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2019 届二轮复习完形填空中的动词短语和熟词新意 v . + about argue about      争论 ask about 打听;询问 bother about 麻烦;费心 bring about 引起;产生;导致 care about 关心;在乎,忧虑 come about 发生 complain about 抱怨 be concerned about 关心,挂念 v . + about hear about 听说 inquire about 询问 know about 了解 quarrel about 为 …… 争吵 set about 开始;着手 talk about 谈到;谈论 think about 考虑;思索 worry about 为 …… 担心 v . + across come across      ( 偶然 ) 遇见;碰见 cut across 抄近路穿过 get across 被传达;被理解 run across 偶然碰见 v . + after go after        追逐;追求;跟随 look after 照顾;看管 be named after 以 …… 命名 run after 追求;追逐 v . + against argue against      反对 defend ...against 保卫 …… 免受 go against 违反;违背 lean against 倚靠在 prevent ...against 预防 protect ...against 防卫 warn ...against 提防 v . + apart come apart     破碎,破裂 fall apart 崩溃,破裂 keep apart 使 …… 分开 take apart 拆开 tell apart 区分 v . + around play around     胡闹;鬼混 show around 带领 …… 参观 talk (a)round 拐弯抹角地说 v . + aside lay aside      搁置 leave aside 不考虑 put aside    把 …… 暂放一边,把 …… 留作后用 set aside 省出;把 …… 放到一旁 throw aside 拒绝接受 v . + as accept ...as     接受 / 接纳 …… 是 act as 扮演;充当 consider ...as 把 …… 看作 describe ...as 把 …… 描绘成 employ ...as 雇 …… 为 have ...as 让,接受 ( 某人承担任务 ) leave ...as it is 任 …… 自由发展 look on ...as 把 …… 看成是 recognize ...as 承认 …… 是 v . + as refer to ...as 把 …… 称作 regard ...as 把 …… 当作 see ...as 把 …… 看作是 serve as 用作 take ...as 把 …… 看作 think of ...as 把 …… 看作 treat ...as 把 …… 当作 use ...as 把 …… 用作 work as 担任;充当 v . + at aim at        旨在;瞄准,针对 arrive at 到达;得出 ( 结论 ) call at 访问 ( 某地 ) come at 扑向 drop in at 顺便访问 ( 某地 ) fire at 向 …… 射击 gaze at 凝视;盯着看 glance at 略看,浏览 glare at 怒视 v . + at knock at 敲击 ( 门、窗 ) land at 在 …… 登陆 laugh at 嘲笑 look at 看;注视 point at 指示;指向 shoot at 向 …… 射击 stare at 盯着看,凝视 wonder at 对 …… 惊奇 work at 从事;研究 v . + away blow away     刮走;吹走 break away 摆脱 carry away 拿走,搬走,运走 clear away 扫除 die away 渐渐消失 get away 逃走;逃离 get away with 被放过;不受惩罚 v . + away give away 分发;泄露;赠送 go away 走开;离开 hide away 躲藏起来 move away 移开 pass away 去世;逝世 put away 把 …… 收好 rot away 烂掉;腐烂 run away 逃离 v . + away smooth away     克服,消除 stay away 不在家;外出 take away 拿走 throw away 扔掉 turn away 把 …… 拒之门外 wash away 冲走;冲垮 wear away 磨损 v . + back answer back     顶嘴 bring back 使回想起;带回 bring back to life 使复生 call back 回电话 come back 回来;恢复 date back 回溯到 get back 回来;返回 give back 归还 v . + back hold back 隐瞒;忍住;阻止;退缩 keep back 忍住;阻止;隐瞒 look back 回顾;踌躇 pay back 偿还 ( 债款等 ) ring back 回电话 take back 撤回 win ...back 赢回;重新获得 write back 回信 v . + by go by        ( 时间 ) 过去;遵循 judge by 根据 …… 判断 know ...by heart 记住 learn by heart 背诵 pass by ( 时间 ) 过去;经过 live by 靠 …… 为生 stand by 站在旁边;支持 v . + down break down     垮掉;分解;出故障 bring down 使降低 burn down 烧毁 calm down ( 使 ) 平静 ( 镇定 ) cast down 沮丧;不愉快 cut down (on) 削减;缩小 ( 尺寸、数量或数目 ) die down 变弱;平息;渐熄 get down 取下;吞下 hand down 传递;遗传 knock down 撞倒;拆掉 lay down 放下;铺设 v . + down let down 使失望;不支持 look down upon 蔑视;瞧不起 pass down 传下来 pull down 拆毁,拉倒 put down 写下;记下;镇压 set down 登记,记下,制定 settle down 定居;安家,专心于 slow down 减缓;减速 take down 记下;取下 tear down 拆除 turn down 调小;拒绝 write down 记下 v . + from arise from       由 …… 引起;因 …… 产生 be adapted from 改编自 benefit from 从 …… 中获益 borrow ...from 从 …… 借 break away from 摆脱;脱离 come from 来自 date from 始于 …… 时期 die from 因 …… 而死 differ from 与 …… 不同 discourage ...from 劝阻 …… 做 hear from 收到 …… 来信 infer from 从 …… 推断 v . + from keep away from 避免 keep from 阻止;抑制 keep ...free from 使免受 learn from 向 …… 学习 originate from 起源于 prevent ...from 阻止 …… 做 protect ...from 保护 …… 免于 result from 产生于,由于 steal ...from 从 …… 偷 separate ...from 把 …… 与 …… 分离 stop ...from 阻止 …… 做 suffer from 受 …… 苦;患 …… 病 vary from 不同于 v . + for account for     解释;导致;占 apply for 申请;请求 allow for 