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七选五(一)‎ ‎(建议用时:30分钟)‎ Test 1‎ ‎(2019·台州高三调研)‎ How to Enjoy Life as a Teen The “best years of your life”? Maybe not, but you can learn to make the most of your high school days. Here are some tips for you.‎ Learn to appreciate small things. Whether it’s having a computer, having friends, having a good supply of food, a bed to sleep on or the family that loves you, value it.1.________ Be happy, and life will reward you. Remember that these are the last few years you will be able to enjoy yourself without having to worry about the responsibility of an adult, but make sure you prepare yourself for when you do become one.‎ Choose your friends wisely. Unlike what many articles state, you don’t have to be popular and have a lot of friends to be happy.2.________ Try to have friends that like you who you are, not just because you are wearing a certain brand of shoes or something like that. These are people who shop at the same store as you; not someone who will sympathize with you when your dog dies.‎ Play a sport or work out.3.________ If you are good at sports, you will be confident in yourself and more confident in other areas.‎ ‎4.________ Participating in clubs, activities, and sports increases your chances of meeting new friends. While you only need 4 or 5 close friends, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to meet new people. Participating gives you something to do instead of sitting bored at home.‎ Pursue interests you enjoy. Video games, for example, are good if you’re the type who can get into that kind of thing.5.________ Use your “hobby time” to learn an instrument, or get into something else in the creative field like painting or dance, because this is the time to start developing and uncovering passions that might otherwise lie dormant.‎ A.Be sociable.‎ B.Remember that the point of life is for you to enjoy it.‎ C.Having a healthy body leads to a healthy and happy mind.‎ D.You should also find a hobby that is meaningful or practical.‎ E.They will provide you with a career and improve your life quality.‎ F.Working is a great way to gain experience and to meet other people.‎ G.In fact, many of the “friends” you have when you are popular are not true friends.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要对怎样能充分地享受高中生活给出了四点建议。‎ ‎1.B 解析:根据本段第一句“Learn to appreciate small things.”可知,‎ 本段主要是在讲要享受生活中的每一件小事。由此可知,B项“记住生活的意义是让你享受它”点明主题,符合语境。故选B。‎ ‎2.G 解析:根据上文“Unlike what many articles state, you don’t have to be popular and have a lot of friends to be happy.”可知,与很多文章所说的不同,(其实)你不需要多受欢迎,也不需要有很多朋友才能开心。由此可知,G项“事实上,当你受欢迎的时候,有很多‘朋友’并不是真的朋友”承接上文,符合语境。故选G。‎ ‎3.C 解析:根据下文“If you are good at sports, you will be confident in yourself and more confident in other areas.”可知,如果你擅长运动,你会变得自信,在其他领域也会变得更加自信。空格处要填的内容应该是与运动有关。由此可知,C项“有一个健康的身体才会有健康幸福的思想”符合语境。故选C。‎ ‎4.A 解析:空格处是本段的主旨句。根据下文内容可知,本段主要是讲述你应该参与各种活动来增加见新朋友的机会。A项“善于社交”符合语境。故选A。‎ ‎5.D 解析:根据本段第一句“Pursue interests you enjoy.”可知,空格处内容应与兴趣有关。由此可知D项“你还应该发现有意义的、实际的爱好”符合语境。故选D。‎ ‎[长难句分析] Remember that these are the last few years you will be able to enjoy yourself without having to worry about the responsibility of an adult, but make sure you prepare yourself for when you do become one.(第二段最后一句)‎ 分析:本句是一个并列复合句。that引导宾语从句;you prepare yourself for when you do become one是一个省略了that的宾语从句。‎ 译文:记住这是你不用担心作为一个成人的责任从而能享受自己生活的最后几年,但是你要确保当你真的成了一个成年人的时候你已经准备好了。‎ Test 2‎ By making positive changes in your life you can become better.1.________ Here are some quick and easy ways to help you become a better person.‎ ‎2.________‎ Recognize what areas you are lacking. For this you can ask a trusted friend or family member for help. Being unaware of your weaknesses makes it hard for you to improve. The successful people know where they aren’t strong and they use their strengths to make up for it.‎ Quit a bad habit.‎ Quitting a bad habit is good for you.3.________ If you aren’t ready to quit your bad habits right away, start out with small steps. Find a trusted friend that can give you encouragement if you’re struggling.‎ Break up with negative thinking.‎ ‎4.________ This can have a bad influence on your life. Negative thinking really makes you down mentally and physically. Trying to think more positively helps you reduce stress and requires ‎ you to stop making excuses.‎ Treat others with kindness.‎ Showing other people that you care for them is a great way to be a better person.5.________ Something just like buying a coffee for your classmates can make a huge positive impact on their and your day.‎ A.Know your weaknesses.‎ B.Take better care of yourself.‎ C.Negative friends often complain about things.‎ D.Do you always see the negative side of things?‎ E.It not only makes you a better person, but it makes you more confident.‎ F.However, it may be tough sometimes to figure out how to do it.‎ G.Small acts of kindness will make other people feel better and lift your spirits as well.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了一些怎样做出积极的改变才能成为一个更好的人的方法。‎ ‎1.F 解析:空格前面提到,在生活中做一些积极的改变能让一个人变得更好;空格后面提到,本文接下来要讲的是一些快速、容易且能帮助一个人变得更好的方法。F项“然而,有时候要弄清楚怎样做到这一点可能是困难的”与上文形成转折关系,又引出了下文,符合语境。故选F。‎ ‎2.A 解析:根据本段内容可以推断出,本段主要是建议人们了解自己的劣势,用自己的优势弥补自己的不足。A项“了解你的缺点”体现了本段的核心,适合用作本段的小标题。故选A。‎ ‎3.E 解析:空格前面提到,改掉不良习惯对一个人有好处。E项“改掉不良习惯不仅能让你变成一个更好的人,而且能让你变得更自信”讲述的是改掉不良习惯的确切好处,承接上文,符合语境。故选E。‎ ‎4.D 解析:空格后面提到,经常只看到事情的消极方面对一个人的生活有不好的影响。D项“你是不是经常看到事情的消极方面”衔接下文内容,符合语境。故选D。‎ ‎5.G 解析:本段主要是建议人们要对他人友善且空格后面提到,一些诸如为你的同学买杯咖啡这样的小事能对他们以及你的一天都有很大的积极影响。G项“一些小的善举能让其他人感觉更好,也能让你的情绪高涨”符合语境。故选G。‎ ‎[长难句分析] The successful people know where they aren’t strong and they use their strengths to make up for it.