四年级下英语 Unit 6 单元教案

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四年级下英语 Unit 6 单元教案

Unit6 Whose dress is this?‎ 一、 教材分析 本单元通过谈论化妆舞会的服装,呈现了物品的所属关系。教师可以结合学生的具体穿着进行教学与操练,也可以让学生们用身边的物品进行对话交流,在自然具体的情境下谈论物品的所属关系。‎ 二、 学情分析 ‎ 本单元生词的教学是在上学期的基础上进行教学的,重点句型为Whose…is this/ that? Whose …are these/those? It’s/ They’re my father’s/…。在教学重点句型方面,要区分whose 和who’s的用法和意义,在语音部分i在单词中的不同发音,对于学生的学习还是比较困难的。‎ 三、教学目标 ‎1.能听懂、会说、会读会写单词:dress,coat,shirt,sweater.‎ ‎2.能听懂、会说、会读:Whose…is this/ that? Whose …are these/those? It’s/ They’re my father’s/…‎ ‎3.能诵读歌谣《Whose cake is this?》‎ ‎4.能听懂、会说、能正确发音i 四、教学重点 能听懂、会说、会读:Whose…is this/ that? Whose …are these/those? It’s/ They’re my father’s/…‎ 五、教学难点 能诵读歌谣《Whose cake is this?》‎ 能听懂、会说、能正确发音i 六、教学准备 Ppt 录音机 七、教学安排 第一课时 Story time ‎ 第二课时 Cartoon time&fun time 第三课时 sound time 第四课时 rhyme time ,checkout time,ticking time 第五课时 practice ‎ ‎4B Unit6 Whose dress is this?(The first period)‎ 一、 教学内容 Story time 二、教学目标 ‎1.能听懂、会说、会读会写单词:dress,coat,shirt,sweater.‎ ‎2.能听懂、会说、会读:Whose…is this/ that? Whose …are these/those? It’s/ They’re my father’s/…‎ 三、教学重点:‎ 能听懂、会说、会读单词:dress,coat,shirt,sweater..‎ 四、教学难点 能听懂、会说、会读:Whose…is this/ that? Whose …are these/those? It’s/ They’re …’s/…‎ 五、 教学准备 自带衣物。‎ 六、教学过程:‎ Step1 Warm up T: What day is it today?‎ S: It’s ...‎ T: What’s the weather like today?‎ S: It’s sunny.‎ T: In such a fine day, What can you do?‎ S: I can fly the kites.  I can go to the park.‎ T: Yes , you can enjoy this fine day .‎ Look, how about Su Yang and Su Hai.What will they do ?‎ Step2 Presentation ‎1 T: They will go to the Fancy Dress Party.First, they should prepare for the party.They should wear different clothes.‎ ‎     Do you remember these clothes? What’s this?‎ ‎     S: It’s a jacket./a cap /a T-shirt/a skirt.‎ ‎     T: Yes,very good. Let’review this rhyme.‎ T&Ss say the rhyme together.‎ ‎2 (Learn other clothes)(师穿一条长裙,准备手套,问学生带一件外套)‎ T:These clothes are very nice.Look at Miss Wang’s clothes. Is this a skirt?‎ S: No , it isn’t.‎ T: What’s this ? It’s a dress.(教授dress) ‎ T: Look at my dress.‎ S: It’s beautiful.‎ T: Thank you.‎ ‎3 (指着同学的外套)‎ T: Look at his clothes.Is this a jacket?‎ S: No. It isn’t.‎ T: Yes, it’s not a jacket.Can you read this word?boat—coat S: Coat.‎ T: Well done.It’s a coat.How about this coat?‎ S: It’s nice.‎ ‎4 (教授trousers , gloves)‎ T: What’s she wearing?Is she wearing a dress?‎ S: No.(裤子)‎ T: It’s not a dress. They are trousers.‎ T: Are they trousers?(拿出准备的手套)‎ S: No,they aren’t.‎ T: They are gloves. (love-gloves)‎ ‎   Look at my gloves.‎ S: They are so nice.‎ ‎5 T: Let’s talk about our clothes.‎ T&S T: Look at my dress.‎ ‎    S1: It’s so beautiful.‎ ‎    T: Thank you.‎ ‎    T: Look at her skirt.‎ ‎    S2: It’s so nice.‎ Work in pairs.‎ ‎5        (T自带儿子的T-shirt)‎ ‎ T: Look at this T-shirt.‎ S: It’s too short.‎ T: Yes, It’s my son’s T-shirt.Is it nice?‎ S: Yes ,it’s nice.‎ T(指着一位同学的大手套)‎ T: Look at his gloves.‎ S: They are so big.‎ Work in pairs.‎ ‎6.T: Before class, I took some clothes of the students.‎ Let’s guess.‎ Whose ...is this? It’s ...’s.(Learn “whose”)两个对话 Whose...are they? They are...’s.(强调注意单复数的运用)‎ 板书设计 Unit 6 Whose dress is this?‎ Whose ...is this? It’s ...’s.‎ Whose...are they? They are...’s.‎ Unit6 Whose dress is this?‎ 一、 教学内容 Sound time 二、教学目标:‎ ‎1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型和日常用语 Whose … is this/that? Whose … are these/those?及其回答It’s/They’re my father’s/ … . I think so. What’s the matter?‎ ‎2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词dress,party,coat,shirt,sweater,hand ‎ ‎3.能听懂、会说、会读单词too,trousers,gloves,so,jeans,shorts,wrong,move,hurt ‎ ‎4.能诵读歌谣Whose cake is this? ‎ ‎5.学习字母i在单词中的读音/Ⅰ/,能听懂、会说、发音准确。‎ 三、教学重点 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型和日常用语 Whose … is this/that? Whose … are these/those?及其回答It’s/They’re my father’s/ … . I think so. What’s the matter?‎ 四、 教学难点 学习字母i在单词中的读音/Ⅰ/,能听懂、会说、发音准确。‎ 五、 教学准备 PPT 六、教学过程:‎ ‎ 一、Warm up ‎1. Greetings .‎ ‎2. Sing a song 《A sunny day》‎ ‎3. On duty .‎ ‎4. Free talk 师生之间利用前几个单元中的交际用语交谈。