黑龙江双鸭山市 2017 高考英语阅读理解一轮统编题(四) 阅读理解训练

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黑龙江双鸭山市 2017 高考英语阅读理解一轮统编题(四) 阅读理解训练

只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 1 黑龙江双鸭山市 2017 高考英语阅读理解一轮统编题(四) 阅读理解训练 (2015·东北三省四市二模) Windows 8, apart from Windows 95, is the biggest surprise and the only version of Microsoft's operating system has been changed from the core(核心) when compared to its former one. However, a recent study has shown that under 20% of business owners would be willing to upgrade to the new version of Windows. The reason for this remains to be discussed and debated, and we will try to throw light on this research by providing you with some of the most common advantages and disadvantages of Windows 8. Generally speaking, there are a great number of plus_sides related to upgrading from Windows 7 to Windows 8. Speed—This is the biggest advantage to mention. Boot time has been reported to be up to nine times shorter than that with Windows 7. New passwords—Instead of typing your passwords, windows 8 will let you use gestures on your favorite photos to enter your password. This is not only practical but also extremely cool! Windows 8 experience—Apart from computers, Windows 8 will be used on all devices, including smart phones, tablet PC's and so on. Also, owing to the fact that it has been specifically designed with touch screen users in mind, Windows 8, besides using keyboard and mouse, will offer a whole new user experience. However, there are still some disadvantages. The first one that has to be mentioned is that there is no Start Menu from Windows. Yes, there is no Start button in the lower left corner, and this might be a real puzzle of many Windows users. Also, many users have had a problem to get used to the new interface(界面) introduced by Windows 8. The biggest problem that is worth noticing is that Windows 8 was originally designed for touch screen users, and this may have a had effect on desktop users who have gotten used to doing everything with the help of their keyboard and mouse. 文章大意:本文是说明文,介绍了 Windows 8 的优缺点。 12.What does “plus aides” in Paragraph 2 probably refer to? A.Math symbols. B.Advantages. C.New rules. D.Messages. 答案:B 词义猜测题。math symbols 数学符号;Advantages 有利条件;New rules 新规章制度;Massages 信息。从 plus 这个词的本意和下文中提到的“Speed, New passwords,Windows 8 experience”还有 “However, there are still some disadvantages.”可知答案选 B。 13.The most attractive aspect of Windows 8 is its ________. A.complex password B.fast rate 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 2 C.unique experience D.new interface 答案:B 细节理解题。complex password 复杂的密码;fast rate 快的速度; unique experience 独 特的经验;new interface 新的界面。从“Speed”部分“This is the biggest advantage to mention.” 可知答案选 B。 14.From the passage we can learn that Windows 8 ________. A.no longer requires a password B.was upgraded from Windows 95 C.will be popular with desktop users D.can be used on more than computers 答案:D 细节理解题。考查考生对细节信息的提取能力。no longer require a password 不再需要密 码;was upgraded from Windows 95 从 Windows 95 开始升级;will be popular with desktop users 将 受到桌面用户的喜爱;can be used on more than computers 不仅用于电脑。从“Windows 8 experience” 部分“Apart from computers, Windows 8 will be used on all devices”可知,应选 D。 15.Many Windows 8 Users will face the problem that ________. A.Start Menu is hidden in the lower left corner B.they have to use fingerprints instead of buttons C.key board and mouse can't be used any longer C.they don't get accustomed to the new interface 答案:D 细节理解题。考查考生对细节信息的提取能力。Start Menu is hidden in the lower left corner 开始菜单隐藏在左下角;they have to use fingerprints instead of buttons 要使用指纹代替按 钮;keyboard and mouse can't be used any longer 键盘和鼠标不再被用;they don't get accustomed to the new interface 他们不习惯新的界面。由文章最后一段中 “Also, many users have had a problem to get used to the new interface(界面)introduced by Windows 8.” 可知答案选 D。 黑龙江省大庆市喇中 2016 高考英语阅读练习——科普环保类 Our body clock, or natural body rhythm, influences our energy and alertness. Paying attention to it can help us choose the suitable time of the day when we best perform specific tasks. The reality, however, is that most of us organize the time around work demands, school deadlines, commuting or social events. Doing whatever the body feels like doing is a luxury in today’s fast-paced modern society. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth trying. Obeying our body clock has significant health benefits. Disrupting our natural body rhythm, on the other hand, has been linked to problems such 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 3 as depression, obesity, or headache, says Steve Key, a biology professor. When the body clock can synchronize (使…同步) the rhythms of its natural processes, it “gives us an advantage in daily life”, says Key. According to him, when it comes to cognitive (认知的) work, most adults perform best in the late morning. As our body temperature starts to rise just before awakening in the morning and continues to increase until midday, our memory, alertness and concentration gradually improve. However, he adds, our ability to concentrate typically starts to decrease soon thereafter. Most of us are more easily distracted (分心) between noon and 4 pm. Alertness also tends to fall after eating a meal and sleepiness tends to peak around 2 pm, making that a good time for a nap. Surprisingly, tiredness may increase our creative powers. For most adults, problems that require open-ended thinking are often best dealt with in the evening when they are tired, according to a study in the journal Thinking & Reasoning. When choosing a time of the day to exercise, paying attention to your body clock can improve results. Physical performance is usually best from about 3 to 6 pm, says Michael Smolensky, a professor of biomedical engineering. Of course, not everyone’s body clock is the same, making it even harder to synchronize natural rhythms with daily plans. 