(第二段最后一句)‎ 分析:本句是一个复合句。where引导宾语从句。‎ 译文:成功的人知道自己的劣势在哪里并且用自己的优势弥补劣势。‎ Test 3‎ We need to vent(发泄) about the place we work sometimes. Whether it is the long hours you ‎ put in, an unreasonable boss, or lack of recognition for your efforts—every workplace has enough fuel to lighten the frustration(挫折).‎ ‎1.________. And it is good to the productivity in the office, too. Vanessa Pouthier, a researcher at the University of Melbourne in Australia, studied a team of nurses and health professionals at a hospital in the United States. 2.________. Pouthier observed the joking and complaining that went on for 12 months and realized “it helps people to process stress and frustration,”Pouthier told ABC Radio Perth.‎ ‎3.________, there will always be a corner of the office or the lunch room, where a small or large collective of employees are venting to some degree.“Generally, people don’t think there is any value to it,”Pouthier says. 4.________; she had to look into other fields, such as linguistics, to better understand its functions.‎ Whether it’s politely debating the effectiveness of how an office runs,or complaining about the bosses, Pouthier found that the complaining session served as a bonding function. 5.________. ‎ ‎“It allows people to recognize how similar they are in the challenges they are facing every day and how they feel about them,” she says.‎ A.However, few people know how this happens B.No matter what kind of environment you work in ‎ C.It can even help staff to work through their negative feelings ‎ D.Whether bosses accept complaints from their employees or not E.But this common activity in every workplace was so underresearched F.It was found that there’re actually benefits of these kinds of complaining sessions G.Good news is that this workplace complaining is actually beneficial to your mental wellbeing ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了工作场所的抱怨的益处。‎ ‎1.G 解析:根据设空处的下一句,抱怨对办公室的工作效率是有好处的,可知此处应该是说抱怨的好处。G项“好消息是工作场所的抱怨实际上有利于你的精神健康”和下文衔接。故选G。‎ ‎2.F 解析:根据前一句讲到澳大利亚墨尔本大学的一名研究者Vanessa Pouthier对美国一所医院的一个由护士和健康专业人员组成的团队进行研究。可知此处是研究发现的结果。F项“结果发现实际上这些种类的抱怨有很多益处”和上文衔接。故选F。‎ ‎3.B 解析:根据设空后一句,总会在办公室或午餐餐厅的一个角落里,有一小群或一大群员工在某种程度上在发泄。可知B项“无论你在什么样的环境下工作”和下文衔接。故选B。‎ ‎4.E 解析:根据设空后一句,研究者Pouthier必须调查其他领域如语言学,去更好地理解抱怨的作用。可知E项“但是对这种在每一个工作场所的常见活动的研究非常不足”‎ 和下文她必须调查其他领域相衔接。故选E。‎ ‎5.C 解析:根据设空上一句可知,Pouthier发现抱怨起着一种纽带的作用。C项“它甚至可以帮助员工克服他们的消极情绪”符合语境。故选C。‎ ‎[长难句分析] “It allows people to recognize how similar they are in the challenges they are facing every day and how they feel about them,” she says.(最后一段)‎ 分析:本句是一个并列复合句。and连接两个并列分句,两个how引导宾语从句,其中they are facing every day为省略which/that的定语从句。‎ 译文:她说:“它让人们认识到,他们每天面临的挑战有多么相似,以及他们对这些挑战的感觉如何。”‎ Test 4‎ Do you know some surprising innovations(创新) came from World War Ⅰ? Here are some introductions to you.‎ Daylight Saving Time ‎ The idea of fiddling with(拨弄) the clock has been around since ancient times, but it was not until World War Ⅰ that governments around the globe officially adopted daylight saving time. Why? To save resources such as fuel and extend the workday for the war effort. 1.________, and the Allies followed shortly after. To clear up confusion about the concept, The Washington Times used a comic strip to explain the first“spring forward” in the United States in 1918.‎ Blood Banks ‎2.________, but doctors rarely performed them before World War Ⅰ, when they were accomplished by transfusing blood directly from one person to another. Captain Oswald Robertson, a U.S. Army Reserve doctor consulting with the British army, recognized the need to stock blood before casualties(伤亡) occurred.‎ Hollywood With so much of Europe in the line of fire, the European film industry had to scale back(相应缩减) dramatically.3.________. Hollywood was still in its early stage, but its studios soon made fortunes producing wartime movies. The war itself provided material for countless movies in the 1920s and 1930s, including Wings, the winner of the first Academy Award for Best Picture.‎ Plastic Surgery ‎4.________. British army surgeon Harold Gillies and his colleagues performed more than 11,000 operations, mostly on soldiers suffering from facial wounds from gunshots.5.________.‎ There were other innovations made during World War Ⅰ, such as wristwatches, modern passports, zippers, drones, etc.‎ A.The Germans did it first, in 1916‎ B.That opened the door for the Americans C.Blood transfusions(输血) date back to the 1600s D.Gillies’ operation became successful immediately E.World War Ⅰ left thousands of men scarred and maimed(伤残的)‎ F.Gillies became known as the father of modern plastic surgery G.After World War Ⅰ the blood banks appeared in the United States ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。本文主要介绍了一些在第一次世界大战期间出现的创新事物,如夏时制、血库、好莱坞以及整形手术等。‎ ‎1.A 解析:空格后提到,协约国很快也采用了夏时制。可知A项“德国在1916年率先采用了夏时制”与下文衔接紧密,且都描述一战时的情况,符合语境。故选A。‎ ‎2.C 解析:空格后提到,但是在一战之前医生们很少给病人输血。可知C项“输血起始于17世纪”与空格后内容形成转折关系,符合语境。故选C。‎ ‎3.B 解析:空格前提到,由于很多欧洲国家处于战火之中,欧洲电影业的规模急剧缩减。可知B项“这就给美国的电影业打开了大门”与上文形成因果关系,符合语境。故选B。‎ ‎4.E 解析:空格后提到,英国的军医Harold Gillies和他的同事给很多在战争中受伤的士兵做手术。可知E项“一战让很多士兵留下伤疤成为残疾”引出下文,符合语境。故选E。‎ ‎5.F 解析:空格前提到,英国的军医Harold Gillies和他的同事给很多在战争中受伤的士兵做手术,这些手术大部分是针对因枪击而面部受伤的士兵。可知F项“Harold Gillies作为‘整容手术之父’而闻名于世”与上文形成因果关系,符合语境。故选F。‎ ‎[长难句分析] Captain Oswald Robertson, a U.S. Army Reserve doctor consulting with the British army, recognized the need to stock blood before casualties(伤亡) occurred.(第三段最后一句)‎ 分析:本句是一个复合句。a U.S. Army Reserve doctor consulting with the British army作Captain Oswald Robertson的同位语,其中consulting with the British army为现在分词短语作后置定语修饰a U.S. Army Reserve doctor, before引导时间状语从句。