 What time is it now ?‎ 1、 What did he buy for his daughter on her birthday ?‎ 一、听对话:‎ 根据所听对话内容回答每段对话后面的问题,在各题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将字母编号填在题前的括号内。每段对话听两遍。‎ 听第一段对话,回答第6 小题 ‎6、 Who is the man ?‎ A、 The girl′s father B、The girl′s brother C、The girl′s teacher 听第二段对话,回答第7小题 ‎7、 Where are they talking ?‎ A、 At a post office B、At a restaurant C、At a library 听第三段对话,回答第8小题 ‎8、 What is Mr Black′s telephone number ?‎ A、3678021 B、3687021 C、3687120‎ 听第四段对话,回答第9小题 ‎9、 What does Susan like ?‎ A、 Singing B、Dancing C、Collecting stamps 听第五段对话,回答第10小题 ‎10、 What is the woman′s trouble ?‎ A、 She is got a trouble B、She is got a headache C、She is got a fever 听第六段对话,回答第11-12小题 ‎11、 What does the boy have to do this evening ?‎ A、 To look after his parents B、 To go to the girl′s birthday party C、 To look after his younger sister ‎12、 What did the boy′s parents go to Shanghai for ?‎ A、 For business B、 For a meeting C、 For a visit 听第七段对话,回答第13-15小题 ‎13、 What happened in Peter′s school yesterday ?‎ A、 There was a science show B、 There was a sports meet C、 There was a match ‎14、 Who got the first in the 200-metre race ?‎ A、 Peter B、 Mike C、 Anne ‎15、 Whose class won the first ?‎ A、 Mike′s B、 Anne′s C、 Peter′s 二、听短文:‎ 请你根据所听的内容,在每小题给出的三个选项中,选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案,并其字母编号填写在提前括号内。短文听两遍。‎ ‎16、Mr and Mrs Johnson live in ( ) .‎ A、London B、New York C、Paris ‎17、Yesterday Mrs Johnson forgot ( ) .‎ A、to drive her car B、to bring her money C、the to the supermarket ‎18、( ) invited some friends to have dinner .‎ A、Mr Johnson B、Mrs Johnson C、Both Mr and Mrs Johnson ‎19、( ) of friends came for supper .‎ A、All B、None C、Two ‎20、Mrs Johnson was very ( ) at last .‎ A、happy B、sad C、worried 四、听填信息:‎ Tom和他的朋友在讨论五一野餐安排。请听他们的对话,完成下面的信息采集表。录音听两遍。‎ 答案:‎ 一、听句子:‎ ‎1、B 2、A 3、C 4、A 5、B 二、听对话:‎ ‎6、C 7、B 8、A 9、C 10、B 11、C 12、B 13、B 14、A 15、A 三、听短文:‎ ‎16、A 17、B 18、A 19、B 20、B 四、听填信息:‎ ‎21、7:30half past sevenseven thirty ‎22、(the)school gate ‎23、3 kilos ‎24、apples ‎25、(athehis)camera ‎2007年广州中考试题笔试部分 一、单项填空:‎ ‎1、He is ( ) university student and he comes from ( ) island in England.‎ A、anan B、ana C、aan D、aa ‎2、There is good ( ) for you, I have found your last watch.‎ A、news B、ideas C、messages D、thoughts ‎3、Which do you prefer ( ), bananas or orange ?‎ ‎( ). I enjoy eating apples.‎ A 、Both B、Either C、Neither D、All ‎4、I would like a cup of coffee with some sugar and milk.‎ A、in B、to C、of D、with ‎5、The doctor told Mary to eat ( )vegetables and meat because she was getting fatter and fatter.‎ A、muchlittle B、moreless C、manyfew D、morefewer ‎6、I am sure that he is ( ) a lie.‎ A、saying B、talking C、speaking D、telling ‎7、You ( ) be tired after working for eight hours for without rest.‎ A、can B、may C、must D、need ‎8、Are you going to see the film with us?‎ No, thanks. I ( ) it.‎ A、saw B、have seen C、see D、was seeing ‎9、Some famers paintings ( )in the hall next week.‎ A、will show B、were shown C、is shown D、will be shown ‎10、The plan ( ) at there o‘clock in the afternoon.‎ A、takes off B、takes away C、takes out D、takes down ‎11、You were not past your exams( ) you work harder.‎ A、when B、if C、unless D、after ‎12、( ) will you stay in Shenzhen for your holiday?‎ For about two weeks.‎ A、How often B、How long C、How soon D、What time ‎13、His parents wanted to know what he ( ) at that time.‎ A、is doing B、was doing C、has done D、will do ‎14、The woman and her husband ( ) in the same office A、work B、works C、is working D、has worked ‎15、The man ( ) gave us a talk on science yesterday is a famous scientist.‎ A、who B、whose C、which D、whom 二、完形填空:‎ Some years ago the captain of a ship was very interested in ( 16 ).He always ( 17 ) medical books to sea and liked to talk about different discases. One day a (18) sailor on his ship pretended to be ill. The captain came to see him and was very pleased to have a patient to (19 ) . He gave the man some medicine and then (20) the other sailors do his work. Tow days later( 21) sailor pretended ‎ that he did not feel well. Once again the captain looked in his medical books and told the ―sick‖ man to have a rest.‎ The other sailors were very (22) because they had more work to do .(23)one of the other sailors decided to punish the sick men . He mixed some soap and other unpleasant things . Then he gave his new ―medicine‖ to the ―sick‖ men .It was ( 24) terrible that one of the ―patients‖ jumped out of his bed , and ran away (25) he could . The captain now know they were not sick at ail , so he made them work very hard for the rest of the shipping on the sea .‎ ‎16、A、medicine B、knowledge C、science D、art ‎17、A、caught B、got C、had D、carried ‎18、A 、happy B、hardworking C、lazy D、hungry ‎19、A、look for B、look after C、look back D、look up ‎20、A、asked B、took C、sent D、made ‎21、A、another B、the other C、other D、others ‎22、A、pleased B、sorry C、angry D、surprised ‎23、A、At first B、At last C、At the end D、At the beginning ‎24、A、very B、much C、so D、quite ‎25、A、as soon as B、as fast as C、as early as D、as carefully as 三、阅读理解:‎ A Come and join us !‎ We warmly welcome you to the Shin Sport Centre !‎ All the young people in this city can become members of the Shin Sport Centre and each member should pay $10 every year . To be a member of us and get your membership card , you need to come to us between 2 pm and 6 pm , Monday or Thursday . I have to tell you that we do not accept new members on Friday . Now , there are three things that you must remember to bring with you when you come for a membership card . They are your ID card , a recent passport –sized photo of yourself and the money . We can not give you the card unless you bring all three .‎ Once you have got your membership card , you need to bring it with you whenever you come to is not allowed , so you have to come here with your card when you went to book . There is one more thing I have to tell you . Our opening hours is from 9 am to 10 pm on weekdays and from 10 am to 6 pm on weekends . We hope that every member can have a great time in the Shine Sport Centre.‎ ‎26、You can use the facilities in the Shine Sport Centre at ( )‎ A、9 am on Sunday B、5 pm to Wednesday C、7 am on Thursday D、9 am on Saturday ‎27、You and your classmates have to spend ( ) on the membership card for two years .‎ A 、$10 B、$20 C、$30 D、$40‎ ‎28、What does the underlined word ―book‖ mean in Chinese ?‎ A、书 B、账册 C、预定 D、记账 ‎29、Which of the following is TRUE ?‎ A、All people have the chance to be members of the Centre .‎ B、You can get the membership card at 6 o'clock in the morning .‎ C、You can not book the facilities over the telephone .‎ D、You do not need to bring the membership card when you need to use the facilities .‎ ‎30、Who is the advertisement written for ?‎ A 、Young people B、Old people C、Couples D、Little kids B Different weather makes people feel different . It influences health , intelligence and feeling . In August , it is very hot and wet in the southern part of the United States . People there have heart trouble and other kinds of health problems during this month . In the Northeast and the Middle West , it is very hot at some times and very cold at other times . People in these states have more heart trouble after the weather changes in February or March .‎ The weather can also influence intelligence . For example , in a 1983 report by scientists , IQ of a group of students was very high when a very strong wind came , but after the strong wind , their IQ was 10% lower . The wind can help people have more intelligence . Very hot weather , on the other hand ,can make it lower . Students in many schools of the United States often get worse on exams in the hot months of the year ( July and August ) .‎ Weather also has a strong influence on people's feelings . Winter may be a bad time for thin people . They usually feel cold during these months . They might feel unhappy during cold weather . But fat people may have a hard time in hot summer . At about 18°C ,people become stronger .‎ Low air pressure may make people forgetful . People leave more bags on buses and in shops on low-pressure days . People feel best at a temperature of about 18°C .‎ Are you feeling sad , tired , forgetful , or unhappy today ? It may be the weather′s problem .‎ ‎31、( ) can cause problem on health .‎ A 、Hot and wet weather B、A strong wind C、Warm weather D、Low air pressure ‎32、A report shows that people may have more intelligence when ( ) comes .‎ A、rain B、a strong wind C、very hot weather D、low air pressure ‎33、According to the write , fat people may feel bad in ( ) weather .‎ A 、cold B、cool C、warm D、hot ‎34、The write wants to tell us that ( ) .‎ A、hot and cold weather influences all people in the same way B、weather influences people′s behaviour C、IQ changes when weather changes D、people feel good on low pressure days ‎35、The best title for this passage is ( ) .‎ A 、Hot Weather Causes Health Problems B、Different Weather Makes People Feel Bad C、Weather Influences Feeling D、Weather Influences Health , Intelligence and Feelings C 阅读以下人员的相关信息,然后匹配他们感兴趣的广告,并将答案的字母编号填在题前的括号内。‎ ‎36、John is interested in talking with different people and he is good at writing . He hopes to be a newspaperman .‎ ‎37、Helen lost her handbag on her way to work .‎ ‎38、Mrs Brown′s birthday is coming . Her husband plans to invite her to enjoy dinner in a nice place .‎ ‎39、The Greens have just moved to London and need to have a place to live in .‎ ‎40、Betty is an active girl . She likes sports , singing and dancing . She is not married now . She wants to find a nice man as her boyfriend .‎ A、SALE A nice house with a small garden is on sale in New York .‎ Call Mr.Green at 8769-0432 .‎ B、WANTED A 4-bedroom apartment near Hyde Park .‎ Rent fee below $600 each month .‎ Call Jack at 2396-4870 .‎ C、JOB Do you want to work as a reporter in China Daily ? China Daily needs 3 new reporters in Guangdong .‎ Call Ms Smith at 4356-2756 .‎ D、FOUND A black handbag with some money inside .‎ Call Mr Lee at 4359-2242 .‎ E、HAPPY CLUB Join us to have a picnic in Green Park on May Day .‎ Call Rose at 6523-4789 .‎ F、HEALTH CLUB A good place for you to keep fit . It is open at 18:00—21:00 .‎ Activities : parties , meals , swimming , concerts , dances .‎ G、SINGLES CLUB A club for singles who are looking for new friends .‎ H、GREEN LAKE RESTAURANT The restaurant is pretty good , though the food is little expensive . Call 6453-2888 .‎ 四、完成句子:‎ ‎41、经过多年的努力,她的梦想终于实现了。‎ After many years′ hard work , her dream at last .‎ ‎42、请问,去图书馆的路怎么走?‎ Excuse me , to the library ?‎ ‎43、她花了三个月的时间做这个实验。‎ It to do this experiment .‎ ‎44、老师让学生们等车停稳后再下车。‎ The teacher told the students the bus until it stopped .‎ ‎45、这是一座多美的城市啊!‎ ‎!‎ 五、看图,短文填空:‎ Bob and David are good friend , but they like to joke on each other sometimes . One day they went to London for their holidays . They went to the ( 46 ) and bought their tickets . When the train arrived . Bob got on the train first , but he dropped his ( 47 ) on the platform without knowing it . David was behind him and quickly (48) it up . Without saying a word to his friend , he put it in his ( 49) .‎ After they had been in the (50 ) for a little while , they saw the conductor coming along , shouting , ―Ticket , please !‖ Bob (51) for his and of course he could not find it .‎ ‎―Oh , dear , I can not (52 ) my ticket , David .‖ he said .‎ ‎―Have another look , Bob ; It must be ( 53) ,‖ said David . ―No , I can not find it anywhere . What shall I do ?‖‎ ‎―Perhaps you would better hide under the ( 54 ) so that the conductor would not see you .‖ So Bob crawled under the seat and lay there quietly . Soon the conductor stood in front of David .‖Ticket , please .‖ he said .‎ David handed him ( 55 ) tickets and said , ―This is mine . The other is my friend′s . He prefers to travel under the seat .‖‎ 六、读写综合:‎ A、信息归纳 现在,越来越多的人通过互联网来寻求一些问题的解答。下面是Mary在互联网上发布的问题征答信以及她从互联网上得到的回答。认真阅读Mary的提问内容及三位网友的回帖,然 后根据有关内容完成下面的表格。‎ B、书面表达: ‎ 看了以上三位网友的回帖以后,请你(Simon Liu)用英语写一个80哥单词左右的回帖,在回帖中你必须明确表达自己的观点,并简要阐述理由,至少三条。  ‎ RE 4: The Most Useful Invention of All Time ? ‎ Simon Liu----Monday , April 30 , 2007 ‎ ‎                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ‎ 参考答案:‎ 一、单项填空:‎ ‎1----5: C A C D B 6----10: D C B D A ‎11----15: C B B A A 二、完形填空:‎ ‎16----20: A D C B D 21----25: A C B C B 三、阅读理解:‎ ‎26----30: B D C C A 31----35: A B D C D ‎36----40: C D H B G 四、完成句子:‎ ‎41、came truehas come true ‎42、which is the waycould you tell me the wayhow can I getcould you show me the way ‎43、took her 3 months ‎44、not to get off ‎45、What a beautiful city (it is)!How beautiful the city is!‎ 五、看图,短文填空:‎ ‎46、station 47、ticket 48、picked 49、pocked 50、train 51、looked ‎52、find 53、somewherefound 54、seatchair 55、two 六、读写结合:‎ A、信息归纳:‎ ‎56、Saturday , April 28 , 2007 57、Cindy Wu ‎58、the Internet 59、Alice Xu ‎60、Sunday , April 29 , 2007 61、electricity B、书面表达:‎ I think the most important invention of all the time is the mobile phone . We all know that many years ago it was very difficult for us to send and get information from one place to another . It is the mobile phone that makes it very easy to get information from all over the world . Parents can use ‎ the mobile phone to get in close touch with their kids . And we can also enjoy the music or films through the mobile phone .