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四川省成都外国语学校2020-2021学年高二 ‎10月月考英语试题 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。‎ A The Harker School is searching for part-time teachers to join our team. ‎ ‎ 5 reasons to work at Harker:‎ ‎• A stepping stone to a career in education.‎ ‎• Opportunities to learn from experienced teachers.‎ ‎• A schedule that works for students in college.‎ ‎• Free breakfast and lunch provided to staff.‎ ‎• A place to be creative, inspired, and have fun!‎ Duties & Responsibilities: ‎ Supervise (监督)student’s activities and play in a non-academic setting.‎ Provide a positive environment for students to learn and develop lifelong skills.‎ Ensure the physical and emotional safety of the children at all times.‎ Terms of Employment:‎ These positions are part-time for the 2018 academic school year which runs from August 15th, 2017 to June 8th, 2018. There are no benefits associated with this position. Required availability Monday through Friday, 3:00 pm~6:00 pm, with additional hours depending on applicant’s availability — including Monday through Friday, 7:30 am~8:30 am and 11:45 am~1:15 pm.‎ Minimum Qualifications:‎ ‎•Must be at least 18 years of age.‎ ‎•Must hold current certification in both first aid and CPR or obtain certification withn 1 month of employment.‎ ‎•Must have previous experience of working with children in a school or camp setting.‎ ‎•Ability to communicate and work with groups of all ages and skill levels, and provide necessary direction and instruction to students.‎ ‎•Ability to communicate in effective English with staff, parents, and children.‎ We will respond only to those candidates who meet the requirements of the position.‎ ‎1.What is the advantage of working in the Harker School?‎ A. Chances of learning abroad.‎ B. Paid annual leave and bonus.‎ C. Free accommodation and meals.‎ D. Inspiration and happiness from the work.‎ ‎2.When might the employees be working?‎ A.Wednesday,6:00pm~7:00pm.‎ B. Tuesday, 1:15pm~3:00pm.‎ C. Friday, 4:00pm~5:00pm.‎ D. Monday, 8:30pm~11:45pm.‎ ‎3.What is a must for the people to apply for the job?‎ A. The ability to speak French.‎ B. Related previous experience.‎ C.A sense of direction and humor.‎ D.A current certification in first aid.‎ B Last week my youngest son and I visited my father at his new home in Tucson, Arizona. He moved there a few years ago, and I was eager to see his new place and meet his friends.‎ ‎    My earliest memories of my father are a tall, handsome, successful man devoted to his work and his family, but uncomfortable with his children. As a child I loved him. He seemed unhappy with me unless I got straight A’s and unhappy with my boyfriends if their fathers were not as “successful” as he was. Whenever I went out with him on weekends, I used to struggle to think up things to say, feeling on guard.‎ ‎    On the first day of my visit, we went out with one of my father’s friends for lunch at an outdoor café. We walked along that afternoon, did some shopping, ate on the street table, and laughed over my son’s funny facial expressions. Gone was my father’s critical air and strict rules. Who was this person I knew as my father, who seemed so friendly and interesting to be around? What had held him back before?‎ ‎    The next day dad took out his childhood pictures and told me quite a few stories about his own childhood. Although our times together became easier over the years, I never felt closer to him at that moment. After so many years, I’m at last seeing another side of my father. And in so doing, I’m delighted with my new friend. My dad, in his new home in Arizona, is back to me from where he was.‎ ‎4. What does the author think of her father before her visit to Tucson? A. More critical and strict B. More talkative C. Gentle and friendly D. Proud and hard-working 5. When the author went out with her father on weekend, she would feel _____ . A. tired B. safe C. nervous D. comfortable 6. The underlined words “my new friend” in the last paragraph refer to________. A. the author’s son B. the author’s father C. the friend of the author’s father D. the café owner C A scientist turns out to be able to see the future by offering each of four-year-olds a piece of candy and watching how he or she deals with it. Some children reach eagerly for the candy they see. Some last a few minutes before they give in. But others are determined to wait until the last ‎ moment.‎ By the time the children reach high school, something amazing has happened. A survey found that those who as four-year-olds had enough self-control to hold out generally and grew up to be more popular, adventurous, confident and dependable. The children who gave in to temptation early were more likely to be lonely, easily upset in time of difficulties and inflexible. ‎ ‎ Actually, the ability to delay reward is a sign of emotional intelligence which doesn’t show up on an IQ test.     ‎ The hardware of the brain and the software of the mind have long been scientists’ concerns. But brain theory can’t explain what we wonder about most, like the question why some people remain upbeat in the face of troubles that would defeat a less resistant (有抵抗力的) person.          Here comes the theory of Daniel Goleman, writer of Emotional Intelligence: when it comes to predicting people’s success, brain ability measured by IQ may actually matter less than the qualities of mind once thought of as “character”.     ‎ EQ is not the opposite of IQ. What researchers have been trying to understand is how they work together, how one’s ability handles stress, for instance, affecting the ability to concentrate and putting intelligence to use. Among the ingredients for success, researchers now generally agree that IQ counts for about 20%, the rest depends on everything from social class to luck.      While many researchers in this relatively new field are glad to see emotional issues finally taken seriously, some few fear EQ invites misuse. ‎ ‎7.Why does the author mention the experiment at the beginning of the text?‎ A. make the readers amused B. prove the scientist’s wisdom C. introduce the topic of the text D. show us how to do an IQ test ‎8. The experiment with the four-year-olds shows us that .  ‎ A. the age of 4 is a proper time for scientific experiment ‎ B. the ability of self-control plays a role in personal success ‎ C. emotional intelligence won’t show up until teen years.‎ D. candy can be used to measure a person’s emotional intelligence ‎ ‎9. The underlined word “upbeat” in Paragraph 4 probably means . ‎ A. positive       B. negative C. impatient D.  friendly   ‎ ‎10. From the passage we learn that . ‎ A. EQ does not have any connection with IQ B. The higher a person’s IQ is, the higher his or her EQ is C. Brain theory is able to explain what we wonder about most ‎ D. Scientists haven’t discovered the way EQ and IQ work together ‎ D The baby monkey is much more developed at birth than the human baby. Almost from the moment it is born, the baby monkey can move around and hold tightly to its mother. During the first few days of its life the baby will approach and hold onto almost any large, warm, and soft object in its environment, particularly if that object also gives it milk. After a week or so, however, the baby monkey begins to avoid newcomers and focuses its attentions on “mother”— the real mother or the mothersubstitute (母亲替代物).‎ During the first two weeks of its life warmth is perhaps the most important psychological thing that a monkey mother has to give to its baby. The Harlows, a couple who are both psychologists, discovered this fact by offering baby monkeys a choice of two types of mothersubstitutes — one covered with cloth and one made of bare wire. If the two artificial mothers were both the same temperature, the little monkeys always preferred the cloth mother. However, if the wire model was heated, while the cloth model was cool, for the first two weeks after birth the baby monkeys picked the warm wire mothersubstitutes as their favorites.Thereafter they switched and spent most of their time on the more comfortable cloth mother.‎ Why is cloth preferable to bare wire? Something that the Harlows called contact comfort seems to be the answer, and a most powerful influence it is. Baby monkeys spend much of their time rubbing against their mothers' skins, putting themselves in as close contact with the parent as they can. Whenever the young animal is frightened, disturbed, or annoyed, it typically rushes to its mother and rubs itself against her body. Wire doesn't “rub” as well as soft cloth does. Prolonged (长时间的)“contact comfort” with a cloth mother appears to give the babies confidence and is much more rewarding to them than is either warmth or milk.‎ According to the Harlows, the basic quality of a baby's love for its mother is trust. If the baby is put into an unfamiliar playroom without its mother, the baby ignores the toys no matter how interesting they might be.It screams in terror and curls up into a furry little ball. If its cloth mother is now introduced into the playroom, the baby rushes to it and holds onto it for dear life. After a ‎ few minutes of contact comfort, it obviously begins to feel more secure. It then climbs down from the mothersubstitute and begins to explore the toys, but often rushes back for a deep embrace as if to make sure that its mother is still there and that all is well. Bit by bit its fears of the new environment are gone and it spends more and more time playing with the toys and less and less time holding onto its “mother.” ‎ ‎11.Psychologically, what does the baby monkey desire most during the first two weeks of its life?