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‎2020-2021学年高一英语上学期期中考测试卷02(译林牛津版)‎ 第I卷(选择题)‎ 第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)‎ 第一节 ‎(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ A Flowers make people happy. And while that might seem obvious,there hasn’t been much research to prove the point until now.‎ Some new studies by Rutgers University scientists support the idea strongly,and the experts go on to assume that flowers have flourished on this planet,with their beauty evolving in recent thousands of years,partly because humans are so attached to them.‎ In a test,bunches of flowers were sent by florists to 113 men and women in a retirement community. All 113 got flowers and a notebook,but some got them earlier and received a second bunch when the others got theirs. By now you can guess the outcome. The more flowers,the more smiles.‎ The results of the studies got the scientists to thinking about how the flower industry of today has evolved into growing things that serve no other purpose than emotional(情感上的) satisfaction. Nature won’t even pollinate(授粉) many of the domesticated flowers. Just among roses,there are so many types created by humans that,clearly,flowers aren’t what they used to be. But it’s likely that our collective hand has played a role longer than you might think.‎ Geneticist(遗传学家) Terry McGuire suggests that nature’s prettier flowers got to survive and develop well because people didn’t destroy them when they cleared for agriculture. Instead,they grew them and have been doing so for over 5,000 years. “Because they’re a source of pleasure,we take care of them. In that sense they’re like dogs. They are the pets of the plant world,” McGuire says.‎ Here is one way that might have worked:‎ ‎“Many species of flowers that are now planted used to grow only when the ground was disturbed,” McGuire explains. “As humans moved into agricultural settings,these flowers would have been weeds.” “These flowers might have been tolerated because of their beauty. The seeds would have been preserved and replanted. Over time,the best of these flowers might have been selected and the seeds more carefully preserved.”‎ ‎1.The underlined word “theirs” probably refers to ________.‎ A.flowers B.notebooks C.flowers and notebooks D.a second bunch of flowers ‎2.According to Terry McGuire,one possible way of flower evolution is __________.‎ a.the most beautiful flowers were chosen b.people replanted the seeds of the flowers c.flowers were wild plants at the beginning d.people protected the prettier flowers while clearing land A.c,d,b,a B.c,b,d,a C.c,d,a,b D.c,b,a,d ‎3.What is the best title of this passage?‎ A.More Flowers,More Smiles B.Flowers:Pets of Plant World C.Human’s Affection & Flowers’ Evolution D.Human’s Love Towards Flowers ‎【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章讲述的是人的喜爱促进了花的进化。‎ ‎1.C 词义猜测题。根据第三段中In a test, bunches of flowers were sent by florists to 113 men and women in a retirement community. All 113 got flowers and a notebook, but some got them earlier and received a second bunch when the others got theirs(在一项测试中,花商将花束送给退休社区的113名男性和女性。113名志愿者都收到了鲜花和一本笔记本,但有些人提前收到了鲜花,当其他人收到时,他们收到了第二束鲜花)由此可推知,划线词指代的是前半句提到的“花和笔记本”。故选C。‎ ‎2.A 推理判断题。根据第五段第一句Geneticist (遗传学家) Terry McGuire suggests that nature’s prettier flowers got to survive and develop well because people didn’t destroy them when they cleared for agriculture再根据最后一段中The seeds would have been preserved and replanted和Over time, the best of these flowers might have been selected and the seeds more carefully preserved可知,根据Terry McGuire的说法,花卉进化的一种可能方式是最初花朵是野生的植物→人们在清理土地时保护着这些比较美丽的花朵→人们重新种植了这些花的种子→选了 最漂亮的花。故选A。‎ ‎3.C 主旨大意题。根据第一段Flowers make people happy. And while that might seem obvious, there hasn’t been much research to prove the point until now(花使人快乐。虽然这似乎是显而易见的,但到目前为止还没有多少研究能证明这一点)和第二段the experts go on to assume that flowers have flourished on this planet, with their beauty evolving in recent thousands of years, partly because humans are so attached to them(专家们认为花卉在这个星球上已经繁盛起来,它们的美丽在最近几千年不断进化,主要是因为人类对它们如此依恋)可知,本文主要讲述的就是人的情感与花儿进化之间的关系。