考虑;顾及;体谅 answer for 对 …… 负责 arrange for 安排 ask for 请求;向 …… 要 beg for 乞求 call for 要求;需要 care for 关心;喜欢;照管 change ...for 用 …… 换 go for 为 …… 去;争取 go in for 赞成;参加;爱好 have a gift for 有 …… 天赋 v . + for have an eye for 鉴赏眼光 leave for 出发去 hope for 希望;期望 hunt for 寻找;搜索 look for 寻找 forgive sb. for 因 …… 原谅、宽恕某人 look out for 警惕;留心 pray for 祈求 make up for 补偿;赔偿 pay for 付钱,支付;付出代价 seek for 寻找 prepare for 为 …… 做准备 search for 搜寻;寻找 take ...for 把 …… 误认为 v . + for send for       派人去请;索取 stand for 代表;象征;支持 wait for 等候,等待 admire sb. for 因 …… 钦佩某人 criticize sb. for 因 …… 批评某人 wish for 希望 apologize to sb. for 因 …… 向某人道歉 blame sb. for 因 …… 责备某人 envy sb.for 因 …… 妒忌某人 long for 渴望 excuse sb. for 原谅某人 v . + for reward sb.for 因 …… 奖赏某人 punish sb. for 因 …… 惩罚某人 make room for 给 …… 腾地方 praise sb.for 因 …… 赞扬某人 thank sb. for 因 …… 感谢某人 set sail for ... 起航前往 …… scold sb.for 因 …… 责备某人 make preparations for 为 …… 做准备 watch out for 当心;提防 v . + forward bring forward       提出;提前 look forward to 期待;盼望 put forward 提出 ( 建议 ) ;拨快 push forward 推进;继续进行 v . + in arrive in        到达 break in 闯入;插话 believe in 相信;信任 check in 报到;登记 bring in 引入;挣得;让 …… 参与 call in 召集;来访 crowd in ( 想法等 ) 涌入脑海 compete in 参加 ( 竞争 ) end in 以 …… 结束 drop in 顺便走访 get in 收割 fail in 失败 fill in 填写 v . + in be involved in 卷入 give in 屈服;让步;投降 hand in 递交;交上 let ...in 让 …… 进来 join in 参加;加入 ( 活动 ) keep in mind 牢记 lie in 在于;位于 participate in 参加 play a part (in) 扮演角色;参与 result in 导致;产生 spend ...in ... 在做 …… 上花费 share in 分享;分担 show ...in 带或领 …… 进来 take in 欺骗;摄取;吸收 v . + in star in         担任主角;主演 succeed in 成功做 trust in 相信 take part in 参加,参与 take pride in 感到自豪 turn in 上交 v . + into break into       破门而入;闯入 burst into 突然 …… 起来 change ...into 把 …… 变成 come into being 产生;形成 come into power 执政;上台 v . + into come into use 开始被使用 develop into 发展成为 dive into 把手伸入;一心投入 divide ...into 把 …… 分成 fall into 陷入,变成 fall into pieces 成为碎片 dip ...into 把 …… 浸入 get into 进入;陷入 go into 进入;用于 knock into 撞在 …… 上 v . + into look into 调查 make ...into 把 …… 做成 persuade ...into 说服 …… 做 put ...into 把 …… 放进 / 译成 run into 碰见 step into 步入 throw ...into 把 …… 扔进 translate ...into 把 …… 译成 turn into 变成;译成 strike ...into one’s heart 使 …… 刻骨铭心 v . + of admit of        容许 approve of 赞成 become of …… 怎么样 catch hold of 抓住 catch a glimpse of 瞥见 catch sight of 看见;瞥见 get hold of 抓住 v . + of get rid of 摆脱 complain of 抱怨 consist of 由 …… 组成 die of 因 …… 而死 dream of 梦想;渴望;梦见 drop out of 从 …… 中退出;辍学 get tired of 对 …… 厌烦 hear of 听说 keep ...free of 使 …… 免受 keep track of 与 …… 保持联系 know of 知道;了解 lay foundations of 打下 …… 基础 v . + of lose sight of     看不见 make fun of 取笑;嘲笑 make sense of 弄懂;理解 learn of 听到,得知 make use of 利用;使用 pull out of 从 …… 中退出 run out of 耗尽;用完 speak of 谈起;说到 take account of 考虑 take advantage of 趁机利用 v . + of take care of 照料;负责 take notice of 注意;留心 take possession of 拥有;占有 take the place of 代替;接替 talk of 谈到;说起 tell of 讲述 think highly of 看重;器重 think of 考虑;想出 accuse sb. of 指责 / 控告某人 v . + of cheat sb. (out) of 从某人那里骗取 assure sb. of 使某人确信 convince sb. of 使某人确信 remind sb. of 使某人想起 cure sb. of 医治 / 矫正某人 inform sb. of 通知某人 suspect sb. of 怀疑 / 猜疑某人 rid ...of 摆脱;除去 rob sb. of 抢人财物 warn sb. of 警告某人 v . + off break off       中断;停止 call off 取消;停止 carry off 夺去;获奖 cut off 切断;割掉;断绝 die off 相继死去 drive off 驱车离去;赶走 drop off 下车 fall off 从 …… 掉落 / 跌落 get off 下 ( 车、马等 ) ;脱去 give off 释放;放出 ( 光、热等 ) go off 离开 v . + off hurry off 匆忙离去 jump off 跳离 keep off 挡住;避开;不接近 kick off 踢掉 ( 鞋等 ) lay off 解雇;停止 leave off 中止;戒除 move off 启动;离去 pay off 还清;得到回报,取得成功 put off 推迟 ring off 挂断电话 v . + off see sb. off 给某人送行 send off 送走;寄出;解雇;撵走 set off 使爆炸;引起;起程 show off 炫耀;卖弄 shut off 关闭;关上;躲开;不接触 switch off 关 ( 灯等 ) take off 脱去;起飞 throw