‎ A.Warmth. B.Milk. C.Contact. D.Trust.‎ ‎12.After the first two weeks of their life, baby monkeys prefer the cloth mother to the wire mother because the former is ________.‎ A.larger in size B.closer to them C.less frightening and less disturbing D.more comfortable to rub against ‎13.What does the baby monkey probably gain from prolonged “contact comfort”?‎ A.Attention. B.Softness.‎ C.Confidence. D.Interest.‎ ‎14.It can be inferred that when the baby monkey feels secure, ________.‎ A.it frequently rushes back for a deep embrace when exploring the toys B.it spends more time screaming to get rewards C.it is less attracted to the toys though they are interesting D.it cares less about whether its mother is still around ‎15.The main purpose of the passage is to ________.‎ A.give the reasons for the experiment B.present the findings of the experiment C.introduce the method of the experiment D.describe the process of the experiment 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ A recent survey in the United States showed that the average family spent more money on its pets than on its children. Although rather shocking, it should not surprise anyone who has seen the doggy parlors(客厅)where loved pets rest. Are Americans unique in treating their little friends in this way? 16 .‎ ‎ 17 They certainly cost much. Last year the British public spent two hundred million pounds on pet food alone, to say nothing of veterinary bills or animal furniture. It is difficult not to feel angry about this when considering what the same amount could do for victims of starvation and poverty.‎ ‎ There are a variety of reasons why I find pets-raising alarming. They cause physical problems. An example of this is New York where they have great difficulty getting rid of the mess that dogs leave on the streets. 18 But in a number of large cities It is a major problem.‎ ‎ Another problem is the carelessness of pet owners. Most little children want a dog or a cat and they continually push their parents until they get one. But the parents don't realize how much time and money must be spent on the little friend after it’s brought home. Then they abandon it. 19__ You must have read of children being hurt by pets on the street.‎ ‎ Lastly,1 would suggest something should be done about it. In my view, it's time we stopped being sentimental(伤感的)about pets. 20 This will lead us to discovering cures for serious human diseases.‎ ‎ A. Many people find this funny.‎ ‎ B. There's no definite answer to that question.‎ ‎ C. I can see no reason why we should get upset when animals are used for medical experiments.‎ ‎ D. Pet foods often contain more vitamins than human food.‎ ‎ E. As a result. they are allowed to run free.‎ ‎ F. This can be seen when we look at pet foods.‎ ‎ G. No. the English too, pay more attention to their pets.‎ 第二部分 完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21~40各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将选项标号涂黑。‎ Last spring, I was fortunate to be chosen to participate in an exchange study program. In my application letter, I was careful to 21 how much I wanted to see France; evidently, my excitement really came through in my words. Once I 22 that I was going, all I could think about was the fun of foreign travel and making all sorts of new and 23 friends. While traveling was inspiring and meeting people was 24 , nothing about my term in France was what I 25 .‎ The moment I arrived in Paris, I was 26 by a nice French couple who would become my host parents. My entire experience was joyous and exciting 27 I received some shocking ‎ news from my program coordinator(协调人):there had been a death in my host parents extended family. They had to travel outside France for several weeks. That afternoon, I had to 28 out of one family's house and into another. The exchange coordinator told me I'd have a 29 this time and asked whether I could share a bedroom with an English speaker. To avoid the temptation to 30 my native language, I asked not to be 31 with an English-speaking roommate. When I got to my new room, I 32 myself to my new roommate Paolo, a Brazilian the same age as I whom I was surprised to find playing one of my favorite CDs! In just a few hours, we knew we'd be good friends for the rest of the 33 .