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Unit 5 Music 阅 读 词 汇 ‎1.classical adj.   古典的;古典文艺的 ‎2.roll vt.& vi. 滚动;(使)摇摆 n. 摇晃;卷;卷形物;面包圈 ‎3.orchestra n. 管弦乐队 ‎4.fame n. 名声;名望 ‎5.instrument n. 工具;器械;乐器 ‎6.pub n. 酒馆;酒吧 ‎7.studio n. 工作室;演播室 ‎8.millionaire n. 百万富翁;富豪 ‎9.reunite vt. 再统一;再联合;重聚 ‎10.beard n. 胡须 ‎ 识 记 词 汇 ‎1.musician n.     音乐家 ‎2.pretend vt. 假装;假扮 ‎3.attach vt.& vi. 系上;缚上;附加;连接 ‎4.form vt. (使)组成;形成;构成 ‎5.passer-by n. 过路人;行人 ‎6.earn vt. 赚;挣得;获得 ‎7.extra adj. 额外的;外加的 ‎8.perform vt.&vi. 表演;履行;执行 ‎9.performance n. 表演;演奏 ‎10.actor n. 男演员;行动者 ‎11.rely vi. 依赖;依靠 ‎12.broadcast n. 广播;播放 vi.& vt. 广播;播放 ‎13.humorous adj. 幽默的;诙谐的 ‎14.familiar adj. 熟悉的;常见的;亲近的 ‎15.attractive adj. 吸引人的;有吸引力的 - 8 -‎ ‎16.addition n. 加;增加;加法 ‎17.confident adj. 自信的;确信的 ‎18.brief adj. 简短的;简要的 n. 摘要;大纲 ‎19.briefly adv. 简要地;短暂地 ‎20.devotion n. 投入;热爱 ‎21.afterwards adv. 然后;后来 ‎22.invitation n. 邀请;招待 ‎ ‎23.sensitive adj. 敏感的;易受伤害的;灵敏的 ‎24.painful adj. 痛苦的;疼痛的 ‎25.folk adj. 民间的 ‎26.jazz n. 爵士音乐 ‎27.cash n. 现金 ‎28.dip vt. 浸;蘸 拓 展 词 汇 ‎1.invitation n.邀请;招待→invite vt.邀请 ‎2.perform vt.& vi.表演;履行;执行→performance n.表演;演奏→performer n.表演者;执行者 ‎3.humorous adj.幽默的;诙谐的→humor n.幽默 ‎4.attractive adj.吸引人的;有吸引力的→attract vt.吸引;引起→attraction n.吸引;吸引力;吸引人的事物 ‎5.confident adj.自信的;确信的→confidence n.自信;信任;信心 ‎6.brief adj.简短的;简要的 n.摘要;大纲→briefly adv.简要地;短暂地 ‎7.devotion n.投入;热爱→devote vt.致力于;奉献→devoted adj.献身的;忠诚的 ‎8.painful adj.痛苦的;疼痛的→pain n.疼痛 短 语 记 忆 ‎1.break up      打碎;分裂;解体 ‎2.sort out 分类 ‎3.above all 最重要;首先 ‎4.to be honest 说实在地;实话说 ‎5.play jokes on 戏弄 - 8 -‎ ‎6.be∕get familiar with 熟悉;与……熟悉起来 ‎7.dream of 梦见;梦想;设想 ‎8.attach...to 认为有(重要性、意义);附上;连接 ‎9.rely on 依赖;依靠 ‎10.in addition 另外;也 句 型 整 理 ‎1.The musicians were to play jokes on each other as well as play music,most of which was based loosely on the Beatles.‎ 组成乐队的音乐人演奏音乐,还彼此打趣逗笑。这些玩笑和音乐大多都在模仿“甲壳虫”乐队。‎ ‎2.Freddy and his band could not go out anywhere without being followed.弗雷迪和他的乐队无论走到哪里都会有人跟随。‎ 重点 语法 The Attributive Clause (prep.+which∕whom)‎ ‎[定语从句(介词+which∕whom)]‎ ‎1.pretend vt.假装;假扮 归纳拓展 pretend 完成句子 ‎①So I carried around a book, and each night, just to be like her, I would pretend to be reading(假装正在阅读).(2019天津,阅读理解B)‎ ‎②我在街上见到她时,她装作不认识我。‎ She pretended she didn’t know me∕pretended not to know me when we met in the street.