‎ 二、Review .‎ 利用实物复习上节课学过的单词及句型。‎ 三、Presentation and practice .‎ ‎1.利用实物学习单词 coat dress shirt sweater gloves jeans shorts trousers a.引导学生学习dress trousers ‎ 读第一第二幅图中句子。‎ 将单、复数单词分开朗读巩固,并向学生说明复数单词的形式及与动词be和代词连用时的一致关系。‎ b.跟读音练习读句子。‎ ‎2.创设真实情境,学习句型It’s too short. Your trousers are too long,Su Yang.‎ a.出示课文插图,引导学生学习句型.‎ try的含义。‎ b. 领读句型。‎ c.师指Su Yang的裤子,说They’re too long.‎ ‎,并带上夸张的语气,师生练说句型:Look at her trousers .They’re too long. .‎ ‎3. 教学句型They’re my father’s. It’s my cousin’s.‎ a.师拿一条短裙分别向其他学生提问Is this your skirt ?‎ 几位学生连续回答No,师用疑惑的神态与语气提问:Whose skirt is this?‎ 重复whose并加重语气,并出示句型卡片及意思,接着引导学生回答It’s ‎…’s.并说明’s的意思。‎ b.句型操练。师生、生生用学生学习用品和物品进行问答练习。‎ c. 教学句型Whose …are they ?并操练。‎ 师向学生说明:复数单词的形式,用法要与动词be保持一致关系。‎ 四、Consolidation .‎ ‎1.投影出示图4-图6,引导学生观图,进入课文情境。‎ ‎2. Listen to the tape .‎ ‎3. Listen and repeat .‎ ‎4. Read after the tape .‎ ‎5.角色表演(图1-图6)‎ 五、Have a rest .‎ Say a rhyme .‎ 板书设计 Unit6 Whose dress is this?‎ Whose ...are they?‎ They’re ....‎ Unit6 Whose dress is this?‎ 一、 教学内容 Rhyme time,sound time 二、教学目标:‎ ‎1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型和日常用语 Whose … is this/that? Whose … are these/those?及其回答It’s/They’re my father’s/ … . I think so. What’s the matter?‎ ‎2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词dress,party,coat,shirt,sweater,hand ‎ ‎3.能听懂、会说、会读单词too,trousers,gloves,so,jeans,shorts,wrong,move,hurt ‎ ‎4.能诵读歌谣Whose cake is this? ‎ ‎5.学习字母i在单词中的读音/Ⅰ/,能听懂、会说、发音准确。‎ 教学重难点:1.在听说读练中,学会句型Whose … is this/that? Whose … are these/those? It’s/They’re …’s.‎ 三、教学重点 在听说训练中,学会单词trousers,gloves, shorts 四、 教学难点 通过听说训练,能正确听读、辨认字母i在单词中的发音/Ⅰ/‎ 五、 教学准备 Ppt 六、教学过程:‎ 一、 学习Fun time.‎ 1. Guess and say.‎ ‎2.出示图片。师生练习:Whose sweater is this?Guess!‎ Is it Dan’s? No,You’re wrong./yes.You’re right.‎ ‎3.用其他图片操练。‎ ‎ Coat dress gloves trousers.‎ 重点操练复数、单数的区别。‎ 二、学习字母i在单词中的读音/Ⅰ/‎ ‎ 1.读一读。‎ ‎ Before eating fish,Let’s listen to some English.‎ English fish him music pig ‎ 1. 说说与上一单元中字母I的读音有什么区别。‎ 2. 同桌练习一起读。‎ 三、Rhyme time.‎ ‎ Whose cake is this?‎ ‎1.出示挂图、学生观图,激发兴趣。‎ ‎2.看图听录音,理解歌谣的内容。‎ ‎3. Listen and repeat .‎ ‎4. Read after the tape .‎ 板书设计 Unit6 Whose dress is this?‎ Whose ...is this/that?‎ It’s ...’s.‎ Whose ...are these/those?‎ They’re...’s.‎ Unit6 Whose dress is this?(The fourth period)‎ 一、 教学内容 Cartoon time 二、教学目标:‎ ‎1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型和日常用语 Whose … is this/that? Whose … are these/those?及其回答It’s/They’re my father’s/ … . I think so. What’s the matter?‎ ‎2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词dress,party,coat,shirt,sweater,hand ‎ ‎3.能听懂、会说、会读单词too,trousers,gloves,so,jeans,shorts,wrong,move,hurt ‎ ‎4.能诵读歌谣Whose cake is this? ‎ ‎5.学习字母i在单词中的读音/Ⅰ/,能听懂、会说、发音准确。‎ 三、教学重点 在听说读练中,学会句型Whose … is this/that? Whose … are these/those? It’s/They’re …’s.‎ ‎2.在听说训练中,学会单词trousers,gloves, shorts 四、教学难点 通过听说训练,能正确听读、辨认字母i在单词中的发音/Ⅰ/‎ 五、 教学准备 挂图、录音机 六、 教学过程:‎ 一、 Cartoon time 1. 教学It can move.What’s the matter? Hurts 用 run等动词替换练习 It can move ‎ It can run It can ……‎ ‎2. What’s the matter? ‎ 了解意思 同桌一问一答。‎ ‎3.hurts 疼痛 ‎4.请两位同学练习表扬。‎ 二、Checkout time.‎ Read and write S1: Whose (外套)is this?‎ It’s (李老师的).‎ S2: Whose (裙子)is this?‎ It’s (杨玲的).‎ S3: Whose (毛衣)are these?‎ They’re (刘涛的).‎ S4: Whose (衬衫)are these?‎ They’re (麦克的).‎ S5: Whose (裤子)are these?‎ They’re (苏洋的).‎ 学生先完成填空,再男女生操练。‎ 师生练习 同桌练习。‎ 三、 布置作业。‎ 板书设计 Unit6 Whose dress is this?‎ Whose (裙子)is this?‎ It’s (杨玲的).‎ ‎ Whose (毛衣)are these?‎ They’re (刘涛的).‎ ‎ Whose (衬衫)are these?‎ They’re (麦克的).‎ ‎ Whose (裤子)are these?‎ They’re (苏洋的)‎ 英语(四年级下册)‎ Unit 6 Whose dress is this? ‎ Story time Teaching contents 教学内容 Story time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标 ‎1. 学生能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词dress, gloves, trousers, 能听懂、会说、会读单词so, too, cousin。‎ ‎2. 学生能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型Look at …、Try this/these.、Whose … is this/are these?、It’s /They’re…’s.,并能正确运用到实际中进行描述。‎ ‎3. 学生能初步掌握服饰类单词中复数单词的形式和用法,以及与动词be 和代词连用时的一致关系。‎ ‎4. 学生能初步掌握所有格’s的用法。