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‎2017-2018学年山东省武城县第二中学高二12月月考英语试题 ‎2017.12‎ 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)‎ 第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ ‎1. What does the woman want to do?‎ A. Rent a car. B. Get a license. C. Change a card. ‎ ‎2. Whom does the woman suggest the man speak to?‎ A. Mr. Brown. B. Mr. Smith. C. Mrs. Brown. ‎ ‎3. What's wrong with the woman?‎ A. She locked herself in the apartment. ‎ B. She forgot to change her lock. ‎ C. She couldn't find her keys. ‎ ‎4. When was James' plane supposed to arrive?‎ A. At 1:50. B. At 2:10. C. At 2:45. ‎ ‎5. What does the woman say about the meeting?‎ A. It will begin as scheduled. ‎ B. It is brought forward. ‎ C. It has been canceled. ‎ 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。‎ ‎6. What is the woman weak in?‎ A. Reading in French. B. Writing in Spanish. C. Speaking in Spanish. ‎ ‎7. Why does the woman talk to the man?‎ A. To apply for a job.   ‎ B. To discuss her studies.   ‎ C. To choose a language course. ‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题。‎ ‎8. What does the woman want to find out?‎ A. The way to get to the airport. ‎ B. The work hours of the bus company. ‎ C. The timetable of the bus to the airport. ‎ ‎9. What is the correct telephone number?‎ A. 350-686-4700. B. 350-688-4700. C. 350-886-4700. ‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12三个小题。‎ ‎10. What is the weather like now?‎ A. Warm. B. Cool. C. Cold. ‎ ‎11. Where does the man expect to go this afternoon?‎ A. The seaside. B. His office. C. A clothes store. ‎ ‎12. What does the woman advise the man to do?‎ A. Carry four sets of clothes. ‎ B. Drop the idea of leaving. ‎ C. Go somewhere warm. ‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第13至第16四个小题。‎ ‎13. Where does the conversation take place?‎ A. In the man's flat. B. In a restaurant. C. At a garage. ‎ ‎14. What does the man say about his lateness?‎ A. He had a car problem. B. He lost his cellphone. C. He left home late. ‎ ‎15. What day is it today?‎ A. Friday. B. Saturday. C. Sunday. ‎ ‎16. What do we know about the man?‎ A. He is always late. B. He was lucky. C. He told a lie. ‎ 听下面一段独白,回答第17至第20四个小题。‎ ‎17. What’s the speaker?‎ A. A photographer. B. A tour guide. C. A wildlifer. ‎ ‎18. What was the speaker most excited about in Africa?‎ A. Meeting interesting people.   B. Seeing wild animals.  C. Tasting new foods. ‎ ‎19. Which country has the speaker visited?‎ A. Spain. B. Ireland. C. New Zealand. ‎ ‎20. What does the speaker think of traveling?‎ A. Tiring and time-wasting. ‎ B. Relaxing and cheap. ‎ C. Expensive but enjoyable. ‎ 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ A As the oldest university in the English-speaking world, Oxford is a unique and historic institution. There is no clear date of foundation, but teaching existed at Oxford in some form in 1096 and developed rapidly from 1167, when Henry II banned English students from attending the University of Paris. From 1878, academic halls were established for women and they were admitted to full membership of the University in 1920. Five all-male colleges first admitted women in 1974. St Hilda's College, which was originally for women only, was the last of Oxford’s single sex colleges. It has admitted both men and women since 2008.‎ By 1200, the town of Cambridge had at least one school of some distinction. Then, in 1209, some scholars settled there. By 1226 the scholars were numerous enough to have set up an organisation, and seem to have arranged regular courses of study, taught by their own members. From the start there was conflict between the town and the students. Students, usually aged about fourteen or fifteen, often caused disturbances; citizens of the town, on the other hand, were known to overcharge for rooms and food. King Henry III took the scholars under his protection as early as 1231 and arranged for them to be sheltered from exploitation by their landlords. ‎ ‎ The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is a private research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Founded in 1861 in response to the increasing industrialization of the United States, MIT adopted a European university model and stressed laboratory instruction in applied science and engineering. The current 168-acre campus opened in 1916 and extends over 1 mile (1.6 km) along the northern bank of the Charles River basin.