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学员编号: 年 级: 九年级 课 时 数: 学员姓名: 辅导科目: 学科教师: 授课 类型 C 中考作文文体及格式(应用文体) C中考作文文体及格式(记记叙文/说明议论文/图表作文) T 综合能力训练 授课日期时段 教学内容 一、专题精讲 初中写作应用文体主要有一下几类:书信、日记、通知、启事、便条、发言稿、倡议书及调查报告等八种。以下将对这几种文体书写格式进行简要讲解及范文展示。 一)书信(包括电子邮件) 书信是我们日常生活中应用最为广泛的一种文体,中考对书信写作的整体要求是:格式正确,内容简明扼要,条理清楚,表意明确,礼貌适度。英文书信一般由六部分组成:信头、信内地址、称呼、正文、结束语和签名。电子邮件的格式同书信类似。信头和信内地址一般不要求学生写。称呼定格写,如“Dear Tom,” 并以“,”为标点,不能用冒号。右下角签名,一般为Yours, ××,分行写。 常见的结束语有:Best wishes! (祝好!) / With best regards! (顺致问候!) / Wish you success! (祝你成功!) / Good luck! (祝你好运!) / I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon. (盼你早日回信。) 等。 二) 日记 英文日记的格式如下: 一般是在正文的左上角记上日期和星期。在正文的右上角写上当天的天气状况。日记的标题写在下一行,也可省略不写。 需要注意的是: 1. 日记常用第一人称写。日记是对生活的记录,是把自己一天中最有意义的事情记录下来所形成的书面材料。 2. 英文日记的时态。日记中所记述的事情通常发生在过去,常用一般过去时;但当记述天气、描写景物或展望未来时,也可以用一般现在时或一般将来时。 3. 日记的正文可以根据实际情况采用各种题材,如叙事、描述、说明、议论或抒情等。 【例】 根据下列提示写一篇日记,记录1月17日你和父母去电影院看 的经过。 1. 天气: 晴朗 2. 交通工具: 公共汽车 3. 时间: 下午1点出发,5点半回到家。 4. 电影: 很好看。 三)通知 通知一般由标题、正文和结尾三部分组成。正文上方的中央位置写标题Notice,也可以是通知的中心内容,如:Basketball Match,Speech Contest等。然后在标题下方一至两行处写通知的内容,要求写得言简意赅。通知的对象、事物、时间和地点等应交待清楚。接着在正文的右下方写发通知的单位或负责人姓名。发通知的时间常写在正文右上角处。 【例】 “植树节”(Tree Planting Day)到了,你校学生会要组织全体学生参加植树活动。下面是有关活动的具体安排。 活动时间: 本周五(3月12日) 活动地点: 学校后面的空地 集合时间与地点: 早上七点三十分,学校操场 要求: 全体参加,每班带七至八个脸盆(basin),浇树用。 请根据以上内容,以学生会的名义于3月10日写一则书面通知。 四)启事 启事是为了公开陈述某事而刊登在报刊上或张贴在布告栏上的文字。常见的启事有招领启事(Found)、遗失启事(Lost)、招聘启事(Wanted)等。启事一般包括标题(首行居中)、日期(次行右方)、正文和署名(正文右下方)四部分。 【例】 假设你是李欣,是初三(3)班的学生,于4月15日早上在学校操场捡到一件棕色的夹克衫,夹克衫的口袋里有一些钱、一串钥匙等物。请根据所给提示,用英语写一则招领启事。 Found Apr. 15th A brown jacket was found on the playground this morning. There is some money, a set of keys and some other things in the pockets of the jacket. Will the owner come to my classroom to take it back? I’m in Class 3, Junior 3. Li Xin 五)便条 便条是一种简单的书信,主要是为了尽快把最新的信息、通知、要求或活动的时间、地点转告给对方。常见的便条有借条、请假条、留言条等。便条内容要求简单易懂,能够说明问题即可。便条一般包括四部分:日期、称呼、正文和署名。日期写在便条的右上角;称呼写在第二行(左起顶格);正文另起一行写;署名写在正文的右下角。 【例】 假设你是吴亮,今天(5月26日)上午和同学们踢球时不小心伤了右脚,医生让卧床休息几天,所以不能去学校了。请用英语给班主任李老师写一个请假条。 May 26th Dear Mr. Li, I’m sorry that I can’t go to school this afternoon. I hurt my right foot when I played football with my classmates this morning. The doctor asked me to stay in bed for a few days. So I ask for three days’ leave. Wu Liang 六)发言稿 发言稿是指在公共场合演讲、致欢迎辞、发言等,一般由称呼、正文和结束语三部分组成。演讲结束时,常用“That’s all. Thank you.”作为结束语。 【例】 假如你们班要举行一次英语演讲比赛,题目是“The Ways of Studying”。请根据以下要点提示写一篇演讲稿。 要点提示: 1. 学习必须有耐心; 2. 学习时必须聚精会神(concentrate); 3. 要经常问为什么。 Good morning, everyone! It’s important for us to know the ways of studying. Here are some good ways. First, be patient enough. We shouldn’t give up easily when we meet difficulties. Second, concentrate our minds when studying. We can never learn anything well if we don’t pay enough attention to what we are learning. Third, ask “why” often. If it is not well understood, write it down and ask our teachers, parents or classmates for help. If we keep these in mind, I think we can make great progress soon. That’s all. Thank you! 