高中英语必修五(Unit 3 Life in the future Period 2) 教案

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高中英语必修五(Unit 3 Life in the future Period 2) 教案

Period 2 Reading The General Idea of This Period This is the second period of this unit.This period centers on the reading passage, which is about first impressions in the future.At the beginning of the period, the teacher can design some activities to draw the students’ attention to read.In order to attract the students’ attention, the teacher had better offer the students the opportunities to have a competition about preparing knowledge of future.Then the teacher can make full use of the pictures present in the text.Ask the students to predict what the passage may be mainly about.This step is designed to make for preparing for understanding the passage.‎ Reading skills are very important for senior students.For the first reading, we intend to cultivate Ss’ skimming ability and scanning ability.First ask the students to scan it and find out characters mentioned.Then let the students read fast to find out main idea of each paragraph.In order to stimulate Ss to take part in the class activity more actively, the teacher can organize a group competition to see which group can finish the task fastest and best.For the second reading, the students are expected to know some details about the passage.Later on, the teacher will present five statements for the students to judge and ask some questions.The third time is to read for study further information.This part is designed to get Ss into the habit of reading a passage as a whole, that is, to get the general idea.Another purpose of this part is to ask Ss to pay attention to the details.‎ To develop Ss’ further understanding ability, the teacher can design some questions, whose answers are beyond lines.So the teacher will help them to read between the lines, thus Ss can gradually get the ability to understand the writer’s implied meanings.In this step, the teacher can also design the exercise of guessing the meaning of new words or phrases.The teacher asks Ss to read it again in order to make them think about the organization of the whole passage, and this method can help them not only in their understanding but also in writing a passage.‎ To consolidate the content of the passage, Ss are required to retell it according to main idea.In order to arouse the Ss interest; the teacher can hold a competition between groups. Teaching Important Points Have a good understanding of the text through the exercises. Get the students to learn different reading skills, especially gist reading and understanding beyond lines. Teaching Difficulties Know the meanings between lines and beyond lines. Learn different reading skills for different reading purposes. Teaching Aids Multi-media classroom and other normal teaching tools. Three Dimensional Teaching Aims Knowledge Aims ‎ Have a good understanding of the text through the exercises. Ability Aims Grasp some reading skills. Develop the ability to describe what to see and hear. Emotional Aims Stir the students’ imagination for the future life to encourage them to work hard for the bright ‎ future. Teaching Procedure Step 1 Greeting T: Hello, my friends. Ss: Hello, Miss Wang Step 2 Welcoming to the topic  First Talking about what to see ‎(The teacher had better prepare some pictures or movies about great changes, which have happened, compared with the ancient time.)‎ T: Now let us enjoy some pictures first and tell me what you think of them. S: In the past flying into the sky was only a dream, while now it has come true.Shenzhou 6 safely took off on Oct.12th and returned to the earth on Oct.17th successfully.‎ S: What has happened today is quite different from the ancient time. S: I think great changes have taken place, which is making our life easier and easier.‎ S: I think people used to breathe fresh air and drink clean water while we are suffering from pollution today.‎ Second Brainstorming ‎ T: If today were a day of 3000 years, can you imagine what your life will be like in the future? Use your heads and good imagination to describe your future life.You can refer to the questions if you like.Let’s have a discussion. ‎(Showing the questions on the screen.)‎ ‎1.Where will you live in the future? ‎2.How will you travel in the future? ‎3.Where will you work and study in the future? ‎4.What kind of money will you use? ‎5.Will you still get sick? ‎(Two minutes later, ask one or two of the students to something about the future life.) ‎ S: In the future people will communicate more easily and conveniently.They can talk on the ‎ phone and send e-mails on the Internet, like shopping, reading, borrowing books, depositing money, ordering meals or tickets.