‎ Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点 教学重点:‎ 学生能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词dress, gloves, trousers, 能听懂、会说、会读单词so, too, cousin。‎ 教学难点:‎ 学生能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型Look at …、Try this/these.、Whose … is this/are these?、It’s /They’re…’s.,并能正确运用到实际中进行描述。‎ Teaching procedures 教学过程 Step 1 Greeting, Free talk & Revision ‎ ‎1. Greeting & Free talk ‎ T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you today?‎ S: I’m fine, thank you. And you?‎ T: I’m fine, too. Today, let’s come to Unit 6 Whose dress is this? (Read together.)‎ Let’s try our best to get more stars. OK. Here we go!‎ Look! Who’s she? She is Miss Cui. Who’s he? He is my friend Tom.‎ We are very happy, because we get an invitation from Su Hai and Su Yang. We will go to the party—Fancy Dress Party.‎ ‎2. Revision T: So we should dress up for the party. We need different clothes.‎ ‎ Now, let’s say a rhyme Nice clothes. ‎ ‎(PPT播放三上Nice clothes视频,学生拍手朗读,复习旧知。)‎ ‎【设计意图:本课时为第六单元第一课时,一开始先用一小段时间与学生进行问候与聊天,创设一个情境,介绍自己和朋友受邀参加化妆舞会,引出本课时话题“准备并参加化妆舞会”。同时,以聊天的方式开始本单元第一课时的学习,让学生放轻松,缓解面对新知识的紧张感。利用三年级上学期学过的一首小诗Nice clothes来复习一些服饰单词,复习旧知,引入新知。让学生在已掌握的知识中开始新知识的学习,以增强学生学习的自信。】‎ Step 2 Presentation ‎1. Know the clothes T: What clothes can you see in the cartoon?‎ S: A jacket./AT-shirt/a skirt/a cap …‎ T: Look, this is my closet. Wow! So many beautiful clothes.‎ T: This is a skirt. (指着长裙) Is this a skirt?‎ S: No, it isn’t.‎ T: It’s a dress. (点击出现单词dress)‎ T: This is a T-shirt. Is this a T-shirt?‎ S: No, it’s a shirt. ‎ T: What are these? (指着socks)‎ S: They’re socks. (点击出现单词学习复数类单词)‎ T: Yes. ‎ ‎(在服饰类中有些单词通常是以复数出现的,及时巩固复数单词gloves、trousers)‎ ‎2. Describe the clothes T: Now boys and girls, look! Here comes my new dress for the Fancy Dress Party. Please come and help Miss Cui. I’m wearing the dress. Look at the dress.‎ S: Oh, it’s too small.‎ T: Try this.‎ S: All right.‎ T: Look at the dress now.‎ S: It’s so beautiful.‎ T: Thank you.‎ ‎ (Read together: too, so.)‎ T: Now, boys and girls, please help my son. Look at Dudu’s shirt.‎ S: Oh, it’s too small.‎ T: Try this.‎ S: All right.‎ T: Look at his trousers. They are too long. Learn “try these”.‎ ‎ (Tips: 当coat、dress、shirt等服饰类单词以单数形式出现时,我们用Try this.;当gloves trousers等成双成对的物体出现时,我们用Try these.)‎ ‎【设计意图:这两个环节既是对我们初创情境的一个陈述,也是对学生进行下一步故事理解的铺垫,了解服饰名词的复数形式以及如何使用too、so两个单词对服饰进行评价。】‎ ‎3. Story time AT HOME T: Look at our clothes. We are ready for the party.‎ ‎ How about Su Hai and Su Yang? Where are they now?‎ ‎ They are at home. They are preparing for the party, too.‎ A. Watch & tick T: Let’s watch the cartoon and tick. What clothes are they talking about?‎ S: …‎ T: This is Su Hai. This is her dress. So we can say … ‎ S: This is Su Hai’s dress. These are Su Yang’s trousers.‎ T: Whose dress is this?‎ S: It’s Su Hai’s.‎ T: Whose trousers are these?‎ S: They are Su Yang’s.‎ B. Say the chant Say a chant. (配合节奏,师示范一遍,生读两遍,可加拍手方式)‎ C. Read & choose T: Read and choose. (P1-P3)‎ Su Yang’s dress is B too short.‎ ‎ Su Hai’s trousers are A too long. (师出示题面,点击PPT核对答案。)‎ D. Read & imitate Learn to say P1—P3 (注意语音语调)‎ T: Time for us to read this part, and let’s try to read and imitate.‎ AT THE PARTY T: They are ready for the party. Now, they’re at the party.‎ A. Watch & fill T: At the party, boys and girls watch and complete.‎ A: Whose gloves are they?‎ B: They are Su Hai’s father’s.‎ A: How about these gloves?‎ B: They are so big.‎ A: Whose dress is this?‎ B: It’s Helen’s cousin’s. (教授cousin 堂妹 表妹)‎ A: How about this dress?‎ B: It’s so beautiful.‎ T: You’re right. Good job.‎ Let’s see the result: (试着用下面的句子总结表格内容)‎ ‎ These … are …’s. They’re too/so…‎ ‎ This dress is …’s. It’s too/so….‎ B. Read & imitate T: Now let’s learn to say P4-P6. (注意语音语调)‎ a. Read after the computer. (注意点一句,读一句)‎ b. Let’s dub. (播放动画,静音)‎ c. Let’s read in roles.‎ ‎【设计意图:在文本阅读的过程中,我们根据场景的不同自然划分为两块:在家准备化妆舞会和在化妆舞会现场,脉络清晰。将学生引入情境,共同准备、参加舞会,通过Watch and tick和Read and choose两个环节掌握故事细节,用Read and imitate 环节进行朗读巩固前半部分的故事,后半部分稍稍调整形式,采用Read and fill形式让学生自主阅读,自主梳理故事脉络、寻找故事细节,最后,朗读巩固,通过跟读、模仿等形式,适当训练学生的语音语调、朗读水平。】