七)倡议书 倡议书是发动人们开展某项具体活动的一种应用文体,目的是希望大家共同完成某项任务或开展某项公益活动。一般分为标题、称呼、正文、结尾和落款五部分,标题可以省略。 【例】 每年的3月3日是“全国爱耳日”,这个节日是要提醒大家注意用耳卫生,保护耳朵,因为耳朵是我们感知声音、获取信息、建立联系的重要器官。每个人都应拥有健康的听力。假设你是李强,请根据以下要点提示,用英语写一封倡议书,鼓励同学们爱护自己的耳朵。 要点提示:1. Don’t listen to loud music too much. 2. Stay away from noise. 3. Massage (按摩) the ears often. Dear schoolmates, Do you often listen to loud music? I think most of us like doing that. But in fact, that’s not good for our ears. We hear with our ears. So we should try our best to protect them. How can we do that? First, we should stay away from noise. Too much noise will be certainly harmful to our ears. Second, we should massage our ears often. That may improve our hearing. Li Qiang 八)调查报告 调查报告是针对某一现象、某一事件或某一问题进行深入细致的调查,对所获得的材料分析研究,并以书面形式汇报调查情况及其结果的一种应用文体。 常见的写作方法有:① 按调查的先后顺序逐点写;② 按事物发展的阶段来写;③ 将两种事物进行对比,以显示其是非、优劣,找出其差异;④ 按调查对象的特点分门别类来写。 【例】 假设你们班要开办一个英语角,你在同学们中间进行了调查,了解他们对此事的看法。请根据以下调查结果,用英语写一份调查报告。词数80左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 同学们的态度 理由 同意(70%) 1. 丰富学校生活,学到更多知识。 2. 提高英语口语能力。 不同意(30%) 1. 有太多的作业要做,没有时间参加英语角。 2. 不能够用英语流利地表达自己的思想,不愿意开口讲英语。 Our class wants to hold an English Corner. I made a survey to see how my classmates think about it. Most of them think it is a good idea, but 30% of them don’t. Some think the English Corner can make their school life more colorful. They can also learn something new. What’s more, they can practice their oral English there. But others don’t think so. They say they have too much homework to do. They have little time for the English Corner. Some of them are not good at expressing their own ideas in English, so they don’t want to speak English at all. In my opinion, we should have such an English Corner. If we are not good at speaking English, we should practice more. 二、专题过关 今天(4月15日)上午你去参加了英语角活动。请根据提示写一篇日记。 简介:英语角成立于三年前,许多中学生参加,还有大学生和外国朋友。 地点:家附近的公园。内容:练口语,谈感兴趣的事,交流学习英语的经验。 感想:很…下决心… •词汇:English corner, found, college students, foreigners, take part in, activity, experience, chance exchange, widely, talk about, improve •句型: which/ that + clause; It is … since…;as well as; practice doing; I think…,… after…;try one’s best to do…;be + done 15th, April Tuesday Fine _______________________________________________________________________________________ 范文1: 15th, April Tuesday Fine This morning I went to the English corner which is in the park near my home. It is three years since it was founded. Many middle school students as well as college students and foreigners take part in the activity. People there practice speaking English by talking about something interesting. People also exchange the experience in English Learning. I think it is a good chance for me to use what I have learnt in my English class. I felt very cool after I got back home. I’ll try my best to learn English better, for it is so widely used in the world. 