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‎ ‎ ‎2010年高考英语试题分类汇编——动词和词组 ‎(10福建)‎ ‎27. More and more high-rise buildings have been built in big cities space.‎ A. in search of B. in place of C. for lack of D. for fear of ‎27. 答案:C 考点:短语辨析 解析:A. 寻找 B. 代替; C. 因缺乏 D. 生怕,以免。句子的完整意思应该是:大城市建起越来越多的高楼大厦,因为缺乏空间。,‎ ‎30. We’ve just moved into a bigger house and there’s a lot to do. Let’s it.‎ A. keep up with B. do away with C. get down to D. look forward to ‎30. 答案:C 考点:动词词组辨析 ‎ 解析:A. keep up with 保持 B. do away with废除,去掉;C. get down to着手处理D. look forward to盼望,期待 ‎ ‎33. – In this day and age, women can have children and jobs as well.‎ ‎ --I can’t agree more. It’s great to have the two .‎ A. linked B. related C. connected D. combined ‎33. 答案:D 考点:动词词义辨析 解析:A.; 联系在一起;将人或物连接或联系起来;B. 与…有某种联系;C. 连接,连结;;D. 使联合,使结合;‎ ‎(10上海)‎ ‎30. In ancient times, people rarely travelled long distances and most farmers only travelled the local market.‎ ‎ A. longer than B. more than C. as much as D. as far as 答案:D 考点:本题考查介词词组。‎ 解析:根据动词travel可判断此处应填关于路程的介词词组,本题即为as far as。as far as远到...‎ ‎(10安徽)‎ ‎22. No matter how low you consider yourself, there is always someone ______you wishing they were that high A. getting rid of B. getting along with C. Looking up to D. looking down upon 答案:C. ‎ 考点:本题考查动词短语辨析。‎ 解析: getting rid of意为“摆脱;去除”; getting along with意为“与……相处;进展”; Looking up to意为“尊敬;敬仰”; looking down upon意为“看不起;轻视”。句意为“你无论认为自己怎样低下,总希望有个高尚的人来尊敬你。”‎ ‎23. ----How did you like Nick’s performance last night?‎ ‎----To be honest, his singing didn’t _______to me much ‎ A. appeal B . belong C refer D. occur 答案:A. ‎ 考点:本题考查动词辨析。‎ 解析: appeal to 意为“吸引”;belong to意为“属于”;refer to意为“提到;涉及”;occur to意为“突然想到”。 句意为“她的演唱并不怎么吸引我。”‎ ‎(10江西)‎ ‎ 25 Parents _______ much importance to education. They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift.‎ A attach B pay C link D apply 答案:A 考点:考察动词词组。‎ 解析:,attach importance to 关注.‎ ‎26 Smell the flowers before you go to sleep, and you may just ______ sweet dreams.‎ A keep up with B put up with C end up with D catch up with 答案:C 考点:考察动词词组。‎ 解析: keep up with 保持, put up with 忍受, end up with 以 为结束 catch up with 赶上。 ‎ ‎29 We give dogs time, space and love we c an spare, and _____, dogs give us their all.‎ A in all B in fact C in short D in return 答案:D 考点:考察in的词组。‎ 解析: in all 共计 in fact实际上 in short 简而言之 in return 以作为回报。‎ ‎(10山东)‎ ‎27. Sam _____ some knowledge of the computer just by watching others working on it.‎ ‎ A. brought up B. looked up C. picked up D. set up 答案:C 考点:本题考查动词短语意义辨析。