C项Human’s Affection & Flowers’ Evolution(人的情感与花的进化)为最佳主题。故选C。‎ B A robot created by Washington State University (WSU) scientists could help elderly people with dementia (痴呆) and other limitations live independently in their own homes.‎ The Robot Activity Support System, or RAS, uses sensors installed in a WSU smart home to determine where its residents are, what they are doing and when they need assistance with daily activities. It navigates (定位) through rooms and around obstacles to find people on its own, provides video instructions on how to do simple tasks and can even lead its owner to objects like their medication or a snack in the kitchen.‎ ‎“RAS combines the convenience of a mobile robot with the activity detection technology of a WSU smart home to provide assistance in the moment, as the need for help is detected,” said Bryan Minor, a postdoctoral researcher in the WSU School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.‎ Currently, an estimated 50 percent of adults over the age of 85 need assistance with every day activities such as preparing meals and taking medication and the annual cost for this assistance in the US is nearly $2 trillion. With the number of adults over 85 expected to triple by 2050, researchers hope that technologies like RAS and the WSU smart home will relieve some of the financial strain on the healthcare system by making it easier for older adults to live alone.‎ RAS is the first robot researchers have tried to incorporate into their smart home environment. They recently published a study in the journal Cognitive Systems Research that demonstrates how RAS could make life easier for older adults struggling to live independently.‎ ‎“While we are still in an early stage of development, our initial results with RAS have been ‎ promising,” Minor said. “The next step in the research will be to test RAS’ performance with a group of older adults to get a better idea of what prompts, video reminders and other preferences they have regarding the robot.”‎ ‎4.How does RAS serve elderly people?‎ A.Through sensors. B.Through objects.‎ C.Through a mobile robot. D.Through their daily activities.‎ ‎5.What can we know about RAS?‎ A.It is the first robot used in daily life. B.Its function remains to be tested.‎ C.It can locate people and do any task. D.It can cook for owners on its own.‎ ‎6.What’s Minor’s attitude toward the future of RAS?‎ A.Doubtful. B.Negative.‎ C.Optimistic. D.Uncertain.‎ ‎7.What can be a suitable title for the text?‎ A.Elderly people leave the nursing home.‎ B.Smart Home Tests first elder-Care robot.‎ C.RAS, the first robot to make home smart.‎ D.Older adults have benefited from RAS.‎ ‎【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。本文介绍了一款由美国华盛顿州立大学的科学家们研发的机器人,可以帮助那些痴呆或有身体缺陷的老年人在家里过上自立的生活。‎ ‎4.A 细节理解题。根据文章第二段 The Robot Activity Support System, or RAS, uses sensors (传感器)equipped in a WSU smart home to determine where its residents are, what they are doing and when they need assistance with daily activities可知机器人活动支持系统(RAS)使用WSU智能家居中配备的传感器(传感器)来确定其居民在哪里,他们在做什么以及何时需要日常活动的帮助,说明传感器起到了重大的作用,故选A项。‎ ‎5.B 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中的The next step in the research will be to test RAS' performance…可知,这台机器人的表现还要经过进一步的测,说明正在测试阶段,故选B项。‎ ‎6.C 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段 While we are still in an early stage of development, our initial results with RAS have been promising可知,Minor对这款机器人的未来发展充满信心、非常乐观,故选C项。‎ ‎7.B 主旨大意题。文章介绍了一款由美国华盛顿州立大学的科学家们研发的机器人。由最后一段中The next step in the research will be to test RAS’ performance 可知,机器人目前还在华盛顿州立大学的智能屋里进行测试,故选B项。‎ C We’ve all seen them. They were the unfamiliar and often socially awkward kids. “Who are they?” we all whispered. When we asked our parents about these kids, they replied in that slightly high-nosed tone, “Oh, they’re homeschooled.”