off 脱掉;甩掉;摆脱 turn off 关上 ( 水电 ) wipe off 擦去;消灭掉 v . + on act on        按照 …… 行事 agree on 达成共识 be based on 以 …… 为基础 call on 访问;拜访;号召 carry on 继续进行;从事;坚持 catch on 理解;受欢迎 centre on 集中在 come on 上场;赶快;开始 comment on 评论,评述 concentrate on 专心于;注意 congratulate ...on 祝贺;庆贺 cut down on 减少 count on 指望;依靠 v . + on depend on 依赖;信任 drop in on 顺便走访 ( 某人 ) feed on 以 …… 为食 try on 试穿 ( 衣物 ) fix ...on 集中 …… 于 focus on 专心于 get on 上车 ( 马、船等 ) go on 继续 ( 下去 ) hang on 不挂断;稍等;紧握住 have an effect on 对 …… 有影响 have mercy on 对 …… 怜悯 have on ( 表状态 ) 穿上 hold on 稍等 ( 不挂断电话 ) v . + on insist on 坚持要;强调 keep an eye on 留意 live on 以 …… 为生,继续生存 look down on 轻视;蔑视 look on 旁观 move on 继续前进 operate on 给 …… 动手术 pass on 传递;传给 play a trick on 开玩笑 play jokes on 戏弄 put on ( 表动作 ) 穿;上演 v . + on reflect on 回顾;思考 rely on 依赖;依靠 set ...on fire 放火烧 spend ...on 在 …… 上花费 switch on 开 ( 电灯 ) ;通 ( 电流 ) take on 担任;雇用;呈现 throw light on 阐明;使清楚 try on 试穿 ( 衣、鞋、帽等 ) turn on 打开 ( 水、电等 ) wait on 服侍;侍候 work on 继续工作 v . + out act out      把 …… 表演出来 break out ( 战争、火灾等 ) 发生 bring out 取出;显示;说明 burst out 突然发出;迸发;爆发 call out 召集;大声叫 carry out 实行;开展;贯彻 check out 查明;结账离开 clear out 清除;腾出 come out 开花;发芽;出版 cut out 割掉;删掉;阻止 die out 灭绝;逐渐消失 dig out 掘出;发现 drop out 退出 v . + out fade out ( 声音 ) 逐渐模糊;渐淡 figure out 算出;理解 find out 发现;查明;找出 get out 离开;出去 give out 发出;精疲力竭 go out 外出; ( 灯火 ) 熄灭 keep out 阻止入内 help out 帮助 ( 摆脱困境 ) hold out 伸出 ( 手等 ) let out 发出;泄露 leave out 省略;删去;遗漏 mark out 画线;标出 …… 界线 look out 当心;留神;向外看 v . + out make out 理解;看出;辨认出 put out 扑灭;熄灭 pick out 挑选 point out 指出 run out 用完,耗尽 rush out 冲出去 set out 出发;陈述 sell out 售完 send out 发出 speak out 大胆地说出 show ...out 领 …… 出去 sort out 分类 v . + out stand out 突出;显眼 think out 想出 take out 把 …… 拿出来 turn out 出席,到场;证明;结果 tire out ( 使 ) 精疲力竭 try out 参加选拔;试验;尝试 wipe out 消灭;擦掉 watch out 当心;注意 wear out ( 使 ) 筋疲力尽;穿破 work out 算出;制订出;产生效果;锻炼 v . + over come over      ( 顺便 ) 来访 fall over 跌倒;摔倒 get over 度过;恢复;痊愈 go over 复习;检查;翻阅 look over 检查 roll over 翻滚 run over 辗过 take over 接管;接收 think over 仔细考虑 turn over 翻转;交付;移交 watch over 看守;监视 win over 赢得 …… 的支持,把 …… 争取过来 v . + through break through     突破;克服 carry through 完成;坚持到底 cut through 走近路 get through 接通电话;完成 go through 通过;经历;查看 live through 经历 ( 灾难或其他困境 ) 而幸存 push through 挤过;穿过 look through 仔细查看;浏览;看穿 pass through 经过;路过 pull through 渡过难关;康复 put through 完成;接通电话 v . + to adapt to      适应 ( 新环境 ) add to 增加;增添 add up to 合计达;等于 adjust to 习惯;适应 amount to 总计;达到 appeal to 恳求;有吸引力;呼吁;上诉 apply to 应用;适用;申请 cater to 满足 ( 需求 ) ;迎合 attend to 照料;注意 belong to 属于 come to 合计;苏醒 v . + to come to power 当权;上台 devote ...to 献身 ( 专心 ) 于;把 …… 用于 contribute to 捐款;投稿;促成 date back to 追溯到 drink to 祝酒 give birth to 产生;分娩 face up to 面对 get to 开始;到达 hold on to 抓 ( 留、保 ) 住 get down to 认真从事 happen to 碰巧,刚好 v . + to give rise to 引起 lead to 导致;造成;通向 look up to 尊敬;仰望 join ...to 连接;结合 marry ...to 把 …… 嫁给 object to 不同意;反对 pay attention to 注意 v . + to point to       指向 put an end to 结束 refer to 涉及;参考;查阅 owe ...to 把 …… 归因于;欠情 see to 注意;留心;照看;处理 v . + to prefer ...to 喜欢 …… 胜过 set fire to 放火烧 stick to 坚持;固守 tend to 趋于;易于 set an example to 为 …… 树立榜样 draw attention to 注意 turn to 转向;求助于 suit ...to 使适合 ( 适应 ) get close to 接近 sentence ...to death 判 …… 死刑 attach ...to 把 …… 固定在或附在 …… 上, 认为 …… ;连接 live up to 做到;不辜负 ( 期望 ) starve ...to death 把 …… 饿死 v . + together get together      聚集;联欢 gather together 聚合;收集;集合 put together 汇合;集合;组装 join together 把 …… 连在一起 v . + up add up       加起来;合计 blow up 使充气;爆炸 break up 结束;解散;粉碎;垮掉 end up 结束;告终 build up 加强 dig up 挖出;掘起 cheer up 感到振奋 ( 高兴 ) clean up 打扫;整理 v . + up look up 查找;抬头看 do up 梳理;修缮;包扎;扣好 hang up 挂起来 cut up 切碎 call up 打电话;召唤;使想起 divide up 分割;划分 close up 关闭;使靠近 