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‎2020年山东省菏泽市中考英语试卷 二、英语知识运用(共两节,满分10分)第一节 单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.‎ ‎1. ﹣What's________matter,Nancy? ﹣I have________sore throat.( )‎ A.the;the B.the;a C./; a ‎2. ﹣How do you improve your________?‎ ‎﹣By listening to a tape and repeating out loud.( )‎ A.pronunciation B.environment C.invention ‎3. ﹣Look! This restaurant is always crowded.‎ ‎﹣The food here______be very delicious. Let's go and have a taste.( )‎ A.need B.can't C.must ‎4. China is almost as________as the US,and it is the________country in Asia.( )‎ A.big;bigger B.big;biggest C.bigger;biggest ‎5. ﹣Have you ever________to Caozhou Peony Garden? ﹣Yes,I________there last year.( )‎ A.been;went B.gone;went C.been; gone ‎6. If buildings fall down with people inside,the snake robots can help____people under the buildings.( )‎ A.take up B.look for C.cut up ‎7. ﹣It's said that Tina will go to Canada by herself.‎ ‎﹣Yes.________of her parents will go with her.( )‎ A.Both B.Neither C.Either ‎8. ﹣He can pick up the table with one hand. ﹣________strong boy he is!( )‎ A.How B.What C.What a ‎9. ﹣Excuse me, Mr.Wang. Do you know________? ﹣Yes. It's on May 20th.( )‎ A.when is the school trip B.how we can go there C.when the school trip is ‎10. ﹣I don't think sixteen﹣year﹣olds should be allowed to drive. ﹣________! They are too young.( )‎ A.I agree B.It's a pity C.Good luck 第二节 完形填空(共1小题;每小题10分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各小题所给的A.B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最 佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.‎ ‎11.‎ ‎    Toby remembers ‎    My name is Toby. I'm eighty﹣three years old this spring. My house is right in the middle of Stratford﹣upon﹣Avon,  and I can watch the street market(1)_______my window. But I live very quietly now. I'm just a(n)(2)_______man,  sitting in a chair.‎ ‎    I once knew the greatest man in England.For thirty years I was his friend. I worked with(3)_______in the theatre,  through the good times and the bad times. He was a good friend to me. He was also the best playwright (剧作家)and poet that ever lived in England. William Shakespeare was his(4)_______.‎ ‎    I saw all his plays in the theatre. People(5)_______them. They shouted,  laughed and cried, ate oranges, and called for more. William Shakespeare could please all kinds of(6)‎ ‎ 10 / 10‎ ‎_______including Kings, Queens, Princes, great lords and ladies, poor people, the boys who held the horses…everyone.‎ ‎    He put me in a play once.Well, he used my name﹣Toby.Twelfth Night was the play.I remember, in the play, Sir Toby Belch was a big fat man, who liked drinking(7)_______and having a good time.Queen Elizabeth the First watched that(8)_______﹣Twelfth Night, on the 6th of January, 1601. She liked it,  too.‎ ‎    William's dead now, of course. He's been dead for more than thirty years,  and no one sees his plays now. The Puritans (清教徒)have(9)_______all the theatres. There's no singing, no dancing, no plays. It isn't like that in my young days. We had a good time in London,  William and I…‎ ‎    I've no teeth now,  and my hair has all fallen out, (10)_______I can still think﹣and remember. I remember when William and I were young,  just boys really.‎ ‎(1)‎ A.from B.for C.of ‎(2)‎ A.young B.old C.strong ‎(3)‎ A.them B.her C.him ‎(4)‎ A.name B.book C.friend ‎(5)‎ A.hated B.loved C.minded ‎(6)‎ A.children B.adults C.people ‎(7)‎ A.too much B.too many C.much too ‎(8)‎ A.movie B.play C.concert ‎(9)‎ A.built B.opened C.closed ‎(10)‎ A.but B.so C.or 三、阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共4小题;每小题6分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项 涂黑.