范文2: 15th, April Tuesday Fine How interesting! I went to an English corner in a park near my home this morning. There were many students and foreign friends in the English corner. The English corner was founded three years ago. I think we can not only practice speaking English but also make a lot of foreign friends. We talked about interesting things and exchanged the experience of learning English with each other. I have improved my English since I became a member of the English corner. 三、学法提炼 1、专题特点: 应用文体种类较多,格式也相对各异,相对难记;但中考中文体格式不属于考察内容,直接给到。 2、解题方法: 牢记各种文体格式,分类记忆,如签名/落款通常都是在右下角。 3、注意事项: 一、专题精讲 一)记叙文 记叙文以记叙或描写为主要手段,通过写人、记事、写景把事情的经过或者事物发展变化的过程表述出来。记叙文有“六要素”:时间、地点、人物、事件的起因、经过和结果。 写作的时候需要注意以下几点:1. 仔细审题,确定好主题和写作视角,打好腹稿。 2. 文章安排要讲究前后过渡,留有伏笔,相互照应。 3. 文章内容要丰富充实,前后呼应,首尾相扣。 1)叙事记叙文 【例】 假如你的父母出差不在家,你必须一个人在家呆两天。请根据以下提示,以My first stay at home alone为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。 提示词: memorable 难忘的;on business 出差;feel proud of 为……感到自豪 My first stay at home alone My first stay at home alone was really memorable. When I was twelve, both of my parents were away on business. I had to stay at home all by myself for two days. My parents left early the first day, and I got up soon after they left. In the evening I turned on all the lights. And I kept the light in my bedroom on the whole night. In order not to get up late the next morning, I put three alarm clocks near my bed and set the alarms at 6.00, 6.10, and 6.15. To show my parents that I could take care of myself, I washed my own clothes the second day. I really felt proud of myself. 2)写人记叙文 【例】 假设Doris Smith是你的英语老师,她只有二十多岁,来自美国,中等身材,留着长长的金黄色卷发。知识渊博,对学生很有耐心,并且喜欢和学生交流,学生们都很喜欢上她的课。请你发挥想象,以Our foreign teacher为题写一篇80词左右的短文。 Our foreign teacher Our foreign teacher is Doris Smith. She is from America and just in her early twenties. She is of medium build with long curly blond hair. Although Miss Smith is young, she is very knowledgeable. As a teacher, she is kind and patient. She is fond of talking and playing with us. She is very active and her class is always filled with laughter. She often encourages us to study English in different ways. All of us like her very much. 二)说明文 说明文主要包括地点介绍、人物介绍、图片图表说明、旅游安排、工作程序等,通常用一般现在时来介绍客观事实。被动语态也常见于说明文。另外,在介绍操作过程的文章中还常用祈使句。关于说明文写作,我们可以从以下两个方面着手训练: 1) 写作顺序 应对事物的特征做出直接、明确的说明。说明顺序可以分时间顺序、空间顺序和认知顺序等。 2) 写作方法 说明文的写作方法一般有列举说明、举例说明、定义说明和比较说明等。 【例】 被誉为“情歌小王子”的徐杰在2009年参加了一系列的比赛和综艺活动,从而成为深受大家喜爱的小歌手。请根据下面的中文小档案写一篇英语小短文,介绍他的情况。文章开头已给出。要求:80词左右;语法正确,意思连贯。 姓名: 徐杰 英文名: Jeff 生日: 1998年9月16日 出生地: 台湾 家庭成员:父母、妹妹、弟弟 兴趣: 音乐、钓鱼、下棋、弹钢琴、唱歌、跳舞 喜爱的歌手: 梁静茹(Fish Leong)、张韶涵(Angela Chang) 喜欢的季节: 秋天 喜欢的颜色: 蓝色 最大的梦想: 成为歌手 Xu Jie is very popular as a little singer now. Jeff is his English name. He was born in Taiwan on September 16, 1998. There are five people in his family — his parents, his younger sister and younger brother. He is very interested in music, fishing, and chess. He also likes playing the piano, singing and dancing. His favorite singers are Fish Leong and Angela Chang. Autumn is his favorite season, and he likes blue best. His dream is to become a singer in the future. 三)议论文 议论文是一种以议论为主要表达方式的文体,包括论点、论据和论证三部分。 