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七选五 ‎1. 【七选五】 Yangzhou is my hometown. __{1}__ Although it is not as big as Beijing, everyone in China knows this beautiful place. And people like to regard it as "Venice of the East (东方威尼斯)".‎ ‎ Yangzhou is a famous city with a long history. __{2}__ Like The West Lake, Ge Garden and He garden, they are all fantastic Chinese gardens, and they are becoming famous tourist places.‎ ‎ In the past thirty years, my hometown has changed greatly. __{3}__ On the one hand, many people in my hometown don't live in the old houses anymore. They have moved into the new tall buildings instead and are enjoying a comfortable life. On the other hand, so far builders have set up thousands of modem buildings of different styles (风格). __{4}__‎ ‎ To be honest, my hometown is no longer what it used to be. I think you should think about visiting the beautiful city. __{5}__‎ A. ‎ The biggest change I have found is the environment.‎ B. ‎ I'm sure you will love it.‎ C. ‎ My hometown has left many soft and sweet memories in my heart.‎ D. ‎ This beautiful city is in Jiangsu Province.‎ E. ‎ 6‎ My hometown cannot always stay the same.‎ F. ‎ I think this change is great because it has made Yangzhou become more modern and more beautiful.‎ G. ‎ It is well-known for its gardens.‎ 答案:‎ ‎(1) D(2) G(3) A(4) F(5) B 解析 短文介绍了作者的家乡扬州,包括它的位置,著名的花园,发生的巨大变化,及欢迎人们来游览这座美丽的城市。‎ ‎1. 根据上文 Yangzhou is my hometown(扬州是我的家乡)可知介绍的是扬州,结合选项,应说这个美丽的城市在江苏省。故选D。‎ ‎2. 根据下文 Like The West Lake, Ge Garden and He garden, they are all fantastic Chinese gardens(例如西湖的个园和何园,它们都是奇妙的中国园林)可知扬州以园林而闻名。故选G。‎ ‎3. 根据上文 In the past thirty years, my hometown has changed greatly.(在过去的三十年里,我的家乡发生了很大的变化)可知说的是家乡的变化,结合选项,应说我发现的最大的变化是环境。故选A。‎ ‎4. 根据上文 On the one hand, many people in my hometown don't live in the old houses anymore.(一方面,我家乡的很多人不再住在老房子里了)和 On the other hand, so far builders have set up thousands of modem buildings of different styles.(另一方面,到目前为止,建造者已经建造了上千座不同风格的现代建筑)可知对扬州变化的总结,结合选项,应说我认为这种变化是巨大的,它使扬州变得更现代、更美丽。故选F。‎ 6‎ 5. 根据上文 I think you should think about visiting the beautiful city.(我认为你应该考虑游览这座美丽的城市)可知欢迎来游览,结合选项,应说我肯定你会喜欢它。故选B。‎ ‎2. 【七选五】‎ ‎ Camels (骆驼) are kind animals. They usually live for 30~50 years. What's a camel's favorite breakfast? Plants maybe? Not for Joe. __{1}__ And he likes to eat with his owners, at the kitchen table!‎ ‎ __{2}__ The six-year-old camel visits the owner's home every morning. And he enjoys cereal (燕麦) and bananas on the breakfast table.‎ ‎ Nathan said, "The first time Joe joined us for breakfast, he was uninvited. __{3}__ But I wasn't surprised because he's very good at asking all the other animals to give him their food, too. Now he comes over whenever he feels like it. __{4}__ " Although Joe lives with three other camels, he is the only one lucky enough to share breakfast with his owners.‎ ‎ The couple run the Animal Company. Joe is their star worker and has appeared in camel races, commercials (商业广告) and events around the country. The family is very fond of him. __{5}__ He is like a big soft teddy bear (泰迪熊) and has become part of the family.