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‎2018届二轮复习 话题写作:个人情况 第一节 话题背诵 ‎1.ordinary adj.普通的;平常的 ‎2.plain adj.朴素的;简单的 ‎3.handsome adj.英俊的;帅的 ‎4.pretty adj.漂亮的;俊俏的 ‎5.ugly adj.丑陋的;难看的 ‎6.pale adj.苍白的;灰白的 ‎7.figure n.体形;身材 ‎8.overweight adj.超重的 ‎9.facial adj.面部的 ‎10.satisfied/content adj.感到满意的 ‎11.pleased/delighted adj.感到高兴的 ‎12.desperate adj.绝望的 ‎13.blank adj.茫然的;空虚的 ‎14.indifferent adj.冷漠的;满不在乎的 ‎15.character n.品格;个性 ‎16.personality n.个性;性格 ‎17.outgoing adj.爱交际的;外向的 ‎18.straightforward adj.简单的;坦率的 ‎19.aggressive adj.侵略的;咄咄逼人的 ‎20.violent adj.暴力的 ‎21.stubborn adj.固执的;倔强的 ‎22.virtue n.美德;优点;操守 ‎23.talent n.天才;天赋 ‎24.intelligent adj.聪明的;明智的 ‎25.outstanding adj.杰出的 ‎26.competent adj.能胜任的;有能力的 ‎27.weep v.& n.哭泣;流泪 ‎28.warmhearted adj.热心的 ‎29.grateful adj.感激的 ‎30.sympathetic adj.出于同情的;讨人喜欢的;相投合的 ‎1.medium height中等身材 ‎2.below average低于平均水平 ‎3.be considered as/to be...被认为是……‎ ‎4.be in fashion在流行中 ‎5.be out of fashion落伍的 ‎6.follow the fashion赶时髦 ‎7.be satisfied/content with...对……满意 ‎8.be curious about...对……好奇 ‎9.be relaxed with.../get on well with...与……相处融洽 ‎10.be independent of独立于 ‎11.be active in在某方面很积极 ‎12.be devoted to致力于;专注于 ‎13.be responsible for...对……负责 ‎14.be enthusiastic about...对……热心 ‎15.have a talent/gift for...有……才能 ‎16.be skilled in...在……方面熟练 ‎17.be qualified for...适合;胜任……‎ ‎18.be punctual for守时 ‎19.sing high praise for/think highly of高度评价 ‎20.be popular with...受……欢迎 ‎1.So poor was his family that he had to drop out at the age of 12.‎ 他的家庭如此贫困以至于他十二岁时就不得不辍学。‎ ‎2.Owing to the fact that he can do whatever he has chosen to do with great perseverance,he has made great achievement in many fields.‎ 由于他能够坚持不懈地做他所选择做的事情,所以他在很多领域都取得了巨大的成就。‎ ‎3.Although he has won countless honors,he never shows any signs of pride.‎ 尽管获得了无数的荣誉,他却从未有过任何骄傲的迹象。‎ ‎4.By being devoted to what he does,no matter how boring it is,he sets a good example to us.‎ 不管事情有多枯燥,他都会全身心地去做所做之事,为我们树立了一个好榜样。‎ 第二节 话题写作 情景专练1‎ Jim Green在北京大学任教近二十年,工作出色,为此《中国日报》准备刊登他的照片。请你根据下面的提示,写一篇图片说明,简要介绍他的情况。‎ 姓名 Jim Green 性别 男 国籍 美国 出生年月 ‎1964年5月 职业 英语教师 简历 ‎1985年大学毕业,1996年来中国工作,从那时起至今在北京大学任教。‎ 主要事迹 ‎1.热爱教育事业;‎ ‎2.刻苦钻研业务,专心搞好工作;‎ ‎3.教学方法多样,课堂教学生动活泼;‎ ‎4.多次被评为模范教师,深受师生尊敬和爱戴。‎ 注意:词数100左右。‎ 参考词汇:教育事业the educational cause Ⅰ.记增分素材 ‎1.拥有20年教学经验的老师a teacher with 20year teaching experience/a teacher who has been teaching for nearly 20 years ‎2.全身心地heart and soul/wholeheartedly ‎3.受人爱戴be loved and respected by...‎ ‎4.致力于devote oneself to ‎5.模范老师model teacher Ⅱ.练高分句式 This is Jim Green,a teacher who teaches English for nearly twenty years in Beijing University.‎ Mr.Green was born in America in May 1964.He came to China in 1996,(1) working as an English teacher(从事英语教学) in Beijing University.‎ He loves the educational cause very much.As a teacher who has been teaching for nearly 20 years,he devotes himself to work heart and soul.(2) He has many ways to make his classes lively and interesting(他有很多方法使课堂生动有趣).And his lectures are not easily forgotten.‎ He is loved and respected by all the teachers and students,and (3)has been given the honor of “Model Teacher” for many times(多次被授予“模范教师”的荣誉).‎ 情景专练2‎ 请根据表格中所提供的信息,介绍该人物。要求:包括表格中的全部要点,但不要逐条翻译。‎ 姓名 张磊 性别 男 出生日期 ‎1996年8月25日 出生地 定兴 相貌 英俊,身高1.81cm,短发,大眼睛 家庭背景 出生于普通农民家庭,童年时代父母对他要求严格,帮他养成努力学习的好习惯。‎ 品质和爱好 ‎1.乐于助人,容易相处,在班里很受欢迎;‎ ‎2.业余时间喜欢听音乐、打篮球。‎ 学习经历和成绩 ‎2013年6月毕业于定兴三中。高中三年学习期间学习成绩一直在年级名列前10名。曾在2012年参加全国物理奥林匹克竞赛(the National Physics Olympic Competition)并获得一等奖。去年被清华大学(Tsinghua University)录取,实现了他的梦想,为我们树立了好榜样。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ Ⅰ.记增分素材 ‎1.1.81米高1.81 meters tall/in height ‎2.受……欢迎be popular with/be wellreceived ‎ ‎3.尽其所能try one’s best/do everything in one’s power/as best as one can ‎4.名列前十名among the top ten ‎5.参加take part in/participate in/go in for/enter for Ⅱ.练高分句式 I’ll introduce to you a boy whose name is Zhang Lei.‎ Born in Dingxing on August 25th,1996,Zhang Lei is 1.81 meters in height.He is handsome with short hair and big eyes.He grew up in an ordinary farmer’s family and his parents were strict with him in his childhood,(1) which helped him to develop a good habit of working hard(这帮他养成努力学习的好习惯).‎ Zhang Lei is popular with his classmates (2) because he is always ready to help others and easy to get along with(因为他乐于助人,容易相处).(3) Whenever someone is in trouble he will try his best to help him(无论谁何时有困难,他都尽其所能地给予帮助).‎ Zhang Lei graduated from Dingxing No.3 Middle School in June,2013.During his high school years,his performance was always among the top ten in his grade.He took part in the National Physics Olympic Competition in 2012 and won the first prize.Last year he was admitted into Tsinghua University,which made his dream come true.(4) He set a good example to us(他为我们树立了好榜样) and we should all learn from him.‎

