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2018 届二轮复习 短文语法填空解题指导 议 论 文 ( 十三 ) 考纲词汇过关 ( 练前预习,练中理解,练后巩固 ) imagination n . _________ desperate adj . ____________ regulate vt . _____________ ancient adj . ________ principle n . ______________ 想像力 不顾一切的 调节,规定 古代的 原理,原则 When I was young and free and my imagination had no limits, I dreamed of changing the world. As I grew 1 _______(old) and wiser, I discovered the world would not change, so I 2__________ (short) my sights somewhat 3 _____decided to change only my country. But it, too, seemed immovable. As I grew into my twilight years, 4 ____one last desperate attempt, I settled for changing only my family, those closest to me, but alas, they would have none of it. 5 _______(lie) on my deathbed, now I suddenly realize, if I had only changed myself first, then by example I would have changed my family. Lying in and shortened older From their 6 _____________(inspire) and encouragement, I would then have been able to better my country and, who knows, I may 7 ____ ________(change) the world. The above words 8 ________(say) to be written on the tomb of an Anglican Bishop in the crypts of Westminster Abbey in London, England. “Regulate myself, the family, the country and the world,” a Chinese saying from ancient times shows exactly the same principle—we change the world by changing 9 _________(we). “Be 10 ____ change you want to see.” (Gandhi) the ourselves are said changed inspiration have ( 十三 ) 本文主要告诫人们,要想改变世界须从改变自己做起。 1. older 与下文 wiser 对应。 2. shortened 在主格人称代词 I 后和名词 my sights 前,应是谓语动词;根据前面谓语动词的时态可知,用一般过去时态。 3. and 前后为顺承关系。 4. in 指“在最后一个绝望的尝试中”。 5. Lying 因 I 与 lie ,是主动关系,用现在分词表伴随。 6. inspiration 用 their 修饰,与 encouragement 并列,用名词形式。 7. have changed 与上文 I would have changed my family 具有共同结构。 8. are said 据说,用被动语态。 9. ourselves 作宾语,且与主语相同,用反身代词。 10. the 甘地曾说过,你期待看到的变化,即在自己身上体现。 ( 十四 ) 考纲词汇过关 ( 练前预习,练中理解,练后巩固 ) suffer vt . _____________ sexually adv . ______________________ abuse vt . __________________ forever v . ______________ 遭受;忍受 性别地;与两性有关地 滥用;虐待;辱骂 永远;不断地 There is no way to change your mind, once you have killed yourself. Ask 1 ____help quickly. Men find it much 2 _____________ (difficult) to talk about problems than women. This is why many more men than women kill 3 __________ (them). As a girl, Sara suffered 4 __________ (violent) from her mother. Also she was sexually abused by a boy in her street. She tried to kill herself with medical drugs. She was using drugs 5 ________(kill) her unborn baby. She tried again to kill herself when she was 18. One day, she was watching a film about Jesus. to kill violence themselves more difficult for At 6 ______very end, the actor that was playing the part of Jesus spoke the words, “Don’t be afraid, I will be with you always, even 7 ______ he end of the world.” And what happened next changed Sara’s life forever. It was as if the real Jesus Christ were in her room, 8 _________ (speak) to her directly. She suddenly realized and 9 ____________(understand) that Jesus was real, God was real, and that she would never have to be alone again. Her life 10 _________ (slow) began to change from that day. slowly understood speaking until the ( 十四 ) 本文通过 Sara 的故事来说明如果一个人有信仰,那么就能够快乐地生活,驱走自己的孤独和悲伤。 1. for 搭配: ask for help 求助。 2. more difficult 由 than 可知应用比较级。 3. themselves 表示自杀,用反身代词。 4. violence 因 suffered 是动词,后面需要名词作宾语。 5. to kill 不定式作目的状语。 6. the 特指“电影结尾的时候”。 7. until 根据前面的“ I will be with you always”, 可知这里要填 until (一直)。 8. speaking 伴随状语,用 v-ing 形式。 9. understood 根据前面的 and 可以知道其时态应和 realized 一致。 10. slowly 修饰动词用副词。 ( 十五 ) 考纲词汇过关 ( 练前预习,练中理解,练后巩固 ) ambulance n . _______________________ cooperate with ____________ necessary adj . ________________ responsibility n . _____________ benefit from _____________ ankle n . _____________ fall down ______ clinic n . _____________ make the best of __________ 救护车;战时流动医院 与 …… 合作 必要的;必需的 责任,职责 从 …… 获利 踝关节,踝 倒下 临床;诊所 充分利用 Some common thoughts like “Why me?” might prevent people from helping when they see someone ahead fall down. However, people are encouraged to offer help by calling for 1 ______ ambulance or cooperating with others. If I see a person ahead fall down I’ll stop to give a hand because first of all, if all the people avoid getting 2 ___________(they) involved and walk away, the person may not get necessary help or first aid, which may bring unexpectedly serious consequences. What’s more, offering help to those in need is our responsibility. themselves an 3 _________(actual), I was one of those who once benefited from others’ assistance. One Monday morning, I was in a big hurry4 ________(run) up the stairs to the classroom 5 ________suddenly I missed one step, sprained( 扭伤 ) my ankle and fell down. Painful and embarrassed, I just couldn’t gather my 6 ___________(strong) to get up. strength when running Actually At this very moment, some unknown 7 ______________(schoolmate) passing by stopped, 8 ________ (help) me pick up all the scattered( 散落的 ) books and sent me to the school clinic. I was moved and grateful 9 ____ words. Accidents are unavoidable. But if everyone pays more attention and shows less indifference together, we can make the best of them and get a 10 __________(happy) ending. happier beyond helped schoolmates ( 十五 ) 作者通过讲述一次自己摔倒后得到别人救助的经历,说明事故虽然不可避免,但是如果我们每个人都多一点关心,少一点冷漠,就会有一个愉快的结局。 1. an 在 ambulance 前缺少限定词且以元音音素开头,按意思是泛指,所以填 an 。 2. themselves 在 get sb involved 结构中 get 后缺少宾语,主语和宾语指代相同,所以填 themselves 。 3. Actually 修饰整个句子用副词。 4. running 这里是表主动伴随,所以填 running 。 5. when 空格前后都是句子,所以填连词;表示“这时”意思时连词用 when 。 6. strength 在 my 的后面缺名词,所以填 strength 。 7. schoolmates 由 some 修饰可知应用复数形式。 8. helped 因为 stopped, helped 和 sent 是并列谓语。 9. beyond 根据句意“我的感激之情难以言表”。可知填 beyond 。 10. happier 根据从句中的 more 和 less 可知主句中的 happy 用比较级。 ( 十六 ) 考纲词汇过关 ( 练前预习,练中理解,练后巩固 ) conduct vt . ____________ n . ___________ focus on ______ remind v . _______ sum up ______ truth n . _____________ 管理;引导 行为,表现 集中 提醒 总结 真理;事实 A great burden was lifted from my shoulders the day I realized that no one owes me anything. No one owes me moral conduct, respect, friendship, love, or 1_____________ (intelligent). And once I 2 ____________(recognize) that, all my relationships became far more 3 _________ (satisfy). I’ve focused on being with people 4 __________ want to do the things I want them to do. who/that satisfying recognized intelligence That understanding has served me well with friends and strangers. It 5 __________(constant) reminds me that I can get what I want only if I can enter the other person’s world. I must try to understand how he thinks, what he 6 __________ (believe) to be important, and what he wants. Only then can I appeal to someone in ways that will bring 7 _____(I) what I want. me believes constantly And only then can I tell whether I really want to be involved with someone. And I can save the important relationships for those 8 ______whom I have the most in common. It’s not easy to sum up in a few 9 _______ (word) what has taken me years to learn. But maybe if you re-read this gift each Christmas, the meaning will become a little 10 _________(clear) every year. I hope so, for I want more than anything else for you to understand this simple truth that can set you free: no one owes you anything. clearer words with ( 十六 ) 作者将“没人亏欠你什么”作为一条简单的真理,他认为要让自己被他人喜欢就必须理解他人所思,了解他人所需。 1. intelligence 与 friendship 和 love 并列,用名词。 2. recognized 从下文 became 可知,此处描述的是过去发生之事。 3. satisfying 因 became 是连系动词,后应该接形容词作表语,表示“令人满意的”。 4. who/that 引导定语从句并在从句中作主语,先行词是 people ,用关系代词 who 或 that 。 5. constantly 修饰动词 reminds ,作状语,用副词。 6. believes 与上下文时态一致,用一般现在时,主语为第三人称单数,故填 believes 。 7. me 动词 bring 后缺间接宾语,应用宾格,故填 me 。 8. with 短语缺介词, have… in common with sb 是固定搭配,意思是“与某人有 …… 共同之处”。 9. words 由修饰语 a few 可知应用复数形式。 10. clearer 用比较级,根据语境可知,作者要表达的意思是“每次圣诞节再看这份礼物,它的含义就越清晰”。 ( 十七 ) 考纲词汇过关 ( 练前预习,练中理解,练后巩固 ) satisfying adj . ____________ value n . _______ single adj . ______________ wonder vt . ________ tiny adj . _________ side walk ________ open one’s heart to ________________ 令人满意的 价值 单一的;单身的 想知道 极小的 人行道 向 …… 敞开心扉 Sharing is a very 1 ___________(satisfy) value. When you share, you open your heart to the other you share with. My mother used to share her lunch 2 _______her cooks and maids. She never started her meal without 3 ________(give) to others. I watched her as a child and wanted to do the same. One day, my father came back from office and gave one single toffee( 太妃糖 ) to me, as I was his youngest child. He told me he 4 ______ ________(buy) some more, but couldn’t bring them home. had giving with satisfying bought He saw some street children on the side walk and gave them all except the one 5 _______was handed to me. I loved these special sweets and I 6 ______(be) happy to get even one. Just then I remembered my three sisters, who were adults, 7_____ they would not have minded this act of dad. I was about 8 _________(eat) it when I had an idea. I cut the toffee into four parts and after giving three pieces to my sisters, ate one of the tiny 9 _________(piece). They thanked me and went their way. I was left 10 _________ (wonder) how my favorite toffee tasted better that day. wondering pieces to eat so was that ( 十七 ) 本文通过讲述“我”与姐妹分享父亲给我带回来的太妃糖的故事,阐述了分享的快乐。 1. satisfying 在名词前作定语要用形容词;表示“令人满意的”,用 satisfying 。比较: satisfied ( 感到满意的 ) 。 2. with 由固定短语 share sth with sb( 与某人分享某物 ) 可知填 with 。 3. giving 在介词 without 后,动词需用 -ing 形式,故填 giving 。 4. had bought 在“告诉我 (told me)” 之前“买了”更多一些糖,“买”相对于“告诉”来说,是过去的过去,故用过去完成时,故填 had bought 。 5. that 引导定语从句并在从句中作主语,先行词是 the one ,故填 that 。 6. was 由与之并列的 I loved 可知用一般过去时,主语是 I, 故填 was 。 7. so 由上下文可知,因为她们都是成年人,“所以”她们不会在意爸爸的做法,故填 so 。注意: so 是表“因果关系”的并列连词。 8. to eat 因 sb was/were about to do sth when… ( 某人正要做某事时,突然又发生另一事 ) 是固定句型,故填 to eat 。 9. pieces 由“ one of + 可数名词复数形式”可知填 pieces 。 10. wondering 因逻辑主语 I 与 wonder 是主动关系,故填 wondering 作伴随状语。 ( 十八 ) 考纲词汇过关 ( 练前预习,练中理解,练后巩固 ) blank adj . _________ absolutely adv . _____________ every now and then ____________ nursing school ___________ pop quiz ___________ hand in _______ quiz grade ___________ since then ___________ 空白的 当然;绝对 有时;偶尔 护理学院 突击测验 上交 测验成绩 从那以后 Life, sometimes, is somewhat like a teacher I should show great respect 1 ______, as it teaches me something important every now and then. I still remember an unforgettable memory. During my second month of nursing school, our professor gave us a pop quiz. I was a careful student and had breezed through( 轻松地做完 ) the questions 2 _______I read the last one—What is the first name of the woman who 3 _________ (clean) the school? To tell the 4 ______(true), this was some kind of joke. I 5 __________(see) the cleaning woman several times. had seen truth cleans until for She was tall, dark-haired and in 6 _____(she) 50s, but how could I know her name? I handed in my paper, 7 _________(leave) the last question blank. Before class ended, one student asked 8 _______ the last question would count towards our quiz grade. “Absolutely,” said the professor. “In your careers, you will meet many people. All are 9 ____________(significance). They deserve your attention and care, even if all you do is smile and say ‘hello’.” I have never forgotten that lesson since then. I 10 ______(late) learned her name was Dorothy. later significant whether/if leaving her ( 十八 ) 本文通过“我”学生时代的一次测试告诉我们:生命中遇到的每一个人都是重要的,都值得我们关注。 1. for 固定短语 show respect for 意为“对 …… 表示尊重”。 2. until 前后是两个分句,故此处一定是填连接词。根据两句间的逻辑关系推知,此处理应是表“直到”,故填 until 最佳。 3. cleans 主语是 woman ,故谓语动词要用第三人称单数。 4. truth 固定结构 to tell the truth 意为“老实说;说实话”。 5. had seen 全文的主体时态是一般过去时,此处指“见过好几次了”,故要用过去完成时。 6. her 固定结构 in one’s 50s ,意为“在某人五十多岁时”。 7. leaving leave 在此作非谓语,且与逻辑主语存在主动关系,故要用现在分词。 8. whether/if 引导宾语从句,表示“是否”。 9. significant 作表语要用形容词。 10. later 此处指“后来”,故要用 later 。 THANK YOU!