‎ ‎ ‎ ‎                                                                                                                                                                      ‎ ‎2010年广州中考英语试题及答案 本试卷共五大题,12页,满分135分。考试用时120分钟。‎ 二、语言知识及运用(共两节,满分20分)‎ 第一节  单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 从16~25各题所给的ABCD项中,选出可以填入空白处的的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ ‎16.—Have you brought with you? We won’t have time to come back.‎ ‎ —Don’t worry. All the things we need are here, in this big bag.‎ A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing ‎ 答案C.‎ ‎【解析】句意为:——你已经带上所有的东西了吗,我们可能没有时间再回来了。——别担心,我们需要的所有东西都在这里了,就放在那个大袋子里。C项everything表示“一切事物;每样事物”之意,符合题意。A项something表示“一些事,某物某事”之意。B项anything表示“任何事情/东西”等意思;D项nothing“没有东西, 没有事情, 没有一点儿”。‎ ‎17. If you get on well your classmates, you’ll enjoy your school life more.‎ A. to B. at C. with D. in 答案C. ‎ ‎ 【解析】考查动词短语get on 与介词的搭配。句意为:如果你跟班上的同学友好相处,那你将会更加享受校园生活。C.with与get on 是固定搭配,意为“与 ...相处”,这里的get on well是“与…友好相处”之意。选项A,B,D均不符合题意。‎ ‎18. The teacher speaks very loudly all the students can hear her.‎ A. so that B. because C. since D. when 答案A.‎ ‎ 【解析】句意为:为了让所有学生都能听见她,老师讲得非常大声。A. so that 是固定词组,引导目的状语从句时,表示“以便;为了”,从句中常使用can /could /may /might /will /would /should等情态动词或助动词,因此选A。B.because 意为“因为”.C.since 表示“自...以来,因为,由于”。D.when 意为“当...时”。所以,B,C,D均不符合题意。‎ ‎19. You should really smoking. It’s a terrible habit.‎ A. grow up B. pick up C. give up D. set up 答案C.‎ ‎【解析】句意:你真的应该要戒烟了。这是一个恶习。C.give up 意为“放弃,戒绝”,符合题意。A.grow up 表示“长大成人;成长;发展”。B.pick up 有“拾起,收拾”的意思。D.set up 表示“创立,建立”。A,B,D均不符合题意。‎ ‎20.—Why don’t you like winter in Beijing?‎ ‎ —Because it is winter in Guangzhou.‎ A. as cold as B. much colder than C. not so cold as D. not colder than 答案B.‎ ‎【解析】句意:——你为什么不喜欢北京的冬天。‎ ‎ ——因为北京的冬天比广州的冬天冷多了。‎ B.much colder than 表示“比…冷得多”,符合题意。A.as cold as 意为“和..一样冷”,C.not so cold as表示 “没有...一样冷”,D.not colder than 意“不比…冷”,均不符合题意。‎ ‎21. The teacher told the students any food into the computer room.‎ A. not to bring B. not bring C. don’t bring D. bring not 答案A. ‎ ‎【解析】考查固定短语tell sb.to do sth。句意:老师吩咐学生们不要把任何食物带进电脑室。tell sb.to do sth. 表示“告诉某人做某事”,其否定结构是tell sb. not to do sth“告诉某人不要做某事”。A.not to bring, 符合题意。‎ ‎22. It doesn’t look like rain, so you bring your umbrella with you.‎ A. shouldn’t B. mustn’t C. can’t D. needn’t 答案D.‎ ‎【解析】句意:不像要下雨的样子,所以你没必要带上雨伞。D.needn’t表示“不需要”,跟题目意思相符合。A.shouldn’t意为“不应该”,B.mustn’t意为“禁止,不能”,C.can’t表示“不能”。因此答案选D.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎23. —We don’t have much homework this weekend, shall we go out together?‎ ‎ —OK. What about a movie?‎ A. to see B. seeing C. see D. sees 答案B.‎ ‎【解析】考查What about + sth/ doing sth. 的用法。句意:——这个周末没有很多作业,我们一起去玩吧?——好的,我们去看电影如何? What about + sth/ doing sth. 表示某事/做某事怎么样? B.seeing符合题意要求。‎ ‎24. I still remember the park we first met.‎ A. that B. which C. where D. when 答案C.‎ ‎【解析】句意:我还记得我们第一次见面的那个公园。这是定语从句,先行词park 是地点名词, 且从句本身不缺少句子成分,而缺状语,因此,选C.where。 A.that,B.which,D.when, 均不符合题意。‎ ‎25—Excuse me, what’s this for?‎ ‎ —It’s a cleaner and it to pick up dirt.‎ A. uses B. is used C. is using D. used 答案B.‎ ‎【解析】句意:——是用来干嘛的? ——这是一个吸尘器,用来清理灰尘的。‎ B.is used,表示被动语态(一般现在时+及物动词的过去分词),意为“…被用作’,符合题意。A.uses是第三人称单数,C.is using 为现在进行时,D.used,use的过去式和过去分词形式,均不符合题意。‎ 第二节 语法选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从26~35各题所给的ABCD项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ My friend, David Smith, kept birds. One day he phoned and 26 me he would be away for a week. He asked me to feed the bird 27 him and said he would leave his key in my mailbox.‎ Unfortunately, I did not remember to feed the birds 28 the night before David was going to return. I rushed out of my house and it was already dark when I arrived at 29 house. I soon found the key he gave me could unlock neither the front door 30 the back door! I kept 31 of what David would say when came back.‎ Then I noticed 32 one bedroom window was open. I found a big tone and pushed it under the window . 33 the stone was very heavy. I was afraid of noise. But in the end, I managed to climb up.‎ I had one leg inside the bedroom when I suddenly realized that someone ‎34 a torch(电筒)up at me. I looked down and saw 35 policeman and an old lady, one of David’s neighbors. “What are you doing up there?” Said the policeman. Feeling like a fool, I replied, “I was just going to feed Mr. Smith’s birds.” ‎ ‎26. A. tell B. tells C. told D. had told 答案C. and连接的应该是两个时态相同的动词,根据原文One day he phoned and 26 me he would be away for a week., and前面的phone用的是过去式,因此选C.told.‎ ‎27. A. with B. to C. for D. at 答案C.‎ 根据原文,He asked me to feed the bird 27 him and said he would leave his key in my mailbox.‎ ‎(译文:他请我帮他喂养他的鸟,还说他会把钥匙放在我的信箱里),feed sth.for sb.意为“帮助某人喂养某物”,因此选项是C.‎ ‎28. A. until B. before C. as D. since 答案A.‎ 根据原文,Unfortunately, I did not remember to feed the birds 28 the night before David was going ‎ to return.,(译文:不幸的是,直到David即将离开的前一晚我才记得要给鸟喂食),A.until表示 “(用于否定句)在...以前,直到...才”,因此A为答案。‎ ‎29. A. her B. his C. their D. our 答案B. 根据全文语境,得知David是位男生,所以选B. his。‎ ‎30. A. and B. but C. or D. nor 答案D.‎ 根据原文,I soon found the key he gave me could unlock neither the front door 30 the back door!‎ ‎(译文:很快,我便发现他留给我的钥匙竟不能打开前门也不能打开后门)。neither...nor...是固定搭配,表示"既不……也不……",其含义是否定的,可连接任意两个并列的成份。因此,答案为D.‎ ‎31. A. to think B. think C. thinking D. thought 答案C.‎ keep doing sth.,表示“ 一直持续做某事”,答案为C,其余项均不符合题意。‎ ‎32. A. how B. that C. what D. why ‎.答案B.‎ 根据原文,Then I noticed 32 one bedroom window was open.(译文:然后,我注意到其中一间房间的窗户是开着的)。此处,缺少一个引导宾语从句的引导词,what和that都可以引导宾语从句。但是引导主语、宾语或表语从句时what在从句中要充当句子成分;而that引导主语、宾语、表语和同位语从句时不作任何成分只起语法连接作用。因此,答案为B.‎ ‎33. A. If B. Because C. When D. Whether 答案B.‎ 根据句意得知,此处缺少一个原因状语从句的引导词,选项中只有because符合句意,因此答案为B.‎ ‎34. A. is shinning B. was shone C. shines D. was shining 答案D.‎ 根据语境,此处应用过去进行时,因此D.was shining符合题意。‎ ‎35. A. a B. the C. an D. /‎ 答案A.‎ 根据原文句子,I looked down and saw 35 policeman and an old lady, 此处应填入一个不定冠词a,因此选A.‎ 三、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36~45各题所给的ABCD项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ The Japanese Macaca monkey has been studied in the wild for over 50 years. In 1952, on one small Japanese island, scientists dropped some 36 with dirt for the monkeys. The monkeys liked their taste, but they found the dirt 37 .‎ One clever 18-month-old monkey found she could 38 the problem by washing the sweet potatoes in a nearby river, she taught this to her mother. Her 39 also learned this new way and they taught their ‎ mothers too. All the younger monkeys 40 learned to wash the dirty sweet potatoes to make them 40 to eat. But many 41 found it very hard to learn this and still ate the 42 sweet potatoes.‎ Then something very surprising 43 . In the autumn of 1958, scientists found that the monkeys on other nearby 44 began washing their sweet potatoes too. Scientists still don’t fully understand how this knowledge was 45 from one island to another.‎ ‎36. A. sweet potatoes B. green plants C. hard stones D. fresh nuts 答案A. ‎ One clever 18-month-old monkey found she could 38 the problem by washing the sweet potatoes in a nearby river, she taught this to her mother根据下文可知,科学家仍给猴子的是甜土豆。因此答案是A.‎ ‎37. A. beautiful B. terrible C. difficult D. interesting 答案B. 根据题意,应选B。‎ ‎38. A. find B. reach C. solve D. understand 答案C.solve the problem表示为“解决问题”,符合题意。‎ ‎39. A. children B. brothers C. sisters D. friends 答案D. 细节推理题。根据题意,一只聪明的年轻猴子发明了清洗土豆的办法,然后把此办法教给她妈妈,还教给她的朋友们,她的朋友们又把它告诉给她的妈妈们。因此选D。‎ ‎40. A. quietly B. esily C. angrily D. awfully 答案B.根据题意,年轻的猴子们很容易便学会了通过清洗甜土豆使其食用起来更加可口。B.easily 意为“容易地”,其它选项均不符合题意。‎ ‎41. A. nicer B. smaller C. lighter D. drier 答案A. 根据题意,年轻的猴子们很容易便学会了通过清洗甜土豆使其食用起来更加可口。A.nicer 是nice的比较级,符合题意。‎ ‎42. A. small B. large C. new D. dirty 答案D.然而很多老猴子发现清洗土豆在食用的办法很难学,于是他们照旧吃脏的甜土豆。根据题意,D.dirty 意为“肮脏的”,与题意相符。‎ ‎43. A. took on B. took off C. took place D. took away 答案C.根据题意,后来发生了一些非常有趣的事情。C.took place 表示“发生,进行,举行”,其他项不合题意。‎ ‎44. A. trees B. islands C. beaches D. rivers 答案B. 由下文题意,清洗甜土豆再食用的方法从一个岛传到另一个岛,可知答案应为B.islands.‎ ‎45. A. lost B. dropped C. passed D. left 答案C.根据句意,清洗甜土豆再食用的方法从一个岛传到另一个岛,C.passed 意为“传递”,符合题目意思。‎ 四、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的ABCD项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ A I heard the bees long before I saw them.‎ It was a very hot afternoon, and we decided to cool off in the river near my home. As we climbed down a small rocky hill toward the water, my boyfriend John suddenly started to shout then jumped into the water below. Peter and Mary quickly followed but I was too far away to jump. I was trapped.‎ I heard a low hum(嗡嗡声),which was growing louder. From a distance, the group of bees looked almost like a cloud of smoke. As it got closer, I realized it was actually thousands of bees flying towards me.‎ All I could do was cover my face with hands. Crazily, I thought that if I sat very still, the bees would think I was just another rock.‎ After a few minutes, I knew my plan hadn’t worked. The bees were attacking me. I could hear my friends shouting at me to get down to the pool fast.‎ But it wasn’t so easy. I was in great pain and the only way I could get away was to use my hands to climb down the rocks. However, I was afraid to do that at first because my face would be unprotected. The noise the bees made was so loud and frightening, but I had no choice.‎ I rushed down the rocks and jumped into the pool, but I don’t remember doing it. I was just so happy to be free from the pain. I was safe, and the water felt wonderful.‎ But we still weren’t out of danger. Every time we tried to climb out of the pool, the bees flew back over our heads. We spent the next three hours in the water, putting our heads under the water from time to time to avoid the bees until they finally lost interest.‎ ‎46. How many people went swimming that day?‎ A. Two. B. Three C. Four D. Five ‎47. The underlined word “it” (in Paragraph 3) refers to .‎ A. a rock B. the group of bees C. a hill D. the river ‎48. At first why didn’t the writer want to climb down the rocks?‎ A. She was afraid she would fall.‎ B. She was too far away from pool.‎ C. She thought the bees would follow her.‎ D. She didn’t want her face to be unprotected.‎ ‎49. How did the writer escape the bees?‎ A. She covered her face with her hands.‎ B. She hid behind the rocks.‎ C. She jumped into a water pool.‎ D. She pretended to be a rock.‎ ‎50. In what order are the following mentioned in the story?‎ a. The writer rushed down the rocks.‎ b. John jumped into the water.‎ c. The low hum grew louder.‎ d. The bees flew back over their heads.‎ e. The bees were attacking the writer.‎ A. b c e a d B. b a e c d C. c d e a b D. c b d e a ‎(A)‎ 语篇解读 ‎ 本篇文章为记叙文。文章描写了炎热的下午,我与朋友去河里游泳的途中,遭到一群蜜蜂袭击,以及我们如何成功地摆脱蜜蜂的故事。‎ ‎46 答案 C 解析:细节理解题。由文章第二段我们可以知道the writer,John, Peter和Mary四个人去游泳。‎ ‎47 答案B 解析:细节推理题。第三段第二,三句话是说“从远处看,这群蜜蜂就像是一团浓烟。当它们越来越近时,我意识到,事实上这是成千上万的蜜蜂飞向我”。根据第二三句,我们就可轻易地得知it 是指the group of bees.故选B。‎ ‎48 答案B 解析:细节推理题。从第二段最后一句可得知,作者一开始并没有跳入水里是因为作者too far away to jump,故选B.‎ ‎49 答案C 解析:细节理解题。从第四段,我们可知道,作者试图用手遮住脸,并认为只要一动不动,蜜蜂就以为是一块岩石了,但是第五段说…I knew my plan hadn’t worked. 因此作者并没有摆脱蜜蜂,故排除A和D。B文章没有提及。‎ ‎50 答案A 解析:归纳推理题。文章先是交代了Tom 跳入水中,接着作者听到蜜蜂的嗡嗡声,随后蜜蜂袭击了作者,作者也跳入水中,但是蜜蜂仍在他们的头顶上徘徊。根据这条主线,我们就可以归纳出故事发生的先后顺序。故选A B Want to stay away from colds? Put on a happy face.‎ Compared to unhappy people, those who are cheerful and relaxed are less likely to suffer from colds, according to a new study. It’s possible that being happy helps the body fight illnesses, say the researchers from New York‎ ‎University.‎ ‎“It seems that positive feelings may reduce the danger of illness,” said the study’s chief researcher Sheldon Cohen.‎ In an earlier study, Cohen found that people who were cheerful and lively caught coughs and colds less often. People who showed feelings were also less likely to tell their doctors that they felt ill.‎ In this study, Cohen’s interviewed 193 adults every day for two weeks. During the interviews, the people told researchers about were given colds by doctors and had to stay alone in a room for six days.‎ The results showed that everyone in the study was equally likely to get ill. Buy for people who said they felt happy during the research period, their illness are less serious and lasted for a shorter time.‎ Cohen believes that when people experience positive feelings, their body may produce a chemical that helps fight illness and disease. So if you are worried abut your health, look on the bright side more often.‎ ‎51. Which of the following was NOT a part of the study?‎ A. People talked about their feelings every day.‎ B. People were kept alone for six days.‎ C. People were given colds by doctors.‎ D. People were made to feel unhappy.‎ ‎52. What did the study find?‎ A. People who felt happy never got ill.‎ B. People’s feelings didn’t influence their health.‎ C. People with good feelings became ill more easily.‎ D. People with positive feelings had less serious illnesses..‎ ‎53. According to Cohen, which of the following may help fight illness?