‎ A. ‎ The brave animal rudely helped himself to the fruit bowl.‎ B. ‎ He likes carrots and bananas.‎ 6‎ C. ‎ They enjoy having breakfast with him.‎ D. ‎ But he has no table manners.‎ E. ‎ Joe is the owner Nathan's favorite pet.‎ 答案:‎ ‎(1) B(2) E(3) A(4) D(5) C 解析 这篇短文给我们介绍了一头很有趣的骆驼,这头骆驼叫 Joe,他喜欢和主人一起在餐桌上吃东西,他的主人经营一个动物公司,Joe 是他们的明星员工。‎ ‎1. 根据上文 What's a camel's favorite breakfast? Plants maybe? Not for Joe. 可知这里应说他喜欢吃的东西。故选B。‎ ‎2. 根据下文 The six-year-old camel visits the owner's home every morning.(六岁的骆驼每天早晨去主人的家)可知这里说的是骆驼 Joe 和他的主人。故选E。‎ ‎3. 根据下文 But I wasn't surprised because he's very good at asking all the other animals to give him their food, too. 可知 Joe 擅长让其他的动物给他食物,故A项:这只勇敢的动物粗鲁地吃着果盘。符合语境。故选A。‎ ‎4. 根据上文 Now he comes over whenever he feels like it. 可知他想要来的时候,他就过来;这里说的是 Joe 的行为。结合选项,应说但他没有餐桌礼仪。故选D。‎ 5. 根据上文 The family is very fond of him.(全家人都很喜欢他)可知这里应说:他们喜欢和他一起吃早餐。故选C。‎ 6‎ ‎3. 【七选五】 I am walking through the winter park, and the trees stand cold. The yellow leaves have fallen to the ground. __{1}__ Now, 100 meters away is a group of women. In the cold winter, they are moving their arms and legs to music. They are, of course, the dancing aunties.‎ ‎ It seems that if you go to any public space around China, you're likely to see these dancing aunties. When I first came to China, it surprised me. __{2}__ You won't see any age group. Usually, they just take a walk for exercise.‎ ‎ Now, these dancing aunties are becoming more and more popular. Some people find them annoying (令人厌恶的). __{3}__ Most of them are middle-aged. They finally have some free time to do whatever they like. There is no more work. __{4}__ They make us understand that it is important for us to exercise as we get older. __{5}__ Now it is their time to have fun and enjoy some peace.‎ A. ‎ But others respect their right to dance in public.‎ B. ‎ That's because in Britain dancing in public is not a cultural habit.‎ C. ‎ In my opinion, I like seeing these women enjoying themselves.‎ D. ‎ What's more, most of them raised the whole families.‎ E. ‎ As I keep walking, a noise in the background is becoming louder and clearer.‎ 答案:‎ ‎(1) E(2) B(3) A(4) D(5) C 解析 6‎ 本文讲作者散步过程中看到广场舞大妈在广场上跳舞的感受。‎ ‎1. 根据下文 Now, 100 meters away is a group of women. In the cold winter, they are moving their arms and legs to music.(一百米远处有一队广场舞大妈在跳舞)所以横线上应该是引出大妈们跳舞这件事,应该是先听到声音再看到跳舞。选项E(随着我往前走,听到远处越来越清晰的声音)符合语境。故选E。‎ ‎2. 结合上文 When I first came to China, it surprised me.(我初到中国,看到广场舞大妈们很吃惊)以及下文 You won't see any age group. Usually, they just take a walk for exercise.(你看不到任何舞蹈团体,他们通常只是散步)可知推测出横线上是说在作者自己的国家,在广场跳舞不常见。选项B(那是因为在英国在公众场所跳舞是不符合文化习俗的)符合语境。故选B。‎ ‎3. 结合上文 Some people find them annoying.(有人很讨厌广场舞大妈)以及下文 They finally have some free time to do whatever they like.(大妈们有空去做自己喜欢的事情)可知横线上是和厌恶相反,有人很尊重他们。选项A(但是有的人尊重他们跳广场舞的权利)符合语境。故选A。‎ ‎4. 结合上文 There is no more work. 可知是大妈们不用再工作,主语是大妈们,前后主语保持一直;选项C(另外,她们还照料了全家)符合语境。故选D。‎ 5. 结合下文 Now it is their time to have fun and enjoy some peace.(现在是她们享受生活的时候了)可知空格处应该是作者的观点。选项C(在我看来,我喜欢看大妈们享受快乐)符合语境。故选C。‎ 6‎