常见的议论文格式如下: In my view (In my opinion / As I see / I think …), . First (For one thing …),____________________. Second (For another / Besides / What’s more), __________________. Finally,_____________________________________________________. As a result (In a word / On the whole / Therefore…), ______________________________. 需要注意的是:1. 观点明确。 2. 言之有理,论据充分。 3. 可以联系实际。 【例】 近年来,我国掀起一股出国学习的热潮,越来越多的中学生希望到国外去学习。对此你持什么观点呢? 请以Studying abroad为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。 Studying abroad In recent years, studying abroad has been popular in our country. More and more middle school students would like to go abroad. Is it good or bad to study abroad? In my opinion, it has both advantages and disadvantages. Students can open their minds. They can also learn to look after themselves. However, they are too young to take care of themselves. They may feel lonely and homesick. What’s more, high living cost will become a heavy burden upon their parents. So I think it’s not good to follow others to study abroad. 四)图表作文 表格类书面表达的写作需要注意以下两点: 一、 谋篇布局: 在动笔前,一定要根据表格里的提示内容,先选择所要表达文章的题材,然后确定文章整体结构。 二、 确定要点: 在认真审题、弄清体裁、题材、题意的基础上,根据表格提示内容把所有的要点表达出来。 【例】 假设你是莉莉,你的美国笔友John计划暑假期间来上海世博园参观上海世博会。请根据表格内容,给John写一封信。信的开头与结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。要求:逻辑合理,句子通顺,80词左右。 Event: Expo 2010 Shanghai China (上海世博会) Theme: Better city, better life Time: May 1 to Oct 31, 2010 Expected visitors: 70 million Ticket price Times(次数) for visiting ¥200 1 ¥400 3 ¥900 7 Dear John, Welcome to Shanghai, China. I’d like to tell you something about Expo 2010 Shanghai. The theme of the Expo is “Better city, better life”. The Expo will be held from May 1 to October 31. About 70 million people are expected to come. In general, there are three kinds of tickets. If you buy the 200-yuan ticket, you can visit the Expo only once. The 400-yuan ticket allows you to visit it three times. And if you want to go there as many as 7 times, you can buy the 900-yuan ticket. I’m looking forward to your coming! Yours, Lili 二、专题过关 目前,许多学校对学生采取封闭式管理,学生对此看法不一。 请根据下表所提供的信息,写一篇英语短文,谈谈自己的看法。 有的同学认为 有的同学认为 学校限制我们的自由;学 生和社会接触少;学生的 兴趣和爱好不能得到充分 的发展。因此…… 学校是学习知识的地方:学 生应该安心在学校里学习; 学生缺乏自觉性,离开了老 师,可能会…… 你的看法: …… 注意:1. 字数80-100左右; 不要逐字翻译。 2. 短文开头已给出,不计人总词数。 Nowadays a lot of schools keep their students in school all day long…… Nowadays a lot of schools keep their students in school all day long. Students have different opinions about it. Some of the students think they enjoy less freedom and have little chance to get in touch with society. They are not able to fully develop their interests and hobbies. Therefore, they have lost interest in their studies. Some others think school is the best place to get knowledge, so they should put their heart into their lessons. Some students lack the ability to control themselves. Once out of school, they may lose control of themselves and do something that will influence / affect their studies. Personally I think, it is necessary to keep students at school. But at the same time schools should organize various activities so that students can enjoy their school life. (I don’t agree to keep students at school all day. Schools should offer students more free time to develop their personal interests.) 