‎ 译文:Captain Oswald Robertson是一个美国储备军的医生,他与英国军队商讨,认识到在伤亡发生之前储存血液的必要性。‎ 七选五(二)‎ ‎(建议用时:30分钟)‎ Test 1‎ ‎(2019·浙江十校联盟适应性考试)‎ Run! LunchDelivery Men!‎ It’s lunch time, and Guo Ziyang is on a mission: deliver seven hot meal orders in an hour.‎ He dashes into a downtown highrise, carrying a plastic container of hot beef noodles. There is no time to wait for the right elevator. He hops into the first one that opens, jumps out at the last stop and begins running up the stairs. After a quick handoff to the customer, he races down 20 flights.1.________‎ Across China’s biggest cities, the scene has become as familiar as crowded subways.2.________ Meals appear with just a few taps on a smartphone. With the major delivery services offering similar pricing strategies and food choices, the burden of competition has fallen largely on the speed of the delivery people, popularly known as Waimai Xiaoge, or “Brother Takeaway”.‎ Guo said he wolfs down four or five steamed buns before starting work every morning.“You’ll need the energy for various delivery missions,” he said.“Sometimes, the buildings you deliver to don’t have elevators.3.________ Then, you have to climb ten flights of stairs.”‎ Guo works around Shanghai’s central business district. He joined Ele. me only last year.4.________ With a foodwarmer box tied to his scooter, Guo tears(疾驰) through traffic, rushes past pedestrians and avoid bumps that might spill soup dishes. In less than two hours, he has made stops at a hospital, a hair salon, a hotel room and several highrises. Six orders an hour is the norm for the lunchtime rush, but Guo said he is sometimes called upon to deliver ten meals.“5.________ You just have to apologize,” he said.‎ Nevertheless, Guo said he thrives(兴盛) on deadline pressure.“I’m the kind of person who likes challenging work,” he added.‎ A.That’s really difficult, and if you arrive late, customers get angry.‎ B.One order down, six to go.‎ C.The tradition of going out for a meal has been under pressure from the fast pace of urban life.‎ D.Sometimes, the elevators are crowded and take a long time.‎ E.Sometimes, people ask them to pick up cigarettes, alcohol and other items, which they aren’t supposed to do.‎ F.The arrival of fooddelivery apps has transformed the country’s lunchtime culture.‎ G.But he has memorized the layouts of all the buildings in his area.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要叙述了外卖小哥如同比赛般的送餐过程。‎ ‎1.B 解析:第一段讲午餐时间,郭子洋的任务是在一小时内送达七单快餐。第二段讲郭子洋给客户送第一单快餐的过程。可知B项“送完一单,还有六单”符合语境。故选B项。‎ ‎2.F 解析:空格后讲在手机上点几下,快餐就会被送到你面前。可知F项“送餐软件的出现改变了中国的午餐文化”引起下文,符合语境。故选F项。‎ ‎3.D 解析:空格前讲有时候送餐的大楼没有电梯。可知D项“有时候,电梯很拥挤并会花费很长时间”与上文衔接紧密。故选D项。‎ ‎4.G 解析:空格后讲郭子洋将保温箱绑在他的小摩托车上快速穿过车流、人行横道,还要避开会使汤溢出的碰撞。可知G项“但是他记住了在他的配送区域的所有建筑的布局”与下文衔接紧密。故选G项。‎ ‎5.A 解析:空格后讲你需要道歉。可知A项“那是很困难的,如果迟到了,‎ 顾客会生气”引起下文,符合语境。故选A项。‎ ‎[长难句分析] He dashes into a downtown highrise, carrying a plastic container of hot beef noodles.(第二段第一句)‎ 分析:carrying a ... noodles为现在分词短语作伴随状语。‎ 译文:他冲进市中心的一栋大楼,手里提着塑料盒,里面装的是热气腾腾的牛肉面。‎ Test 2‎ When I first came to U.K. from China at 6, I entered the first grade.1.________. I saw children throw their leftover food into the large trash cans—from halfeaten pizzas to untouched burgers. I watched them pour their milk into a white bucket. In China, this was a huge nono in school. We had to finish everything.‎ One day, my first grade teacher announced that we would be having a party and everyone was told to bring something from their country.2.________. My mom stayed up after her long day of work and made many dumplings. She put them in the fridge and woke up early in the morning to steam them and fry them so they would taste extra fresh when I brought them to school. They smelled great and looked golden brown after they were cooked.‎ I was so excited to share these with my classmates and teachers. It was placed in the corner of the table next to all the other delicious food.3.________. One or two kids bravely took a piece and knew what they were because they had it with their parents at a Chinese restaurant. At the end of the party, it was cleanup. My teacher walked up to me and asked, pointing to the dumplings,“Would you like to take these home?” I carefully replied,“No...” 4.________. I thought she was going to share it with other teachers, but immediately after I said that, she threw all the dumplings into the trash and continued cleaning. I was confused: what just happened?‎ ‎5.________. And today I still witness this frequently in my English friends. Please eat all your food or take it to go or share it or just get enough so you don’t have to throw it away. Thank you.‎ A.In China,“no” usually means “yes”‎ B.I got super excited and told my parents C.It was very impolite to take your gift home D.This was the biggest culture shock I have experienced E.When I got home, I shared the experience with my parents F.Many kids had the cookies and juices and were hesitant to try the dumplings G.I didn’t understand why kids were getting their lunch food and not finishing it ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了作者在英国经历的文化冲击。‎ ‎1.G 解析:根据下文 “I saw children throw their leftover food into the large trash cans—from halfeaten pizzas to untouched burgers.”可知,作者看到孩子们把剩下的食物扔进大垃圾桶,从吃了一半的比萨到没动过的汉堡都有。G项“‎ 我不明白为什么孩子们吃午饭却不吃完”引出下文,符合语境。故选G。‎ ‎2.B 解析:根据上文“One day, my first grade teacher announced that we would be having a party and everyone was told to bring something from their country.”可知,有一天,作者的一年级老师宣布要举办一个聚会,并要求每个人带些自己国家的东西。B项“我非常兴奋并告诉了我的父母”承接上文,符合语境。故选B。