‎ ‎12.     ‎ Free Outdoor Movie ‎    What: Mudan Mall is hosting FREE outdoor movie night! FREE POPCORN! Please bring a chair,  soft drinks and snacks for your enjoyment.‎ ‎    The name of the film:  My People,  My Country ‎    When: Saturday,  July 18th,  7: 00 p.m ‎    Where: Mudan Square (180 Mudan Street)‎ ‎    Phone: 8756﹣2568‎ ‎ 10 / 10‎ Sunshine Fitness Center ‎    Course: Hot Yoga ‎    Trainer: Liu Xiaoyan ‎    Time: 7: 30 p.m.﹣8: 30 p.m.(Monday to Friday)‎ ‎    7: 30 p.m.﹣9: 30 p.m.(Saturday and Sunday)‎ ‎    Tel:  8756﹣1234‎ ‎    During our hot yoga course,  the temperature in the studio can reach 38°C to 40°C. It makes the body very warm and sweat (出 汗)a lot. The heat relaxes your muscles and the sweat helps clean your body. Remember to bring your own yoga mat.‎ Roadside Sale ‎    Everything Must Go!‎ ‎    Lots of new and gently used items(物品):‎ ‎    Furniture, Clothing, Toys, Plants, Books and Hardware ‎    Sunday,  July 19th ‎    5 p.m. to 9 p.m.‎ ‎    266 Daxue Road ‎    For directions, please call me at 8756﹣6688.‎ ‎    Rain or Shine ‎    Come by and see for yourself!‎ ‎(1)When can you see a free outdoor movie?________‎ A.On Saturday, July 18th. B. On Sunday, July 19th.‎ C. On Monday, July 20th..‎ ‎(2)Which number will you call if you want to do some exercise and relax your muscles?________‎ A. 8756﹣2568. B. 8756﹣1234.‎ C. 8756﹣6688..‎ ‎(3)Where should he go if Li Lei wants to buy some used toys and books?________‎ A. Mudan Square. B. Sunshine Fitness Center.‎ C. 266 Daxue Road.‎ ‎13.     Although he has lost one arm,  Zhang Jiacheng hopes never to lose his love for basketball or willingness to improve his skills of playing it.‎ ‎    The 13﹣year﹣old boy recently got wide attention from netizens (people who use the Internet) in China when a video of his excellent dribbling(带球) skills in a one﹣on﹣one situation was posted online. "It's so inspirational How can you easily give up your efforts after watching his video? " One netizen wrote on Sina Weibo.‎ ‎    Born in Guangdong Province,  Zhang lost his right arm in an accident at just five years old which was a terrible event for such a young kid. Zhang,  however,  decided to face up to the hardship,  and not let the fate(命运) control his life. Because he has a dream: to be a basketball player.‎ ‎    Other children around always wondered how he could play basketball with just one arm. "Hard work" is the only thing that Zhang can do. Be it rainy or windy,  Zhang never stops playing basketball,  and has achieved huge improvement in his skills.‎ ‎    In the video,  Zhang showed his dribbling skills in front of a defense made up of several professional basketball players,  and received ‎ 10 / 10‎ ‎ a loud cheer from people watching on site."Your right hand has been taken away in a terrible way,  but you have the best left hand. You are the real star in this game, " former CBA player Wang Jing said after watching Zhang's performance.‎ ‎    Zhang has posted 13 videos of his basketball skills on Douyin,  and earned almost one million likes. "Give it a try,  or give it up, " Zhang once wrote in one of his videos. Of course,  he chose the former(前者).‎ ‎(1)What happened to Zhang Jiacheng when he was 5 years old?________‎ A. He lost his love for basketball.‎ B. He posted a video on Sina Weibo.‎ C. He lost his right arm in an accident..‎ ‎(2)What's Zhang Jiacheng's dream?________‎ A. To be a football player. B. To be a basketball player.‎ C. To be a popular netizen..‎ ‎(3)Zhang Jiacheng became famous by________.‎ A. writing a lot of his own stories on Sina Weibo B. posting his videos of basketball skills on Douyin C. watching the CBA player Wang Jing's performance.