‎ Despite the disgrace which still surrounds homeschooling, parents who choose this form of education are finally getting their benefits. Since 1999, the number of parents who choose to homeschool their children has grown by 75%. And although the number of children in a homeschooling environment still only account for only 4% of the total number of school-going youth, the number of parents choosing to give up “traditional” public education is growing seven times faster than the rate of children being enrolled in public schools each year.‎ For those who argue that these numbers do not justify the effectiveness of a homeschooled education, we might instead look to the statistics. The typical homeschooled child scores in the 65th to 89th percentile on standardized testing, while the average child in a public school environment scores somewhere around the 50th percentile. Further, homeschooled children have been shown to score consistently higher on the ACT and go on to earn higher GPAs as college students. Homeschooled children have even been shown to achieve four year degrees at much higher rates than students from public school and private schools.‎ The benefits don’t stop there. Whereas the average total expenditures for a child in public school is near $10,000 a year, those for the homeschooled child average is somewhere between $500 and $600 a year. So not only does homeschooling provide educational benefits, but it provides financial payoffs as well.‎ But what about socialization? Homeschooled children are considered by many to lack basic social skills, supporters of homeschooling claim this is not true. The National Home Education Research Institute claims that homeschooled children have actually shown to become more socially engaged individuals than their peers, showing “healthy social, psychological, and emotional development, and success into adulthood.”‎ So what might the future bring? Will more parents opt for homeschooling than public schooling? And ‎ what can be done to stop the apparent downfalls in public schooling?‎ ‎8.The underlined words “Oh, they’re homeschooled” in Para. 1 suggests that parents__________.‎ A.are proud of their own children B.respect homeschooled kids C.don’t accept socially awkward kids D.have a low opinion on homeschooling ‎9.From Para. 2 we know that the trend of homeschooling __________.‎ A.is worrying B.is on the rise C.remains consistent D.is going downward ‎10.The statistics in Para. 3 is used to show__________.‎ A.homeschooled kids do better B.public school education is more effective C.homeschooled children earn higher GPS at college D.public school children score in the 50th percentile ‎11.The author’s attitude towards homeschooling is __________.‎ A.critical B.negative C.supportive D.neutral ‎【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。作者结合具体的例子和数据来告诉我们孩子在家接受教育比传统教育有更多的好处。‎ ‎8.D 词句猜测题。根据第一段最后一句“When we asked our parents about these kids, they replied in that slightly high-nosed tone(当我们向父母询问这些在家上学孩子的情况时,他们的回答有点高傲)”和第二段第一句 “Despite the disgrace which still surrounds homeschooling, parents who choose this form of education are finally getting their benefits.(尽管在家上学仍然是一种令人感到羞耻的人,但选择这种教育形式的父母最终还是得到了好处)可知,父母对孩子在家上学的评价很低。故选D。‎ ‎9.B 细节理解题。根据第二段“the number of parents choosing to give up “traditional” public education is growing seven times faster than the rate of children being enrolled in public schools each year.”可知,选择放弃“传统”公共教育的家长数量的增长速度,是每年入学儿童数量增长速度的7倍。由此可知,越来越多的人选择让孩子在家上学,即孩子在家上学的趋势正在上升。故选B。‎ ‎10.A 细节理解题。根据第三段The typical homeschooled child scores in the 65th to 89th percentile on standardized testing, …and go on to earn higher GPAs as college students. Homeschooled ‎ children have even been shown to achieve four year degrees at much higher rates than students from public school and private schools.可知,在家上学的孩子在标准化测试中得分在65到89百分位,而在公立学校环境中的孩子平均得分在50百分位左右。此外,在家上学的孩子在ACT考试中得分一直较高,并且在大学期间获得更高的平均分。在家上学的孩子甚至比公立学校和私立学校的学生获得四年学位的比率更高。由此可知,第三段的数据用来表明在家接受教育的孩子们学业上表现得更好。故选A。‎ ‎11.C 推理判断题。根据第二段“ parents who choose this form of education are finally getting their benefits. (选择在家教育孩子的家长们最终受益)”和第四段“The benefits don’t stop there.(好处还不止于此)”可知,作者认为让孩子在家接受教育有很多好处,所以作者对孩子在家接受教育是支持的。故选C。