‎ ‎3.F 解析:根据下文“One or two kids bravely took a piece and knew what they were because they had it with their parents at a Chinese restaurant.”可知,一两个孩子勇敢地尝了一下,因为他们和父母在中餐馆吃过,所以知道是什么。F项“许多孩子吃了饼干、喝了果汁,不愿意吃饺子”引出下文,符合语境。故选F。‎ ‎4.C 解析:根据上文中的“‘Would you like to take these home?’ I carefully replied,‘No...’”可知,老师问作者是否想把饺子带回家,作者拒绝了。C项“把礼物带回家是很不礼貌的”承接上文,符合语境。故选C。‎ ‎5.D 解析:根据下文“And today I still witness this frequently in my English friends.”可知,今天作者仍然经常在他的英国朋友身上看到这一点。D项“这是我所经历过的最大的文化冲击”引出下文,符合语境。故选D。‎ ‎[长难句分析] One or two kids bravely took a piece and knew what they were because they had it with their parents at a Chinese restaurant.(第三段第四句)‎ 分析:本句是一个主从复合句。what引导宾语从句;because引导原因状语从句。‎ 译文:一两个孩子勇敢地尝了一下,因为他们和父母在中餐馆里吃过,所以知道这是什么。‎ Test 3‎ Rise and Shine All Day Making these easy tasks part of your morning schedule will improve your nutrition, energy, and mood today—and beyond.‎ Stretch in bed Try this even before you open your eyes. Lift one arm and begin by stretching each finger, then your hand, then your wrist, and then your whole arm.1.________. Then stretch your toes, feet, ankles, and legs. Finally, end with a neck and back stretch that pushes you out of bed. This“power pose” makes you feel more confident all day long.‎ ‎2.________‎ Working out before you eat encourages your body to burn more fat for energy rather than relying on carbohydrates(碳水化合物) from food. In a study, participants who exercised after breakfast still gained weight, but those who exercised on an empty stomach did not.‎ Turn on the music ‎3.________. If anyone plays an instrument, and if you have a little time, morning is the perfect ‎ time to practice, as it prepares your brain for learning. One study found that both playing and listening to music help improve academic performance in 16 different ways, including increasing focus and memory.‎ Enjoy some fun Many people fear to face a new day of work, school, or chores.4.________. This can be having a cup of coffee as you read your favorite blog, etc. Choose activities you enjoy and that set you on a good path for the day.‎ You’ve improved your state of mind, your health, and your productivity—all before the weekday has even begun.5.________. ‎ A.Pick something energetic that you and others in the house enjoy and put it on while you get ready B.Now you’re ready to conquer your todo list for today and every day C.Do regular exercise in the morning D.Move on to the other arm E.Exercise a bit—on an empty stomach F.Take up the entire length of the bed when you stretch G.But if the first thing you do is pleasant, you’ll find it much easier to get going ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了一些可以让我们每天的生活变得更加有趣、更加有活力的方法。‎ ‎1.D 解析:根据空格前的“and then your whole arm”可知,下文和arm有关。D项中的“arm”与之匹配,符合语境。故选D。‎ ‎2.E 解析:根据下文“Working out before you eat encourages your body to burn more fat for energy rather than relying on carbohydrates(碳水化合物) from food.”可知,本段讲的是和运动有关的内容,因此小标题也应该与运动有关。E项中的“Exercise”与之匹配,符合语境。故选E。‎ ‎3.A 解析:根据本段的小标题“Turn on the music”可知,本段内容和音乐有关。A项中的“put it on”与音乐有关,符合语境。故选A。‎ ‎4.G 解析:空格前讲许多人害怕面对新一天的工作、学习或家务,空格后讲这可以是当你读你最喜欢的博客时,喝一杯咖啡等。选择你喜欢的活动,开始你美好的一天。可知G项“但是如果你做第一件事就很高兴,那么以后你会发现行动起来比之前更加容易”承上启下,符合语境。故选G。‎ ‎5.B 解析:空格前讲在一天开始之前你已经改善了你的精神状态、你的健康及你的生产力。B项“现在你已经准备好征服你今天和每一天的待办事项的清单了”承接上文,符合语境。故选B。‎ ‎[长难句分析] In a study, participants who exercised after breakfast still gained weight, but those who exercised on an empty stomach did not.(第三段第二句)‎ 分析:本句是一个并列复合句,其中包含主从复合句。两个who都引导定语从句。‎ 译文:在一项研究中,吃完早餐后锻炼的参与者体重仍在增加,但空腹锻炼的人体重没有增加。‎ Test 4‎ If you’re going abroad for college, you might be thinking about how to get yourself a safe and cozy home for the year ahead. Of course, dormitories are always a good place to start, but some large state colleges require juniors to live off campus due to the limited number of dorm rooms.1.________.‎ How to find a house ‎2.________. If you are just a freshman or don’t know many people, don’t hesitate to approach some upperclassmen in your classes or clubs. More often than not, upperclassmen have more experience with renting and are more familiar with the area your school is in.‎ Another good idea is to talk to seniors who are currently living off campus. These seniors’ landlords will most likely be looking for new tenants(房客) after graduation.‎ Also, registered realtors(房地产经纪人) might be able to find you a place for a fee. In addition, Facebook groups can also provide some useful information.3.________.‎ Roommates Having roommates can not only save us some money, but also give us valuable companionship. However, remember that finding the right roommates for you is the most important thing, other than safety concerns.4.________, definitely do not lie about your preferences, schedule, or habits, even if talking about them could make you uncomfortable. On the other side, also remember to ask your potential roommates to tell you about themselves in detail.‎ ‎5.________, please do everybody a favor by being upfront about it. Constantly running into conflicts with your quiet roommate is definitely the last thing you want.‎ A.If you are a party animal B.While looking for roommates C.Get along well with your roommates D.When having a chat with your roommate E.First, you can ask your friends who are already living off campus F.However, be really careful if you get in touch with strangers through the Internet G.Nonetheless, renting an apartment can give you some handson experience with living ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。本文就在国外读书时如何给自己找一个安全舒适的家这个问题提出了一些建议。‎ ‎1.G 解析:空格前讲如果你要去国外读大学,你可能会考虑如何给自己找一个安全舒适的家。但是由于一些大型州立大学因宿舍数量有限,会要求学生住在校外。G项“尽管如此,租一套公寓可以给你带来一些实际的生活经验”与上文衔接紧密,符合语境。