‎ ‎(4)What can you learn from the one﹣armed teenager?________‎ A. Always give it a try.‎ B. Always give it up.‎ C. Let the fate control the life..‎ ‎14.     Air pollution is a big problem for cities in most countries. Many people are dying from ________. But how can we tell the air quality is good or bad?‎ ‎    On a tree next to a river in Amsterdam,  a tiny birdhouse glows (发光) bright green when the air is clean. If you're standing nearby,  the birdhouse will also give you a free Wi﹣Fi connection﹣but only if pollution level is low enough. The designer is Joris Lam. His birdhouse tells you about the air quality.‎ ‎    Joris' birdhouse is called TreeWifi. It can be put on a tree around your house to test the air quality. People can see a screen with information about the local air quality and how to improve it. TreeWifi is a simple way for people to know about the air pollution around them. If the birdhouse does not glow,  people should care more about the environment. It reminds them to change their lifestyles. For example,  to protect the air,  they can ride bikes or just walk instead of driving cars.‎ ‎    "Imagine if trees gave free Wi﹣Fi,  people would plant more trees like crazy. It's a pity that they only give us the oxygen(氧气) we breathe, " Joris said.‎ ‎    The birdhouse doesn't work as a home for birds now. Joris and his team are trying to make some changes to it. In the future,  they hope birds will live in the birdhouse and the heat of its green light will be used to keep birds warm in winter.‎ ‎(1)What does the underlined word "it" in Paragraph 1 refer to?________‎ A. The birdhouse. B. Air quality.‎ C. Air pollution..‎ ‎ 10 / 10‎ ‎(2)People can get a free Wi﹣Fi connection when________.①people are standing nearby ‎②the pollution level is low enough ‎③the air quality is low enough A.①② B.②③ C.①③.‎ ‎(3)Joris designed a screen for the birdhouse to________.‎ A.receive the free Wi﹣Fi connection B.protect the birdhouse from the rain C.show information about the air quality.‎ ‎(4)In the future, the birdhouse will also be used________.‎ A. as a home for birds B. to tell us the weather C. to give us the oxygen.‎ ‎15.     CHANGSHA﹣Eight pandas moved to their new home in the ancient town of Fenghuang in Central China's Hunan Province on Friday.‎ ‎    This is the first time the ancient town,  also a popular place of interest, has welcomed giant pandas. The animals will make Fenghuang their new home.‎ ‎    With the average temperature ranging from 12.6℃to 16.7℃,  Fenghuang County takes pride in its over 3, 333 hectares of bamboo forest,  providing a good living place for giant pandas.‎ ‎    To provide a good living environment for the new arrivals,  Fenghuang has built a panda theme park.‎ ‎    Two of the eight pandas,  named Long Sheng and Qing Feng,  were born in 2000 and 2007 respectively(分别). The other six pandas were born in 2017. They were transported from southwest China's Sichuan Province to Fenghuang by special trucks.‎ ‎    Before the transportation,  the eight pandas were placed under observation in the giant panda protection center,  and they are now in good health.‎ ‎    Teng Qiong,  director of Fenghuang County Forestry Bureau,  said that the pandas were transported in refrigerator trucks for their safety and comfort. Several trucks were rented(租用), with four trucks carrying two giant pandas each,  while one truck carried enough bamboo and bamboo shoots for five days,  and another empty truck was kept on standby.‎ ‎    "During the transportation,  we rested at the high﹣speed service areas for 30 minutes every three hours. The keepers provided food and water for the pandas and carefully________their health condition, "Teng said.