‎ ‎ 和pretend有类似用法(后接to do∕to be doing∕to have - 8 -‎ ‎ done)的动词还有happen,appear,seem,claim等及be said to结构。‎ ‎2.attach vt.& vi.系上;缚上;附加;连接 归纳拓展 ‎①attach sth. to sth.把……固定∕把……附在……上 ‎②attach importance∕significance∕value to sth.重视,认为……有重要性 ‎③attach to...属于,与……有关 ‎④be attached to喜欢;依恋;附属于 完成句子 ‎①But at Union Station in Los Angeles last month, a board went up with dollar bills attached to it (附加有一些美元)with pins and a sign that read, “Give What You Can, Take What You Need.”(2019年6月浙江,阅读理解B)‎ ‎②至于读者附加于故事之上的情感而言,文学就像是数字游戏,而其中最难通过的则是时间的考验。‎ For all the feelings readers attach to stories, literature is a numbers game, and the test of time is extremely difficult to pass.(2018年6月浙江,阅读理解A)‎ ‎③国家应当重视能源节约和环境保护。‎ The country should attach great importance to energy saving and environment protection.‎ ‎3.form vt.形成;构成;养成;(使)组成 n.形式,表格 归纳拓展 ‎①form∕fall∕get into the habit of doing sth.‎ 养成做某事的习惯 ‎②take the form of采取……的形式;表现为……的形式 ‎③in the form of 以……的形式 单句填空 ‎①Here’s hoping that politeness never goes out of fashion but that time-wasting forms - 8 -‎ ‎ (form)of communication do.(2018年11月浙江,七选五)‎ 完成句子 ‎②以钱的形式资助将十分受欢迎。‎ Help in the form of money will be very welcome.‎ ‎4.perform vt.& vi.表演;履行;执行;做 归纳拓展 ‎①perform an operation∕a play进行手术∕演一出戏 ‎②perform one’s promise守信;履行诺言 ‎③put on∕give a performance表演,演出 ‎④performance n.执行;表演;履行 ‎⑤performer n.执行者;表演者 单句填空 ‎①I was performing(perform) this action of waiting until it later became a habit.(2018年6月浙江,完形填空)‎ ‎②They held large concerts and performed (perform) at clubs.(2019年6月浙江,七选五)‎ ‎③She gave the greatest performance(perform) of her career.‎ ‎5.familiar adj.熟悉的;常见的;亲近的 归纳拓展 ‎①(be) familiar with熟悉,通晓。其主语通常是指人的名词,with的宾语是主语通晓的事物。‎ ‎②(be) familiar to为……所熟悉,其主语通常是人们所通晓的事物,to的宾语通常是指人的名词。‎ 完成句子 ‎①The most welcome sight on a cold, wet winter night in London is the familiar shape (熟悉的形状)of a London taxi cab approaching with its yellow “for hire” sign shining brightly.(2018年11月浙江,阅读理解A)‎ ‎②他们不太熟悉慈善工作,这项工作在中国还处于初始阶段。‎ They are not familiar with charity work,which is still at an early stage in China.‎ - 8 -‎ ‎1.break up打碎;散开;结束;放假;解体;分裂 归纳拓展 ‎①break in闯入;打断,插话 ‎②break into闯入;突然开始……‎ ‎③break off突然终止;断开;折断 ‎④break through突破;克服 ‎⑤break away from脱离;挣脱 ‎⑥break out(战争,火灾)爆发;发生 ‎⑦break down出故障;失败;垮掉 用break的词组填空 ‎①如果吉姆和玛丽离婚,孩子们怎么办呢?‎ What will happen to the children if Jim and Mary break up?