‎ I left France with many 34 , so when people ask me what my favorite part of the trip was, they are always 35 to hear me talk about my Brazilian friend Paolo and the scores of weekdays in class, weeknights on the town, and weekends 36 France we enjoyed together. I love how people 37 seem so different, but end up being so 38 .The most valuable lesson I gained from studying in France wasn't just to respect the French people 39 to respect all people, for your next best friend could be just a continent away. I would recommend an exchange program to anyone who wants to experience foreign cultures and gain meaningful 40 .‎ ‎21.A. discuss B. express C. announce D.argue ‎22.A. approved B. knew C. warned D. denied ‎23.A. stubborn B.anxious C.universal D.interesting ‎24.A. boring B.upsetting C.exciting D.promising ‎25.A. expected B.liked C.doubted D.feared ‎26.A. sponsored B.witnessed C.greeted D.supported ‎27.A. until B.when C.since D.while ‎28.A. move B.travel C.walk D.rush ‎29.A. housekeeper B.leader C.roommate D.colleague ‎30.A. learn B.appreciate C.speak D.master ‎31.A. combined B.fitted C.involved D.placed ‎32.A. added B.introduced C.devoted D.adapted ‎33.A. term B.week C.month D.vacation ‎34.A. presents B.suitcases C.stories D.dreams ‎35.A. surprised B.disturbed C.embarrassed D.concerned ‎36.A. analyzing B.exploring C.describing D.investigating ‎37.A. need B.shall C.must D.can ‎38.A. generous B.independent C.similar D.distant ‎39.A. and B.but C.or D.so ‎40.A. instructions B.friendships C.facts D.data 第II卷(非选择题 共80分)‎ 第一节 首字母填空 (共10小题;每题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎1. I don’t believe the story of monsters, but many people c__________ to have seen strange shadows. ‎ ‎2. It took d_________ before Okapi became official members of animal kingdom.‎ ‎3. He set fire to the shed with chemicals inside, so that it e____________ within a second.‎ ‎4. The teacher p________ the words carefully when she was talking to a sensitive student.‎ ‎5. D________ using a scientific approach to detecting the underwater, nothing has been found.‎ ‎6. Because I was weak, my brain got c__________, and I didn’t know what I was talking about.‎ ‎7. Treated as national treasure, giant panda is a rare s____________ of mammal.‎ ‎8. Large amounts of e_________ of a link between exposure to sun and skin cancer have been found.‎ ‎9. The thief d_______ stealing stuff in the shop, but the assistant was pretty sure he did.‎ ‎10. It came as no surprise that many species have been e________ and many more are in danger of dying out.‎ 第二节 短语选变填 (共10小题;每题1分,满分10分)‎ get through get around catch fire set fire to pick up get away with sth now that take the trouble make a remark in an attempt refer to after all ‎1. Nobody can _____________________their misbehavior. Sooner or later justice will be done.‎ ‎2. Focusing on my goal helps me ________________ tough times in senior3.‎ ‎3. We should be always thankful towards our parents because they ____________ to bring us up.‎ ‎4. It would be rude to _____________ on others’ appearance especially when it is not your type.‎ ‎5. The police believed that some one _____________ the factory on purpose.‎ ‎6. He ____________ a lot of bad habits while boarding at school, which makes his parents really worried ‎7. He was punished by his teacher for __________ his notes in the desk when taking an exam.‎ ‎8. How can you talk as if you were not a part of society? _____________, every one works for ‎ every one else and we can’t live without anyone. ‎ ‎9. Appropriate action should be taken, __________________ the problem has been found out.‎ ‎10. The city is banning plastic bags and fireworks ______________to protect the environment.‎ 第三节 单句语法填空 (共10小题;每题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎1. In the wild struggle for __________(exist), animals have to develop a lot of abilities.‎ ‎2. As recently as 1999, scientists in Spain found several living species ______they thought had died out for almost 500 years.‎ ‎3. It doesn’t make much of a difference ___________ a teacher speaks British or American English. ‎ ‎4. The American girl went back home after graduating from Cambridge University, ________(speak) with a bit of north England accent.‎ ‎5. Small crimes like vandalism and graffiti have gone up by 20%____________(compare) to last year.‎ ‎6. There is probably _______ much variations of pronunciation between America and Britain as within them.‎ ‎7. A lot of people don’t want to get involved in the discussion _________(connect) with politics.‎ ‎8. I can guess you were in a hurry. You __________(wear) your sweater inside out. ‎ ‎9. The man still survived in the car crash in spite of _________ (suffer) heavy injuries.‎ ‎10. The past 30 years __________(see) the great change taking place in China.‎ 第四节 语篇语法填空(共10小题;每题1.5,共15分)‎ The Creator of Middle Earth John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, better known as J. R. R. Tolkien, was born in 1892 in South Africa. His parents had moved there looking for 1______better job for his father. Three years 2______(late), his mother took him on a trip to England to visit family. While they `were away, they received terrible news that his father had died.