‎ A. Eating. B. Crying. C. Laughing. D. Sleeping.‎ ‎54. This passage is a/an .‎ A. advertisement B. newspaper report C. story D. scientist’s diary ‎55. What is the best title for this passage?‎ A. Smiles can fight colds B. Cause of colds found C. The danger of colds D. How people get sick ‎(B)‎ 语篇解读:本篇文章为新闻报道,主要介绍了纽约大学的一项调查。通过这项调查发现:心情愉悦者生病要比心情低落者轻,并且要好的快。‎ ‎51 答案D 解析:推理判断题。第五段“…interviewed the people every day for two weeks…people told the researchers about the happy or bad feelings they had that day ”排除A;第六段提到“…the people were given colds by doctors and had to stay in a room for six days”排除B和C;D 文中没有涉及。‎ ‎52 答案D 解析:细节推理题。根据第七段“The results showed that… ”可得出答案选D。‎ ‎53 答案C 解析:细节推理题。文中最后一段根据Cohen,…people experience positive feelings, their body may produce chemical that helps to fight illness and disease…故选C。‎ ‎54 答案B 解析:归纳推理题。本文如实讲述了纽约大学的一项调查,并非是广告,故事,日记。排除A,C,D。‎ ‎55 答案A 解析:综合推理题。根据全文内容,没有提及引起感冒的原因,感冒的危害以及人是这样生病的。排除B,C,D。‎ C ‎1990 was a significant year in world events. In February, Nelson Mandela was set free after 27 years in prison. In October, East and West Germany became one country again. Then at the end of 1990, the World Wide Web was born. For this final event we have one man to thank, Tim Berners-Lee, the father of the Web.‎ Berners-Lee was born on June 8, ‎1955 in London‎, ‎England. His parents, both computer designers, encouraged him to think and work creatively as he grew up. He was an excellent student and naturally took an interest in computers and science.‎ After graduating from Oxford University, Tim went to work at a science research centre in Switzerland. There be developed some of the different systems that would later become the Web. The first was HTML, the computer language used to make web pages. The second was an address system that let computers anywhere find each other and send and receive information. In 1990, while still at the science centre in Switzerland, he put them together to make the first Internet browser(浏览器). It could run on any computer and allowed people to create and share their information with the rest of ‎ the world.‎ Tim knew that the more people used the Web, the more useful it would be. He wasn’t interested in money but knowledge, so he gave out his invention for free to anyone who was interested. Many were interested and the growth of the Internet began.‎ Today Tim works as a professor at the MIT(麻省理工学院)in America, researching new and interesting ways to use the Web. He has received many awards from governments and organizations for his efforts. He is still not very interested in money. That is why he is so admired by his students and workmates. It may also be one of the reasons that few people outside the world of technology know his name.‎ ‎56. The underlined word “significant” (in Paragraph 1) most probably means “ ” .‎ A. strange B. terrible C. important D. difficult ‎57. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?‎ A. The address system was used to make web pages.‎ B. The World Wide Web was created in Switzerland.‎ C. The fist web browser was very expensive to buy D. Many people could use the Internet before 1990‎ ‎58. What can we learn about Berners-Lee from the passage?‎ A. He was encouraged to be creative. B. He didn’t do well at school.‎ C. He is a very poor businessman. D. He is well-known all over the world.‎ ‎59. Where does Berners-Lee live today?‎ A. England. B. Switzerland. C. America. D. Canada.‎ ‎60. What is the passage mainly about?‎ A. The events that took place in 1990. B. The history of the Internet.‎ C. The invention of the Internet browser. D. The man who created the World Wide Web.‎ ‎(C)‎ 语篇解读:本篇文章为记叙文。主要介绍了Web之父 Tim Berners-lee的生平,Web 的开发以及他的现状和贡献等。‎ ‎56 答案C 解析:细节推测题。根据下文,发生在1990年的世界事件:东西德统一,World Wide Web 的诞生。我们不难推测,significant是指重要,重大。故选C。‎ ‎57 答案B 解析:判断推理题。根据第三段…the address that let computers anywhere find each other and send and receive information…选项A 与此不符;根据第四段,Tim只对知识感兴趣而金钱并不感兴趣,因此他免费贡献出他的发明web browser, 选项C不正确;根据第一段,我们知道web是在1990年诞生的,因此1990年前,人们并不可能使用web。排除D。‎ ‎58 答案A 解析:细节推理题。根据第二段,Tim学习成绩优秀,排除B;文中没有提到Tim是个商人,故排除C; 最后一段最后一句话… few people outside the world of technology know his name. 可知Tim并非世界闻名,排除D。选项A 体现在文中第二段“…encouraged him to think and work creatively…”‎ ‎59 答案C 解析:细节理解题。最后一段第一句可以知道Tim现在住在美国。‎ ‎60 答案D 解析:归纳综合题。这篇文章主要介绍Web之父Tim Berners-lee.‎ D ‎61.What was wrong with the shirt the writer bought?‎ A. It was the wrong color. B. It had no sleeves.‎ C. One sleeve was almost off. D. It was the wrong size.‎ ‎62. When did the writer return to the store to talk about her problem?‎ A. Morning of March 27. B. Afternoon of March 27.‎ C. Morning of March 28. D. Afternoon of March 28.‎ ‎63. The assistant refused to help because she thought .‎ A. the writer had bought the shirt at another store B. there was nothing wrong with the shirt C. the writer had damaged the shirt herself D. the writer was very rude ‎64. Why does the writer use the underlined sentence “I have bought things…”?‎ A. To warn the manager that he may lose some customers.‎ B. To show the manager how popular she is.‎ C. To express how much she usually likes this store.‎ D. To show that she enjoys shopping very much.‎ ‎65. Which of the following does the writer probably want?‎ A. To get presents for her friends.‎ B. To have her shirt exchanged.‎ C. To get the store closed.‎ D. To have the shirt repaired.‎ ‎(D)‎ 语篇解读:本篇文章为一封电子邮件。这是一封顾客写给服装店经理的一封抱怨信。这位顾客从服装店买了一件衣服,回家后发现一只袖子几乎要脱落,偏在下午去换货或者退货遭到店里销售人员的拒绝,因此写信给经理,希望经理妥善处理此事。‎ ‎61 答案C 解析:细节理解题。信的正文第二段讲到这件T恤的主要问题是 the sleeve was almost completely off.‎ ‎62 答案B 解析:细节推断题。根据电子邮件显示的时间是7:35pm March 28, 而作者买这件衣服的时间,(正文第二段)是yesterday morning即morning of March 27, 作者去退还货时间是买衣服当天的下午,如正文第三段第一句话所示,I went back to the store in the afternoon to return…即为afternoon of March 27.故选B ‎63 答案B 解析:细节理解题。根据正文第三段the shop assister refused to exchange… …she told me that I must have worn it already and caused the damage…由此可看出,这位店员认为是顾客的原因导致T恤的破坏,拒绝给她换货。故选B。‎ ‎64 答案C 解析:细节推理题。根据全文特别是结尾作者希望经理尽快处理此事,因此I have bought things from your stores many times and my friends often shop here这句话主要是作者希望经理看在她对这店的喜爱和光顾上,给予作者一个好的答复。故选C ‎65 答案B 解析:细节推理题。文中作者是希望店员能够给她exchange or return her money back.因次作者写信的目的只有选项B符合。‎ 五、写作(满分30分)‎ 第一节 单词拼写 (共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)‎ 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。在填写答卷时,要求写出完整单词。(每空只写一词)‎ ‎66. When will you come back, Dad? I m you so much.‎ 答案:miss 这个句子的意思是“爸爸,你什么时候回来呢? 我非常想你”。‎ ‎67. After the examinations, I need to take a good r .‎ 答案:rest 考试完后,我要好好休息。‎ ‎68. The concert last night wasn’t very good. Before it ended, the theatre was almost e .‎ 答案:empty 昨天晚上的音乐会不是很好听,在它结束前,剧院几乎都空了。‎ ‎69. There weren’t enough chairs in the meeting room, so some of the students had to s on 答案:stand 会议室里的椅子不够,因此就不得不站着。‎ ‎70. Tomorrow is my cousin’s birthday. I’m going to buy a g for her.‎ 答案:gift 明天是我堂姐的生日,我要去给她买礼物。‎ 第二节 完成句子(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子。(每空只写一词)‎ ‎71.从广州开车到清远需要多长时间?‎ How long does to drive from Guangzhou to Qingyuan?‎ 答案:it take. 这里主要考察句式“it takes (sb) sometime to do sth”花费多长时间做什么。‎ ‎72. 如果你晚上早些睡,早上就不会感觉疲惫。‎ ‎ You go to bed earlier at night, you won’t in the morning.‎ 答案:If be tired 主要考察if条件句,考察be tired 固定搭配。‎ ‎73. 到处湿漉漉的。天气真糟糕!‎ 答案:how bad 主要考察how + adj /adv+主语+谓语+(it is)感叹句型。‎ ‎74. 我经常请教音乐老师怎样才能够弹好钢琴。‎ I often ask my music teacher play the piano well.‎ 答案:how I can 考察ask sb +从句句型。‎ ‎75. 昨天的会上问了很多问题。‎ Many questions at yesterday’s meeting.‎ 答案:were asked. 问问题用ask question, 它的被动式为question be asked, 而句中的问题是昨天问的,故用过去被动式 were asked 第三节 书面表达 (共1小题,满分15分)‎ 你校准备举行“节约用水,从现在做起”的英语征文比赛,你打算投稿。请根据以下表格内容写一篇英语短文。‎ 注意:词数80左右(文章的开头已给出,不计入词数)‎ ‎ 不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。‎ Act now to save water Water is very important to us…‎ ‎2011年广州市初中毕业生学业考试 英 语 本试卷共五大题,12页,满分135分。考试时间120分钟。‎ 一、听力(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节,听力理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 每段播放两遍。各段后有几个小题,各段播放前每小题有5秒钟的阅题时间。请根据各段播放内容及相关小题,在5秒钟内从题中所给的A、B、C项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第1~3三个小题。‎ ‎1. What is the relationship between the two speakers?‎ ‎ A. Roommates. B. Classmates. C. Workmates.‎ ‎2. What do we know about the girl?‎ ‎ A. She is not good at maths.‎ ‎ B. She likes her old English teacher.‎ ‎ C. She enjoys going swimming.‎ ‎3. Where will the speaker go next?‎ ‎ A. Bookstore. B. Swimming pool. C. Library.‎ 听下面一段独白,回答第4~6三个小题。‎ ‎4. What is the talk mainly about?‎ ‎ A. The speaker’s hobby.‎ ‎ B. Problems with parents.‎ ‎ C. Improving writing skills.‎ ‎5. When did the speaker start collecting cartoons?‎ ‎ A. At the age of 5. B. 5 years ago. C. 11 years ago.‎ ‎6. What does the speaker want to do in the future?‎ ‎ A. Travel to Japan.‎ ‎ B. Study Japanese.‎ ‎ Become a cartoon writer.‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第7~9三个小题。‎ ‎7. When does the woman plan to go travelling?‎ ‎ A. During the summer holiday.‎ ‎ B. In one week’s time.‎ ‎ C. After finishing her work.‎ ‎8. What do we know about the man?‎ ‎ A. He is the woman’s husband.‎ ‎ B. He works in Australia.‎ ‎ C. He is a big traveller.‎ ‎9. Where will the woman probably go?‎ ‎ A. Thailand. B. New Zealand. C. Australia.‎ ‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第10~12三个小题。‎ ‎10. Where does the talk take place?‎ ‎ A. In a restaurant. B. In a shop. C. At home.‎ ‎11. Why is this day special for the man?‎ ‎ A. He is going to dinner with his wife.‎ ‎ B. He is going to get married.‎ ‎ C. He is celebrating 10 years of marriage.‎ ‎12. What does the man finally ask for?‎ ‎ A. A box of chocolates. B. A wooden box. C. A can of Coca-Cola.‎ ‎ 听下面一段独白,回答第13~15三个小题。‎ ‎13. What is the purpose of the man’s talk?‎ ‎ A. To show how wonderful he is.‎ ‎ B. To tell people anyone can be successful.‎ ‎ C. To describe his family life.‎ ‎14. When the man was in high school, what was he like?‎ ‎ A. Lazy. B. Confident. C. Shy.‎ ‎15. What changed the man’s life?‎ ‎ A. Listening to a talk.‎ ‎ B. Meeting an old classmate.‎ ‎ C. Opening his restaurant.‎ ‎ 第二节 听取信息(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)‎ ‎ 听下面一段独白,请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入答题卡标号为~的空格中。听录音前,你将有15秒钟的阅题时间,录音播放两遍。你将有80秒钟的作答时间。‎ The University Library Room Colour Subject Information ______________‎ Foreign languages Books can be borrowed for ______ days.‎ Green Maths and science This is the _______ collection of books in the library.‎ Blue ________ studies Books in this area can’t be borrowed; they can only be read here.‎ Yellow ____________‎ Books and CDs can be borrowed for two weeks.‎ 二、语言知识及运用(共两节,满分20分)‎ 第一节 单项选择 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 从16~25各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ ‎16. How dangerous! She was driving the car with one hand and holding an ice cream with ____.‎ A. the other B. another C. others D. other 答案: A ‎【解析】考查固定词组的用法。固定词组one…the other,意为一个……另一个,这里指这位司机一只手驾车而另一只手拿着冰淇淋。‎ ‎17. _____ they are very tired, they feel happy because they’ve finally finished their project.‎ A. So B. Although C. If D. But 答案: B ‎【解析】考查句子的逻辑关系。分析句意可知,他们虽然很累,但很快乐,前半句是让步状语从句,用Although。‎ ‎18. Yesterday evening, I _____ along the street when I suddenly met my maths teacher.‎ A. walk B. walked C. was walking D. am walking 答案: B ‎【解析】考查句子的时态。理解句意,当我突然遇到我的数学老师的时候,我已沿着街道散步,散步这个动词用过去进行时,故选B项。‎ ‎19. The story ______ I read the newspaper was about a common problem among teenagers.‎ A. whose B. who C. that D. where 答案: C ‎【解析】考查定语从句的先行词。这里指代我在报纸上所读的故事,用that作为定语从句的先行词。‎ ‎20. May I have a rest? I have already finished ______ the report.‎ A. write B. writing C. to write D. written 答案: B ‎【解析】考查固定搭配。finish后接动名词doing,故选B项。‎ ‎21. –Excuse me, can I smoke here?‎ ‎ --No, ______.‎ A. you must B. you’d not better C. you can D. you’d better not 答案: D ‎【解析】考查情景对话。根据答句中的No,可知答句方不允许在此吸烟,had better后直接接not。‎ ‎22. –I feel a bit hungry now.‎ ‎ -- Why not _____ for dinner with us?‎ A. go B. did you go C. to go D. do you go 答案: A ‎【解析】考查情景对话和固定搭配。提建议的句式:Why not do sth? Why not 后接动词原形。‎ ‎23. The actress is already 50, but she looks ______ than she really is.‎ A. young B. more young C. more younger D. much younger 答案: D ‎【解析】考查形容词比较级的构成。理解句意,这里应用young的比较级,应是younger,比较级前只可用a little, much, far等副词修饰形容词的比较级。‎ ‎24. I hear the tall girl wearing glasses is your new classmate. She’s from America, _____ ?‎ A. has she B. isn’t she C. hasn’t she D. does she 答案: B ‎【解析】考查句子的种类。此句是反意疑问句,前面陈述句是肯定句,其动词是be动词,故选B项。‎ ‎25. I can’t remember _____ I put the book, and I need it for my homework now.‎ A. where B. how C. what D. why 答案: A ‎【解析】考查句意理解。分析句意,我正在找书,现在不记得放在哪里了,故选A项。‎ 第二节 语法选择 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎ 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从26~35各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ Jack worked in a shop that sold clocks. He was always telling Harry 26 a new clock. But Harry, 27 lived next door to Jack, said he didn’t need one.‎ ‎“ 28 needs a clock,” Jack said. “How do you know when it’s time to get up?”‎ ‎“My landlord Mr. Smith turns on his radio at seven o’clock and listens 29 the news,” Harry said. “That’s my morning call.”