‎ ‎ On April 29, 1911, Tsinghua Xuetang began its first term of study, and from that year on, the Tsinghua’s anniversary has fallen on the last Sunday of April. Following the outbreak of the War of Resistance against Japan in 1937, Tsinghua University, Peking University and Nankai University combined to form the National Southwest Associated University in Kunming. After the war, Tsinghua University moved back to its original Beijing campus.‎ ‎21. The University of Oxford did not take in female students until ______.‎ ‎ A. 2008 B. 1878 C. 1920 D. 1974‎ ‎22. The reason for founding MIT is ______.‎ ‎ A. to meet the need of American industrialization ‎ B. to take advantage of the European university style ‎ C. to cover an extended area along the Charles River ‎ D. to stress research and education in the physical sciences ‎23. Which of the four universities was once moved to another place in history?‎ ‎ A. Oxford. B. Cambridge. C. MIT. D. Tsinghua.‎ ‎24. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to this passage?‎ ‎ A. Henry III banned students attending the University of Paris.‎ ‎ B. The landlords of Cambridge asked for too much money.‎ ‎ C. MIT covers a very large area of land.‎ ‎ D. Tsingua, Peking and Nankai once joined together.‎ ‎ B You might notice something new in the next few years as you watch Disney programs: Starting in 2015, there won’t be any candy, sugary cereal or fast-food commercials (广告) aimed at kids. ‎ The Walt Disney Company has become the first major media company to ban(禁止) ads for junk food on its TV channels, radio stations and websites. It hopes this will stop kids from making poor food choices. First Lady Michelle Obama called it a “game changer” that is sure to send a message to the rest of the children’s entertainment industry. “Just a few years ago, if you had told me or any other mom or dad in America that our kids wouldn’t see a single ad for junk food while they watched their favorite cartoons on a major TV network, we wouldn’t have believed you, ” said the First Lady, who heads a campaign (发起运动)to help stop child obesity (肥胖). ‎ The ban would apply to Disney-owned ABC stations as well as Radio Disney and Disney-owned websites aimed at families with young children. In addition, Disney plans to make changes to its kids menus at theme parks and resorts (度假胜地). Fast-food options will be replaced with healthier choices, such as smoothies (果汁), apples, vegetables and yogurt. ‎ In addition to candy bars and fast-food meals, other foods that don’t meet Disney’s nutritional (营养的)standards will be banned from the company’s kid-targeted media. Any cereal with 10 grams or more of sugar per serving will be off the air. There will be no ads for full meals of more than 600 calories. Juices with high levels of sugar and foods with too much salt will also be pulled. Leslie Goodman, Disney’s senior vice-president of Corporate Citizenship, said a company that wants to advertise will need to show that it offers a range of healthy options. ‎ Disney isn’t the only one pushing away unhealthy foods. Last week, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg suggested a ban on drinks over 16 ounces sold in movie theaters, restaurants and convenience stores in the Big Apple. He says large, sugary drinks are partly to blame for obesity. ‎ ‎25. What will the Walt Disney Company do from 2015? ‎ ‎ A. Produce more and better cartoons for young kids. ‎ ‎ B. Help kids develop healthy lifestyle in the program.‎ C. Stop broadcasting advertisements for junk food on TV.