draw up 草拟;拟定 dress up 装扮;盛装打扮;装饰 eat up 吃光;耗尽 give up 放弃;中止;戒除 v . + up fix up 修理 get up 起床 keep up 保持;沿袭 ( 风俗 ) go up 上升;增长 grow up 成长;长大 clear up 清理;澄清; ( 天 ) 放晴 hold up 举起;延误 join up 联手 bring up 提出;抚养;教育;呕吐 light up 照亮;点 ( 烟等 ) lock up 把 …… 锁起来 v . + up come up     发芽;长出;走近;提出 make up 组成;编造;化妆 mix up 弄混淆;混合;搞乱 open up 开发;开放;展现 pack up 将 …… 装箱打包 warm up 加热 pile up 堆积 put up 举起;搭起;张贴 send up 发射 set up 开办;创立 show up 出现;到场;露面 v . + up sign up 报名参加;签约受雇 sit up 熬夜;坐直 speed up 加快速度 stay up 熬夜;不睡觉;挺住 take up 开始从事;占用;拿起 team up with 与 …… 合作 tear up 撕毁 tie up 系;拴 wash up 洗餐具 use up 耗尽;用光 pick up 拾起;用车接;收听;学会 v . + with agree with      同意;适合 associate with 与 …… 交往 ( 联系 ) begin with 以 …… 开始 catch up with 赶上 come up with 提出,想出 ( 主意 ) charge ...with 控告;指控 compare ...with 把 …… 与 …… 相比 compete with 与 …… 竞争 connect with 与 …… 联系 cover ...with 用 …… 盖 v . + with deal with      处理;对付;涉及 decorate ...with 用 …… 装饰 disagree with 和 …… 不一致 do away with 废除 do with 对待;处理 end up with 以 …… 结束 equip ...with 以 …… 装备 fill ...with 用 …… 充满 / 装满 fill up with 用 …… 装满 fall in love with 相 ( 恋 ) 爱 v . + with find fault with 挑剔 get along/on with 与 …… 相处;进展 get away with 逃离 get in touch with 和 …… 取得联系 get through with 完成 go on with 继续做 have nothing to do with 与 …… 无关 have fun with 玩得开心 keep up with 跟上,不落后 keep in touch with    保持联系 v . + with have words with 和 …… 发生口角 live with 忍受;与 …… 同住 make friends with 和 …… 交朋友 make sentences with 用 …… 造句 meet with 遭受;偶遇 provide ...with 向 …… 提供 put up with 忍受;容忍 shake hands with 与 …… 握手 share ...with 与 …… 分享 start with 以 …… 开始 stay in touch with 保持联系 supply ...with 向 …… 提供 vary with 随着 …… 而变化 单词 熟义 新义 例句 1.absent adj . 缺席的 adj . 茫然的,恍惚的 She looked at the picture in an absent ( 茫然的 ) way. 2.ache v i .& n .疼痛 v i . 渴望 Having left for ages, he was aching ( 渴望 ) for home. 3.add v . 增加,加起来 v . 接着说,补充说 I should like to add ( 补充说 ) that we are pleased with the test result. 单词 熟义 新义 例句 4.address n . 地址 v t . 写地址 v t . 发表 ( 演说 ) The president will address ( 发表 ) his speech at 3 : 00 pm. 5.against prep . 逆着,反对;倚,靠;碰 prep . 映衬 The picture looks nice against ( 映衬 ) the white wall. 6.allow v t . 允许 v t . 使可能 This diet allows ( 使可能 ) you one glass of wine a day. 7.announce v t . 宣布 v t . 显示;预示;预告 The warm sunshine announces ( 预示 ) the coming of spring. 单词 熟义 新义 例句 8.appeal to ( 对某人 ) 有吸引力;向某人呼吁 上诉 She appealed to ( 上诉 ) the high court against her sentence. 9.arrest n .& v t . 逮捕 v t . 吸引 The loud noise arrested ( 吸引 ) our attention. 10.attend v t . 出席;参加 v i .& v t . 看护;治疗;陪同 The nurse attended ( 看护 ) to him day and night. 单词 熟义 新义 例句 11.back prep . 后面 n .后背 v . 支持 I’ll back ( 支持 ) him against all the others. 12.bear v t . 忍受;容忍 v t . 显示;带有 He was badly wounded in the war and still bears ( 带有 ) the scars. 13.better adj . & ad v . 较好的,较好地 v t . 改善;优化 (2014 · 北京高考 )A key first step in bettering ( 改善 ) your evaluation ability is to look carefully at your sources of health information. 单词 熟义 新义 例句 14.blank adj . 空白的 n .空白 adj . 没表情的;空虚的;没兴趣的 The stranger returned my greeting with a blank ( 没表情的 ) look. 15.blue adj .& n .蓝色 ( 的 ) adj . 忧伤的 There is no reason for me to feel so blue ( 忧伤的 ). 16.box n . 盒子,方框 v . 打耳光,拳击 I’ll box ( 打耳光 ) your ears if you say that again. 单词 熟义 新义 例句 17.bridge n . 桥 v t . 消除隔阂 (2014· 江苏高考 )Not white, certainly, but not really Asian, I try to pave the way between the two worlds and bridge ( 消除隔阂 ) the gap for you. 18.build v t . 建筑,建造 v i . 增强;使更强壮 n . 体格,体形,身材 (2010· 北京高考 )One should receive training to build ( 增强 ) up one’s confidence. (2008· 江西高考 )You’re right, Josh. He may have a small build ( 身材 ) . 单词 熟义 新义 例句 19.capital n . 首都 adj . 