‎ D I only got my first smart phone recently. Before that, I had no problems with using older phones — the ones that can call and send messages, but hardly browse Internet. But in 2016 I made the change. While such a mini-computer made life easier, I could very well see why some people opt out of using them.‎ They are distracting —This is by far the biggest deal with smart phones, in my opinion. Just go outside and you will see it. Many are looking at their phones, not paying attention to the environment and interactions with others. Indeed, the new phones require attention frequently, and people are there to give it. ‎ Privacy concerns — Because smart phones have high-end technology they can be called small computers. They have operating systems almost like your notebook. While this makes them most useful in real life, it also puts them at a privacy breach risk. It is possible for someone to put a virus on the smart phone—the result can be terrible such as sending the stolen data to a hacker. Another thing is the location tracking—the phones definitely make your whereabouts known even when you wouldn’t like. There is not much you can do but to stop using the smart phone, which sadly isn’t an option for many anymore.‎ Short battery life — The need to charge the device all the time is present with any smart phone I’m aware of. This is the downside of the small size and fine, computer-like technology inside them. In such a small package, the producers cannot install a bigger battery that would provide energy for long hours. At the same time, the performance requirements are bigger and bigger. This creates a dilemma not easily solved: to have high performance or long battery life. Choose one, both are not achievable at the same time.‎ As you see, there are some strong negatives about owning a smart phone. However, from my personal ‎ experience, there are a few good sides too. Less expensive messages and calls and digital maps are some of the benefits that made me change the old cell phone for a smart version.‎ ‎12.The underlined phrase “opt out of” in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _________.‎ A.stop B.like C.suggest D.consider ‎13.One of the factors that people worry about smart phones is that _________.‎ A.the mini computer makes life easier B.they are much cheaper and function better C.personal information might be given away D.we know about our whereabouts when we use them ‎14.We can infer from Paragraph 4 that _________.‎ A.it’s better to use computer-like smartphones B.the technology in smart phones is up to date C.operating smartphones consumes lots of power D.bigger batteries are more beneficial for the users ‎15.What might the following paragraph talk about?‎ A.The downsides of smartphones. B.Advantages of smart phones.‎ C.Choice of smart phone versions. D.The battery problem of smart phones.‎ ‎【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。作者给我们列举了智能手机的三个缺点。‎ ‎12.A 词句猜测题。根据第二段They are distracting(它们在分散注意力),第三段Privacy concerns(隐私问题),Short battery life(电池寿命短)和最后一段As you see, there are some strong negatives about owning a smart phone.(如您所见,拥有智能手机存在很多不利因素)可知,在划线词组后,作者列举了智能手机的一些缺点。由此可推知,划线短语opt out of的意思是“停止”,因为人们看到了智能手机的这些缺点,所以人们停止使用智能手机。故选A。‎ ‎13.C 细节理解题。根据第三段While this makes them most useful in real life, it also puts them at a privacy breach risk. It is possible for someone to put a virus on the smart phone — the result can be terrible such as sending the stolen data to a hacker.可知,虽然这让它们在现实生活中发挥了最大的作用,但也让它们面临隐私被侵犯的风险。有人有可能在智能手机上植入病毒——其结果可能很糟糕,比如将窃取的数据发送给黑客。由此可知,人们担心智能手机的一个因素是 个人信息可能会泄露出去。故选C。‎ ‎14.C 推理判断题。根据第四段The need to charge the device all the time is present with any smart phone I’m aware of.(我所知道的任何一部智能手机都需要一直给手机充电)和 In such a small package, the producers cannot install a bigger battery that would provide energy for long hours.(在如此小的包装中,生产商无法安装更大的电池来提供长时间的能源)可推知,操作智能手机消耗大量的电力。故选C。‎ ‎15.B 推理判断题。根据最后一段However, from my personal experience, there are a few good sides too. Less expensive messages and calls and digital maps are some of the benefits that made me change the old cell phone for a smart version.