‎ ‎    Construction of the panda theme park in Fenghuang started at the end of 2018. It includes a panda house,  a panda hospital,  a feed processing room,  a tourist service center,  a science museum and other supporting projects. There will be 16 professional keepers to take care of the pandas in the park.‎ ‎(1)When was the panda Qing Feng born?________‎ A. In 2000. B. In 2007. C. In 2017..‎ ‎ 10 / 10‎ ‎(2)How many trucks were rented in total during the transportation?________‎ A. Six. B. Four. C. One..‎ ‎(3)What does the underlined word "observed" mean in Chinese?________‎ A.谈论 B.遵守 C.观察.‎ ‎(4)What's the main idea of the passage?________‎ A.Construction of a panda theme park.‎ B.Eight pandas start new life.‎ C.How to protect giant pandas..‎ 三、阅读理解(共两节节,满分10分)第二节(共1小题;每小题10分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,完成相关任务.‎ ‎16. The movie Ne Zha came back to the big screen last year. And lots of people watched it.‎ For many years, the character Ne Zha has been familiar to many children of China. Most Chinese children came to know Ne Zha from the TV series Journey to the West. Of course, Ne Zha in that TV series is not as great as Sun Wukong. But still, Ne Zha is popular in Chinese children's hearts.‎ Now, the relationships among the characters in the 3D movie Ne Zha are given modem meanings. New Ne Zha in the 3D movie is more than a child. ________And he does not hide his anger when he meets bad men. He lives as he wants to live.‎ It was hard to believe that a panda﹣eyed, buck﹣toothed(龅牙) child could be a hero in hearts of millions of people. But it made it and the movie was a big success.The film's director and screenwriter is Yang Yu. It took him three years to write this play and two more years to make the cartoon.It is one of the most successful cartoons made in China. You can enjoy the beauty created by high technology when watching it ‎(1)From which TV series did most Chinese children come to know Ne Zha?‎ ‎________‎ ‎(2)What does new Ne Zha look like in the 3D movie?‎ ‎________‎ ‎(3)How long did it take Yang Yu to write the play and make the cartoon?‎ ‎________‎ ‎(4)请把划线句子翻译成汉语.‎ ‎________‎ ‎(5)请给短文拟一个恰当的标题.‎ ‎________‎ 四、综合填空(共1小题;每小题10分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,用方框内所给词汇的适当形式填空,使短文语义完整.‎ ‎17.‎ cow, if, listen, that, grass, difficult, two, in, he, be During the Warring States Period, there was a musician called Gongming Yi,‎ ‎ 10 / 10‎ ‎ who played musical instrument﹣qixianqin very well.He loved it so much(1)________he played it at home almost every day.A great number of people would like(2)________to him, and admired him very much. They all said that the man was such a great musician. When they(3)________free, they often went to Gongming Yi's house and listened to his music.‎ One day, Gongming Yi saw a(4)________when he was having fun in the countryside.Suddenly,he had a strange idea. "Since everybody loves my music,why don't I play some music for this cow?" Then he moved his qixianqin(5)________front of the cow. And he began to play it. He played the qixianqin very well and the music was beautiful, but the cow showed no reaction at all. It just kept eating(6)________with its head down. He thought the music he played might be too(7)________for the cow.So he tried to play some easy music. However, after playing for a long time, Gongming Yi was disappointed. He began to question his musical ability. He said to(8)________,"The cow didn't understand my music. "Then he shook his head and went away.‎ This is a funny story,but it is educational. We can learn(9)________lessons from the story.First, don't say anything to the people who don't understand you at all. Second, (10)________ you talk to a wrong listener, you are silly and wasting time.