极好的,大写的 The first letter of the word should be written in capital ( 大写的 ) letter. 20.cause vt . 促使,引起 n .原因,起因;事业; 目标 (2010· 山东高考 )Even with a staff of 22 volunteers, Thomas often devotes up to 50 hours a week to his cause ( 事业 ) . 单词 熟义 新义 例句 21.change v . 更换 n . 零头,零钱 Can you break the one hundred dollar bill and give me some change ( 零钱 )? 22.charge n . 收费,责任 v .控告 v . 充电 Before use, the battery must be charged ( 充电 ) . 23.claim vt . 主张;认领 vt . 夺走 (…… 的生命 ) The flood claimed ( 夺走 ) hundreds of lives. 单词 熟义 新义 例句 24.cloudy adj . 阴的,多云的 adj . 不明朗的,不清晰的 Who will take his place still remains cloudy ( 不明朗的 ) . 25.coach n . 教练 vt . 辅导, 指导 She coached ( 指导 ) me in playing football. 26.company n . 公司 n . 陪伴,伴侣,同伴 I had no company ( 同伴 ) on the journey. 27.count n .& vt . 计算,数 vi . 有价值;重要 It is not how much you read but what you read that counts ( 重要 ) . 单词 熟义 新义 例句 28.course n . 课程;过程 n . 一道菜 The courses ( 菜谱 ) vary with seasons. 29.cover v i . 覆盖 v t . 行走 ( 一段路程 ) ;足以支付,够付;采访 n .书刊封面,封皮 (2014 · 天津高考 )At that time, we regarded 25 miles as a good day’s walk and the ability to cover ( 行走 ) such a distance in ten hours as a sign of strength and skill. (2010 · 福建高考 )To cover ( 足以支付 ) the cost of hiring a bus, each student will have to pay D|S10 each time. 单词 熟义 新义 例句 30.cross v t . 穿过 adj . 易怒的 He was very cross ( 易怒的 ) because he was scolded for no reason. 31.damage v t .& n .损坏 n . 赔偿金 ( 复数 ) He claimed $ 7,000 damages ( 赔偿金 ) from the taxi company. 32.deal v i . 处理,解决 n . 交易 Having been cheated in a business deal ( 交易 ), he was reduced to nothing. 单词 熟义 新义 例句 33.desert n . 沙漠 v t . 抛弃,离弃 He deserted ( 抛弃 ) his wife and children and went abroad. 34.develop v t . & v i . 发展;开发;研制 v t . 冲印 Did you have the films developed ( 冲印 ) ? 35.Divorce v t . 与某人离婚 v t . 使分离;使脱离 You can’t divorce ( 使分离 ) science from ethical questions. 单词 熟义 新义 例句 36.drive v t . 驾驶 v t . 迫使 ( 某人做不好的事 ) (2014 · 江苏高考 )It is the same instinct that drives ( 迫使 ) people to dress one way at home and another way at work ... 37.encourage v t . 鼓励;激励 v t . 促进,助长; 刺激 Good health encourages ( 促进 ) clear thinking. 38.escape v i .& v t . 逃跑;逃脱 v t . 被忘掉;被忽视 (2012 · 广东高考 )If he thought he could escape ( 被忽视 ) attention by sitting at the back, he was wrong. 单词 熟义 新义 例句 39.Excuse n . 借口 v t . 原谅 v t . 免除某人的职责 He was excused ( 免除 ) from piano practice. 40.Explode v i . 爆炸;爆裂 v t . 勃然大怒;大发雷霆 I’m about to explode ( 勃然大怒 )! He broke his promise again. 41.Exploit v t . 开发;开采; 剥削 v t . 利用 You must exploit ( 利用 ) every opportunity to learn English. 单词 熟义 新义 例句 42.fail v i . 失败 v i .( 健康 ) 衰退,变弱 (2011· 新课标全国卷 )William found it increasingly difficult to read, for his eyesight was beginning to fail ( 变弱 ) . 43.familiar adj . 熟悉的 adj . 随便的 You seem to be on very familiar ( 随便的 ) terms with your tutor. 单词 熟义 新义 例句 44.fine adj . 美好的,很棒的,晴朗的 n .& v t . 罚款;处 ( 某人 ) 以罚金 The man will get a fine ( 罚款 ) if he parks the car there. 45.foreign adj . 外国的;外交的 adj . 不熟悉的 The subject is foreign ( 不熟悉的 ) to all of us. 单词 熟义 新义 例句 46.freeze v i . 结冰, ( 使 ) 冻结 v i .& v t . 惊呆,吓呆;不动,停止 (2014 · 全国卷 Ⅰ )When faced with so many options, the lion chooses to freeze ( 停止,不动 ) and wait instead of attacking the man holding the chair. 单词 熟义 新义 例句 47.fresh adj . 新鲜的 adj . 无经验的 She is quite fresh ( 无经验的 ) to the work. 48.gain v i .& v t . 获得;赢得 v t . 增加 ( 速度、重量 ) The car gained ( 增加 ) speed gradually. 49.ground n . 地面 n . 理由 He has strong grounds ( 理由 ) for more money. 50.govern v t . 管理;控制 v t . 影响;支配 The law of supply and demand governs ( 影响 ) the prices of goods. 单词 熟义 新义 例句 51.help v t . 帮助 v i . 避免,防止; 起作用 (2013 · 全国卷 Ⅰ )Try not to cough more than you can help ( 避免,防止 ) since it may cause problems to your lungs. 