‎ S: Human beings will look healthier in the future.In spite of this they still get sick.However, scientists will have a better understanding of how cancer develops. S: In the future people will travel to different places.Not only do they enjoy local travel but also they travel abroad.Some even can afford to travel in space. Third Presentation T: I enjoy your imagination about future.Some people are looking forward to the wonderful future, while some are not optimistic about what will happen in the future.No one knows what will really happen tomorrow.Time will tell us all.Seeing is believing.Now, let’s read a new passage, in which there is a boy who has gone to the future in AD‎3005 in advance.He will tell us the first impressions what he has found in the future. Fourth Talking about pictures T: First, let’s enjoy some pictures on Page 18.Can you describe what the pictures say?Prepare for it in two minutes, and then exchange your idea with your partner.Finally you will show your opinion in the whole class. ‎(The teacher is to join in talking with students.Later, ask some to report what the pictures are about.)‎ T: Now, would you please predict what the passage might be mainly about according to pictures?‎ S: I think it may tell us the trip to the future in AD 3005 depending on picture one.‎ S: According to the second picture, the author will show us around the future.‎ S: In the picture three, I can see some equipment in the future home, so I think it will introduce some advanced home in the future.‎ T: Excellent.Now, let’s read to see whether what you predict is right.‎ Step 3 ‎Reading First Scanning to find out main characters T: Scan the passage and find out who are mentioned in the passage.What is the relationship between them?I will give you one minute. S: Li Qiang, Wang Ping, Li Mengxi (Wang Ping’s mother).Wang Ping is Li Qiang’s friend and guide. T: The passage is an E-mail in fact.Who wrote this e-mail?And who is the e-mail for?What is his e-mail? S: Li Qiang wrote to his parents.His e-mail is Liqiang‎299A@ Great Adventure Space- Station.com.‎ Second Skimming to find out main idea for each paragraph T: Skim each paragraph and find out main idea for each one.When you want to find main idea of each paragraph, you especially pay attention to the first sentence and the last one, which may help you find the main idea quickly.I will give you three minutes to do it. ‎(The teacher offers three minutes to the students to do it.Later ask some students to answer.)‎ Suggested answers: ‎ Para 1 He was worried about the journey. Para‎ 2 The journey was completed. Para 3 He was confused by the new surroundings. Para 4 He arrived at his friend’s home in the future. Third Listening to the tape to tell the following statements true or false T: Listen to the tape to catch some important information about the passage.Then you will be asked to tell the following statements on the screen true or false.If it is wrong, would you please correct them? ‎ (Let the students listen.The teacher should present the statements on the screen.) ‎ ‎1.Li Qiang was very excited to go on the journey to the future. ‎2.They arrived on the other planets one thousand in the future. ‎3.He was confused by the new surroundings. ‎4.He lost in sight of Wang Ping while flying. ‎ ‎5.Wang Ping’s home is similar to ours.‎ T: Since we have finished listening to it, now let’s tell the following sentences true or false.If you think it is wrong, please correct it. S: It is wrong.Li Qiang was very worried about the journey instead of being excited. T: Right.What about the next one? S: It is also wrong.In fact they arrived on the earth but one thousand years in the future. T: Yes.Do you agree on it? S: I think the third statement is right. S: While flying he lost in sight of his friend.I think it is true. T: Quite good.What about the last one? S: It is wrong.Because he visited the home in the future in AD 3005, it is quite different from ours.‎ T: Reasonable.You did a very good job. Fourth Careful-reading to answer questions T: Now, let’s read the passage carefully to learn about more details.Later I will let you answer some questions. ‎1.How did he feel about the journey to the year AD 3005? ‎2.What is time lag? ‎3.How did his friend help him to complete the journey? ‎4.Say something about the trip to one thousand years in the future. ‎5.What did he suffer from the new surroundings?How did Wang Ping help him? ‎6.When and why did he get lost? ‎7.Introduce what he found in his friend’s home in the future.‎ Suggested answers: ‎ ‎1.He was very nervous about the journey to the future. ‎2.Time lag is similar to the “jet lag” you get when flying, but instead it means you keep getting flashbacks from your previous time period. ‎3.Wang Ping was very understanding and gave him some green tablets, which helped a lot.Later, his parents’ company named “Future Tours” transported him safely into the future in a time capsule.