‎ 解析:句意应为“山姆只是凭借看别人操作电脑就学到了一些电脑知识。”表示“学会”用pick up; pick up另外还有“捡起; 顺车接送,搭载;收拾,整理;重新开始;获得”等义;bring up 表示“抚养,教育;提出;呕吐”;look up 表示“向上看;(形势)好转,改善;查阅”;set up表示“建立,设置;造成,产生”。‎ ‎31. Your house is always so neat—how do you ______ it with three children?‎ ‎ A. manage B. serve C. adapt D. construct 答案:A 考点:本题考查动词在具体语境中的使用。‎ 解析:句意应为“你家里总是那么整洁-----家里有三个孩子,你是怎么设法做到的?” 表示“设法做成某事”用manage it。serve 表示“为……服务;接待”;adapt 表示“使适应,使适合”;construct表示“建造,构筑;构思”。‎ ‎(10天津)‎ ‎11. Joining the firm as a clerk, he got rapid promotion , and as a manager.‎ A. ended up B. dropped out C. came back D. started off ‎ 答案:A ‎ 考点:考查短语动词的用法。‎ 句意:作为一名职员加入公司,他很快得到提升,最后当上了经理。‎ 解析:ended up as 作为……而结束的意思;dropped out是“退出,退学”的意思;came back是“回来”的意思;started off是“动身,出发”的意思。只有A项符合题意。1. He telephoned the travel agency to three air tickets to London.‎ A. order B. arrange C. take D. book 答案:D. ‎ 考点:考查动词意义。‎ 句意:他打电话给旅行社预定三张去伦敦的机票。‎ 解析:book和tickets搭配,是“订票”的意思。‎ ‎(10四川)‎ ‎6. Some people eat with their eyes. They prefer to order what nice. ‎ A. looks B. smells C. feels D. tastes 答案:A 考点:考查系动词辨析。‎ 解析:与上句中的eat with their eyes相对,后句应该为点看起来很好吃的东西。故正确答案为A。‎ ‎8.Jenny was looking for a seat when,luckily,a man and left.‎ ‎ A.took up B.got up C.shut up D.set up 答案:B 考点:考查动词词组。‎ 解析: get up意为“起床,起立”。句意为“Jenny正在找一个座位,正在那时,很幸运地,一个人站起来离开了。”故选B。1意为“从事,占据时间或空间”;C意为“闭嘴”;D意为“建造,搭起”。‎ ‎(全国Ⅰ)‎ ‎22. The workers ______ the glasses and marked on each box “ This Side Up”‎ A. carried B. delivered C. pressed D. packed ‎ ‎22题 答案:D 句意:工人们把玻璃制品包装好并且每个盒子上标记上“此面向上”。‎ 解析:选项为四个意思上毫无关联的动词,此题考察动词的词义辨析。carry ‎ 译为搬运,deliver译为递送,press译为按,压,pack译为打包。‎ ‎(10江苏)‎ ‎24. Thousands of foreigners were______ to the Shanghai World Expo the day it opened.‎ A. attended B. attained C. attracted D. attached ‎ 答案:C。‎ 解析:表示成千上万的外宾被吸引来参加上海的世博会。‎ ‎26. The experiment has_________ the possibility of the existence of any life on that planet, but it does not mean there is no life on other planets.‎ A. found out B. pointed out C. ruled out D. carried out 答案:C 解析:排除可能性。Find out是查找出 point out指出 carry out执行,实施 ‎(10江苏)‎ ‎29. So far we have done a lot to build a low-carbon economy, but it is________ ideal. We have to work still harder.‎ A. next to B. far from C. out of D. due to ‎ 答案:B. ‎ 解析:far from 表示not at all . next to 表示仅次于 due to表示因为,由于 ‎(10陕西)‎ ‎14. You look well. The air and the sea foods in Sanya must _____ you, I suppose. ‎ A. agree with B. agree to C. agree on D. agree about ‎ 答案:A.‎ 考点:考查动词短语辨析。‎ 解析:Agree with:同意,赞成;与……相适应;agree to:同意,赞成(观点,看法等);agree on:就……达成协议;agree about:对...... 