52.hit v . 打击 n . 风行一时的流行歌曲 ( 或唱片 ) As we know, the song was a hit ( 风行一时 ) at that time. 53.house n . 房子 v t .& v i . 给 …… 房子住;容纳 (2014 · 浙江高考 )These cottages once housed ( 给 …… 房子住 ) early settlers as they worked the dry Montana soil; now they hold Twitter engineers. 单词 熟义 新义 例句 54.ill adj . 生病的 adj .& adv . 坏的 / 地 It’s no good speaking ill ( 坏的 ) of others. 55.inspire v . 激励;鼓舞 v . 启发 His best music was inspired ( 启发 ) by the memory of his mother. 56.interest n . 兴趣 n . 利润,利益;股份 Our family has interests ( 股份 ) in the business. 57.jump vi .& n .跳 n .& vi . 大幅度上涨 Last week the prices of goods jumped ( 大幅度上涨 ) . 单词 熟义 新义 例句 58.kill v . 杀死,弄死 v . 消磨或打发 ( 时间 ) (2010 · 湖北高考 )How does the man kill ( 打发 ) time ? 59.land v i . 降落,着陆 n . 陆地 v t . 谋得 ( 工作等 ) (2015 · 浙江高考 )Since finishing my studies at Harvard and Oxford, I’ve watched one friend after another land ( 谋得 ) high ranking, high paying Wall Street jobs. 单词 熟义 新义 例句 60.last adj . 最后的 adj . 最不 可能的 He is the last ( 最不可能的 ) man I want to see. 61.match n . 火柴 v t . 般配,与 …… 匹配 (2013 · 江西高考 )She matched ( 匹配 ) the carpet with some very nice curtains in colour. 62.measure n . 措施,方法 v t .& v i . 估量,判定 ( 重要性、价值或影响等 ) It’s hard to measure ( 判定 ) his ability when we haven’t seen his work. 单词 熟义 新义 例句 63.multiply v . 乘;乘以 v t . 成倍增加;迅速增加 We can multiply ( 迅速增加 ) our chances of success. 64.narrow adj . 狭窄的 v t . 缩小,使变窄 (2012 · 天津高考 )Parents and children should communicate more to narrow ( 使变窄,缩小 ) the gap between them so that they can understand each other better. 65.note n . 笔记 v t . 注意 ( 到 ) Please note ( 注意 ) that this bill must be paid within 10 days. 单词 熟义 新义 例句 66.nurse n . 护士,保姆 v t . 看护,照料 ( 病人或伤者 ) (2014 · 山东高考 )While nursing ( 照料 ) her ill elder sister throughout the years, Charlotte discovered she had an interest in medicine. 67.open v . 开 adj . 开着的,打开的 adj .( 问题、议事等 ) 未解决的 They left the matter open ( 未解决的 ) . 68.operate v i . 机器运转工作;做手术 v i . 起作用 The medicine operated ( 起作用 ) quickly. 单词 熟义 新义 例句 69.owe v t . 欠, 欠债 v t . 感恩; 感激 I owe ( 感激 ) you for your help. 70.park n . 公园 v t . 停放 ( 车辆 ) n .停车场 Please park ( 停放 ) your car in the parking lot and hike in. 71.passage n .( 演讲、文章、音乐等的 ) 一节,一段 n . 通过;走廊 The wooden bridge is not strong enough to allow the passage ( 通过 ) of lorries. 单词 熟义 新义 例句 72.picture n . 画 v t . 描绘 (2014 · 全国卷 Ⅱ )I would like to picture ( 描绘 ) my future life in ten years. 73.position n . 位置;职位 n . 立场;观点 What’s your position ( 观点 ) on the problem ? 74.post v t . 邮寄 n .邮件,岗位 v t . 贴出;张贴 ( 常与 up 连用 ) The names of the members of the team will be posted ( 张贴 ) up today. 单词 熟义 新义 例句 75.promise v t .& n .许诺 v t . 有 …… 的希望; 使 …… 有可能 The dark clouds promise ( 使 …… 有可能 ) rain. 76.pronounce v t . 发音 v . 宣称;宣布;判决 The judge pronounced ( 判决 ) against her appeal. 77.reach v t . 到达; 伸出 ( 身体的一部分 ) v . 联系;延伸, 达到 (to, into) I’ve been trying all day to reach ( 联系 ) him on the telephone. 单词 熟义 新义 例句 78.read v . 阅读 v t . 理解;领会;显示 It’s hard to read ( 理解 ) the expression on his face. The thermometer reads ( 显示 ) 80 degrees Fahrenheit. 79.reduce v t . 减少 [ 小, 轻 ]; 缩减、降低 ( 价格等 ) v t . 使处于某种状态; 使变成 The poor woman is reduced ( 使处于某种状态 ) to begging. 80.respect v t .& n . 尊敬;尊重 n . 方面; [ pl .] 敬意, 问候 I think you are wrong in every respect ( 方面 ). 单词 熟义 新义 例句 81.round prep .& ad v . 环绕,围着 adj . 圆形的 n . 回合;局;轮 We are losing the game in the last round ( 轮 ) due to our complacency. 82.save v t . 挽救, 节省, 储蓄 v t . 省去;免去 Setting down clear rules from the start will save ( 免去 ) arguments later on. 83.say v t . 说 v t . 假定,显示, 表明 Say ( 假定 ) that war breaks out, what will you do ? 