‎ ‎ D. Provide healthier food for kids while they are watching programs. ‎ ‎26. What Michelle Obama said suggests that while watching cartoons, _______. ‎ ‎ A. kids didn’t believe what the commercials said[]‎ ‎ B. kids enjoy eating candy, sugary cereal or junk food ‎ C. kids find pleasure in watching fast-food commercials ‎ ‎ D. kids were to see a lot of fast-food commercials on TV ‎27. According to Michael Bloomberg, to fight child obesity, kids should _______. ‎ ‎ A. watch fewer cartoons B. drink less sugary drinks ‎ C. not go to movie theaters D. take more physical exercise C Life is full of funny moments, and not just for humans.‎ Over the years, studies by various groups have suggested that monkeys, dogs and even rats love a good laugh. People, meanwhile, have been laughing since before they could talk.‎ While human humor often involves the use of language, Jaak Panksepp, a professor at Bowling Green State University, US, said he would not be surprised if positive feelings could be produced in some animals.‎ Dolphins, for example, have long attracted animal researchers because of the complex(复杂的)ways in which they communicate: a rich variety of sounds of different rhythms.‎ A decade ago, researchers studying dolphins at the Kolmarden Wildlife Park in Sweden noticed a set of sounds the dolphins made during play-fighting. They concluded that the purpose of the sound was to suggest that the situation was pleasant and to prevent it building up into a real fight.‎ ‎“The play-fighting we see in animals are harmless attacks with a very social purpose,” said Peter McGraw, a psychologist at the University of Colorado. “Some of it is bonding(建立关系)and some of it can be learning to fight. But what you always see is that the animal that’s being attacked is the one making these noises that we think of as laughter. I believe that through evolution, laughter developed a way of showing that something which would otherwise be wrong is actually OK.”‎ Panksepp has even seen evidence of joy in crayfish(小龙虾). When given small amounts of drugs such as cocaine in a certain place, they appear to connect that location with pleasure.‎ ‎“given the chance, they will always return to that place, perhaps in the hope of getting more,” he says. Panksepp wasn’t sure it equals the same drug-induced(由药物引起的)happiness that mammals and humans get, but said it “could be in the same evolutionary category.”‎ More studies are needed to really understand animals’ laughter. Strangely enough, the answers may help with our own desires for cures for mental illnesses. Panksepp’s experiments may soon lead to a new antidepressant drug that works by using the pathways in the brain behind positive feelings and joy. Perhaps pleasure and laughter in the animal world will help solve the despair in our own species one day.‎ ‎28. Scientists are always interested in doing research on dolphins because dolphins __________.‎ A. make sounds with a specific purpose B. make a set of sounds during play-fighting games C. can make different sounds when they communicate D. can prevent the play-fighting building up into a real fight ‎29. What do the underlined words “our own species” in the last paragraph referto?‎ A. animals. B. humans. C. sounds. D. pleasure.‎ ‎30. From the passage we can learn that ___________________.‎ A. people learn to talk before they can laugh B. animals have a very good sense of location C. humans have known the animals’ happiness well D. there is still much left to learn about animals’ laughter ‎31. Which of the following can be the best title for this passage?‎ A. animals feeling joy B. man and nature ‎ C. sounds made by animals D. a long way to go D Fear is an emotion like others such as happiness, anger, hurt, sadness. We need emotions to process information we receive and decide how to respond. Being afraid of fast cars, for example, is something that might protect us from harm. Being afraid of the consequence of a choice may prevent us getting into trouble.‎ Fears in young children commonly center on certain animals like snakes or big dogs. Fears are caused often because of experiences or ideas expressed by others, and at times, the media. Many normal fears during the early years, like men with beards, or large dogs, disappear with age. Those relating to personal failure and ridicule (嘲笑) remain through adulthood and may need special help to overcome.