有相同的看法。题干意思是:你看上去很好。我认为:三亚的空气和海鲜很适合你。选A。‎ ‎(10全国Ⅱ)‎ ‎8. My mother opened drawer to _________the knives and spoons.‎ A. put away B. put up C. put on D. put together 答案:A 考点:考查动词词组辨析。‎ 解析: put away 放好,收拾起来;put up举起,搭建,张贴,挂起; put on 穿上,戴上;put together 组装,装配,把…凑合起来 ‎(10湖北)‎ ‎28. Just as the clothes a person wears , the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time, his house his personality. ‎ ‎ A. resembles B. strengthens C. reflects D. shapes 答案: C  ‎ 考点:考查动词词义辨析 解析:“就好像一个人穿什么,吃什么,以及和什么样的人交往能反映人的个性一样,一个人的住房也是如此。”要选一个表示“反映”的词,就是reflect . “resemble” = look like; “strengthen”表示“加强,巩固”;“shape”作动词表示“塑形”.‎ ‎29. Had he her promise, she would have made it to Yale‎ ‎University.‎ ‎ A. looked up to B. lived up to ‎ ‎ C. kept up with D. come up with ‎ 答案:B 考点:动词词组辨析 解析:湖北每年考试的单选最后两题通常比较难。该题的难点不仅仅在于这四个词组的辨析,更主要的是考生要读得懂这个句子的意思。该句是典型的虚拟语气, “if” 引导的非真实条件句的倒装句,描述的事于过去事实是相反的。“如果她当年履行了自己的诺言,她就会进入耶鲁大学了。”look up to(抬头看,尊重)keep up with(跟上,追上)come up with(追赶上;想出;提出),只有live up to(履行,实行)符合题意。‎ ‎30. It is illegal for a public official to ask people for gifts or money favors to them.‎ ‎ A. in preference to B. in place of ‎ ‎ C. in agreement with D. in exchange for ‎ 答案:D 考点:词组辨析 解析:先理解短语的意思. In preference to(优先于);in place of(代替);in agreement ‎ with(同意,与…一致);in exchange for(交换)。其实辨析这几个介词短语的难度不大,只需要认识每一个短语中的核心词preference, exchange, place, agreement的意思即可,猜测较为容易。‎ ‎(10辽宁)‎ ‎28.Thousands of people _______ to watch yesterday’s match against Ireland.‎ A.turned on B.turned in C.turned around D.turned out 答案:D 句意:数千人出来观看昨天同爱尔兰队的比赛。‎ 解析:考查短语动词的用法。turn out 有“外出”的意思,而turn on 则是“打开”,turn in“上床睡觉, 上缴”等意思;turn around是“转身”的意思。只有turn out 符合语境。‎ ‎32. The new movie _____to be one of the biggest money-makers of all time . ‎ A. promises B. agrees c. pretends D. declines ‎ 答案:A 句意:这部新电影有望成为电影票房史上票房最高的影片之一。‎ 解析:考查动词意义辨析。promise除了表示“允诺,答应”外,还有“有……的希望”的意思;agree是“同意,赞同”;pretend是“假装”;decline是“衰老,衰退”。只有promises符合题意。‎ ‎(10浙江)‎ ‎4.The majority of people in the town strongly the plan to build a playground for children. ‎ ‎ A.consider B.support ‎ C.confirm D.submit 答案:B 考点:本题考查动词辨析。‎ 解析:分析四个选项的意思:consider考虑,思考,认为等;support支持,拥护,维持;confirm证实,确认;submit使屈服,使经受。根据语境:镇上的大多数人都积极地拥护为孩子们建造运动场的计划。‎ ‎12.After that, he knew he could any emergency by doing what be could to the best of his ability.‎ ‎ A.get away with B.get on with C.get through D.get across 答案:C 考点:本题考查与get相关的短语辨析。‎ 解析:分析四个选项的意思:get away with侥幸逃脱;get on with与……有好相处;get through接通,顺利通过,完成;get across被理解,越过。根据语境:经过那件事之后,他明白了他能尽一切可能去顺利解决任何突发情况。‎ ‎ ‎