故选G。‎ ‎2.E 解析:空格后讲如果你是新生或不认识很多人的话,不要犹豫在你们班级或俱乐部里去接触一些高年级的学生。E项“首先,你可以求助那些已经在校外居住的朋友”符合语境。故选E。‎ ‎3.F 解析:空格前讲Facebook群也可以提供一些有用的租房信息。F项“然而,如果你通过网络与陌生人联络,一定要非常小心”承接上文,符合语境。故选F。‎ ‎4.B 解析:空格后讲一定要向你的室友说清楚自己的爱好习惯等,并询问对方的一些详细情况。B项“在寻找室友时”与下文衔接紧密,符合语境。故选B。‎ ‎5.A 解析:空格前讲寻找室友时需要注意的一些问题;空格后讲要坦率地告诉大家自己的情况,这对彼此都有好处。经常和你安静的室友发生冲突绝对是你最不想要的。A项“如果你是个派对迷的话”与上下文衔接紧密,符合语境。故选A。‎ ‎[长难句分析] Having roommates can not only save us some money, but also give us valuable companionship.(倒数第二段第一句)‎ 分析:本句是一个并列句。not only...but also...为固定搭配,意为“不但……而且……”。‎ 译文:有室友不仅可以节省一些钱,而且还可以给我们带来珍贵的友谊。‎ 七选五(三)‎ ‎(建议用时:30分钟)‎ Test 1‎ There are numerous benefits of reading good books. 1.________ Whatever your field might be, it’s very important to create a good habit to read beyond your horizons. Here are tips to help you cultivate a better and consistent reading habit:‎ ‎·Determine your reading goal.2.________ This goal should be clear and backed up with a purpose. Start by thinking about how a consistent reading pattern can help you grow in different areas of your lifespirit, academics, career, relationships and more.‎ ‎·3.________ Once you’re done setting your reading goal for the year, you’ll need a list to back it up. Write out a list of the amazing books you want to read. Ask for recommendations from friends and instructors. It’s important to keep a journal listing the books you’ll like to read for each month.‎ ‎·Get a responsible reading partner to promote your reading. Goals need to be backed up in order to help put a check and encourage you during times you don’t feel motivated.4.________‎ To develop a reading culture, you must first analyze your current reading habits. Do you read at all?5.________ In order to truly achieve your reading goals and build a consistent reading habit, you’ll need to set up simple systems, find responsible partners, and generally be hungry to grow beyond your comfort zone.‎ A.Do you study hard at school?‎ B.Make a list of books for each month.‎ C.Do you start off and stop at some point?‎ D.Get up early and go to bed late to back up your goal.‎ E.It’s important to start off by setting a goal to create a reading habit.‎ F.Get a friend willing to read, and create a plan to help you achieve your reading goals.‎ G.It can make you think deeper, sharpen your skills and teach you more about your field.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了阅读好书的益处以及可以帮助你培养更好且持续的阅读习惯的方法。‎ ‎1.G 解析:根据上一句“There are numerous benefits of reading good books.”可知,阅读好书有很多益处。G项“它可以让你思考得更深入,提高你的技能,并教会你更多关于你所在领域的知识”承接上文,符合语境。故选G。‎ ‎2.E 解析:根据下一句“This goal should be clear and backed up with a purpose.”可知,这个目标应是明确的,并有一个目的作为后盾。E项“从设定一个目标开始养成阅读习惯是很重要的”与下文衔接紧密。故选E。‎ ‎3.B 解析:此处是本段的主旨句。根据本段第二句中的“you’ll need a list to back it up”和第三句中的“Write out a list of the amazing books”可知,本段主要建议列出一个书单。B项“每月列出一个书单”符合语境。故选B。‎ ‎4.F 解析:根据本段的主旨句“Get a responsible reading partner to promote your reading.”可知,本段建议找一个负责任的阅读伙伴来督促你阅读。F项“找一个愿意阅读的朋友,并制定一个计划来帮助你实现你的阅读目标”与上文衔接紧密,符合语境。故选F。‎ ‎5.C 解析:根据上一句“Do you read at all?”可知,你读过吗?C项“你是否开始并在某个时候停下来?”符合语境。故选C。‎ ‎[长难句分析] Whatever your field might be, it’s very important to create a good habit to read beyond your horizons.(第一段第三句)‎ 分析:本句是一个复合句。Whatever引导让步状语从句。it作形式主语,真正的主语是to create...horizons。‎ 译文:无论你从事的领域是什么,建立一个好习惯来阅读你视野之外的东西是非常重要的。‎ Test 2‎ ‎(2019·杭州高三教学质量检测)When the cold weather hits, swimming is probably an activity that’s far from your mind. 1.________. Here are some reasons why swimming in winter is great!‎ Work your muscles Every time you swim, it is like doing a miniresistance workout. Each kick and pull works your muscles more than you might imagine, especially your arms, shoulders and gluteus—the muscles that are inactive all day when you’re sitting at your desk. Swimming also works your abs(腹肌) and ‎ will reduce your waistline. 2.________.‎ Lift your spirits Exercise gives off chemicals in your body called endorphins(内啡肽). These cause a positive feeling into your body which makes you happy. 3.________. The repetition, movement and breathing can help you to relax and that’s why swimming is also regarded as a relaxing exercise.‎ ‎4.________‎ Swimming is one of the best activities you can do all year round which benefits your body and your mind. Swimming has been found to increase blood flow to the brain, which leads to more oxygen. That means you’ll experience improved alertness, better memory and cognitive(认知的) function.‎ Meet new people ‎5.________. You can meet people from all walks of life when swimming. Have a chat in the lap pool, join a swimming club, or get involved in social water sports to get to know people in your community. Besides, the great thing about swimming is that you can do it—rain or shine. Although your backyard pool, the river, or beach cools down over winter, most inside swimming pools run heated pools yearround, so you’ve got no excuse to stop swimming!‎ A.Good for your brain B.Greatly beneficial to your body C.These chemicals can control your thought and action D.Swimming has been shown to reduce stress and tension E.While swimming is an individual sport, it’s also very social F.So, along with building fitness, it is a wonderful fullbody exercise G.But swimming is one of the best activities everyone can undertake in winter ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文,作者在文中介绍了冬泳的几点优势。‎ ‎1.G 解析:考查承上启下。该空的前一句表明冬季的时候人们往往不再考虑游泳,空后一句“Here are some reasons why swimming in winter is great”说明下文将介绍冬季游泳的益处,G项中的But表明转折关系,G项在此处起着承上启下的作用。‎ ‎2.F 解析:考查段落总结。第二段的主题是“锻炼你的肌肉”,该空上文说明游泳能锻炼身体各部分的肌肉,比如胳膊、肩膀的肌肉,臀肌和腹肌,故F项中的“fullbody exercise”起到总结的作用。‎ ‎3.D 解析:考查细节支撑。