‎ ‎②在灾难中,当无线网络出故障时,老式的电话(显得)很重要了。‎ Old fashioned phones matter when wireless networks break down in disasters.‎ ‎2.above all最重要;首先 归纳拓展 ‎①after all毕竟;终究 ‎②in all全部;合计 ‎③at all(否定句)一点也不;(疑问句)到底;究竟 ‎④first of all 首先,第一 ‎⑤all in all整体说来;总而言之 用all相关的词组填空 ‎①最重要的是,你们一定要经常保持联系。‎ Above all,make sure you keep in touch as often as possible.‎ ‎②首先,现在替换一件东西比花时间和金钱修理它要更容易。‎ First of all,it is now easier to replace an object than to spend time and money to repair it.‎ ‎③总的说来,政府旨在抑制高房价的政策似乎没有起效。‎ All in all,the government’s policy which intended to contain the high housing price - 8 -‎ ‎ doesn’t seem to work.‎ ‎1.The musicians were to play jokes on each other as well as play music,most of which was based loosely on the Beatles.组成乐队的音乐人演奏音乐,还彼此打趣逗笑。这些玩笑和音乐大多都在模仿“甲壳虫”乐队。‎ ‎(1)were to do sth.在句中表示“可以,能够”。‎ 归纳拓展 be to+动词原形:‎ ‎①表示“按计划或安排要做某事”。‎ ‎②表示“应该”,相当于should,ought to。‎ ‎③表示“必须”,相当于must,have to。‎ ‎④表示“注定”。‎ 完成句子 ‎①但是Shelly-Ann想要证明她绝不是一个昙花一现的奇迹。‎ But Shelly-Ann was to prove that she was anything but a one-hit wonder.‎ ‎②所有犯人必须在10点钟就寝。‎ All prisoners are to be in bed by 10 o’clock.‎ ‎(2)most of which...是“名词∕代词+介词+关系代词”结构引导的定语从句。‎ 归纳拓展 ‎①one∕two∕several∕most∕each∕all...+of which∕whom...‎ ‎②the+n.+of which 完成句子 ‎①这次会上提出了一些问题,大部分都是关于教育和医疗的。‎ Here are some problems put up at the meeting,most of which are about education and health.‎ ‎②我们班也有自己的问题,其中最明显的一个就是学生们的懒惰。‎ Our class also has problems of its own,the most obvious one of which∕of which the most obvious one is the students’ laziness.‎ ‎2.Freddy and his band could not go out anywhere without being - 8 -‎ ‎ followed.弗雷迪和他的乐队无论走到哪里都会有人跟随。‎ 归纳拓展 ‎①not...without...意为“没有……就不能……”。这是一种双重否定句式,表示肯定意义。其中否定词也可以是no,never或加否定前缀构成的否定意义的词。‎ ‎②常见的双重否定结构还有:‎ no(not)...no (not)...没有……没有……‎ no(never)...without...没有……不……;除……不……‎ nothing...not∕no∕含否定意义的前缀的词 没有……不……‎ ‎③常见的用否定形式表示肯定意义的结构有:‎ cannot...too...越……越……;无论怎样……也不为过 cannot wait to do sth.迫不及待地做某事 cannot help doing sth.禁不住∕忍不住做某事 完成句子 ‎①没有事先问过医生不要吃安眠药。‎ Do not take any sleeping pills without first asking your doctor.‎ ‎②没有被邀请她就没有去参加晚会。‎ She didn’t go to the party without being invited. ‎ ‎③我不禁想到我们犯了一个大错误。‎ I can’t help thinking that we’ve made a big mistake.‎ ‎④不掌握一定的数学知识是没有办法对物理学进行系统的研究的。‎ A serious study of physics is impossible without some knowledge of mathematics.‎ - 8 -‎