‎ Children’s fears are often trivial, but that doesn’t mean they should be ignored. They need to be recognized and accepted as real for that child. Only when we help children understand their fears can they grow normally in their ability to deal with them.‎ Research shows that as a child grows up, the center of his fears changes a lot. Things like divorce, a teacher who “shouted at me”, people with guns, bullies, big boys, or “making fun of me” top the list of childhood fears.‎ We cannot always prevent these experiences from happening, but it’s essential that children be allowed to freely express their emotions without judgment. Sympathy and a caring listener will help ease the pain of these fears. Read books and stories to your child about children who have experienced similar fears. This helps children talk about their fears and find ways to cope. With all emotions, fears become less of a problem for children as they gain self-confidence and they find that fear is normal and can be dealt with.‎ ‎32. The underlined word “trivial” in the third paragraph probably means “_______”.‎ A. small B. serious C. harmful D. common ‎33. In dealing with children’s fears, the final goal of the parents is to _______.‎ A. stop unpleasant experiences happening to children B. let children know about the nature of fear C. create an environment where there is nothing to fear D. develop children’s ability to treat their fear on their own ‎34. From the passage we can learn that ________ .‎ A. some childhood fears may have a lasting influence B. children should avoid the media to reduce their fear C. fears can be judged according to the environment D. children with similar fears can communicate easily ‎35. What’s the best title for this passage?‎ A. How to Overcome Children’s Fears ‎ B. Children’s Fears C. The kind of Children’s Fears ‎ D. The Bad Effects of Fears ‎ 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多于选项。‎ ‎ Nobody wants to reach the end of their life and experience regret. Instead, we desire to experience satisfaction with the life we’ve been given. 36 . To live a life without regret in the future, you should try to stay away from the following four common unhealthy habits.‎ ‎ 37 It is good to have a destination to go to but it is the journey that matters in the end. Too often, we live our lives from destination to destination. But life is not lived merely in these destinations. In fact, it is far more often lived in the pathways between them. We should appreciate the joy in the journey rather than always hurry to the next destination.‎ ‎ Be defined by your negative circumstances. Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most. This is an important truth and an important promise. Our lives should not be defined by the negative circumstances that happened in our past. They may have affected our lives, but they do not write the final chapter. 38 ‎ ‎ Focus entirely on yourself. The size of our universe becomes smaller considerably when we place ourselves at the center. 39 On the contrary, those who see their life as an opportunity to bring joy to others quickly find it themselves.‎ ‎ 40 Every excess (过量) adds burden to our lives. And yet we continue to pursue and accumulate more than we need—more houses, more cars, more clothes, and more dishes. Owning less means less cleaning, less burden, less anxiety, and less stress each day. It provides the space and ‎ opportunity to pursue the things in life that bring lasting satisfaction to our lives.‎ A. Blame everybody else.‎ B. Carry more than you need.‎ C. It is we ourselves who hold the pen.‎ D. Miss the joy of the journey for the destination.‎ E. Only a fool believes the wide road is necessarily the right road.‎ F. The fact is that too many people experience regret at the lives they chose to live.‎ G. And the people who are most focused on themselves are the least satisfied in life.‎ 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ ‎  阅读下面短文,从短文后各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出适合填入对应空白处的最佳选项。