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专题 09 动词短语 关键词:动词短语辨析,动词搭配 难度系数:✱✱✱✱ 推荐指数:✱✱✱✱✱‎ ‎【基础回顾】‎ 考点归纳:‎ 考查动词短语辨析。主要包括同根动词短语的辨析、同根介词或副词的动词短语的辨析、 不同动词构成的动词短语的辨析以及“动词+副词+介词”短语的辨析。在动词词组的测试中,绝大多数为基础动词,出现频率较高的词有:get,turn,make,put,go,give,break,cut,come,look,keep,bring,show,pick,hold,fall,carry,pull,catch,call,take等。高考对于动词短语的考查,除了考查动词短语基本含义辨析外,更注重动词短语的新义和引申意,如:polish抛光, 磨光(本意)→修正,文饰(引申);sniff嗅,闻(本意)→鄙视地说,嗤之以鼻(引申);stir移动,搅拌(本意)→煽动(引申); break down发生故障,失灵,失效(本意)→坍塌;崩溃,瓦解,中断,中止(引申),同时还有“恸哭”之意; look into向里面看(本意)→调查;研究(引申),同时还有“浏览”之意;再如:work out的基本词义为“解决;算出;制定出”,较生词义为“锻炼”。]‎ 基础必读:‎ 动词短语的固定的搭配 动词短语的辨析是动词考查的重中之重,甚至有些形式上单个动词的辨析也是考查所构成短语的辨析。总的来说,动词短语的辨析可分为三种:一是以动词为主体词的辨析;二是以副词或介词为主体词的辨析;三是无关联的动词短语的辨析。‎ 近三年常见的动词短语有:‎ break:break away from脱离;break down坏掉;分解;垮下来;谈判(破裂);break out爆发;break in打断;闯入;break into闯入;break through突破;break up打碎;分解;分手 ‎ bring:bring about引起,导致;bring down使降低,使下降;bring in引进;赚进;bring up抚养;养育;呕吐;bring out取出;出版;生产;阐明 ‎ come:come along跟随;come out 出现;出版;结果是;come about发生;come across偶遇;come to共计;come up出现;被提出;come up with提出 ‎ cut:cut in插嘴;cut off切断;cut up切碎;cut down砍倒,削减 ‎ get:get away外出度假;get in收割;get into进入;养成;get through完成;通过;解决;接通电话;get over克服;get across被理解;使通过;get off下车/船/马/飞机等;get down to着手作;get up起床;起身 ‎ go:go against违背;go over预习;复习; go out外出;熄灭;go without没有……也行;没有……也可以勉强对付 ‎ look:look through 浏览;透过……看;look into调查;look up向上看;查找;look up to尊敬;敬仰;look round/around环顾 ]‎ make:make out辨认出;make up组成;编造;make up with弥补;make the best of充分利用 ‎ put:put in放进,写进;put away收起;储存;put out扑灭;出版;生产;put down写下;镇压;put off 推迟;put on穿上;上演;put up张贴;举起;建造;put forward提出 ]‎ set:set aside拨出;置于一旁;set up建立;竖立;set out着手;出发;set about着手;set off出发;引爆 take:take up开始从事;占据;拿起;take apart拆卸;take in欺骗;吸收;take off起飞;腾飞;脱掉;take on呈现;雇用take over接管 turn:turn out 结果证明;turn to求助于;转向;turn in上交;turn down拒绝;把音量开小;turn on打开;turn off关掉;turn up出现;把音量开高;turn over翻开 out:wear out穿烂;用坏;work out解出;进展顺利;let out放出;发出;泄露;leave out遗漏;figure out弄清;burst out爆发;rule out排除;point out 指出;carry out贯彻 up:build up增强;keep up保持;鼓起;speed up加速;pick up拾起;收听/看;用车接送/装运;无意学会;send up发射;use up用完;hang up挂断;end up结束;split up分裂;分手;stay up熬夜 off:pay off还清;回报;show off炫耀;give off放出]‎ 另外考查到的动词短语还有:see to处理;解决;fight for为……而战;agree with同意;适合;do without 没有……也勉强对付;fit in适合;live up to达到;不辜负;run away from逃走;避开]]‎ ‎【技能方法】‎ 解题建议:‎ 一、必须从各个动词短语的语意差别、用法特点等方面入手,然后通过题干关键词来把握语境,选择符合句意的动词。‎ 二、对于动词的熟词生义用法,要进行专门积累,并强化复习和运用。‎ 三、对于动词短语,尤其是高频的动词短语一定要概括与总结,并通过练习进行强化。]‎ ‎【基础达标】‎ ‎1.The total darkness made it impossible to make________ what the notice said.