单词 熟义 新义 例句 84.seat n . 座,座位 v t .( 使 ) 就座;向 …… 提供座位 We can seat ( 向 …… 提供座位 ) 300 in the auditorium. 85.serve v t . 服务 v i . 服役 v . 提供,准备 ( 食物 ) ;可做;适于 Their space room also serves ( 可做 ) as an office. 86.shelter n . 避难所 v t . 保护 (2014 · 四川高考 )I was wrapped ( 包裹 ) heavily and well sheltered ( 保护 ) from the freezing and blowing weather. 单词 熟义 新义 例句 87.shoulder n . 肩膀 v t . 承担 Young people should learn to shoulder ( 承担 ) the blame. 88.sign n . 符号,记号 n . 迹象,预兆 v . 签字,签署 (2010 · 天津高考 )Bearing responsibility for his mistakes is a sign ( 迹象 ) of a man’s maturity. (2010 · 福建高考 )Therefore, students should be advised to sign ( 签字 ) up as soon as possible. 单词 熟义 新义 例句 89.solid adj . 固定的,坚硬的 adj . 可靠的,可信赖的 (2012 · 浙江高考 )The research lacks solid ( 可靠的 ) evidence, and therefore, its conclusions are doubtful. 90.sound n . 声音 adj . 健全的,健康的 It is important to have a sound ( 健康的 ) body. 单词 熟义 新义 例句 91.stand v i . 站,站立,直立 v t . 忍受 n . 货摊 (2009 · 四川高考 ) . .. the author could not stand ( 忍受 ) living in a wooden house. (2010 · 福建高考 )I found the fish stand ( 货摊 ) surrounded in a sea of customers. 92.store n .( 大型 ) 百货商店 v t .& n .贮藏,贮存,保存 (2010 · 安徽高考 )Although dams can be built to store ( 贮存 ) water for agricultural use in dry areas and dry seasons ... 单词 熟义 新义 例句 93.strength n . 力,力量,体力 n . 长处 A basketball coach must know the strengths ( 长处 ) and weaknesses of his players. 94.succeed v i . 成功 v t . 接替;继承; 接着 …… 发生 He had no son to succeed ( 接替 ) him. 95.subject n . 科目,话题 n . 实验对象 adj . 易受影响的 The subjects ( 实验对象 ) of this experiment were men aged 18 - 35.   The child is subject ( 易受影响的 ) to colds. 单词 熟义 新义 例句 96.taste v . 品尝,尝 出 …… 味道 n . 味道;鉴赏力;爱好 (2013 · 天津高考 )While she was in Paris, she developed a taste ( 爱好 ) for fine art. 97.term n . 学期 n . 期间,期限 pl . 合同或协议书的条件、条款 If you agree to my terms ( 条件 ) — free meals and good wages — I will work for you. 单词 熟义 新义 例句 98.Treat v t . 以 …… 态度对待 v t . 治疗,医治 v t .& n .款待,招待 (2010 · 江苏高考 )The doctor is skilled at treating ( 治疗 ) heart trouble and never accepts any gift from his patients, so he has a very good reputation. Let’s go out for lunch — my treat ( 款待 ) . 99.Undertake v t . 承担;从事 v t . 承诺;允诺;答应 I can’t undertake ( 承诺 ) that you will make a profit. 单词 熟义 新义 例句 100.voice n . 声音,嗓音 v t . 表达,吐露 (2013 · 天津高考 ) Moreover, I will open more channels for you to voice ( 表达 ) your opinions and needs. 101.walk v i .& n .行走;步行 n . 行业 This society welcomes people from all walks ( 行业 ) of life. 单词 熟义 新义 例句 102.wander v i . 漫游;游荡;漫步 v i . 走神;神志恍惚;思想开小差 Her thoughts wandered ( 思想开小差 ) back to her youth. 103.wear v t . 穿,戴 v t . 面带,流露;留 ( 发、须等 ) (2009 · 山东高考 )I can still remember he was always wearing ( 面带 ) a smile and willing to help. 104.weigh v . 称 …… 的重量; 重达 v . 权衡;斟酌 (2012 · 福建高考 )However, this must be weighed ( 权衡 ) against the benefits for city children for whom we all have the greatest duty of care. 单词 熟义 新义 例句 105.wide adj . 宽的 ad v . 全部地,充分地 The children were still wide ( 完全 ) awake, when the clock struck twelve for the New Year’s Day. 106.word n . 字,词,话 n . 诺言,消息 Word ( 消息 ) came that they failed again. 单词 熟义 新义 例句 107.work v i .& n .工作,劳动 v i .( 方法、药等 ) 起作用,奏效 n . 著作,作品 (2009 · 浙江高考 )The medicine works ( 起作用 ) more effectively if you drink some hot water after taking it. (2010 · 四川高考 )Such poets as Shakespeare are widely read, of whose works ( 作品 ), however, some are difficult to understand. 108.wrong adj . 错误的 n .错误 v . 