‎ To celebrate the end of our exams, my friends and I went to a fast food restaurant. We 41 hamburgers and Coca Cola at the counter. When our 42 came, I started walking towards an empty table. By bad luck, my purse strap(带子)got 43 on a chair and the tray(托盘)that I was holding slipped 44 my hands and went flying in the air. The tray, and its contents,  45 on a man who was just about to 46 a bite of his sandwich. I stared, greatly 47 , as the drinks soaked(浸湿)his white shirt. ‎ Then I 48 my eyes and prepared myself for his burst of 49 . Instead, he said“It’s OK”to 50 me before he disappeared into washroom. ‎ Still shaky and unsure 51 to do next, my friends and I went to a table and sat there, trying our best to look 52 . A moment later, the man came out of the washroom and 53 our table. My heart almost stopped 54 . I thought he was going to ask for my father’s 55 and call him. ‎ To my surprise, he merely smiled at us, handed us some cash and said, “ 56 yourself new hamburgers. ”He then walked 57 without even finishing his food. ‎ He could have made what was already an uncomfortable situation worse,  58 he chose a different way and gave us a reason to believe that there is still 59 in this world. I’ll never 60 his actions. ‎ ‎41.A.ordered B. made C. arranged D. demanded ‎42.A.food B. turn C. bill D. menu ‎43.A.fixed B. caught C. cut D. tied ‎44.A.by B. in C. from D. out ‎45.A.knocked B. fell C. stood D. hung ‎46.A.take B. taste C. swallow D. chew ‎47.A.discouraged B. disappointed C. shocked D. annoyed ‎48.A.rolled B. rubbed C. narrowed D. closed ‎49.A.bitterness B. anxiety C. anger D. sorrow ‎50.A.satisfy B. comfort C. encourage D. praise ‎51.A.how B. who C. what D. which ‎52.A.mild B. honest C. calm D. modest ‎53.A.pushed B. approached C. drew D. laid ‎54.A.beating B. breaking C. sinking D. trembling ‎55.A.help B. position C. number D. job ‎56.A.Prepare B. Buy C. Find D. Cook ‎57.A.on B. around C. up D. away ‎58.A.so B. since C. although D. but ‎59.A.kindness B. happiness C. politeness D. brightness ‎60.A.forget B. refuse C. oppose D. ignore 第II卷 非选择题(满分50分)‎ 第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式(不超过3个)。‎ ‎ 61  we all know, life is full of dreams and having a good dream is of great importance in our daily life.   62  a good dream, people can’t make progress and countries can’t develop. And I hold the strong 63 (believe) that everyone, whether he is old or young, poor or rich, does have a good dream! `‎ What’s more, it is important to fly our dreams, especially for those 64 are senior high school students. It is high time for them  65 (fly) their dreams. If they can’t let dreams fly, the dream would just be 66 dream, not reality!‎ Therefore, there is no doubt 67 so many people have a dream since their childhood. With a nice dream, China succeeded in hosting the 29th Olympic Games in 2008; with a nice dream, Hong Kong 68 (return) to the motherland peacefully in 1997; with a nice dream I can stand on this stage to 69 (competition) in the final English speech contest.‎ So, my good friends, if you want to realize your dream, please do not be afraid in face of difficulties. You must keep going forward 70 (brave)! Just fly your dream high above the sky!‎ 第四部分:写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加,删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线(/)划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎   2.只允许修改10处错误,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ 第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ When I was a very young children, my father created a regular practice I remember well years late. Every time he arrived home at end of the day, we’d greet her at the door. He would ask who we was and pretend not to knowing us. Then he and my mother would have had a drink while she prepared dinner and they would talk about his day and hers. While they chat, my father would lift my sister and me up to sit in the top of the fridge. It was both excited and frightening to be up there! My sister and I thought he was so cool for putting us there.‎ 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ 假设你叫李华,你的好友Tom来信询问你与朋友相处的经验。请你就此用英语给他写一封信,从以下几个方面与他分享你的交友经验。‎ ‎1. 互相信任; 2. 诚实; 3. 保守秘密; 4. 互相帮助。‎ 要求:1. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;‎ ‎ 2. 