‎ ‎“Ok. But how do you know when to go to work?”‎ ‎“By the time I 30 my breakfast, it’s eight o’clock, time to leave for the office. Then I walk there. When I arrive at my office, it’s nice o’clock. That’s 31 time I start work.”‎ ‎“Ok. But how do you know when it’s time to go home?”‎ ‎“The factory bell 32 ” Harry told him.‎ ‎“But how do you know when it’s time to go to bed?”‎ ‎“The television programs come to end.”‎ By now Jack was really 33 . “Ok,” he shouted. “Now tell me what would happen 34 you woke up in the middle of the night and wanted to know the time.”‎ ‎“That’s easy,” Harry said, “I would knock heavily on 35 wall. Then you would shout at me, ‘What are you doing knocking on my wall at three o’clock in the morning?’”‎ ‎26. A. to buy B. buying C. bought D. buy 答案: A ‎【解析】考查固定结构。tell sb. to do sth.故选A项。‎ ‎27. A. which B. whose C. that D. who 答案: D ‎【解析】考查定语从句先行词。这里指亨利个人,用who作为先行词。‎ ‎28. A. No one B. Neither one C. Everyone D. Someone 答案: C ‎【解析】考查句意理解。这里杰克认为每个人都需要钟,故用everyone。‎ ‎29. A. at B. to C. in D. on 答案: B ‎【解析】考查固定词组。listen是不及物动词,后接宾语要有介词to。‎ ‎30. A. eats B. have eaten C. ate D. was eating 答案: B ‎【解析】考查句子的时态,根据时间状语by the time推断,用现在完成时态,故选B项。‎ ‎31. A. a B. an C. the D.不填 答案: C ‎【解析】考查冠词的用法。这里特指开始工作的时间、因此用定冠词。‎ ‎32. A. ring B. rings C. was rung D. ringing 答案: B ‎【解析】考查句子的时态。理解本句是指平常工厂的铃声响了,亨利就下班了,故用一般现在时态,故选B项。‎ ‎33. A. anger B. angrily C. angry D. angering 答案: C ‎【解析】考查单词的用法。杰克生气了,be动词后接形容词,故选C项。‎ ‎34. A. if B. that C. why D. how 答案: A ‎【解析】考查句子的逻辑关系,分析句意可知,这是一个条件状语从句,故选A项。‎ ‎35. A. his B. their C. her D. your 答案: D ‎【解析】考查句意理解。此句意为:亨利将敲Jack的墙,亨利对杰克说,故用。‎ 三、完形填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎ 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36~45各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ It was the last day of school and I planned to travel to my friend’s hometown. I hadn’t seen him for years and this was a good 36 to meet him again.‎ I was busy at school so it was rather 37 when I came back home. It was already 10 o’clock at night. Time was running out. After a hurried meal I left. 38 I found a taxi very soon. Asking the driver to drive me fast to the station, I relaxed for a while, imagining what my friend looked like now. I was soon at the station and was sure that I would be able to 39 the train. Unfortunately, I fell on the way and lost some time. To my complete 40 , when I reached the platform, I saw that the train had just left! It was the last train so I had to 41 home.‎ My mother was glad to see me back as she had a feeling about my trip. But I was unhappy. I tried to relax and went to bed but I had a 42 sleep. The next morning I was very tired. As I was having breakfast the 43 arrived. I read over the pages and was shocked to 44 that the train I missed had had an accident. How 45 I was that I missed the train!‎ ‎36. A. sign B. chance C. sense D. dream 答案: B ‎【解析】考查辨别词意。理解句意得知,这是一次再次见到老朋友的好机会。sign意为:记号,标志;chance意为:机会;sense意为:感受;dream意为:梦想。‎ ‎37. A. strange B. cold C. late D. quiet 答案: C ‎【解析】考查句意理解。根据前后句意分析可知,已是夜里10点钟,相当迟了,故选C项。‎ ‎38. A. Finally B. Suddenly C. Strangely D. Luckily 答案: D ‎【解析】考查句意理解和辨别词意。分析句意可知,虽然很迟,还是很幸运地找到了出租车,finally意为:最后,终于;suddenly意为:突然地;strangely意为:奇怪地;luckily意为:幸运地,符合句意。‎ ‎39. A. stop B. see C. catch D. miss 答案: C ‎【解析】考查句意理解和固定搭配。理解句意,我认为肯定能赶上火车,乘火车用动词catch或take,故选C项。‎ ‎40. A. satisfaction B. hope C. surprise D. joy 答案: C ‎【解析】考查句意理解和固定词组。理解句意,令我惊讶的是火车已离开了站台,to my surprise令我惊讶固定词组。‎ ‎41. A. call B. leave C. reach D. return 答案: D ‎【解析】考查句意题解和辨别词意。根据上文所述,我已错过了火车,就不得不回家了。call意为:打电话;leave意为:离开;reach意为:到达;return意为:回家。‎ ‎42. A. deep B. bad C. great D. heavy 答案: B ‎【解析】考查句意理解和辨别词意。根据上文所述,我原打算见老朋友,都没有赶上火车,因此心情不愉快推断,睡得不好。deep意为:深的;bad意为:坏的;great意为:好的;heavy意为:重的。‎ ‎43. A. newspaper B. ticket C. mild D. train 答案: A ‎【解析】考查句意理解。跳读下文所述,我在看报纸,故选A项。‎ ‎44. A. find B. hear C. feel D. remember 答案: A ‎【解析】考查句意理解和词义辨析。理解句意:我在报纸上发现了我错过的那班车火车失事了,find意为:找到、发现;hear意为:听到;feel意为:感到;remember意为:记得。‎ ‎45. A. hopeful B. thankful C. careful D. painful 答案: B ‎【解析】考查句意理解和词义辨别。理解句意,我对错过火车感到很欣慰的,hopeful意为:充满希望的,thankful意为:欣慰的;careful意为:小心的;painful意为:痛苦的。‎ 四、阅读理解 ‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。‎ ‎ (A )‎ One day a man saw an old lady standing by her expensive car, clearly in need of help. So he stopped his old truck and got out. Although he was smiling, the old lady was worried. Was he gong to hurt her? He didn’t look safe.‎ The man could see that she was frightened, so in his friendliest voice he said, “I’m here to help you, madam. Why don’t you wait in the car where it’s warm? By the way, my name is Bryan Anderson.” Bryan quickly fixed the car and the lady thanked him. Then she asked how much she should pay him.‎ But Bryan wanted no money. He was just giving a hand to someone in trouble. This was normal for him. He said, “If you really want to repay me, next time you see someone in need, help them and think of me.”‎ After saying goodbye, the lady continued down the road until she reached a small café where she decided to stop for something to eat. As the pretty waitress took her order, the lady noticed she was nearly eight months pregnant(怀孕). Although the waitress looked tired she was very kind. As the lady was going to pay the $10 bill she remembered Bryan’s words.‎ She paid with a hundred-dollar bill. But when the waitress returned with the change the lady was gone. On the table she saw a small note. There ware tears in her eyes when she read it: “Somebody once helped me the way I’m helping you. If you want to pay me back, continue being kind to others.” Under the note were nine more $100 bills.‎ Was the old lady an angel? The waitress was so excited that she called her husband to tell him the news. “Bryan Anderson my dear…you’re not going to believe what just happened…”‎ ‎46. When the lady saw Bryan, she was worried because she thought_____ .‎ A. he may hurt her B. he wasn’t going to stop C. he couldn’t help her D. she didn’t have enough money 答案: A ‎【解析】细节理解题。读文中第一段最后两句可知,这位老奶奶担心这个司机伤害她。‎ ‎47. What can we learn about the old lady from the story?‎ A. She was never kind to others.‎ B. She was usually quite careless.‎ C. She was probably very rich.‎ D. She was not a very good driver.‎ 答案: C ‎【解析】结论推断题。分析文中倒数第二段所述,这位老奶奶给女服务员留下了许多钱,推断她是富裕的。‎ ‎48. The underlined expression “giving a hand to(Paragraph 3)is closest in meaning to “____”.‎ A. questioning B. helping C. hurting D. calling 答案: B ‎【解析】词义猜测题。分析句意可知,这位司机帮助老奶奶不要钱,他就是要帮助困难中的人。‎ ‎49. The underlined word “it” (Paragraph 5) refers to “____”.‎ A. the change B. the bill C. the note D. the order 答案: C ‎【解析】细节理解题。读前一句分析得知,这里的it指的是前句中的a small note,故选C项。‎ ‎50. Which of the following shows the relationship between the man, the lady and the waitress?‎ 答案:D ‎【解析】逻辑推理题。通读全文分析文中出现的三个人物的关系可知,男司机和女服务员是夫妻两人,他们与那位老奶奶都是陌生人的关系,故选D项。‎ ‎(B)‎ Frankenstein is one of the world’s most famous horror stories. It’s about a doctor who creates a new man from the body parts of dead people and brings it to life. But the experiment goes wrong and the monster(怪兽) kills the doctor and many others. The story has been read by millions since it was first ‎ published and in the last hundred years it has been made into dozens of movies. Many people are surprised to learn its writer was a 19-year-old woman, called Mary Shelley.‎ Mary was born into a rich London family in August 1797. She was educated by her parents and when she was 13 decided to become a writer. In 1812, she met the famous writer Percy Shelley and they soon got married. Sadly for Mary, their first child died soon after birth in Italy. In her diary, Mary wrote about a dream: “I dreamt that my little baby came to life again—that it had only been cold and that we rubbed it before the fire and it lived.”‎ In 1816, Percy Shelley and 19-year-odl May visited the poet Lord Byron at his home in Switzerland. Because of the bad weather they stayed indoors reading horror stories. One night, Byron asked everyone to write their own story. Mary thought of her dream and wrote the story Frankenstein.‎ Frankenstein was published when Mary was 21, and became a huge success. Many people didn’t think a 19-year-old woman could write so well and believed her husband was the real writer. ‎ Although famous, Shelley’s life was full of sadness. Only one of her four children lived and in 1822 her husband died in a swimming accident. Mary was broken-hearted and decided not to marry again. She devoted herself to her child and continued to write until her death in 1851.‎ ‎51. What do we know about he story Frankenstein?‎ A. It was really written by Mary Shelley’s husband.‎ B. It was been read by millions of people.‎ C. It was written to remember Shelley’s husband.‎ D. It is the most famous story in the world.‎ 答案: B ‎【解析】事实判断题。通读全文理解,分析四个选项,只有B项与文中所述事实相符。‎ ‎52. Where was Mary Shelley when she wrote the story Frankenstein?‎ A. In England. B. In Italy. C. In Switzerland. D. In France.‎ 答案: C ‎【解析】细节理解题。读文中第三段所述可知,雪莱是瑞士写这部小说的,故选C项。‎ ‎53. In which order to the following take place?‎ a. Bad weather made everyone stay indoors reading horror stories.‎ b. The story Frankenstein was first published.‎ c. Mary wrote about a dream in her diary.‎ d. Mary met the famous writer Percy Shelley.‎ e. Movies based on the story of Frankenstein were made.‎ A. a, c, b, e, d B. d, c, a, b, e C. c, a, b, d, e D. b, a, d, c, e 答案: B ‎【解析】逻辑推理题。通读全文所述,分析这部科幻小说的创作过程,可知选B项。‎ ‎54. How old was Mary Shelley when she died?‎ A. 43 B. 48 C.51 D. 54‎ 答案: D ‎【解析】细节推理题。读文中第二段第一句可知,玛丽出生于1797年,读文中最后一句可知,玛丽去世时是1851年可知,她去世时54岁,故选D项。‎ ‎55. What can we learn about Mary Shelley from this passage?‎ A. She experienced a lot of sadness in her life.‎ B. She wasn’t considered a good writer during her life.‎ C. She was educated at her local school.‎ D. She became very rich because of the story Frankenstein.‎ 答案: A ‎【解析】主旨大意题。通读全文理解,玛丽的人生经历可知,她经历了太多的苦难,故选A项。‎ ‎(C)‎ I am a professor of sports and exercise so I often deal with nervousness in my research with sports people. Actually, most people experience nervousness at some time or another.‎ If you are feeling anxious, my advice is to first find the cause or causes. Make s list of those things that are making you nervous and work out which ones you can do something about. Focus all of your efforts on managing the causes that you can control.‎ Most people cannot tell the difference between controllable(可控制的) and uncontrollable causes, so things they can’s control become a big reason for nervousness. Dealing with this is very important if people want to keep a healthy mind.‎ Simply try to accept the uncontrollable causes of nervousness. You might be worried about the weather on a big day, an accident or an attack on the train, or perhaps just things that other people are doing at work. The results may be very important but there is still no use worrying because you can’t control any of these things. Accept that you can’t control everything. Once you understand this, it becomes easier not to worry.‎ If a situation, such as swimming, is causing you to be anxious, try to face it as often as possible so that you can get used to it.‎ It can often help to think about yourself doing the thing that makes you nervous—then close your eyes and imagine it going well. Imagine how the flight or job interview is going to happen so that you can get used to it. This will help you understand that the thing you fear most is probably not going to happen.‎ ‎56. Who wrote this passage?‎ A. A reporter. B. A sportsman. C. A patient. D. A professor.‎ 答案: D ‎【解析】细节理解题。读文章第一句可知,作者是一位教授。‎ ‎57. The writer thinks there is no use worrying about some causes of nervousness because____.‎ A. most are not very important B. they are not the real causes of the problem C. they cannot be controlled by people D. it’s better to deal with one cause at a time 答案: C ‎【解析】细节理解题。读文中第四段第三句话可知,作者认为担心导致紧张的成因是没有用的,因为这些不是人们自己能控制的,故选C项。‎ ‎58. If swimming makes you nervous, what should you do according to the writer?‎ A. Go swimming often to get used to it.‎ B. Avoid going to the swimming pool.‎ C. Find a swimming teacher.‎ D. Imagine watching others swim.‎ 答案: A ‎【解析】细节理解题。读文中第五段可知,作者认为如是对游泳感到担心,解决的方法就是下河游泳去习惯它,故选A项。‎ ‎59. What is true about nervousness according to the passage?‎ A. It usually has only one cause.‎ B. It is usually caused by people.‎ C. People can easily manage it.‎ D. Most people suffer from it.‎ 答案: D ‎【解析】逻辑推理题。通读全文分析,理解四个选项,只有D项,大多数会紧张,符合文意。‎ ‎60. What is the main purpose of this passage?‎ A. To introduce the writer’s sports experience.‎ B. To advise on how to deal with nervousness.‎ C. To help people remember their fears.‎ D. To explain the dangers of nervousness.‎ 答案: B ‎【解析】主旨大意题。通读全文分析,本文主要是一位教授对我们如何处理紧张情绪的建议,故选B项。‎ ‎(D)‎ Welcome to the 2012 London Olympic Games!‎ Archery Archery has a 10,000 year history, when bows and arrows were first used for hunting and war.‎ Archery first appeared at the Paris Olympics of 1990. It was removed after 1908 and only returned to the Olympics at Munich in 1972.‎ Did you know?‎ In the 14th century, archery was so important that as English law required every man, aged seven to 60, to practise it.