本段主题是“提升你的精神”,上文的“makes you happy”和下文的“help you to relax” “relaxing”暗示D项“已证明游泳可以减少压力和紧张”符合段意。‎ ‎4.A 解析:考查段落主旨。本空是第四段的主题句,依据第四段的“increase blood flow to the brain...experience improved alertness, better memory and cognitive(认知的) function”可知,本段主要讲述了冬泳对大脑的益处,故选A项。‎ ‎5.E 解析:考查细节支撑。依据下文的“You can meet people from all walks of life when swimming.”可知,游泳也可以是一种社交活动,这与E项中的“it’s also very social”相符。‎ Test 3‎ There might not be anything more important than taking care of your health. And doing so can be simple. It takes consistent habits to keep your body healthy throughout your life. Here are some of the habits of those living a healthy life.‎ ‎1.________‎ It’ll help you save time and money in the long run. Spare some time, then sit down and consider your goals and needs. Do you want to lose weight? Cut back on sugar or fat? Add protein(蛋白质) or vitamins? Meal preparation keeps you in control. 2.________. A bonus: It’ll be much easier to skip those sweet foods in the break room at work.‎ Drink plenty of water It can do so many good things for you. Staying hydrated(含水的) is at the top of the list, but it may also help you lose weight. Another reason to go for H2O?3.________. If you aren’t a fan of plain water, add flavor with slices of orange, lemon, lime, watermelon, or cucumber.‎ Go offline Checking your email and social media a lot? Sure, your friends’ and family’s latest updates are just a click away, but do you really need to see pictures of your cousin’s latest meal? Let’s wait until morning. Set a time to log off and put the phone down.4.________. Take a walk, read a book, or help your cousin chop vegetables for her next great dinner.‎ Head outdoors A few minutes in the sunshine raises vitamin D levels, and that’s good for your bones, your heart, and your mood.5.________. Choose nature over city streets, if you can. One study found that people who strolled in urban green spaces were calmer than people who walked in builtup areas.‎ A.Sugary drinks are linked to obesity and relevant diseases B.Strength training helps your body trade fat for muscle mass C.Plan your meals D.Being outside means you’re more likely to move your body E.Remember your meals F.You know what you’re eating and when G.When you cut back on screen time, it frees you to do other things ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了一些让人保持健康的生活习惯。‎ ‎1.C 解析:此处是本段小标题。本段主要讲了如何控制自己的饮食。C项“计划你的膳食”适合作本段小标题。故选C。‎ ‎2.F 解析:根据上文“Meal preparation keeps you in control.”可知,备餐能让你控制自己。F项“你知道自己吃什么以及什么时候吃”承接上文,符合语境。故选F。‎ ‎3.A 解析:根据本段标题“Drink plenty of water”和本段内容可知,本段从正反两方面说明了饮水的好处。A项“含糖饮料与肥胖和相关疾病有关”与标题呼应,符合语境。故选A。‎ ‎4.G 解析:根据上文“Set a time to log off and put the phone down.”和下文“Take a walk, read a book, or help your cousin chop vegetables for her next great dinner.”可知,退出账户,放下手机。散散步,读本书,或者帮你堂姐做做饭。G项“当你减少在屏幕前的时间,你就可以随心所欲地做其他的事”承上启下,符合语境。故选G。‎ ‎5.D 解析:根据本段标题“Head outdoors”和本段内容可知,我们应该走到远离街道的大自然中去。D项“户外活动意味着你更有可能活动你的身体”符合语境。故选D。‎ ‎[长难句分析] One study found that people who strolled in urban green spaces were calmer than people who walked in builtup areas.(最后一段最后一句)‎ 分析:本句是一个主从复合句。that引导宾语从句;两个who都引导定语从句。‎ 译文:一项研究发现,在城市绿地散步的人比在高楼林立的地区散步的人更平和。‎ Test 4‎ Having a learning disability doesn’t mean you can’t learn. Learning disabilities happen because of the way a person’s brain takes in and processes information.1.________ The trick will be figuring out how you learn best.‎ Learning disabilities aren’t contagious(传染的), but they can be genetic. That means they can be passed down in families through the genes, like many other traits we get from our parents and grandparents. Someone with a learning disability probably has other family members who have some learning troubles, too. Kids with learning problems are sometimes surprised to find out that one of their parents had similar troubles when he or she was in school.2.________‎ Learning experts now know a lot more about the brain and how learning works.‎ It’s very hard for a kid to know if he or she has a learning disability. But kids don’t have to figure all this out on their own.3.________ Start with your teacher and your mom or dad.‎ Finding out you have a learning disability can be upsetting.4.________ But the truth is that learning disabilities are pretty common. And if your learning specialist or psychologist has figured out which one you’re facing, you’re on the right track. Now, you can start getting the help you need to do better in school.‎ To make this special help really work, you’ll need to practise the new skills you’re learning. It may take a lot of efforts every day.5.________ Soon, you’ll enjoy the results of all your hard work: More fun and success at school!‎ A.As a result, some people learn differently.‎ B.What a kid needs to do is to tell someone.‎ C.That can be a challenge, but you can do it.‎ D.You might feel different from everyone else.‎ E.There are people who know how to do just that.‎ F.But kids today have an advantage over their parents.‎ G.But you’ll need some help and you’ll need to work extra hard.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。文章分析了学习障碍出现的原因,并提出了可以克服它的一些方法。‎ ‎1.A 解析:空格前讲有学习障碍并不代表你不能学习。之所以出现这种障碍是因为每个人理解和处理信息的方法不一样。A项“结果就是,一些人用不同的方法学习”与上文衔接紧密,符合语境。故选A。‎ ‎2.F 解析:空格前讲有学习障碍的孩子的父母也许在上学时也有类似的问题。F项“但当今的孩子比起他们的父母而言更有优势”与上文衔接紧密,符合语境。故选F。‎ ‎3.B 解析:空格前讲对于一个孩子来说,要明白自己有学习障碍是很困难的,但孩子们不必独自弄清楚这个问题,空格后讲可以和老师、母亲或父亲一起去考虑这个问题。B项“一个孩子需要做的就是告诉其他人”与上下文衔接紧密,符合语境。故选B。‎ ‎4.D 解析:空格前讲发现自己有学习障碍可能会让你很失望;空格后讲其实这个情况很普遍。D项“你也许会感到自己与其他人不同”与上下文衔接紧密,符合语境。故选D。‎ ‎5.C 解析:空格前讲为了使别人的帮助起作用,你需要练习你正在学习的新技巧,每天付出很多努力。C项“这也许是个挑战,但你一定可以做到”与上文衔接紧密,符合语境。故选C。