‎ ‎【答案】out ‎ ‎2.Jenny is quite good at taking notes. She can set________ almost every word her teachers say in class.‎ ‎【答案】down ‎ ‎【解析】考查动词短语。set down记下,写下。句意:珍妮非常擅长记笔记,她几乎能记下课堂上老师说的每个单词。‎ ‎3.Caroline doesn't have a gift for music, but she makes________ for it with hard work. ‎ ‎【答案】up ‎ ‎【解析】考查动词短语。make up for意为“弥补”。句意:卡罗琳没有音乐天赋,但她用努力学习弥补了她的不足。]‎ ‎4.We needn't have cooked so much food for the party. Quite a few guests didn't turn ________ for various reasons.‎ ‎【答案】up ]‎ ‎【解析】考查动词短语。turn up出现,露面。句意:我们本不必为聚会准备那么多食物的,(因为)有一些客人因为种种原因没有来。‎ ‎5.Among all the applicants for the position, my cousin Lily stands ________ for her pleasing personality and strength of character.‎ ‎【答案】out ‎ ‎【解析】考查动词短语。stand out 突出,引人注目。句意:在申请这一职位的所有求职者中,我表妹莉莉因为她讨人喜欢的个性和人格力量脱颖而出。‎ ‎【能力提升】]‎ ‎1.Mr Brown's condition looks very serious and it is doubtful if he will pull ________.‎ ‎【答案】through ‎ ‎【解析】考查动词短语。pull through“康复,痊愈”,与语境Mr Brown's condition looks very serious呼应。‎ ‎2.It was unfortunate that their new car broke ________ halfway to the airport.‎ ‎【答案】down ‎【解析】考查动词短语。与语境“It was unfortunate…”呼应可知,新汽车在去机场的半路上抛锚了。break down意为“抛锚”,符合语境。‎ ‎3.The lack of health facilities and necessary protection for medical workers partly accounted ________ the epidemic (蔓延) of Ebola.‎ ‎【答案】for ]‎ ‎【解析】考查动词短语。根据语境可知,上下文表示逻辑上的因果关系,与动词词组account for“是……的原因”呼应。‎ ‎4.May Day is an international holiday set________to remember the workers who fought for the 8hour workday.]‎ ‎【答案】aside ‎ ‎【解析】考查动词短语。set aside意为“留出”,与语境an international holiday呼应。‎ ‎10.After that, he knew he could get ________ any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability.‎ ‎【答案】through ‎ ‎【解析】考查动词短语。与语境emergency呼应,并结合动词短语get through意为“通过,完成,处理”可知,此处through符合语境。]‎ ‎【终极闯关】‎ ‎1.Don't let ________ the people who expect you too much. Just cheer up and move on.‎ ‎【答案】down ‎ ‎2.—Guess what? I've got a job in an international bank.]‎ ‎—Good news! This sort of work ________ for skill and speed, though. ‎ ‎【答案】calls ‎ ‎【解析】考查动词短语。call for意为“要求”,与语境skill and speed呼应。‎ ‎3.He was two hours late for such a short trip. I wonder how it came ________!‎ ‎【答案】about ‎ ‎【解析】考查动词短语。come about=happen意为“发生”,与语境I wonder how呼应。‎ ‎4.—What should I do with my paper, Mr Jason?]‎ ‎—Well, what I have said about Peter's goes ________ yours.‎ ‎【答案】for 考查动词短语。go for意为“适合于”。‎ ‎5.Don't forget to return your room key to the front desk when you check________ of the hotel.‎ ‎【答案】out ‎ ‎【解析】考查动词短语。check out意为“结账离开”,与语境“Don't forget to return your room key to the front desk…”呼应。‎