词数90左右(开头已给出,不计词数);‎ ‎ 3. 文中不能出现考生的真实姓名及学校名称。‎ Dear Tom,‎ ‎ Glad to hear from you. I’d like to share my opinions on getting along with friends.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua 高二月考英语试题答案 ‎1-5AACBA 6-10BACAC 11-15ABBAC 16--20CABAC ‎21-24 BADA 25-27 CDB 28-31 CBDA 32-35 ADAB ‎36-40 FDCGB ‎【文章大意】作者和朋友们一起去快餐店吃饭, 不小心把东西洒在了一个人的身上,他非但没有责备作者,反而给作者钱让他再买个新汉堡,他的处事方式让作者相信这个世界依然有善良存在。‎ ‎41.【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。根据下文作者端着托盘向一张空桌子走去,可知此处是点了汉堡和可口可乐。order订购,点菜;make使,制作;arrange安排;demand要求。‎ ‎42.【解析】选A。词汇复现题。从上一句We    hamburgers and Coca Cola at the counter.可知,点的食物好了,然后才拿着去找座位。‎ ‎43.【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。根据下文作者的托盘滑落了,可推知此处应是钱包带子被椅子钩住了。fix固定,修理,安装;catch抓住,套住,拦住;cut切;tie绑,拴。‎ ‎44.【解析】选C。介词辨析题。by通过,依据;in在……之内;from从;out在……外。托盘应该是从手上滑落,故选C。‎ ‎45.【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。上文中提到托盘“went flying in the air”,所以可推断应是fell“落”在身上。knock敲;stand站立;hang悬挂。‎ ‎46.【解析】选A。固定搭配题。take a bite of咬一口。taste品尝;swallow吞,咽;chew咀嚼。‎ ‎47.【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。根据“I stared”可知作者的惊讶之情。discouraged沮丧的,灰心的;disappointed失望的;shocked震惊的;annoyed恼怒的。‎ ‎48.【解析】选D。动词辨析题。roll卷,滚动;rub擦,擦伤;narrow变窄;close闭,关。此处应是作者闭上眼睛,准备好听对方的责骂。‎ ‎49.【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。作者本以为对方很生气,然而对方却说了句“It’s OK”。bitterness苦味,苦难;anxiety焦虑,不安;anger生气;sorrow痛苦,伤心。‎ ‎50.【解析】选B。动词辨析题。satisfy使满意;comfort安慰;encourage鼓励;praise表扬。对方说了句“没关系”来安慰作者。‎ ‎51.【解析】选C。词义辨析题。此处指作者依然颤抖着不知道接下来干什么。‎ ‎52.【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。根据前半句“Still shaky and unsure...”可知作者和他的朋友们使自己尽量看起来平静。mild温和的;honest诚实的;calm平静的;modest谦虚的。‎ ‎53.【解析】选B。动词辨析题。push推;approach靠近,接近;draw画,拉,拖;lay放置,‎ 产卵。根据下文可知这个人来到了作者的桌子旁。‎ ‎54.【解析】选A。动词辨析题。beat击,打,(心脏等)跳动;break打破;sink下沉;tremble颤抖。作者因为紧张,心脏几乎都停止跳动了。‎ ‎55.【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。根据下文“call him”可知作者原以为这个人是来要他父亲的电话号码。‎ ‎56.【解析】选B。动词辨析题。buy sb.sth.=buy sth.for sb.给某人买某物。此处指这个人给作者钱,让他再买新的汉堡。‎ ‎57.【解析】选D。副词辨析题。on在上面;around在周围;up向上;away离开。他没有吃完饭就离开了。‎ ‎58.【解析】选D。连词辨析题。他本可以让这个局面更糟的,可是他选择了一种不同的处理方式。‎ ‎59.【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。本文通过作者的经历就是想表达“善良,善心”这个主题。kindness善良;happiness快乐,幸福;politeness礼貌;brightness光明。‎ ‎60.【解析】选A。动词辨析题。forget遗忘;refuse拒绝;oppose反对;ignore忽视,不理。我永远也不会忘记他的善举。‎ ‎61. As 62. without 63. belief 64. Who 65. to fly ‎ ‎66. a 67. that 68. returned 69.compete 70. bravely 短文改错 ‎1.【解析】第一句children→child考查名词单复数。句中主语是I,为单数,故应用child。‎ ‎2.【解析】第一句late→later考查副词。lateadj.迟到的,晚的;lateradv.后来。‎ ‎3.【解析】第二句end前加上the考查冠词。at the end of是固定短语,意为在……结束的时候。‎ ‎4.【解析】第二句her→him考查代词。此处指的人是父亲,应该用him。‎ ‎5.【解析】第三句was→were考查主谓一致。句中主语是we,为复数,故be动词应该用were而不是was。‎ ‎6.【解析】第三句knowing→know考查不定式。文中to是不定式符号,know应该用动词原形。‎ ‎7.【解析】第四句去掉had考查时态。根据上文every time和句中would可知父母经常这么做,would后加上动词原形,表示过去经常做某事。与上文we’d greet him at the door和He would ask who we were用法一样。‎ ‎8.【解析】第五句chat→chatted考查时态。此句是状语从句,讲述的是父母过去的事情,故chat改为过去时chatted。注意:t要双写。‎ ‎9.【解析】第五句in→on考查介词。on the top of为固定短语,意为“在……顶部,在……上面”,此处指冰箱的顶部。‎ ‎10.【解析】第六句excited→exciting考查形容词。此句主语是it,指孩子们被父亲放在冰箱顶部这件事。这件事情令人兴奋,exciting常修饰事物,故用exciting。excited“感到兴奋的”,常用来修饰人。‎ 书写表达 Dear Tom,‎ Glad to hear from you. I’d like to share my opinions on getting along with friends.‎ ‎ First of all, trust each other. True friendship is based on trust and without it there will be no real friendship. Second, being honest to friends is important. Do remember never to tell lies. Third, learn to keep a secret for your friend. Sometimes, we have something that can only be shared with friends. The last but not the least, helping each other makes your friends think you care them a lot. As a saying goes: A friend indeed is a friend in need.‎ ‎ A life without a friend is like a life without sun. I wish you can enjoy true friendship.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua ‎ 录音原文 Listening Test 1‎ Text 1‎ W: Hello, I want to drive a car around the city for three days. ‎ M: No problem. But I must check your ID card and driver’s license. Then I can take you there and choose the one you like. ‎ Text 2‎ M: May I speak to Mr. Smith?