‎ ‎4.They arrived there by time capsule.They climbed in through the round opening.The seats were comfortable and after a calming drink, which made them sleepy, their eyes closed.The capsule shook, as they lay relaxed.Sounds came from below their feet as they rose slowly from the ground.A few minutes later the journey was complete. ‎5.He was hit by the lack of fresh air.His head ached.His friend asked him to put on the mask, which made him feel much better. ‎6.He got lost when they reached what looked like a large market because of the people flying by in all directions.They were so many carriages that he lost sight of Wang Ping. ‎7.He found a large bright, clean room with a green wall, which can be moved.In fact there were trees, whose leaves provided the house with much needed oxygen.A table and chairs rose from under the floor as if by magic.Spreading some food on the table, Wang Ping’s mother produced a bed from the floor. Fifth Reading for further understanding T: “I still cannot believe that I am taking up my prize that was won last year.”What does“taking up”mean in the sentence? S: It means“to start or begin something”. T: Right.“Taking up”means“getting down to doing something or star to do something.”For example, “She will take up her responsibility next week.” T: What does“hit”mean in the sentence“I was hit by the lack of fresh air.” S: I think it means“suffer”. T: Yes, “hit”here means“have a bad or sudden effect on (a person or something), cause to suffer or experience”. T: The reading passage describes some good and bad changes to life in AD 3005.In pairs, discuss which changes are good or bad and give reasons for your choices.Then write down your ideas in the chart.There is no right or wrong answer. Good changes and reasons Bad changes and reasons Time travel Transport Houses Towns Air quality ‎(The teacher should give them about five minutes to discuss, and join in the discussion at the same time.After that, the students will be asked to show their opinion to the whole class.) T: Have a class discussion and decide whether you think the writer has an optimistic or a pessimistic view of the future.Take a few minutes to read through the passage again.Make notes to help you remember your reasons.Be prepared to join in a class discussion.Try to persuade others to agree with you.‎ ‎(There is no fixed answer either.If the students can support their idea with strongly reasonable facts, they should be praised.In order to draw many students to join in the discussion, the teacher had better design a competition between groups.If they volunteer to show their opinion, they will be given a star.If their idea is wonderful, two stars should be given as praise.) Sixth Imagination T: Now let’s imagine.What would you like to visit if you were Li Qiang? ‎(One minute later.) S: If I were Li Qiang, I would visit some schools in the future in AD 3005. S: If I were Li Qiang, I would visit some other planets. ‎ S: If I were Li Qiang, I would go on visits to some labs to find out what the people in the future are studying. S: If I were Li Qiang, I would pay a visit to the History Museum to find whether what we own today could be found there. Ss: ... Step 4 Consolidation T: In this period, we have visited the future in AD 3005 with Li Qiang.What have you learned from the first impressions?Can you sum up it in several sentences?I will give you two minutes to prepare for it.‎ ‎(After two minutes.) S: At the beginning of the travel to the future, Li Qiang felt very nervous.With his friend, Wang Ping, helped, they arrived safely on the earth but one thousand years in the future by time capsule.On arriving, he was confused by the new surroundings.When he was hit by the lack of fresh air, his friend advised him to wear a mask, which made him feel much better soon.Later, they visited some places by hovering carriages driven by computer, which float above the ground.In the end, they arrived at his friend’s home, where almost everything was controlled by computer, so the life there seemed very conveniently.  T: Excellent.Please write a passage about the first impressions of the future if you were Li Qiang, who were to visit the future.This is your homework. The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard Unit 3 Life in the future Period 2 Reading Structure Difficult sentences Para.1 He was worried about the journey. Para.2 The journey was completed. Para.3 He was confused by the new surroundings.‎ Para.4 He arrived at his friend’s home in the future.‎ ‎1.I still cannot believe that I am taking up my prize that was won last year. ‎2.Confused by the new surroundings, I was hit by the lack of fresh air.‎ Research and Activities Use your imagination to write a short passage about what maybe happen in the future. Imagine if you were to visit the future in one thousand years, how would you go on the journey and what would you pay a visit to?You will describe your experiences and surroundings.You can imitate the structure of the reading passage, but you must make full use of your imagination to write what is different from First Impressions.