三、学法提炼 1、专题特点: 深圳中考中涉及纯粹的说明文及议论文写作较少,通常是结合书信或其他应用文格式的夹叙夹议文章。综合性较强。 2、解题方法: 熟悉中考常考查写作方向,中庸写作,牢记各种文体格式。 3、注意事项: 一、能力培养 我国运动员李娜在6月4日的法国网球公开赛取得女单冠军,书写了亚洲新奇迹!李娜的成功是因为她有一个坚定的信念:相信自己!是的,相信自己,不断努力,理想就会实现!请你以“Believe in Myself” 为题,用英语写一篇短文,告诉我们你的想法和做法!词数:80左右。 提示: 1.短文中请勿使用真实姓名、地点或所在学校名称。 2.这些单词也许对你有帮助:goal, future, success, make a plan, come true ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 范文1: Believes in Myself Everyone has his own dream, so do I. I wanted to be a writer when I was very young. I dream of writing famous books which are popular with people. Some people may laugh at my dream but I believe if I keep my goal in my mind and practice reading and writing every day, I will realize my dream in the future. Maybe we can't get what we want at once. But believing in myself is the most important, because it will make myself confident. Also, I must take actions and work hard for it from now on. I am sure I will succeed at last. 范文2: Believes in Myself Li Na got No. l at 2011 French Open, one of the most important tennis games in the world. We are all proud of her. From her success, I know that if I want to achieve my dream. 1 must believe in myself. The path to success is not always smooth; there are so many difficulties ahead. At the same time, I should make the plan and work hard from now on. Nothing else will make me lose my heart, because I always believe in myself. I am sure my dream will come true in the future. 二、能力点评 学法升华 一、 知识收获 各写作文体格式及相关词汇、表达积累 课后作业 作业1:复习讲义,牢记各应用文格式,积累优秀表达 作业2:完成下列写作内容 幸福是什么呢? 是下雨时妈妈送来的一把伞.是难过时朋友安慰的几句话,是帮助他人后会心的一笑,还是……?其实幸福很简单,幸福就在你身边。请你以“Happiness”为 题,写一篇英语短文,让我们分享你的感受。词数:80左右。 温馨提示:l、短文中请勿使用真实姓名、地点或所在学校 名称。 2、这些词汇也许对你有帮助: umbrella (n. 雨伞),treasure(v. 珍惜),comfort (v.安慰),share (v.分享) Happiness ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 范文1: Happiness What is happiness? In my opinion, being with friends is happiness. Friends are just like sunshine. They warm my heart and light my life. When I'm happy, they laugh with me, and when I feel sad, they cry with me. If I need a hand, my friends are always right there by my side. I enjoy sharing my secrets and dealing with difficulties together with them. For these reasons, I think my friends are the source of happiness. To treasure friendship is to enjoy happiness. 范文2: Happiness Dad has been away from our city since he found a job in Guangzhou years ago. He seldom comes back home except Spring Festivals. I stay with Mom and Grandma in the countryside. They care for me a lot. When I meet something difficult, I prefer to talk with Dad on the phone. Grandma also enjoys our chatting online. No matter where Dad is, my family is always full of happiness. How I wish next Spring Festival would come soon so that the whole family can get together! 查看更多