‎ Badminton This sport was invented by British soldiers in India who called it Poono, the same name as the town in which they lived.‎ It was first played at the Olympics in 1992 at Barcelona. Although the rules of the modern sport were developed in England, Asian countries are now the best.‎ Did you know?‎ The best balls are said to be made from the feathers of the left wing of goose.‎ Football There are two medal competitions for Olympic football, one for men’s teams and one for women’s.‎ Football was first played at the 1908 Olympic Games and it has been played at every Olympic Games ever since, except for Los Angeles 1932.‎ Did you know?‎ Hungary has won three football gold medals-more than any other country.‎ Taekwondo This Korean sport’s name means “the way of the hand and foot”. The players get points by hitting each other with these two parts of the body only. The players mustn’t lie on the ‎ floor and no equipment can be used.‎ Taekwondo first appeared at the 2000 Sydney Games.‎ Did you know?‎ Over 60 million people from 190 countries around the world regularly take part in this sport.‎ ‎61. Who invented the sport of badminton?‎ A. Indians. B. British. C. Chinese. D. Koreans.‎ 答案: B ‎【解析】细节题解题。读文中介绍的第二个比赛项目,羽毛球的历史可知,这项运动是英国士兵发明的,故选B项。‎ ‎62. Which of these sports appeared earliest at the Olympics?‎ A. Archery. B. Badminton. C. Taekwondo. D. Football.‎ 答案: A ‎【解析】细节理解题。比较四个比赛项目,出现在奥运会上的时间可知,射击最早在1900就出现在奥运会上了,其它三项在这之后出现在奥运会上,故选A项。‎ ‎63. Which sport was first named after a town?‎ A. Badminton. B. Football. C. Taekwondo. D. Archery.‎ 答案: A ‎【解析】细节理解题。读文中介绍羽毛球的历史可知,它的命名与印度的一个小镇同名。故选A项。‎ ‎64. Which of the following picture shows the sport of “Taekwondo”?‎ ‎ A. B. C. D.‎ 答案: C ‎【解析】结论推理题。根据文中对跆拳道比赛规则的介绍,推断C图符合其要求,故选C项。‎ ‎65. Where can you most probably find web page?‎ A. Sydney 2000.com ‎ B. Beijing 2008.com C. Guangzhou 2010.com D. London 2012.com 答案: D ‎【解析】常识判断题。根据文章所介绍的内容,推断在网页london2012.com中可找到,故选D项。‎ 五、写作 (共三节,满分30分)‎ 第一节 单词拼写 (共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)‎ 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。在填答卷时,要求写出完整单词。(没空限填一词)‎ ‎66. What a p______ ! I failed the chemistry exam again.‎ 答案:pity ‎67. My sister often helps me with my homework. She is very h _ ‎ 答案:helpful.‎ ‎68. It has been sunny all day, so I don’t think it will r_____ tomorrow.‎ 答案:rain ‎69. If you are f___ this afternoon, let’s go shopping.‎ 答案:free ‎70. Listen carefully and a____ my question.‎ 答案:answer 第二节 完成句子 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子。(每空限填一词)‎ ‎71.实际上,我一点都不喜欢他的新发型。‎ ‎ ______, I don’t like his new hairstyle at all.‎ 答案:In fact ‎72.父亲和我都喜欢看篮球比赛。‎ ‎______ my father ____ I love watching basketball matches.‎ 答案:Both, and ‎73.时间过得真快啊!‎ ‎______ ______ the time passed!‎ 答案:How fast ‎74.我想知道为什么你今天上学又迟道了。‎ I want to know___ ____ _____ late for school again today.‎ 答案:why you are ‎75.学生们每周都清洁教室的窗户。‎ The classroom windows ______ ___ by the students every week.‎ 答案:are cleaned 第三节 书面表达 (共1题,满分15分)‎ 最近,你班就“你的理想职业”展开了一次调查。 下表是你们小组的情况请根据表格内容写一篇英语短文,向英语校刊投稿。‎ 组员 理想职业 原因 Mary 时装设计师(fashion designer)‎ 喜欢漂亮衣服,擅长绘画 Kate 园艺工(gardener)‎ 喜爱植物,想让城市更美 Mike 作家 愿意与别人分享精彩故事 Tom 厨师 为别人煮健康美味的食物 你 ‎?‎ ‎?‎ 注意:1.词数80左右(短文的开头和结尾已给出,不计入词数);‎ ‎2.不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。‎ Recently we did a survey in our class in order to learn about students’ ideal jobs. Here’s a report about my group members’ ideas.‎ ‎……‎ Hopefully everyone can realize their dreams in the future.‎ One possible version:‎ Recently we did a survey in our class in order to learn about students’ ideal jobs. Here’s a report about my group members’ ideas.‎ ‎ Mary wants to be a fashion designer because she likes beautiful clothes and is good at drawing. Kate wants to be a gardener, she lives plants, she wants to make the cities better. Mike would like to be a writer. He’d like to share his wonderful stories with others. Tom would like to be a cook. He’d like to cook delicious food for others. I would like to be a policeman. I want to protect the people safe.‎ Hopefully everyone can realize their dreams in the future.‎ ‎2013年广州市初中毕业生学业考试 英 语 一、听力(共两节,满分35分)‎ ‎ 第一节 听力理解(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)‎ ‎ 每段播放两遍,各段后有几个小题,各段播放前每小题有5秒钟的阅题时间,请根据各段播放内容及其相关小题,在5秒钟内从题中所给的A、B、C项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ ‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第1-2两个小题。‎ ‎1.How much are the red apples a kilo?‎ ‎ A.10 yuan B.15 yuan C.20 yuan ‎2.What does the man finally buy?‎ ‎ A.Apples and grapes ‎ B.Grapes and bananas ‎ C.Apples and bananas ‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第3-5三个小题。‎ ‎3.What is the relationship between the speakers?‎ ‎ A.Teacher and parent ‎ B.Teacher and student ‎ C.Student and headmaster ‎4.What is Billy’s problem?‎ ‎ A.He often comes to school late.‎ ‎ B.He’s always tired in class.‎ ‎ C.He sometimes fights with his classmates.‎ ‎5.How does the woman plan to solve Billy’s problem?‎ ‎ A.Buy him a new iPad.‎ ‎ B.Move him to a new school.‎ ‎ C.Let him use his iPad only on weekends.‎ ‎ 听下面一段独白,回答第6-8三个小题。‎ ‎6.What is the main purpose of the talk?‎ ‎ A.To thank customers for coming to the store.‎ ‎ B.To tell customers the store is closing.‎ ‎ C.To advertise a sale at the store.‎ ‎7.What clothes are on sale?‎ ‎ A.Jeans and T-shirts. B.T-shirts and socks. C.Skirts and coats.‎ ‎8.What can you do on the 6th floor?‎ ‎ A.Choose a computer.‎ ‎ B.See a new TV.‎ ‎ C.Have a meal.‎ ‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第9-12四个小题。‎ ‎9.When did the boy start trying to lose weight?‎ ‎ A.About two months age.‎ ‎ B.At the beginning of the year.‎ ‎ C.At the end of the summer holidays.‎ ‎10.What sport did the boy do every afternoon?‎ ‎ A.Football B.Swimming C.Tennis ‎11.What was the worst part of the boy’s diet?‎ ‎ A.Watching his friends eat hamburgers.‎ ‎ B.Only eating fish, fruit and vegetables.‎ ‎ C.Not being able to eat any chocolate.‎ ‎12.What do we know about the boy?‎ ‎ A.He has returned to his normal eating habits.‎ ‎ B.He is on the school football team.‎ ‎ C.He wants to lose more weight.‎ ‎ 听下面一段独白,回答第13-15三个小题。‎ ‎13.How old is the speaker?‎ ‎ A.13 B.14 C.15‎ ‎14.Why does the speaker remember the day so well?‎ ‎ A.It was the first time he went out without his parents.‎ ‎ B.It was the first time he saw his favourite band.‎ ‎ C.It was the first time he ever went to a theatre.‎ ‎15.How did the speaker feel the next day?‎ ‎ A.Thankful B.Surprised C.Excited ‎ 第二节 听取信息(共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分)‎ ‎ 听下面一段独白,请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入答题卡标号为-的空格中。听录音前,你将有15秒钟的阅题时间,录音播放两遍,你将有80秒钟的作答时间。‎ New Line Cinema---Today’s movies ‎ Country Movie name Story Time America ‎ A family move into their ‎2:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.‎ ‎ dream home.‎ China Who Said That?‎ Two boys a talking dog from another planet.‎ ‎10:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.‎ ‎ Lovers’Day A young woman falls in love with the wrong man.‎ ‎1 p.m. and ‎ Bookings: Call or visit our website www.nlc.com 二、语言知识及运用(共两节,满分20分)‎ 第一节 单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎ 从16-25各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出可以填入空白处最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ ‎16. A: I enjoyed the performance very much.‎ ‎ B: Yes, it was really good. I think ____ boy in white was the best actor.‎ ‎ A. a B. an C. the D. /‎ ‎17. I always tell my students _________ on the road because it’s really dangerous.‎ ‎ A. not to play B. to play not C. not playing D. not play ‎18. The man called his professor for help because he couldn’t solve the problem by _________.‎ ‎ A. herself B. himself C. yourself D. themselves ‎19. Could you say it again? I can’t understand _____ you are talking about.‎ ‎ A. how B. when C. what D. which ‎20. --- Must I finish my homework now?‎ ‎ --- No, you ________. You can go home now.‎ ‎ A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. shouldn’t D. can’t ‎ ‎21. There is ____ news about this movie star in the newspaper. Where can I get some?‎ ‎ A. many B. a few C. a lot D. little ‎22. I couldn’t do it ________ your great help. Thanks a lot!‎ ‎ A. with B. without C. for D. to ‎23. Thanks for your invitation, but I’m so sorry I can’t go. I need to ____ my baby at home.‎ ‎ A. take away B. take off C. take care of D. take out of ‎ ‎24. A: You look very nice in your new dress today. ‎ ‎ B: Oh, really? I _________ it when it was on sale.‎ ‎ A. buy B. bought C. have bought D. will buy ‎25. ---I feel really tired.‎ ‎ ---___________________‎ ‎ A. Lucky you! C. You’d better work harder.‎ ‎ C. Congratulation! D. Why not go and have a reat?‎ ‎ ‎ 第二节 语法选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎ 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从26-35各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ ‎ It’s very important that we all recycle(再利用). In nature, everything 26 again. For example, when an animal dies, it becomes 27 animal’s food. Nothing is ‎ wasted. But humans have created things like plastic bags 28 can’t be broken down by nature. Our rubbish kills animals and 29 water and soil. 30 we continue making too much rubbish, the problem will only get worse. If nature can’t reuse the rubbish, we must recycle 31 .‎ ‎ We should clean up the rubbish we’ve made because nature can’t.‎ ‎ Recycling is also the right thing to do for another reason. The earth is rich in natural materials like water and trees, 32 these materials are not endless. We use up our natural materials much 33 than the earth is able to reproduce them. For example, each year we cut 34 more that 6,000 square miles of forest. But it takes an average of 25 years for a new tree 35 .‎ ‎ Recycling can help us save the earth, so let’s take action right now.‎ ‎( )26. A. use B. using C. is used D. used ‎( )27. A. another B. other C. others D. the other ‎( )28. A. who B. which C. how D. where ‎( )29. A. pollutes B. polluted C. polluting D. is polluted ‎( )30. A. When B. Whether C. Why D. If ‎ ‎( )31. A. them B. their C. it D. itself ‎( )32. A. but B. so C. and D. or ‎( )33. A. fastly B. fast C. taster D. fastest ‎( )34. A. out B. down C. in D. up ‎( )35. A. grows B. for growing C. growing D. to grow 三、完型填空(共10小题; 每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎ 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36-45各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ ‎ There once was a farmer who lost his watch in his barn (谷仓). The watch was only cheap but was very 36 to him because it was a gift from his father.‎ After 37 the barn for a long time, he gave up and asked for 38 from a group of children playing nearby. ‎ ‎ He 39 them that the person who found the watch would be rewarded.‎ ‎ Hearing this, the children hurried inside the barn 40 . They searched everywhere but still could not find the 41 . Just when the farmer was going to give up, a little boy went up to him and asked to be given another 42 . ‎ ‎ The farmer looked at him and thought, “Why not? After all, this kid looks honest.”‎ ‎ So the farmer 43 the little boy back into the barn. After a while the little boy came out with the watch in his hand! The surprised farmer asked the boy how he 44 where the rest had failed.‎ ‎ The boy replied, “ I did nothing but sit quietly and listen for the sound of the watch.”‎ ‎ This shows us that sometimes a 45 mind can think better than an excited one.”‎ ‎( )36. A. important B. expensive C. useless D. interesting ‎( )37. A. finding B. searching C. watching D. studying ‎( )38. A. money B. danger C. work D. help ‎( )39. A. promised B. taught C. warned D. believed ‎ ‎( )40. A. angrily B. slowly C. immediately D. hardly ‎( )41. A. rule B. book C. child D. watch ‎( )42. A. way B. chance C. lesson D. smile ‎ ‎( )43. A. threw B. sent C. gave D. caught ‎( )44. A. came B. knew C. succeeded D. suggested ‎( )45. A. beautiful B. smart C. peaceful D. quick 四、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)‎ ‎(A)‎ ‎ Once when I was a teenager, my father and I were standing in line to buy tickets for the circus. Finally, there was only one family between the ticket office and us. This family made a big impression on me.‎ ‎ There were eight children, all probably under the age of 12. You could tell they didn’t have a lot of money. Their clothes were not expensive, but they were clean. The children talked excitedly about the clowns. It was clearly a very important day out for them. The father and mother seemed happy as they could be.‎ ‎ The tickets lady asked how many tickets the father wanted, he proudly answered, “Please let me buy eight children’s tickets and two adults’ tickets, so I can take my family to the circus.”‎ ‎ The ticket lady told him the price. ‎ ‎ The man’s wife lowered her head. There was no longer a smile on the man’s face. He quietly asked, “How much did you say?”‎ ‎ The ticket lady again told him the price.‎ ‎ The man obviously didn’t have enough money. But how could he tell his kids the bad news?