‎ Step 3 Consolidation ‎1. Summary ‎ ‎(1) 你想知道这条裙子是谁的,可以问:Whose dress is this? ‎ ‎(2) 回答这条裙子是海伦的可以说:It’s Helen’s. ‎ ‎(3) 你想知道这条裤子是谁的,可以问:Whose trousers are these? ‎ ‎(4) 回答这条裤子是迈克的,可以说:They’re Mike’s. ‎ ‎(5) 形容手套太大了, 可以说:The gloves are too/so big.‎ ‎(6) 试穿这件/这双,可以说:Try this/these.‎ ‎2. Let’s design the clothes for the party. ‎ ‎(四人一组,请为其他小伙伴们设计参加“化妆舞会”的服装,小组内合作完成,记得用上今天所学的句子哦!)‎ ‎ Look at the … ‎ ‎ It’s/They’re (too/so) … ‎ ‎ Try this/these.‎ ‎ It’s/They’re (too/so) …‎ ‎ Whose … is/are …‎ ‎ It’s/they’re …’s ‎【设计意图:巩固环节中,我们首先对本课时的语言点进行简单的问答梳理。作为本课时重要的语言输出环节,教师结合并延续本课时的情景,在准备、参加化妆舞会的情境中巩固本课时所学语言点。】‎ Homework 家庭作业 ‎1. Listen and read after the tape 5 times.‎ ‎2. Try to use the sentences we’ve learnt to talk about your friends’ clothes.‎ Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)‎ 教学准备:人物卡片、头饰、多媒体课件 板书设计: Unit 6 Whose dress is this? ‎ Look at the …‎ It’s /They’re too /so …‎ Whose … is this/are these?‎ It’s /They’re …’s ‎ Try this /these.‎ 说课 一、整体情景创设 本课时以孩子们为化妆舞会进行准备,并参加化妆舞会为情景,这样的整体情景创设与本课时的知识点相符。‎ 二、教学流程与设计意图 下面,简要回顾一下实际教学环节中的活动设计。‎ 本课时为第六单元第一课时,一开始先用一小段时间与学生进行问候与聊天,创设一个情境,介绍自己和朋友受邀参加化妆舞会,引出本课时话题“准备并参加化妆舞会”。与此同时,以聊天的方式开始本单元第一课时的学习,让学生放轻松,缓解面对新知识的紧张感。利用三年级上学期学过的一首小诗Nice clothes来复习一些服饰单词,复习旧知,引入新知。让学生在已掌握的知识中开始新知识的学习,以增强学生学习的自信。‎ 随后的Know the clothes和Describe the clothes环节既是对我们初创情境的一个陈述,也是对学生进行下一步故事理解的铺垫,了解服饰名词的复数形式以及如何使用too 和so两个单词对服饰进行评价。‎ 在文本阅读的过程中,我们根据场景的不同自然划分为两块:在家准备化妆舞会和在化妆舞会现场,脉络清晰。将学生引入情境,共同准备、参加舞会,通过Watch and tick,Read and choose两个环节掌握故事细节,用Read and ‎ imitate环节进行朗读,巩固前半部分的故事,后半部分稍稍调整形式,采用Read and fill形式让学生自主阅读,自主梳理故事脉络、寻找故事细节,最后,朗读巩固,通过跟读、模仿等形式,适当训练学生的语音语调、朗读水平。‎ 巩固环节中,我们首先对本课时的语言点进行简单的问答梳理。作为本课时重要的语言输出环节,教师结合并延续本课时的情景,在准备、参加化妆舞会的情境中巩固本课时所学语言点。 ‎ 最后,跟大家分享一下本节课中的几个“关注”:‎ ‎1. 关注学生在文本阅读过程中的语言使用。‎ ‎2. 关注学生在文本理解中的过程性体验。‎ ‎3. 关注学生思维的延展和思维的开阔,即将课堂语言点在生活中加以运用。‎ 英语(四年级下册)‎ Unit 6 Whose dress is this? ‎ Fun time & Checkout time Teaching contents 教学内容 Fun time & Checkout time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标 ‎1. 学生能理解句型Whose … is this/that? Whose … are these/those? It’s/They’re …’s. 的含义,能正确运用到实际中进行描述。‎ ‎2. 学生能够在第一课时的基础上,通过游戏比较熟练地说出服饰名称。‎ ‎3. 学生能够通过游戏进一步正确运用名称所有格 …’s表述物品的所属关系,并能与其他缩写形式进行区分。 ‎ Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点 教学重点:1. 学生能理解句型Whose …is this/that? Whose … are these/those? It’s/They’re …’s.的含义,能正确运用到实际中进行描述。‎ ‎2. 学生能够通过游戏进一步正确运用名称所有格 ‎ ‎…’s表述物品的所属关系,并能与其他缩写形式进行区分。 ‎ 教学难点:学生能理解句型Whose … is this/that? Whose … are these/those? It’s/They’re …’s. 的含义,能正确运用到实际中进行描述。‎ Teaching procedures 教学过程 Step 1 Greeting &Revision Free talk ‎1. Greeting ‎ T: Hello, boys and girls. We had a happy Fancy Dress Party last time, and we had a good time. Today, let’s go on be happy. First, let’s sing a happy song.‎ My dress is too short.‎ Try this.‎ My trousers are too long.‎ Try these.‎ Let’s go to the party.‎ Let’s go to the party.‎ Let’s go to the party together.‎ Whose gloves are these, Su Yang?‎ My father’s.‎ Whose dress is this, Helen?‎ My cousin’s.‎ Beautiful, it’s so beautiful.‎ Thank you. Thank you very much.‎ ‎(老师点击PPT,使用If you are happy的旋律来演唱。)‎ ‎2. Revision T: After singing the happy song, we can find it’s from … ‎ S: Story time.‎ T: Yes, you are so good. It’s from story time. Let’s try to dub and review the story together. (PPT呈现Story time动画,部分对话留白,请学生配音,回顾课文)‎ ‎【设计意图:本课时为第二课时,一 开始先用一小段时间复习第一课时的课文内容。PPT给图,留白,给学生一些提示,减轻学生的负担。为了引出接下来的sound time,教师设计一系列的问题,答案与本课时需要讲授的音素相符,同时也进一步拉近师生关系。】‎ Step 2 Presentation ‎1. Let’s learn T: Here are some new words for you. Look! (呈现coat图,教师带读,学生轮流读,注意元音部分)‎ T: Whose coat is this? (点击出现Yang Ling 头像,提示:Yang Ling’s) It’s Yang Ling’s.‎ T: (点击出现sweater图,教师带读,学生轮流读,注意元音部分) Whose sweater is this? (点击出现Liu Tao 头像,提示:Liu Tao’s) It’s Liu Tao’s.‎ ‎(同法教授shirt。)‎ ‎2. Magic eyes T: If you see a picture/a word/a sentence, read loudly. If you see a , say “Ouch!”. ‎ ‎(点击出现服饰单词、形容词、疑问句等,让学生快速反应。) ‎ ‎3. Brainstorm T: Good job! Do you know more words about the clothes? Let’s have a brainstorm. Here are the rules.