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长沙市第二十一中学2018年下学期期中考试高二试卷 ‎ 英 语 分值:150分 时量:120分 命题人:曹海鑫 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)‎ 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ ‎1. What is the woman's plan for tonight?‎ A. To visit a friend. B. To see a movie. C. To go swimming.‎ ‎2. What will the weather be like this afternoon?‎ A. Rainy. B. Snowy. C. Sunny.‎ ‎3. What will the man probably change?‎ A. His jacket. B. His shirt. C. His tie.‎ ‎4. How will the woman go to the town center?‎ A. By bus. B. By train. C. By taxi.‎ ‎5. What are the speakers talking about?‎ A. A student. B. A book. C. A language.‎ 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5 分,满分22.5 分)‎ 请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。‎ 请听第6 段材料,回答第6、7题。‎ ‎6. What color clothes is Mary in?‎ A. Red. B. Blue. C. White.‎ ‎7. What will the man do next?‎ A. Go talk to Anna. B. Invite Mary to his home. C. Introduce the woman to Mary.‎ 请听第7 段材料,回答第8、9题。‎ ‎8. When will the speakers meet this Saturday?‎ A. At 7:00. B. At 7:15. C. At 7:30.‎ ‎9. What will the man probably do around 4?‎ A.Watch a match. B. Do his homework. C. Attend a concert.‎ 请听第8 段材料,回答第10 至12 题。‎ ‎10. Where did the man's family go last year?‎ A. To Egypt. B. To Spain. C. To France.‎ ‎11. How many people are there in the man's family?‎ A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.‎ ‎12. What's the relationship between the speakers?‎ A. Friends. B. Strangers. C.Workmates.‎ 请听第9 段材料,回答第13 至16 题。‎ ‎13. Why did the woman buy the dress?‎ A. For a party. B. For a lecture. C. For an interview.‎ ‎14. How much was taken off the price of the dress?‎ A. 10%. B. 20%. C. 30%.‎ ‎15. What did the man think of the book?‎ A. Relaxing. B. Boring. C. Helpful.‎ ‎16. Where is probably Mike now?‎ A. At home. B. At school. C. In hospital.‎ 请听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。‎ ‎17. What was Phillip?‎ A. A poet. B. A teacher. C. A doctor.‎ ‎18. Why did that old man dial that number the first time?‎ A. He wanted to talk to Phillip. ‎ B. He dialed the wrong number. ‎ C. He was interested in poems.‎ ‎19. How old was John when he knew Phillip?‎ A. 60 years old. B. 63 years old. C. 73 years old.‎ ‎20. What do the two men like doing?‎ A. Going out with friends. B. Talking over the phone. C. Drinking coffee together 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节 ‎(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。‎ A Driver Wanted Drive for busy restaurant some evening and weekend work All meals are free Ring 33335678‎ House for Sale ‎¥150, 000, built in 1995‎ The house with 3 bedrooms, a bathroom, a living room, a kitchen and a breakfast room. It’s on the south side of the city Yingbin Supermarket, the biggest shopping centre in our city will open on July 8, 2014. Everybody with today’s Tianjin Daily will get a small present that day. You are welcome.‎ Tel: 27984321‎ Add: No.6 Huanghe Road Tianjin Daily June 1, 2016‎ Rose’s Special Concert Time: 2 p.m., July 3, Saturday Place: People’s Statium Ticket Price:‎ RMB: 150 yuan for adults; ‎ ‎70 yuan for students June 25, 2016‎ ‎21. If you buy the house, you ______.‎ A. may pay more than ¥150, 000 for it B. must have breakfast in the kitchen C. have to take a bath in the public bathroom D. may live on the south side of the city ‎22. Any customer with a Tianjin Daily of June 1, 2016 will get a small present from ______.‎ A. every supermarket B. Huanghe Road ‎ C. Tianjin Daily D. Yingbin Supermarket ‎23. If two adults and two students want to go to the concert, the tickets will cost RMB______.‎ A. 220 yuan B. 440 yuan C. 270 yuan D. 370 yuan B Most people want to work, but it has become more difficult in today’s world to find work for everyone. The economy of the world needs to grow by 4% each year just to keep the old number of jobs for people. Often this is not possible, and so more people are out of work. Some people have no jobs now because new machines can do the work of many people in short time. Also, machines do not ask for more money and longer holidays. In all of the countries of the world, machines are taking work from people, not only in factories but also on the farms. One machine can often do the work from forty people. About 75,000 people are moving to the cities a day to look for jobs, but only 70% of them can find jobs.‎ ‎24. It was _______ for people to find work before than today.‎ A. not possible B. difficult C. more difficult D. easier ‎25. If the economy of the world grows by 4% each year, _______.‎ A. people will have no jobs B. people can still have jobs as before C. 4% of the people will have jobs D. 97% of the people will have jobs ‎26. One machine can do as much work as _______.