‎ ‎ Seeing what was happening, my dad took a $20 note from his pocket and dropped in on the ground. (We were not rich ourselves at all!) He then tapped the man on the shoulder and said, “Excuse me, sir, you dropped this.”‎ ‎ The man understood my father was helping him. He picked up the money, looked straight into my dad’s eyes, and in tears replied. “Thank you. This really means a lot to me and my family.”‎ ‎ Although we did not go to the circus that night, we didn’t go without.‎ ‎46. Why does the writer say “Their clothes were not expensive, but they were clean” (Paragraph 2)?‎ ‎ A. To show the children were well looked after.‎ ‎ B. To show cheap clothes could be popular.‎ ‎ C. To show how hard the mother worked.‎ ‎ D. To show how rich the family were.‎ ‎47. Why was the poor man unhappy after he spoke with the ticket lady?‎ ‎ A. He had lost his money. B. His children were noisy.‎ ‎ C. The tickets were sold out. D. The tickets were too expensive.‎ ‎48. Who did the $20 note belong to?‎ ‎ A. The poor man. B. The writer’s father.‎ ‎ C. The poor man’s wife. D. The ticket lady.‎ ‎49. Why was the poor man in tears at the end of the story?‎ ‎ A. He found the money he lost. B. He wanted others to help him.‎ ‎ C. He made his children unhappy. D. He was thankful for the kindness.‎ ‎50. Which of the following statements is probably true according to the passage?‎ ‎ A. The poor mans saw the circus that night. ‎ ‎ B. The two families became close friends.‎ ‎ C. The writer’s father earned some money.‎ ‎ D. The writer saw the circs that night.‎ ‎(B)‎ ‎ Lu Xun is one of the greatest Chinese writers of the 20th century. Besides his famous stories, he also wrote many influential articles about the living conditions of Chinese people.‎ ‎ Born in 1881 to a wealthy family, Lu Xun had a happy childhood. In 1893, however, his grandfather, a senior government official, was put into prison for taking money. At the same time, his father became seriously ill. From that time on, his family were no longer accepted by their relatives and friends. These early experiences greatly influenced his writing.‎ ‎ By the time Lu Xun arrived in Nanjing to study at university in 1899, he already believed that Chinese society had to change and become modern. In 1902 he went to study in Japan. There, he began writing articles for several Chinese student magazines. He showed a gift for writing and translating and he even wrote several books, although none was popular. He returned to China in 1909 because he was in need of money.‎ ‎ After working for several years as a teacher in Beijing, Lu Xun again returned to writing. In 1918, he wrote his famous short story Diary of a Madman. It was the first Chinese novel published using the everyday language that people spoke, which helped make it a great success. This, together with his novel The True Story of Ah Q (1921), made Lu Xun a leading Chinese writer.‎ ‎ Although successful, Lu Xun still worried greatly about China’s future. In 1926, he moved to Shanghai and gave up writing stories in order to devote himself to what he called “pen warfare”. He now only wrote articles which called on the people to fight against the government. For this, the government stopped him from publishing any more books. He was forced to write his articles using false names.‎ ‎ Since his death in 1936, Lu Xun’s importance and influence have grown. Today, many of his writings are included in school textbooks and his works are read by millions around the world.‎ ‎51. Which of the following greatly influenced Lu Xun’s writing according to the passage?‎ ‎ A. The people he met in Japan. B. The experiences in his early life.‎ ‎ C. Working as a teacher in Beijing. D. His father’s being put into prison.‎ ‎52. According to the passage, why was Lu Xun’s story Diary of a Madam so popular?‎ ‎ A. It was based on Lu Xun’s diary.‎ ‎ B. It was the first novel to use everyday language.‎ ‎ C. Its story took place in modern times.‎ ‎ D. It was written using a western style.‎ ‎53. The underlined word “This” (Paragraph 4) refers to .‎ ‎ A. the success of Diary of a Madman B. the use of everyday language ‎ ‎ C. the first Chinese novel D. The True Story of Ah Q ‎54. After moving to Shanghai, Lu Xun mainly wrote .‎ ‎ A. funny stories B. articles about himself ‎ C. articles against the government D. stories about government officials ‎55. In what order did these events take place in Lu Xun’s life?‎ ‎ a. The government stopped him from publishing books.‎ ‎ b. He wrote Diary of a Madman.‎ ‎ c. His father became ill.‎ ‎ d. He moved to Shanghai.‎ ‎ e. His writings were put into textbooks.‎ ‎ A. c-a-b-d-e B. c-b-d-a-e C. a-c-d-b-e D. a-d-b-c-e ‎(C)‎ ‎ The Vieira family moved to the United States in 1981. At that time, they decided to stop speaking Spanish at home and only communicate in English. This was because they were now living in an English-speaking country.‎ ‎ Now the Vieira children are adults, and they sometimes travel to Spain to visit their family and friends. But they cannot communicate with them. Unfortunately this is common. When people move to new countries, they often leave their own customs and mother language behind. This is a mistake because there are many benefits to knowing more than one language.‎ ‎ One advantage of speaking more than one language is that you can communicate directly with more people around the world. You do not have to depend on others to talk for you, so you’re more independent. People who know only one language must use others to help them communicate.‎ ‎ Furthermore, speaking a second language also allows people to experience other cultures and customs more effectively. Local expressions, vocabulary, and even jokes can have a powerful effect on a person’s understanding of another culture. So, knowing more than one language increases your knowledge of other cultures.‎ ‎ Finally, having more multi-language speakers improves relationships between countries. If people from different countries can communicate well, the world can become closer. Countries will then have more respect for each other and better understand each other’s problems.‎ ‎ The benefits of knowing more than one language are clear. In fact, there are no disadvantages. It is very sad that many people don’t try to learn another language. It is even worse when people let themselves forget their mother language and become silenced.‎ ‎56. What is the passage mainly about?‎ ‎ A. The benefits of learning other languages.‎ ‎ B. The reasons why people come to America.‎ ‎ C. The importance of learning English.‎ ‎ D. How to learn another language.‎ ‎57. The passage begins with the experience of the Vieira family in order to____.‎ ‎ A. discuss the need for teaching a new language ‎ B. introduce the passage’s main characters to the readers ‎ C. describe the advantages of moving to another country ‎ D. show the problems of speaking only one language ‎58. The underlined phrase “multi-language speakers” (Paragraph 5) means “people who know _____.”‎ ‎ A. their mother language B. a new language ‎ C. more than one language D. body language ‎59. According to the passage, if you can speak more than one language, you can____.‎ ‎ A. find a better job B. make more friends ‎ C. better understand history D. communicate more independently ‎60. Based on the last paragraph, which of the following is the worst?‎ ‎ A.Not knowing another language. B.Forgetting one’s mother language.‎ ‎ C.Refusing to learn another language. D.Failing to communicate with others.‎ ‎(D)‎ ‎61. Where did Li Hua see Mrs. Daniels’ advertisement?‎ ‎ A. At London University B. In a newspaper ‎ C. On the Internet D. On TV ‎62. Why did Li Hua write the email?‎ ‎ A. To make friends with Mrs. Daniels ‎ B. To apply to study at London University ‎ C. To get more information about Mrs. Daniels’ lessons ‎ D. To find out more information about Aston College ‎63. Which of the following information did Li Hua NOT mention in his email?‎ ‎ A. His age B. His reasons for learning English ‎ C. His language level D. The language skills he wants to focus on ‎64. Li Hua wants to take the lessons to improve his______.‎ ‎ A. listening and writing B. writing and speaking ‎ C. listening and grammar D. listening and speaking ‎65. What can we learn about Li Hua from his email?‎ ‎ A.He is now living in England B.He is a student in Hong Kong ‎ C.His level of English is very low. D.He is studying at London University.‎ 五、写作(共三节,满分30分)‎ 第一节 单词拼写(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)‎ ‎ 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。在填写答卷时,要求写出完整单词(每空一词)‎ ‎66. David can r________ very fast. I’m sure he will win the race at the sports meeting.‎ ‎67. It’s dangerous to swim in the r______. It’s safer to go to the swimming pool.‎ ‎68. Animals are useful. For example, we can get fresh m________ from cows.‎ ‎69. Your voice is very sweet. Would you s________ a song at the English party?‎ ‎70. Yao Ming, one of China’s best ever basketball player, is more than 2 meters t .‎ 第二节 完成句子(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)‎ ‎ 根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子。(每空限填一词)‎ ‎71. 离开课室时请关灯。‎ ‎ Please_______ ________ the lights when you leave the classroom.‎ ‎72. 踢完足球后,他太兴奋了睡不着。‎ ‎ After the football game, he was__________ excited_________ sleep.‎ ‎73. 你的手好脏啊!快去洗!‎ ‎ _________ __________ your hands are! Go and wash them now.‎ ‎74. 在中国到处都有人打羽毛球。‎ ‎ In China, badminton_________ __________ everywhere.‎ ‎75. 你知道在哪里买这种邮票吗?‎ ‎ Do you know_________ __________ __________ this kind of stamp? ‎ 第三节 书面表达(共1题,满分15分)‎ ‎ 新学期开始,你就读的国际学校的学生社团又开始招募了。假设你是社团负责人,请根据以下内容和提示要求写一篇英语短文,为新同学介绍下列社团的情况(包括名称、活动内容及其目的)。‎ Clubs are calling ‎ The new term is coming. For all our new students, I would like to introduce some of our clubs …‎ 注意:1.词数80左右(文章开头已给出,不计入词数);‎ ‎ 2.不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。‎ 笔试部分答案 单项选择16-20 CABCA 21-25 DBCBD 语法选择26-30 CABAD 31-35 CACBD 完型填空36-40 ABDAC 41-45 DBBCC 阅读理解46-50 ADBDA 51-55 BBACB 56-60 ADCDB 61-65 CCADB 首字母填空66、run 67、river 68、milk 69、sing 70、tall 完成句子71、turn off 72、too, to 73、How dirty ‎ ‎ 74、is played 75、where to buy ‎ 书面表达 范文一:‎ Clubs are calling ‎ The new term is coming. For all our new students, I would like to introduce some of our clubs.‎ ‎ Cool Players is a good choice for sports lovers. Here you can do sports one hour a day to build up your body. You can also watch sports matches here. If you are interested in books, go and join Smart Readers. Reading good books and writing a reader’s report are helpful to open your mind. Do you want to live a healthy life? In Excellent Cooks, you will learn how to design menus in healthy styles. If you want to design your own clothes, come to Fashion Designers. You can learn a lot from professional teachers.‎ ‎ You are sure to learn a lot here and why not join us at once?‎ 范文二 Clubs are calling ‎ The new term is coming. For all our new students, I would like to introduce some of our clubs.‎ ‎ If you want to strengthen your body, join Cool Players so that you can do exercise one hour a day and watch matches. Reading-lovers can go and join Smart Readers. You will read good books and broaden your horizons. A smart reader won’t forget to write a reader’s report. Anyone who loves cooking should consider Excellent Cooks. You can learn how to design menus in healthy styles as well as how to cook so that you can live healthily. Hope Finders may be the most meaningful club. It collects second-hand books for the students in poor areas.‎ ‎ I hope you can choose the one you like best and enjoy your school life.‎ ‎ ‎ 广州市2015年初中毕业生学业考试 英语 本试卷分共五大题,12页,满分135分,考试时间120分钟。 ‎ 注意事项: ‎ ‎1. 答卷前,考生务必在答题卡上用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔填写自己的考生号、姓名、试室号、座位号,再用2B铅笔把对应这两个标号涂黑。 ‎ ‎2. 选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡和对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需要改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。不能答在试卷上。 ‎ ‎3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域的相应位置上;如需要改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案,改动的答案也不能超出指定的区域;不准使用铅笔、圆珠笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。‎ ‎ 4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 ‎ 一、听力(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节听力理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 每段播放两遍。各段后有几个小题,各段播放前每小题有5秒钟的阅读。请根据各段播放内容及其相关小题,在5秒钟内从题中所给的A、B、C项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 听下面一段对话,回答第1~3三个小题。 ‎ ‎1. Where does the talk take place? ‎ A. At school. B. At Kelly’s house. C. At Jason’s house. ‎ ‎2. What is the talk mainly about? ‎ A. Ways to improve the environment. ‎ B. The school project they were given. ‎ C. The reasons Jason wasn’t at school. ‎ ‎3. What do the speakers finally decide to do? ‎ A. To clean up the river. B. To do some tree planting. C. To help the school save water. ‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第4~6三个小题。 ‎ ‎4. Who is listening to the talk? ‎ A. Teachers. B. University students. C. New workers. ‎ ‎5. Why does the speaker think that he is very lucky? ‎ A. He works for a large company.