‎ 五、写作(共两节,满分5分)第一节 信息归纳(共1小题;每小题5分,满分5分)阅读下面短文,用英语完成思维导图.‎ ‎18. What is 5G? It is the fifth generation of mobile network technology. In the past, 1G let us talk with each other. 2G let us send messages. 3G gave us the Internet. And 4G made all of these things faster. What's special about 5G?‎ ‎5G + entertainment ‎5G networks are about 10 times faster than 4G. This means you can download a movie in seconds using 5G. Also, VR games will become more popular with 5G. 5G will make the VR games even more real.‎ ‎5G + smart home ‎5G also makes the Internet of Things(物联网)possible.Smart home is part of it.For example,your bread maker could make breakfast by itself after your alarm rings. And if the air in your room is too dry, a smart sprinkler could water your plants by itself when you are not at home.‎ So you just need to buy a new mobile phone to use 5G. But a 5G phone costs about 8,000 yuan right now. It is said that about one year from now, the price could go down to around 2,000 yuan.‎ ‎(1)________ (2)________ (3)________ (4)________ (5)________‎ 第二节 书面表达(满分15分)‎ ‎19. 假如你是李华,你的英国笔友Lisa ‎ 10 / 10‎ 来信说她对中国民歌很感兴趣,想请你推荐你最喜 欢的歌曲.请根据图片信息,用英语写封回信,简要介绍你最喜欢的民歌《好一朵美丽的茉莉花》What a Beautiful Jasmine'),并谈谈你对这首歌曲的感受.‎ WHAT A BEAUTIFUL JASMNE 好一朵美丽的茉莉花 歌曲简介 ‎☆世界经典民歌(classical folk song)之一 ‎☆源自《鲜花调》( Xianhuadiao),传唱几 百年 ‎☆1942年,14岁的何仿加工整理(make up)成《好一朵美丽的茉莉花》‎ ‎☆国内外重要场合(occasion)必奏之曲,香港(Hong Kong)、澳门(Macao)回归时演奏 ‎☆甜美、柔和,令人放松……‎ 要求:‎ ‎1.语言规范,语句通顺,可适当发挥;‎ ‎2.字数:100词左右,开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数.‎ Dear Lisa,‎ I'm glad to hear from you. Now let me tell you something about my favorite song.‎ ‎_______________.‎ Best wishes!‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua ‎ 10 / 10‎ 参考答案与试题解析 ‎2020年山东省菏泽市中考英语试卷 二、英语知识运用(共两节,满分10分)第一节 单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.‎ ‎1.B ‎2.A ‎3.C ‎4.B ‎5.A ‎6.B ‎7.B ‎8.C ‎9.A ‎10.A 第二节 完形填空(共1小题;每小题10分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各小题所给的A.B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最 佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.‎ ‎11.A B C A B C A B C A 三、阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共4小题;每小题6分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项 涂黑.‎ ‎12.A B C ‎13.C B B A ‎14.C A C A ‎15.B A C B 三、阅读理解(共两节节,满分10分)第二节(共1小题;每小题10分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,完成相关任务.‎ ‎16.He is very happy when he feels the warmth of the family. ,Journey to the West.,Ne Zha has a panda﹣eyed, buck﹣toothed.,Fiveyears,当他感受到家庭的温暖时,他非常高兴.,The3DmovieNeZhawasabigsuccess ‎ 10 / 10‎ 四、综合填空(共1小题;每小题10分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,用方框内所给词汇的适当形式填空,使短文语义完整.‎ ‎17.that,to listen,were,cow,in,grass,difficult,himself,two,If 五、写作(共两节,满分5分)第一节 信息归纳(共1小题;每小题5分,满分5分)阅读下面短文,用英语完成思维导图.‎ ‎18.fifth,download a movie,VR games,make breakfast,water your plants 第二节 书面表达(满分15分)‎ ‎19.Dear Lisa,‎ I'm glad to hear from you. Now let me tell you something about my favorite song.(点题)‎ My favorite folk song is "What a Beautiful Jasmine".(最喜欢的民歌)This is one of the most classic folk songs in the world.【高分句型一】It comes from Xianhuadiao and has been sung for hundreds of years.In 1942, 14﹣year﹣old He Xiang made up it into "What a Beautiful Jasmine".After that, people of all ages loved to sing it. It must be played on important occasions at home and abroad.When Hong Kong and Macao returned to China. (歌曲简介)‎ This song is very popular because it sounds sweet, soft and relaxing.【高分句型二】(感受)‎ Best wishes!‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua ‎ 10 / 10‎