‎ W: He is not in the office. Would you care to speak to Mr. Brown? He is taking Mr. Smith’s course when he is out. ‎ Text 3‎ W: Will you please help me? I lost my keys and can’t get into my apartment. ‎ M: Don’t worry, madam. We’ll send someone over right away to change your lock and give you a new set of keys. ‎ Text 4‎ W: What’s the time?‎ M: It’s a quarter to three. ‎ W: James’ plane should have landed at ten past two. What’s going on?‎ Text 5‎ W: We will be having a meeting at noon tomorrow. ‎ M: Can we push it forward a little bit? I'm busy then. ‎ W: I'm sorry. The time has already been set, and you must attend on time. ‎ Text 6‎ M: Most of our customers are foreigners. How many foreign languages can you speak, Elizabeth?‎ W: Two. French and Spanish. ‎ M: And how well can you speak them?‎ W: Well, French was my best subject at school. I can read and write it pretty well. ‎ M: And how about your Spanish?‎ W: It’s not as good as my French. I can speak it well, ⑥but my written Spanish isn’t good. ‎ M: I see. Well, we have a lot of Spanish customers, but you don't need to write any Spanish here. ‎ W: ⑦In that case, I’m fit for the position I think. ‎ Text 7‎ W: ⑧What time does the bus leave for the airport?‎ M: ⑧I don’t know. It used to leave every half hour, but I think the timetable has been changed. ‎ W: Do you know the telephone number of the bus company?‎ M: Yes, I do. It’s 350-688-4700. ‎ W: I’ll try it…Er, they don’t seem to answer. ‎ M: I think it’s too early. I don’t think they open until nine o’clock. ‎ W: But it is half past nine now. ‎ M: Maybe I made a mistake. ⑨Let me check it. I am sorry. The number is 350-686-4700. ‎ Text 8‎ M: ⑩I’m freezing! The forecast said it would be warm today. ‎ W: But you should always be prepared for all types of weather. ‎ M: How? You mean I should carry four sets of clothes with me every day?‎ W: I mean you had better bring a coat if the morning’s a little cold and pack an umbrella in your briefcase. If you get wet on the way to work in the morning, you’ll have a miserable day in the office. ‎ M: That’s true. (11) Well, if the weather clears up, I’m taking the afternoon off. I want to go down to the beach. ‎ W: (12) It’s our busiest time. How can you take time off?‎ M: No one will miss me. Anyway, if it stays cold and windy, I’ll forget it. ‎ W: Even if it warms up, I don’t think it will be warm enough for the beach. ‎ Text 9‎ M: I’m terribly sorry that I’m late. ‎ W: I’ve been waiting for you for over an hour. My time isn’t really important, is it?‎ M: Just let me explain. (14)I tried to get here in time, but just after I left home, the car broke down. ‎ W: The car broke down?‎ M: Yes, and…(14) well, luckily there was a garage nearby. And it took a while to repair the car. ‎ W: Why didn’t you phone?‎ M: I really wanted to! But I forgot to take my cellphone and I didn’t remember your telephone number. ‎ W: I see. Which garage, by the way?‎ M: Uh…the one near my flat. You know, Lewis Brothers. ‎ W: Yes, I know that garage. It’s the only one near your flat. ‎ M: Yes, that’s it. ‎ W: (16) A pity. (15) It is Sunday today. ‎ M: (16) What do you mean? ‎ W: (16) That garage is closed on the weekend. ‎ M: Listen, honey. I…‎ W: Stop it. Anyway, (13) let’s order something to eat now. ‎ Text 10‎ W: (17) Hello, I’m Sarah Park. As a photographer I have always loved to travel. The first place I visited was Africa. (18) In Africa, there was no running water or toilets, but that did not matter to me. I loved the excitement of seeing animals run freely in the wild. It was so much fun. I still remember the adventure of camping when I was on safari(野外观兽旅行). ‎ ‎(19) Besides Africa, I have visited Spain, Italy, Scotland, Japan and Indonesia. People often ask me why I love to travel. How could anyone not love traveling? (20) There is such an attraction in seeing new things, meeting new people and tasting new foods. However, I will admit traveling is very expensive. There are so many costs of traveling. I have to pay for the hotel room and food. Also, tourist attractions are usually expensive. Although I complain about the high cost of traveling, I wouldn’t choose to spend my money in any other ways. ‎