可知,然而,从我个人的经验来看,也有一些好的方面。便宜的短信、电话和数字地图是让我把旧手机换成智能手机的一些好处。由此可推知,作者在接下来的段落中会讲述智能手机的优点。故选B。‎ 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项;选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ Every day, people deal with disappointments. Depending on how big the disappointment is and how you choose to deal with it, the feeling of disappointment may disappear after a short while or hang over your life for an extended period of time.16.‎ Contrary to what people may think, disappointments are actually positive phenomena, for two main reasons.‎ Disappointment reflects passion towards a cause ‎ Disappointment is the reflection of your passion towards something, whether it is a certain goal, dream, desire or outcome. Wherever there is a cause, there will be an effect -- in this case, the passion is the cause and disappointment is the effect.17.The very presence of disappointment suggests that this is something you care about so much that you would feel bad over it. The higher your disappointment, the stronger your passion for this is. This passion is what drives you towards your goals, dreams and desires, bringing you to places you have never been before. Remember that disappointment is always a better emotional state than neutrality where the individual feels indifferent towards anything. ‎ ‎18.‎ Disappointment also signals an opportunity for progress and growth. If you are disappointed in an outcome, it means there is actually a certain error in your framework of thought which need to be corrected. ‎ Whenever you are disappointed, it means you have certain mental illusions about reality which you need to address.19.This knowledge is a source of power for you to act towards your goals. ‎ ‎20.The more you deal with disappointment and learn from it, the closer you will get towards your goals and dreams.‎ A.Disappointment presents an opportunity for progress.‎ B.When was the last time you faced disappointment?‎ C.If you don’t care about something, you wouldn’t be feeling disappointed.‎ D.If not handled properly, disappointments can lead to depression and eventually lack of concern.‎ E. Think of disappointment as a troubleshooting tool.‎ F. By correcting your illusions, you are equipped with more knowledge.‎ G. To feel nothing is to be a robot, a machine.‎ ‎【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。文章讲述了我们不仅要正确地处理失望,也要看到失望的积极面。‎ ‎16.D 根据前一句“Depending on how big the disappointment is and how you choose to deal with it, the feeling of disappointment may disappear after a short while or hang over your life for an extended period of time.(取决于失望的程度和你选择如何处理它,失望的感觉可能会在很短的时间内消失,或者在你的一生中持续很长一段时间。)”可知,空处谈论的是处理失望带来的影响;结合选项可知,选项D. If not handled properly, disappointments can lead to depression and eventually lack of concern. 如果处理不当,失望会导致抑郁,最终导致缺乏关心,承接上一句,符合题意。故选D。‎ ‎17.C 根据前一句“Wherever there is a cause, there will be an effect -- in this case, the passion is the cause and disappointment is the effect.(只要有原因,就会有结果——在这种情况下,激情就是原因,失望就是结果。)”可知,空处谈论的是失望是有原因的;结合选项可知,选项C. If you don’t care about something, you wouldn’t be feeling disappointed. 如果你不在乎什么,你就不会感到失望,承接上一句,符合题意。故选C。‎ ‎18.A 空处是对本段内容的总结,根据空后“Disappointment also signals an opportunity for progress and growth. ”可知,失望也预示着进步和增长的机会。由此可知,空处说的是失望也有可能意味着进步;结合选项可知,选项A. Disappointment presents an opportunity for progress. 失望是进步的机会,能概括下一段的内容,符合题意。故选A。‎ ‎19.F 根据空前“Whenever you are disappointed, it means you have certain mental illusions about reality which you need to address.”可知,每当你失望的时候,这意味着你对现实有某种心理幻想,你需要解决这些问题。由此可知,空处谈论如何解决心理幻想;结合选项可知,选项F. By correcting your illusions, you are equipped with more knowledge. 通过纠正你的幻想,你将获得更多的知识,呼应前一句,符合题意。故选F。‎ ‎20.E 根据空后“The more you deal with disappointment and learn from it, the closer you will get towards your goals and dreams.”可知,你处理失望和学习它,你会得到靠近你的目标和梦想。由此可知,空处作者建议我们要看到失望的积极面;结合选项可知,选项E. Think of disappointment as a troubleshooting tool. 可以把失望看作是一种故障排除工具,与后一句表述的意思一致,符合题意。故选E。