‎ ‎(1) Say the words one by one in your group.‎ 四人小组内单词接龙,依次说出衣服类单词,不许重复。 ‎ ‎(2) If you fail to say the word out in five seconds, you will be kicked out of the game.‎ ‎5秒钟内无法说出正确的单词,将惨遭淘汰。‎ ‎(3) When the music stops, the game is over.‎ ‎ 音乐停,游戏结束。‎ ‎4. Guessing game (Fun time)‎ T: So good. You know so many words about clothes. Look! Here comes a sweater.‎ ‎ Whose sweater is this? (点击出现问句Whose sweater is this? 和两个男孩头像,同时播放录音)‎ S: It’s Joe’s. (头像放大,核实答案)‎ ‎(以此为例,四人小组展开活动)‎ T: All right. It’s our time to play the guessing game in group of 4. Here are the rules:‎ ‎ (1) 一人从包裹中挑选一件衣服后,进行提问;‎ ‎ (2) 每轮提问,组内成员每人有1次猜测机会;‎ ‎ (3) 试试看谁先猜出衣服的主人.‎ ‎(组长将课前收集好的衣服包拿出来,四人小组开始猜测,教师全班巡视,提醒学生用英语询问作答。) ‎ ‎【设计意图:在第一课时中,我们让学生大致领略了本单元学习的主要话题,详细学习了故事内容,第二课时的任务之一就是要让学生熟习本单元的句型和单词。因此,在这一环节中,我们安排了Let’s learn,Magic eyes,Brainstorn和Guessing game这四个小游戏让学生进行学习、巩固。Let’s learn让学生接触四会词,掌握意思和读音,Magic eyes游戏将三会、四会词糅合到一起,加上第一课时中遇到的句子,快速闪现,让学生趁热打铁,迅速做出反应。Brainstorn将课内知识延伸至课外,拓展一些服饰类词语,学生之间互通有无,进一步激发学生在课外进行英语知识拓展的热情。Guessing game实际上就是本课时的一个重要教学内容Fun time,我们在词汇学习、拓展的基础上进行服饰猜测小游戏,水到渠成,又完成了Fun time的教学任务。】‎ Step 3 Consolidation-Matching game (Checkout time)‎ T: You did a really good job today, and I’d like to check your words now.‎ ‎(PPT给出图片和打乱的字母提示,帮助学生快速拼出单词)‎ T: OK, whose clothes are they? Let’s look at the picture, match and say.‎ ‎(PPT给出已连好线的图,并给出参考问答句:‎ A: Whose … is this/are these?‎ B: It’s/They’re …’s. 提醒注意单复数。)‎ T: Don’t worry! I’ll give you an example. Look! (将图片简化,只有Liu Tao ‎ 和sweater的连线) Who can have a try? (请一组学生示范)‎ S1: Whose sweaters are these?‎ S2: They’re Liu Tao’s.‎ T: Great! Five minutes for you to prepare. Go!‎ ‎(五分钟后请学生起立汇报)‎ T: OK, time for you to write it down. Pay attention to the tips:‎ ‎1. 注意标点符号。‎ ‎2. 注意名词单复数。‎ ‎3. 注意“s”的用法。‎ ‎(请学生将答案填到书上)‎ T: Now, let’s read and check the answer.‎ ‎【设计意图:本环节我们进行Checkout time部分的教学,以Matching game的形式出现,不突兀的解决问题。在本环节中,我们由打乱的字母请学生猜出单词,结合句型和图片提示进一步猜出服饰的主人,先说后写,扎扎实实的完成巩固的工作。】‎ Step 4 Task-Let’s help 晚会结束后,有很多客人忘记带走的东西,请你帮忙找一找。‎ T: After the Fancy Dress Party, some guests left their clothes. Let’s give some help. You can use the sentences like these: ‎ Look …‎ It’s/They’re …‎ Whose … is/are …?‎ Is/Are …’s?‎ Yes …/No …‎ You can have six minutes to prepare. Be a good helper!‎ ‎(教师全班巡视,给予帮助,6分钟后请学生上台汇报。)‎ ‎【设计意图:作为本课时重要的语言输出环节,本环节在第一课时进行Fancy Dress ‎ Party的基础上进行了一点点小小的剧情延续——Party过后帮遗落的物品寻找主人。学生运用上一课时和本课时中学习的单词和句型,结合自己的知识储备,设计出合理的情境和合适的语句,有效的帮助遗落的物品寻找主人,真正做到使用英语做事情。】‎ Homework 家庭作业 ‎1. Read the words.‎ ‎2. Read Checkout time.‎ ‎3. Find the owners.‎ ‎ Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)‎ 教学准备:人物卡片、头饰、服饰包、多媒体课件。‎ 板书设计:‎ Unit 6 Whose dress is this?‎ A: Whose … is this/are these? coat ‎ sweater B: It’s/They’re…’s. shirt ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 说课 一、整体情景创设 本课时延续第一课时的情景创设,回顾上一次美好的Party经历,在此情景中为遗落的物品寻找主人。这样的整体情景创设与本课时的知识点相符。‎ 二、教学流程与设计意图 下面,简要回顾一下实际教学环节中的活动设计:‎ 本课时为第二课时,有着承上启下的任务。一开始先用一小段时间复习第一课时的课文内容。PPT给图,留白,给学生一些提示,减轻学生的负担。为了引出接下来的sound time,教师设计一系列的问题,答案与本课时需要讲授的音素相符,同时也进一步拉近师生关系。‎ 在第一课时中,我们让学生大致领略了本单元 学习的主要话题,详细学习了故事内容,第二课时的任务之一就是要让学生熟习本单元的句型和单词。因此,在这一环节中,我们安排了Let’s learn,Magic eyes,Brainstorn和Guessing game这四个小游戏让学生进行学习、巩固。Let’s learn让学生接触四会词,掌握意思和读音,Magic eyes游戏将三会、四会词糅合到一起,加上第一课时中遇到的句子,快速闪现,让学生趁热打铁,迅速做出反应。Brainstorn将课内知识延伸至课外,拓展一些服饰类词语,学生之间互通有无,进一步激发学生在课外进行英语知识拓展的热情。Guessing game实际上就是本课时的一个重要教学内容Fun time,我们在词汇学习、拓展的基础上进行服饰猜测小游戏,水到渠成,又完成了Fun time的教学任务。‎ 接着,进行Checkout time部分的教学,以Matching game的形式出现,不突兀的解决问题。在本环节中,我们由打乱的字母请学生猜出单词,结合句型和图片提示进一步猜出服饰的主人,先说后写,扎扎实实的完成巩固的工作。‎ 作为本课时重要的语言输出环节,本环节在第一课时进行Fancy Dress Party的基础上进行了一点点小小的剧情延续——Party过后帮遗落的物品寻找主人。学生运用上一课时和本课时中学习的单词和句型,结合自己的知识储备,设计出合理的情境和合适的语句,有效的帮助遗落的物品寻找主人,真正做到使用英语做事情。‎ 最后,跟大家分享一下本节课中的几个“关注”:‎ ‎1. 关注学生的语言使用。‎ ‎2. 关注学生的过程性体验。‎ ‎3. 关注学生思维的延展和思维的开阔。‎ 英语(四年级下册)‎ Unit 6 Whose dress is this? ‎ Cartoon time Teaching contents 教学内容 Cartoon time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标 ‎1. 在前两课时学习的基础上,学生能够理解句型:Whose …is this /that? Whose … are these/those? It’s/ They’re …’s. 的含义,并能正确运用到实际中进行描述。‎ ‎2. 学生能够看懂Cartoon time的小故事,会心一笑。‎ ‎3. 