‎ ‎[长难句分析] Someone with a learning disability probably has other family members who have some learning troubles, too.(第二段第三句)‎ 分析:本句是一个主从复合句。who引导定语从句,修饰先行词family members。‎ 译文:有学习障碍的人的其他家庭成员也可能有一些学习困难。‎ 七选五(四)‎ ‎(建议用时:30分钟)‎ Test 1‎ Thanks to the worldfamous Colombian writer Garcia Marquez, many people think of Latin America as a land of magic. In his books, impossible things happen.‎ ‎1.________ It may come from the mix of different cultures and ethnicities(种族) in Latin America. Although some of these differences have caused conflicts, they have also been a source of beauty, as well as encouraged people in Latin America to be more openminded.‎ Latin America includes more than 30 countries and areas located south of the United States in the American continent. From north to south, it starts from Mexico in North America, goes through the Caribbean and ends at the southernmost tip of South America.‎ ‎2.________ People can enjoy sunshine in the Caribbean islands, ride horses on the green grasslands of the Pampas, and explore volcanoes and snowcapped mountains in the Andes. It even ‎ has the world’s biggest rainforest—the Amazon. Many of the world’s most unique plants and animals live there.‎ There is also a diverse mix of people in Latin America.3.________ In countries like Mexico and Colombia, over half of the population is of mixed ethnicity. However, most of them speak the same languages—Spanish or Portuguese.‎ ‎4.________ Latin American people have created the samba, rumba, chacha and tango. These dance styles require dancers to hold each other closely and move passionately.5.________‎ Latin America is an open and romantic place. Its impressive natural environment, historical contributions and cultural traditions have made it unique and influential.‎ A.It has natives, Africans and Europeans.‎ B.Latin America’s environment is quite diverse.‎ C.Where does the magic in his books come from?‎ D.They are cheerful and can bring strangers together.‎ E.The music and dance of Latin America are quite wellknown.‎ F.Many people in Latin America have open and romantic hearts.‎ G.To most people, Latin America is a land of happiness and passion.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了拉丁美洲的人文环境。‎ ‎1.C 解析:根据空格后一句“It may come from the mix of different cultures and ethnicities(种族) in Latin America.”可知,这可能来自拉丁美洲不同文化和种族的融合。C项“他书里的魔力来自哪里?”与下文衔接紧密,符合语境。故选C。‎ ‎2.B 解析:根据空格后一句“People can enjoy sunshine in the Caribbean islands, ride horses on the green grasslands of the Pampas, and explore volcanoes and snowcapped mountains in the Andes.”可知,人们可以在加勒比群岛享受阳光,在潘帕斯草原上骑马,探索安第斯山脉的火山和积雪覆盖的群山。B项“拉丁美洲的环境是非常多样的”与下文衔接紧密,符合语境。故选B。‎ ‎3.A 解析:根据空格前一句“There is also a diverse mix of people in Latin America.”可知,此处拉丁美洲也有各种各样的人。A项承接上文,符合语境。故选A。‎ ‎4.E 解析:根据空格后一句“Latin American people have created the samba, rumba, chacha and tango.”可知,拉丁美洲人民创造了桑巴舞、伦巴舞、恰恰舞和探戈舞。E项“拉丁美洲的音乐和舞蹈非常有名”与下文衔接紧密,符合语境。故选E。‎ ‎5.D 解析:根据空格前一句“These dance styles require dancers to hold each other closely and move passionately.”可知,这些舞蹈风格要求舞者紧紧地抱在一起,充满激情地舞动。D项“他们很快乐,可以带动陌生人与他们一起”承接上文,符合语境。故选D。‎ ‎[长难句分析] Although some of these differences have caused conflicts, they have also been a source of beauty, as well as encouraged people in Latin America to be more openminded.(‎ 第二段第三句)‎ 分析:本句是一个主从复合句。Although引导让步状语从句。‎ 译文:尽管其中一些差异造成了一些冲突,但它们也是美的源泉,并鼓励拉丁美洲的人们变得更加开放。‎ Test 2‎ ‎(2019·浙江部分重点中学高三调研)Many people look forward to the holiday season, which provides an opportunity to take a few days off, or go on a getaway.1.________ The combined effort of shopping, attending social events, and entertaining guests can quickly become too much to handle.‎ ‎2.________ This means you may end up with financial pressure. To prevent stress over money, plan ahead, review your finances, and come up with a practical budget. Purchases shouldn’t affect your ability to pay your bills, nor should it result in costly credit card debt.‎ The holiday season is stressful when you have too much on your plate.3.________ You actually needn’t cancel your plans, but make sure everything doesn’t have to be perfect, and you don’t have to do everything by yourself—get your family involved.‎ A holiday season is not always an interval of true relaxation. Sometimes it can mean a lot of rushing around with confusion, allowing you no moment alone.4.________ Even as little as 15 minutes alone can make a world of difference as you need to take a breath and clear your mind!‎ Being in close quarters with your family members for a long holiday can be stressful in itself. Because of your different personalities, it may be easy to rub each other the wrong way. If you let every remark get under your skin, you’ll be stressed out the entire time.5.________ Don’t let the actions of others rob you of your joy.‎ A.Holidays and expenses go hand in hand.‎ B.So do remember to make time for yourself.‎ C.Set aside your differences and agree to disagree.‎ D.There are a lot of expectations around the holidays.‎ E.But the holiday season can also be a very stressful time.‎ F.You do not actually realize it is a great relief to your tight mood.‎ G.This is especially true if you host family parties for outoftown guests.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。文章针对假期中参加社会活动、购物、招待亲朋好友等诸多事务可能会令人们压力很大的问题给出了一些建议。‎ ‎1.E 解析:空前讲述的是假期的好处(休息几天,短暂度假),空后讲述的是假期中的活动给人们带来的困扰。故可以推断出,该空应填转折句。E项“但是假期也可能是一段充满压力的时间”符合语境。故选E。‎ ‎2.A 解析:根据空后的句意“这意味着你最终可能会出现经济压力。”‎ 并结合选项可反向推出,A项“度假和花钱是密不可分的”符合逻辑。故选A。‎ ‎3.G 解析:根据空前信息可知,如果你有太多事情要做,那么这个假期你会感到有压力。可知,G项“如果你举办派对招待远道而来的朋友的话,这个假期你绝对有压力”符合逻辑,其中的This指代空前的情况,上下文紧密衔接。故选G。‎ ‎4.B 解析:根据空前信息可知,假期并不总是真正放松的,有时可能意味着忙得发晕,让你无法独处。