‎ ‎3______(grow ) up without a father must have been difficult for Tolkien. Worse still, when he was only twelve years old, his mother also passed away. As a child, he had a great passion for language and in 1908, he went to Oxford University 4______(study) languages and literature. In 1915, he joined the army and fought in the battle against the Germans. But soon, he became too ill to fight and returned 5______England the following year. He didn’t have a 6______(satisfy) ‎ childhood himself, so around 1933, he spent much time telling his children fantasy 7______(story) of a hobbit (霍比特人) called Bilbo. He first put it in writing in 1936, 8______turned out to be a surprising hit. The publisher asked him to write another. He did so and in 1948 published The Lord of the Rings, which 9______(publish) in three volumes between 1954 and 1955.‎ Tolkien, 10______(age) eighty-one, died in 1973.‎ 第五节 单句改错(共10小题;每题1分,共10分)‎ 下列句中各有一个错,请把错处改正。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线(﹨)划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 1. Are aliens, who come from other planets in outer space, really exist? ‎ 2. There are some people whom we thought were stupid might be very intelligent.‎ 3. What crytozoologists argue is there are many areas that people have not explored with the world being such a big place.‎ 4. Stonehenge as well as some pyramids date back to thousands of years ago and some pyramids are of Toltec and Mayan origin.‎ ‎5. Whether children should be taught a second language at an early age is a subject which parents have argued for a long time.‎ ‎6. Some army officers said the wreckage mustn’t have been a UFO that crashed even though many others claimed otherwise.‎ ‎7. Her poor French often leads to her classmates misunderstand her when she makes a speech in class.‎ ‎8. The female stars over 30 are usually referred to “sisters making waves” in the talent show.‎ ‎9. Based an important decision more on emotion than on reason, you will regret it sooner or later.‎ ‎10. There is no doubt whether he is an expert in joyful living. ‎ 第六节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ 假定你是李华,你从某网站上得知四川省省博物馆正在招募暑假英语讲解员,请你根据以下提示,给博物馆负责外国游客接待的Mr. Jason写一封英文自荐信。内容包括:‎ ‎1. 表达意愿;2. 自荐理由;3. 恳请获准。‎ 注意:1. 词数120左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ 参考词汇:讲解员interpreter Dear Mr. Jason,‎ ‎____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ Yours sincerely,‎ Li Hua ‎【参考答案】‎ 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ A篇:DCB B篇:ACB C篇:CBAD D篇:ADCDB 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ ‎16-20 GFAEC 第二部分 完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分)‎ ‎21-25 BBDCA 26-30 CAACC 31-35 DBACA 36-40 BDCBB 第II卷(非选择题 共80分)‎ 第一节 首字母填空 (共10小题;每题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎(1) claimed (2) decades (3) exploded (4) picked (5) Despite ‎(6) confused (7)species (8) evidence (9) denied (10) extinct 第二节 短语选变填 (共10小题;每题1分,满分10分)‎ (1) get away with (2)(to) get through (3)have taken the trouble/ take the trouble (4) make a remark ‎(5)set fire to (6)has picked up (7)referring to (8)After all (9)now that (10)in an attempt 第三节 单句语法填空 (共10小题;每题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎(1)existence (2)that/which (3)whether (4)speaking (5)compared ‎ ‎(6)as (7) connected (8)are wearing (9) suffering (10)has seen 第四节 语篇语法填空(共10小题;每题1.5,共15分)‎ ‎1. a 2. Later 3. Growing 4. to study 5. to 6. satisfying/satisfactory 7. stories 8. which 9. was published 10. aged 第五节 单句改错 (共10小题;每题1分,共10分)‎ ‎1.Are-Do 2.whom--who 3. 加that 4.date—dates 5. 加over/about 6. mustn’t—couldn’t/can’t 7.misunderstand—misunderstanding 8.加 as 9.Based--Basing 10.whether—that 第六节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ Recommended version:‎ Dear Mr. Jason,‎ I’m Li Hua, a high school student. I am writing to apply for the position you advertised on the Website.‎ First of all, having studied English for about ten years, I have good command of English. With fluent oral English, I’m convinced that I have no difficulty in communicating with foreign guests.‎ Furthermore, since I grow up here, I’m familiar with the history and traditions of Yunnan Province. And I have a strong affection for them. More importantly, considered as a kind, confident and outgoing boy/ girl, I can make friends with different people in no time. I am sure foreign visitors will be satisfied with my thoughtful and excellent service.‎ I would deeply appreciate it if you could give me the precious chance to serve as an interpreter. Looking forward to your early reply.‎ Yours sincerely,‎ Li Hua