学生能够在与人交流中表达自己的需求,大胆使用英语进行沟通。‎ Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点 教学重点:1. 在前两课时学习的基础上,学生能够理解句型Whose … is this/that? Whose … are these/those? It’s/ They’re …’s. 的含义,并能正确运用到实际中进行描述。‎ ‎2. 学生能够看懂Cartoon time的小故事,会心一笑。‎ 教学难点:学生能够在与人交流中表达自己的需求,大胆使用英语进行沟通。‎ Teaching procedures 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up &revision ‎1. One-minute-non–stop Talking T: Hello, boys and girls. Today, let’s go on learning Unit 6 Whose dress is this? These days, we are talking about the clothes. First, let’s play a game to warm up. It’s our old friend “One-minute-non–stop Talking”. Please talk about your classmates’ clothes, one by one, in one minute, at least one sentence.‎ S: OK! (Play the game)‎ Look at my/your/his/her/ … It’s/They are … My/his/her … is/are … ‎ ‎2. Let’s find T: Everyone, please look at the table of letters. There are 8 lines, there is a word we have learnt these days each line, and all the words are about the clothes. Please watch carefully, and try to find them as soon as possible. Ready? Go!‎ ‎(KEY: shirt sweater coat shorts jeans gloves dress trousers)‎ ‎3. Let’s say T: Well done! You know the words of clothes very well, and I’d like you to pay attention to the singular and the plural form. Now, a new game for you! If you ‎ find the clothes, please stand up and say “dress, dress, try this (单数) …”, or “trousers, trousers, try these (复数) ...”‎ ‎【设计意图:本课时为第三课时,主要讲授cartoon time部分,课的一开始用活动激发学生的兴趣,激活近几课时所学知识。我们在这里安排了三个环节, One-minute-non–stop Talking,Let’s find和Let’s say,其中One-minute-non–stop Talkin一分钟小嘴说不停是个传统项目,从三年级的时候我们就开始训练学生在这个环节中用流利的英语限时轮流表达,快速激活思维。第二课时我们针对词汇进行了强化,这里Let’s find环节将近期学习的服饰类词汇揉进一些错排的字母中,刺激学生快速反应。接着我们用Let’s say环节让学生区分服饰类单词的单复数。通过这三个环节迅速打开学生的思维,让学生快速进入课堂学习状态,同时,竞技类型的活动也让课堂气氛迅速升温,便于下一部分的教学。】‎ Step 2 Presentation ‎1. Watch and choose T: Boys and girls, you are so smart! Look at the screen! What’s this? Whose T-shirt is this? Guess.‎ Yes, you are right! It’s Bobby’s T-shirt! Look at Bobby. Is he happy? No, he isn’t. He is very confused. Why? What’s this? Look! It can move.‎ Now, let’s watch cartoon. Try to find out the answer.‎ A. It’s a ball. (图) B. It’s a hedgehog. (图) (播放视频)‎ A or B? Great! It’s a hedgehog.‎ ‎2. Listen and answer T: Look! What’s the matter? (教师说2遍) This time, try to listen and find out.‎ ‎(播放音频) Who can be Bobby?‎ S: My hand hurts. ‎ T: You know this story very well. Now, let’s read the story together.‎ ‎3. Learn to say T: (跟读录音) Picture One, which one wants to try? (指导语气)‎ S: ….‎ ‎4. Let’s read T: Boys and girls, this time open your books. Let’s read in roles.‎ T: Would you like to show us? (请一组学生分角色朗读)‎ ‎5. Let’s dub ‎ T: You can read it so well. Would you like to dub? (全班分角色给动画配音)‎ ‎6. Let’s show T: Now, it’s your show time. Work in group of 3, and you can work in 3 ways.‎ If you read the story together, you can get 1 star.‎ If you read the story in roles, you can get 2 stars.‎ If you act the story together, you can get 3 stars.‎ Here are some tips for you. Please speak loudly with cute expressions.‎ Practice with your partner! OK?‎ ‎(学生准备3分钟,视情况请2-3组上台表演。)‎ ‎【设计意图:Cartoon time是本课时学习的重点,虽然只是一个幽默小故事,对学生的学习要求只是能听懂,会心一笑即可,我们在教学过程中还是分层次慢慢展开故事内容,并对细节加以反馈,加深学生对故事的理解。我们先通过图片猜测,激发学生了解故事的兴趣,进一步Watch and choose,Listen and answer,然后在录音以及教师的辅助下,进行有效的朗读和练习;此为铺垫,让学生可以更好地演绎整个故事。在表演的过程中,我们同样重视分层教学,针对不同水平的学生提出不同的要求,小组齐读、小组分角色朗读和小组分角色表演,不同层级可以获得不同的奖励,以此激励学生在现有水平的基础上再试着跳一跳。】‎ Step 3 Consolidation ‎ Our stage T: So much for that. You know Bobby would like to make friends with the little hedgehog. One day, he invites the little hedgehog to his home. He shows his cloakroom to this new friend. ‎ Look, there are so many clothes here. What are these?‎ Are they cool? So you can say “How cool!”/They are so cool.‎ Whose shoes are they?‎ They are Bobby’s.‎ Now, use your imagination and guess what they may say? Try to act it out.‎ These sentences may help you.‎ Come in, please. /Look at my cloakroom.‎ What’s this? /What are these?‎ It’s/They are …‎ So cool/nice/big …!