‎ 第二部分 语言知识运用 (共两节, 满分45分)‎ 第一节 ‎(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ There is a fine line between a parent who is active and open-minded and one that doesn’t know when to let go. As my daughter, Nicole, 21 to leave home for college, I’m discovering how hard it is to stay on the right side of this line. When I hold 22 the apron strings (围裙带) connecting us, Nicole, eager to 23 independence, tries to loosen my grasp. What 24 is an awkward mother-daughter, push-me, pull-you kind of tango.‎ For the past two years, it’s gone like this:‎ Mother’s question: “Have you thought of taking an advanced placement class (高阶课程) so that you can 25 college credit?”‎ Daughter’s response: “No, I’m not interested in that.”‎ ‎……‎ I bit my lip a few times and Nicole shot me a few glares.‎ Two months ago, she was 26 to a great university. However, I was still the mother having a 27 time letting go. The night before the introductory meeting of the university, I had read the course catalog carefully and 28 courses which I thought looked good. We met on the campus the next afternoon, and Nicole’s face 29 with excitement, “I have had my entire schedule figured out,” she said. “Already?” I was astonished, 30 she should have discussed it with me. I examined the ‎ schedule. Nicole hadn’t taken a (an) 31 one of the courses I had suggested. Every course she had chosen 32 suited her interests. Just then I saw a mature, capable young woman with a 33 mind and the ability to shape her future. She no longer needed her mother to evaluate every 34 she made. I felt proud, though still a bit 35 .‎ I 36 the lessons carefully. Nicole has 37 to learn over the past 18 years: responsibility, sympathy, and hard work. There have been a few holes along the way. 38 , she is well-equipped and eager to 39 the future. The next step, I recognized, was mine to take: giving my daughter and myself the 40 we both needed.‎ ‎21.A.devotes B.supposes C.prepares D.graduates ‎22.A.onto B.up C.back D.out ‎23.A.keep B.refuse C.bear D.taste ‎24.A.leaves B.causes C.results D.takes ‎25.A.succeed B.earn C.approve D.need ‎26.A.received B.invited C.admitted D.treated ‎27.A.good B.great C.easy D.hard ‎28.A.taken B.emphasized C.selected D.offered ‎29.A.lit up B.built up C.turned up D.made up ‎30.A.imagining B.hoping C.thinking D.adding ‎31.A.only B.just C.even D.single ‎32.A.mostly B.exactly C.hardly D.slightly ‎33.A.normal B.sharp C.different D.typical ‎34.A.care B.friend C.decision D.effect ‎35.A.anxious B.excited C.tense D.sad ‎36.A.observed B.checked C.reviewed D.studied ‎37.A.determined B.fail C.forced D.struggled ‎38.A.Therefore B.Instead C.Besides D.Still ‎39.A.greet B.discover C.determine D.control ‎40.A.character B.strength C.independence D.relief ‎【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。本文讲述作者很难做到对女儿完全放手,但通过女儿渴望尝 试独立的过程,发现应该给女儿和自己都需要的独立性。‎ ‎21.C 考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我的女儿Nicole准备离家去上大学时,我发现处于这条标的正确一面上是多么困难。A. devotes献身,致力于;B. supposes猜想;C. prepares准备;D. graduates毕业。根据空后“leave home for college”可知,此处是离开家准备去上大学,故选C项。‎ ‎22.A 考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我抓紧连接我们的围裙带时,急于体验独立的Nicole却尽力松开我的控制。四个选项和空前的动词hold构成动词短语,hold onto抓住……不放;hold up举起;hold back保留,抑制;hold out坚持。根据“tries to loosen my grasp.”可知,作者是抓住不放,hold onto符合语境,故选A项。‎ ‎23.D 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我抓紧连接我们的围裙带时,急于体验独立的Nicole却尽力松开我的控制。A. keep保持;B. refuse拒绝;C. bear忍受;D. taste品尝,体验。根据“tries to loosen my grasp.”可知,女儿Nicole尽力松开作者的控制,所以是想体验独立,故选D项。‎ ‎24.C 考查动词词义辨析。句意:结果就是一种尴尬的妈妈和女儿之间你推我,我拉你的探戈舞。A. leaves留下,离开;B. causes引起;C. results产生,致使;D. takes取,拿。结合上文及空后“an awkward mother-daughter, push-me, pull-you kind of tango”可知,作者想抓紧这种纽带不放手,而女儿急于自立,由此产生的结果是尴尬的关系,故选C项。‎ ‎25.B 考查动词词义辨析。句意:你想过上高阶课程这样就能赚大学学分吗?A. succeed成功;B. earn赚的,挣;C. approve赞成;D. need需要。结合语境及空后“college credit”可知,此处是上高阶课程来挣大学学分,故选B项。‎ ‎26.C 考查动词词义辨析。句意:两个月前,她被一所很好的大学录取。A. received接受;B. invited邀请;C. admitted承认,准许进入;D. treated对待。结合下文作者和女儿选大学课程可知,此处指女儿被一所大学录取,故选C项。‎ ‎27.D 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然而,我仍然是那个很难放手的妈妈。A. good好的;B. great极好的,伟大的;C. easy容易的;D. hard艰难的。