‎ A. 40% of the people B. 4% of the people in the world C. 40 people D. 75,000 people ‎27. Which of the following is NOT true?‎ A. Machines are taking work instead of people. B. Now more people are out of work.‎ C. Machines need more money and longer holidays. D. Most people want to have jobs.‎ C ‎ Americans love peanut butter. The average child will eat 1,500 peanut butter before he or she graduates high school. But there is a controversy over a new peanut butter. It is called STEEM Peanut Butter. This peanut butter adds a new ingredient: caffeine. Coffee is a popular morning drink because it has caffeine and gives people energy in the morning. Even small amounts of caffeine can be dangerous to children.‎ United States Senator(参议员) Charles Schumer says.“Peanut butter, one of the snacks most closely connected with children, might have to be stored in the medicine cupboard rather than in the kitchen cupboard. This will shock the Food and Drug Administration.” Schumer wants the U.S. FDA to investigate. He observed that earlier the FDA prevented plans for a caffeinated chewing gum.‎ STEEM, the manufacturer, said, “We are selling the caffeinated peanut butter all over the world. The product provides caffeine in an easily digestible way. Caffeinated foods have been sold in U.S. stores for well over a decade and are in no way a new idea. Customers tell us they want to eat the caffeinated peanut butter so they don’t have to drink as much coffee or energy drinks. The peanut butter is not intended for children.”‎ ‎“Peanut butter has been a favorite of children for generations,” Schumer continued: “Parents across the country have to worry about a scene in which their child might unknowingly bite into a peanut butter that contains more caffeine than two cups of coffee.”‎ The American Academy of Pediatrics says caffeine in small amounts can help the physical performance of adults. But the academy urges parents not to allow children to take even small amounts of caffeine owing to caffeine’s possible negative effects on a child’s heart and brain development.‎ ‎28. There is a controversy over the STEEM Peanut Butter because it contains ______.‎ ‎ A. fat B. peanut C. caffeine D. nutrition ‎ ‎29. Charles Schumer suggests that the new peanut butter should be ______.‎ ‎ A. kept in the kitchen cupboard B. out of children’s reach ‎ ‎ C. manufactured in huge quantities D. eaten by children for generations ‎30. According to STEEM, the new peanut butter is popular with adults because______.‎ ‎ A. it is a traditional food B. it is digested more easily ‎ ‎ C. its production is not banned D. they eat it instead of energy drinks ‎31. We can guess from the text that the responsibility of the Food and Drug Administration is to______.‎ ‎ A. introduce new foods and drugs B. promote the sales of foods and drugs ‎ C. guarantee the safety of foods and drugs D. improve the physical performance of adults D When a child is told he is “uncool”, it can be very painful. He may say he doesn’t care, and even act in ways that are different from cool on purpose(故意地). But these are simple ways to deal with sadness by pretending it’s not there.‎ Helping a child feel better in school had to be careful. If you say, “Why are you worried about what other children think about you? It doesn’t matter!” Children know that it does matter. Instead, an active way may be best. You could say, “I’m going to do a couple of things for you to help you feel better in school.”‎ If a boy is having trouble making friends, the teacher can help him. The teacher can arrange things so that he has chances to use his abilities to contribute to class things. This is how the other children learn how to value his good qualities and to like him. A teacher can also raise a child’s popularity in the group by showing that he values that child. It even helps to put him in a seat next to a very popular child, or let him be a partner with that child in activities, etc.‎ There are things that parents can do at home, too. Be friendly when your child brings others home to play. Encourage him to invite friends to meals and then serve the dishes they consider “super” .When you plan trips, picnics, movies, and other shows, invite another child with whom your child wants to be friends.‎ What you can do is to give him a chance to join a group that may be shutting him out. Then, if he has good qualities, he can start to build real friendship of his own.‎ ‎32. A child who has been informed of being “ uncool” may _________ .‎ A. care nothing about it B. do something uncool on purpose C. develop a sense of anger D. pretend to get hurt very much ‎33. A teacher can help an unpopular child by _____________ .