‎ Reference for Teaching First Chinese space hero safely return to earth Wrapping up a historic day in space, the Shenzhou 5 return capsule parachuted to a soft touchdown today, bringing to an end China’s first manned voyage into space and opening the door for a wide variety of future plans in the final frontier. Touchdown came at 6: ‎23 a.m.local time Thursday (22: 23 GMT; 6: 23 p.m.EDT Wednesday), according to the central Chinese television network CCTV and the Xinhua news organization. Video from the landing site showed the craft’s single occupant—Lt.Colonel Yang Liwei—waving to a crowd assembled around the capsule as it lay on its side minutes after landing.‎ Chinese media also reported the landing point was just 4.8 kilometers from the targeted touchdown site in Inner Mongolia. Yang was carried away from the spacecraft in a seat and looked a bit wobbly and dazed on state television coverage of the event.Official reports from Xinhua say Yang“was confirmed to remain in good health”after his 21-hour stint in orbit.‎ After its launch early Wednesday from the Jiuquan space center aboard a Long March ‎2F rocket, the Shenzhou 5 spacecraft entered orbit with passenger Yang Liwei, a 38-year old Chinese fighter pilot that found himself thrust into the international spotlight with his selection for the inaugural manned flight. Throughout his historic 21-hour journey, the 5-foot, 6-inch taikonaut—or yuhangyuan—reported no ill effects and no technical problems with the spacecraft were reported.Conversations with the ground control center in Beijing reportedly went as expected as communications was relayed through tracking stations and sea vessels scattered around the world.‎ As expected, Shenzhou ‎5’‎s entry and service modules were jettisoned from the orbital module as the time neared for the pivotal de-orbit burn to bring the taikonaut back to Earth. Thrusters were then fired to nudge the craft out of orbit and to put it on a trajectory to land in the steppes of Inner Mongolia, about 1000 kilometers from the launch site at Jiuquan.The orbital module remained behind in space to complete its own mission over the next several months In all, the mission lasted approximately 21 hours, 23 minutes from liftoff to touchdown.The historic flight completed 14 orbits of Earth and traveled about 600 000 kilometers.‎ ‎“Yang’s return to land from outer space signifies completion of the first step taken by China to implement its plans for space exploration.More steps are to follow—attempts for space walk, rendezvous and docking of spaceships and setting up of a space lab, ”Xinhua reported Wednesday night. ‎“Sometime from now, up in the space, high up over the Earth, there will be a space station which, like Shenzhou 5 that has just made history, will be designed, built and manned by the Chinese, ”the agency said.‎ Wearable Halfkeyboard It’s quite interesting to use a pocketable keyboard with a Palm or PPC to write something.‎ I borrowed a Palmone Tungsten T and a Logitech TypeAway Keyboard from a boy yesterday.‎ ‎ The Keyboard uses the universal port to connect the palm.‎ It is a Palm Vx on the keyboard: ‎ The wearable Halfkeyboard was designed to let you turn your PDA into a wearable computer.‎ Drugs delivered by robots in the blood A 3 millimetre-long swimming robot constructed by Chinese scientists could eventually be used for drug delivery or to clear arteries in humans.‎ The craft is propelled by an external magnetic field which controls its fins.The fins are made from an alloy that contracts in response to application of the field.‎ The next stage is to build a robot with fins that respond to different magnetic field resonance.This would enable an operator to control the fin separately and steer the robot around.‎ The project is at an early stage but in the future remote controlled machines could be used to deliver drugs to a particular part of the body.‎ The watch reminds you’ve forgotten the keys Gaetano Borriello, a University‎ of ‎Washington computer scientist has developed a working prototype of a smart swatch system.‎ Like pretty anything called“smart”these days, it works with RFID tags.‎ The wristwatch acts as an interface, driven by a personal server the wearer can carry in a pocket, but which will eventually be a part of the wristwatch itself.Important items are labeled with RFID tags and RFID readers are installed at various locations to read the tags.‎ The UW smart watch system works as follows: an RFID reader senses the tags on, say, your books, relays the data to the personal server in your pocket.The server checks if anything has been forgotten, and if so, it sends a prompt to the wristwatch to alert you.‎ The server also takes into account the last known location of items, your calendar and where you may be going.‎ ‎“This is really part of a larger effort to create an RFID-enabled building, a sort of microcosm of what society would be like if these things take off, ”said Borriello who hopes to have a building-wide system up and running within a year.‎