‎ Whose … is this/are these? ‎ It’s …’s./They’re …’s.‎ ‎【设计意图:最后的拓展环节是对本课时Cartoon time的一个形式以及难度的延伸和拓展,给学生一个综合语言运用能力展示的平台。学生可以在小刺猬参观Bobby家的情境中,运用自身所学语言知识和礼仪知识自由发挥。】‎ Homework 家庭作业 ‎1. Review the words about the clothes.‎ ‎2. Read after the tape for ten minutes after class.‎ Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)‎ 教学准备:人物卡片、头饰、服饰图片、多媒体课件。‎ 板书设计: ‎ Unit 6 Whose clothes is this?‎ Look at my/your/his/her/ … ‎ It’s/They are …‎ My/his/her … is/are … ‎ 说课 一、整体情景创设 本单元以参加化妆舞会、询问物品主人等为主要内容,本课时以Bobby和hedgehog为线索人物,延续类似情景。‎ 二、教学流程与设计意图 下面,简要回顾一下实际教学环节中的活动设计:‎ 本课时为第三课时,主要讲授cartoon time部分,课的一开始用活动激发学生的兴趣,激活近几课时所学知识。我们在这里安排了三个环节, One-minute-non–stop Talking,Let’s find和Let’s say,其中One-minute-non–stop Talkin一分钟小嘴说不停是个传统项目,从三年级的时候我们就开始训练学生在这个环节中用流利的英语限时轮流表达,快速激活思维。第二课时我们针对词汇进行了强化,这里Let’s find环节将近期学习的服饰类词汇揉进一些错排的字母中,刺激学生快速反应。接着我们用Let’s say环节让学生区分服饰类单词的单复数。通过这三个环节迅速打开学生的思维,让学生快速进入课堂学习状态,同时,竞技类型的活动也让课堂气氛迅速升温,便于下一部分的教学。‎ Cartoon time是本课时学习的重点,虽然只是一个幽默小故事,对学生的学习要求只是能听懂,会心一笑即可,我们在教学过程中还是分层次慢慢展开故事内容,并对细节加以反馈,加深学生对故事的理解。我们先通过图片猜测,激发学生了解故事的兴趣,进一步Watch and choose,Listen and answer,然后在录音以及教师的辅助下,进行有效的朗读和练习;此为铺垫,让学生可以更好地演绎整个故事。在表演的过程中,我们同样重视分层教学,针对不同水平的学生提出不同的要求,小组齐读、小组分角色朗读和小组分角色表演,不同层级可以获得不同的奖励,以此激励学生在现有水平的基础上再试着跳一跳。‎ 最后的拓展环节是对本课时Cartoon time的一个形式以及难度的延伸和拓展,给学生一个综合语言运用能力展示的平台。学生可以在小刺猬参观Bobby家的情境中,运用自身所学语言知识和礼仪知识自由发挥。‎ 最后,跟大家分享一下本节课中的几个“关注”:‎ ‎1. 关注学生在日常生活中的语言使用。‎ ‎2. 关注学生在过程性体验中产生的种种语用问题并及时修正。‎ ‎3. 关注学生思维的延展和思维的开阔。‎ ‎4. 关注学生思维和语言能力的层级性发展。‎ 英语(四年级下册)‎ Unit 6 Whose dress is this? ‎ Sound time, Rhyme time & Ticking time Teaching contents 教学内容 Sound time, Rhyme time & Ticking time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标 ‎1. 学生能够说出并灵活运用本单元所学的服饰类单词。‎ ‎2. 学生能够灵活运用句型Whose … is this/that?、Whose … are these/those?、It’s/They’re …’s。‎ ‎3. 学生能够正确掌握字母i在单词中的读音,并能依据发音规律自学简单词汇。‎ ‎4. 学生能够按照韵律朗读小诗。‎ ‎5. 学生能够综合运用本单元所学知识谈论物主、评价物品并提出建议。‎ Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点 教学重点:‎ ‎1. 学生能够灵活运用句型Whose … is this/that?、Whose … are these/those?、It’s/They’re …’s。‎ ‎2. 学生能够正确掌握字母i在单词中的读音,并能依据发音规律自学简单词汇。‎ 教学难点:‎ 学生能够灵活运用句型Whose … is this/that?、Whose … are these/those?、It’s/They’re …’s。‎ Teaching procedures 教学过程 Step 1 Greeting & Revision ‎ ‎1. Goals for the lesson T: Good morning, boys and girls. Today, we’ll go on learning Unit 6 Whose dress is this? In this lesson, let’s try our best to: ‎ say and write the names of some clothes.‎ use “whose” to ask questions.‎ know the sound of the letter “i”.‎ So, are you ready for our class?‎ S: Yes!‎ ‎2. Sing a song: The clothes shop T: Last time, we came to Bobby’s house and find his great closet. Now let’s come to the clothes shop and find more beautiful clothes. Ready? Go!‎ ‎(播放音乐,拍手演唱歌曲The clothes shop)‎ ‎3. Clean and say T: There are many clothes in the song. The children had a party. There are so many clothes. But after the party, the clothes are in a mess. Let’s clean them. I’d like some students come to the blackboard to write the words down.‎ S: It’s a … It’s so beautiful./It’s … ‎ They’re … They’re nice./How nice!‎ ‎(根据PPT提示,学生们说出服饰名称,同时分别由几名学生将单词写到黑板上)‎ ‎【Ticking time】‎ I can say the names of some clothes.‎ 我能说出一些衣服类单词,得一星。‎ I can write the names of some clothes. ‎ 我能写出一些衣服类单词,得两星。‎ ‎【设计意图:通过前三课时的学习,学生已经对本单元的主题、核心词汇以及句型有了一定的认识。本课时通过一系列的活动来复习、巩固本单元知识。课一开始,我们就明确课时学习任务,让学生带着任务进行学习。接着,一首歌曲The clothes shop复习服饰类单词,激活学生思维,活跃课堂气氛,让学生放轻松,开开心心进入本课时的学习。接下来,Clean and ‎ say环节让学生一边整理乱放的衣物一边说出名称一边写出来,多维检查学生对衣物词汇的掌握。在本课时当中,有一个环节在每一部分都有涉及,就是Ticking time。我们在每一部分结束之后都适时的进行一个小小的效果检查,不断刺激学生以积极的态度参与课堂活动,并在一节课结束之后做一个总的回顾。】‎ Step 2 Presentation Sound time ‎1. Show the words T: There is a fish and a cake here. Whose are they? Look! Whose fish is this? Let’s ask: Oh, fish! Oh, fish! Whose fish is this? It’s Chris’.‎ ‎(Teach: fish, is this, Chris: [ i ])‎ ‎(学生跟卡通朗读,教师指导、检查)‎ ‎2. Try to read T: Just now, we have known the sound [ i ]. Look! Here are so many words with the letter “i”, but not everyone is pronounced as the sound [ i ]. Can you read?