【小题 1】If we know our natural body rhythm well, we can ______. A.find out the suitable time to do specific tasks B.organize our time around work demands C.do whatever our body feels like doing D.be sure to be healthy 【小题 2】 Which of the following is NOT true? A.Our alertness is influenced by our natural body rhythm. B.Doing whatever your body feels like is very difficult in our modern society. C.Obeying our body clock is good for our health. D.Disrupting our natural body rhythm can lead to obesity. 【小题 3】Inspiration to solve a difficult problem will most probably come to us______. A.when we get up in the morning B.when we are tired in the evening 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 4 C.when we are full of energy in the late morning D.when we are asleep at night 【小题 4】Which of the following can be the suitable title for the passage? A.What is natural body rhythm? B.Natural body rhythm is good for us. C.natural body rhythm and health D.The latest research about natural body rhythm. 【浙江省金丽衢十二校 2014 高考英语第二次联考】 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的.四个选项(A,B,C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项标号涂 黑。 A Recently I had a conversation in Beijing with an adult Chinese friend who was complaining how difficult it was to study English..No surprises there. It is a difficult language to master, just like Chinese. I made a few suggestions based on my~experience. One involved a very valuable fact which I learned from my high school Latin and Greek teacher, Dr. Smith.He is a gifted linguist (语言学家),and has an amazing ability to memorize things, like poetry, essays, speeches, etc.His advice to us students is that for memorization purposes, there is forty minutes each day in which our memory is more receptive than it is during the other 23 hours and 20 minutes. This 40-minute "super memory" period is divided into two parts: the 20 minutes before we sleep, hnd the 20 minutes after we first awake. The theory supporting this is pretty simple. First, the last information we input into our brain before bed has a better chance of taking root than information obtained during the noisy daytime; and,second, our mind is free of disturbance when we first awake in the morning 一 so more receptive to inputs, like a blank slate(石板). 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 5 I took the advice to heart and it served me well in my school years.In my university days, our Chinese teacher would assign us 200 new vocabulary words each day, on which we would be quizzed the following day. Without the "magic" 40-minute technique, there's no way I would have passed those daily quizzes. As far as language study goes, it's not only useful for memorizing vocabulary. It's also a very useful window of time to listen to the language we're studying even with background noise, and even if it's at a level we find difficult to understand. It might be audio(声音的)language study aids, or just radio, TV or whatever. Beyond our years of formal education, memory skills are hugely important in any career. How many times have we heard a speaker read their speech from. a prepared text, or read the word-by-word content of a PowerPoint presentation as they present each slide? These are annoying, boring, and ineffective ways of communicating. They are almost guaranteed to lose the audience's close attention and interest, let alone persuade or inspire anyone to do anything. And yet lots of people still make this mistake. If we use the 40-minute technique, we may not succeed in memorizing our presentation content on a 100% word-by-word basis, but we'll be familiar enough so that we can spend much more time making eye contact with our audience. We will engage them in the process, while glancing at our text instead of staring at it. This will also free up our hands and arms to convey some extra messages through gesture. As you see, the technique really works, but like many things,- it takes practice to perfect it. Therefore,we'd better find ways to use the language outside of the classroom,as regularly and frequently as possible. One fundamental rule of language learning is, "Use it, or lose it·” Seize the' forty-minute learning window and we'll bring in a rich harvest of language learning. 41 .Which of the following is TRUE according to Paragraph 1? A. Dr. Smith is born with the great ability to memorize things. B .It is surprising that English is as difficult to master as Chinese. C .The author's high school Latin and Greek teacher has a positive influence on him. D .The author made a few suggestions on learning English based on his teacher's experience. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 6 42.The author's teacher recommended the 40-minute“super memory”period partly because A .it is less noisy in the forty minutes than in the daytime B .we are always more peaceful when we awake in the morning C .our brain is more active in the forty minutes than the other time D .the last information obtained before bed is more likely to remain 43 .We can learn from the passage that the 40-minute technique_. A. guarantees that we understand the difficult language B .aids a speaker in reading his speech from a prepared text C .helps the author pass those daily quizzes in his university days D .makes a speaker memorize the presentation content completely 44 .What's the author's attitude towards the 40-minute technique? A. Approving B. Objective C. Doubtful D. Cautious 45 .Which of the following is the best title for this passage? A. The Best Way to Learn English B.The Importance of Memory Skills C .The“Magic,,40-Minute Technique D.My Advice on Learning English 【参考答案】41—45、CDCAC 黑龙江省大庆市喇中 2016 高考英语阅读练习——科普环保类 Scientists believe that one of our most important means of knowing what is going on around us is the sense of sound. We are warned of danger by sounds. Sounds serve to please us in music. Sound has a waste product, too, in the form of noise. Noise has been called unwanted sound. Noise is growing and it may get much worse before it gets any better. In order to know how noise affects people and animals, scientists have been studying for several years. They are surprised by what they have learned. Peace and quiet are becoming harder to find. Noise pollution is a threat that should be looked at carefully. Sounds is measured in units called decibels (分贝). At a level of 140 decibels people feel pain in their ears. Trucks , buses , motorcycles, airplanes, boats, factories---all these things make noise. They trouble not only our ears, but minds and bodies as well. There is a saying that it is so noisy that you can’t hear yourself think. Doctors who study noise 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 7 believe that we must sometimes hear ourselves think. If we don’t, we may have headaches, other aches and pains, or even worse mental problems. Noise adds more tension (紧张) to a society that has already faced enough stress. 【小题 1】The sense of sound _________. A.makes us feel excited B.helps us hear more clearly C.is something harmful to us D.helps to know what is happening around us 【小题 2】When sound is turned into noise, ______________. A.people grow worse and worse B.it makes us forget all the past C.people don’t know what to do with everyday life D.it will be a kind of pollution to people 【小题 3】Why does the passage say peace and quiet are becoming harder to find? A.Because the world is making more and more noise. B.Because wars and battles happen here and there in the world. C.Because all the sounds are becoming over 140 decibels. D.Because some machines can make noise. 【小题 4】Doctors say we can hear ourselves think __________. A.if we don’t like to hear noise B.if we have no aches or pains in our bodies C.if there isn’t too much noise D.if we can’t be careful of noise 黑龙江省大庆市喇中 2016 高考英语阅读练习——科普环保类 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 8 If you had a strange sound in your ear, what would you do? One man in Wales who thought he had a fly in his ear called 999, the emergency services number in Britain. And so did a woman who was worried about her green potatoes. Could she make chips with them? Were they poisonous? She didn’t hesitate about calling the local ambulance service to ask. According to a recent report, more than 31,000 non-urgent calls were made to the Welsh Ambulance Service in the last year. Inappropriate calls are a headache for health professionals everywhere. In the US, prank calls to 911 happen on a daily basis. Many callers use apps which hide their identity. But those who try to be funny shouldn’t be surprised if the police have the last laugh. One man from Colorado was arrested for making more than 1,200 prank calls, according to a report on the US television station KOAA—TV. People who take these calls are trained to stay calm and keep a straight face, no matter how strange the call sounds. “There’s no way for us to know whether the call is real, accidental or a prank call,” said a public safety worker interviewed by the American TV channel. The Head of Clinical Services at the Welsh Ambulance Service, Richard Lee, has a warning for prank callers. He says:“ When people misuse the service it means our precious time is being taken away from someone who really does need our help.” Indeed, these hotlines are supposed to help the seriously ill or those with a life-threatening injury. You never know, one day, the person who needs assistance could be you or someone in your family. 【小题 1】How does the author introduce the topic of the text? A.By giving examples. B.By telling a story. C.By listing figures. D.By making a comparison. 【小题 2】According to the text, prank calls are usually________. A.meant to be helpful B.dealt with in time C.thought highly of D.made to play tricks 【小题 3】What does the underlined phrase “have the last laugh” in Paragraph 2 probably mean? A.win at last. B.never find them. C.laugh at them. D.know nothing. 【小题 4】What does the author intend to suggest in the text? A.Prank calls are usually easy to identify. B.Operators feel annoyed by strange callers. C.Prank calls may cause serious results. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 9 D.Prank callers should be punished by law.