根据本句表示转折的副词However及下文作者为女儿选课程可知,虽然女儿即将上大学,但是作者作为妈妈很难放手,故选D项。‎ ‎28.C 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在学校介绍会的前一天晚上,我仔细阅读了课程目录,选择出我认为看起来比较好的。A. taken取,拿;B. emphasized强调;C. selected选择;D. offered主动提供。根据本句中“I thought looked good”及下文“Every course she had chosen  32  suited ‎ her interests.”可知,作者是为女儿选择出自己认为好的课程,此处select和choose是同义词,故选C项。‎ ‎29.A 考查动词短语辨析。句意:第二天下午我们在校园见面,Nicole 脸上兴奋地容光焕发,她说:“我已经把我的整个日程表安排好了。”A. lit up点燃,(使)容光焕发;B. built up建立;C. turned up调高,出现;D. made up构成,弥补。根据“with excitement”可知,Nicole因兴奋而容光焕发,故选A项。‎ ‎30.C 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我很惊讶,想着她本应该和我讨论一下。A. imagining想象;B. hoping希望;C. thinking思考,想;D. adding增加。根据语境并结合作者说的“she should have discussed it with me”可知,女儿自己安排好日程,作者很惊讶,“她本应该和我讨论的”是作者心理想的,故选C项。‎ ‎31.D 考查副词、形容词词义辨析。句意:Nicole没有选择我建议的一门课程。A. only仅仅,只;B. just正好,只是;C. even甚至;D. single单一的,单个的。根据下一句“Every course she had chosen ___32___ suited her interests.”可知,女儿选的课程都是适合她自己的兴趣,所以此处指没有一门是作者建议的,故选D项。‎ ‎32.B 考查副词词义辨析。句意:她选择的每一门课程只是恰恰满足她的兴趣。A. mostly大部分;B. exactly恰恰,确实;C. hardly几乎不;D. slightly轻微地,些许。结合上文可知,作者建议的课程Nicole都没有选,Nicole选的课程都恰恰适合自己的兴趣,故选B项。‎ ‎33.B 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:就在那时我看到一个成熟的、有能力的年轻女性,有着聪明的头脑和塑造自己未来的能力。A. normal正常的;B. sharp锋利的,聪明的;C. different不同的;D. typical典型的。根据“a mature, capable young woman”可知,此处指聪明的头脑,故选B项。‎ ‎34.C 考查名词词义辨析。句意:她不再需要妈妈来评估她做的每个决定。A. care关爱;B. friend朋友;C. decision决定;D. effect影响。根据上文内容可知,Nicole自己选择了大学课程,所以此处指她不再需要妈妈来评估她的“决定”,故选C项。‎ ‎35.D 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我感觉自豪,尽管仍然有一点难过。A. anxious焦虑的;B. excited兴奋的,激动的;C. tense紧张的;D. sad难过的。根据语境及表示让步关系的though可知,作者感觉自豪,尽管有一点难过,故选D项。‎ ‎36.C 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我仔细回顾经验教训。。A. observed观察;B. checked检查;C. reviewed回顾,复查,复习;D. studied学习。根据下一句中“over the past 18 years”可知,作 者是回顾过去,故选C项。‎ ‎37.D 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在过去的18年,Nicole 挣扎着学习:责任,同情心和努力工作。A. determined决定;B. fail失败;C. forced强迫;D. struggled挣扎,奋斗。根据下一句“There have been a few holes along the way.”可知,一路上有一些困境,所以此处指挣扎着学习,故选D项。‎ ‎38.D 考查副词词义辨析。句意:她全副武装,渴望迎接未来。A. Therefore因此;B. Instead相反;C. Besides此外;D. Still但是,仍然。前一句说沿途有一些坎坷,空后面是她已经为未来做好了充分准备,所以此处应该填具有转折意义的词,故选D项。‎ ‎39.A 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她全副武装,渴望迎接未来。A. greet 问候,欢迎;B. discover发现;C. determine决定;D. control控制。根据“she is well-equipped”可知,她做好准备迎接未来,故选A项。‎ ‎40.C 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我认识到,下一步就是我要采取的:给我的女儿和我自己都需要的独立性。A. character特征,性格;B. strength力量;C. independence独立;D. relief宽慰,解脱。根据上文“Nicole, eager to ___23___ independence”及文章内容可知,女儿长大了,作者意识到需要放手,给女儿也给自己独立,故选C项。‎ 第II卷(非选择题)‎ 第一节 ‎(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ When I was in my second year of senior high school, a girl 41. (call) Jeanie in my class made a big name for herself. She had successfully passed 42. interviews for a famous women’s university in the USA.‎ ‎43. hearing the news, I told the girl that I admired her very much. Then, she smiled at me and said the words 44. I will never forget: “You can also do it ! If you have dreams, you should realize them. Without action,dreams are still dreams.”Her words gave me so much 45. (encourage). She encouraged me to take action to realize my dreams. From then on, I spent a lot of time 46. (prepare) an article for a competition.‎ After several days' hard work, I finished it and handed it in.47. day in and day out, I kept waiting and waiting, and yet I heard nothing. I was very 48. (disappoint) then.‎ One day, however, a classmate of mine pointed to an English newspaper and said ‎ ‎49. (excited),“Emma,your name is in the newspaper!”My heart beat heavily. With shock and joy, I picked up the newspaper. The thing I thought was 50. (possible) had really happened.‎ ‎【文章大意】这是一篇记叙文。作者通过自身故事说明只要多行动、肯努力,梦想一定会变成现实。‎ ‎41.called 考查非谓语动词。句意:我在高中的第二年,我班里一个名叫Jeanie的女孩很出名。girl与call之间是动宾关系,故用过去分词作后置定语。故填called。‎ ‎42.the 考查冠词。句意:她成功地通过了美国一所著名的女子大学的面试。此处特指美国一家著名的女子大学的面试,故用定冠词the修饰。故填the。‎ ‎43.On/After 考查介词。句意:一听到这个消息/听到这个消息后,我就告诉这个女孩我非常羡慕她。此处表示“一做某事”,使用介词on,相当于as soon as引导的时间状语从句,也可以用介词after表示“在……之后”,注意首字母大写。故填On/After。