‎ B. He has a well-paid job. ‎ C. He does something he loves. ‎ ‎6. What kind of person does a boss prefer? ‎ A. Someone from a famous university. ‎ B. Someone with work experience. ‎ C. Someone who likes using computers. ‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第7~9三个小题。 ‎ ‎7. How much did the man give the woman in total? ‎ A. $25. B. $32. C. $42. ‎ ‎8. Where will the man go after the talk? ‎ A. To a meeting B. To a restaurant. C. To his hotel room. ‎ ‎9. What can we guess about the man from the talk? ‎ A. He works at the Star City Hotel. ‎ B. He does not know the area well. ‎ C. He often eats at this restaurant. ‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第10~12三个小题。 ‎ ‎10. What is the purpose of the talk? ‎ A. To report on a natural disaster. ‎ B. To ask the government for help. ‎ C. To collect money for people in need. ‎ ‎11. How long have the people in the countryside suffered from little rain? ‎ A. Ten years. B. One year. C. Two months. ‎ ‎12. How does China Aid plan to help the farmers? ‎ A. By giving seeds to them. B. By buying water for them. C. By sending books to their children.‎ ‎ 听下面一段话,回答第13~15三个小题。 ‎ ‎13. What has the girl prepared for breakfast? ‎ A. Coffee, eggs and chocolate. B. Bread, eggs and cake. C. Cake, milk and tea. ‎ ‎14. How did the girl pay for the gifts? ‎ A. With her own cash. B. With her bank card. C. With her father’s bank card. ‎ ‎15. What did the girl do last night? ‎ A. She damaged her father’s car. ‎ B. She bought her father movie tickets. ‎ C. She booked a table at a restaurant. ‎ 第二节听取信息(共5小题;每小题 1分,满分5分)‎ ‎ 听下面一段独白,请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入答题卡标号为A~E的空格中。听录音前,你将有15秒钟的阅题时间。录音播放两遍。你将有80秒钟的作答时间。‎ 二、语言知识及运用(共两节,满分20分) 第一节单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 从16~25各题所级的A、B、C和D项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 ‎ ‎16. Hurry up, kids! The school bus is coming. We have ______ time left. ‎ A. few B. a few C. little D. a little ‎ ‎17. Sarah, you’d better drink more water after ______ for such a long time. ‎ A. run B. runs C. to run D. running ‎ ‎18. Emma looked after her pet dog ______ of all her friends. ‎ A. careful B. most careful C. more carefully D. the most carefully ‎ ‎19. The weather forecast says that ______ another storm tomorrow. ‎ A. there will have B. there will be C. there has D. there has been ‎ ‎20. The stories ______ were written by Mark Twain are often humorous. ‎ A. that B. those C. who D. what ‎ ‎21. Miss Brown, we ______ cleaning our classroom. Can we go home now? ‎ A. finish B. finishing C. are finished D. have finished ‎ ‎22. The boy looked ______ because he didn’t pass his maths exam. ‎ A. sad B. sadness C. saddest D. sadly ‎23. Many houses ______ by the earthquake and thousands of people were left homeless. ‎ A. damaged B. were damaged C. were damaging D. are damaged ‎ ‎24. --- ______will the invitations be sent to our guests? --- In three days. ‎ A. How often B. How soon C. How long D. How far ‎ ‎25. Could you tell me ______ a moment ago? ‎ A. what were they talking about  B. what are they talking about ‎ C. what they were talking about  D. what they are talking about ‎ 第二节语法选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从26~35各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 ‎ Once, a king loved music so much that he searched the world for the best instrument. One day, a magic man 26  the king a harp(竖琴). ‎ The king took it to the palace, but 27  he played it, the harp sounded terrible. Many 28 people tried it. They agreed that the harp was 29  and the king had been fooled. The harp was thrown out as rubbish. ‎ A poor little girl 30  found the harp, and even though she didn’t know how 31  it, she decided to have a try. She played and played, the whole day through, for months and years. The music she produced was never perfect, 32  each time it sounded a little better. ‎ Then one day, suddenly, the harp started to play the most beautiful music. It was in fact 33 magic harp, and could only be played well by someone who would put in the necessary effort. ‎ The king heard the music from his window, and called the girl to the palace. When the king saw that she was playing his old harp, he was filled 34  joy. At that moment he made the girl his own private 35  , giving her and her family many riches.‎ ‎26. A. offer B. offers C. offered D. has offered ‎ ‎27. A. when B. before C. if D. because ‎ ‎28. A. another B. other C. others D. the other ‎ ‎29. A. used B. using C. useless D. uselessness ‎ ‎30. A. late B. lately C. latest D. later ‎ ‎31. A. played B. to play C. playing D. to playing ‎ ‎32. A. so B. and C. or D. but ‎ ‎33. A. a B. an C. the D. / ‎ ‎34. A. in B. of C. by D. with ‎ ‎35. A. music B. musical C. musician D. musically ‎ 三、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36~45各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ Kierman was born in Sydney, Australia, and grew up near the sea. For more than 40 years, he ‎ raced in international sailing competitions. ‎ In 1987, Kierman was competing in an around-the-world race when he began to 36 the huge amount of rubbish in the world’s oceans. When he returned to Australia, he 37 to do something about it. ‎ He organized a community 38 called “Clean Up Sydney Harbour.” On Sunday, January 8, 1989, more than 40,000 volunteers came out to 39 away rubbish. The next year, Kierman made the clean-up a national event. It was a huge 40 . Across Australia, about 300,000 people spent the day improving their local 41 . ‎ Since then, “Clean Up Australia” has got 42 every year. In 2002, for example,800,000 people cleaned up almost 15,000 tons of rubbish from Australia’s beaches, parks and streets. ‎ Kierman was 43 with the success of his project. In 2003, he started an even bigger program. With the 44 of the United Nations Environment Program, he introduced “Clean Up the World”, an international program that supports communities around the world in cleaning up and protecting the environment. “Clean Up the World” has grown 45 and his wonderful idea has now spread from one city to the whole world. ‎ ‎36. A. save B. collect C. notice D. produce ‎ ‎37. A. refused B. decided C. pretended D. stopped ‎ ‎38. A. law B. party C. company D. event ‎ ‎39. A. clear B. send C. turn D. give ‎ ‎40. A. problem B. success C. surprise D. failure ‎ ‎41. A. culture B. project C. government D. environment ‎ ‎42. A. older B. smaller C. bigger D. faster ‎ ‎43. A. happy B. angry C. disappointed D. concerned ‎ ‎44. A. need B. help C. hope D. action 4‎ ‎5. A. loudly B. gently C. rapidly D. busily ‎ 四、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所级的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 ‎ ‎(A)‎ This is a tale of two friends --- one is blind, the other has no arms. On their own, the two are “disabled”. But together, they are a powerful team that has changed part of their village in North China’s Hebei Province into a rich, green forest. Meet 53-year-old Jia Haixia and Jia Wenqi! ‎ Their story began in 2000, when Haixia, who was already blind in his right eye, lost his left one after an illness. Wenqi lost his arms in an accident when he was just three. Neither could find a job, so the two decided to team up. They rented some poor land and began to plant trees. In return, the local officials paid them a small fee. Haixia and Wenqi never imagined that they would end up creating an environmental paradise. Their forest now has over 10,000 trees, hundreds of birds and many other wild animals. In addition, it saves the village from river flooding during the rainy season. When the friends work together, they focus on their strengths not their disabilities. Their day begins at 7 a.m. when the sightless Haixia carries Wenqi across the river to get to their worksite. Since they cannot afford to buy young trees to plant, the two use branches from existing trees. Haixia climbs to the tree-top and with Wenqi’s direction, selects the perfect branch. He then digs a hole and carefully plants it. Finally Wenqi waters the area. ‎ Though hard-working, the men don’t make much money. But as Wenqi puts it, “We stand on ‎ our own feet, so the fruits of our work taste sweeter.” ‎ Neither Haixia nor Wenqi cares about money. Together, they already have everything they need --- a perfect pair of eyes, two strong hands, and the best friendship in the world! ‎ ‎46. Why did Haixia and Wenqi start working together? ‎ A. Haixia needed someone to help him. B. They both needed a way to make money. ‎ C. They wanted to improve the environment. D. They were required to do so by local offcials.‎ ‎47. Haixia and Wenqi’s forest has helped the village by______ . ‎ A. stopping floods in the rainy season B. increasing the number of tourists ‎ C. making the villagers richer D. providing more farmland ‎ ‎48. Why do Haixia and Wenqi plant tree branches? ‎ A. They are easy to get. B. They do not cost money. ‎ C. They can grow very quickly. D. They are preferred by animals. ‎ ‎49. In paragraph 5, when Wenqi says “We stand on our own feet, so the fruits of our work taste sweeter”, he means that “______”. ‎ A. they hope to make the forest even better B. the fruits from their trees are very sweet ‎ C. they are proud not to depend on others D. they are able to do any difficult work ‎ ‎50. What can we learn from this story? ‎ A. Never give up and you will succeed. B. We should help the disabled to work. ‎ C. Try your best when facing difficulties. D. We can achieve more with teamwork. ‎ ‎(B)‎ Most of us probably live without vegetables, but a world without chocolate? Now that would be hard! According to chocolate makers it could happen if we don’t act soon. ‎ There are two main causes of the chocolate shortage --- chocolate’s growing popularity and less production of cocoa, the plant from which chocolate is made. With more and more people in India and China loving chocolate, not much can be done about the first cause. ‎ Therefore, the only thing we can do is to increase cocoa production. However, new plant diseases and little rain in Ivory Coast and Ghana, the world’s largest producers, have reduced cocoa production by 40 percent in the past 10 years. What’s worse, many cocoa farmers in Africa and other cocoa-producing countries like Indonesia and Venezuela are changing to easier-to-grow crops such as corn or rubber. This way, the farmers can make more money. ‎ To prevent more farmers from changing, researchers at the newly opened International Cocoa Control Centre, in the UK, are trying to create new cocoa plants that are stronger and faster growing. But first they must make sure the new plants are safe to grow. This takes a long time. ‎ First, each new plant is stored at the Control Centre for six months to make sure it is healthy. It is then planted in the Centre’s fields, studied and tested for another two years. Only after scientists are certain that they’re disease-free, will the plants be sent to farmers in West Africa or wherever else they are needed. ‎ To create new stronger types of cocoa, scientists at the Centre are combining the best parts from different cocoa plants. Though the world is facing a serious chocolate shortage, there is now hope!