再结合设空后独自休息15分钟的建议可推知,该空应该是建议独处或休息一下。B项“所以记得要给自己留点时间”符合语境。故选B。‎ ‎5.C 解析:根据空前信息可知,家人因性格不同可能会有摩擦,如果把别人所说的每句话都放在心上,就会心力交瘁。故可以推知,该空应该是提出应对这种情况的办法。C项“保留自己的不同看法,求同存异”和空后的“不要让他人的行为夺走你的快乐。”前后连贯。故选C。‎ Test 3‎ After a tiring day, your bedroom, a comfortable and inviting space, should be one place where you can finally relax. If the space seems too limited, you can try out these tips to make it look larger.‎ ‎·Avoid dark colors and increase natural light.‎ In a small room, walls and decorations that are dark can make the area seem even smaller.‎ Choose light colors like cream and peach for your walls.1.________. Try to allow as much natural light as possible to fill the room, through the window or the balcony door.2.________.‎ ‎·Look for furniture that uses wall space.‎ Choosing furniture that fits into a corner or which can be placed against a wall will greatly increase ground space in your room.3.________ —try hanging some on one wall and see the difference it makes.‎ ‎·Find creative ways to store your stuff.‎ Make full use of the builtin shelves and storing capacities in the kitchen and bathroom.4.________. You can also look for multifunction furniture: a coffee table with drawers, or a footstool with interior storage.‎ ‎·5.________.‎ When doing weekly cleanups, throw out your old and unused objects and keep only the essential items in view. You can also cut back on the unnecessary appliances. Move the table fan out into the living room during winter. If your bedroom is already small, don’t bring in a TV. If you already have one, try moving it out and see if it gains you extra space.‎ A.Mirrors also create an impression of space B.Remove untidy and unnecessary appliances C.Store rarely used items in a box under your bed D.Purchase less furniture for your room if possible E.Bright sunlight can kill some bacteria in your bedroom F.Sunlight will brighten the room and make it seem more cheerful G.Pillows, curtains, the covers, and decorative items should also be light in color ‎1.G 解析:该部分的主题是:避免使用深颜色,增加自然光。上文也提到了深颜色的墙面和装饰会使房间看起来更小。该空前一句提到要将墙面装饰成浅颜色(light colors),如奶油色或桃色,那么枕头、窗帘、床单以及其他的一些装饰品也应该使用浅色。故选G。‎ ‎2.F 解析:该空前一句提到要尽可能让更多的自然光进入房间,因为阳光会让房间看起来更加明亮宜人。故选F。‎ ‎3.A 解析:本部分讲的是要多用一些使用墙面空间的家具,以让地面空间更大一些,而镜子可以挂在墙上,让人有空间增大的感觉。故选A。‎ ‎4.C 解析:本部分讲的是要寻找创造性的储存东西的方法;该空前一句提到要充分利用厨房和洗手间的内置搁板和存储空间,而我们也可以将很少使用的物品装进盒子,然后放到床下。故选C。‎ ‎5.B 解析:本部分前两句提到在每周的清理中,将旧的和不用的东西扔掉,只将必不可少的物品放到眼前,接下来提到也可以减少不需要的电器。由此可知,本部分的主题是移除不整齐、不需要的电器。故选B。‎ Test 4‎ Volunteering: How Helping Others Helps You Volunteering has a positive effect on your community—and it’s good for you, too. Ben, a college student who did volunteer work, calls it “a winwin situation”.‎ ‎1.________ For example, it can help you learn more about yourself and even put you on a path to your future career. Learn more about the reasons to volunteer below.‎ Get valuable life experiences and skills.‎ Whether you build houses for the homeless or mail flyers for a local charity, you can experience the real world through handson work.2.________ For example, as a student from a medical school, Gregory spent his summer volunteering at a local hospital. He picked a hospital in an area with a lot of Spanish speakers so he could practice his language skills while observing medical workers. He also found time to ask the doctors questions.‎ Meet interesting people.‎ ‎3.________ No matter what groups of people you’re working with, you’ll find that they have information and ways of looking at the world that can open up your horizons(视野).‎ Show colleges you’re committed(奉献的).‎ ‎4.________ When you list your volunteer work on your college applications, you show admission officers the value you’ll bring to their college.‎ ‎5.________‎ It’s eyeopening to realize that doing even small things can have a big influence on others. Rhea, a college student, still remembers a visit she made to an elderly man’s home when she was in middle school.“An elderly man in a wheelchair looked up at me and said,‘You’ve made my day. This means so much.’” she recalls(回忆).“No one had ever thanked me in such a way for doing something so small!”‎ A.Make a difference.‎ B.Get respect and love from strangers.‎ C.Your volunteer work represents your interests and character.‎ D.And you can explore your major or career interests at the same time.‎ E.Some colleges offer handson learning through service to the community.‎ F.Both the people you are helping and other volunteers can give you new ideas.‎ G.Giving back to your community is valuable, but helping others also offers many advantages.‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了参加志愿活动是双赢的,它不但对社区有积极的影响,而且对个人也有很多好处。‎ ‎1.G 解析:根据空格后的“For example, it can help you learn more about yourself and even put you on a path to your future career.”可知,参加志愿活动能使你更加了解自己,甚至可以使你走上未来的职业道路。这是在列举参加志愿活动的好处,G项可总结空格后的内容,符合语境。故选G。‎ ‎2.D 解析:根据空格后的“For example, as a student from a medical school...ask the doctors questions.”可知,一个医学院学生选择了有许多说西班牙语的人的医院去做志愿活动,他不但练习了语言技巧,还观察了医护人员工作,找到时间向医生询问问题,D项“同时你可以探索自己专业或职业的爱好”符合语境。故选D。‎ ‎3.F 解析:根据本段的小标题“Meet interesting people.”可知,本段主要介绍了接触不同的人,F项与下文中的“they have information and ways of looking at the world that can open up your horizons(视野)”相呼应,符合语境。故选F。‎ ‎4.C 解析:根据空格后的“When you list your volunteer work on your college applications, you show admission officers the value you’ll bring to their college.”可知,当你在大学申请上列举你的志愿工作时,就会向录取办公人员展示你将会为大学带来的价值,由此可以推知,你的志愿活动代表着你的兴趣和个性特征,C项符合语境。故选C。‎ ‎5.A 解析:设空处为本段的小标题,根据下文中的“It’s eyeopening to realize that doing even small things can have a big influence on others.”以及下文介绍的一位大学生亲身的经历可知,本段主要说明简单的一件小事也能对别人有影响,对社会有所贡献,A项符合语境。故选A。‎