‎ A. seeing the child as the teacher’s favorite B. asking the child to do something for partners C. forcing other children to make friends with the child D. offering the child chances to show his good qualities ‎34. How can parents help their child fit in better?‎ A. By taking him to have picnics in the park. B. By being kind to his schoolmates.‎ C. By forcing him to invite friends home. D. By cooking delicious food for him.‎ ‎35. Which is the best title of the text?‎ A. How an Unpopular Child can be Helped B. Why Some Children are Unpopular C. What Good Qualities Unpopular Children Have D. Who Care about Unpopular Children 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10 分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ When you learn a new subject, you may always consider how much time you need to truly understand it all. Here we give you some advice about how to study, so you'll be able to take on more information with shorter study sessions (时段).‎ ‎● Study in small sessions. Our ability to store the information we take reduces after around 30 minutes, so you'd better cut your studying sessions into smaller parts. 36_________‎ ‎● Find a study area. Don't study in a place where you sleep! Don't study in your bed, where you play games, or in front of the TV. Why? 37_________ You need to program your mind to study in a place where you always study and nowhere else.‎ ‎● Take good notes. 38_________ And review them after class to increase your understanding.‎ ‎● 39__________ To be a good student, you should be a good teacher. You cannot teach something you do not know. ‎ ‎● Read your textbook effectively (有效地). Always use the SQ3R method. You need to survey, question, read, recite, review to actively remember the information. 40__________‎ A. Train your mind.‎ B. Just reading it is not enough.‎ C. Be ready to teach what you've learned.‎ D. It's a good idea to study in a familiar place.‎ E. You can do some fun activities during your breaks.‎ F. Find a note-taking method that works best for you.‎ G. Doing so will only mix up your mind as to what to do.‎ 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ ‎ When I was young, I really doubted whether there was love between my parents. Every day they were busy earning money so that they could  41._______  the high tuition my brother and I needed. They didn’t 42. _______  in the romantic ways that I read in books or saw on TV.‎ One day, Mom was sewing a quilt(被子). I 43. _______  sat down beside her. “Mom, I have a 44. _______ here,” I said after a while.“Is there love between you and Dad?” I asked her in a very 45. _______ voice.‎ Mom stopped her work and raised her head with 46. _______ in her eyes.She didn’t answer immediately. She bent her head and continued to sew the quilt.I was 47. _______ if I had hurt her.I was in great embarrassment and I was at a loss what to do.But at last she said, very 48. _______, “Susan, look at this 49. _______. Sometimes it appears, but most of it disappears in the quilt. The thread really makes the quilt strong and lasting. If 50. _______ is a quilt, then love should be a thread. It can hardly be seen, but it’s really there. Love is 51. _______.”‎ I listened carefully but I couldn’t understand her until years later.‎ One day, Dad accidentally got 52. _______while on duty. Ever since then he could no longer 53. _______ properly. Every morning and dusk Mom would help Dad walk slowly on the country road. Along the country road, there were beautiful flowers, green grass and trees.The leaves were gently glistening 54. _______ the sun shining upon them. All of these made up the most beautiful 55. _______ in the world.‎ ‎“Dad, how are you feeling now?” I asked him one day. “Susan, don’t worry shout me,” he said gently. “I just like walking with your mom. I like this kind of life.” Looking into his eyes, I 56. ___ what they meant. ‎ The doctor had said Dad would 57. _______    in two months. But that day never came. He 58. _______ away in peace.‎ ‎59. _______ I thought love meant flowers, gifts and sweet kisses. But from this 60. _______, I understand that love is just a thread in the quilt of our life, which makes life strong and warm…‎ ‎41 A.afford          B.cost            C.spend    D.offer ‎42 A.go             B.live            C.act  D.walk ‎43 A.happily         B.silently         C.secretly  D.nervously ‎44 A.request        B.problem        C.message  D.question ‎45 A.loud           B.light           C.low  D.clear ‎46 A.surprise        B.anger          C.stress    D.horror ‎47 A.amazed         B.confused        C.shocked  D.ashamed ‎48 A.quickly         B.excitedly        C.bitterly   D.gently ‎49 A.quilt           B.needle         