‎ ‎44.that/which 考查定语从句。句意:然后,她对我微笑,说了一些我永远不会忘记的话。所填词引导定语从句,在从句中作宾语,先行词是words,应用that或which引导,故填that/which。‎ ‎45.encouragement 考查名词。句意:她的话给了我如此多的鼓励。空处作give的宾语,前面有so much修饰,故用不可数名词encouragement。故填encouragement。‎ ‎46.preparing 考查非谓语动词。句意:从那时起,我花了很多时间准备比赛的文章。spend...(in) doing sth.“花……做某事”,是固定用法。故填preparing。‎ ‎47.But/Yet 考查连词。句意:但是,一天又一天,我一直等待,还是没有任何消息。上一句提到作者完成文章并提交,本句表示“我一直等待,还是没有任何消息”,上下文表示转折意义,用连词but/yet,注意首字母大写。故填But/Yet。‎ ‎48.disappointed 考查形容词。句意:那时我很失望。主语是I,表语应该用ed结尾的形容词disappointed,表示“感到失望的”。故填disappointed。‎ ‎49.excitedly 考查副词。句意:然而,有一天,我的一个同学指着一个英语报纸兴奋地说:“Emma,你的名字在报纸上。”修饰动词said应用副词excitedly,表示“兴奋地”。故填excitedly。‎ ‎50.impossible 考查形容词。句意:我认为不可能的事情真的发生了。所填词作表语,而且由句意可知此处表示“不可能的”,使用形容词impossible。符合句意。故填impossible。‎ 第三部分:写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均限一词。‎ ‎2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ Many teenagers feel alone,as if no one understand them and the changes they are going through. Day by day,everything seems differently,yet the same. Life never seems to be going fast enough;yet,in other ways,like a race car,life seems to be rushing too fast but even going out of the control. These feelings are a common part of adolescence. It can be thought of as growing pains. As teenagers grow,it is normal for them to become confusing with the changing world. During adolescence,teenagers grow taller and their voices get deep. Along with these physical changes,there comes many psychological changes. The good news is these kinds of growing pains do not last. In the end everything turns out OK.‎ ‎【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了青少年在青春期发生的变化。‎ 第一处:alone→lonely 考查形容词。句意:很多人觉得孤独,好像没有人理解他们和他们正在经历的变化。alone意为“单独的”,侧重说明独身一人,表示客观的状态,lonely意为“孤独的,孤单的”,表示主观上感到孤单,寂寞,此处表示主观上的感受,应使用lonely,故将alone改为lonely。‎ 第二处:understand→understands 考查主谓一致。此处是一般现在时,no one意为“没有人”,作主语时谓语动词使用第三人称单数形式,故将understand改为understands。‎ 第三处:differently→different 考查形容词。句意:日复一日,一切似乎不一样,但又是一样的。seem在句中作连系动词,后接形容词作表语,故将differently改为different。‎ 第四处:but→and 考查连词。句意:但是,在其他方面,像一辆赛车一样,生活似乎过得太快,甚至失控。“rushing too fast”与“even going out of the control”是并列、递进关系,应使用and连接,but表示转折,不符合题意,故将but改为and。‎ 第五处:去掉the 考查固定短语。out of control是固定短语,意为“失控”,the多余,故去掉the。‎ 第六处:It→They 考查代词。句意:它们可以被视作成长的痛苦。此处指代上一句中的feelings,‎ 应用they,故将It改为They。‎ 第七处: confusing→confused 考查形容词。句意:随着青少年的成长,对变化着的世界感到困惑是正常的。此处表示人的感受,应使用confused,意为“感到困惑的”,confusing意为“令人困惑的”,常修饰物,不符合题意,故将confusing改为confused。‎ 第八处:deep→deeply 考查副词。句意:在青春期,青少年长得更高,声音变得更深沉。此处修饰副词get,表示声音变得“深沉”,表示抽象意义,应使用副词deeply,deep也可作副词,表示具体的深度,不符合题意,故将deep改为deeply。‎ 第九处: comes→come 考查主谓一致。句意:随这些身体变化一起来的,还有很多心理变化。句子是一般现在时,根据主语many psychological changes是名词复数可知,谓语动词应使用原形,故将comes改为come。‎ 第十处:在is后加that 考查表语从句。句意:好消息是这种成长的痛苦不会持续太久。分析句子结构可知,is后是一个表语从句,从句结构、意义完整,应使用that引导,故在is后加that。‎ 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ 亲爱的同学们,从九月初到现在,高中生活已近两个月了!初中的学习生活( junior school life)也许还历历在目,但崭新的高中(senior school)生活更值得你有所憧憬、有所作为。请你写一篇短信给你的初中英语老师,信中需表达以下要点:‎ ‎1、感谢帮助。‎ ‎2、在高中认识了更多的同学和老师,和大家相处愉快。‎ ‎3、新环境中出现了一些问题,比如……(至少写两点)‎ ‎4、希望老师回信给出建议。‎ ‎5、盼望再次见到老师,祝福老师。‎ 要求:词数150左右;可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 ‎ Dear teacher,‎ How time flies! It’s almost two months since my senior school life began. ‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎______________________________________________________________________________________Yours,‎ Li Hua ‎【参考范文】‎ Dear teacher,‎ How time flies! It’s almost half a year since my senior school life began. First, I want to say “Thank you very much” from the bottom of my heart, because you helped me greatly with my study so that I could make great progress. ‎ Now I also feel lucky to know more excellent classmates and teachers. We make friends, and help each other greatly. However in the new environment, some problems come along with my study and daily life. For example, I am no longer the most excellent student and I have trouble learning English. So I hope you can answer my letter and give me some advice.‎ I’m looking forward to seeing you again. I wish you happy and healthy all the time. ‎ Yours, ‎ Li Hua