‎ ‎(学生利用刚刚学到的语音知识和已有的单词储备进行推测、朗读)‎ ‎3. Try to distinguish the words T: Here are two tables. Please put the words into different table according to the sound of the letter “i”.‎ 分类结果:‎ fish: English, listen, him, pig like: fine, kite, time, Mike T: So how can you distinguish the words?‎ S: The “i” in fish is pronounced as the sound [ i ], but the “I” in like is pronounced as the sound [ ai ].‎ T: That’s right! Good job!‎ ‎4. Make the sentences with the words: English, fish, listen.‎ T: Now, I’ll give you 3 words with the letter “i”. Can you make a sentence?‎ I can give you a pattern.‎ Before eating ________. ‎ Let’s ________ to some ________‎ T: Can you make some new sentences all by yourself?‎ ‎(先给予一定的引导,再激发学生自我创作)‎ ‎ 5. More words T: Nice try! Can you tell me more words with the letter “i” and are pronounced as the sound [ i ]? Try your best!‎ ‎【Ticking time】‎ I know the sound of letter “i”.‎ 我知道字母i在单词中的发音,得一星。‎ I can read the words with the sound of letter “i”.‎ 我可以读出含有i发音的单词,得两星。‎ I can read the new words with the sound of letter “i”.‎ 我能读出含有i发音的新单词,得三星。‎ ‎【设计意图:本次sound time主要希望学生可以掌握字母i发[ i ]的情况,由于在平时的词汇教学中我们非常重视元音的发音,对于字母i发[a i ]的情况也都比较熟悉。在本环节中,我们设计一个小游戏,将单词按照字母i的发音放到不同的篮子当中,让学生加以区分。接着,让学生用学过的含有字母且字母i发[ i ]的单词进行造句,教师先指导,再让学生进行自我创作,激发学生的思维。最后,作为本环节的一个小小拓展,我们让学生说出更多的含有字母且字母i发[ i ]的单词,考察学生的词汇储备,激励学生在课后进行更多的英语词汇拓展。】‎ Rhyme time ‎1. Listen and answer T: The fish is Chris’. Whose cake is this? Please listen and answer.‎ ‎2. Listen and repeat ‎3. What are they going to do then?‎ ‎ Learn: Let’s eat it by the lake. ‎ ‎4. Make the new rhymes Whose ______ is this?‎ Whose ______ are these?‎ ‎【Ticking time】‎ I can use “whose” to ask questions.‎ 我能用 Whose问问题,得一星。‎ I can say the rhyme “Whose cake is this?”. ‎ 我会说小诗Whose cake is this?,得两星。‎ I can use the other words to say the rhyme.‎ 我能用其它词说小诗,得三星。‎ ‎【设计意图:Rhyme time的教学需要学生反复诵读,体会英语中的音韵之美,最后,我们也留了一个小小的创作机会给学生,让学生进行填空,难度不大,但需要注意的是我们在前几课时中强调过的名词单复数的问题。】‎ Step 3 Consolidation T: Chris and his friends are having a party. But it’s so funny that they don’t wear the clothes of their own. Can you ask and find the owner of the clothes? I’ll give you one example.‎ ‎(T与S1示范)‎ T: Please work in pairs and guess the owners of chothes. The sentences on the blackboard will help you.‎ ‎(学生三分钟时间准备,教师视情况请3到4组汇报)‎ ‎【Ticking time】‎ I can say the names of some clothes.‎ 我能说出一些衣服类单词,得一星。‎ I can write the names of some clothes. ‎ 我能写出一些衣服类单词,得两星。‎ I can talk about the party emotionally. ‎ 我能在组内有表情和动作的交流舞会,得三星。‎ T: All right. You must get a lot of stars. How many? Please count and show me your stars!‎ ‎(教师请学生举手统计,发放小礼品)‎ ‎【设计意图:这是本课时最后的一个综合语言运用环节,通过前几课时的训练,本环节中教师只给出总体情景的创设和活动的要求,学生利用板书中的提示进行自由对话的创作,产出颇丰。最后,我们对本课时众多环节末尾的Ticking time进行回顾、总结。】‎ Homework 家庭作业 ‎1. Know more words with “i” and are pronounced as [ i ].‎ ‎(搜集更多含有字母i并发/i/的单词,读一读,并记下来)‎ ‎2. Read the rhyme Whose cake is this?‎ ‎(诵读歌谣Whose cake is this?)‎ Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)‎ 教学准备:人物卡片、头饰、评价星星、多媒体课件 板书设计: Unit 6 Whose dress is this?‎ Look at …‎ Whose … is this/that? Whose … are these/those?‎ It’s …’s, I think. They’re …’s, I think.‎ More words 说课 一、整体情景创设 本单元以整理服饰、寻找主人为主要内容,本课时延续这一主体思想进行游戏和教学环节的设计。‎ 二、教学流程与设计意图 下面,我们来简要回顾一下实际教学环节中的活动设计。‎ 通过前三课时的学习,学生已经对本单元的 主题、核心词汇以及句型有了一定的认识。本课时通过一系列的活动来复习、巩固本单元知识。课一开始,我们就明确课时学习任务,让学生带着任务进行学习。接着,一首歌曲The clothes shop复习服饰类单词,激活学生思维,同时活跃课堂气氛,让学生放轻松,开开心心进入本课时的学习。接下来,Clean and say环节让学生一边整理乱放的衣物一边说出名称一边写出来,多维检查学生对衣物词汇的掌握。在本课时当中,有一个环节在每一部分都有涉及,就是Ticking time我们在每一部分结束之后都适时的进行一个小小的效果检查,不断刺激学生以积极的态度参与课堂活动,并在一节课结束之后做一个总的回顾。‎ 本次Sound time主要希望学生可以掌握字母i发[ i ]的情况,由于在平时的词汇教学中我们非常重视元音的发音,对于字母i发[a i ]的情况也都比较熟悉。在本环节中,我们设计一个小游戏,将单词按照字母i的发音放到不同的篮子当中,让学生加以区分。接着,让学生用学过的含有字母i发[ i ]的单词进行造句,教师先指导,再让学生进行自我创作,激发学生的思维。最后,作为本环节的一个小小拓展,我们让学生说出更多的含有字母i发[ i ]的单词,考察学生的词汇储备,激励学生在课后进行更多的英语词汇拓展。‎ Rhyme time的教学需要学生反复诵读,体会英语中的音韵之美,最后,我们也留了一个小小的创作机会给学生,让学生进行填空,难度不大,但需要注意的是我们在前几课时中强调过的名词单复数的问题。 ‎ 本课时最后的一个综合语言运用环节,通过前几课时的训练,本环节中教师只给出总体情景的创设和活动的要求,学生利用板书中的提示进行自由对话的创作,产出颇丰。最后,我们对本课时众多环节末尾的Ticking time进行回顾、总结。 ‎ 最后,跟大家分享一下本节课中的几个“关注”:‎ ‎1. 关注学生的实际语言使用。‎ ‎2. 关注学生的过程性体验。‎ ‎3. 关注学生在整个教学环节中的参与心态。‎ ‎4. 关注学生思维的自我发展。‎