C.thread   D.sewing ‎50 A.belief          B.work           C.experience D.life ‎51 A.outside        B.upside       C.downside    D.inside ‎52 A.tired           B.drunk          C.ill    D.injured ‎53 A.talk            B.walk           C.work D.think ‎54 A.with           B.as             C.for   D.by ‎55 A.signs           B.symbols        C.pictures   D.reflections ‎56 A.read           B.doubted        C.translated  D.recognized ‎57 A.retire          B.recover        C.regain D.remove ‎58 A.passed         B.escaped        C.faded D.turned ‎59 A.Again          B.Once          C.Then D.Later ‎60 A.word          B.account        C.experience D.accident 第II卷 第二节 (共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ Ever since the first human embryo was cloned, it 61._________(cause) much debate round the world. Some 62.____________(scientist) point out that in this way they can produce valuable human tissues to be used 63.___________(save) human lives, but many people disagree and are afraid that if mankind toys with nature like this, we may be on our way to 64.______________‎ ‎(produce) a real-life Frankenstein’s monster. However, in general most scientists were praised for the scientific advance. Ian Wilmut, the Scottish scientist 65.___________created Dolly, thinks that research efforts should concentrate on creating new tissues 66.___________ organs that can be used to cure diseases like cancer. Even though human cloning is causing a lot of 67.________‎ ‎(anxious), it is good news for women who cannot have a baby. 68.___________cloning human embryos is illegal in many countries, some scientists are pushing ahead with research. In China, scientists have focused their efforts 69.____________cloning animals, as well as cloned tissues to be used in 70.__________(medicine) treatment.‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分35分)‎ 第一节 句子改错(满分10分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线( )划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ ‎ During my last winter holiday, I went to countryside with my father to visit my grandparents. I find a big change there. The first time I went there, they were living in a small house with dogs, ducks, and another animals. Last winter when I went here again, they had a big separate house to raise dozens of chicken. They also had a small pond which they raised fish. My grandpa said last summer they earned quite a lot by sell the fish. I felt happily that their life had improved. At the end of our trip, I told my father that I planned to return for every two years, but he agreed.‎ 第二节:书面表达(满分25分)‎ 建议信 假定你是李华,你的外国笔友Ann最近因为父母工作的关系转到了新的班级,她在与朋友相处方面遇到了一些问题,因此向你寻求交到好朋友且维持友谊的方法。你的建议内容如下:‎ ‎1.学会倾听 ‎2.有分歧时让步 ‎3.多陪伴 注意:1.词数100左右 ‎2.开头及结尾为你写好,不计入总词数。‎ 参考词汇:compromise 让步 Dear Ann,‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ Sincerely yours,‎ Lihua 长沙市第二十一中学2018年下学期期中考试高二试卷 ‎ 英语答案 ‎1-5 CACBB 6-10 CCBAA ‎ ‎11-15 BCBCB 16-20 CBBAB ‎ ‎21-25 DDBDB 26-30 CCCBD 31-35 CBDBA 36-40 EGFCB ‎41-45 ACBDC 46-50 ABDCD 51-55 DDBAC 56-60 ABABC ‎ 语法填空 ‎61. has caused 62. scientists ‎63. to save 64. producing ‎ ‎65. who 66. and ‎ ‎67. anxiety 68. While ‎ ‎69. on 70. medical 短文改错 During my last winter holiday, I went to∧countryside with my father to visit ‎ the ‎ my grandparents. I find a big change there. The first time I went there, they were ‎ found living in a small house with dogs, ducks, and another animals. Last winter when ‎ other I went here again, they had a big separate house to raise dozens of chicken. They also ‎ there chickens had a small pond∧which they raised fish. My grandpa said last summer they earned ‎ in或where ‎ quite a lot by sell the fish. I felt happily that their life had improved. At the end of ‎ ‎ selling happy our trip, I told my father that I planned to return for every two years, but he agreed.‎ and 书面表达 ‎ Dear Ann,‎ I am delighted to have received your letter. In your last letter you mentioned that you had some problems in making and maintaining new friends in a new class.‎ From where I am standing, I suggest that one important thing to remember when trying to get along with other is to listen. When someone is talking to you, look at them. Above all, don’t interrupt them. Another thing I want to remind you is that you should compromise, when you don’t agree with each other, one or both of you should agree to give up something to find a solution .Last but not least you should keep in mind that it takes time and energy to build new and good ‎ relationship. You cannot expect to become friends with someone if you don’t spend time with them.‎ I sincerely hope that what I have suggested can be helpful for you. am looking forward to your reply.‎ Sincerely yours,‎ Li Hua