不公正对待 She felt she had been wronged ( 不公正对待 ). bet bet bet 打赌 broadcast broadcast broadcast 广播;播送 bid bid/bade bid/bidden 出价 / 吩咐 burst burst burst 爆发;发生 cast cast cast 投,掷;扔 cost cost cost 花费 cut cut cut 切;割 forecast forecast/forecasted forecast/forecasted 预报 hit hit hit 打 hurt hurt hurt 伤害 knit knit/knitted knit/knitted 编织 let let let 让 put put put 放 quit quit/quitted quit/quitted 停止 read read read 读 rid rid rid 除去 set set set 放;放置 shut shut shut 关闭 spit spit/spat spit/spat 吐 split split split 劈开;分开 spread spread spread 散布;传播 thrust thrust thrust 刺;刺入 upset upset upset 颠覆;扰乱 wed wed/wedded wed/wedded 结婚 wet wet/wetted wet/wetted 打湿 beat beat beaten 打;击败; ( 心脏 ) 跳动 come came come 来 become became become 变成 overcome overcame overcome 克服 run ran run 跑 hear heard heard 听见 burn burnt/burned burnt/burned 燃烧 learn learnt/learned learnt/learned 学 dream dreamt/dreamed dreamt/dreamed 梦想 mean meant meant 意思是 lean leant/leaned leant/leaned 倾斜 leap leapt/leaped leapt/leaped 跳跃;跨越 spoil spoilt/spoiled spoilt/spoiled 破坏;宠坏 deal dealt dealt 处理 build built built 建设 rebuild rebuilt rebuilt 重建 lend lent lent 借出;借给 send sent sent 送;发射;派遣 spend spent spent 度过;花费 bend bent bent 弯腰;低头;弯曲 catch caught caught 抓;赶上 teach taught taught 教;教书 buy bought bought 买 bring brought brought 带来;拿来 fight fought fought 打架;争吵;作战 seek sought sought 寻找 think thought thought 想 feel felt felt 感觉 kneel knelt knelt 跪下 smell smelt smelt 闻到 spell spelt spelt 拼写 feed fed fed 喂养;饲养 meet met met 碰见;遇见 speed sped sped 加速;快速前进 bleed bled bled 流血 breed bred bred 繁殖;产生 lead led led 领导;引导 mislead misled misled 误导;欺骗 shoot shot shot 射击;击中 dig dug dug 挖掘 hang hung hung 挂 spin spun spun 旋转 stick stuck stuck 粘贴;插入 sting stung stung 刺激;叮咬 swing swung swung 摆动;突然转向 shine shone shone 照耀;使发光 shined shined 擦亮;擦光 win won won 赢得;获胜 get got got 得到 hold held held 握;举行 sit sat sat 坐 keep kept kept 保持 sleep slept slept 睡觉 oversleep overslept overslept 睡过头 creep crept crept 爬行 weep wept wept 哭泣 sweep swept swept 打扫 pay paid paid 付款 repay repaid repaid 偿还;报答 lay laid laid 下蛋;产卵;放置 say said said 说 sell sold sold 卖 tell told told 告诉 retell retold retold 复述 foretell foretold foretold 预告;预言 stand stood stood 站,站立 understand understood understood 明白;懂得 misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood 误会;误解 find found found 找到;发现 wind wound wound 卷起;缠绕 bite bit bitten 咬 bless blessed blessed 祝福 have/has had had 有 hide hid hid/hidden 隐藏;躲藏 leave left left 离开 light lit/lighted lit/lighted 点燃;照亮 lose lost lost 失去;丢失 make made made 制作;制造 slide slid slid 滑动 spill spilled/spilt spilled/spilt 溢出 take took taken 拿;取 overtake overtook overtaken 追上;超过 mistake mistook mistaken 误认;误解 undertake undertook undertaken 承担;保证 saw sawed sawn/sawed 锯 sow sowed sown/sowed 播种 shake shook shaken 摇头;摇晃 see saw seen 看见 foresee foresaw foreseen 预见 eat ate eaten 吃 fall fell fallen 跌倒 give gave given 给 forgive forgave forgiven 原谅;宽恕 drive drove driven 驾驶 rise rose risen 升起 arise arose arisen 出现;发生 ride rode ridden 骑 write wrote written 写 break broke broken 打破 speak spoke spoken 说话 freeze froze frozen 结冰;凝固 wake woke woken 醒 weave wove woven 编织 awake awoke awoken 唤醒 choose chose chosen 选择 steal stole stolen 偷 forget forgot forgotten 忘记 hide hid hidden 躲藏 forbid forbade forbidden 禁止 blow blew blown 吹 grow grew grown 生长 know knew known 知道 throw threw thrown 投;掷 overthrow overthrew overthrown 推翻 draw drew drawn 拖;拉 withdraw withdrew withdrawn 撤退 sew sewed sewn/sewed 缝 show showed shown 出示 begin began begun 开始 shrink shrank/shrunk shrunk 萎缩 drink drank drunk 喝;饮 ring rang rung 打电话;按 ( 铃 ) sink sank sunk 下沉 sing sang sung 唱歌 swim swam swum 游泳 spring sprang/sprung sprung 弹跳;弹起 bear bore born 忍受;生育 tear tore torn 撕裂;撕破 wear wore worn 穿;戴 swear swore sworn 发誓 be (am , is) was been 是 be (are) were been 是 do/does did done 做 go went gone 去 lie lay lain 躺 fly flew flown 飞