‎ ‎51. The first paragraph tells us that______. ‎ A. chocolate is healthier than vegetables B. the world could soon be without chocolate C. people love vegetables more than chocolate D. it’s not necessary to eat so much chocolate ‎ ‎52. In which countries has chocolate become more popular in recent years? ‎ A. Venezuela and Indonesia. B. Ivory Coast and Ghana. ‎ C. Indonesia and China. D. China and India. ‎ ‎53. Cocoa farmers are choosing to grow rubber and corn because these crops______. ‎ A. can make them more money B. need less rain to grow ‎ C. can be planted more times each year D. are not damaged by plant diseases ‎ ‎54. How long does it take scientists at the Centre to make sure a cocoa plant is safe to grow? ‎ A. 6 months. B. 12 months. C. 24 months. D. 30 months. ‎ ‎55. What is one of the purposes of the Cocoa Control Centre? ‎ A. To introduce cocoa production to more countries. ‎ B. To provide more chocolate for British people. ‎ C. To produce stronger types of cocoa plants. ‎ D. To make sure that cocoa is healthy to eat. ‎ ‎(C)‎ On March 3, 1887, the lives of two amazing women were changed forever when Anne Sullivan, a poor university graduate, arrived at the home of the wealthy Keller family to teach theirsix-year-old daughter Helen. It was a difficult job as Helen was unable to see, hear or speak because of illness. ‎ Anne had been suggested to the Kellers by her university professor, a close friend of Mr. Keller. Before she arrived, Anne expected her new pupil to be a quiet, weak child. But Helen was nothing like that. When Anne first walked through the Kellers’ door, the energetic Helen nearly knocked her over in her hurry to feel Anne’s face, clothing and bag. ‎ Helen was used to visitors bringing her sweets, and angrily tried to force open Anne’s case to take her candy. But Anne calmed her down by allowing Helen to play with her watch. So began one of the most successful student-teacher relationships in history. ‎ Anne Sullivan was only twenty years old when she began teaching Helen. She had to not only teach the child all the usual school subjects, but also control Helen’s sometimes wild behaviour. Her well-meaning parents allowed Helen to do as she liked at home. Realizing that such an environment was unsuitable for learning, Anne requested that she and Helen live in a small house nearby. ‎ As soon as Helen began learning, it became clear that she was especially intelligent. She quickly learned to read and write, and by the age of ten she could also speak. ‎ In 1900, Helen started studying at Radcliffe University, and graduated first in her class in 1904. She was the very first blind and deaf person to get a university degree. How did she do it? Anne Sullivan read all of Helen’s books and then signed the information into her hand. Anne remained at Helen’s side until her death in 1936. Helen became a world-famous writer, and fought for disabled people’s rights until her death on Jun 1, 1968. ‎ ‎56. How did Anne come to work at the Kellers’ home? ‎ A. She replied to a job advertisement. ‎ B. She was introduced by her family friend. ‎ C. she was recommended by her university professor. ‎ D. She met Mr. Keller while studying at university. ‎ ‎57. What surprised Anne most about Helen when they first met? ‎ A. How intelligent Helen was. ‎ B. Helen gave Anne a gift. ‎ C. The way Helen’s parents treated her. ‎ D. How forceful Helen was. ‎ ‎58. According to the passage, Helen’s parents______. ‎ A. allowed her to do as she wished B. gave her too many gifts and sweets. ‎ C. did not spend much time with her D. cared little about her education. ‎ ‎59. Which of the following is NOT true about Helen’s university studies? ‎ A. She was greatly helped by Anne. B. She was the best student in her class. ‎ C. She was able to graduate in three years. D. She was the first deaf and blind university graduate. 60. According to the passage, both Anne and Helen______. ‎ A. died in their 60s B. were well educated C. came from rich families D. fought for human rights ‎ ‎61. “Dolphin Intelligence” is probably a story about dolphins’ ______. ‎ A. eating habits B. living places C. learning activities D. communication methods ‎ ‎62. What is true about New York according to the website? ‎ A. People are now afraid to visit. B. Millions of tourists go there. ‎ C. It has some new activities. D. It offers many big apples. ‎ ‎63. Aperson going to the page “The Magic of Night Markets” would expect to find______. ‎ A. a long article about night markets B. an interview with night market sellers C. many photographs of newly market foods and food shops D. many pictures of night market foods and food shops ‎ ‎64. From which page can a reader get some useful advice on photography? ‎ A. Video B. Visions of Earth C. Your Shot D. Photo of the Day ‎ ‎65. What has been the most popular story on the website this week? ‎ A. Top Danger for Lions: Hunting B. Controlling the Mckong ‎ C. A Day in New York D. Amazing Amazon ‎ 五、写作(共三节,满分30分) ‎ 第一节单词拼写(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。在填写答卷时,要求写出完整单词(每空限填一词) ‎ ‎66.It is a p______ that the weather is so bad today. We can’t go to a picnic. ‎ ‎67.You should always knock at the door before you e______ a room. ‎ ‎68.Close the window or the wind will b______ everything off my desk. ‎ ‎69.The young woman is very b______. She is not afraid of anything. ‎ ‎70.It’s very p______ to say “Thank you” when someone helps you. ‎ 第二节完成句子(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分) ‎ 根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子。(每空限填一词) ‎ ‎71. 现在越来越多的外国人对中国文化感兴趣了。 ‎ Now more and more foreigners______ ______ ______ Chinese culture. ‎ ‎72. 根据奶奶的建议,这汤应该煮上两个小时以上。 ‎ The soup______ ______ ______ for more than two hours according to Grandma. ‎ ‎73. 我桌子上的钥匙不见了,不知谁拿走了。 ‎ The key on my desk is gone. I wonder______ ______ it away. ‎ ‎74. 这部电影真乏味啊!我都快睡着了。 ‎ ‎______ ______ ______ movie it was! I almost fell asleep. ‎ ‎75. 如果你现在不出发,你就会错过末班车。‎ ‎______ you don’t leave now, you______ ______ the final bus. ‎ 第三节书面表达(共1题,满分15分) 你校将开设一些特色课程,学生可根据兴趣进行选择。请根据以下内容提示为学校英文网页写一篇短文,介绍这些课程、提出你建议增设的课程并说明理由。‎ Students in our school are free to choose some special courses according to their interest. … ‎ 注意:1. 参考词汇:模型制作 model making ‎ ‎2. 词数80左右(文章开头已给出,不计入词数); ‎ ‎3. 不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。‎ ‎2015年广州市初中毕业生学业考试 英语试题 参考答案及解析 一、听力(略) ‎ 二、语言知识与运用 ‎ 第一节 单项选择 ‎ ‎16-20 BADDC 21-25 DABBC ‎ ‎【解析】 ‎ ‎16. C 考查代词few与little的区别。首先,few修饰可数名词,little修饰不可数名词。根据 ‎ time是不可数名词,排除A,B。再根据题意“Hurry up”可知表示否定意思“几乎没时间”,故选C。 ‎ ‎17. D 考查动词形式。根据after为介词,后接动词ing形式,故选D。 ‎ ‎18. D 考查形容词的比较级与最高级。根据后文有范围“of all her friends”可知用最高级,排除A、C,又根据最高级前面要加the,故选D。 ‎ ‎19. B 考查there be句型。首先there be表示“有”,不与have、has连用,排除A、C。又根据tomorrow可知,用一般将来时,故选B。 ‎ ‎20. A 考查定语从句的关系代词。先行词是the stories,指物,定语从句缺主语;先行词在从句中充当主语。这时候可以填which与that。比对答案,故选A。 ‎ ‎21. D 考查时态(现在完成时)。本题意思“我们已经打扫完教室。我们现在可以回家了吗?”强调打扫完教室对现在造成的影响,用现在完成时have done,故选D。 ‎ ‎22. A 考查形容词。根据动词looked是感官系动词,后跟形容词,表示“看起来忧伤”,故选A。 ‎ ‎23. B 考查被动语态。根据题意“很多房子被毁坏”,需要用被动语态be done,排除A、C,又根据后文were提示,应用过去式,故选B。 ‎ ‎24. B 考查特殊疑问词。A选项how often表示“多经常”,用于询问频率; B选项 how soon 表示“多久之后”,需用“in +一段时间”回答; C选项 how long 表示“多长时间”,常用“for +一段时间”或“since+时间段+ago”回答。 根据回答,故选B。 ‎ ‎25. C 考查宾语从句的时态和语序。宾语从句通常是陈述语序,引导词what+主语+谓语,所 ‎ 以先排除AB。宾语从句时态原则:主现从随便,主过从必过,真理规律永一现。根据ago,从句动作发生在过去,故用一般过去时。故选C。 ‎ 第二节 语法选择 ‎ ‎26-30 CABCD 31-35 BDADC’ ‎ ‎【解析】 ‎ ‎26.C 考查时态。根据上文one day提示,应用一般过去时。 ‎ ‎27.A 考查状语从句引导词。根据句意“但是当他弹奏的时候…”,故选when。 ‎ ‎28.B 考查代词。another表示三者或者三者以上的“另一个”;other表示“其他”,后可接名词;others表示“其他的…”,后不可接名词;the other表示两者中的“另一个”。根据文意“很2 ‎ 多其他的人尝试过”且后有名词people,故选other。 ‎ ‎29.C 考查词义辨析。根据后文as rubbish提示,得知句意应为“他们同意那把竖琴是没有用的”,故排除A、B,又根据be动词后加形容词,故选C。 ‎ ‎30.D 考查词义辨析。late表示“迟到,晚的”;lately表示“最近”;latest表示“最新的”;later表示“稍后”,根据文意“贫穷的小女孩之后发现了那把竖琴”,故选D。 ‎ ‎31.B 考查动词形式。特殊疑问词+to do可做宾语,故选B。 ‎ ‎32.D 考查连词。根据句意“每次弹奏的音乐从来都不完美,但每次听起来都有提升”可知前后句是转折关系,故选D。 ‎ ‎33.A 考查冠词。根据句意“实际上它是一把有魔力的竖琴”表示泛指,用在首字母非元音发音的magic单词前,故选A。 ‎ ‎34.D 考查介词。固定搭配,be filled with表示“充满…”。 ‎ ‎35.C 考查构词法。music为名词,表示“音乐”;musical为形容词,表示“音乐的”;musician为名词,表示“音乐家”;musically为副词,表示“音乐地”。根据文意“他让小女孩成为他的私人音乐师”,故选C。 ‎ 三、完形填空 ‎ ‎36-40 CBDAB 41-45 DCABC ‎ ‎【解析】 ‎ ‎36.C 考查的是动词辨析和上下文理解。save表示“节约、拯救”, notice表示“注意”,collect ‎ 表示“收集”,produce表示“生产”。根据下文,可知道“当他从澳大利亚回来的时候,他决定做一些事情解决海洋垃圾问题”,所以在他参加比赛时应是“注意”到海上有很多垃圾,因此选C。 ‎ ‎37.B 考查的是词组辨析。refuse to表示“拒绝做”,decide to表示“决定做”, pretend to表 ‎ 示“假装做”,stop to表示“停下来去做另一件事”,从下文“他发起一个清理垃圾的社区活动”可知选decide to。 ‎ ‎38.D 考查的是名词辨析和上下文理解。根据下文第3段“Kierman made the clean-up a national event”,Kierman把这个清洁活动变成一个全国性的活动”,可知他刚开始组织的是一个“社区活动”,因此选event表示“活动”。 ‎ ‎39.A 考查的是词组。clear away表示“清理”,send away表示“发送、遣散”, turn away表示 ‎ ‎“拒绝、离开”,give away表示“捐赠”,根据上文“他组织了一个叫做’清理悉尼海湾’的活动”可知这些人应该是出来“清理垃圾”,因此选clear away。 ‎ ‎40.B 考查名词和上下文。文中讲到许多人参加这个活动清理垃圾,应该是获得巨大成功,因此选B ‎ ‎41.D 考查考查名词和上下文。根据上文可知,许多人参加这个活动清理垃圾,应该是“改善当地环境”,因此,此处应该填“environment”表示环境。 ‎ ‎42.C 考查上下文。1990年大约3000,000人参加这个活动,2002年有8000,000人参加,所以这个活动应该是“每年规模更大”,另外,下文第5段提到In 2003, he started an even bigger program,,因此选bigger。 ‎ ‎43.A 考查形容词辨析。happy表示“高兴的”, angry表示“生气的”, disappointed表示“沮丧的”, concerned表示“担心的”,根据常识,活动获得成功应该是“高兴”,故选“happy”。 ‎ ‎44.B 考查词组。“with the help of”表示“在……的帮助下”,无“with the need/hope/action of”的用法,因此选“help”。 ‎ ‎45.C 考查副词和上下文理解。loudly表示“大声地”, gently表示“温柔地”, rapidly表示“迅速地”, busily表示“忙碌地”,上文讲到每年参加清洁活动的人越来越多,下文讲到他的想法现在已经从一个城市发展到全世界,表明这个活动发展迅速,因此选rapidly。 ‎ 四、阅读理解 ‎ ‎46—50 BABCD 51—55 BDADC 56—60 CDACB 61—65 DBDCA ‎ ‎【解析】 ‎ A ‎ ‎46. B 细节推理题。题目问的是Haixia和Wenqi开始一起工作的原因,这要原文定位到他们 ‎ 开始工作的段落--B段。 The story began这句话就提醒我们他们是一个powerful team的缘由。首先介绍他们身体的残缺,关键句:Neither could find a job, so the two decided to team up.这句话的so是关键字,表示前面不能找到工作是原因,结果是后面的他们组成了一个团队。从而从不能找到工作而组队这个细节推理出出46题的答案B they both needed a way to make money,故本题选B。 ‎ ‎47. A 细节理解题。这道题是比较典型的细节题,主要运用原文定位+排除法。题目问的是 ‎ 他们帮助村庄的方式,题目关键词:by 根据每段主题句(第一句)具体帮助村名的方式应该主要定位在C段。C段有2个关键点(通过in addition判断):1.environmental paradise 2. save from flooding.逐一排除选项:B选项--文中没有提及。C选项--细节错误,他们帮助村民创建的是一个environmental paradise,专注于环境的改善,并非经济上的实际收益。D选项--信息错误,文中B段仅仅提及他们租用地块,并非提供给其他村民farmland. A选项正确,定位原文C段最后一句,他们帮助村民阻止雨季中的洪灾,故选A。 ‎ ‎48. B 细节题。题目问的是为什么他们种植树枝。关键字定位tree branches. 原文定位D段 ‎ 第四行,关键字since,原因状语从句,表明他们使用树枝的原因是they cannot afford to buy young trees to plant. 故选B.使用树枝的原因是不需要花钱。 ‎ ‎49. C 推理题。把题目提及句子定位到原文倒数第二段。他们觉得果实更加甜的原因是we ‎ stand on our own feet,根据语境这里表示的意思是自己能够独立,与C选项符合,故选C. ‎ ‎50. D 主旨题。主旨题通常从首尾段看出,尤其最后段的感叹句强调了作者的情感,两个关 ‎ 键点:1.together 2. The best friendship 表明是他们的团队精神让他们能够创造出更多的成果。 ‎ B ‎ ‎51. B 推理判断题。第一段中心句为“According to chocolate makers it could happen if we don’t act soon. 这里it指的是a world without chocolate.”故选B。 ‎ ‎52. D 细节理解题。第二段最后一句话:“With more and more people in India and China loving 4 ‎ chocolate. ”故选D。 ‎ ‎53. A 细节理解题。第三段最后一句话:“This way, the farmers can make more money. ”This指的即是“cocoa farmers are changing to easier-to-grow crops such as corn or rubber.”故选A。 ‎ ‎54. D 推理判断题。第五段中由“First, each new plant is stored at the Control Centre for six months”、“It is then planted in the Centre’s fields, studied and tested for another two years.”,得出需要2年6个月即30个月。故选D。 ‎ ‎55. C 细节理解题。第四段中“To prevent more farmers from changing, researchers at the newly opened International Cocoa Control Centre, in the UK, are trying to create new cocoa plants that are stronger and faster growing.” ‎ C ‎ ‎56.C 细节理解题。第二段“Anne had been suggested to the Kellers by her university professor, a close friend of Mr. Keller” ‎ ‎57.D 推理判断题。第二段“Before she arrived, Anne expected her new pupil to be a quiet, weak child. But Helen was nothing like that”及Helen的表现“the energetic Helen nearly knocked her over in her hurry to feel Anne’s face, clothing and bag.”、第三段“angrily to force open Anne’s case to open her candy.” 故选D。force open sth. 意为“大力打开某物”,forceful意为“强有力的”。 ‎ ‎58. A 细节理解题。由第五段“Her well-meaning parents allowed Helen to do as she liked at home.”推断选出A。 ‎ ‎59. C 细节理解题。最后一段“In 1900, Helen started studying at Radcliffe University, and graduated first in her class in 1904.”一共四年,故选C。 ‎ ‎60. B 细节理解题。此题可用排除法做,A选项,开头提到1887年时Helen是6岁,末尾提到她去世时是1968年,推断她去世时是87岁。C选项,由第一段“Anne Sullivan,a poor university graduate”得出C是错的。D选项文章只在最后一段提到了“Helen fought for disabled people’s right”而不是“human rights”。师徒两人均读完大学,可以被称作是“well educated”.故选B。 ‎ D ‎ ‎61. D 细节题。定位到Dolphin Intelligence段落,最后一句话,what she discovered about ‎ dolphin communication and what dolphin say. 关键是海豚之间的沟通方式,故选D. ‎ ‎62. B 细节题。定位到New York部分,采用排除法。A选项--错误,文中说的是曾经人们害 ‎ 怕这个城市(文中once 表“曾经”,并且用了过去式),并非A选项提及的now信息 不符。C选项--new activities与原文的interesting不符,偷换概念。D选项----与原文不符合,原文的Big Apple大写首字母应该为专有名词,并非真的apples,故不对。 B选项---与原文提及的Now tourists are visiting New York each year符合,选项中的millions of有“成千上万的,无数的”的含义,突出人数多,和原文表达意思一致。故选B.‎ ‎63. D 细节题。原文定位”The Magic of Night Markets”部分。依然采用排除法,A&B选项文 ‎ 章没有提及。C选项--与原文不符合,原文标题已经突出Night,并非newly market,再次偷换原文概念,混淆答案。D选项--正确,因为原文的the real attraction是夜市的食物,所以人们预期能看到关于夜市食物的照片。 ‎ ‎64. C 细节题。原文定位关于photography.这个出现在三个大标题中的Photography. 根据文中 “get helpful tips and advice”判断正确答案为C。 ‎ ‎65. A 细节题。原文第三个大标题:Most Read This Week.表明最多人阅读的文章,第一位就 ‎ 是Top Danger for Lions: Hunting. 故选A. ‎ 五、写作 ‎ 第一节 单词拼写 ‎ ‎66.pity 67. enter 68. blow 69. brave 70. polite ‎ 第二节 完成句子 ‎ ‎71. are/become interested in 72.should be cooked 73.who took ‎ ‎74. What a boring 75. If, will miss ‎ 第三节 作文 ‎ 范文1: ‎ Students in our school are free to choose some special courses according to their interest. These courses will help students relax themselves after school. There are many courses for them to choose, such as English drama, football, or model making. Here is more information. ‎ If you want to improve your oral English, English drama may be the first choice. It is a good chance to practice not only oral English, but also performing skills. If you are interested in football, take the football course. It is good for your physical health. Besides, you can learn more about teamwork. What about model making? You will be amazed by the science world and become interested in it. ‎ For my part, a painting course can be added, because students like drawing so much. I hope these courses would be helpful and each student would enjoy a bright and colorful school life here! ‎ 范文2: ‎ Students in our school are free to choose some special courses according to their interests. It is such cheerful news because it can enrich students’ after-school lives. ‎ Here is some information about each course. If you are keen on sports, soccer course will be a great choice. Not only can it make you strong and healthy, but also offers you a good chance to make friends and encourage teamwork. For those who are interested in science, model making is definitely their favorite. Students can get to know more about science, which will greatly arouse their interest. If you want to practice your oral English, you can take a course on English drama. When you are challenging different characters, you also learn how to perform them. ‎ In my opinion, I suggest adding a music course. Lots of students are suffering from the stress of study. It is relaxing for them to play musical instruments. Hope everyone can enjoy the courses mentioned above.‎

